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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9126085 No.9126085 [Reply] [Original]

imagine driving to work and finding this on the side of the road. which one do you put in your car?

>> No.9126090

all of them since I drive an SUV

>> No.9126093

The one on the left because I already have a TV but monitors are 100x harder to find for some reason and are more expensive when you do

>> No.9126097

All of them. I went into a game store and they were selling them for like $200. One of the funniest things I've ever seen.

>> No.9126103

I could probably fit all 3 of them in my car but one would have to be tied in the trunk. If I had to pick one though I'd take the curved trannytron unless it's composite only.

>> No.9126105

I always check for built in VCR/DVD players. If there's none, then the number of inputs it has, most crts I've come across have two, possibly three at max.

If it's still a tie, then I'll take the black one. Black tvs look better than silver.

>> No.9126110

Definitely the PC monitor, if that thing is as big as it looks it was probably cost an arm and a leg back when it was new. Then the flatscreen TV, then the one in the middle if I still have room.

>> No.9126121

op here
I could only fit one in my car so I went for the silver Trinitron. I wanted the black one but it was just too huge and heavy to fit.
I'm super happy with my snag tho. I hope it works!

>> No.9126137

Not a single one. I like old games because they are more fun than new ones, not as a way to escape from the present by building my childhood setup and therefore have no trouble playing old games on new hardware.

>> No.9126138

That monitor is bigger than the fucking tvs?! I would grab that even if I was on foot (to be fair I already have the flat sony)

>> No.9126146

Looks like a 17 or 19 inch

>> No.9126148

cool guy alert

>> No.9126150

good luck
post an update when you get home

>> No.9126151

lol damn man I picked it up and I felt like it was bolted to the ground
I wish I could have grabbed the black Sony, but I am super happy with the smaller silver one.

>> No.9126167

I think that is a TV. It's got speakers and that black rectangle on the front is probably an IR sensor for a remote.

>> No.9126170

none bc they all look like shit

>> No.9126173

Where is this? AUS?
I would have removed the engine to make room for the other two and pushed the car home.

>> No.9126181

yea aus
Sydney airport area, if any anons in the area want to pick them up let me know.

>> No.9126189

i would smash all of them and take a picture to post on here

>> No.9126192

I would wait around for someone else to come buy and ask for help loading them in. Slip em 10$ if I have to

>> No.9126195

dangerously based

>> No.9126235

holy crikey fuckin' dooley

>> No.9126236

no you wouldn't

>> No.9126239
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You sydney-ites get all the luck.
I live out west and this shit never happens out this way.
Bro, i gotta scour the dump to find old crts and have self tought how to RGB mod these things.
That flat screen sony can be rgb modded with your eyes closed, the black one is pretty easy too. Mine is a KV-XF21M31.
Go save those other ones, i've had to drive 4 hrs beofre to get something half as decent.

>> No.9126240
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based and vga pilled

>> No.9126245

None of them. I take a baseball bat and smash all of them to continue to reduce supply.

>> No.9126270

I can't fit them in my car man. I actually snuck out of work and went back to try to get the black one but it was too fucked up. I'm happy with the silver one.
come make the drive over here man.

>> No.9126298


>> No.9126336

Why can't you put them in some combination of one on the passenger seat, two in the back seats and/or one or two in in the trunk?

>> No.9126362

He's a brainlet

>> No.9126387

my trunk has shit in it so nothing can go in there
only one can fit in the back seat because of their size. and I tried passenger seat but it blocks my gear shift in every configuration.

>> No.9126391
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OPs car

>> No.9126394
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>> No.9126395

The black Sony if it has s-video.
If not, the the far left if it has component.
If neither, then the small one on the right if it has component.

>> No.9126398

Are you certain that is a monitor?
I thought it might be but the bottom panel doesn't seem monitor-like to me.

If it is a PC monitor then I agree it's the auto-take.

>> No.9126403

it wasn't a monitor
if it's still there after work I can take a better photo of it

>> No.9126537

fuck this just gave me a recovered memory that I had that Trinitron up until like 11 years ago. I never thought much of it or realized it was a Trinitron until now. Never paid attention to the CRT scene but I know those are notable,

>> No.9126645

whichever one supports 60hz
I fucking hate living in Australia

>> No.9126654

I have terrible luck with CRTs, so i'd grab all three in the hope that perhaps one would actually function. I've found a Trinitron TV, a Trinitron Monitor, and a JVC I'Art over the last three-ish years. The JVC lasted about a week before it developed the worst pincushion i've ever seen. The trinitron monitor smelled like magic smoke when I turned it on, and the Trinitron TV I had to leave behind when I moved, though it had some issues and I suspect the tube was about to go kaput.

