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9139917 No.9139917 [Reply] [Original]

why yes, I do take a tasteful, scented, candlelit bath surrounded by vibration-positive earth minerals while listening to Alice in Chains and playing DOOM on my Baseoid Pocket Double Plus+(+). how could you tell?

>> No.9139943 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9139952


You do you

>> No.9139968

I'd do me.

>> No.9140000

havent seen this one in awhile

>> No.9140016

>candle that smells like leaves
God damn dude, just go sit in a lake.

>> No.9140036
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In case any of you are wondering, here's OP in the pic.

>> No.9140039

i would but that would make it much more difficult to enjoy the soulful, melodic tones of the late Layne Staley's voice and the rich, textured instrumentals of one Jerry Cantrell while simultaneously enjoying my Baseoid Pocket Double Plus+(+).

>> No.9140040
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>> No.9140045
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good one, you got me

>> No.9140046


I laughed, well done anon

>> No.9140101
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In the name of the patron saint George Wood, his holiness, I bless this thread and call upon the archons of blissful fate to grant all who see this post with good health, fortune and happiness. Yet thou must knowest; woe unto they who curse and spite our most valued and treasured relic, the Baseoid Pocket Double Plus+(+), for they shall be damned, summoned unto the stench of 1000 nigger women menstruating for time immemorial, and fated to wander this earth alone in search of purpose until their day of passing. Dear Saint Wood and heavenly helpers, grant these misbegotten souls your mercy.

>> No.9140105

I have the SNES colored one, kind of wish I got the black one instead

>> No.9140112

sell it and buy another

>> No.9140174

I dunno, I got lucky with the screen panel (very very little backlight bleed, which is a common problem with these), and no button issues
I may just sell it once I get my steam dick later this year

>> No.9140353

does that thing even let you fondle admiringly?

>> No.9140382

Weird hobby crossover. I don't hate it, though.

>> No.9140415

I just like things that make me feel comfortable, man. It's been a long life, I just want to listen to good tunes and play a good game and feel nice cool water and soak in positive vibes.

>> No.9140430

And you'll always be your one and only

>> No.9140439

I have 3 kids and a girlfriend of 10 years (I don't believe in marriage because the sanctity of union has been ruined by homosexuals and freemasons). literally just be yourself bro.

>> No.9140443

>using electronics in a steamy environment

>> No.9140450

I take cold baths, I hate heat, and this thing cost me $99, I can doordash another one in like 3 hours if it shits on me

>> No.9140453

I have 18 kids and 4 girlfriends with their own wives and we live in space with willy wonka.

>> No.9140459

It's sad that you think enjoying video games and scented, candlelit baths while still having a family are mutually exclusive interests. It doesn't have to be like that, man. work hard every day and embrace your autism and reject anyone who doesn't accept you for who you are and you'll quickly find happiness.

>> No.9140464

How can you disprove what i said? Why does it upset you so much you project like you did?

>> No.9140478
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I don't know why you think I'm upset, brother. I'm just telling you how it be, because it do. you gotta stop being so negative. listen, I want you to look at this horse. look at him. stare deeply into his eyes. he's a beautiful and friendly horse wearing christmas-themed attire. he doesn't have a single negative thought in the world. he just wants to be your friend. you gotta be more like this horse, man. just buy a Basedoid Pocket Double Plus+(+) and your life will improve dramatically, trust me.

>> No.9140484

Ooh i see. youre just here to sell a product.

>> No.9140497

I'm here to sell you happiness. If that happens to come in the form of an incredibly aesthetic and user-friendly, handeld, Android-powered console then so be it (it's only $99 plus shipping, by the way). you know what though? if you don't want to join the Basedoid community, so be it. you can still find happiness in other things, like seltzer water, or moderate consumption of cigarettes. the world is your oyster, brother man.

>> No.9140504

You really do talk like you much dick.

>> No.9140516

>much dick
well, I do have a large penile gland.