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9149132 No.9149132 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone love this game? It’s fucking shit. The concept is awful and the difficulty is out of this world

>inb4 you’re bad at the game

I don’t care. I’ve beaten ocarina of time, link to the past, all of the original NES titles, and windwaker multiple times over but I have never beaten this awful game. When I was a kid it pissed me off and as an adult it still does. This is the worst Zelda game to ever release I can’t believe this game is tolerated.

>> No.9149134

>the difficulty is out of this world
I mean come on it's just a zelda game. You're going to get clowned on for being shit at video games and you deserve it

>> No.9149137

In what fucking universe is this game remotely hard

>> No.9149138

Everyone who thinks this game is hard never learned the Inverted Song of Time

>> No.9149141

IGN gave this game a Fucking 9.9/10


>> No.9149146

Starting to do something on the 2-3rd day and then fucking up and having to do it all over again is brutal. It’s bullshit. I should be able to turn on the game and save when I want to Save. It’s Zelda for Fucksake.

>> No.9149147

Who cares bitch

>> No.9149151

Take the game on its own terms or play something else
You do not deserve to talk about this game, you barely understand it on a basic level

>> No.9149153

All I know is I’ve played almost every other Zelda title and this game does not fit in. It sucks. No one in This thread will
Even claim it’s their favorite Zelda because they know it’s shit.

>> No.9149159

Its way better than the shitty ds zeldas with ass touch controls or skyward waggle shit

>> No.9149163
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Its my favorite 3d zelda

Cope faggot

>> No.9149164

Majora's Mask is probably the most favored Zelda game right now, because most people seem to agree now that OoT is at least slightly overrated. You might have a handful of people saying LttP but MM is the most popular Zelda game on the Internet and it's not close.

>> No.9149165

Phantom hourglass was ok

>> No.9149168

Majoras mask is not more popular than ocarina or link to the past you are out of your Fucking gord

>> No.9149170
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>I’m too retarded to have fun on touch screen because I can’t comprehend game technology advancing

>> No.9149176

Thats not hard, you just gotta pay attention man also you can use the song of double time to fast forward

>> No.9149179

But it is my favorite and also you are a giant faggot

>> No.9149182

No, they're right. Have you spent much time in gaming communities, anon?

>> No.9149191

Other than this thread I’ve made, I never see this game being talked about. And I’m an incel who is here almost everyday. You’re all trying to convince me I’m schizo but I’m not having it. You all have horrible taste in video games.

>> No.9149202

>Why does everyone love this game?
God-tier atmosphere
>The concept is awful
Inverted song of time
>and the difficulty is out of this world
You're definitely bad at games in general

>> No.9149207

I’m not bad at games, I can promise you that. I have never had as many gripes with a game as this one. It’s pure overrated dog shit, and you brainlets are defending it. You guys are worse than wahoofags and sonicfags

>> No.9149218

>Starting to do something on the 2-3rd day
Why did you do that, retard?

>> No.9149226

imagine being filtered by a post-gen5 Nintendo game

>> No.9149232

Ever see someone you're certain is completely disconnected from reality?

>> No.9149236

I dont like touch controls for zelda

>> No.9149242

N64fags rate it so highly because it's one of the handful of decent games in a sea of shovelware and because it's darker than the average Nintendo game so they can pretend it's "mature".
I'm okay with people liking the time travel mechanic, but personally I think it ruins the typical freedom I associate the series with.

>> No.9149246

I never had much interest in Zelda games overall, but I like MM for its time travel. It definitely has a different appeal than mainline games.

>> No.9149295

>the difficulty is out of this world
It's not difficult it's just tedious at times. It's one of those games like Shenmue, everything is great except for the gameplay

>> No.9149308
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I've also never beaten it and tried on n64 and later on 3ds. Do I want it to be baby mode like SMW? No, as difficulty is generally a good thing but designing vast dungeons which require you to take your time and check everywhere and at the same time require you to do it as fast as possible is just stupid. What were they thinking?

Wonderboy 2 had a labyrinth for its final level and it was tough but the game gave you an item to figure out the maze quicker or take a powerful weapon for the last boss. Now that's how you design a game with a timer.

>> No.9149316

>require you to do it as fast as possible
If you can't completely conquer a Zelda dungeon in about an hour to an hour and 30 minutes (which is your time limit) you might be fucking braindead.