>> No.9126763

Majority of TV’s support 60hz and NTSC

>> No.9126851

Most of the ones boomers chuck out are 50Hz, at least in Brissie

>> No.9126857

There's also these two faggots in Brisbane who are my mortal enemies. These CRT scalping cunts travel around Brisbane and grab every CRT they can find for $0 to resell at $100+, and that's without RGB support or anything. Not that I'm interested in RGB but they're cunts. They have garages full of these things, I've never been more tempted to rob somebody

>> No.9126863

I worked at a defense area and the science bros had CRTs as test equipment. I looked up the model numbers and they were all $1,000+ models even today.
same fucklers helped make the b2 bomber and moon lander so I'm not surprised they got the good shit.

>> No.9126869

I use to live in Sydney. Can confirm these get chucked out all the time as I once got a near 100kg Sony titantron fo free. They were happy for me to take that beast off their hands. And I ended up chucking it on the streets when I moved.

>> No.9126871

I'm getting the fuck out of Brisbane then

>> No.9126872

ya hey op here
I had seen a few randomly on the side of the road before but it was busy streets and I was going to work and I just couldn't grab it.
these ones I found today were on a quiet street and it was meant to be.

>> No.9126874

Man I've never seen one on the road and I've driven through a lot of places. Don't see them in Brisbane, not on Logan, nor Ipswich. South East Queensland is fucked except maybe Gold Coast but I've never had a reason to go there

>> No.9126876

I also found an xbox in working condition and all cords but no controller chucked out on the streets of Sydney newtown. You don't even have to go out looking for this stuff it happens so often.

>> No.9126881
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>> No.9126882

Brissy probably has high rent but Sydney is crazy expensive if you want to live around the city, east or north coast. Western syd is a bit cheaper but I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.9126883

good luck bro. you'll find one.

>> No.9126942


All of them.
Maybe none or maybe all three work and give a good picture.

>> No.9127009

I love that this has turned into Australian crt hunting thread.
I casually look on FB marketplace and gumtree here in Brisbane and can confirm the scalpers are ruining it. Everyone trying to sell old consoles and crt for more then they're worth.
I did pick up from curb side collection an old Sony LCD 40inch that was top of the line a couple of weeks ago. I plan to use it for a ps3 when I get time to hack it.
Still looking for a crt for my N64...

>> No.9127024

The biggest one that's not 100Hz.

>> No.9127032

>night walking a few years ago
>see pile of three monitors roadside
>pick one up to take home
>cops stop 'what r u doing'
>its on the curb you're meant to take it
>yeah not sure about that mate [to be fair, in my city we do not have curbside collection. this shit gets put out by newfaggots who don't understand this and it just rots in the rain]
>how about you put it back just to be sure yeah
last ones i ever saw on roadside

>> No.9127049

Is there anyone who's interested in dead CRTs for parts/repair? I guess hardly anyone is interested in working ones, so probably not. I have a Loewe with RGB SCART that an heroed the other day, just decided not to turn on anymore. Feel kinda bad taking it to the dump since it's quite a high-end TV, but can't be bothered trying to fix it up.

>> No.9127056

What an awful country, wow

>> No.9127058

I just assumed it was a monitor too. You rarely see that color on TVs.

>> No.9127059

>how bout you put it back
Should have told them to fuck off and kept on walking with it. They'd probably beat you to death for threatening them with a heavy blunt CRT monitor.

>> No.9127067

PC monitor and the middle Sony TV if it has s-video

>> No.9127092

Two Of Them

>> No.9127140

Sounds like police abuse to me. Next time don't listen to these cunts demands.

>> No.9127187
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>44 inch crt 1 hours drive away for $60, weights 90kg.
is it worth it?

>> No.9127202

these crts are pretty shitty so no

>> No.9127206

I don't fucking know man, I just found TV's on the curb.

>> No.9127214

Smash 'em all in with a baseball bat. Leave a note reminding scavengers that /vr/ is for discussing retro games, not garbage.

>> No.9127217

this would have been lol funny if you weren't the third person to say this exact thing. why don't you go talk about retro games in a different thread.

>> No.9127372

Why don't you go and talk about garbage on the garbage board.

>> No.9127384

Black one. No question, others are trash compared to it.

>> No.9127387

That's not a CRT, anon. It's a rear projector TV.

>> No.9127483

Oh shit you are right

>> No.9127773

needs at least s-video or component for me to pick it up.

>> No.9127784
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waterfall looks like shit holy fuck look at those lines you dumb nigger where is your dithering aaaaaaaaaaah i know its a bait post and im replying anyway AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH fuck

>> No.9127787

All three. One on the passenger seat, one on the backseat, one in the trunk. Mr. Hatchback pities the fool who bought a sedan or coupe with only a hole for groceries or gym bags in the rear.

>> No.9127789
File: 601 KB, 1457x1233, Ev5Ln-jWYAE8W5Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You)r way.

>> No.9127791

Take black one, kick in the other two.

>> No.9128801

Inshallah I will find one