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File: 124 KB, 256x363, Super_mario_sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9153057 No.9153057 [Reply] [Original]

But despite capturing lightning in a bottle with his first 3D foray, Nintendo's mustachioed mascot would fumble through a series of lackluster follow-ups, the first of which was a bizarre Game Cube entry which took his janitorial roles a little too literally.

>> No.9153073
File: 557 KB, 783x783, 1634959877693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played Mario 64 growing up.
I first played it in 2007 or so, on Wii, A nearly perfect port BTW.
Anyway, I don't like it. It's an ugly game(Wave Race fucks it in its ass, graphically), it's clunky, and it sounds like a turd too.
Mario Sunshine and Galaxy are both superior games from every angle. The coin collecting in Sunshine is ass though.

>> No.9153082

It's not that bad, people just massively shitted on it because it's the sucessor to one of the most influential games ever so a 7.5/10 title wasn't going to cut it.

>> No.9153097

Plumbers aren't janitors.
And I recommend writing "a bit too literally" instead of "a little," to reduce repetition.
Finally, Sunshine is not that bad.

>> No.9153156

I love this game.

>> No.9153296 [DELETED] 

Mario had a rough transition to 128 bit, to say the least...
It's cool to not get a game, doesn't make it trash

>> No.9153324

People who hate Sunshine suck at video games. Easily the best 3D Mario.

>> No.9153330

/v/ tier template post

>> No.9153340
File: 2.65 MB, 480x360, mario sunshine trick #3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunshine was a good game, even if it wasn't as good as Mario 64.

>> No.9153349

>Plumbers aren't janitors.
Mario plays a jannie in this game, did you not know?
>And I recommend writing "a bit too literally" instead of "a little," to reduce repetition.
repetition of what? he never said "little" earlier. If you mean alliteration, you're retarded
>Finally, Sunshine is not that bad.
that's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.9153352

Mario 64 is an unfocused tech demo filled with ideas but lacking direction. If it weren't Mario branded it would be remembered as a minor historical footnote at best.
There's a reason the closest any game has come to a Mario 64 clone is Vexx.

>> No.9153361

Little and literally begin with the same syllable and sound similar. It would be better to replace either word.

>> No.9153369

The movement in this and 64 is pure sex. I don't know why Odyssey feels so uninteresting to me in comparison.

>> No.9153380

Best Mario game. It has the most soul because of its consistent style.

>> No.9153385

All I'm saying is without nostalgia glasses on, I can see 64 for what it really is. Inferior to Sunshine and Galaxy. That's okay, that means Nintendo improved on the formula over time, and that's what you want.
Sunshine is a pretty great game, especially in the winter.

>> No.9153461

‘Cube trannies may disagree, but this post is correct. SM64 was the last truly great game of the Mario era, everything afterwards was mediocre.

>> No.9153526

>Super Mario: Jannshine

>> No.9153673


>> No.9153712

This game co trolls horribly. Mario just goes flying in a direction and it feels very imprecise especially when you come off the masterful work of m64

>> No.9153714

Nah man you're just wrong. Sunshine controller awfully and the level design is a straight downgrade. I have zero nostalgia too. It's clear mario 64 is superior.

>> No.9153726

It's always the GameCube types. They're the same way with Zelda, Metroid, Smash, Mario Kart, Paper Mario and just about every exclusive game to the console (save for Star Fox). Unfortunately just "ignoring" them doesn't work like it's supposed to.

>> No.9153732

>I don't know why Odyssey feels so uninteresting to me in comparison.
Nintendo only makes games for small children now, advanced movement is too complicated.

>> No.9153768

3D platform games are childlike by nature when made correctly. If they're made well, they're not that difficult. If they're hard, they're not well made.
Brief difficulty spikes(like crown levels in modern Mario titles) are all that can be tolerated. You make an entire game like those and you won't sell enough to pay for dev costs.

>> No.9153778

Here is a pity (you)

>> No.9153853

Galaxy’s camera control is nonexistent and it gets rid of at least half his moveste. Not to mention most levels are just linear hallways in space

>> No.9153863

Half his moveset*

>> No.9153870

Odyssey has the most complex movement suite in the series

>> No.9153908

What's amazing is that I find the Galaxy games (especially Galaxy 2) better than Sunshine. I'm not the guy you responded to, but Sunshine is the only mainline 3D Mario game I can't bring myself to pop in to replay over and over or get "urges" to play.

