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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9122454 No.9122454 [Reply] [Original]

Handheld thread
>Ultimate 3ds edition
Any handheld or phone is welcome, anyways, whadaya

As usual, i'll go first:
the Miyoo mini, the new blue color seems nice but i'll stick with my v1 for now
starting spyro, wish me luck
that the miyoo mini horizontal won't be as good, hopefullly i'm wrong

>> No.9122536

Anbernic 351 or whatever
Shining force
Like I can’t wait for my deck. Fuck this Chinese garbage.

>> No.9122712

i'm gonna fucking puke

>> No.9123167

My $65 amazon warehouse Anbernic 350P is in the mail. Looking forward to seeing if it's actually good or if I have been supremely memed. Diablo on a handheld is too appealing to not take the chance.

>> No.9123183

is there a controller like that one that would let you position a normal smartphone in portrait orientation?

>> No.9123196
File: 2.40 MB, 3400x2844, 20220726_191416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allow me to introduce the Basedoid Pocket Double Plus, the big dick of emu handhelds.
>best looking
>best feeling
>plays up to Dreamcast
>runs android
uhhh yeah I'm thinking "based".

>> No.9123212
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GB Donkey Kong, Tetris DX, Dr. Mario
That Gameboy version of Donkey Kong is pretty cool.

>> No.9123260
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RG351V but over time I've started to feel uncomfortable with it's form factor with my hands.
Thinking about upgrading to 353P.

Some OpenBOR games, the Marvel beat 'em up was fun.

Sleepy and a bit sad. Also feeling like I should upgrade to the 353P like I said above.

>> No.9123330

Does it feel as cheap as it looks like it feels?

>> No.9123335

nope, stay sour mr. fox

>> No.9123342

>plays up to Dreamcast
would've been mildly impressive 10 years ago. And is the $99 price supposed to be an upside? Do you know how insanely cheap comparable handhelds are?

>> No.9123346

there is not one single handheld you can get for less than $99 that's as ppwerful as RP2+ or as high quality. you are fucking stupid kid. post your cringe chinese PSP knock off looking shit right now.

>> No.9123349

A decade old Dingoo
Revelations the Demon Slayer (GBC)
I gotta get me something with a bigger screen

>> No.9123392

I was genuinely asking, I'm new to these things.

>> No.9123395

pretty based rig and game selection regardless anon.

>> No.9123480

Haven't decided yet. Maybe metal slug if it can run well. Or if the pc98 emu works I'll look at eroge
On that note give me recs for old 2D arcade games you play to relax. Doesn't have to be arcade only, something like chuchu rocket is fine.

>> No.9123505

Odin Base
Working through finishing Garou with every character
I love it, but Android fucking sucks. Can't wait for real linux support. The hardware is extremely premium feeling- it feels like a reputable company's OEM device.

>> No.9123608

pls let my rg353p make it out of shenzen before that mush mouthed insider trading skeleton pelosi forces china cutoff all trade with the us

>> No.9123628

what's the best for GBA games in terms of correct screen size? I've seen a few people say 351p

>> No.9123672


>> No.9123724

RG351MP, amberelec
Ape Escape and Final Fantasy 6
Works fine for PSX and under, aside from the Mario 64 port N64 and Dreamcast are a bust, am going to wait a few more years to upgrade hoping the next device will play the aforementioned N64, Dreamcast, and maybe a bit of Saturn really hoping the switch like designs aren't taking over.

>> No.9123752

what do you base this opinion on? owning one? oh right, you don't.

>> No.9123797

No shit? Like most bad products, I don't need to personally own them to know they're bad. I trust the general consensus and save myself the purchase. If you have buyers remorse that's okay

>> No.9123802

>don't own thing
>speaks from authority about thing
thanks for admitting that you're a retarded faggot.

>> No.9123809

The post purchase rationalization is strong here. Congrats on your $99 toy, man. You definitely know better than the countless reviewers calling the thing a piece of shit, which you can find after 2 seconds of google.

>> No.9123826

>has literally no experience with the thijg he says is shit
>bases his entire opinion on "countless reviewers"
you are a shit eating NPC with no money. end of story.

>> No.9123893

You're mocking me for making informed purchases based on reviews and research? Not sure how to even respond to that. Congrats on mowing enough lawns to save up the $99 for your toy, glad you're enjoying it, kid

>> No.9123895


>> No.9123902

Half-Life, GTA3, KOTOR, Fallout, Stardew Valley
Overwhelmed desu. It can play too many games.

>> No.9123905

kek certainly not that abomination

>> No.9123918

consensus is that it rocks, you gay dweeb

>> No.9123924

love plus 3DS (mirror chrome finish x2)
final fantasy white limited psp3000
white psvita
all modded
almost anything i want on a whim
far too based chad for this tard thread

>> No.9123926

oh chang
>0.0000032 cents has been deposited into your shill account thank u

>> No.9123991

Help me out bros. Miyoo mini or a similar priced anbernic? Miyoo looks pretty kino but I've heard good things about anbernic. I'm mostly going to play GB-GBA, maybe snes/genesis

>> No.9124120

What do you use for Super gameboy?

>> No.9124160

cia files exist anon

>> No.9124169

Do injections work like SGB?

>> No.9124185
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In during peasants foaming in the mouth at OP's and my superiority.
Can't wait until I get my Steam Deck, either.

>> No.9124197
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Minish Cap and Sonic Advance. Open_agb_firm now works really well, you can adjust screen brightness during play, and there are some nice scalers to choose from, so GBA games finally look non-shit on 3DS (pic rel). I've also been playing PS1 games a lot on it, Ape Escape is great with the right analog nub thing.
Feels good mayne

>> No.9124210

Is that the native resolution of the screen or is that a pixel grid shader?

>> No.9124308
File: 884 KB, 703x526, 6E925C79-4DA9-40CE-AE92-5320604629AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for kino comeback?

>> No.9124325

Yes. Zoomer you replied to is trying to justify one of the fads he bought into.

>> No.9124328

>limited changoro handheld
Kino is just using your decked-out phone (or an actual PC like Steam Deck)

>> No.9124385

No, kino is using PSP or N3DS. Using a flagship phone or Steam Deck is simply patrician. It's the best, but at the same time lacks the soul of the kino options.

>> No.9124408

It's safer dealing with commodities.

>> No.9124623
File: 217 KB, 500x602, 66r3h8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver + Front Mission 3
Like this thing is the best money I've spent in ages. Love the metal shell and the blockiness is oddly comfortable in my effeminate baby hands.

(BTW if you're like me and found the D-Pad too mushy, crack her open and put 2 layers of electrical tape in an X shape onto the PCB. I did this a couple weeks ago and now the D-Pad is fuckin' perfect.)ox8nvr

>> No.9124625

Integer scaling and shader. It's the default setting for AmberELEC.

>> No.9124673

this looks nice, wonder when they'll launch it.

>> No.9124697

STEAM DECK. This thing fucking rocks. And is somehow more comfortable than a Switch despite being bigger
DBZ BT3, Burnout 3, Mega Turrican, trying to find a shmup I like
I love this fuckin' Deck. It's everything I wanted it to be. Can play everything I ever truly enjoyed on one device + controller support if I want it.

>> No.9124731

Is this a bot? I've seen this sentence randomly posted on different boards for like a year now

>> No.9124737

They finally put the dpad in the right position

>> No.9124767

You mean it's NOT safer dealing with commodities? Who's telling the truth here?

>> No.9124778
File: 301 KB, 1450x1803, 20220727_101629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this modded gameboy pocket. Uses USB-C, has an amazing screen, you can change colors by touching the top of the unit.

Love it so fucking much. The gameboy pocket has peak handheld aesthetics imo, the screen is fucken huge.

I passed on buying the Analoge Pocket because I hated how the company mis-represented so many features despite ample development time caused by hardware delays. With this thing, I don't give a fuck about the analoge pocket.

