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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9134512 No.9134512 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /vroom/, a thread where fans of racing vidya can discuss their favorite arcade, sim, kart, and any other kinds of racing games (this is /vr/, so any PC/6th gen game up to 2007 goes!). If you’re looking for something new to play or are new to the genre ask other Anons for recommendations and remember to gear up and have fun.

Last thread: >>9093813

>New here? Interested in a series to get started with? Check out these!
Dirt/Colin McRae
Gran Turismo
Mario Kart
Midnight Club
Midtown Madness
Need for Speed
Project Gotham Racing/Metropolis Street Racer
Ridge Racer
Sega Rally
Tokyo Xtreme Racer

Remember to bump, /vr/ has been faster as of late and threads get archived much quicker now. Don't be shy: ask questions, share experiences!

>> No.9134584

Accolade presents:
>*sultry voice*
Test Drive 2

>> No.9134590

i would love an adventure racing game with a hub world like diddy kong racing but much bigger and more story

>> No.9134613

I assume you already tried Road Trip Adventure?

>> No.9134627
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My dad was a car mechanic and he loved to play Street Rod on his Amiga 500+ while very young me loved to watch.
I remember him joking about the few screws you had to handle to get a motor out and in.
>"If only if was that easy"
My record for either SR1 or its special edition is, IIRC, 518 ingame hours/days or whatever the game counts.

>> No.9134634

Did you guys play racing games online back in the 2000s? What was it like?

>> No.9135038

>was gonna play porsche unleashed
>reinstall high stakes instead

>> No.9135068
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Bumping since I lack anything to discuss but want to keep the thread alive.

>> No.9135087

outrun 3 when

>> No.9135089
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Decided to try this after reading about Automobili Lamborghini's japanese release being updated from the NA release (Improvements include a new difficulty level, the ability to freely customize controls, the introduction of weather, and actual pictures of various models of Lamborghini with their names displayed before the demo screen.).
It's pretty fun so far, really nice music too.

>> No.9135093

Not him, but what is the best ChoroQ game?

>> No.9135182

Has anyone gotten the Hor+ widescreen patch for High Stakes working, the one that needs hex editing of the game's exe? For the life of me I can't get it to play nice and I'm tempted to just wipe the whole install, go back to just the game and nGlide (as part of the custom installer since it won't install from disc period on a modern system) and just play in 4:3.

>> No.9135419

Alright, I give up. Looks like it's old 4:3 for me because I hate the stretched models if I stretch the resolution and the ingame widescreen mode doesn't even do anything but crop the image/add black bars.

>> No.9135548

i broke the HS Stock Pack too since it doesn't install right when the game isn't installed normally FUCK
nfs webm anon where are you

>> No.9135627
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I'm gonna focus on the ones I've played; It's been a while since I last played any of them so my recollection might be a bit fuzzy, especially when talking about the physics.
Choro Q 3 (PSX) is absurdly solid for a PSX title and it has about everything you'd expect from a Choro Q game. It's a bit on the short side but it has a small neat hub world with events that you can trigger by going around and all the customization you'd expect. Difficulty as with any game in the series is so-so, you can make it harder on yourself by using shittier parts but it never feels like it's properly challenging you (but then again, I doubt this is the right series for that). HG2 and HG3 on PS2 seem to have a physics engine based on this title, and you can tell since even the bugs are still there kek. It might be one of the few games out there featuring a raceable twingo. Apparently 2 got translated too so I might have to play that at some point.
Choro Q HG1 (PS2) is closer to a standard racing game. I haven't played this much, but it has no hub world and everything is done through menu-ing. The driving itself is some of the most solid in the series, and it's the only game that differentiates between different drivetrains if that's something you might find interesting. The usual customization is all there of course.
Choro Q HG2 (PS2) or Road Trip is the one I played the most. Part of it might be nostalgia as I'm a zoomer and I played this as a kid, but I'm extremely fond of it. As with most of the games in the series, it's not exactly a technical marvel, but it just oozes love. Replaying it now it's obvious that some elements of it weren't particularly great; The free-roaming map is way too big, and at a certain point you're going to fast travel everywhere, but the sense of scale really made you think you were going on a globetrotting trip as a kid. It also lent very well to hiding secrets everywhere. CONT

>> No.9135643

The racing itself, in HG2, is serviceable. Same deal as 3. You can make it harder on yourself, but the AI feels particularly stupid this time around, due to probably not having been improved since the PSX games, while the tracks get more and more complex: more often than not you WILL see AI cars stuck in corners of the map. Getting the booster transforms the whole game imo, and I wish the AI also knew how to properly use them: you're not a chibi car anymore, you're a chibi rocket. You just start sliding around the racetrack while using the boosters to turn (and even brake). This makes the game even easier, but as I mentioned, it's not a particularly hard game regardless; and if I have to stomp on the AI, I'd rather do it the most fun way possible. If this doesn't sound enjoyable, you can just play through the whole thing the regular way with no issues whatsoever.
The big appeal in, imo, HG2 comes from the Adventure part itself; going around the map, exploring, doing the little sidequests. It's definitely a game that's greater than the sum of it's parts.
Don't expect quality writing at any point. And it's worth mentioning that the game lacks a manual transmission option.
Choro Q HG3 doubles down on the booster autism from what little I've seen of it, but I haven't played it so I can't properly comment on it.
Choro Q HG4 (PS2) is probably the objectively better game in the series. It streamlines the free roaming map aspect by replacing it with a bunch of top down city maps, the driving feels more in line with HG1, lacking the "sliding block of butter" handling from 3-HG2-HG3, and it has the better, slightly tighter tracks. The story is nothing special but it touches stuff you wouldn't expect in a game about SD cars. Difficulty is about the same as the whole series, but the better tracks and physics make the racing feel a lot better. CONT

>> No.9135648
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HG4 is the middle ground between the more racing focused HG1 and the rest of the series. It takes the best from every installment and packages it together into what's probably the most polished game in the series. The only issue is that imo it misses out on the grand feeling of adventure Road Trip/HG2 had.
To end this autism-fest, play Choro Q3 or HG4 if you want a solid all-rounder game that sets the bar for what you should expect from the series, HG1 if you want SD Gran Turismo/just racing and HG2/Road Trip if you want an amazing adventure/racing game hybrid.
One last thing: all the games have janky physics. You will get launched in the air during a race at some point. Just keep that in mind. It's part of the charm imo.

>> No.9135705
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>20+ years later
>still unsurpassed
How did they do it?

>> No.9135914

Uh-oh, that autist obsessed with the general's name won't like that subject.

