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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 202 KB, 1280x1435, lara_croft_by_rachaelrrj_df8vay1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9144698 No.9144698 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss our beloved archaeologist and her adventures, also the rumours about the future of the franchise.

>> No.9144708

The soul of the game died with the modern ones. Don't know how any older gamer can tolerate the nu-skin it's clearly not even Lara.

>> No.9144827

nu Lara is a flat-chested soulless normies

>> No.9145529
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, tomb_raider___attack__by_pixydee123_df57xyb-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9145595

How do you feel about Tomb Raider 3? Did it recapture TR1's feeling or was it a let down?
I never really was into the series when it was new, so didn't realise that TR3 seemed to have a mixed reception.

>> No.9145598

shit op, shit art. I don't come to /vr/ to see try-hard modern tumblr art of Lara, post actual lara next time. let this thread die

>> No.9145601

They want to make her a lesbian.

>> No.9145606
File: 2.23 MB, 350x196, 1644488021015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you surprised? did you forget what year it is?

>> No.9145635

Recommend great TRLE that isn't Tomb Raider Biohazard.

>> No.9145646

Has some best and worst design. Generally suffers from being needlessly obtuse in critical paths and unmappable. Unmatched ambience, good writing, looks very sexy, deagle, good use of quad bike.

>> No.9145975

I bought all of the old Tomb Raider games after beating the nu-Raider trilogy. Which one should I play first.
No, poorfag didn't have Sony consoles growing up.

>> No.9146041

Not a damn thing wrong with that. Nu Laura is otherwise an unlikable little shit and when I played the reboot I was actively cheering for the so-called villains.

>> No.9146093

Wait you play as a girl the entire time?

>> No.9146331

I never played uncharted, but the tomb raider reboot pissed me off so much. Why not just make a fucking movie? Oh wait...

>> No.9146464
File: 106 KB, 1024x1366, lara_croft___tr2_by_dalejomej_df56n22-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually surprised that tumblr acknowledges classic Lara by not putting that shitty green necklace, lots of recent Lara art is ruined by it.
Start with the original, obviously.
Aside of a few levels in AoD, yes.

>> No.9146495

Anime Lara is so underrated and would be really popular if a full game was ever made.

>> No.9146497

>want to
She has already been heavily implied to be gay for her Japanese friend since the 2013 game.

>> No.9146502

These sequences are just interactive cut scenes, not primary gameplay.

>> No.9146503

In my country we pronounced "Tomb Raider" like how it's spelt.
"Tomb" is just "Tom" with a b, and "Raider" like "rider".

>> No.9146514
File: 172 KB, 900x1421, lara_croft_by_alyxel_df7y1zn-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavic country?

>> No.9146525
File: 25 KB, 400x572, Lara Weller as Lara (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9146527

Try again.

>> No.9146567

... we are doing some Disney TV series?
... will Lara be a princess?

>> No.9146571

>t. zoomer trying to fit in
Here is a clue: you are on /vr/. Discuss /vr/ titles. Problem solved all by itself

Easily my favourite and the one I return to the most.
I DO cheat-skip London, thou, so go figure.

>> No.9146573
File: 396 KB, 1570x1536, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still trying to stir things up
Go touch grass. You badly need it

>> No.9146575

I never had any console at all and yet played those games, so I fail to see your line of thinking, zoom-zoom.
If you already have them bought, then play them chronologically, duh. Why even shit so obvious has to be spoonfed to underages?

>> No.9146576
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>> No.9146603
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I know Chronicles gets a bad rep. But I genuinely loved the Ireland levels. It was actually kind of refreshing to have a level focused entirely on puzzle solving and platforming. And the subject matter was interesting enough that I would love a whole Tomb Raider game centered on celtic lore.

>> No.9146608

India and Oogabooga Island is up there with the best levels ever.

>> No.9146613

It was a cool idea but so difficult to figure out your heading. I found it more frustrating rather than fun unfortunately. Also playing as kid Lara weirds me out.

>> No.9146628

Tom Riddle Chronicles

>> No.9146634

Noż kurwa.

>> No.9146638

This is the one I an the most fond of. The difficulty and level design are all over the place, but for me, it's probably one of the more solid entries. And I like that none of the enviroments outstay their welcome, always offering something fresh.

>> No.9146643

I still remember that even Polish TV fell into that pronounciation trap, when advertising the Angelina Jolie movie. Up until someone told told the announcers to get fucking professional and read out the title of the movie properly.

>> No.9146754

Nobody cares. Even today.
Do you see anyone correcting everyone they are saying "budget" wrong, or just roll with the fact it's budżet?

