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9136063 No.9136063 [Reply] [Original]

Name one game that has better atmosphere and immersion than this.

>> No.9136069 [DELETED] 

knack 2

>> No.9136074

prime's immersion is overrated, too cartoony and segmented.

>> No.9136098

Cartoony? In what way? I never felt like it.

>> No.9136156

Red Sea Crossing for Atari 2600.

>> No.9136164

Fable is about equal

>> No.9136175


>> No.9136185

All of them.

>> No.9136226


>> No.9136245

Deus Ex

>> No.9136249

System Shock 2

>> No.9136263

Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Ico

>> No.9136273

Too much scanning for my liking. Otherwise fantastic.

>> No.9136297

Some opinions are factually wrong. There are technical design elements that objectively give games what's known as atmosphere, Prime has them.

>> No.9136301

>le walk around and scan items while doing nothing game

>> No.9136395
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>> No.9136435

>le walk around and swings his sword while doing nothing game
>le walk around and shoots things while doing nothing game
>le walk around and punches enemies while doing nothing game
>le drive around while doing nothing game

We can keep going forever.

>> No.9136492
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>> No.9136519

>cluttered UI

>> No.9136529

The difference is you don’t have to sit through a purely cosmetic loading screen to swing your sword, unlike prime where you sit through one just to read a half a page of lore
Besides Metroid shouldn’t have text dumps period

>> No.9136536
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>tfw your suit gets hacked by an enemy and you have to manually reboot to get your vision back

>> No.9136619

absolute kino

>> No.9136637

Such as?

>> No.9136645

Any Fromsoft game.

>> No.9136730

tried to replay this game but i didnt enjoy it at all anymore

>> No.9136903

vee tee em bee

>> No.9136912

>scan everything

>> No.9136943

I found it kinda boring and unable to see it what the fuss was all about. This always happens with nintendo games, but thief I thought was tremendous.

>> No.9136951

Quake of course

>> No.9136963

Have you played shadow tower on the ps1? Even in the first few areas the atmosphere is thick. Those giant slime skull guys that poison you are so creepy and that room with the body parts falling down the pit where the sound is heard from all over. Great stuff

>> No.9137014

I love 2D Metroid but the Prime games don't look nearly as great to me. They seem to be lacking. Could be that I am comparing them too much to the vast majority of other FPS that look way more fun but see that is the thing. Prime is still an FPS series of games. I don't care if its Metroid, it should look more engaging than these games do. Heard you can't even strafe in the games. Wack

>> No.9137356

Super Metroid

>> No.9137360

Powerslave for Saturn or the Exhumed version.

>> No.9137362

My thoughts exactly. Super Metroid went for realism, subsequent games have had a comicbook aesthetic.

Prime is a pretty game, and a fun one, and a moody one, but OP’s pic is a terrible example of atmosphere.

>> No.9137697

pretty damn hard to beat the first 15 minutes of Super Metroid though

>> No.9137703


>> No.9137990

Silent Hill 1&2

>> No.9137992
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>Super Metroid went for realism

>> No.9138114


>> No.9138119

You got it backwards, Metroid prior to Prime went for a comic book style the ad for Metroid 2 even called the game an American Comic styled games. Prime went instead for the usual western sixth gen realism and that realism bleed into the 2D games with Samus Returns and Dread. For the art of Super Metroid, Yuusuke Nakano was looking at the western comics he was reading/collecting at the time such as Spawn and Web of Spider-Man.

>> No.9138132

Cope. Nintendo games can never claim to have solid gameplay of lightening fast gction so they have to resort to coming up for words to describe bloat without saying their games are bloated.

>> No.9138142
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That cross pollination of East and West was great. The reason Marvel vs Capcom worked so well is the styles just seemed to mesh in the 90's, with American artists getting inspired by manga and anime and Japanese artists dabbling in western pop culture.
You could easily see Samus as a Mark Silvestri or Jim Lee pinup.

>> No.9138173
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All hack artists.