>> No.9153923

>What's amazing is that I STILL find the Galaxy games (especially Galaxy 2) better than Sunshine.
Fixed. Sorry.

>> No.9153983

theres no reward to the parkour anymore, Moons are under every leaf so you just kind of waddle around the world doing minigames, if you struggle to get one moon you just go do another. This wouldnt be a problem except its Mario and they made collecting the Stars as uninteresting as collecting coins.

>> No.9154020

I like to think of it as intentionally ugly, like using google image search results for textures and freesound.org sound effects

>> No.9154065

Maybe it is intentionally basic. Wave Race like I said looks pretty good. You couldn't get better graphics at home than in Wave Race 64 in 1996. It's almost as good as Sega's 3D arcade games.

3D Mario games are parkour simulators? That makes more sense than it should. Mario 3D world is more oldschool than Mario Odd as well. I personally love the modern games because they're more relaxed and in my march toward midlife I prefer a relaxed experience over difficult.
When I wanna rage a bit, I'll play a Vania or GnG game. Maybe some Mega Man.

>> No.9154080

Out of all those games, smash is the only one that was objectively an improvement over its predecessors.

The rest are mediocre jank, and I say that as an old school Nintendo fan.

>> No.9154112

>3D Mario games are parkour simulators?
The ones similar to 64 at least. 64 was fun not because of actually grabbing the stars, but finding new ways to get to them. Mario was able to kick, flip and jump off everything, and you could reasonably cheat your way up or around any obstacle, limited only by your imagination and perseverance. Odyssey has a little bit of that, but a lot of it is just random events placed throughout the overworld for you to complete to grab your star and then go to the next, rather than the world itself presenting itself as a jungle gym for you to find your way around.

>> No.9154124

Being contrarian is not a substitute for a personality, despite what /vr/ has led you to believe.

>> No.9154126

Bad taste. Cope and seethe.

>> No.9154171
File: 18 KB, 512x359, d75331cfa1e6f4ba1e2ec8e3d7eaeb12b345172f_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And honestly, we should all blame his cast of mustached friends.
Seriously? An edgy clone? Maybe Nintendo developers should stop browsing Devianart.

>> No.9154180

I think you should really try playing the game instead of going off /v/ posts
Odyssey has much more platforming segments than sunshine

>> No.9154183

Because you haven't messed around with it enough

>> No.9154206

it's a good game, but they should have added at least a final level that made getting all the blue coins worth it. Like a hard shine or area to test all the skills you pick up in the game.

>> No.9154207

It may not be the best but dammit I loved it when it came out. I 100% completed it, mastered every secret stage, had this game down to a science for a while.

And say what you want, the soundtrack was superior to 64's in every possible way.

>> No.9154209

I've messed with it too much if anything.

>> No.9154226

This thread has me reconsidering another shot at Mario 64. I haven't tried to play it for over a decade like I said, and rethinking it as a parkour sim makes me wanna give it another shake.
I have the 3D All Stars version for Switch so I think I'll roll with that one.

>> No.9154239

The fuck? the contrarian thing is thinking Sunshine is better than 64.

>> No.9154252
File: 141 KB, 750x410, 5D074032-5B57-4C91-BB4D-716E5ABAFB2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cope and seethe.

I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.9154380

Is this /mustachioed mascot/ general?

>> No.9154409

Because Odyssey is literally just jump, throw hat, dive onto hat, hat jump, throw hat, dive. That's how you do everything.

>> No.9154609

The fun of Odyssey is in exploring the levels and relaxing with awesome visuals and music.
I understand the complaints about it being easy, but that can be advantageous depending on what mood you're in.
Try New Super Luigi U if you want some challenge. Not everything has to be hardcore.