>> No.9149321

Stone Tower Temple is absolutely impossible to beat in an hour without a guide

>> No.9149323
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>I never get stuck in zelda games and figure them out perfectly every single time

>> No.9149324

Goron form was fun as fuck.
>They see me rollin'
>They hatin'

>> No.9149330

Only if you're going for the stray fairies.

>> No.9149359

3D Zelda games are not difficult games and you know it.

>> No.9149438
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Is the concept of a time limit that stressful to you?

>> No.9149589

>using a guide
Wow what a giant faggot

>> No.9149591

Not even while trying to get the faires does it take more than 30 minutes

>> No.9149593

Yeah, BoTW is probably the hardest 3D Zelda and it's still easy

>> No.9149618


it kinda is with gen z

>> No.9149621


Personnally I haven't seen any shovelware but I tend to use my imagination for games and rather enjoy playing them like a kid, telling myself stories and ignoring criticisms that have come out as time has passed.

>> No.9149626


telling myself stories about the game*(what i mean is characters ect).

>> No.9149629

>you might be fucking braindead.
Why be so harsh?

>> No.9149635

He is just telling the truth, nothing harsh about that

>> No.9149641
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Zelda games are all about kino adventures and enjoying / exploring the deeper layers of the world

MM has a time limit, yes you can reset it, but it's still there, looming. You can't get lost in the game and just look at every knook and crany, you always gotta mind the time and what's going on

Is it a unique Zelda title? Yes of course, but it's also a very flawed idea of what Zelda games truly are and why people love them and why Zelda has never gone back to it since.

>> No.9149643

The opinion of a SINGLE REVIEWER back than does not tell us the real story.

The majority votes, not some reviewer who might have his own agenda. He is not the voice of the people

>> No.9149648

I completely agree. It's an asset flip that tries to shoehorn an open world action series into a restrictive, story-centric RPG with a tiny world that frequently turns into a weird stalking simulator in lieu of good combat and exploration. The game isn't challenging or interesting or dynamic; it's just sickeningly repetitive and boring. Worse, it took a classical high fantasy adventure series and retooled it into some gay edgy shit that weird 12 year old girls with thick glasses and black hair, the kind who read a series of unfortunate events and vampire novels, would think is "deep" and "melancholy" -- kind of hard to soak up the depressing atmosphere when I'm delivering toilet paper to poopy-butted men, playing rock music with fish men and conversing with a homosexual flying elf. Everything about the game's world is so schizophrenic and tonally inconstient, and the gameplay is an absolute butchering of the format created by OoT. Majora's Mask is a piece of fucking shit.

>> No.9149669

What are you talking about, you can taje your time to explore and then reset the time when you are done

>> No.9149676

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.9149802

filtered kys

>> No.9149916

You can literally reset the timer whenever you want. You have more than enough time to complete each dungeon in a full cycle without the Song of Inverted Time. So long as you are patient, talk to NPCs, and actually pay attention to the game, you don't even have to use your time wisely. You can dick around and treat it like any other Zelda.

You were legitimately filtered. Majora's Mask is easy to manage if you have even remotely decent time management skills and the basis amount of patience expected of all grown adults.

>> No.9149963

rare truth.

>> No.9149987

Majora has an unmatched atmosphere and insanely good graphics and certainly stands on its own, but overall Ocarina wins out over it. Anyone who says otherwise also retroactively likes Zelda 2 for the pure sake of being contrarian

>> No.9150021

>but it's also a very flawed idea of what Zelda games truly are
Which you decided, not the devs who created the franchise

>> No.9150027

Mindless zelda 2 hate is textbook ignorant millenial/zoomer

>> No.9150041

Zelda 2 is basically just an NES Castlevania with leveling, exploration, and secrets. It's an amazing game when you approach it with the right mindset. It's the game Simon's Quest wishes it was.

>> No.9150054

I happen to like it but that’s only because I got the gba classic version when I was little. I didn’t even know zelda 1 was a thing until I got into middle school. I think a lot of people though used to hate it and now claim it to be a good game simply because it is less popular than other zelda games

>> No.9150073

Simon’s Quest honestly isn’t that bad. It’s like an 80-90% great game but that 10% of bullshit sort of spoils the whole thing rotten.

>> No.9150085

>Why does everyone love this game?
>No one in This thread will Even claim it’s their favorite Zelda because they know it’s shit.
>I never see this game being talked about.
>It’s pure overrated dog shit
Is it overrated or does everyone know it's trash? At least make up your mind

>> No.9150250

I'm not even going to address your concerns, I'm just going to laugh at you for calling a Zelda game after II difficult.