>> No.9138176
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>> No.9138182

>lightening fast gction
I'm not sure I have ever seen a game with "lightening fast gction". Is it abnormal for the color of gction to lighten slowly?

>> No.9138268

Check out non bloated, non eceleb approved games for a change.

>> No.9138303

What's that got to do with the lightened color of gction? What are you on about?

>> No.9138305

I think he suffers from terminal contrarian brainrot. Victims are often prone to irriational outbursts and lash out at others for no reason, they're excellent at derailing threads though. Best to just leave him be, anon.

>> No.9138460

Based. Quake and Prime are my two favorite first-person series.

>> No.9138603

I always thought that the fast paced fps were anything but atmospheric, since you don't even have time to appreciate the level design and such

>> No.9138615

doom eternal has a great atmosphere
but gameplay is so fast paced you will never notice it unless you purposely do it

>> No.9138664

I really wanted to get into the Prime series but it never sticked with me. I had even bought the trilogy on Wii. I just could never like it.

>> No.9138667

I think the problem is the games aren't as good as its fans pretend.

>> No.9138718

>Prime went instead for the usual western sixth gen realism
I can't place any specific influence but prime reminded me strongly of 00s western action adventure cartoons, that's what I immediately thought of when I played it.

>> No.9138735

Thief is so good when it comes to atmosphere. Btw Thief series is Terry Pratchett fav vidya game.

>> No.9138752

The field of view precludes any potential for immersion sadly.

>> No.9138778

you people are delusional

>> No.9138840

I really wish it had kept going but it looks like the backlash in the mid-00's against anything Japanese, because literally anything Japanese was either considered a fad in the industry and the public would accuse of being Wapanese/weeaboo was what ended this cross pollination. You get stuff like MHA sometimes but most of both sides just keep at themselves now. Which is a shame because shit like the Japanese opening of the 90's X-Men and the MvC art are amazing

>> No.9138845

Can't speak about the fans because I'm not even a long time Metroid player. But played Prime for the first time in 2018 or 2019 and stickied with me for a long time. Indeed it is a great experience and makes me sad that there aren't that much 3d based exploration based games (aside from walking simulators).

>> No.9138914

there's a few, play powerslave, it does many things better than prime and is built far more around sequence breaking.

>> No.9138916

The thing about Quake, at least the first one, is that when I take a breath and look around and listen to the music I actually feel pretty "into" the game world. Actions like jumping down into a swamp or entering a portal giving me the whole "here we go again" feeling. The action doesn't have to be continuous, I usually take time to plan my attack strategy after deaths.

The other Quakes I like for other reasons, not so much the atmosphere. Although I will keep fighting for Quake Champions until it gets taken off steam.

>> No.9138921

For Powerslave, which version?

>> No.9138932

I like saturn, but the recent PC release is good if you don't have a Saturn available. PC is a little easy due to the stable framerate and controls. There's new difficulty modes which do make it more challenging but the challenge of the original was a mix of level design traps and enemies, not just more enemies which is what the difficulty select modifies.

>> No.9138936

Does it follow the metroid style of taking upgrades and such?

>> No.9138948
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Yes, and like in Metroid you're expected to recall earlier areas that were blocked off without said power ups. The rooms you acquire the power ups in often put you at an immediate test of using them. You can and will return to almost every level in the game to gather a power up, transmission piece, upgrade, and there's even secret developer dolls to collect as a post-game challenge. However the game has deliberately tweaked mechanics such as explosive jumping, so while you may find a long hallway with a death pit below, a wall can be used with a series of bombs to propel yourself across it and you can access later stages, many of which have powerful weapons early on you can get. You can then leave with your new weapon and take on the game with gear meant for much later. This right here is a sequence break within a stage, you're meant to traverse numerous combat arenas, collecting keys and progressing until you can drop down from above on this platform you can simply explosive jump to with careful timing. Down one of those halls is that death pit I described earlier and this is in a very early stage in the game.

The tell that the game was "built" around this is its many secrets which require it. The developers knew the possibility space they were creating and this is what elevates the game to such a high degree, it's not only a soundly made and satisfying game, it has an additional meta game that can completely alter your progression.