>> No.9135982

What other games mix the “Arcade” and “Simulation” feel like Gran Turismo? I’ve been playing Ridge Racer and it is super fun, but way more on the arcadey side. I like how GT is a nice middle ground between accessibility and realism. Also the huge amount of licensed cars makes it feel more authentic than Ridge Racer’s “machines.”

>> No.9135986

Also, GT’s music is comfy as FUCK. God damn.

>> No.9135994

Thank you, I think I'm gonna start with HG4

>> No.9136012

>licensed cars makes it feel more authentic than Ridge Racer’s “machines.”
Quit talking shit, RR's cars have some cool designs.

>> No.9136017

Definitely, I don’t mean to shit on RR. I just like the fantasy of driving real cars that I could never afford irl lol

>> No.9136020

TXR:D2 is decently simcade even if it is really oversteery. R:Racing Evo, the Toca series. And Racing Battle: C1 Grand Prix if you can handle a bit of japanese.

>> No.9136024

It's a good choice. The other games all have something else to offer if you want to come back for those later, so it doesn't even obsolete them.

>> No.9136038

That looks fun. I had a friend recommend Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3, so I’ll probably check both out. Any reason to play TXR:D2 over TXR3?

>> No.9136056

If you are gonna play TXR3, play the jap version as the English version cannot be completed

>> No.9136059

>The US version cannot be completed, due to a localisation error. As the Japanese Yen is worth a fraction of the value of the US Dollar, prices in the game are dropped by 100x. Unfortunately, they forgot to do this for the Whirlwind Fanfare opponent, meaning that taking her on costs more money than its possible to hold within the game. Therefore you can't take on the final boss, as every other opponent must be beaten.

>> No.9136068

What the fuck lmao

>> No.9136070


>> No.9136079

TXR:D2 is on mountain roads and imo has better handling. TXR3 is only highway racing.
Racing Battle C1 Grand Prix is part of the same series btw.
You can skip through this with either gameshark or by pulling the cd out of the drive while playing. But yeah, not optimal. It's just 2 rivals out of 400 iirc so it's not too terrible.

>> No.9136087

on the ps1 itself, there aren't really that many (good) options for sim-cades(i would love to know if there are more) that i know of at least, only really the 2 toca and colin mcrae rally games, f1 and f1 97(its weird categorizing 90s simcades), AND THE ORIGINAL TNFS(though the other nfs games on console are fine, especially high stakes, except for porsche unleashed, way better on pc)
theres also advan racing, which honestly has bad physics and shows how much ahead polyphony was in the CONSOLE racing game space at that time(and only at that time), but it does have a nice selection of cars mostly due to them being unlicensed versions of real cars with just the badges removed and a slight name change(similar to txr1 and 2)
in the other consoles of that gen(and time), there is nothing on the saturn apart from some kart sim that was also on pc and maybe ps1(to my knowledge), n64 had world driver championship, and idk if you can count the dreamcast here but it had TXR2(do we count txr1 as sim-cade? the physics arent that different its just that you can get away with bouncing off the walls a lot, then again you can get away with corner cutting a lot in GT) and Vanishing Point(though you might find the sensitive steering off-putting)
honestly the whole sim-cade genre started to be more of a thing during the 2000s(especially with a huge boom of them around the mid 2000s) and the ps2 and xbox have a lot of them, though with any sim-cades you have to kind of accept the jank that comes with trying to blend both

>> No.9136132

Was Polyphony really not cutting edge anymore as early as PS2? My understanding was the GT games have always been impressive from a technical standpoint, there’s just a lot of competition now.

>> No.9136256

graphically they were very cutting edge, but gt4 was mediocre in terms of physics, while it outdid the ps2 toca games and equal to the first FM game(forza itself was never known for the best physics especially after the xbone titles, but then again no simcade is known for good physics apart from maybe enthusia but that game had some other problems), it was heavily outclassed by enthusia in that aspect and even gt3, though honestly the gt games were always more CAR-RPG's than anything else to a point where even non-car people can get in on the action of WINNING if they just upgrade enough and choose the easier to drive cars and there was a lot of content and the physics werent completely weird unbearable so thats why you dont really see hate towards especially gt4 that often, its a fun game despite the flaws honestly and ive honestly played sim-cade games with worser feeling physics(and some of those games werent bad either desu maybe even better in the racing department due to only slightly less braindead a.i., alfa romeo SCAR for example)

>> No.9136265

They still were, there was just more competition around, especially on PC.
>GT3 physics
You can argue that they're more fun, but better? I don't get the hate boner this board has for GT4.

>> No.9136338

Most of Codemasters' old entries, but they might not be retro.

>> No.9136347

>Codemasters' old entries
>might not be retro

>> No.9136356

R:RE is a funky game (with serious Ace Combat inspiration from the dev team, particularly AC5, yet ironically less actual crossover than Ridge Racer) and gets bonus points for being the only racer I know where the -starter- car is a DeTomaso.

I forget what the year cutoff for retro is sometimes.

>> No.9136359

>I forget what the year cutoff for retro is sometimes.
You are aware of how long Codemasters have been around, right?

>> No.9136364

No, no I wasn't. I didn't mean quite that old though.

>> No.9136367

What did you mean then? CMR? TOCA?

>> No.9136378

Yeah, I was thinking TOCA and the later TOCA Race Driver series.

>> No.9136383

All of them are retro by /vr/'s standards, the last Race Driver was released in 2006. Good games too.

>> No.9136575
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What are the oldest racing games which had slipstreaming?

>> No.9136603
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Please post hard rock racing tunes.
So far I enjoy Formula 1, Jet Rider, and the Tokyo Highway Battle series.

>> No.9136632

Oldest I can think of is Gran Turismo, although it's probably by far not the oldest.

>> No.9136671

Try Side by Side Special 2000

>> No.9136876

just found out you can't actually bet your last/only car in high stakes and my memories lied to me all these years and that's fucked up

>> No.9136938

It really is criminal that physics based racing games peaked on the PS1. What the fuck happened to this industry?

>> No.9136974

Sounds like Racing Lagoon if you don't mind a JRPG overworld

>> No.9136980

Need For Speed Underground didn't have a CD key check online, meaning you can pirate it, install it with a generated key, sign up for an EA account in the multiplayer menu and it would actually let you in. It was fun to try your luck at the drag leaderboards and see what fucked up times the current meta was getting.

>> No.9136995
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>Jet Moto 2 Championship Edition
>10 fps increase
>physics feel new
>dual analog controls completely change the game

>> No.9137498
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Holy based. Jet Moto single handedly turned me into a man. Remember those trophy girls?

>> No.9137517
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I'm leaning towards calling PGR2 overrated.

>> No.9137527
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This art reminds me of Twisted Metal...oh.

>> No.9137529

Same dev team.