>> No.9124850

pretty nice actually, just today retrododo announced a new handheld coming out in the next half a year that uses a modified gameboy pocket shell and it's kind of a dream come true, runs android and all for those sweet emulators; anyways, how is the battery life on one of these anon? i kinda want to mod mine as well but i'm not too good at DIYing stuff and breaking my only GB Pocket would make me cry a bit, hope you are enjoying it to the fullest, cheers

-Anon, as in Anon

>> No.9124891

>retrododo announced a new handheld coming out in the next half a year that uses a modified gameboy pocket shell
link. cant find anything on this

>> No.9124895
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Steam Deck, but I was big on modded 3DS's
Kingdom Hearts 1 as far as retro games right now.
I have been wanting KH1 on the go for so long. I still can't believe the Switch only got a copout cloud version.

>> No.9124904

it's by retroplaying, it's called the retro pixel pocket:
-Anon, as in Anon

>> No.9125160

based. i'm a fresh deck owner but my psp will forever be my ride or die. had that bitch since 2008 and all i've had to do is replace the screen and stick, and that was only recently actually. the native library is surprisingly good and has a port or representation of many things i love (battlefront 2 port, dbz tenkaichi shin budokai and tag team, mgs po+pw) and then can play 99% of ps1 games natively. it's a fuckin GOAT, and while my deck i do believe is gonna be my "forever system", i'm gonna keep my psp around for quick travel needs

>> No.9125195 [DELETED] 

I cringe when I see brown hands touching eletronics. They seem filthy and the idea of those filthy hands touching my electronics makes me want to puke.

>> No.9125224

Cringe. Literally the only reason to still use a gb pocket is for a backlight dot matrix screen. Replacing it is absolutely asinine when you can pay the same price for a GBA upgrade which plays more games. That gay filter doesn't even look like a real dot matrix display.

>> No.9125264

are you retarded, where in that post did you see / someone mentioned the gb boy? that's a game boy pocket with a modded screen / usb port

>> No.9125274

Are you retarded? Re-read my post you absolute imbecile. There's absolutely no reason to mod a pocket when you can pay the same price to mod a GBA or GBC. The only reason to mod a pocket is to backlight the ORIGINAL dot matrix screen. That garbage chink lcd and filter look nothing like the real thing.

>> No.9125336
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>kino is using PSP

>> No.9125362

The deck is unironically too big, andd the screen is kind of garbage. I don't really use it a ton because of it

I actually really like the switch oled as a device but the actual nintendo ecosystem is pretty garbage. If I could hack the switch oled I think i'd have my ideal handheld

>> No.9125379

PSP2000 with PSP and PS1 games. The TV out is kinda soso with the 1:1 pixel output but luckily my TV has a decent custom zoom mode (samsung)
It has a simplicity that newer devices lack. I don't want notifications, achievements, connect to 5G or vote in the next election. Just let me play SotN.

>> No.9125437

>Love the metal shell and the blockiness
Agreed you'd think it'd feel awkward to hold but the blockiness I find more comfortable than most other handhelds (GBA and PSP being the two exceptions). Also the metal shell makes me wish other handhelds were made with metal as it feels so sturdy and durable.

>> No.9125872

The GBA sucks

>> No.9125885

A hacked Switch. Final Fantasy IX

>> No.9126519

What emulator do you use?

>> No.9126540


>> No.9126585

steam deck eats switch's lunch so hard it's unreal

>> No.9126587

nigga what

>> No.9126759

this tbqfh

>> No.9126808

Nice. I like retroarch on android with a controller, but I just wish the fast forward speed was faster. I like having the 16x option in myboy.

>> No.9126814

Looks blurry as shit.

>> No.9126816


>> No.9126960

It's much better than what the VC injects looked like. Obviously it won't be perfectly sharp unless you use 1x scaling. A slightly clearer image is not worth getting a $99 Chinese handheld when you have a N3DS.

>> No.9126964

Where do I get an updated build?

>> No.9126998


>> No.9127003

Thanks a lot, I saw the last comment stating that " automatic builds have been implemented so anyone can download them directly from github", any idea about this?

>> No.9127025

No idea, sorry

>> No.9127043 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1942x2787, 1601039579414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a comparison with an integer scaled picture. I think it looks okay, it even has a nice smoothed impression compared to the huge chunky pixels. (Ignore the weird color banding, that's just a camera artifact.)

>> No.9127050

That looks quite good.

>> No.9127061

I think so too. Playing GBA games on my DSi makes my eyes hurt, it's so small. (Even though it's exactly the same size as an OG GBA screen, which was fine when I was 10, but apparently I'm decrepit and old now.) The N3DS XL screen is much better, even if slightly blurrier.
Probably I should get a DSi XL at some point.

>> No.9127090

Why not play on your AGS-101?

>> No.9127119

That filter looks better than I thought it could. I'll give this new build a try.

>> No.9127185

Makes my eyes hurt. I'm not a child anymore. Screen's just too small.

>> No.9127240

Using 2015 smartphone and Emuloid.
Playing Link's Awakening for the 10th time.
Feeling jittery, drank too much cofefe.

>> No.9127276

>Screen's just too small
Why don't you play on your TV?

>> No.9127437

because it is
GBA has a height res of 160
DS has a a height res of 192
where as the 3DS has a height of 240
as you can guess, these screens don't scale well

>> No.9127440

>PSP controls and screen
no thanks

>> No.9127441

This is the handheld thread sir.

>> No.9127449
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You can hold a TV in your hands.

>> No.9127534

Actually, GBA displays very well on DS with only an extremely thin black border

>> No.9127543
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DS is shit on 3DS though

>> No.9127548

I suppose when it comes to sucking, you'd know.

>> No.9127551

gay and psvita is better

>> No.9127691

I don't have a dog in this race but it's funny how memes have rotted people's brains so much that they really do think that doing basic research makes you a "NPC". Don't ask questions, just buy.

>> No.9127905

GBA Sp, used pos I bought on ebay for construction job breaks
Golden Sun
Just finished Pokemon LeafGreen (beat elite 4 and got the credits anyway). Feeling pretty good about that. I plan on playing all handheldppkemon releases, either their original or remake.

>> No.9127914

This looks awesome

>> No.9127948

That's a new 2DS XL of course it looks like shit did you think they'd put a high quality display in a budget device

>> No.9127990

I'm talking about the screen size, nigga
Try to keep up, geez

>> No.9128005

doing research doesnt make you an NPC, using internet reviewers as a basis for not buying something and then speaking from authority about a product you've never even held, that makes you an NPC. also ive yet to see any reviewer who doesnt think it's at least decent, most i've seen really like it, including those in the first few google results, so he's either being disengenuous or outright lying. this faggot is coping because $99 is an absurd amount of money to his retarded neet ass and he would rather shit on something that he clearly knows nothing about because he cant have it rather than spend two days a week doordashing so he can stop stealing money out of his elderly mother's purse and actually buy a frivolity once in awhile.

>> No.9128016

You are purposely not scaling to the full screen size.
The latest nds-bootstrapper has some new scaling options for DS games so it can actually look good now

>> No.9128023

It looks like shit on every 3DS model for the same reasons. Apart from not being part of the IPS lottery I don't think the N2DS XL uses worse screens than the N3DS XL.

>> No.9128035
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and picrel

>> No.9128039

That's nothing to do with nds-bootstrap but all of those scaling options are shit regardless. There's just not enough resolution there to upscale well.

>> No.9128040

Yeah it looks like shit, even with the new options that all look worse than the default.

>> No.9128043

I thought Linear sharpen 1 looked good >:C

>> No.9128045

I do use that one on my N3DS but it's suboptimal.

>> No.9128050

Just use your phone.

>> No.9128067

You have definitely been memed.

>> No.9128324

based! all gayboys are shit actually.

>> No.9128347
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>tfw want a fullscreen RG351, but the only one for sale is metal which adds a bunch of weight and costs more
Guess I'm getting the Retroid 2+ by default.

>> No.9128358

Rockman.exe Operating Shooting Star
Well, the sticks are wrongly calibrated and I'm not replacing them. It is cheap shit, but I guess the buttons don't feel bad at all and it does play most of the shit I'd play on a handheld. Definitely more comfortable than my fucking 3DS for sure. Fucking piece of shit with clicky stupid buttons and the d-pad where it's most uncomfortable.

