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9123450 No.9123450 [Reply] [Original]

I can play Zalda 1, 2, alttp and LA and still enjoy them but OoT bores me to dead, why? The game feels a lot more slower and the focus on the braindead puzzles seems stronger

>> No.9123460

It just works, it has a nice pacing and I don't think the puzzles are as braindead, though yeah when you play the game a few times and memorize most of them part of the challenge is gone. I can still get a bit lost in some of them though, and as I said the pacing is always nice with a mix of action too so it's never really boring.
maybe you're just 2cool4school OP.

>> No.9123461

honestly the fun of the game is doing weird shit like going into a cow grotto and looking at the bottled fish or deku nuts on your menu screen while listening to the ambient music in the background, or wasting arrows trying to shoot guays from as far away as possible and the wandering around looking for grass and chests for rupees to buy more. it might sound retarded but if you don't get it you legitimately just dojt have a soul.

>> No.9123463

>The game feels a lot more slower
it is
more focus on the (lame) story with terrible text display speed which means more dead air, 3D generally means slower combat and movement and it really applies there. also the combat is just uninteresting.
Majora's Mask fixed some of those issues, the game is faster in general (animations and text, less shitty story and more focus on atmosphere), but it also added more tedium with the time mechanic.

>> No.9123484

how the fuck do you speed up text in this game

>> No.9123993

Because it is boring
>2D Zeldas have scrolling screens with each screen designed to do something (enemy placement, items to find, bushes to cut, treasure chests, walls to bomb, etc)
>3D Zeldas have you walking through open fields or long dungeon corridors with nothing to do
3D killed Zelda.

>> No.9124076

It's not a very demanding game and it's fairly linear. It's not a game you can just replay forever and enjoy the same. Take a year or two off between replays to make it feel fresh.

It's funny that the first one has the most replay value despite being so primitive in comparison to what came after.

>> No.9125058

aha I legit have ADHD (but no meds... to expensive...) l've started and stopped this game at least a dozen times. I love playing the deku tree! Then I give up a little after adult link aha.... I don't mean too! I want to finish it. But yaaa its just like not the most interesting or challenging game. Completed 1, 2, and awakening though. Breath of the wild I got bored. I don't think I'm a puzzle sovely boi :shrug: I love 1 though. I could replay that all day.

>> No.9125286


>> No.9125779

I can play any 2D Zelda and enjoy it (fuck trains and sailing though).
The first time I tried OoT though it was ok...just kinda not even close to the 10/10 people say it is. Z targeting lmao, how was that even revolutionary?

>> No.9125787

It's called Ocarina of Trash for a reason.... Overrated game that was boomer's first 3d zelda. Nothing special and a mediocre zelda

>> No.9125793

This, I hate roaming empty fields. It would be alright have a small segment to see a desolate waste area with nothing to show what Ganondorf had done, but there’s just too much empty/open space in all 3D Zeldas

>> No.9125802

You might just be easily swayed by meme opinions desu. I've been able to pick up and play OOT for years without issues
Imagine thinking fucking OOT has too much story in it.

>> No.9126751

Because it is slower.
Hyrule Field is practically empty and is basically a way to make Epona important (since she can't be used in most of the world). There's lots of slowly running through empty areas.
Movement is slow, aiming is slow, combat is slow, etc. Let's not even talk about that N64-quality framerate.
All the 3D Zeldas are like this to some degree. They all have that vestigal clunkiness from OoT that they've refused to abandon. Even in BotW, despite its advancements in certain areas, the feeling still lingers - it's like the devs haven't played a single 3D game made in the 21st century (aside from Skyrim).
I still like most 3D Zeldas but they are much more annoying to "pick up and play" compared to a 2D Zelda. I have to feel in the right mood to play a 3D Zelda, it's a commitment.

>> No.9126765

You've probably just played it too many times. There's much more dialogue to sit through and there are cutscenes, so naturally you're getting slightly less gameplay when you play OoT compared to LoZ, Adventure of Link and Link's Awakening.
I'm not sure that I agree that there's more of an emphasis on puzzles compared to the first, third and fourth games in particular, but it is certainly slower.
I've only beaten it once but I took my time playing it; I was around ten. I've picked it up a few times since then but just didn't really get too invested; would just play for an hour or two and then shelve it again. I am coincidentally in the middle of replaying in earnest now though, and I'm really enjoying it. I just need to wait over a decade to play it again, I guess.

>> No.9127303

What are you talking about. Zelds is one of the best ha sling 3d games of it's gen. It's just flawless. None of what you said is valid

>> No.9127379

It obviously doesn't work if some people don't like it.
No it isn't.
Why don't you share one of your grand opinions?
I know the OP is ESL but... did you even try to read the post?
There's nothing invalid about disliking a game Nintentoddler.

>> No.9127406

People hating on Ocarina of Time because it's the popular one will never not be pathetic.

>> No.9127419

I haven't been able to get into any Zelda game, but OOT was exceptionally boring. Majora's Mask seems a lot more interesting.

>> No.9127432

Who's saying it's bad because it's popular here? Everyone has given totally different reasons although admittedly some are fairly ambiguous. I think it's more pathetic to take it personally when someone doesn't like your favorite game and then make up petty reasons to justify their opinions.

>> No.9127438

>I know the OP is ESL but... did you even try to read the post?
I did. Let me help you out, I guess?

>I can play Zalda 1, 2, alttp and LA and still enjoy them but OoT bores me to dead, why?
He said he could still enjoy the first four "Zalda" games but that Ocarina of Time bores him to death. I assume that since he threw the word "still" in there that he has played all of these games before but isn't enjoying Ocarina of Time upon replaying it.
You sound pretty cranky over there. Do you ever get tired of this shit, anon? Lazy, stupid contrarianism for the sake of absolutely nothing?

>> No.9127679

Literally nobody has ever called it that lame ass “pun”

>> No.9127762

I think it's more pathetic to take it personally when someone likes something you don't

>> No.9127843

>Imagine thinking fucking OOT has too much story in it.
it does

>> No.9127846


>> No.9127852

>le classic popular game is actually overrated
what a boring post

>> No.9127890

i feel that way about 2D games

>> No.9128392

Pretty much all gen 5 3d games are just style over substance.
Gameplay takes back seat, while polygonal graphics (less room for imagination), storyfaggotry ctuscenes (less time actually playing the game) and waifubait (ensures nerds will defend the game's honor no matter what) are front and center.

>> No.9128732

No you don't. You might be bored by 2D games but your reasoning can't be the same.

>> No.9128753

2D games feel slow, and their puzzles are braindead

>> No.9128773

3d Zelda is shit.
Except botw, that's good.

>> No.9128780

nice b8 zoomer

>> No.9128783

>puzzles are braindead
Good thing they're not the focus, then.

>> No.9128990

coulda fooled me, it sure ain't the combat

>> No.9130421

>ESL retard who can barely spell cant get in to OOT
Should I be surprised here?