>> No.9137536

I wonder why the Japanese and US releases of Gran Turismo have completely different soundtracks.

>> No.9137549
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I mean, yeah, with Suicide Swamp available as a secret arena in Twisted Metal 2 that's pretty evident.

>> No.9137569
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Same reason why Kirby is angry on every American cover.
They tried to appeal to the US audience. In Kirby's case, Nintendo US tried their best to make him seem edgy and dangerous, and in GT's case, Sony US just slapped popular songs from the 90's in their games.
It made me a fan of Garbage though, so I can't complain.

>> No.9137575

Heaven is Wide is a fantastic driving song,

>> No.9137721

That's a rider not a trophy girl, but yes. Also Jet Moto was a pretty progressive game for the 90s. Some of the riders were lesbians if I recall and you could "prefer" which gender to reward you the trophy.

>> No.9137727

How many teams were at SingleTrac? Because David Jaffe wasn't attached to Jet Moto.

>> No.9137732
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Because Americans can't into city pop and jazz and had to wipe every ounce of pint away from Gran Turismo.

>> No.9137741

I meant every pint of SOUL away

>> No.9137994
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>this OP
Please don't make vrooom like it's been pigeonholed into cars.
Anyone play any motocross games? Maybe it's not yet retro but picrel was incredible fun to me. Great soundtrack, racing and trick modes, even a freeroam/sandbox/exploration mode. You also get to meet people like Kenny Bartram and Travis Pastrana.

>> No.9138109
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had a friend come over and we played this for like 5 hours straight couple of weeks ago. loved it growing up. obviously a classic

>> No.9138297
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Further High Stakes musings: The tracks and cockpit view are exactly as comfy as I remembered. Anti-aliasing seems to be a no-go through; aniso filtering applies fine but AA doesn't so I just slapped on FXAA which looks fine due to the older, less detailed models but doesn't show in screenshots. Forgot how floaty the handling model is- and how surprisingly slow a lot of the earlier races are, you're lucky to be breaking the speed limit half the time and I forgot how important downshifting for hills is. A nice change from later titles where even starter cars spend the whole race at 150mph. The soundtrack is surprisingly mediocre for an old EA game so I just muted it and put on Rom Di Prisco's solo albums.

>> No.9138620

> J A M
I don't understand why they put static AI drivers and names in Porsche
freaking Steele, man

>> No.9138663
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You're right. Know any good retro motorcycle games or series we can add to the OP?

>> No.9138670

I'd argue that the US Soundtrack had a soul all its own.

>> No.9138795

I love MotoGP 3 on the Xbox.

>> No.9138856

Racing Lagoon is filtering the shit out of me. Of all things that could be getting to me, it's the overworld and non-race mechanics.

The game told me if I see cars I want the parts of, I should challenge them, but how can I identify that? They barely look different out there unless it's a van and it's harder still to identify them if they're zooming around. I can't even tell which cars are going to be in my league or not before racing them.

>> No.9139017

You don't. You challenge random cars and see if you get the parts you want, but you should keep in mind that the table of cars going around for every night, and the parts they carry is fixed . You can somewhat figure out what is what by the overworld model, and the fact that "rare" cars will zoom around faster than anything else. Don't remember if they do on the normal roads, but I'm sure the extra speed happens at least on the wangan. You'll still need to challenge a few cars to understand what overworld model represents what cars (some of them are shared), but you'll get a feel for it, and more "out there" stuff has it's own unique world model (every supercar uses a Testarossa, ultrawide car model for example). If that doesn't satisfy you here's the list of the cars going around each night http://aka.gmobb.jp/hsdrpg/rewa.html

>> No.9139116

I forgot how NFSHS just falls apart as soon as you hit AA class and get completely kneecapped by the brilliant 'if you are even slightly turning your car, you aren't gaining speed' mechanic which of course the AI isn't affected by so they gain enough speed to pass you at stupid shit like Hometown's starting chicane even if you hit a perfect line through it. Oh and if there's any sort of weather at all your tires turn into hockey pucks and the AI will PIT you at the first corner and you will never catch up.

>> No.9139119

>That's a rider not a trophy girl
No one claimed that you absolute retard. How did you complete elementary school?

>> No.9139165

Thanks anon. I'm just gonna keep watching and practicing at the game's control. I'll avoid the fastest cars for now because those are pretty bad odds for the early car.

>> No.9139173

If you're still at the first night there's a light blue VW Beetle you should rip the engine from. It's a more powerful, higher revving version of the AE86 engine.

>> No.9139236

Oh, and by the way, you can get points faster by waiting at the starting line on random encounters. The more you wait the more points you get. Useful against shitters.

>> No.9139735

>Look up how to setup RBR
>Everyone says the rallyfans downloader is the golden standard
>It breaks the base game's singleplayer modes and vanilla cars by leaving me unable to shift past gear 1
>Is only a multiplayer mod with a shitton of post group A cars, neither of which I give a shit about
What are the actual essential mods for this?

>> No.9139745

Motocross Madness

>> No.9139751

It's the physics mod that breaks the stock cars. All the mods are tracks and cars, and the updated physics are designed to work with those new cars. If you don't care about either just play vanilla, it's a good game regardless.

>> No.9139754

obligatory video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dBpDWmOr34

>> No.9139826
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What is the best solution to this (the racing line)?

I've been making threads about this on /v/ but they don't get a ton of traction so I'll put it out there over here (using Forza Motorsport 1 here in order to stay retro). Post ideas or examples (don't have to be retro) that you think serve the dual purpose of getting people used to braking and cornering technique without just plainly giving them an exact path to follow (like getting them to observe landmarks or track markers to actually learn rather than following).

>> No.9139839
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For my part I would offer up Gran Turismo's "suggested gear" feature (the red number next to the current gear, if you've never seen it before, which appears as you approach a turn with a recommended gear for the upcoming corner). It isn't plainly giving away the right way to turn but does let you know whether or not your approach is adequate for the depth of the upcoming apex. It even works for automatic players as GT gives you a button to lock your current gear if you're in auto so you can't shift beyond your present gear.

>> No.9139865

Codies style little blinking indicator of when to brake. Braking points are harder to learn than a racing line, at least IMO. Learn when to brake and everything else falls into place, plus since the indicator isn't exact you still get to figure out early/late braking on your own. If an actual line is necessary, do it in a non super obvious way- darker tire tracks in part of the turn or similar.

>> No.9139867
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just guessing, the game it's literally called slipstream

>> No.9139879
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is this an actual car or just a generic lemans prototype?

>> No.9139884

excite bike 64

>> No.9140175
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A prototype based on a regular car.
Flashing corner distance markers?