>> No.9128401

ps vita can play psp and psx games using native mips hardware and ps vita games

>> No.9128434

which filters/scalers do you prefer

>> No.9128794

My Vita
GTA sa and vc
Like I should get a 3ds, but they are impossible to find for reasonable prices in 'straya

>> No.9128863

Probably a dumb question but are there any extra steps or reasons not to mod a JP 3DS?

>> No.9128924

Alright, I got my 350P, put the latest ADAM image on it, and DevilutionX fucking crashes instantly. I had the files in the right places, any ideas? Looks like DevilutionX and the ADAM image were both updated recently...

>> No.9129001

Got it, if anyone else is struggling I had to use version 1.3.0 of DevilutionX for some reason.

>> No.9129060
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Mostly the Analogue Pocket lately.
Pocket Bomberman right now
Good, I love this thing to death.

>> No.9129061

should've bought an RP2+

>> No.9129067

I had one but it sucked, so I resold it a few days later.

>> No.9129071

>i had one
no, you didnt.

>> No.9129084
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Sure, if that's what you want to believe, I can't stop you.

>> No.9129091

okay i concede, you bought one. unfortunately you were gay and sold it for a knockoff gameboy. bad move, jabroni.

>> No.9129095

Based DSi XL enjoyer. The undisputed best way to play DS.

>> No.9129104


The orders are not related at all, I put my Analogue order over 1 year ago. I didn't sell the RP2+ for it, I just instantly didn't like it and knew I had to sell it fast because the RP3 was going to be released soon so those things would be worthless.

>> No.9129114

you're a spastic retard dude. RP2+ is awesome. sorry you got filtered.

>> No.9129119

I'm glad you're enjoying it. I didn't like the buttons on mine. I'm not sure if my unit was defective, but they were incredibly stiff, hard to press and grinded against the shell a fair bit.

>> No.9129129

okay ill give you that, ive heard the SNES colored one had that issue for a few people so maybe you just got a bad deal. i got the black one and IMO it's near GBA build quality, no issues. i had an original RP2 with a screen problem so there's definitely quality control issues but this is a new market and a few duds are bound to happen. i've been using the 2+ for months now and i've never had a problem. i cant blame you for wanting to wait for the RP3 at this point but man i wish you had gotten a good unit, this thing is legit.

>> No.9129157

Yeah, I did like everything else about it. The screen was quite nice, performance for the price is incredible and the battery life was the best I've seen in any handheld. I kinda knew the button issue had to be a defect, 'cause it grinded so much against the shell I could see white plastic dust building up even after a few hours of play, so I didn't wanna take a chance again after that.

I'm following the market closely to see which one I'll buy in the future. I mostly play Gameboy games when I'm using a handheld, so that's why I like the Pocket. But I also want a device to play SNES and PS1 RPGs on the shitter sometimes that doesn't cost a fortune.

>> No.9129183

I use number 2 from open_agb_firm, I think it’s a good middle ground between nearest neighbour and bilinear filtering

>> No.9129195

you're alright anon, sorry i called you a faggit or whatever. most anons on here spout bullshit about things they never owned so i assumed you were a fox without grapes. you got burned by luck and that sucks, but don't worry, 5 years from now we are going to be spoiled for choice and even my baseoid will pale in comparison. keep on truckin' and let's work towards the future. in the mean time, im glad you get to enjoy your analogue pocket and i will enjoy my RP2+.

>> No.9129218

>buy rp2
>battery shits on me 2 weeks in
>it runs slow
>rp2 plus comes out 3 weeks later
Im never buying one of their products again

>> No.9129327

Just don’t buy Chinese crap, period. I first used a PSP. Then I switched to N3DS when that came out. Now I’m waiting for my Steam Deck. Only buy first world products.

>> No.9129456

>steam deck
>this item is not available in your country
okay where do i buy first world products if im not in first world

>> No.9129460
File: 805 KB, 4000x3000, 1637643391429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but can your vita also do this without bricking itself after 2 weeks of "non oem" battery injection? im yet to see people modding vita successfully with custom batteries that last over couple weeks and not just for reddit points that it's "possible", but only temporarily
i dont see the point in vita when
1. it doesnt have games
2. if you gonna use it just for ps1 and psp, why not battery modded psp at that point

>> No.9129496

Yeah but Vita is by far the worst way to play psp games, it lacks every single feature emulators have, and all the games look like muddy diarrhea because they're being blown up to match the 2x Vita resolution. You'd have to be an actual moron to play psp games on a Vita in 2022, considering there are literally hundreds of vastly superior options.

>> No.9129498

I have a retroid myself, but I don't understand why you're shilling it so much. Do you have a fuckin referral code or some shit?

The case is 3d printed dog shit that would survive any substantial fall. The screen is very mediocre with washed out colors and the touch input is not very accurate. The left thumbstick has very little movement making it difficult to make precise moves and the right thumb stick is some weird 8 way directional shit. I've read the hdmi output is basically unusable, either having high amounts of input lag or just not working at all.

Anbernic has higher quality devices but lacking the hardware to emulate anything of relevance.

>> No.9129515

walk over to your neighborhood sweat shop and ask to buy one off the assembly line

>> No.9129546

Of relevance? This board is going places.

>> No.9129548

Vita and phone with kishi
Shadowrun (Snes) and Pokemon unbound
Shadowrun's exploration is worst than I thought. it feels more like a point and click game, but I can't stop playing it.

The only psp rpg I played so far that needed speedup was persona 3 portable. (Kemco games were naturally fast and the qol doesn't waste your time, and the others like hexzy force have a speedup option. Some none sprite based games like monster hunter do look kinda weird on the vita screen though.

>> No.9129549

Early systems had a couple gems but for the most part it was either shovelware or just complete dogshit. Download any rom pack and see for yourself. NES packs come with 1000 games and like 4 are good. Compare that to later console libraries after actual quality standards were put in place. N64 and later is all I really emulate.

>> No.9129576

You can get one even in fucking Moldavia. If you live in a worse place than Moldavia, move.

>> No.9129585
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>phone with kishi

>> No.9129589

I can't buy odin. I have to wait.

>> No.9129616

Please shut up because you are not fixing things.

>> No.9129631
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>he’s a gen X that emulates NES exclusively

>> No.9129673

Go back >>>/v/

>> No.9129751

it's letterboxed, not extremely well

>> No.9129776

>downloading 1000 games and trying them at random
there is your problem, find some recommendations next time

>> No.9129824

Don't get new 3ds, batteries that match amp and quality are really hard to find if yours needs a replacent.

>> No.9129904

How is a razor-thin letterbox hampering your enjoyment? You realise that people put actual DSi screens into GBAs right?

>> No.9129905
File: 584 KB, 640x640, 650BD999-DC18-4A1C-B87D-FDCB1FE95E81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got cfw up and running on my vita that I’ve had for several years now. I haven’t played any /vr/ on it yet. Installing cfw on my vita made me realize that I should just start pirating every game that I want. I can’t wait to get my hands on a steam deck and load it up with every game under the sun

>> No.9129996

That reminds me, when I was a kid around 1995, I would tell the other kids that I’d report them to the Business Software Alliance and they would get arrested for piracy, unless they do as I say

>> No.9130043

Been holding off buying the RG351 because I'm not sure about how it runs NDS games. I keep getting conflicting results on how they run, mostly because people have their system set up differently and the default emulator seems awful even by NDS standards.
A lot of games seem to run well with amber elec from what I've seen though. Saw someone mention that the microSD that comes with the system is awful and casues issues. I'd like to play mostly 2D games but if it runs DS Pokemon games well it would win me over.

>> No.9130092

I have an RG351P with AmberELEC. I tested plenty of games (DSvanias, Pokemon Storm Silver, dragon quests, kirby games, megaman games, NSMB) and they all run at full speed without frameskipping as long as you're happy with bilinear filtering (native resolution). That is, it does look blurry, but it plays completely fine. Some 2D games run with high res at 100% speed as well (maybe even more if you overclock, but I haven't done that). Only real inconvenience is, there's no touchscreen so you have to control the stylus with the analog stick, and there's only one screen so you have to switch between them.