>> No.9146758

The primary gameplay of nu-Raider is one-shotting 500 dudes in the head with a silenced pistol and rummaging their pockets for replacement ammo. Makes bloody uninspired gameplay if you ask me, and that despite original TR combat getting bad rap (mostly by twitchy zoom-zooms, the irony).

>> No.9146761

God I wish for some Re\Visioned style of thing being made.

>> No.9146774

>post actual lara next time.
Well get on with it, faggot

>> No.9146806

>and that despite original TR combat getting bad rap
You know, as much as I love the originals, I don't think we would lose much if we were to remove the combat altogether.

>> No.9146815

The original combat is fine, half the fun was being able to bound about rooms dodging enemies

>> No.9146845

Agreed for the most part. The series would have been vastly better if hitscan ranged enemies had to keep steady aim on you to hit you, and you were visibly dodging a laser sight beam or something. Combat against melee or thrown projectiles is fine.

>> No.9146970

So what's the best of the retro Tomb Raider games?

>> No.9147115

I was talking to my boss about Tomb Raider yesterday, he is a boomer who likes the movies. I still haven't seen any of the new ones but Vikander strikes me as a crap Lara, I get that Lara's supposed to be younger in those movies but she is pretty childish and unconvincing as an action hero compared to Jolie

>> No.9147126
File: 444 KB, 565x1100, kit-kit-kit-Finally-Got-672068597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vikander's movie is based on the nu-reboot.

>> No.9147152
File: 2.81 MB, 800x416, Enemy can't hit-scan you, if you keep moving, zoomer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, depends on the level, really. As far as I care, TLR had the perfect amount of enemies. The fact 2/3 of them are normally unkillable with basic attacks and majority of those are flat-out immortal was an added bonus

>Zoomer going full zoom-zoom-zoom
Literally git gud, faggot, instead of being retarded

>> No.9147219

What's this comic? I really like the art style.
Reminds me of Bionicle comics and DC in general.

>> No.9147229

>Being this new

>> No.9147342

Never played TR.

>> No.9147375

They just canned the sequel due to MGM losing the rights. It's a good thing, though, since Misha Green (of the ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL show Lovecraft Country) was writing it.

>> No.9147623
File: 384 KB, 1198x918, Tomb Raider Saturn vs PS1 Draw Distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about replaying the first game earlier today.

I like the Saturn version over the PS1 port even though the framerate chugs more often. The Saturn's D-Pad is significantly better than the shit one on the PS1's controller and its nice being able to see the other side of a room. The Cistern is a fucking slideshow when you raise the water level though.

>> No.9147857

TopCow had a license to make TR comics and TR-crossovers, taken from them when Legend was made.
Or rather - the negotiations went nowhere once Crystal Dynamics took over as a dev, while mandating TopCow will axe the ongoing series and withdraw from making future TR comics. So they did that, made a TR: Legend promo (kinda) and... that's it.
Ironically, I think the image posted is one of the final issues, either 48 or 49.
It's kind of a shame they ultimately withdraw from it, especially given it wasn't unwillingless of both sides to work on new continuity or anything like that, but because their legal departments couldn't come to an agreement.

>> No.9149038
File: 562 KB, 600x1077, wickellia-Lara-Croft-Tomb-Raider-2-917172770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9149271

Good luck doing that in Area 51. Hell, good luck doing it on Deck. Hitscanners are just a health tax.

>> No.9149495
File: 183 KB, 1024x1244, lara nevada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 is all ancient ruins with 1 exception near the end. It's animals, monsters, and a few human bosses.

2 has some ancient ruins, but also outdoors levels and urban/techno levels. It's animals, monsters, and tons of human enemies.

3 has some ancient ruins, but also outdoors levels and urban/techno levels, but it's outdoors levels are my favorite levels in the entire series. It's animals, monsters, and human enemies in a pretty even amount. People always complain about london; I liked it but I really hated Nevada after the first level.

I didn't play 4; wasn't my cup of tea.

Those are the classic TRs, though none will ever match the pure "soul" of 1. 3 is my favorite.

>> No.9149572
File: 496 KB, 500x686, lolth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, stop bullying me for being a twitchy zoom-zoom
I bet you call this game on "muh tank controls", too

>> No.9149609

This is some weird-ass cope, mate. Considering the enemy in question is considered "impossible" to dodge, and the webm shows just that, but you are STILL complaining about "hitscanners".
"The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle."
Ever heard this one?

>> No.9149625

No. They were standard for the time and are still fine today.
That enemy is - as shown - in the perfect position to be juked out by rolling. Enemies have to face you to fire. However, you can't do this with enemies at range, especially in groups. The only options then are tanking the damage or retreating into cover and hoping the enemies don't bunch up too much when they chase.