>> No.9138995

Damn, I'm completely sold, I'll get the Gog version. I saw it there that there is a Exhumed version, is it the same game or there are two of them?

>> No.9139008

The one you want to play is Powerslave: Exhumed which is the recent port of the Saturn version. The one just called "Powerslave" is the old DOS version of the game which unfortunately has no similarities to the original Saturn version and is a typical level-to-level structure FPS.

>> No.9139051

If you are a retard who only has played one or two games ever, amd they were only on the GC, that makes sense.

>> No.9139061

You guys are fucking retarded. This WAS realism during that game generation you stupid fucks. It's just an old game. And no, that doesn't mean it can't still be immersive.

>> No.9139091

But is it good in terms of exploration and moment to moment gameplay ad well or just for atmosphere?

>> No.9139108

halo isn't cartoony, you never hear people call halo cartoony, mgs2 isn't cartoony(graphically), sh2 isn't cartoony, prime is kind of cartoony.

>> No.9139138

The immediate sequel.

>> No.9139149
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>> No.9139189

I recently played Marathon Durandal and Marathon Infinity (was filtered by Marathon 1).
I love the Prime games. One of my favorite things about them was the scan visor and the way so much of the story was conveyed through scanning the environment.
But man are the Prime games utterly outclassed by Marathon and its terminals: very similar to the scan visor in terms of gameplay. I wouldn't be surprised if Prime owes some inspiration not only for its scan visor but also its alien worlds, to the Marathon series.

>> No.9139241


>> No.9139267

>One of my favorite things about them was the scan visor and the way so much of the story was conveyed through scanning the environment.
Have you tried Outer Wilds? The main gadget of the game is a scanner used to read alien languages.

>> No.9139312 [SPOILER] 
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I ended up watching someone stream a bit of Outer Wilds. It looks very cool in a lot of ways, but I got filtered by the artstyle. Would prefer a little more hard sci-fi to the weird campground/sci-fi thing.
The Metroid Prime games, and to a much greater extent the Marathon games (picrel) manage to come across as pretty convincingly alien due to the writing.

>> No.9139324
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talking about it made me want to play it again, so here's another sequence break. in the first 2 minutes of the mines level you get the bombs, you already have the high jump power up but with these you can get just a few extra feet of height which lets you skip the entire level if you wanted.

>> No.9139327

Is this exhumed?

>> No.9139329

yes, this is also possible on the saturn version

>> No.9139343
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Bear in mind that it still has a traditional sort of level design and selection, it doesn't have the seamless interconnectivity and exploration you might expect.

>> No.9139363

thank you, I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills, every single prime screenshot I've ever seen with retards circlejerking it has left me fucking dumbfounded, it's like calling garrys mod the most atmospheric thing youve ever seen

>> No.9139385
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>> No.9139405

Is Powerslave actually good? Or is it another case of a mediocre game jacked off be Saturnfags because they have no games?

>> No.9139428

it's one of the best Saturn games, but that isn't saying much

>> No.9139441

i dunno if full-on realism but super feels a lot more grounded and i feel it's primarily because of the soundtrack
tracks like crateria (before the morph ball), red brinstar, upper norfair, the ship, even pink maridia just add so much to the game
the game's also much darker (granted all of it takes place in underground tunnels and during a nighttime storm)
prime's soundtrack is good but different. it feels way more melodic and upbeat than super's and it has a lot of percussion. to me it feels like prime's soundtrack cares mostly about making a cool scifi alien beat whereas super's feels more like background ambience that fits the environment
ironically prime reused the most bombastic theme super has for nostalgic value (lower norfair) and turned it into a crappy pastiche of lava themes
i'm glad dread has a mostly original soundtrack. fuck the lower norfair theme outside of super

>> No.9139451

>i'm glad dread has a mostly original soundtrack.
Which is completely shit btw. It's the only Metroid game that didn't have a single piece of music worth remembering

>> No.9139458

It's one of the best 90s FPS games and its been available on PC for some time.