What you might find trouble with is PSP, as some games run at full speed (taiko games for instance, also some 3D ones like higurashi daybreak), some do have some framedrops from time to time (YS I & II Chronicles, although these framedrops are not frequent), and some just choke (god of war for instance).

>> No.9130121

>I have a retroid myself
no you don't

>> No.9130158

Yeah that sounds good, I'll probably pick one up once they re-stock the 16GB models. Thanks for the insight.

>> No.9130205

stop paying video games.

>> No.9130213

Are you unable to afford $99? Do you know that 4chan is an AMERICAN website? Stop being a europoor

>> No.9130220

$99 is a lot of money for a paperweight.

>> No.9130235

I'd grab the cheapest one and a sandisk microSD separately (U3 if possible, that way it'll boot up in about 15 seconds in amberelec or around 10 in JELOS, honestly they're cheap these days). The SD that comes with this one is not decent and it's generally advised to replace it with a decent one.

>> No.9130237

>paperweights can now run android and emulate anything up to gamecube
what a time to be alive. also you're poor lol

>> No.9130294

come on rg353p, make it out of transhipment hub before that drunken old cunt kicks off ww3

>> No.9130774

I hate that this thing had to come out shortly after I bought an RG351P

>> No.9130789

I'm going to be traveling for a couple weeks and wanna use my phone to play games when I'm by myself. What's a good way to use a physical controller on it? It seems like your options are:
>Razer Kishi: less latency but I've heard mixed reports about build quality and buttons
>Actual controller + clip: better quality but more latency, and costs a bit more since my main controller for PC is an old ass PS3 one

>> No.9130827 [DELETED] 

Because the screen and controls are better. You're right though, the vita's library is fucking dire, it makes the psp look like the ps2 by comparison

>> No.9130860

Honestly I tried the second one (I have an SN30 Pro+ and use an SN30 Pro 2 clip) and it made it just too goddamn heavy.

>> No.9130872 [DELETED] 

You're both low IQ idiots. The Vita has a fuckton of good games. Anyone who spouts this "no gaems" meme deserves to be punched in the face. It's disingenuous as fuck and I doubt you enjoy video games in the first place with a take that absurdly wrong and bad.

That's because the Vita isn't emulating it you stupid fucking worthless idiot. Adrenaline is literally loading the psp xmb onto the vita, and it's being played natively. Similar to how you can get the Wii environment onto the Wii U.

The only real bad issue with adrenaline is that it's not at the Vita's native res.

>> No.9130878 [DELETED] 

The real issue with Adrenaline is the input lag, it fucks up rhythm games.

>> No.9130887 [DELETED] 

vita is a ridiculously bad system in every imaginable way and you are bisexual idiot with a clown shoe dick.
>cant even emulate SNES games without major issues
>proprietary memory cards
>shit tier interface
and yeah, it has no games. watered down PS3 and PS4 ports and nip shit are not "having games", it's called having garbage. dont even @ me homo, im not going to reply to you. what a fucking retard.

>> No.9130901

Kishi had good sticks and triggers, but the dpad is kinda shit. Gamesir had good face buttons and dpad, but the sticks are kinda shit. Ipega's and the wee2 are cheap, but bluetooth.

>> No.9130930 [DELETED] 

>The Vita has a fuckton of good games.
Yeah like Underage Panty Quest 1
Underage Panty Quest 2
Underage Panty Quest 3
the list goes on!

>> No.9130931 [DELETED] 

Wrong, the Vita is an excellent system and you are a low IQ, mouth breathing retard
1. Nope, the Vita emulates SNES perfectly at full speed. Cope harder you fat retard
2. This is not an issue anymore you fat ugly retard.
3. Wrong. Only thing shit tier is your fat ugly face you fat ugly retard

You're wrong, you're a faggot and you suck cocks. You're not worth the dust on my feet you monkey, I only replied to you to point out that you are wrong on literally everything and that you are brain dead. What a dumb fuck. KYS lmao

>> No.9130938 [DELETED] 

actually that anon was right about everything and you're a gay homo

>> No.9130967 [DELETED] 

>faggot got BTFO so hard he samefagged
Kek that's how I know I'm right. Kill yourself you retarded faggot

>> No.9130969 [DELETED] 


>> No.9130970

you're right on literally everything and the fag you're replying too is a brain dead idiot.

>> No.9131118

and I'll hate it when the improved version comes out a week after I get mine

>> No.9131131

Is he right?

tldw handheld market is oversatureated and devices take too longer to ship when something better comes out in few months

>> No.9131173

weird. anyways not my problem, let the chinks worry about it.

>> No.9131272 [DELETED] 

How is the state of vita emulators?

>> No.9131285

That’s a good thing, more competition means more variety, better prices too.

>> No.9131362 [DELETED] 

You mean emulation on the Vita? Pretty crap. You can maybe get SNES to work if you use outdated snes9x 2002 or 2005.

>> No.9131369 [DELETED] 

No, I mean vita emulation, emulating vita games.

>> No.9131374
File: 3.31 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220616_112324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rayman 2 for the Dreamcast, 480p, fullspeed, no frame skipping.
Pretty happy with the purchase (got it when it came out). Was torn between it and the rp2+ which was launching more or less at the same time, also it's more expensive, but after seeing a friend's rp2+ I know I made the right choice, screen and controls are vastly better. Sucks at n64 though.

>> No.9131379 [DELETED] 

close to nonexistent.

>> No.9131381

>Sucks at n64 though
This continued emulation reality is somewhat a comforting constant in an ever-changing crazy world.

>> No.9131475

Moqi i7
Fucking love it. It's great for everything I want to do.
Only issue is the Aether PS2 emulator isn't on Android 7.
Even if it ran like shit I'd like to try.

>> No.9131717 [DELETED] 

I didn't say the vita didn't have good games, just that the library compared to the PSP's was terrible when everything was said and done. 95% of the games worth playing on it were ports, many of them really bad ones. Really says a lot when P4G was the crown jewel from day 1 all the way to the thing being discontinued

>> No.9131774

At the end of the day you can always count on N64 emulation sucking ass from a straw.

>> No.9132150

Just got a rg350m and was disappointed to find it doesn't play android games. What is a handheld that shares the same esthetics but can also play android?

>> No.9132175
File: 139 KB, 800x796, 17357-super-monkey-ball-jr-game-boy-advance-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Link to the past gba with voices patched out
>I just like 3:2 fuck you

Tired but i fucked up somewhere in dark palace 6 and I gotta retrace my steps so now im restless and took a break

>pic is just to remind everyone it exists and is guud

>> No.9132186

When playing of a phone, do you prefer playing in portrait or landscape?

>> No.9132206

you realise that those are centred in frame with a bezel around it
they are not covered on an actual DS so yes, letterboxing makes it not ideal and no, it's not razor thin, also the controls on the DS lite are less preferential than the GBA's

>> No.9132241

Landscape, what would I use portrait for?

>> No.9132321

when you output one of these to a tv does it take a performance hit because now its ouputting 1080p instead of 480p?

younthink it would but at the samebtime youthink it wouldnt because multiplying 240p times 2 should take the same amount of processing power as multiplying it by 4

>> No.9132386

my rg353p just landed at jfk airport. feel free to shoot down pelosis plane now china

I orderer it from keepretro for $130, 6 days ago with free standard shipping. they just dropship from anbernic or aliexpess and theyre cheaper

>> No.9132414

could lead to a crash instead of innovation

>> No.9132424

kek the one constant in our world

>> No.9132458

Noice. Im stoked for you. I might just pull the trigger and get one as i was quietly hoping theyd repack its guts into a 351 model but fuck it. New model is probably alot more comfortable anyway.

>> No.9132542

Is that a Surface Duo? How is it? I want to get one for emulation and read manga

>> No.9132668

>the myioo mini can have some weird audio sometimes and the screen has a permeant filter
Is this ture? its from a review im reading. Can a custom OS fix that?

>> No.9132670

You were and probably still are a major faggot

>> No.9132710 [DELETED] 

>emulating vita games
Emulating what now?

>> No.9132715 [DELETED] 

PS Vita, anon.

>> No.9132747

It definitely does.