>> No.9149632

>"muh tank controls"
What does that even mean?

>> No.9149672

It's annoying, but it means controls that always respect Lara's left/right, not the camera. Tanks don't really steer like that (that's to do with relative speed of each track, there's no camera in real life either) so it's a misnomer.

>> No.9149695

>That enemy is - as shown - in the perfect position to be juked out by rolling
So is literally every single motherfucking enemy that you encounter when not being forced to be also crouched (which only ever happens once, in TR3).
Want to complain about enemies? How about just about anything that has homing attacks, from which you CAN'T dodge in any fucking way and your only hope is dropping the fucker dead before being attacked or at least prevent them from using that attack (given they usually operate as a boss fight).

>> No.9150353
File: 2.18 MB, 498x368, lara-croft-tomb-raider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9150667

I liked 3 but it tends to be way too difficult to figure out what you were supposed to do or where to go in some places. And while its annoying that Nevada takes away your gear in a game where you can choose which location you want to go through, its probably my favorite interpetation of the "no guns" level trope in the trilogy.
The Lost Artifact is amazing and has some of the most creative levels in the series, shame none of the gold expansions are distributed anywhere though.

>> No.9150743

That's not a trope

>> No.9150962

Area 51, Antarctica, lud's gate and Temple of Puna all have longer ranged encounters. That's just in TR3. You can only juke like that in the same 1-2 grid squares. Outside that range, you're at the mercy of the animation length and whether the AI decides to shoot or move.
Homing attacks, as far as I remember, are only present in the Willard encounter and the whole point is that you aren't supposed to trigger it.

>> No.9150973

Anyone got the GBA source for OpenLara? I want to add some optimizations.

>> No.9150980

they called Jesus a zoomer because he told the truth

>> No.9151487
File: 1.83 MB, 875x908, lara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish indie companies would get on this shit

>> No.9152158

>No, you can't move to avoid being hit, you will be scanned!
>Jumping? Why would I jump around when shooting a gun?
Filtered, as always with zoomers

>> No.9152159

>Shitty pixel-art Lara on spaghetti code in Unreal, with 2.5 D graphics
No thank you

>> No.9152218

Machine gunners and pistol guys are more than capable of hitting Lara in the air. The fabled side flip does reduce incoming damage but only by a fraction.

>> No.9152224

>He jumps on the side
>Not over the target
>He doesn't flip mid-air to pump their backs with shotgun
Filtering intensifies

I mean fucking teenage me figured it out without anyone telling me, why (supposedly) adult (You) can't? Is it that you are retarded, or because you talk about games you didn't actually play? Or you have a genuine neurological disorder of any kind that impaired your ability to operate in a 3D environment?

>> No.9152254

No, you're just not listening. Juking out enemies by rapidly passing over/through them requires close range. When you begin further away you must close the distance. During that time, enemies with hitscan weapons cannot be evaded. That is not good design.
Syphon Filter, a contemporary of the classic TR trilogy, worked out how to make movement based combat against hitscanners work with information facing the player and counter tactics available. Despite Lara's superior agility, Core didn't have the understanding of systems necessary to implement such mechanics.
You're really doubling down on the personal insults but you need to realise you're just wrong. Factually incorrect.

>> No.9152264
File: 93 KB, 462x768, pancake posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, they hitscan you! You are not listening how they all hitscan you, for they hitscan you, the fucking hitscanners
Don't you have some other thread to act like a retard in?
>You're really doubling down on the personal insults
There is literally nothing else to do, given you have no fucking clue about the games and gameplay you are harping about.

>> No.9152268

>classic TR trilogy
There is no such thing, you dumb retard. Why do you insist on it is beyond me, but at least easier to spot you each and every time you come out of the woodwork to shitpost in TR threads about "muh hitscan"
Git gud or get lost

>> No.9152279

You can't seriously view TLR and Chronicles as equal to 1-3? You're insane.

>> No.9152289
File: 146 KB, 800x1133, tomb_raider_iv_by_diabolumberto_dd3a3ne-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLR is the best tr game.

>> No.9152340

After reading this thread I decided to try TR1 and is the level design supposed to be really bad in this one? I won't even complain about the combat because I always knew it was bad since you just draw your weapon and starts shooting aimlessly. But the levels are so empty, level 1 is basically a whole 7 minute long corridor and while level 2 gets a bit open it's still not impressive. Are things going to get better or should I skip to TR2?

