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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9154809 No.9154809 [Reply] [Original]

Should I play them on normal or hard?

>> No.9154818

Always play console games on hard or hardest, arcade games on default is fine

>> No.9154885

iirc if you play it on hard and want to reset the difficulty it will put it on easy instead of normal, I would recommend playing them on normal first then play them on titan

>> No.9154916

Hard because you will not unlock Very Hard by beating the game on Normal. So if you ever want to experience Very Hard it's gonna be on your third instead of second playthrough if you pussy out and go for Normal now.
These games are fucking great and I dont think they are too annoying on Hard yet. Very Hard is brutal though.

>> No.9155063

Stick with normal, the games benefit nothing from the higher difficulty since it just basically inflates enemy HP values, attack damage and makes certain QTE windows shorter.

>> No.9155081


>> No.9155109

Play DMC3 instead

>> No.9155129

You should just play them. You'll be doing better than 99% of /vr/ posters at that point.

>> No.9155249

easy. these games where made for the press x to win crowd

>> No.9155254

I played them on hard the first time and it wasnt that hard, but still nobody is testing you, so just play them as you like and have fun

>> No.9155270

>these games where made for the press x to win crowd
you can win that just spamming double jump?

>> No.9155349

Normal, Hard and then VH. Going from Hard to VH won't give you enough time to get accostumed to the mechanics and you'll get destroyed on VH

>> No.9155613

Clearly not since you needed to play on easy to get that, you are the "press x to win" crowd and you are recommending easy because its not like that on normal or above.
Sad little creature.

>> No.9155691

yeah durr thats what hard is

>> No.9155803

Not sure if bait or an unironical /v/ tourist therefore have your (you) sir, you've earned it

>> No.9155812

Maybe I'm just spoiled by the amount of games available in 2022 but I have no urge to replay a game like this. GoWs are relatively simple hack n slash games, worth one playthrough each. In their day these games were best experienced as a blockbuster/gamefly rental.

>> No.9156086
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Play them on Normal.
GoW (especially the first game) on higher difficulties is more frustrating than challenging and they're plenty challenging already. The series doesn't have the skillful gameplay style to be rewarding or enjoyable enough to pull off and has obnoxiously drawn out segments/challenges/boss fights that makes deaths feel absolutely unfair (Rope segments in GoW, on-rails segment in GoW2). Most enemies love ignoring hit stuns between attacks, short "Revenge Values" guarding and countering constantly which ruins the flow while others you have to play the waiting game with and no way to counter attack them during.

GoW2 at least tries to make up for this with the Golden Fleece, but it's only useful with small to mid-sized enemies which, again, typically love ignoring the hit stun anyway. All you'll be doing is spamming:
>Poseidon's Rage/Cronos' Rage
>Occasional Dodge

>> No.9156128

the combat is clunky and simplistic but the games are good overall, why punish yourself with harder difficulties? just go for normal and enjoy the ride, 1 has some great level design mid-game too, unironically

>> No.9156216

Incredible how everything you said is wrong

>> No.9156297

Use you're words, Zoom Zoom.
You are ABSOLUTELY FREE to blow me the fuck out with any arguments against everything stated to prove me wrong.

>> No.9156328

>Should I play them
No they are trash games only barely better than nu-GOW.

>> No.9156342

Ninja Gaiden on higher difficulties is the same thing, the thing that makes NG more bearable are mechanics like counter, cicada, bone and of course the movement. if gow were more mobile it would be like ninja gaiden.

>> No.9156479
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Play on hard.
If you are a retard the game will let you lower the difficulty (permanently) if you die too many times.

>> No.9156647

hard has some problems like enemies shrugging off hitstun too easily but normal will probably be boring for you, no real challenge.

>> No.9156687

Fallen Order has similar combat design to this game and is much better, although I think jedi academy combat is better

>> No.9156693


I love it when games do this

>It's okay, I'll make it a widdle easier for you and you don't really needed those balls anyway.

>> No.9156697

GoW is still the only game I've played twice back-to-back. After I beat it I immediately restarted and beat it again on Hard. Game was so great
I think there must be some nice unlockables on Hard otherwise I'm not sure I would've done what I did cause I never do that sort of thing

(I never played God of War 2... or any other GoW for that matter, lol)

>> No.9156781

All of those WERE words you illiterate dumbass.