>> No.9132750

>Analogue Pocket

>> No.9132793

Right honest question here
What the fuck is the internet's obsession with cuck shit? Like you could be called Tony Cuckeroni who just lives and breathes cuckold lifestyle 24/7 and you still wouldn't talk about cucking as much as the average 4chan user

>> No.9132821
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>> No.9132824

He's probably a touch control shitter

>> No.9132831
File: 812 KB, 2730x2048, 1591279193185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can put a frame around it in software. Although it's quite astounding that you literally complain about letterboxing but think that the EXACT SAME screen is fine if there's some plastic covering the black areas.

>> No.9132837

Of course it's an analogy, console users (and Analogue Pocket users in this case), choose to pay a lump sum of money to get access to a device that is greatly controlled by a third party, disallowing full access and therefore "cucking them out" of all the possibilities. They pay money to get restricted are usually proud of their lifestyle, talking bout the great value insulting stuff like monthly fees bring, and defend their choice.
Analogue Pocket users's case is more outrageous if anything, as we're talking about artificially restricting users to play ROMs of decades old titles, and charging premium for it.

I hope it helped.

>> No.9132839

I'm not that retard but ok, that looks quite cool. I wish DSi had native GBA support, even if it was like the 3DS' one.

>> No.9132840

The other anon is right, Kishi has good sticks and analog triggers, dpad is trash. GameSir has fantastic dpad and face buttons. Triggers are great but not analog. Sticks kinda mediocre. So I'd say Kishi for Gen 5 and up, GameSir for older stuff.
I also a PS4 controller with a clip, on Android 12 the latency is so minimal I can't notice it anymore. It's the same kind of latency you get on an actual PS4 with the wireless controller, which I can't notice either.

>> No.9132842

The latest GBARunner 2 DSP build is quite good. Eliminates most sound issues. I've been playing tons of GBA games with it and if there are glitches at all, they are extremely minor, like a weird flash for one moment when entering the menu, stuff like that.
>inb4 muh obscure Japan only kawaii desu shite doesn't work with it

>> No.9132853

yes, do you not know the purpose of overscan?

>> No.9132858

For a handheld?

>> No.9132859
File: 1.26 MB, 720x1280, 1659170200329870.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got my hands on a homebrewed 3ds. I never really played ds games except Pokemon. So what should I get?

>> No.9132870

Do you have brain damage?

>> No.9132871

For every screen
Do you think that all screens fit frames perfectly?

>> No.9132872

Galaxy S9 with Gamesir USB-C
Mega Man Legends
I'm stoked to the get the steam deck. I completed the purchase last night.

>> No.9132873

Nothing, really. I've had it from the start and I can't think of even a single really good exclusive on the 3ds.

>> No.9132875

Stop posting, you're too stupid to live

>> No.9132880

Professor Layton and Ace Attorney games

>> No.9132884

The 3ds games in both series are the worst in the series by far, though.

>> No.9132892

You clearly have never opened up a handheld console

>> No.9132897

I don't know why I'm responding to you, I guess I like pain. Handheld devices don't have fucking overscan. They have fixed pixel resolutions. And yes, every single pixel of that resolution is always visible on every manufactured unit. I dare you to find a picture of a single GBA that has some part of the screen obscured by the frame.

>> No.9132902

He was asking about DS and 3DS games.

>> No.9132936

No I mean like, why does EVERYTHING have to involve cucking these days. It's weird.

>> No.9132951

Are you retarded? Read the post again.
>"I can't think of even a single really good exclusive on the 3ds."
On second thought, don't bother. Just go back to playing with your crayons.

>> No.9132956

Shut up, I just misread his post.

>> No.9132960

>I'm stoked to the get the steam deck.
Nice. Just don't go in expecting to emulate anything past Dreamcast flawlessly.

>> No.9132978

Not only have you never opened a screen, it seems you’ve never actually played a real gba
You can see unused screen under the bezel

>> No.9132979

No you can't. You have no idea how digital screens work. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.9132993
File: 1.20 MB, 3024x4032, 73ED1E53-EAE6-4AA2-BC18-A43F54417DEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a GBC with the same thing because I can’t find a GBA pic

>> No.9133003

What are you even talking about? Do you think the black part past the final pixels is unused screen? That's just fucking PLASTIC lmao, you couldn't display anything there even if you wanted. Am I being bamboozled?

>> No.9133014
File: 10 KB, 148x198, 51F219E3-C901-4295-A936-1F1E8A4C3934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you need your eyes checked

>> No.9133015

There's nothing there, moron. Holy FUCK you're stupid.

>> No.9133028

the gem tones of the stock gbc screen are something special

>> No.9133043

Motherfucker that's the plastic around the screen

>> No.9133045

If you morons can’t see the separate screen from the black plastic then you are blind

>> No.9133051
File: 107 KB, 1078x1444, 1581349311739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the part you're talking about right? Where I put the yellow smiley face? That's just plastic around the pixels, man. They can't cut screens to end right at the final pixel because there's internal wires and shit coming off those final pixels. But it's just plastic, no pixels, nothing can be displayed there.

>> No.9133181

How much more intensive is it to run games through retroarch on devices like anbernic/retroid, if at all?
Does adding filters mess with the performance too?

>> No.9133210

I can see now in better lighting that the “black” is a bit lighter nearer the screen. I guess that’s what you meant. But that’s still just plastic, no pixels. It’s not like the developers are intentionally displaying black there because of overscan. It’s just not pixels, that simple. It’s plastic. If you turn off the GBC, that area won’t turn white like the rest of the screen, it will remain black. That should prove it to you.

>> No.9133220

/g/ here
is microsoft windows cuckold too?

>> No.9133254

Quite so, at least you get it for free and you can disable all the garbage that Microsoft wants to force on you.

>> No.9133335

cuck = thing I don't like
It's that simple. On tumblr, the word was "problematic"

>> No.9133338


>> No.9133426

A lot of the internet is obsessed with porn and with 4chan it manifests as a cuckold obsession because of their hatred and envy of non-white men
With Tumblr it's tranny/gay porn

>> No.9133605

Forgot to mention input lag and cheap buttons.
Other than that it's fine though.

>> No.9133608

That makes sense. Sad that a large portion of an entire generation of young men have been rendered mentally retarded and racist by Steve Bannon but what can ya do?

Anyway Front Mission 3 is fucking great craic to play on the shitter.

>> No.9133663

I can't tell if this is satire or if you are being serious with your /pol/ hot-take.

>> No.9133689

I can't tell either, but at the very least posts like that should get one banned every time. I didn't fucking coming here to see that stupid shit.

>> No.9133812
File: 2.62 MB, 3196x3576, PXL_20220523_133228585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Miyoo mini, the new blue color seems nice but i'll stick with my v1 for now
I dont get the miyoo mini its not comfortable to use its way too small

>> No.9133818

>its way too small
isn't that how you like it though

>> No.9133823

Yeah im not sure why you would put an lcd in the pocket, the stock screen looks great if you do backlight + bivert

>> No.9133847

>if you gonna use it just for ps1 and psp, why not battery modded psp at that point
The screen is better, theres also patches for some psp games that let you use the dual analog sticks
based the dsixl is so much nicer for ds games
>proprietary memory cards
you have been able to use micro sd for years now, psp also has proprietary memory cards

>> No.9133898
File: 12 KB, 200x279, 1558305730692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't tempt me into buying DSi XL pls I already have DS and 3DS XL

>> No.9133904

get one theyre great

>> No.9133909

it depends on the device, firmware/OS, and system you are trying to emulate. for example, running jelOS on rg353p you can play snes with a normal4x filter with plenty of power to spare that games will run at 90fps when fast forward. but when it comes to playstation youre probably still better booting to android and running duckstation standalone instead of the RA core

>> No.9133914

sometimes a screen is bigger than the case and a portion is under the shell, maybe thats what hes talking about?

>> No.9133918

Steve Bannon was made racist by browsing pol not the other way around

>> No.9133963

But that's not really the screen per se, it's the plastic rim of the screen unit itself. It's not a surface that's capable of image display.

>> No.9133968

What screen are you using in that GBA?