>> No.9152385

TR1's level design is extremely sparse due to how early it was for the PS1. However, the moments it does have are pretty great. Linearity is fairly high for the same sort of reasons. TR2 builds on this, and then TR3 has arguably too much level design.

>> No.9152597

I've had that thought about Syphon Filter's "danger" bar in TR too. Would work really well.

>> No.9152619
File: 1019 KB, 1022x970, 1652885033884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Cistern is a fucking slideshow when you raise the water level though.
I'm actually playing the Saturn version right now and came in the thread just to discuss my disdain for The Cistern.

>> No.9152621
File: 552 KB, 806x772, disgusted and tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't seriously view TLR as equal to 1-3
Here, grab the final (You) and get the fuck out of here

>> No.9152625


>> No.9152626

TR1 level design is one part experiment (as in "what we can do with the engine we did"), one part going with the flow and one part actual puzzles. I've argue it's the most backtrack-heavy TR, but there is always middle part of TR2, not to mention Chronicles.

>> No.9152627

*I'd argue

>> No.9152712

>enemies with hitscan weapons cannot be evaded
well its a good thing the game throws more medpacks than you could possibly use at you

>> No.9152775

Are you retarded? Last Revelation is objectively the best one. There is no trilogy, its considered a series of four

>> No.9152825

2-4 are a lot better games. But TR1 levels do get better as you progress

>> No.9152838

>Literal bandaid over the problem
This can't possibly be your real opinion. I never actually completed 4 back in the day. I traded it back in in disgust. No globetrotting, boring levels, boring "story," ugly visuals, and it's so fucking repetitive.

>> No.9152860

Mental retardation must be hard to live with. 4 did everything better than the first three

>> No.9152867

What's life like in the mirror universe? Do they have churros there?

>> No.9152882

I can't tell if you really are retarded or just an elaborate troll
Go look at popularity polls on TombRaiderForums, the Last Revelation wins every single one of them in a landslide, and there have been probably over a hundred popularity polls about the games over the years
4 is by far the most popular one, because it is by far the best one. 3 could be arguably the best one too, they are both very equal. But overall 4 is actually the most popular by a large margin.

>> No.9152883

4 was ugly and boring
I love 1-3 but I couldn't get into 4

>> No.9152896

Jesus. Well, I'm glad I never really dipped into the community. That would have filled me with rage.

>> No.9152904

Yeah it seems you have autism. Causes bad taste and irrational rage.

>> No.9152947

they probably just like it because dialogue and story

>> No.9152964

Doesn't 4 just have Lara alone in a series of brown tunnels? Is there much dialogue?

>> No.9152972

yes, there is
the start has that gay little master-and-apprentice thing going on, then theres lots of cutscenes later

>> No.9153067

4 has the best level design, best setting, best gameplay since its the same in all of them except improved in each sequel
You are coping so hard kek
You have never played the game, it has by far the most beautiful and impressive locations. You must be thinking of TR2, thats the one with ugly levels
The game has like one cutscene every 5 hours retard
Drop the cope, 4 has objectively the best everything

>> No.9153080

egypt is not the best setting, its one-note and boring
and everything is ugly
I dont want endless puzzles in a TR game, and god forbid I see a leaf somewhere

>> No.9153249

There's more variety in both level design and aesthetic design of TR4 areas than any of the previous games, despite it taking entirely place in Egypt.
You obviously didn't play the game.

>> No.9153460

Are you fucking kidding me? https://popov72.github.io/TRN2/ Check it yourself without the nostalgia goggles. It's 50 shades of fucking beige.
TR3's South Pacific ALONE looks more varied.

>> No.9153589

>or just an elaborate troll
Anon, he's blatantly shitposting the whole fucking thread, first about "muh hitscan" and now "TLR was actually le bad" and you need to wonder

>t. filtered by Karnak
Good, worked as intended

>> No.9153590

I remember playing 4 getting to like the karnak temple before stopping.
I honestly felt like the level design was more straight forward and didnt give that sense of scale the other games had.
In general not a fan of these more bite sized levels of which you just have more.
Does it get better later on level design wise?

>> No.9153591

I'm not sure what's more depressive: another TR thread derailed by a moron or the fact said moron does it for his own, genuine entertainment.

>> No.9153595

>I stopped the game when it applied the filter on me
Karnak is literally designed to filter cunts out. If you got filtered - you're a cunt. As for the game: it gets immensely better, since it's the best Core-era TR.

>> No.9153610

Nah I like difficult games.
I am just really hooked on the level design in these games.
All the prior levels were fine but the felt so brief and direct.
Not really something I want from a TR game

>it gets immensely better
Like complex level design with huge areas that make you come back to older places from a different approach?