>> No.9150316

AVGN is that you?

>> No.9150449

God I love time limits in games. They always reveal who the spineless anxious cowards are. Even funnier when the timer is literally under the players' control.

>> No.9150487

best game next to ocarina of time. WAY fucking better than windwaker you have no taste.

>> No.9150507

I'm pretty shit at games and I wasn't any better when was 10 years old and I've never had problems getting through it.

The problem is you.

>> No.9150524

Wow, you guys are really all worse then yahoo and sonicfags

>game is good because I like it
>game is good because everyone in thread says it’s good too
>game is good because time limit fun in Zelda game and I can’t explain why
>game is good because N64 only has shovelware and this game stands out for some fucking reason

Kill yourselves. This will never be the best Zelda game.

>> No.9150529

Let’s see paul allen’s favorite zelda
>hard mode: say LTTP and you’re a fag

>> No.9150534

Just because link to the past is my favorite Zelda doesn’t mean I’m a faggot. Atleast I’m not some Zelda elitist faggot claiming that majora’s mask is good

>> No.9150538

Link to the past looks and sounds great but controls like dogshit. Maybe I was just filtered but damn I couldn’t get into it

>> No.9150586

My favorite 2d is probably Link's Awakening DX because its the first Zelda I've ever played and I'm incredibly biased. Mechanically... probably Minish Cap. For 3d, probably Twilight Princess Wii cause I was was caught up in that Wii hype, and my parents bought a Costco pack early. I had to stare at it for weeks under the tree waiting for Christmas. Then I stayed up till 5am playing it. Good Christmas. Mechanically, MM is my fav 3d cause the schedule makes the world feel real.

>> No.9150602

I always thought minish cap was just some gimmicky game whipped up by nintendo, but lots of folks speak very highly of it. I got spirit tracks and never even attempted playing it for more than 20 mins. I have to say I haven’t played links awakening before but I’ve heard it’s amazing. I grew up on ocarina and remember when we first bought the gold cart for majora and how hyped my brother was when we took it home. And by the time I was a bit older I got zelda 2 for my game boy advanced and beat it in a week. Hard as fuck so I printed out a walkthrough

>> No.9150610

>game is good because I like it

How the fuck else do you judge whether something is good or not? Does everyone need to ask you first or something?

>> No.9150626

Minish cap is pretty good, anon. Its made by capcom and has a very charming soulful world. Fun collectable stuff to fill the world with, and expanded combat like in TP. Not just spam A bupkis. Try it
>Spirit Tracks
Good dungeons, good zelda link duo, all other facets are dogshit.

>> No.9150639

>filtered by a simple time-travel mechanic
Jesus Christ

>> No.9150643

>made by capcom
what the heck
also my interest in it piqued when I was listening to a youtube video comparing all the fairy fountain/menu musics from every zelda game. The minish cap one has a really lovely twang to it

>> No.9150645

It’s not even a “mechanic” it’s the entire game. As a kid it’s easy to deal with because you have nothing else to do, but someone who only has 1-2 hours a day to game if he’s lucky is not going to play this game. It’s awful for replay value and you pretty much have to beat the game in 3-4 sittings if you want to play it.

>> No.9150663
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If only the game had a quick way to save, so I could go to bed. Oh well

>> No.9150671

Give it a go, its one of the better ones.

>> No.9150676

>It’s awful for replay value
Nigger, the game's built for replay value. When you know how to solve a puzzle or side quest you try to streamline. You use shortcuts to skip stuff, like how the bomber's notebook # doesn't change. Or you try to see how fast you can complete dungeons. Or juggling multiple mask quests in a day, because most were balanced to be able to do so. You really fucking suck at games in general if you cant see how limits breed creativity

>> No.9150681


>> No.9150684

I played this game numerous times and the 'time limit' never interfered with exploring

>> No.9150698

I'll always wonder how many players truly never found the inverted and double songs. Even so, just take a cycle to fuck around, then reset and go.

>> No.9150707
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>> No.9150715

Thank you for posting. Gotta make this into a pasta.

>> No.9150725

Do it the easy way: https://www.onlineocr.net/

>> No.9150728

I remember this thread, that guy got told hard and he sperged like crazy.
also, just get good.

>> No.9150734

Nah he was right. Games gay and stupid. It’s a retard simulator.