>> No.9133972

Same here, it fucking sucks that there are no DSi XLs near me and the ones online go for €100+

>> No.9133984
File: 1.39 MB, 2304x1728, PXL_20220329_164612346.MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny playing ita. it uses the screen from a dsi, its the best screen kit imo, no scaling or anything and has the grid effect from the pixel gaps

>> No.9133987
File: 907 KB, 2048x2730, 1605418197828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use your DSi.

>> No.9133990

nah id rather play on the gba never liked having the second screen doing nothing, ergonomics also aren't as good as the gba

>> No.9133997

compatibility isn't good enough

>> No.9134002

Just use a game boy macro :^)

>> No.9134004

Fair enough. I do enjoy playing on a 3DS XL though. Although it would look less shit on a DSi XL, if I could get one.

>> No.9134010

Can you give a specific example of something game breaking? I've yet to encounter one.

>> No.9134013

You play gba on the 3ds? post some pics

>> No.9134018

With gbarunner2? Many games have broken sound, golden sun being a good example.

>> No.9134024

AFAIK the new DSP build fixes sound issues

>> No.9134025

No link cable port also kek

>> No.9134027

Not completely. Golden sun also has performance issues, especially in battles.

>> No.9134034

What's broken about Golden Sun's audio? Are some of the instruments incorrect?

>> No.9134045

It crackles and skips. Any more questions?

>> No.9134049
File: 953 KB, 1664x3472, 1654315014255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the middle it's an integer scale from my phone for comparison

>> No.9134052

Welp, i last played golden sun in 2004 and that was enough for me, all the games I've played recently on GBARunner have been 99.9% fine for me

>> No.9134071

dual screen was a terrible mistake and I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.9134217

Did you get a new shell or just modify the original? I need a new shell and couldn't find any good replacements in that color.

>> No.9134221

I cut the shell this youtube vid is good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=demhO6IgWKk

>> No.9134240
File: 1.77 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_20220730_161322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was in better shape, I'd trim it. It's pretty rough though, so I'd rather just replace it.

>> No.9134249
File: 2.97 MB, 2146x2460, gameboy advance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shell i used isn't an original its light blue funnyplaying wasn't doing shells specific to the kit when i got it, yeah it sucks whats happened to the original clear shells ive had a couple of them that are yellowed im not sure its possible to retro brite clear plastic like this either

>> No.9134285

God, you must smell rancid.

>> No.9134286

Even if retro brite works on these, I think mine is too far gone to try. I might just grab a different color clear one if I can't find a decent glacier replacement shell. Since it's not too bad to cut the shell, I won't worry about getting one of the ITA ready ones though.

>> No.9134378

For that level of discoloration, you'd need to submerge it in hydrogen peroxide in a UV chamber for days.
And it wouldn't be the same glacier color when it came out. It'd lose most of its pigment.

>> No.9134438

Kishi dpad isn't trash, it's not amazing, but not trash. It's fine.

>> No.9135080

got one for 50 ausbucks at a local second hand shop in pristine condition

>> No.9135534

Hi. Help me decide something.

Should I get the RG353 or the Retroid Pocket 2+?

Pros and cons?

>> No.9135575

what do you want to use it for?
neither will work as good as a phone

>> No.9135582

>you need a phone to be a real gamer
What did they mean by this?

>> No.9135592

>Help, I'm a confused millennial
Are millennials the new boomers?

>> No.9135616
File: 1.80 MB, 576x1024, 1658133464808028.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw DS phat turns off randomly
anybosy ever have this happen to them?

>> No.9135789


Mostly lightweight Android games like Only One and Downwell

And also Moonlight/Sunshine streaming

I guess i wouldn't mind playing some Castlevania or whatever retro titles the AliExpress seller can pack for me.

>> No.9135798
File: 53 KB, 478x450, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9135816

>GBA on DSi
We have a retard on our hands!

>> No.9135820

Yes, but it's you, read a bit on it (DSi, not DS) and then come back.

>> No.9135826

I've read way more on it than you, faggot, so I know that it's a hypervisor, not emulation.

>> No.9135827

Yes, it definitely is native execution of GBA, of course it is.

>> No.9135848

An emulator would probably be better since at least that way it can have some timing accuracy, which is important for avoiding bugs.

>> No.9135849

Works fine with my games

>> No.9135856

I'm taking the silence as a sign to cancel the order.

>> No.9135857
File: 57 KB, 716x717, 961E77C8-BBCB-4236-A25B-19E224F1E53C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone test this game https://cdromance.com/n64-roms/shiren-the-wanderer-2-english-patched/ on the RG353P and see how well it performs? Thanks.

>> No.9135864

>implying anyone here has an RG353P

>> No.9135875

I mean I'd say get a 351MP cos that's what I have and it plays everything great and feels premium but that's outside the scope of the question

>> No.9135883

I have a big problem with handheld, i can only play them while laying down...if i sit or stand the screen is too low, it's not comfortable...

>> No.9135910

It's near-native

>> No.9135965

I mean they are fine but I really would only get them if you're planning to play up to PS1 at most

>> No.9136021

And what happens with the non-native parts?

>> No.9136154

If you use a phone to play video games you're not a hardcore gamer simple as. You're casual, playing in the worst way, but that's your right.

>> No.9136194

You tongue their anus

>> No.9136196

Good boy.

>> No.9136237

Don't call me that, I'm not one of those boys you sodomize

>> No.9136325

Do you think Nintendo would be where they are today if they named their handheld the SodomyBoy Advance?

>> No.9136350

I do. but its still sitting at jfk airport

>> No.9136361

rp2+ more power less money
rg353p better screen, buttons, ergonimcs, build quality

>> No.9136487

Doesn’t the retroid basically feel like a flimsy piece of shit that’s about to fall apart?

>> No.9136504

I thought everyone said it feels really good.

>> No.9136543

I thought everyone said it was shit while the anbernics feel really professional and tight

>> No.9136740

This plus custom firmware runs psp and Dreamcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgMbGd-D6xE

>> No.9136753

It's so hideous tho...

>> No.9136772

Just use your steam deck.

>> No.9137020 [DELETED] 


>> No.9137025
File: 1.53 MB, 4032x2268, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have a problem

>> No.9137063

the way it looks is what got me interested in the first place. I hate the rectangles, the switch knockoffs, and gameboy knockoffs.

my ideal would be a full sized gpi case 2 with a good screen but a supaboy inspired handheld is nice 2nd choice

>> No.9137072

>plays Dreamcast

>> No.9137092

That is one cute 3DS.

>> No.9137101

The shitch is so generic in form that I don't think it's fair to call stuff that just so happens to look like it a knockoff. I agree the vertical gameboy form factor a couple of them knockoff is vomit-inducing, though.
>not liking rectangles like the RG351 and RP2+

>> No.9137121

I assume you're still using the original battery, replace it.

>> No.9137126

Super cute NGPC

>> No.9137135

pretty wild how one of those plays all the other ones better than the original hardware (minus the vita)

>> No.9137141

N2DS XL, PS Vita 1000, Switch launch model. All of them CFW’d of course

Castlevania Portrait of Ruin, Blast Corps, Ehrgeiz

On the top of the world. I have redundant external HDDs and time to play the massive backlog they contain. They naturally have the host system libraries too but that’s not retro.

>> No.9137145

>All of them CFW’d of course
oh, of course.

>> No.9137223

None of those devices do that though

>> No.9137229
File: 29 KB, 500x368, D_NQ_NP_681880-MLA44492818763_012021-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NGPC is genuinely a great little device, decent library and super comfy to hold. I really wish some of these modern emu handhelds would use a clicky stick :( There was the neo geo x gold thing but I heard it was garbage even though it does looks sexy as fuck

>> No.9137231

>input lag
>cheap buttons

>> No.9137275
File: 678 KB, 1207x481, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People seem to think android is inherently laggy relative to Linux simply because using a bluetooth controller on a phone is laggy. Devices like the RP2+ don't have this issue and are identical in input lag to the Linux-based RG351.

>> No.9137284

Love those Kirby plates

>> No.9137287

Get some taste.