>> No.9140246
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>> No.9140252
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>> No.9140936

You need the bonus Porsche vs AA AI. Other cars are a pain

>> No.9141197

skid marks lol, and obviously just like in irl tracks, braking signs

though theres the problem of street racing games in which case, either nothing or the standard racing line function that most games have, obviously not the arrow/gps since that just tells you where to go regardless of speed, though it would be funny to see a arrow in a racing game that actually tells you the fastest line

>> No.9142347

Fuck's sake. How am I supposed to unlock the cup for the bonus Porsche if it requires beating a different cup with AA cars first?

>> No.9142475
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How hard do we want to go?

>> No.9142484
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I rate the PSX version to be the best version of the game - the physics are less retarded, it has a cooler F1, the tracks are mildly dynamic and the upgrade system carries over to single race mode. oh and OH YEAH

>> No.9142492

>it has a cooler F1,
Well that's clearly wrong since the PC version gives you the F1 GTR and thanks to the presence of cockpit view you get to see the whole square digital dash light up in the green of an Indiglo wristwatch. I don't know if it actually lights up like that in reality, probably not, but I think digital watches are pretty neat.

>> No.9142498

Also, how are they dynamic? I never played more than a few minutes of the PS version and I'm interested.

>> No.9142516
File: 890 KB, 2632x2025, Need for Speed - High Stakes (USA) 27_06_2021 16_56_55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The F1 should either have no spoiler or be the longtail version - those are the two coolest versions.

You occasionally get crashed traffic or debris (like boulders) on the track. Old pic but highlights this. The feature is completely absent in the PC version.

>> No.9142529

That's cool, but I could see how it might get annoying. Also kind of silly. I will say that the PS versions always had better track visuals though, especially those skyboxes and the blazing colors of the tracks at sunset/sunrise when the night option wasn't quite fully dark.

>> No.9142551
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Also, replacing iconic sodium lights (with starburst effect, e.g. seen through a windshield) with tiny little white light-orbs. And the fudged lighting in general on a lot of tracks. Totally changes the look and feel of everything.

>> No.9142601

recommended Xbox racing wheels? original system, it's a pain to search now that half of all MS hardware is just called "Xbox".

>> No.9142642

That example is misleading, though I understand why. The PC version actually looks a lot like the PSX version....if you use software rendering. However since getting software rendering to run on modern systems is a real bitch (basically forced to use a VM) 99% of comparisons are done against the glide version which does look like the bottom pic.

If you see this video here if the absurd reflections were disabled the differences between PC and PSX drop dramatically from a visual perspective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm-nGCXRZqI

>> No.9142894

Do the different renderers change all the textures and effects that are outright different in the port?

>> No.9143508

I'm not too sure but I think the 3D accelerated versions are mostly all the same.

>> No.9143538
File: 146 KB, 640x480, nfs3_0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh so a bit of fucking about with the next gen patch you can enable software rendering. Unsurprisingly it is ugly as sin and has the usual software model imitations but it runs.

>> No.9143585

The ordinary Porsche is just a gimped version of the bonus. I used that

>> No.9143612


>> No.9143641

Saturn bros, if I'm using a Wingman SD with a steering wheel - can I play any game that supports the 3D control pad (since it has the thumb stick and trigger inputs)? If so I should be able to import Sega Really Plus since it added analogue controller support.

>> No.9143965

And a Ning Nong Ching Chong to you young lady.

>> No.9144032

well fuck, the porsche handles like SHIT

>> No.9144061

You think so? The Porsche's handling feels like cheating to me

>> No.9144065

Wish I had a wheel to test with...

>> No.9144073

the real high stakes of high stakes isn't the actual pink slip races, it's how EVERY race doesn't have a restart option so unless you alt+f4, you get one chance to win or forfeit

>> No.9144080

That's what I have done, becvause I didn't want to lose my car

>> No.9144083

Are you talking about the PC or PS1 version? For me the PC game was fine until the final tournament which had multiple tracks on wet roads

>> No.9144097

PC. It's mostly wet roads giving me problems, the very next race I won by eleven seconds.

>> No.9144105

No I shall not acquire competency - I demand risk free racing, infinite restarts and a rewind feature. Since high stakes lacks this we can deduce Forza horizon and Grid 2 are the peak of the racing genre.

>> No.9144106

I have these to try once my wingman arrives:
Daytona USA: Circuit Edition
Sega Ages Vol 1 (Outrun)
Sega Touring Car
Touge King the Spirits 2
If they all work with the wheel then I'll buy Championship Plus.

>> No.9144143

I hate rubberbanding so much it's unreal

>> No.9144164

>acquire competency
>AI gets a 50mph speed boost, veers directly into you while gliding to the next preplaced waypoint, and ruins your race
>competency stolen
yeah grid's rewind is actually pretty good, since it isn't infinite and doesn't fix Big Mistakes

>> No.9144170

i never realized how bad it was in NFSHS and actually feel bad about downplaying it for so long, it's super obvious when you see the guy in 2nd place hovering at exactly 2.90 to 3.10 seconds behind no matter what you're doing

>> No.9144175

Protip: you are meant to use the manual transmission as it shifts faster which dramatically helps in getting peak power when needed - it really shines in the rain and the hill climb on snowy ridge.

>> No.9144216

I think this might be the time I actually try playing NFS:HS

>> No.9144256

it's not worth it

>> No.9144315

Just play burning road instead.

>> No.9144362

It's probably the worst in Underground

Play the PS1 version, it has better handling model

>> No.9144372

for some reason, I loved this game as a kid even if my young esl brain had no idea what was going on

>> No.9144375

>Play the PS1 version, it has better handling model
No wheel support though sadly.

>> No.9144764
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, Need for Speed Underground(speed.exe) Screenshot 2020.11.22 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They weren't CUTTING EDGE everywhere anymore, yes. Car modeling and sounds? Forza destroys GT, hell a lot of Need for Speed games of that day do. Physics? Richard Burns Rally is heralded as one of the most autistically accurate games simulation-wise and some people say that, again, Forza has the better physics when you turn off the assists.
Tracks? The advent of open-world games made some gamers not fond of driving through empty, walled-off tracks.

>> No.9145106

>The Greatest Hits version of the game was never meant to be released in its current form. As the game's production cycle was ending, Wiklem asked SingleTrac to modify the game for him a modified version of Jet Moto 2. This version increased the framerate to 30 frames per second by removing six competitors from races, thus putting less strain on the PlayStation hardware.[5] Additionally, Wiklem requested that all of the original Jet Moto tracks be unlocked at the start of the game.[5] It was branded in-game as Jet Moto 2: Championship Edition.