>> No.9151006

such a dumb aspect to be dësú

>> No.9151012

lol why do you speak in 3rd person

>> No.9151238

Beat majora's mask when i was 9 why cant you?

>> No.9151251

You still get stuck in these games at times and with a timer it makes for frustrating gameplay.

>> No.9151314

>Make time slower
Dude you have a large gap to do whatever you want but the problem is that YOU cant manage time and second you want the game be as SLOW as YOU.

Take your time and do the things you want to do first, you have enough time to do one specific thing. The game even gives you the Song of Soaring to move you near the specific dungeon or side quest you are stuck from the 1st fucking day.

>> No.9151647
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>> No.9151681

Sorry I never figured out how to slow down time as I was rushing back to a dungeon I just got booted out of to try and figure out that one room I got stuck in in the hopes I would finish it this time.

>> No.9151686

>list doesn't even contain Daytona USA
>has 15 final fantasy games

>> No.9151691

Majora's Mask is a masterpiece, and one of the things that helps it is the relative difficulty.

>> No.9151716

>MM is difficult
>Zelda dungeons are easy
Which is it zoomers?

>> No.9154468

The concept might actually be the greatest of any game ever _released_, it's one of the few narratives I can think of that couldn't be adapted to any other medium without losing a lot of its power, but I really don't care for the execution of it lol

>> No.9155831


Oh boy another one of these MM bad bait posts, here have a (YOU) and stop being a faggot

>> No.9156075
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I feel sorry for anyone filtered by a Zelda game. It's especially sad you won't ever be able to appreciate how good Majora's Mask is and how it'll never be topped by any other Zelda game.

>> No.9156112

Recently played Minish Cap (first Zelda game for me), and I dropped it once I reached the ice dungeon.
Just seemed really tedious and the ice thing is really annoying.

>> No.9156120

Not OP, but the difficulty in this game is bullshit. It gives you no sense of direction and some of the stuff you need to do to get essential items is insanely cryptic.

>> No.9156141

It’s a very dark game. Not just by Nintendo standards. It has a lot of extremely unsettling moments and the whole atmosphere feels oppressive and hateful and sickly. The music is off-key, the characters are assholes, the sky is often unnatural colors like a sickly green or blood red, the game deals heavily with death and loss and regret, you’re stuck in a foreign land with no friends, there’s shit like poison water that kills you if you swim in it, frozen bodies out in the open on the mountainside, everything is painted in bright garish psychedelic colors, it’s just a dark game.

>> No.9156149

It's the sort of game that benefits from how crude and murky N64 graphics were.

>> No.9156150

Such as? I beat the game as a kid so idk what you could've found too cryptic.

>> No.9156182

I'm 10 and this is deep: The game

>> No.9156203

It's fascinating how hard MM (for a lack of a better word) filters (also for a lack of a better work) casuals STILL, simply because of the time management. Strip out the one mechanic that makes the game special then I guarantee suddenly the game becomes a 10/10 with the general public.
MM should be used in litmus tests.

>> No.9156215


>> No.9156218

It seems like the majority of complaints against MM are from people who just don't get the appeal of time management games. To be fair, it does seem to filter a lot of people when it appears in games (e.g. Dragon Quarter).

>> No.9156248
File: 83 KB, 500x341, 242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the reason people have a hard time figuring out MM let alone any older game by today's standards is because back when it came out, people had a lot of time to invest in a small handful of games as well as replay them several times over, especially if your parents[/spoiler] didn't buy a guide or knew how to read them in my case.
Was anyone conscious during that time on the internet? What was the discourse like?

>> No.9156268

It's insane just how cheap and available games are these days. IMO it just makes it easier to burn out and become disinterested in a game.

>> No.9157556

the concept was unique and the difficulty is only marginally greater than OOT.

>> No.9159216

It's not even that. MM just has really good art direction. The crushed blacks in the concept art became dark and selecting shading in the actual game which helps hide imperfections in the graphics while just helping colors pop in a way they didn't in Ocarina.

The N64 release genuinely looks great to this day. A lot of the atmosphere is rooted in the strong art direction.

>> No.9159221

The real problem is that modern gamers do not speak with NPCs whatsoever when every Zelda game between Zelda 1 and the Oracles more or less demand you do in order to fully understand where to go, how, and why you're even doing what you're doing half the time.

With Majora's Mask, you can coast through the main story just fine, but the many side quests require you to actually engage with the game, to talk to NPCs, and to pay attention to the minutiae.