>> No.9139468

it's not as good as super, fusion or the primes but i wouldn't call it shit. i like the artaria and cataris themes
idk if you realize that metroid has had generally god tier music before dread

>> No.9139470

I love the game, but mostly for the theme, atmopshere, exploration and fun figuring out how to sequence break everything

the actual gun play is only okay

>> No.9139475

>the actual gun play is only okay
its very similar to duke3d with giblets flying everywhere and crap breaking in the environment. Love how when you kill something by water all the viscera plops into the pool of water and makes a distinct sound and splash.

>> No.9139550

>single prime screenshot
Try playing the game, faggot

>> No.9140261
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Never played anything more immersive than this, it's just amazing how a game can make me feel like I'm actually wearing a heavy suit and exploring the world through its visor. Great slow paced gameplay, amazing HUD and sound design and just enough of shootouts to spice things up.

Had a weird relationship with it tho. Usually I either find a game boring and can't play it at all, or it's decent enough to always keep my attention, even when I'm tired or not really excited about it. Metroid Prime, however, is the only game I could enjoy and fall asleep at the same time.

>> No.9141474
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I really love the first 30% of the game right after the frigate intro, it's really comfy. Tallon Overworld, the Chozo Ruins, the Magmoor caverns and Phendrana are fantastic in atmosphere. Jungle/Rain Forest, ruins in a semi-desert temple, fire and ice.
However the latter parts of the game looses that as it gets more frightening and difficult with more annoying enemies (chozo ghosts, metroids, stronger space pirates, etc) and rather ugly levels due to a lack of alien nature in exchange for artificial structures (sunken frigate, the space pirate outpost in phendrana, phazon caves, etc.).
>Name one game that has better atmosphere and immersion than this.
Not necessarily better but in some regards equally good in these categories:
Simon the Sorcerer
Anno 1602
Tales of Symphonia
Shadow of the Colossus
MGS Ground Zeroes and V
Zelda Games: OOT, MM, TWW, TP
Fallout 3, NV
Super Mario Sunshine
Warcraft 3
Syberia I and II
Gears of War
Halo 3
Exit Path (flash game)

>> No.9141479

and Lost Odyssey of course. One of the few games I regret not finishing.

>> No.9141650

Not retro, but Enderal is the immersive open world game perfected for me. Reused assets suck for immersion if you have over 9000 hours in Skyrim, but other than that I found it sublime.

>> No.9142774

the scanning i can get over, its the shit controls, why didnt they conform to the 2 stick standard for movement/aiming?

>> No.9143346

Probably because the game isn't an fps, since you don't even have to aim on enemies, just use lock on

>> No.9144501

kind of wonder why tho
i mean, those games 'do' lean into a certain level of abstraction, but as you said, never feel too 'cartoony' somehow.
Prime does, even though it has a more muted artstyle than usual which would add a certain element of 'realism' into its game..

I wonder what the trick is?

>> No.9144946
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>> No.9144982

>wonder what the trick is?
Rabbid fanboyism two decades old

>> No.9145030

halo for one has a very grounded military aesthetic. the weapons, the marines, the vehicles (warthog, pelican, the unsc frigates, etc), the cities (new mombasa), even the halo rings have real-world biomes and structures. meanwhile in metroid prime you have canary yellow samus with an arm cannon that shoots glowing yellow bullets, swirling purple balls and bright red plasma shots. also floating platforms, the chozo temple with the neon blue highlights, floating energy balls and monsters that shoot energy at you, samus's bulbous ship, even the space pirate design has strange cartoony proportions whereas halo elites are more "realistic" in a way

idk stuff from halo seems like it could concievably be real in a couple hundred years wheras stuff from prime looks out of a comic book

>> No.9145236

The alien technology of Metroid Prime might not resemble real life military stuff (why would it? Both Samus' Power Suit and Gunship are Chozo creations while the Pirate technology is stolen from other alien races) I still don't know how one can see Metroid Prime and go "yes, this is like a comicbook" when it leans so hard into realism unlike the 2D entries (until SR and Dread decided to go for a more Prime-like aesthetic).