>Due to their master disc being destroyed, Sony contacted Wiklem for a copy to use as a master disc for burning. Wiklem sent the altered disc SingleTrac had made for him, notifying Sony of the change and petitioning it be used as the Greatest Hits version.[5] Sony replied that Greatest Hits titles must be the same as the original release version. Dismayed, Wiklem burned a copy of the original version and sent it to Sony for duplication. Due to a mixup in the duplication process, the modified version of the game was duplicated and not the original version.[5] Sony Digital Audio Disc Corporation contacted Sony Computer Entertainment about the mix up, and eventually the discussions trickled down to Wiklem himself. He told vice president of marketing Jeff Fox that he "did send the right disc, it was properly labeled, and it’s not my fault that DADC couldn’t read."[5] The situation was put to rest shortly thereafter, with the decision being made not to make any further changes to the Greatest Hits disc.t with the changes to the game

>> No.9145225
File: 28 KB, 292x300, pimpmoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiklem actually did a write-up, which is the source of this Wiki snippet.
>he wanted a pimp game
dude's a fucking baller, Crazy Taxi with pimping would've been genius back then.

>> No.9146453

Which racing game has the best soundtrack and why is it midnight club II? Not much hits harder at 200mph than brain train psycho.

>> No.9146659

midnight club street racing

>> No.9146728

been playing a lot of sega rally on mednafen... just curious is it normal for the FPS to fluctuate between 60 and 59? Never really do shit on PC

>> No.9146748


>> No.9146753

Sega Rally 2 handling model is insane. I step into a drift and if I overshoot it by just a touch I'm doing a 180 at 120mph. Was the arcade version like this or did they butcher it for the Dreamcast release?

>> No.9146759

Played Top Gear Overdrive recently...I remember the music being good (still is) and the game pretty fun but now I can't get over the driving physics. I guess gravity took a vacation in that game's universe but it makes for an interesting play. Ridge Racer 64 held up much better.

>> No.9146943

Oh fuck I think I'm falling for the autism and am looking at CRTs on eBay so I can play my old games on OG hardware than emulation. Admittedly that matters more for my PS2 collection than PS1 but still I just know this is going to be a one-way trip. The bonus I guess is I can then actually source and use a negcon which I missed out on at the time.

>> No.9146965

Is there a hack or something to play US game with JP music of GT2? I have been playing JP version but I miss being able to read car descriptions.

>> No.9147421

It's impossible, apparently. The song's length is hardcoded into each version so you can't change them around unless they last the same :(

>> No.9147584

Damn, thanks anyway. Guess I'll stick to JP.

>> No.9147603
File: 67 KB, 500x375, Permis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

License tests with a short written description and a replay of a gold time you can watch. If you can pass 50 of these and still don't have a grasp of the game's handling model you're a lost cause.

>> No.9147605
File: 98 KB, 220x217, Destruction_Derby_Raw_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: Why do I never see anyone mentioning Destruction Derby Raw whenever Destruction Derby is mentioned?

>> No.9147608

'Cuz it is nowhere near as good by a huge margin. Reflections had the magic, the others didn't.

>> No.9147610

>DD Raw
the track designs in that one are brilliant

>> No.9147631

Can I ask if you're using the 60FPS cheat code for the JP version? I can never get it to work and I vastly prefer the OST on that one too.

>> No.9147659

I think I've only got that GT2+ fan patch installed from what I can remember. Been a while since I set it up.

>> No.9147676


>> No.9148094

Which twisted metal had the best soundtrack? Disregard the game's other qualities.

>> No.9148156


>> No.9149365
File: 100 KB, 265x375, TrackMania_2003_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't get into Trackmania games, I appreciate what they are trying to do, the tracks are creative and the amount of user made content is impressive but I just don't enjoy playing it since you have to replay levels autistically over and over until you get perfect time which I find tedious

>> No.9149369

I find them a lot more enjoyable with an online leaderboard, but the handling in some scenarios isn't particularly fun.

>> No.9149432

Depends on mood but I go for PS3 as Hell on Wheels has a sick guitar riff. The original score of the PS3 is badly I overlooked as it is some quality stuff.

>> No.9150479

What's the wheel rotation of the arcade Initial D games? having fun with AS4 lately.

>> No.9151240
File: 1.06 MB, 498x376, 1659177314490915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custom tracks in F-Zero GX are now a thing.

ATV Offroad Fury 2 & 4 were my shit back in the day. Still have both of them.
>Playing 2 with my best friend.
>Discovering that you get launched like a 100mph into the air if you hit the edge of the map.
Better times.

>> No.9152121
File: 561 KB, 3840x2160, Need for Speed Carbon_2022.08.06-08.21_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man look so smug? I'm having his R8 though.

>> No.9152147

>custom GX tracks
Now I'm paying attention to this game again

>> No.9152193

SCAR is a p fun game.

>> No.9152208

Reminder that whoever EA hired to do actors' makeup is WWE tier, everybody looks like clowns. You will never unsee their awful overly shaped and plucked brows.

>> No.9152282
File: 386 KB, 3840x2160, Need For Speed Underground_2021.08.28-00.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine it was mostly a result of needing high contrast to show up against the cgi backgrounds on a CRT from across the room. The jump in cutscene quality (as in ,actual image quality rather than any style choices) is massive compared to underground for example.

>> No.9152423

It's not like the rest of the cutscenes is particularly good tbfamalam

>> No.9152491

Yeah, its physics model is just totally blah. Everything comes down to learning a map and then either cutting 0.000000001 off the easiest turns ever or practicing skips that humans can get 0.000000001% of the time. Given how tedious and uninteresting its handling is, it's no wonder so many top players ended up cheating in the past. A single turn in a GT game has more depth than most TM stuff, and I hate that that sounds like I'm trashing the game because I really wish there was more to it.

>> No.9152505
File: 12 KB, 200x279, 20055405040_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filters gran turismo fags

>> No.9152550
File: 566 KB, 1920x1080, victory-heat-rally-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a bunch of 2.5 racers that are worthwhile?

>> No.9152574

Lotus turbo challenge 2 and disregard all others.

>> No.9152614

Eww, it's British.

>> No.9152623

Yes like the majority of the best racing games ever made.

>> No.9152630

They can't be best, solely for the fact they're Br*tish. Nothing good even came out of those god-forsaken islands.

>> No.9152648

From which conquered nation do you hail from?

>> No.9152651

>a game can't be good because it was made by developers of [x] country
What a stupid argument.

>> No.9152652

Geoff Crammond?

>> No.9153426

>emulator now has save states but using in them some games just crashes so you can't use them to save before the existing crashes
looks like i'll never be able to finish RR7 and complete my ridge racer playthrough

>> No.9153491

I don't like it too much because it's darker, but I still listen to this soundtrack from time to time since 1999.
If you have lighter, faster-paced racing music, I'm all ears :)
These days I'm enjoying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWtaUKobbIE

>> No.9153729

Could you please tell which RA crt shader is this?

