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File: 46 KB, 307x266, DurandalBoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9129523 No.9129523 [Reply] [Original]

When my ship still answered to the Pfhor, they called it Sfiera after their goddess of lightning and passion. When you helped us take control on Tau Ceti, the S'pht rechristened it Narhl'Lar, 'Freedom and Vengeance'.

I call it BOOMER.

>> No.9129668

Have a pity bump because it's a interesting series.

>> No.9129689

Daily reminder that Infinity is not a time travel story and people need to stop learning about games through Youtubers

>> No.9129754

>game punishes the player for using the always-run option
Bungie was truly avant-garde

>> No.9130256

wait, so what is it about?

>> No.9131485

It's about mutually exclusive alternate realities, but there is no indication that Durandal, the Security Officer, Thoth, or anyone else is capable of bending space-time to teleport the Security Officer between realities. I think of it more as a funnel which shows a few failed paths to indicate and explain the significant and insignificant, which provides context for how Durandal and the Security Officer were ultimately able to triumph at the final ending. But even the final ending was not the only ending; Marathon 2's ending was pretty unequivocal as being a "good" ending with no galaxy-destroying elder gods unleashed.

>> No.9131505

Good video game, glad I played it.
I don't usually like FPS games, but this one caught me with its novelty on all fronts.

>> No.9132471

thanks, mandy