>> No.9137296

So do all of these chinese "handhelds" just copy pasta the Switch's design cues? Anything with an 8" OLED?

>> No.9137302

Yes, no

>> No.9137304

>Switch's design cues
You mean slapping offset sticks and buttons on a widescreen?

>> No.9137343

It was indeed garbage, basically the same chinese shit we buy now, but with a logo slapped on it, and at this point it's a decade outdated. I had a NGPC back in the day, only had 2 games but I really like it at the time.

>> No.9137345

But those are miserably bad numbers anon.

>> No.9137349

Okay well the point is it's identical to the RG351 and I doubt any of the other chinkhelds aside from the analogue are any better.

>> No.9137352

Well yeah the analogue has no input lag by design. I have a RG350, and I can't really play NES on it, but it plays Diablo so I don't really care.

>> No.9137368

I just kinda wish there'd be a more rounded PSP-like design presence.
I also like the GPG "micro computer" look with the physical keyboard.

>> No.9137396

If you want a small OLED, your best bet is a switch or a tablet/phone

>> No.9137402

The satisfye grip solves this issue

>> No.9137597

where did you get those numbers

>> No.9137710

The steam deck does, actually. Just not the vita, since nobody has bothered to code an emulator for its pathetic library

>> No.9137789

The steam deck does not replace a DS, 3DS or switch lol. I don't think any device could replace a DS or 3DS actually

>> No.9137915

I have phone with good battery and want to buy external gamepad for it. What could you advice for retroarch ps1/ps2?

>> No.9137974

A bit out of the loop, eh? DS and 3DS emulation has been a solved problem for a long time now. Switch emulation is pretty great, most games will perform better on the deck's superior hardware, often on release day or soon after.

>> No.9137976

>He thinks performance is the issue

>> No.9137982

The dual screens are a gimmick, nerd

>> No.9137985

It could also be the power switch. I’ve seen switches that had gunk in them that caused them to trigger randomly. Isopropyl alcohol submersion can help in those cases. Sometimes the soldering gets loose, resoldering fixes it.

>> No.9137989

I have Switch lite and I live in a first world western dystopia. I can’t find any shops that would solder an illegal mod chip for me.

>> No.9137998

Yeah no, I can't imagine playing something like EBA or any touch screen heavy game through emulation, sounds miserable. And I don't believe the deck can play every switch game at 100% compacity

>> No.9138006

I don't have one. I'm holding off for the inevitable revision that makes some improvement somehow

>> No.9138015

The Neo Geo X was hot garbage. Games displayed wrong, screen tearing was noticeable, there was input lag, and the only way to get the firmware update to fix software issues was to buy a game pack that released a few months later.

The "console" attachment it came with was just a dock and its video out was atrocious, and barely fixed by that firmware update you had to pay for. You would actually have a better experience buying one of those awful Pandora's Box machines for cheap.

>> No.9138093

>People seem to think android is inherently laggy
I’ve just measured 85ms input lag on Android 12 with a wired controller. Real retro hardware has around 40-60ms input lag. If someone thinks they can detect 85ms lag versus 60ms lag, they’re literally schizophrenic.

>> No.9138152

Ask Jurgen.

>> No.9138160

If you can't detect 16ms differences then you might be slow. Just as a test, boot something up in retroarch that you're familiar with, do an action without runahead on, then turn runahead on and try again and flip between the two. That's 16ms of difference. I'm like 95% sure you'd be able to feel the difference

>> No.9138197

Nobody can detect 16ms difference, not Homo sapiens at least. Studies have shown that the very top twitch e-sports players can detect 50ms with somewhat reliable accuracy. For the general population, anything under 100ms is imperceptible.

>> No.9138205

For the record, I meant players playing twitch games (as in games relying on fast reflexes), not the streaming service…

>> No.9138210

Well I guess I'm fucking super human because I can definitely feel a difference between 2 and 3 frames of delay so I don't know what to tell you, And a two frame difference in delay, which is just 32ms for 60fps games, is very noticeable

>> No.9138227

Maybe you should offer your body to science

>> No.9138242

You can’t tell the difference but you can tell the initial lag from a stopped to start moving character and usually edge platform jumps

>> No.9138351

i play guitar and process fx in a daw, and i can tell difference between 10ms and 50ms easily. i get very pissed off at higher latency and play more sloppily

>> No.9138357

Can you link to these studies? Because this sounds like complete bullshit

>> No.9138358

my phone replaced nds pretty easily. the modern phones especially with this trending 2:1 screen ratio is perfect for nds's stacked 4:3 screens together

>> No.9138371

Also talking about the DS isn’t retro

>> No.9138394

Audio latency detection is completely different, even lay people can tell a delay of 20ms in audio, trained musicians about 5-10ms


>> No.9138435

I don't see anything in that study that concludes people can't perceive a difference between a set amount of frames of delay. All it seems to determine is that the ability to detect input delay doesn't seem to have a correlation with overall skill level

>> No.9138443

My phone does all that for free

>> No.9138486

There’s a graph in there that shows you that expert gamers were able to detect input lags as short as 40ms on average, and average people 120ms on average

>> No.9138521
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>> No.9138563
File: 31 KB, 1000x1000, RG503-GREY-DONE-LISTING-PICTURE-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting pic related because its a decent step up from the RG351 line, is decently priced, good battery life with an OLED screen with real estate and form factor that lends itself to vertical arcade gaming.

>> No.9138580

do people think phones are free?

>> No.9138591
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>> No.9138593

But muh YouTube influencerinos say it looks “weird” and “too 90s”

>> No.9138609

>BuT hOw Do yOu TaKe pHoNe CaLlS oN It wHiLe pLaYiNg?

>> No.9138657

Well, this thread made me do some latency measurements with some hardware I have:
>RetroArch on Android with mGBA core: 78ms
>Switch, handheld mode, Castlevania Advance collection (so GBA emulation): 70ms
>GBARunner2 on DSi: 60ms
>Native DS game on DSi: 40ms
If I really, really make an effort and intensely concentrate on perceiving the lag and nothing else, I can sort of see the lag on RetroArch and on Switch, but it’s very difficult to perceive. Certainly not perceivable if I’m just playing the game. And no matter how hard I concentrated, I couldn’t perceive it on DSi either with GBARunner or the native game.

>> No.9138680

do we have chink handhelds around 200$ running windows natively?

>> No.9138683

The Loki Zero will be the first afaik.

>> No.9138731

...that graph shows results less than 20ms

>> No.9138734

That’s not the average though

>> No.9138739

Okay? The original claim here was that it's physically impossible and no one can do it. Then the proof provided clears shows it's more than possible.

>> No.9138768

Possible by a tiny subset of the best professional e-sports players in the world when they are explicitly looking for it and not playing anything. Are you telling me you’re better than the best of them at spotting input delay?

>> No.9138782

Lol you've taken the goal posts off the field at this point

>> No.9138852

Whatever fag, you still can’t detect it if the lag is sub 40ms and it won’t affect your gameplay if it’s sub 100ms

>> No.9138858

>vertical arcade gaming
make sure thats not the one that cant rotate

>> No.9138945

in one of the previous threads I mentioned making a little cm4 + lcd box and attaching it to 8bitdo controller with one of their phone clips. the old ones came in two parts so you could leave the clip attached to the controller and remove the phone clip part. wouldnt be hard to design and print a case that houses the screen, board, and battery with the notches to clip it to the 8bitdo attachment.

but I realized this could just as easily be done with a mister

>> No.9139058

What's the point with those when you can't play for more than 2 hours at the most...

>> No.9139070

Link to the studies you're referencing and your scientific testing rig?

>> No.9139156

>calling sour grapes on a 99 dollar item

>> No.9139198

That's a lot of money in Punjab.

>> No.9139356

Why not the 353p? Same console but better ergonomics.

>> No.9139369


>> No.9139376

there's a difference between reaction speed and just noticing lag and frametime stutter

>> No.9139384

Oh, will you play many arcades like this?

>> No.9139409

what phone case is that?
I like the ones that have the open bottoms

>> No.9139418

Not that anon but the "EVGP" portion is incorrect because some of those low values come from people cheating. The "EVGP (No strategy)" is more accurate, where you have only two people at 15ms.

