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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9128356 No.9128356 [Reply] [Original]

what are you playing on your TV, /vr/?

>> No.9128458

mahjong porn

>> No.9128493

I'm playing Far Cry (patch 1.33 with HDR enabled) on my 22'' Vision Master Pro 514. It's glorious.

>> No.9130283

Table tennis. The TV - like yo momma - is big.

>> No.9130352
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>> No.9131770


>> No.9131826
File: 2.51 MB, 3000x4000, 1630364767519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Chronicles.

>> No.9132970

What is that TV?

>> No.9133178

I answered it here: >>9133114

>> No.9133369

based, I always tried to pause it during that same spot as a kid, same with first boss of starfox, as you fly through that coffin with the glowing center

>> No.9133658

>yoshi story
as much as I want to hate this game for making me spend $60 on it with my allowance I still replay it every couple of months

>> No.9135000

Is this guy good looking or not? He looks exactly like me

>> No.9135005

You're one handsome mf bro

>> No.9135059


>> No.9135073
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>> No.9135952
File: 387 KB, 1080x864, Screenshot_20220731-100316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good TV? I saw it online for $15


>> No.9135954
File: 472 KB, 1080x864, Screenshot_20220731-100333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9135958

looks like it has decent speakers at least

>> No.9136469

Ultimate CRT Hunter's Guide to Finding the Best TV:
1.) Go see it in person with a game console to hook up
2.) Does it look good?
3.) If yes, congrats! If no, repeat from step 1.

At this point, no set is inherently better or worse than any other, they've all seen different amounts of wear and tear. You've just gotta check 'em out. While Trinitrons are generally a safe bet as they were market leaders and generally well-built, there's no way of telling how much abuse any given set has seen without testing it yourself.

>> No.9136472

>with a game console to hook up
I have a "pen" with batteries that has a RCA composite connector on the tip and when you plug it into a TV it shows a test image like 240p suite, you can even switch between several using a switch on the side and you turn it on/off by rotating the barrel

>> No.9136601

That's pretty neat. Where'd you get it?

>> No.9136631

Box of tech scrap from years ago, it doesn't even have branding
I think I only ever once saw a similar one in a YouTube video, probably Adrian's Digital Basement

>> No.9138527
