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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 308 KB, 766x609, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9149474 No.9149474 [Reply] [Original]

Why are some famicom games only in English? They are made by Japanese devs for Japanese people yet there is no Japanese option. Some of these games didn't even get a western release back in the day. Did devs really expect jap kids who grew up in the 80s to be able to read this shit?

>> No.9149493

English is cheaper than Japanese to program and display. Feel free to squeeze the joyo kanji into 40KB while still making then legible, and leave space for the game too.

>> No.9149494

Kana only?

>> No.9149496

You don't want to read Japanese in kana only. You think you do, but you don't.

>> No.9149507

didn't stop jrpgs

>> No.9149613

The entire Japanese language has a bit over 115 unique syllables. When spoken, pitch is used to get around this, but written, there's way too many homonyms without kanji.

>> No.9151223

Japanese people can read it perfectly fine and so can people who are fluent. It's only hard for foreigners who are just starting out learning japanese.

>> No.9151289

Id rather deal with kana and hira then trying to remember kanji. Basic logic would let me decipher what im reading.

>> No.9151303

>It's only hard for foreigners
can you niggers not derail threads with shit bait at least once

>> No.9151310

triggered roundeye

>> No.9151315

>kana and hira then trying to remember kanji
>three scripts for the same language
>people memorize all this shit just to CONSOOM children’s media

Sad, really.

>> No.9151493

It's time to stop oomer posting anon. You sound like a total faggot.

>> No.9151578
File: 1.46 MB, 1757x1323, 20220801_173351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do nip low levels even learn this? Like i get part of it is being surrounded by it, but i remember learning vocab and alphabet in elementary school, where are english sources adapting that? Im a comfortable enough old man that il fucking learn a hiragana song if it lets me remember this shit.

And how about educational games? There has to be something like that for the language. Where's Reader Rabbit's gook cousin, Dokusha Usagi?

>> No.9151623

In japan, games are made with very specific audiences in mind, rather than going for mass appeal.
So it's reasonable for a developer to expect someone who buys this kinda game to be a nerd who's into western fantasy, and so would likely know some english.

>> No.9151631
File: 141 KB, 750x410, A19FA671-C741-4B02-965B-9F93C4A910BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, I hope I’m not using an outdated meme format!

>> No.9151724

Keyword being "want"

>> No.9151725

So so so so so so many of these threads have an OP that demonstrates very clearly they have ABSOLUTELY no idea what they're talking about
How is this a consistent thing
How is this widespread
Fucking christ can't any of you put more than two seconds of thought into anything you post?

>> No.9151789

Final Fantasy is only in Hiragana, no katakana nor kanji and sometimes without the kanji to know what the fuck you're reading it gets a bit hard.

>> No.9151796

nta. I can read it just fine but I prefer kanji because I can read it faster.

>> No.9151935

>Did devs really expect jap kids who grew up in the 80s to be able to read this shit?
Not really. Japanese kids can read basic stuff like "start" or "game over", but not an entire paragraph like that. It's basically the same as when white people get kanji tattoos. They think it looks cool.

>> No.9152665

Everyone in this thread is so fucking stupid.

>> No.9152672

Let me in on this.

>> No.9152836

>They think it looks cool.
Literally the reason, I've asked Japanese people before and this is the answer I get.

>> No.9152850
File: 32 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of 8-bit RPGs and Adventure games were written in kana only, like the Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games. Usually they tend to spaced out the sentences after each particle. It's not that hard.