If anything, the strange ship designs maybe might be inspired by Star Wars, who knows. Boba Fett's ship was weirdly shaped. Is that cartoony? Or just sci fi?

>> No.9145323

The last good Metroid game we will ever get.
I hope they just let the series r.i.p. instead of milking it deader then it already is.

>> No.9145376

I always thought Super Metroid felt more 'realistic' than Prime series, honestly. Felt more grounded somehow.

>> No.9145381

I'm pretty sure Immersion is subjective

>> No.9145417

Well, if everything is true, MP4 will come out at some point, though the fact that they completely stopped development and started from scratch gives me a bit of hope that they're prone to deliver something good.

Is it? I thought it was more objective than subjective.

>> No.9145791

E:D and probably SC

>> No.9145818

> too cartoony
Prime 1 no. Prime 2 & 3, maybe

>> No.9145871

In spite of all Kaiju, Phantoon's design, the assistant robots being out of a 40s pulp scifi mag and the official art being inspired by comicbooks?
I know in the end your thoughts are yours but I want to find out what I'm not seeing. Maybe that I played super as an adult with preconceptions about everything around it.

>> No.9148019

i have to rely on the screenshots because ive played those parts and i still dont see what the fuck is so impressive dogshit textures and dated weather effects at 60 fps, this shit wasnt that impressive back then and its not impressive now. It's just gc babies seething over Halo and pretending they weren't getting kicked out the gaming culture. Dumb bitch. 5/10, got me to reply

>> No.9148215

>E:D and probably SC
what are these games? - SC is Starcraft?

>> No.9148427

Sea of Thieves
Elite: Dangerous, Star Citizen

>> No.9148540

Funny you say that. I started playing a bit of Metroid Prime for the first time in maybe a decade. Shortly after Thardus, I stopped having fun and quit.

Like you said, there are so many annoying bullet sponge enemies in that game. The Chozo ghosts were cool when I first fought them, but then as I was exploring and backtracking, I re-entered a room where I had fought them before and the doors locked and I had to fight them again. They're not fun to fight more than once in a particular environment. The original Metroid never did this to you - it had plenty of tough enemies but that's more due to their movement patterns, not ridiculously high health.

>> No.9149352

If anything, that's the real only flaw of the game. I have absolutely no problem with the environments. Even Phazon mines, which are criticized by some, really fills what the devs are trying to convey with the story and setting. But some enemies indeed are a pain in the ass, and the Chozo Ghosts are the main offenders. But anyway, I took that screenshot on sunday morning when I started playing and I finished the game last night. It was a hell of a ride and I had fun the whole time, hope you come back to it at some point because the game is really worth it.

Curiously enough, the first time I've played I become really furious when the whole 12 artifact quest became known because I had absolute no drive to go back to the ruins again and search for them. Nowadays that my brain is completely formed I found it real fun to go searching for them, and if you consider they're really easy to find because of the clues, there's no chore in the activity.

>> No.9149358

>you don't love Metroids crack at FPS where you can't even strafe?

>> No.9149368
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I was talking more about his nonsensical drivel about "bloated e-celeb approved games" and "lightening fast gction"
He's trying SO hard to be contrarian that he's just spouting off stupid bullshit in a vein attempt to seem different and edgy to get attention. That's brainrot.

Now you talking the lack of strafing is a totally reasonable complaint, other people knocking the game for scanning is also reasonable. There's a lot of weird shit in the Prime series that it makes for a terrible FPS game, I still enjoy them personally. But that's because I enjoy Metroid and Metroid style games.

>> No.9149376

Only for people who haven't played anything in VR, they all mean something different when they say "immersion". A picture of a gun with picture of the inside of helmet overlayed on top! Woaaah it's like I'm in the game!
VR makes it obvious a flat game can never be immersive.

>> No.9149451
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The night parts are pure soul, made me want to be in a desert town at night