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File: 196 KB, 800x600, I SPILLED MY DRINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9153167 No.9153167 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on remastering efforts by fans/modders?

>> No.9153170

this looks great

>> No.9153187

It's hit or miss. Your pic is a big miss. That looks much worse than the original.

>> No.9153195

What are some "hit" examples?

>> No.9153252
File: 547 KB, 1920x1080, REVISION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually don't use unofficial content, however fan remasters are usually better/more faithful than official ones these days.
maybe i'll try Deus EX: Revision one of these days.

>> No.9153276

>maybe i'll try Deus EX: Revision one of these days.
It sucks.

>> No.9153279

No fan has ever created anything good

>> No.9153292

I don't really see the point. Why not use one's skills for something new or valuable?

>> No.9153335

aw shit. why?

>> No.9153368 [DELETED] 

Mostly the odd realization that hat calling a fan project a "remaster" isn't particularly more stupid than the already normalized usage of the buzzword.

>> No.9153372
File: 1.54 MB, 1080x960, 1651574717697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too many artistic liberties. I highly recommend GMDX, though.

>> No.9153373

Oh man the earlier fan remastera for Deus Ex and System Shock 2 were hilariously bad

>> No.9153381

Sadly, this. If they actually had the passion and drive they would get a real job in the industry or be noticed and hired. Using someone else's work that they sacrificed themselves for and a lot of money was used for just to make some 'revision' or pirated version or bad translation of is never going to be good. People don't understand how hard the real people actually work and what they did to get where they are.

>> No.9153457
File: 45 KB, 600x913, 362-105118069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shame.
looks interesting

>> No.9153463

Yea dude its 2022, I think we all have a pretty clear picture how the videogame industry works, how it is today and how it used to be

>> No.9153468

Counter Strike is bigger than half life

>> No.9153646

Tons of modders/mappers have gotten jobs in the industry you buffoon. Even if they didn't who cares, why the fuck would you want to work on modern video games?

>> No.9153648

this one was fairly good

>> No.9153706

I used to play gmod TTT with some guy who voice acted in that mod

>> No.9153894

But that's an standalone game almost, hardly a "remaster"/upgrade

>> No.9154804
File: 127 KB, 512x512, 1467575294703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deus Ex is one of the worst instances of fan makeovers I've ever seen, it's basically the definitive example for this pic each time. Its low-poly models look awful with hires textures. Its animations look awful with upgraded models. Attempting it was a fool's errand from the start.

>> No.9154813

people go over the top with morrowind graphics mods but it can look really nice with MGXE while still maintaining the vanilla look

>> No.9154868

i think remasters/remakes in general fall into the category of "art is subjective" but too many people (here especially) put their nostalgia on a golden pedestal so regardless of the actual quality they will never live up to whatever expectations you had when you first played the original while at the same time most don't see the value in a remake or remaster if the original exist ignoring things that could prevent you from playing the game like hardware compatibility.

>"If they actually had the passion and drive they would get a real job in the industry or be noticed and hired."
>valves 3 biggest multiplayer games were originally mods for quake, half life & warcraft 3
>bethesda & 3D realms actually hires modders in the community
are you high or retarded?

>> No.9154889

There has never been a good fan remaster, decompilation, romhack, bugfix, patch, mod, anything. Fanshite is dogshite

>> No.9154890

Most of the older games are still playable because of the fans

>> No.9154897

Go play Hourai High without a basic encounter reducer made by a fan, see how bored you become with being enormously overleveled and annoyed every 2 steps.

>> No.9155083

I like open source engine reimplementations, like OpenMW or Arx Libertatis

>> No.9155520
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, gungrave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never understood why old/bad graphics bother people so much. Most remasters end up like the pic anon posted here >>9154804. They just look clunky and stupid. I don't think old graphics look bad, that's just how the game was intended to look at that time. And even though the graphics are old they can still look good, like in Gungrave. "Old" doesn't necessarily mean "Ugly".

>> No.9155591

People who weren't of double digit age by the year 2000 have a special aversion to 5th gen graphics.

>> No.9155693

The only one I like is the RE4 HD Project, which is phenomenal.

>> No.9155704

>"""HD"""" texture pack

usually code word for shit, it's the equivalent of that Super Mario unreal engine video.

>> No.9155729

I'm only interested in stuff like new areas/missions, not what are essentially graphical updates.

>> No.9155732

It's very impressive considering what has been achieved but it still looks goofy to have these simple environments with super sharp and highly detailed textures. The geometry was just not designed for that. You need a much higher poly count, much more objects on screen, better materials and the shaders to go with it. Ultimately all these projects are a fool's errand because everything needs to come together as a coherent package from the game's conception.

>> No.9156775

I think some games remaster better than others. RE4 has good enough models that its fan retexture project has been great to it, unlike what happened with Deus Ex's. I can't think of many of those positive examples however. Not so much a rule as a probability that they won't look good.

>> No.9156802

Deus Ex Game of the Year edition multiplayer was a lot of fun.

GMDX (give me deus ex) is the best mod to play with.

>> No.9157149

Never play Revision first. Take it as its own thing.

>> No.9157154

Besides, Malkavian Mod is where it's at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mmd3hMwivI

>> No.9157191
File: 1011 KB, 1346x920, 18-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's Aquinas Protocol

>> No.9157202

chunky little guy

>> No.9159250


>> No.9159313

Using a game engine and assets as a base to create a new game is not the same thing as fucking with, tweaking, or otherwise attempting to improve or add to something that is already a finished product

>> No.9159324

>"texture mod"
>"hd pack"
all of these should literally hang themselves in a closet