>> No.9154819

>All I'm saying is without nostalgia glasses on, I can see 64 for what it really is.
Refer back to "you don't get Super Mario 64", because you don't. Pretty obvious from the way you talk

>> No.9155280

You are right but Odyssey is at least a tiny step up from Galaxy's garbage movement

>> No.9155329

>There's a reason the closest any game has come to a Mario 64 clone is Vexx.
Banjo-Kazooie is literally just Super Mario 64 with bigger levels and worse controls

>> No.9156068 [DELETED] 

>tranime poster
>terrible opinions


>> No.9156375


>> No.9156646

Sunshine is le bad, because... uh, just because

>> No.9156896

>Sunshine is good….. BECAUSE IT HAS MARIO OK?!?! JUST BUY IT!!!!

t. Miyamoto

>> No.9157406

Odyssey's default movement speed is super slow compared to 64 and Sunshine. Still faster than Galaxy but not by much

>> No.9157830

The correct opinion.

>> No.9157840

Sunshine is the most fluid movement Mario has ever had. Only thing Galaxy has on it is the swimming controls. Dr E.Gadd era with F.L.U.D.D, Poltergust3000 and Bowser jr paint brush was epic. Gave Mario some actual lore instead of just
>le princess taken by le bowser save him
The NPCS in the game are amazing and charming, pianta’s are just as cool as Chao. Fuck you OP. You were simply filtered for being a wahoo64 fag.

>> No.9157841

He’s not a janitor. He’s doing community service because he is incarcerated on the island and has to clean up the island because he was the one who caused the mess. Imagine not knowing surface level lore about the game

>> No.9157847

*save her. Unless peach is a tranny

>> No.9157871

>posts wemb of some speedrunner tas bullshit
Now post how it's actually played.

>> No.9157875

That might be TAS, but those inputs are really not that hard to do. That secret level from the pipe in Pianta Village is pretty easy to jump through if you’ve played it enough. Doing side-jumps and dives in that game is basic tech. You are bad at the game.

>> No.9157879

>you are bad at this bad platformer

>> No.9157889

Filtered and you’re bad at the game and I have dubs. Fuck you.

>> No.9157945

>you can't do frame perfect speed runner tracks?
I fought the last boss. Why the fuck do I have to learn all that extra bullshit?

>> No.9157992

Their point is that you didn't engage with the deeper mechanics of the game and thus can't really judge it properly as a game.

>> No.9158065

>edgy clone
That was literally just a sign of the time, every video game mascot needed an angsty clone in the early 2000s.

>> No.9158070

>game isn't fun
>expects me to humour it further
fuck off

>> No.9158737

Where can I download Arcade 2? Looks like download links have been scrubbed from YT and search engines in my own half-assed search.

>> No.9158761

It's their point, not mine.

>> No.9159771

But Anon, Sunshine is better than 64.

>> No.9159774

Better than that Soulless shit on the Wii.

>> No.9159861

Mario Galaxy 1 has soul, can’t say the same for 2. I would say Oddessy has no soul because of how much content is in the fucking game and it’s basically just for speedrunning retards and people who make mods. It has been consumed by normies and is not as charming to see as 64 or sunshine speed runners.

>> No.9159883

>He’s not a janitor.
>has to clean up the island

pick 1

>> No.9159890

Janitor is a job, a professional title. Mario was arrested and sentenced to community service. If you see someone picking up trash on the highway are they a janitor? No you fucking idiot. He’s cleaning because he’s forced, not because he’s employed.

>> No.9159896 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1080x1078, jannie paycheck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Janitor is a job, a professional title.
how much do they get paid then?
that's right, they do it FOR FREE. Just like Mario in Jannshine

>> No.9159904
File: 27 KB, 500x500, artworks-000580705694-q5k3rk-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it. Mario Powerwasher sim with goofy big nosed tree people

>> No.9159905

>making a joke about 4chan jannies

You know what I mean you cunt. Not on the internet, a REAL LIFE janitor. Something you will probably end up being.

>> No.9159908


>> No.9159921

Dude got thousands of gold coins.
.not tbag

>> No.9159942

Plumbers aren't janitors.

>> No.9159997

Just another wahoo64 fag being filtered. Typical

>> No.9160097 [DELETED] 
File: 616 KB, 1080x775, 156777949037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly zoomeresque.