>> No.9156790

Play 2 then 3.
3 is literally one of my two favorite games of all time.
Each game builds on the previous one in objectively good ways. And 3 is an amazing climax, getting to kill all the big gods of Olympus.
It is worth playing just for 2 moves: O to square, and L1 + O. These two moves improve the combat in unimaginable ways.

>> No.9156820
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Honestly I found very hard to be a combination of enjoyable challenge and insufferable cheesiness. Like *most* of the game is fine but there's some sections that just suuuuck and are totally imbalanced. Herd mode is fun. Very hard is more of a "I finished it just so I can say I didn't puss out" experience. Not sure how enthusiastically I could recommend it.

But either way, yeah, might as well play on hard to begin with. It's difficult but fair and very hard is there if you want to try it.

>> No.9156824

>crash 2 unironically does this without telling you
>If you die enough times you can get up to 2 free masks

>> No.9156834
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you should play this instead.

>> No.9156915

Use your words, Zoom Zoom. Don't make me pull a "I accept your concession".

>> No.9156969

You are wrong.
Read, child.

>> No.9157081


Without telling it's not that fun.
But I love when the game by hinting at the possibility "comments" on it.

>You know I could always just lower the difficulty for you... Come on, hand 'em over.

Bonus points for proposing just auto-playing for you or just skipping the level

>> No.9157110
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Concession accepted, then.

>> No.9157116

>damn I wish I could read

>> No.9157184

I only played hard when there is an achievement, I think GOW 3
Just do normal for brainless fun, the tightrope jumping is that hard part anyway and that doesn't scale

>> No.9157357

>if you are a retard the game
>retard the game
The fuck kind of is that?

>> No.9157427
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>> No.9159063

>GoW is still the only game I've played twice back-to-back.
You must not like games very much then. I can't possibly imagine that no other games out there to you were worthy of this besides GOW. A series that doesn't even allow you to skip cutscenes. I've played tons of different games back to back. In fact its how I have played most games if they are not super long RPG.
3 is the only one I played. It is a very good game and one day I will get to the other games. I have no interest in nu-GOW though.

>> No.9159276

I used to play the shit out of the demo for this

>> No.9159345

>an actual detailed criticism
>no actual rebuttals, just angry sperging out
Allowing 6th gen was the worst thing to happen to this board

>> No.9159426

Play DMC or Ninja Gaiden instead.

>> No.9159443

"Normal" implies that the developers intended the game to be played this way in its base, default state.
Therefore, the games should be played on Normal.

>> No.9159448

Every single game in the history of existence is meant to be played on normal

>> No.9160249

>lies are "criticisms"

>> No.9160569
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Just leave'em alone.
His ironic "NO U" shtick got old. It's kinda' inspired me to want to play GoW2 again on Hard since, last time I played the game, it fucking froze near the Giant Bird Tower or whatever. Must've been a bad iso. Fuck you, Wowroms.

>> No.9160661

Don't play them at all, I tried to play gow1 and it's a very shit game, go play something like dmc instead.

>> No.9160663

these games bored the fuck out of me when they came out. they're infinitely more fun to watch and i get the feeling that's why the newest ones turned into movies

>> No.9160757

Always play the game on the hardest difficulty (unless it's just a health/dmg mod that makes it beyond tedious like Skyrim) to make the game last.

Also, is anyone going to port Dead space to the PS2 one of these days!?

>> No.9160839


>> No.9160861

>can't even get past the difficulty selection
I think kid mode is more your speed.

>> No.9161375

Hard, it's actually designed well enough for that

>> No.9161398

Can’t remember exactly but I think these games were pretty cheap on hard, especially the first one

>> No.9161517

Play it on the 'Don't' difficulty

>> No.9162157

Not an option.

>> No.9162201

I played them on the hardest difficulty. 1 is close to unbearable because of 1 section. 2 wasn't that bad IIRC. If you're used to action games, play on hard to start. I really hate how games make you unlock the hardest mode.