>> No.9153623

That too.
Play it and you will find out. But Karnak is literally designed to filter cunts, deliberately so.

>> No.9153638

Oh wow. I just loaded up my save and it directly puts me at the start of karnak temple.
I didnt even had the chance to see it ramp up.
Now I know better.
Thank you for the information.
The level design better not disappoint.

>> No.9153730

What nostalgia goggles? I play these games all the time. 4 is objectively a billion times better than TR 1 and 2. They don't come anywhere even fucking close to it. Only 3 is arguably equal or maybe the best even, but 3 has some areas that are not that fun. 4 is just perfect from beginning to end.
You're just a tasteless nigger. 4 has by far the best looking areas.

>> No.9155170
File: 62 KB, 625x1215, illyne-863368111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9155178

>All this arguing over which game has the best/worst levels.
Am i the only one in the world who views all 5 games as one big TR saga of both connected and non-connected adventures? Really, every TR installment had its good and bad levels. But their design approach is all consistant and basically just varies in ambition. The only real difference across the games was the Lara model and the additions of platforming mechanics (ladders, crawling, sprints, ect) which in turn of course alter the level design, but not by much.

>> No.9155494

>poorfag didn't have Sony consoles growing up
Cool to know I was rich in retrospective. And so were every kid in South America or Europe with a chipped ps1/ps2.

>> No.9156542

Its more related because men like her than because they care about character development.

>> No.9156946
File: 134 KB, 206x318, 1644559679328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads. Original trilogy, TR 1, 2 and 3.

What's the best game as a whole?

>> No.9157025

1. 2 and 3 have higher highs but lower lows.

>> No.9157085


>> No.9157153


>> No.9157739

NTA, but to be fair, I got filtered by Cairo. I have vehicle sections and that vehicle section really outstays its welcome.
But maybe I got eventually burned out by marathoning all 4 TR games in a row.

>> No.9157978

Are you French by any chance?
I am and I grew with everyone pronouncing it like that
When I figured out it was pronounced something like "Toom" I almost cringed and refused to say it the right way because "Toom" sounds like a silly word

>> No.9158087
File: 8 KB, 254x198, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this arguing
Except nobody was arguing, and it was just blatant bait by the same faggot as always
>Rest of the post
Oh wow, symmetrism

>> No.9158092

There is no trilogy, spammer faggot
Trilogies only apply to Crystal Dynamic's games

>> No.9158123

I like the games where she raids tombs.
So, 1 and 4

>> No.9158439

3 does not have a mixed reception... 3 and 4 are the most popular ones

>> No.9158446

>didn't play 4, the one that is MOST about raiding ancient tombs and ruins and has the most soul

>> No.9159001

Is there anyway to get footage of a level like 40 fathoms with no water? Or does this footage already exist? I just need to see the opening area ran around with no water would be so cool

>> No.9159094


>> No.9159143

its not fun bro
it doesnt even look nice (though lara does)

>> No.9159419
File: 1.30 MB, 500x375, ovauvlvgVo1w75yxgo1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9159431

I meant her in-game model
though she does have juicy mommy milkers in the movie bits

>> No.9160881

>I didn't play the game in question
>But I have a strong opinion about it
Zoomer moment

>> No.9161273

who said I didnt play it?
oh wait you did

>> No.9162176

>replaying 4
>reach Menkaure pyramid
>find a guard getting attacked by a giant scorpion
>"quick, hide from the danger in the pyramid" >if you didn't use the grenade launcher or explosive ammo to save him
>an axe swing by as soon as you enter
wew lad

>> No.9163125
File: 3.05 MB, 1600x1069, 1660075603914685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked the spinoffs better

>> No.9163438
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>> No.9163606
File: 2.21 MB, 2560x1440, Tomb Raider Legend Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game is supposed to "sell" you on this series? I've played five of the games so far (Legend, Anniversary, Underworld, 2013, Rise), and have only enjoyed one (Legend).
Are the Core games better?

>> No.9163621

Nice! Thank you for posting as promised. Does it take a lot of time to set up render?

>> No.9163630

If you liked legend but not anni/underworld, I'm afraid you won't be fond of core games.

>> No.9163676

Yeah a little bit, mostly to set up materials and lighting and all that stuff.

>> No.9163801

I hated legend and thought UW was an improvement, but they are ultimately faux-platformers. Nothing like the Core TRs - the only true TR games.

>> No.9164874
File: 13 KB, 720x82, intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... what?