>> No.9159692


>> No.9159934
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Its my favorite game period actually.

>> No.9159958

>Lets add a time limit for a series known for exploration!
Aonuma is a hack

>> No.9160121 [DELETED] 

i think it's really immersive, due to how much you have to get into it, once you're in the gamespace just does its thing
even beyond the schedule system, just the whole having to apply yourself is more than a lot of games you can turn your brain off for

>> No.9160151

>Everyone likes it but I don’t
>Surely, they must all be wrong
It’s fun and cool

>> No.9160157

you’re bad at the game

>> No.9160193

back then we had GameFAQs

What was the discourse like? Much more earnest discussion relative to low-effort shitposting. Not saying we didn’t have fun, but not everyone was out to antagonize everyone else constantly like today.

>> No.9160602
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>but the many side quests require you to actually engage with the game, to talk to NPCs, and to pay attention to the minutiae.
True. Despite some of the side quests being vague and arduous at best, the game's fairly straight forward with it's clues. Though just like with OoT, MM has a habit of withholding info because you didn't think to talk to an NPC TWICE after the first initial dialog trigger.
Unless that's just me, but still, fuck of with that.

>> No.9161472

I was definitely one of the people filtered by the game. I saw my brother play it as a kid and thought it looked cool, it just looked like OoT but with a cool mask mechanic. Then I actually played it and was completely turned off by everything. The time limit, the 3 day cycle, Link being reduced to a bush boy, the town feeling like a weird OoT mod, and the very first dungeon is a bland booger and poop colored swamp. The game had no appealing aspects whatsoever from the jump other than a cool looking villain, I quit after playing for a few hours.

Years go by and I see threads like these pop up all the time, a vocal minority of people loathing MM much like I do, but most people defending the game and giving it praise. The latter group makes me wonder if I gave up on the game too soon, perhaps like some other games the fun doesn't begin until after you get into the meat of it, which I certainly didn't do, so I plan to go back and give it another shot some day soon. But from the outside looking in this game looks not bad, but like it would be one of the worse games in the series just based on how you would describe its design. I've been sifting through threads like these today, and defenders of this game rarely praise the actual gameplay, they list feature after feature that is not fun but rather tedious, but easier to work around than people think, which allows you to enjoy the doom and gloom once you get the hang of it. Basically what >>9149295 said.

>> No.9161493

There's no secret inflection point where the game suddenly turns into something else entirely. It's just a polarising gameplay style.

>> No.9161531

Yeah I fear that might be the case too. It seems that no matter how much someone loves the Zelda series, MM has the chance of making you hate it beyond reason. I think it rubs fans like me the wrong way because its so restrictive, which is an anomaly whether you're looking at the games that came before or after. Its like a GTA sequel but with a linear Call of Duty type story and format, which wouldn't prevent the game from being good, but it will alienate certain fans.

>> No.9161551

>play up to the part where you need to get the zora eggs
>sneak into the area with the broken stealth section
>being spotted throws you out and the ninjas can oneshot you, unable to rotate camera to see where the guards even are ffs
>get to the eggs and realize you need a bottle per egg or you have to sneak in this fucking place 4 times in a row under a time limit
>I have exactly one (1) bottle
>stop playing the game

>> No.9161569

The babies who couldn't into touchscreen controls should be mocked, but the main issue with the DS Zelda games is their bland level designs. The games are good but not great.

>> No.9161578

Majora's Mask is a hell of a lot harder than Ocarina of Time. Thing is though, if you aren't twelve anymore that should be an academic difference.

>> No.9161607

To get into the great bay you need epona; getting epona starts the Romani Ranch sidequest which rewards a bottle as its first reward.

The first checkpoint of the pirate fortress is getting the hookshot; with the hookshot you can get the beaver bottle from just a couple rooms over from the fortress and go right back in.

The goron race bottle is a little bit further out of the way, but three out of four ain't bad.

Nintendo had you covered with four bottles this who time and you never knew.

>> No.9162736

I also don't like the game. However I'm not sure if I can call it complete shit.
Honestly the thing that turns me off the the temples, I fucking hate all of them and the items you get in them are pathetic. For example, the water temple give you fucking ice arrows, that's fucking lame.