>> No.9153742

Wtf this is amazing soundtrack. Glad I have never heard it in my life.

>> No.9153761
File: 1.23 MB, 2735x1977, unknown_2022.07.11-19.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MBZ__1__ADV__GDV from the HSM mega bezel pack. https://forums.libretro.com/t/hsm-mega-bezel-reflection-shader-feedback-and-updates/25512
I also suggest checking out Cyberlab's death to pixels which uses the above HSM pack as a basis. https://forums.libretro.com/t/cyberlab-mega-bezel-death-to-pixels-shader-preset-pack/35606

>> No.9153784

Man that layout is...familiar

>> No.9153852

Best version of gran turismo that game is.

>> No.9153875

Glad you're enjoying this, anon.

>> No.9154598

i am the only one to have trouble with wheel centering in sega rally on nebula ?
the center make the wheel tilted to the left.
It doesn't happen in daytona usa.

>> No.9155136

I have no idea what that game in your picture is.

>> No.9155140
File: 1.79 MB, 2784x2084, IMG20201222143618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9155149


>> No.9155669
File: 2.95 MB, 700x522, Need for Speed IV_2022.08.07-15.13.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot as fuck outside
>decide to cool off by playing some winter themed driving

>> No.9155826
File: 1.28 MB, 2794x2157, Supermodel - Scud Race (Australia) - 60.0 FPS 07_08_2022 16_37_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While i'm terrible at it scud race looks amazing.

>> No.9155845

Cars sounds like rancid shit in that game though.

>> No.9155848
File: 33 KB, 480x360, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only High Stakes ran at a solid framerate, it would be at top 3 racing games on PS1 easily.
Too bad PC port was this butchered.

>> No.9155860

Protip: the game runs an unlocked framerate upto the 50 or 60 cap. If you are emulating set the cpu speed to 200% and it will run at either cap and never waiver.

>> No.9155887

>Welcome to /vroom/
uhhh i think you mean "Welcome to The Garage" lol!

>> No.9155891

Best vehicular combat games?

>> No.9155906

Dead in the water. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz0lMziOzpc The OST is rocking as fuck too.

>> No.9155923

you're absolutely fixated on the name
go away

>> No.9155927
File: 2.90 MB, 800x620, Supermodel - Scud Race (Australia) - 60.0 FPS 2022-08-07 16-28-32.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is an arcade game.

>> No.9155956

No I mean, even as an arcade game with creative liberties the car just sounds annoying. Especially the backfire. They could've done better.

>> No.9155962

That always sounded retarded. Shut up, retard.

>> No.9156272

Chris Sawyer?

>> No.9156321
File: 987 KB, 3840x2160, unknown_2022.08.07-19.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest i'll ever get to a 3DO and i'm not sure if it is a blessing or not.

>> No.9156460

>Too bad PC port was this butchered.
the real realization is that NFS was never great and every game on both platforms of that era has problems

>> No.9156572

Brits made most of the best racing games out there, a well as some of the shittiest. Only two japanese developing teams ever knew how to make great racing games, and burgers only ever made garbage.
I don't live in any of these countries btw.

>> No.9156578

im never gonna let you live it down, sorry

>> No.9156585

think that says a lot more about you than the rest of us if the previous name of the general triggers you that much

>> No.9156592

what can i say, a part of me will always live in "The Garage"

>> No.9156593

you could say you're fucked in the head, but I guess that much is obvious

>> No.9156602

you know if you didnt get so defensive i wouldve dropped this like 6 months ago lol

>> No.9156604


>> No.9156607

not defensive in the slightest, I just find it laughable that Anon's retarded naming scheme has upset you this much

>> No.9156621

lol sure buddy
so what do we have going on "The Garage" this week?

>> No.9156623

I never came up with the name "The Garage", I think that was Devil Z or whatever their name was, they also had that equally retarded Rage Racer name parody RR Retro Racing or something.

The fact you're obsessing over the name instead of actually posting about racing games sums you up entirely.

>> No.9156630

so now you are OP? weird but okay.
>never came up with the name "The Garage", I think that was Devil Z or whatever their name was, they also had that equally retarded Rage Racer name parody RR Retro Racing or something.
pretty confusing stuffm sounds like a case for "The Garage Boys". let's get this motley crue of gearheads assembled and go full throttle on this issue. together, we can finish 1st.

>> No.9156631

You thought I invented the name, I'm just saying I am not the person you think I am.

>pretty confusing stuff
It was always a shitshow of names, I don't know why people kept persisting with it.

>> No.9156641

that isnt Garage Boy talk, jabroni. we dont need more problems, we need solutions. The Garage Boys are a well-oiled machine, we can get to the bottom of this. don't blow a fuse, just stay cool(ant).

>> No.9156763

I'm finally making progress with Tokyo Bus Guide and it's basically the precursor to modern sim games. It straddles a strange line between peak comfyness and debilitating stress trying not to get your points docked for any kind of mistake.

>> No.9156791

I couldn't really get into bus guide, just felt like a less engaging version of densha de go.

>> No.9156876

Is there a border art that replicates a Trinitron?

>> No.9156880

Overclock that shit, although the last time I tried it maintaining 60 fps was kind of janky

>> No.9156895

Trust me, The Need For Speed becomes decently fun if you overclock the emulator and the game speed picks up a bit.

>> No.9156897
File: 76 KB, 846x632, I76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interstate 76 hands down.

>> No.9157043
File: 237 KB, 1600x1200, unknown_2022.08.08-00.48.mp4_snapshot_21.47.000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a spin on wet Hometown. you can win a AA race with just a BMW M5
I guess manual transmission helps a lot, dropping a gear mid-turn adds an extra bit of turn-in

>> No.9157654

i've always used manual but i still have no idea when high stakes actually wants you to shift, since shifting right at redline (on the HUD, the car interiors lie) still keeps revving past that even if you let off the gas so you think you have to wind it out into the red a bit more, but that feels like you accelerate slower

>> No.9157707


Opera only goes upto 2x speed which is an improvement but still real slow.