>> No.9164884

>and have only enjoyed one (Legend).
TR3 is your way to go, then. Action-packed, location-flipping, quite diverse in themes and tone and generally speaking, easily most accessible of all TRs
Word of advice: on your first contact with TR3, you want to do Nevada as first location to visit. You probably already know why, but if you don't, then for a first timer I suggest doing Nevada->South Pacific->London order. Just make sure Nevada comes first

>> No.9164995
File: 3.06 MB, 2208x2522, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9165050
File: 74 KB, 1280x1024, screen10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another great render, did you have much experience with it before?
AoD Lara is really pretty, but did you rip any other models?

>> No.9165225

Can TR3 be played standalone or do I need context of other games? I'm willing to try it out because I've loved '98 games.

>> No.9165235
File: 603 KB, 1280x1721, tomb_raider_iii__20_years_of_tomb_raider_by_keithbyrne-dam8by0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no recurring characters in tr3, it's just one of Lara's adventures.

>> No.9165454

Dude this is perfect thank you. The actual opening area map has some cool terrain areas but you'd die trying to see them cuz air and shark surely lol. How cool

>> No.9165486

I had a relationship with a woman who loved Tomb Raider in the past. Now we aren't together and I hate Tomb Raider because it reminds me of her. Fuck you, OP

>> No.9165549

I didn't like Anniversary because I felt that it was essentially a Prince of Persia clone but worse in every way, from climbing to animations and combat. Legend's climbing is similar but the animations are... better? Smoother? And Legend had enough variation between climbing, combat, visiting different locales, etc. that made it more entertaining. Climbing animations and combat in Anniversary and Underworld were buggier and less responsive than Legend, for some reason, and it really took me out of the experience. Especially Underworld, which has some of the worst climbing animations and combat controls I've ever fucking witnessed in a high profile game of this type. The camera was also fucked beyond belief.
Legend wasn't an amazing game to me but it was at least fun while Anniversary and Underworld weren't to me due to those issues. Basically Anniversary felt like a boring one dimensional Prince of Persia clone and Underworld had shitty animations, combat, and camera.
I didn't like 2013 or Rise because well, they're just boring with Lara being a complete tool and feeling too cinematic and scripted like I'm watching a movie and not allowed to fail because I'm a little baby gamer who needs to be handheld.

>> No.9165559

Sorry to hear that anon. I instead associate Tomb Raider with flopping futa dicks because I once met and fucked this transgirl who loved retro games after she invited me to play a bunch of PS1 and SNES game over at her place. We were playing Tomb Raider 3 and it was I think the desert level when she starts caressing my crotch and I reciprocate, we start kissing and 2 minutes later she's bouncing naked on my cock as I penetrate her. Her barely erect dick is wiggling up and down with each thrust and then she comes and spurts a few drops on the coffee table in front of the crt monitor, while I cum in her ass. After we are done I help clean the mess up, I pick up the cum stained case of Tomb Raider 3, look at Lara and think to myself: "Thanks, Lara Croft."

>> No.9166205
File: 1.25 MB, 350x196, 1645217133247.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've started TR3 on PS1 like I mentioned, beat Nevada first and just beat South Pacific. I got a fucking extra secret on one of the Pacific levels, 4 out of 3. I wonder if the final result will count that as well. I guess I'll save a long review post when I beat the game, but I really wanted to mention that the kayak section is one of the worst sections I've seen in a game. It's like your control inputs become merely a suggestion that the game mostly ignores. The one saving grace is that it's a short section. Also fuck poison.

>> No.9166216

kayak controls are shit
still probably my favorite level though

>> No.9166374

I've used blender a bit over the years, mostly for modding other games, not much for rendering. Also yes, I've only ripped the AOD models so far. She's by far my favorite, but if I end up replaying the other games maybe I'll make something with Legend or Underworld Lara.

>> No.9166409

I think South Pacific is probably one of my favourite level sets in the whole series in terms of tone, visuals and setting (also, Lara's outfit :3) I just find them too easy and too short, kayak notwithstading, which is a shame.
As for the poison - by the time I hit South Pacific I was swimming in 40+ medpacks, so poison was never a problem.

>> No.9166417
File: 140 KB, 900x1440, lara_croft__tomb_raider_legend_4_by_irishhips-d4xmzgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just showing, amateur renders always have that weird lighting that makes everything look off. Your renders are on point, if you'll make more of them you should consider uploading it somewhere like deviantart, I look for new Lara art/render pretty often here.
AoD Lara is a great choice, she' really underrated due to her game bad reputation. I think she's the second best after "the seductress" from TR:Legend.