>> No.9162758

I get no end of amusement from how badly Majora's Mask's time limit filters people. It's like the most lenient fucking time limit any game has ever had, there's no missable content, the cycle is only like an hour and a half of content, you can slow it down to like 3 hours, you get a book to automatically track basically every scheduled event in the game, and there's also a bunch of shortcuts to get shit done faster if you've already completed in a prior cycle.

>> No.9162763

The side quests are a huge part of MM that's why all the traditional dungeon items are earned through them rather than the dungeons

Also MM has the best ice arrows in the series why would you use them to complain about the dungeons giving you all the arrow variants

>> No.9162856

are you new here? its insanely popular game on the internet

>> No.9163380


>> No.9163443

>doesn't go around systematically bombing every single wall and torching every single bush

>> No.9163986

it has easier time management than dead rising

>> No.9164009 [DELETED] 

Who did more damage to the Majora's Mask fandom? Nerrel or James Rolfe?

>> No.9164696

I quite enjoy majora but DAMN I got filtered by BOTW. I want to enjoy it but it kicks my ass. I couldn’t even make it to kakariko without dying and the controls never grew on me. Should I pick it up again or just play Ocarina for the millionth time

>> No.9166172

The new ones filter me because it just feels too boring. I'm not a stickler to the zelda formula but the changes just made it a generic game.

>> No.9167119

I don't think people get why we don't like the game. Even with workarounds available to deal with it some people still don't like the concept. >>9149641 has the right idea. The problem with MM is that because of the 3 day cycle and needing to undo much of what you've done time and time again, it creates a feeling of most of the things you do not even mattering. And it came right off the heels of OoT, a game without the same constraints, and every major title after that doesn't have it either.

Basically its not the challenge that deters most people, its the concept that's unappealing.

>> No.9167191

The reason you don't like the game is because you are impatient and incapable of meeting an experience on its own terms.

>> No.9167209

I mean I realize that now, but I always see people mention the song of inverted time like it matters 1 bit to these people. No one cares, they expected edgy OoT and got edgy groundhog day instead.

>> No.9167228

I'm playing through this right now on my cheap chinese RGB modded console and it's been great. I get why people don't like the time mechanic, but I feel that way about MOBAs, team shooters, and 95% of all mobile games.

This is only my second playthrough, my first time was right after it started to be playable on emulators in 2001 on my overclocked Pentium 2 and I rushed through it. Now I'm trying to get everything on this run and I appreciate the ability to go back if I fuck something up. Aside from it's quirks considering the development cycle and system limitations it is a great game and I can't believe it filters so many people.

>> No.9167246

>I can't believe it filters so many people.
I can, the game does nothing to make you like it from the very beginning.

>> No.9167321

B-but its really SPOOPY XD
Did you know the whole game is about link being dead and coming to terms with it? It's true <youtuber> said so. It's very deep and mature.

>> No.9167329

Have I played it? No but I have watch a let's play of it so I guess you could say I know a thing or two when it ckmes to MM

>> No.9168095 [DELETED] 
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I hesitate to say JR because he's playing a character (a watered-down version of it these days) and I'm sure the majority of people know that. The only people that said MM is bad on /v/ when the vid released were ironic, flamewaring contrarians, but at 4mil views as of now, it could be safe to assume he got a lot of normalfags and Zoom Zooms to think the game sucks without having played it and have no intention to.

It's possible Nerrel played a small roll beforehand because of his texture pack, drawing more interest into making an old game more "appealing" to look at by modern standards, thus making more people curious to check it out whether or not they wanted to play with or w/o the texture pack.

>> No.9168385
File: 1.09 MB, 500x372, 1655220966903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is maybe the only game I've ever played where I really do feel like the bad guy is about to destroy the world at any moment. For how many games tell you that's their plot this is the only one I ever actually felt that way about.

>> No.9169000


>> No.9169045

I also agree with that. There are countless games about how you have to save some city, but you can do endless random sidequests for eternity and that city is never going to be attacked until you step there and there is some cutscene.

>> No.9169150

Yeah, it turns out MM is difficult if you can't read at a fourth-grade level. The premise behind the story was pretty stupid, but it's still my favorite Zelda game so far.

He probably didn't read the part where Romani asks you to help her during the first night and went straight to the Great Bay area after getting Epona. The only bottle the game forces you to have at that point is the one from the Koume/Kotake encounter in the swamp.

Yes, you have to be borderline retarded to get to that point and still only have one bottle (at a minimum skipping the Goron Race bottle [after opening the entrance to be able to purchase a powder keg to get to the ranch day 1] and the Romani night 1 event), but it's actually possible in a casual playthrough.