>> No.9157795

I would've said SRB2Kart like 2 years ago

>> No.9158014

in my experience, the perfect shift point is just before redline, when the slight rev-up when you shift goes into red for just a blip
though some cars don't have the redline point perfectly marked on Large Dials HUD mode so you just need to feel/hear the engine for that perfect point
if you go too close to, or into redline, you'll get a much longer rev
also if you let off the gas for like half a second while shifting gears, your revs settle faster than holding gas through the whole gear shift

might make a webm later

>> No.9158062 [DELETED] 

that client has most old cars iirc, and honestly playing alone in "practice mode" is good enough for me.
vanilla is impressive for its time but the cars are bumpy as fuck and will fly with the slightest touch, that's the main reason I prefer NGP, dirt rally and wrc 10 are solid modern options too

>> No.9158097 [DELETED] 

that client has most old cars iirc, and honestly playing alone in "practice mode" is good enough for me, if you want vanilla tourney/challenges then just play vanilla.
>vanilla is impressive for its time but the cars are bumpy as fuck and will fly with the slightest touch, that's the main reason I prefer NGP, dirt rally and wrc 10 are solid modern options too

>> No.9158102

that client has most old cars iirc, and honestly playing alone in "practice mode" is good enough for me, if you want vanilla tourney/challenges then just play vanilla.
vanilla is impressive for its time but the cars are bumpy as fuck and will fly with the slightest touch, that's the main reason I prefer NGP, dirt rally and wrc 10 are solid modern options too

>> No.9158114


>> No.9158146

I do love eBay at times. I've been on a nostalgia binge and have decided to shore up my collection of PS1 racing games I don't own. Mostly ones I rented back in the but never purchased ('the ones that got away') and most are still in pocket change territory. Even if I rarely play them the small child in me will be happy. Luckily I'm not a hardware purist so those games I didn't play I will just nab a rom and emulate as I don't have the emotional attachment to them (good thing for my wallet).

>> No.9158220

Local marketplaces are even better desu

>> No.9158716

Combat racing or just arena combat?

>> No.9158812
File: 1.61 MB, 320x240, 20220809_003012(1)(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started playing tokyo xtreme racer zero... fuck this game's so good

>> No.9159219
File: 1.17 MB, 3840x2160, RetroArch DuckStation 08_08_2022 20_16_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always liked monster trucks but I couldn't quite tell you why....

>> No.9159928

>want to play R:Racing with a wheel
>the PS2 version on hardware has brakes at 10% constantly
>emulating it on dolphin makes the FFB stop working after about 30 seconds

>> No.9159946
File: 2.92 MB, 318x240, ORCns.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like seeing things being run over.
I do too.

>> No.9160665
File: 234 KB, 801x574, screenshot_need_for_speed_hot_pursuit_2_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any other racing games where you can play as a dirty copper?

>> No.9160872

I just love how over the top these bio videos are, Tahmoh Penikett looks like he is taking the piss

The cutscenes in MW and Carbon are amusingly bad while in later games they are just cringe

>> No.9160874

Burnout duh

>> No.9162186

Metropolis Street Racer isn't great.
The cars all literally have zero braking power, you have to start breaking like 300m away to slow down to 60mph from 100. Legitimately the weakest braking I have felt in any arcade racer.
The kudos system is broken too. Skill and no penalty bonuses are a pittance, and the latter is virtually impossible to get because of how easy it is to bounce into things and how minuscule bumps can lose it. The choice way to earn Kudos is just to set your targets low and powerslide every single turn. Penalties never overtake drift bonuses.
FWD cars are broken and wheelspin a ton on start. The AI generally grip a lot harder even with FWD cars, I am guessing that's just the rubberband mechanics. Some starts are uphill, the AI basically gets a free 4 seconds on you if you're in a FWD car.
Miserable pacing until chapter 8 or 9, nothing but terrible FWD hot hatches and shitboxes with exactly 160BHP. You get an MR2 after that and it picks up a bit.
One on one races are bullshit, once the AI gets a lead it's essentially impossible to catch up, doesn't matter what car.
So many of the tracks also have annoying design with near transparent barriers that makes it hard to tell where the road is.

>> No.9162203

You can abuse the kudos system in time trials by doing one fast lap and then just keep drifting

>> No.9162218
File: 101 KB, 1024x674, media.media.aeafba3d-4ce5-4db4-bc64-342ef2914615.original1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've played more DDR in the meantime and also tried DD2 and I can attest you that you're wrong. DD2 driving is jank as fuck, your car loses control far too easily which is just bullshit for a game about crash racing, the crash detection for points is absolute dog shit (it's not perfect in DDR either but far better), there are too few tracks and only "three" cars (actually just one car with three handling models for the difficulty levels), and the art direction isn't as coherent either. DD is one of those cases where the newest entry is in fact the most polished one.

>> No.9162235

Raw has the worst bowl mode of all time and as such your argument is invalid.

>> No.9162241
File: 143 KB, 640x908, destruction_derby_arenas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DD is one of those cases where the newest entry is in fact the most polished one.
ahahahahaha no

>> No.9162260

Don't forget the literal gimmick of Skyscraper Mode.

>> No.9162268

A mode you can lose within 10 seconds because the opponents all score points as they kill each other leaving you with no way to get any.

>> No.9162271

I forgot this existed. Newest entry on the PS1.

>> No.9162294

GT Luvva, pls.

>> No.9162305

Whoever at Studio 33 thought that mode was a good idea needs slapping.

Can't fault RAW's actual track designs though, I love them. Just wish the cars didn't drive like shite.

Tough shit, DD Arenas is part of the series and is average as hell. For some reason Studio 33 decided to go full edge with that game so you have stuff about drivers getting killed and murdering each other in the backstories.

Those names were fucking daft.

>> No.9162314

The order of the tracks in the career feels a bit unbalanced though. There are some where I've gotten 3000 points or more, 6500 points in one case, and there are others where I struggle to get 1500 points because I just don't get any decent opportunities to properly crash into other cars, especially while trying to chase a 1st place finish.

>> No.9162326
File: 855 KB, 968x721, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the tracks are all over the place. I get making them harder as you go through the game but some of them become stupid. I didn't like how some of them are restricted to 16 cars when you have a 20 car field elsewhere, those ones always felt poorly designed.

>> No.9162380

Don't forget that in DD Raw - at least my PAL copy - if you have too much money at the end of a season in smash 4 cash the game strips you of all your money (probably a buffer overflow problem because the devs are retarded).

>> No.9162934
File: 34 KB, 143x155, chocolate_rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for bringing up High Stakes.
I now remembered how at Celtic Ruins I took one bend simply by plowing straight into the cars in front of me who already went into the curve. This always took some of them out for a moment and helped me around the bend real fast. And since this is HS it was always perfectly repeatable.

>> No.9163035

>Due to a mixup in the duplication process, the modified version of the game was duplicated and not the original version.
yeah right, an "accident"

>> No.9163229
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, wipeout3-1653676053861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Wipeout game?

>> No.9163296

Honestly? Pulse. HD is a mechanically perfect evolution if tit but it feels too clinical. Pre-Fusion games are all great too but not all the tracks are as atmospheric as Spilskinanke or Altima IV.