>> No.9166418

The motorbike levels killed the game for me. They felt so incredibly cheap. Legend Game play was just such an 'on-rails' experience compared to Cores stuff and i recently played all these games to completion just last year. The one good thing about Legend is how it expands on Lara's past and relationship with her mother. So there was a bit of intrigue there. But nu-raider gameplay completely forgetable all up. The Core series is wonderful and at times, rises to true greatness in platforming level design. Nu-raider just does not come close.

>> No.9166425

>Legend Game play was just such an 'on-rails' experience compared to Cores stuff
I actually wonder how would you do a modern TR game that's not "on rails" when it comes to platforming. I guess even AssCreed games now play themselves in this "hold a button and the platforming performs itself" way.

>> No.9166431

I mean I haven't used a single large medpack, I'm at 17 of those. Poison is just cheap to make you waste a pack even though you don't need it.

>> No.9166461

Again, I blame devs copying Prince of Persia for any and all climbing mechanics.

>> No.9166465
File: 1.32 MB, 2700x3300, tomb-raider-legend-lara-croft-model-artwork-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amateur renders always have that weird lighting that makes everything look off.
Yeah no joke, I spend half the time messing with the lighting to try and make it look good but I can't get it right. I'll consider uploading them somewhere depending on how many more I end up doing, right now I'm mostly just experimenting.
Also yeah, Legend Lara is pretty damn good too.

>> No.9166473

I had a knockoff burned copy of Tomb Raider 2 from Singapore or something and the jewel case was titled "Tom Rider 2". I wanna play that game.

>> No.9166582

>Core-era games
The context is that you are in control of Lara Croft, a world-famous adventurer. Everything else is self-contained and one of the biggest cancers introduced to those games and franchise at large was "muh continuity".
You install the game and you have fun, that's literally it. Even the most "context-sensitive" AoD requires from you to know that Lara had a rough adventure in Egypt and is bitter about its resolution - which the game tells you in the very fucking opening.

>> No.9166592

>I got a fucking extra secret on one of the Pacific levels, 4 out of 3. I wonder if the final result will count that as well.
It's a well-known bug and as a result allows you to skip 1 of any of the hard/obnoxious secrets from the game.
>but I really wanted to mention that the kayak section is one of the worst sections I've seen in a game
Play it on PC and it's one of the highlights of not just TR3, but Core-era. And I'm not shitting you, genuinely mean it.

>> No.9166602

So when did you come out to your parents as gay then?

>> No.9166608

>Play it on PC and it's one of the highlights of not just TR3, but Core-era
NTA, but I played it on PC (several times) and I still have no idea how kayaking works.

>> No.9166809

Use arrow keys to move. What there is more to understand there?

>> No.9166813

Reminder you must be 30 to use this board

>> No.9166862

Do you have a collection of these somewhere? I want em

>> No.9166876

Use any given 4chan archive that stores /vr/

>> No.9166879
File: 893 KB, 1024x576, tr tlr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9166891

there are three threads with these webm's, including this one. Two of them only have one of the videos. It's why I asked.

>> No.9166910
File: 1.53 MB, 858x1080, 1660075016824401.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9167234

>Being this bad at searching
But here is a clue: that's all that is.

>> No.9167693

I find it hard to believe playing on PC would make that section fun, even though I know the PC version is the best way to play TR3 more so than the other Core TRs. I have them all in my collection however and that's how I'm gonna play them. Once I'm done with 3 I'll move to the Dreamcast for TLR and Chronicles.
That's what I figured about the bug, but I'm still going to get all collectibles in the game.

>> No.9168261

Poison guarantees you'll need a medipack if you take a single hit, but it also only needs one medipack for a combat encounter no matter how many hits. Just shoot everyone in the nearby area and then heal once. In a lot of ways, it's actually easier than regular combat, and the real wizards will still get through unscathed.

>> No.9168757

Remember, once you get 100% of secrets, you'll get to see naked Lara!
And unlock a secret level or something.

>> No.9169669

i genuinely don't remember there being jiggle physics

>> No.9169684

4 is by far the best one

>> No.9169798

Absolutely filtered

>> No.9169848

nuh uh

>> No.9169849

>this game is good
k m8

>> No.9170028

>I find it hard to believe playing on PC would make that section fun
Nigger, I only ever learned that people hate Madubu Gorge by late 00s, and then turned out all the complainers were playing on PS1. This level is lit on PC. You have unironically better controls and since you can actually save when needed, rather than barely at all, it's not a big deal if you fuck any part of it up.

>> No.9170523

>You have unironically better controls

Expand on this. The controls on both platforms are completely digital.

>> No.9170891


wow that is a nice picture

>> No.9170923
File: 141 KB, 354x528, smugness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is she so smug about?

>> No.9170982
File: 18 KB, 700x394, 1595879172966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows she's the best girl.