>> No.9170501
File: 460 KB, 2000x1100, hyrule_to_termina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some, its just too deep to understand and appreciate

>> No.9171516

I forgot that you need to open the racetrack too; the game really does give you all the bottles you need on a silver platter.

I admit I had trouble with it when I played it the first time. Unlike OP I was only ten years old though. The aliens were way too spooky and stressful for my child mind.

>> No.9171672

The touchscreen controls were cumbersome as shit and claiming otherwise is just pure cope.
The touchscreen is great when it's used right and for the most part utter shit when it's used like in the DS Zeldas.

>> No.9171708

>the devs who created the franchise
>directed by the guy who couldn't even beat the first game in the series

>> No.9171718

b-but muh octoroks...

>> No.9172112

You can say the time management system is a bad design choice, but the game is not hard by any stretch. If you can beat the absolutely nightmare that is AoL without save states, this should be a walk in the park.

>> No.9172276
File: 197 KB, 347x323, 1660330923094048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the difficulty is out of this world

I think Majora's Mask is overrated as fuck and this made me laugh. I don't see how anyone can think this. It can be pretty tedious, not hard.

Also Spirit Tracks is the worst non-CDi zelda

>> No.9172346

>the difficulty is out of this world
lmao, filtered. I beat it without a guide when I was literally ten.

>> No.9172407

>The difficulty is out of this world
Bitch I beat this game when I was 10 years old lmao get good

>> No.9172578

The touch screen controls work really well honestly. The games are just really bland.

>> No.9172610


>> No.9172702

I admit they worked well for a few things (like items and the map), but while I did get used to the movement eventually I still hated it even after beating both games. It feels like I'm not actually in control of Link but rather just guiding him around if that makes sense.

>> No.9173483

>The concept is awful
It has many issues for sure.
>the difficulty is out of this world
It certainly isn't.
>I’ve beaten ocarina of time and windwaker multiple times over
If you can bear those you can bear Majora.

>> No.9173541

I will bear your child.

>> No.9173616

I cant believe they removed the inverted trifoce from the remake. You can argue about if the stone pillar ones are intentional or not but the spotlight very clearly is on purpose.

>> No.9175375


Talk to NPCs and maybe look at the bomber's notebook more. Also Mask Of Truth and talking to stones helps.

>> No.9175440
File: 2.40 MB, 4160x3120, 20210428_112608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best zelda unironically

>> No.9175515

medievils better

>> No.9176158

That's not necessarily true though. Say you're going to a concert and its over an hour drive away, in traffic, in the heat, with no AC. It sucks, but then you get to appreciate the show. If you're into it, you'll sit through all this to go. How often will you do that though? You can make the drive more entertaining or work on fixing that experience, but at the end of the day different people will set the value of the goal and suffering to get there at different levels. MM walks that line. I'm not suggesting the game is as bad as sitting in traffic, but I fully understand where people are coming from to feel tired of doing everything again and again to see if it's correct.

Groundhog day really is so potent for what this is. Trial and error of figuring out the right things to do, when and where someone will be. There's really cool things about the richness of the game. You are exploring time, those 3 days, more than the world. The people of that world. I wish more than anything the game just had a 3 day cycle, that you could slow and speed up. That's ultimately what the game ends up actually feeling like. It doesn't feel like Im time traveling and replaying day 1. Every video game ever you reset and start over. I'll give them they did make a fairly active world for its time, but still just feels like Day A, B and C, but C will never cycle back into A, you have to jump back to A and that is where the game feels like sitting in traffic to me, it's cumbersome.

>> No.9177810 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 835x300, 1660423184500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who did more damage to the Majora's Mask fandom? Nerrel or James Rolfe?

>> No.9177910 [DELETED] 

How did Nerrel do any damage to the fandom? I thought MM3D was disliked from the very beginning.

>> No.9178675 [DELETED] 

Fuck OFF, bot.

>> No.9178796

I agree with you OP. this zelda is a fucking meme. Never bothered to clear it, boring as fuck and the time limit system was just a pita.

>> No.9178808

The n64 zelda games were all mediocre with a lot of bad mechanics and ideas. Besides nostalgiafags nobody cares about the games anymore since they've been topped many times.

>> No.9178827

I beat this game when I was 10 and I got a game over literally once the entire time

>> No.9178843

do you pour your milk first?