>> No.9163345
File: 174 KB, 800x810, 22041-ctr-crash-team-racing-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CTR belongs here right?
Nitro Fueled was great with features like
>CTR and CNK tracks in one game
>good graphics
>good remixes of some songs
>being able to play as your wafiu Ami
but honestly the original CTR still tops all that just because of the sound design
When you get USF and keep it the whole time and just hearing your kart's engine just scream is absolute SOVL and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.9163451

Wipeout 3 is sanded down from the previous game and for that I will never put it above 2097.

>> No.9163467
File: 2.82 MB, 800x598, Warrior PTO is a beast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9163505

DD2 is a classic in a vein of Twisted Metal 2 - the game that people who owned ps1 remember the most fondly. I love it as well but wish it had manual transmission.

>> No.9163506


Pulse or XL/2097 for me tbqhwyfm

>> No.9163625

i dont get the zero braking power part, i personally thought it was fine, the only problem being trail braking is too easy to do and too op >>9163467
that track is great i always loved doing 360 spins mid air on that jump lmao

>> No.9163979

I don't see why it wouldn't, it is a racing game after all.

>> No.9164090

Apparently wipeout fusion is one of the rare PS2 games that support the negcon - has anyone actually tried it? I'm trying to source the controller just because it truly is the best way to play ridge racer and it sounds hilarious to try it on a PS2 game.

>> No.9165174

I'm getting weird sound glitches in TXR:Drift 2 - either the tire skid sound or the engine sound is looping. I'm playing on a fat PS2 off an HDD, never had this glitch when I was playing on the emulator. Is this an issue with my copy or with the hardware?

>> No.9165183

Just pulling this out of my posterior but does the HDD have a slower read speed than the DVD drive? My thought is in the scenario it does the sound is being streamed in a bit too slowly and the game has no idea what the fuck to do about it.

>> No.9165192

Yeah, I had the same issue. Haven't found a fix. Supposedly reading from the HDD is faster than reading from disc, and if that's where the hiccup is there's an OPL option to get it to read at the correct pace. iirc it didn't help me.

>> No.9167125
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As an adult i'm feeling pretty content i've finally got this. My inner child is going mental like the infamous NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRR video.

>> No.9167178

It sure is. It's a shame that you never really have enough credits to experiment with other cars and by the time you do, there are only a select few cars that are viable late-game.
In terms of upgrading one car though, it's great - every upgrade feels meaningful and well earned.

>> No.9167282

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 on PC. My only memory from back when I was 10 or so was getting destroyed in almost every race because I only had a keyboard. Also some weirdo, claiming to be a chick from California, asking everyone how big their dick was.
Forza 2 was super chill, made a lot of online friends there while doing 50 lap races on the oval track with maxed out Ford GT40s. Thinking back on it, almost as cozy as Halo 3 custom lobbies.

>> No.9167631

I have come to the conclusion that High Stakes is, in fact, shit.

>> No.9167647

It's better than III in every way

>> No.9167664

I disagree.

>> No.9167673

lol no

>> No.9167675

What were the better arcade racers in the 90s with real cars? Fucking Test Drive?

>> No.9167683

I have come to the conclusion that Porsche Unleashed is the only enjoyable NFS on the PS1. The others are either janky as fuck or have performance issues making them borderline unplayable.

>> No.9167724

>Porsche Unleashed
Botched port with simplified career and awful handling which is significantly inferior to the PC version

>> No.9167920

The sad truth is that there were none.

My High Stakes conclusion was based on the PC version and its continually infuriating physics and AI, topped with a career mode that's more padded than a pillow. No one wants to race 16 fucking laps of Rocky Pass back to back to progress without even being able to do another cup in between.

>> No.9168960


>> No.9169628
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Fusion. I will not elaborate further, if you know you know.

>> No.9170646
File: 791 KB, 3840x2160, Need For Speed II_ Special Edition 12_08_2022 20_12_59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The monkey god is disapproving at the slowness of this thread.

>> No.9170705
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, REAL RACING ROOTS IN... EDGE OF THE EARTH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's /vr/.

>> No.9170712

The board has gotten faster but this thread consistently falls off the bottom which is a shame.

>> No.9170751

I'm still looking for a good Xbox original wheel.

>> No.9171486
File: 1.52 MB, 1440x1080, nfs4.exe Screenshot 2022.08.12 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Monkey God knees to our First and Most Malevolent Lady of Whatever the Fuck That Is.

>> No.9172187

The angel sits opposite a cathedral within the city of sin - a symbol that there is forgiveness amongst the corruption of a metropolis gone bad.

>> No.9172771
File: 467 KB, 2579x1936, Capture3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Outrun 2 C2C with the FXT mod. It's really hard to get the control sensitivity dialled in like the arcade.

>> No.9172798

Desu I found it to be pretty weird feeling even with FXT

>> No.9172843

same I can't drift powerslide for shit in that version, what's even the right wheel rotation for it, 180° or 270°?

>> No.9173789

According to the police chatter, that cathedral is the community arts center. Also I swear the angel statues have goofy skulls for heads, I've never been able to see anything else.

>> No.9173973
File: 370 KB, 1519x2048, Need For Speed Underground_2022.08.13-22.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear diary;
>order CRT TV off ebay for some authentic retro /vroom/
>courier company are an absolute bunch of cunts with a capital C and fuck up delivery twice by trying to deliver 8 hours after their tracking says so
>get mad
>get turbo mad
>get supercharged twin turbo mad as it is a saturday night and I can't do shit about this until monday
>redline at 9000rpm on the anger scale boot up NFS Underground
>proceed to smash the everloving shit out of the last 30 races on hard
That anons has been my fucking day. I feel good about annihilating the rubberband a.i but on the other hand I want my fucking parcel.

>> No.9174358

Yeah what I thought too

>> No.9174451

>400 km/h at monaco
you know there is a timeline were this is happening right now

>> No.9174460

xenon racer style

>> No.9175405

FXT just makes my wheel sperg out, the arcade version through Teknoparrot with the arcade FFB plugin is miles better.

>> No.9175427

Excellent, I will try that today anon.
After a couple of hours I was adjusting to how FXT controls but it felt completely unnatural compared to my memories of the arcade cab.

>> No.9175436

I wish the two week limit wasn't a thing on here.

>> No.9175446

The arcade FFB plugin can be modified in terms of strength too. It comes with 2 presets, I find the custom better than the real one.

One thing of note is that for some people (myself included), opengl32.dll breaks Teknoparrot, so you have to rename it to winmm.dll if you have a problem.

>> No.9175764

Turn off Motion Blur, that will fix your magazine covers.

>> No.9175772

That is with it off.