>> No.9170993

I loved the first one a lot but Tomb Raider 2 having so much fucking human combat made me drop the series. I think I'll just skip straight to 4 and then stop.

I did like the sunken ship in TR2 though.

>> No.9171032

Oh look it's this faggot again. Fuck off nigger, just because you personally know how to cheese every individual enemy in the game because you played this game a hundred fucking times for some fucking reason doesn't mean that any of these encounters are actually well designed.

>> No.9171369

gee, I dunno
11/10 body, beautiful face
stupid rich
world class athlete
famous for catching/killing bigfoot
does secret super special shit as her main occupation
gets to kill tigers and dinosaurs and italians and all sorts of other monsters

>> No.9172362

>Oh look at this cope.Just because you can't figure out how to deal with enemies in the game because you're brain-dead and also can't experiment for shit doesn't mean for any reason those encounters are tough, hard or challenging
Imagine lashing out, because you can't play the game and are a total scrub, so you decide to go on a rant. Just imagine.
And before you start writing another angry reply: I'm neither the anon who casually recorded that webm for idiot like you nor the guy who reposted it. But still - git gud.

>> No.9172363

Nta, but when it comes to kayak, you have both a slight control lag on PS1, and, more importantly, for whatever reason your "sprint kayaking" is genuinely slower than on PC. Meaning you either cheese it (going backward is faster, don't ask), or you have to struggle with the kayak. Add to this PS1 save system for TR3 and you get one of the most hated levels, despite it being in the same time one of the most fun ones - just not on PS1.

>> No.9172367

Try out TR3, mate. It's fun. At least try India and South Pacific and then get a save for Antarctica if you don't feel like doing Nevada or London (urban raider + lots of humans).

>> No.9172453

>You are bad, therefore the game is good
Retard I'm not saying they are too difficult, they are too shit. Tomb Raider 1 actually designs its levels around the few hitscan enemies it has instead of just mindlessly throwing them in an open spaces or tiny hallways with no cover. There is just no thought put into the combat at all, resulting in a janky fucking game. That is the point I'm trying to make that you're conveniently avoiding. The comical amount of enemies also ruins the immersion the first game had.

>> No.9172545

>Doubling down on copium

>> No.9172682

>no arguments so resorts to buzzwords and "ur bad"

>> No.9172943
File: 26 KB, 460x395, a9pWgQW_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's exactly what you are doing, so why should anyone take you serious or even engage an argument with you?
Come back when you learn how to play the game, rather than inventing excuses why you suck at it so badly

>> No.9173407

I breezed through the game after the first couple of maps and only had trouble in a few specific situations but that's not even relevant. We're talking about how good the game is, not how good I am. Do you seriously think that calling me bad somehow proves your point? Fucking grow up, talking to you feels like I'm back in middle school.

>> No.9174139
File: 1.20 MB, 1765x2902, screen90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine arguing about stupid shit instead of posting Lara

>> No.9175568
File: 1.25 MB, 1850x3402, screen25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much

>> No.9175660
File: 316 KB, 1241x893, lcaofvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was raiding men's hearts left and right for more than two decades already.

>> No.9176192

tomb raider, como se dice en español

>> No.9177375
File: 106 KB, 600x819, lara_croft__tomb_raider_by_blondesquirrel_d18ztl1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9177381

>The best Lara Croft websites

>> No.9179154

This intrigues me. i wonder if lara in chains was in there?

>> No.9179160
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>> No.9180449
File: 297 KB, 2160x2160, classic_raider_109_by_tombraider4ever-dbms05l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9180867

guide to playing ps2 era games? release order? should I skip any shit ones? should I start with the anniversary remake? haven't played the original for ages so maybe I should

>> No.9181778
File: 230 KB, 1920x1200, 225020_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Release order. Also don't skip AoD, it's not that buggy anymore and it's not that bad too.

>> No.9182608

>should I start with the anniversary remake
Only if you hate yourself. It's easily the worst game pre-nuLara, and that's an achievement, considering Chronicles and AoD exist.

>> No.9182712
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>> No.9184404
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x640, tr2___hd_textures_preview__menu__by_vict0rxd-d9c0kzj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9186443

I've been monkeying with re-keying some of the textures for TR3. It strikes me that one of the flaw of the first few games is the lack of a consistent visual language (climbable walls don't look that climbable compared to other surfaces, etc) and maybe that could be fixed.
Then I realised that they're fucking 64 pixels square and I'm amazed they got as much visual definition in as they did.

>> No.9186447
File: 1.26 MB, 636x520, screen6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks again, time flies so fast...