>> No.9160110

Because all you can really do is the same stale, unimaginative, restrictive 2x capdive combo. People basedface whenever they do the stupid ass cap dive but its really not that amazing, and it pigeonholes you into a routine, unlike the spinjump in sunshine which you can abuse in many ways

>> No.9160134

N64 was the last good Nintendo console. Stay mad.

>> No.9160165


>> No.9160175

Yeah my bad, I guess game boy advance came out a lil later so I guess that technically makes it the last good Nintendo console.

>> No.9160414
File: 285 KB, 2048x1536, 1654136757673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunshine has fewer lows than mario 64. Half the content in 64 is skipable as it should be. You'll actually hear 64fags say you can skip the bad parts as a pro, fucking idiots. And stop and ask yourself, if 64 was that good why did nintendo feel the need to change soo much in the ds version? Knowing how they are with quality control they wouldnt rerelease without touching up glaring faults.

>> No.9160584

Mario 64 is kinda shite. They designed the levels assuming players would be bad at video games but any decent amount of skill trivializes most obstacles.

>> No.9160591

That's pretty easy Sunshine movement have you even played the game?

>> No.9160594

It was magical to play on Christmas morning 1997. Also still has some of the best controls in any 3D platformer.

>> No.9161063

Sunshine is very good.
Galaxy feels so dunbed down in comparison.

>> No.9161213

Super Mario Sunshine is the definition of what we mean when we talk about 'SOVL' in video games. I prefer the small scale island with its consistent themes instead of Mario traversing worlds and galaxies. Instead of the usual deserts, haunted mansions, woodlands, ice and water levels etc. they actually tried something unique. They actually balanced this out pretty well in Odyssey with the classic and unique kingdoms complimenting each other.

>> No.9161225

>co trolls

>> No.9161338

I remember being really disappointed thinking it would be Mario 64 2, instead I got a few boring levels, shit movement and god awful enemies.

>> No.9161347

>zoomers are actually defending sunshine
did they start praising sonic 2006 yet?

>> No.9161721

These were the only "good" parts of the game, and half of these segments were ass. Even then, the moveset of the game was a downgrade from SM64.

>> No.9162134

>angsty clone

“Shadow Mario” is the clone, who didn’t appear until Galaxy. This is literally Bowser Jr using the paintbrush to make himself look like Mario so Mario goes to jail, it’s the plot of the game. This is literally covered In the first 2 cutscenes of the game.

>> No.9162741

Their argument boils down to "it at least has soul"

>> No.9162782

2006 is unironically better than heroes and shadow

>> No.9162842
File: 429 KB, 807x1003, 8E05260E-69B5-4779-BB46-4BE2C439D7FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimately the worst opinion I’ve ever heard. Heroes mogs shadow and 06 easily as long as you play the GameCube version. It can be janky sometimes but the only really annoying character to play as is the flying types but even they get fun when you unlock instant death thunder shoot. It also made you try to unlock the last story instead of just handing it to you, but it also doesn’t make you do too much like shadow. The gunplay in shadow can be fun, and so can the chaos powers. If Sega didn’t make the characters swear every breath and made getting all the endings optional for the last story, I’d say it would be remembered more favorably.

06 is a hot broken mess with its only redeeming quality being it’s soundtrack and some of the more entertaining glitches.

>> No.9162852

06 has decent level design, the game is theoretically sound but the controls aren't there. I like Shadows characterisation in this too, especially a year after his own game

>> No.9162869

based take, i replay sunshine every year

>> No.9162875

If the gameplay isn’t good the level design just makes it worse because you know it could have been a good game, I agree on shadow, he was at arguably at his best in this game. I liked him in sa2 and heroes and his over the top edginess can be accidentally hilarious in shadow. But sadly after wrapping up his amnesia arc they just didn’t know what to do with him so they just made him a worse vegeta with a worse actor to boot. I didn’t know why SEGA included him in the “Sonic’s annoying friends” thing that the fans complained about and sidelined him with the rest even though he was literally the second most popular and beloved character behind sonic himself. They literally brought him back in heroes because of how popular he was.

>> No.9163169
File: 121 KB, 597x1024, party member helps you make potions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on in this photo? Is this a vet clinic?

>> No.9163383

It's clearly abunch of cats that just got fixed at a local goodwill and pizza for later.