>> No.9139469

why cant you do that with 353p?

>> No.9139491

you can but the screen will be jutting out to the side. the 353 is also just hideous, but then again I'm not the anon buying the RG503.

>> No.9139514

Official Samsung case

>> No.9139750

The ones that were verticals in the arcade I imagine.

>> No.9140090

ur moms hideous

>> No.9140196
File: 369 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2022-08-01-21-08-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems fine to me

>> No.9140837

is it worth getting an rp2+ now when the rp3 is so close to being revealed? shit's really hard to get in my shithole country so seeing one available locally is a rarity and i might be waiting months before another one pops up. i'm worried the rp3 is gonna be in a completely different (higher) pricepoint that's outside the scope of "budget" handheld.

>> No.9140885

>i'm worried the rp3 is gonna be in a completely different (higher) pricepoint that's outside the scope of "budget" handheld.
That’s exactly what will happen.

>> No.9141287

Fine, but not particularly great.
More screen real estate helps you survive more bullets.

>> No.9141371

Tempted to buy an RG351 but it's been out for a while and new systems come out so often. From what I've seen a lot of handhelds seem to be moving towards being a switch lite/steam deck variation which I'm not really interested in due to their size. Should I wait for them to release a similar but more powerful than RG351 device? Or is the industry moving away from that for a year or two.

>> No.9141492

In this thread alternatives to that handled have been mentioned.

>> No.9141537

This. I just got a Steam Deck and I absolutely love it but my PSP will always have a place in my heart for its size and simplicity. Just turn that shit on and it works with no fiddling. I may get a Vita one day.

>> No.9141602

Retroid Pocket 2+
THPS3 on PS2 since last PS2 emu alpha hit
I wasted my time playing Elden Ring. I should have finished something on my PS2 instead.

>> No.9141630

I think it mostly just depends on whether you want a 16:9 screen or a 4:3 screen. From what Taki (eceleb shill with multiple RP3 builds if you don't know who the fuck that is) has been saying, it's going to have a little more juice than the RP2+ for PS2 games, but not a ton. It's not going to be anywhere close to an Odin Lite power-wise, which also can't run all PS2 games at full speed. I'd expect the RP3 to be $130 or so, but Taki seemed offended at that price suggestion so maybe it really will be $150.

Personally I went for the RP2+ since I wanted something with a 4:3 screen. The fact it's blockier, smaller, and probably lighter than the RP3 is also nice. I already have a Steam Deck and Odin on order for 16:9 + more power.

>> No.9141748

>tfw don't even want an RP3 and still dying for news
why am I so retarded

>> No.9141843

>Miyamoto A

>> No.9142170

marketing is one helluva drug

>> No.9142238

How's the input lag when emulating retro shit on the deck?

>> No.9142243

>RP2+ has full speed PS2 emulation

>> No.9142245

18+ site.

>> No.9142249

I'm waiting for the RP3. I already have a Miyoo and 351MP, I'm not dropping another 100 bucks just for some mediocre N64 and DC support.

>> No.9142256

>says the fox that can't afford an Odin

>> No.9142262

>when the rp3 is so close to being revealed
According to what nigga they've been saying this for like a year. The RP2+ is doing too well, they're gonna coast on that money-maker as long as possible.

>> No.9142304

Obviously not, but certain games are good. Mostly 2D, but some 3D as well.
I don't think anyone has bothered to update the PS2 section since the fractional resolution update, so there's probably a few more that run well now.

>> No.9142753

>google bloat
Man just use markdown

>> No.9142781

I agree but it's not my list.

>> No.9142874

So is it true that the microsd cards included in those consoles are unreliable? What do you use then?

>> No.9142882

i dont want an odin. i like my RP2+.

>> No.9142896
File: 86 KB, 621x661, boomer kuwanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought an Odin AND an RP2+
Though honestly I'm more excited for my RP2+ atm. Maybe that's because it actually shipped right after I paid for it and will be here soonish.

>> No.9143027

i removed the sim card module and instaled an usb charger module from a power bank in its slot, and soldered the battery to the original battery controller and it works just fine, while also making it more accesible to charge through micro usb.
It has worked for over 2 years no prob

>> No.9143116

And some people want an Anbernic or Miyoo instead of a cheap-feeling RP2+. :^)

>> No.9143156

class 10 sd card from sandisk or samsung

>> No.9143163

I've never had a chinese SD card fail. Just back them up regularly and you'll be fine.

>> No.9143176
File: 1.42 MB, 1770x1328, 20220802_204547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both in pic rel
Replaying al the castlevanias and starting mario n64 on the switch
Since when did handhelds became FUCKHUEG? look at the darn difference mang

>> No.9143182

Since when did handhelds became FUCKHUEG? p.s. been playing castlevania on the phone and mario n64 on the switch

>> No.9143198

Those offbrand joycons look like shit, mate.

>> No.9143204

HORI isn't an off-brand, hombre.

>> No.9143215
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Forgot the complementary pic sorry, just to compare sizes

>> No.9143242

I’m in a dilemma. Should I buy the GBA everdrive and play GBA natively on my ds lite or do I buy a chink handheld that has gba and more? Is it worth it to avoid emulation?

>> No.9143249

gayboy sucks ass, so yes buy a chinkheld.

>> No.9143252

I decided on a modded GBA + Everdrive. Only thing my RG351V has over it is screen size, and that’s absolutely not worth emulating. The chink handhelds are only good if you want to play Game Gear/WonderSwan/Lynx, or if you want to play non-handheld consoles on it for some reason (use a CRT instead)

>> No.9143257

shouldve bought a Basedoid Pocket Double Plussiumus++(+).

>> No.9143275
File: 2.84 MB, 9096x6936, 071B74C7-0F21-4EB7-AC4E-A965BDFEE361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still emulation. Chink handhelds are convenient but you can’t tell me this shit isn’t comfy NDXW2

>> No.9143284
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x3024, D5C6C9CD-32A8-4DAF-AB81-8390803B656E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I’ll think I’ll just stick to everdrive + my breast cancer dsl. Just sucks that the half chink Ukrainian has a monopoly on quality everdrives. I wish their was a better choice rather than emulation.

>> No.9143289

So that can play gb/gbc everdrives too, right?

>> No.9143312

there is nothing wrong with emulation.

>> No.9143329

Just buy EverDrive clones dude. The guy based all his designs on Taiwanese copiers from the 90s anyway. Sick DSi btw.
It's good in a pinch but overall kind of lame

>> No.9143404

There aren’t any GBA ever drive clones that I’m aware of.

>> No.9143414

I really like my RG351P for GBA. Shit looks and plays great,

>> No.9143415

True, you could use an EZFlash or SuperCard, but Krikzz' offerings for the GBA are indeed the best in this case. Depends on what features you need I suppose.

>> No.9143461

its very good looking but I like the options that emulation offers
states, cheats, fast forward, etc

>> No.9143474

>It's good in a pinch but overall kind of lame
What a hilariously absurd non-answer.

>> No.9143479
File: 12 KB, 225x211, 1494301426780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought an RG351MP from the official site thinking it was the most trustworthy way to get one
>had no trouble with the two Miyoos I've ordered, so went for a pricier product
>get it and it has a fucked up screen
>sure it's easy to replace myself but fuck that I'm not doing their work for them or spending money on a screen
>email them twice with no response
>go through PayPal and spend a couple weeks messaging them back and forth
>ship defective unit to their warehouse, and eventually they ship out a replacement
This has been stressful. I know Chinese bootleg shit doesn't have the same QC as something like a Nintendo system but I've only ever seen praise for Anbernic and their build quality so I thought it was fine.
Hopefully I was just unlucky and the replacement has no issues. I don't know if they're more likely to double-check it to make sure they don't deal with me again or if they'll send me a shitty one out of spite for opening a PayPal case.
I just want a comfy metal handheld.

>> No.9143520

you have to be aware a lot of issues come from shipping rather than the sellers

>> No.9143546

So why are you here?

>> No.9143550

Emulation has input lag

>> No.9143559

yo if my shit comes fucked up im a do the ol amazon swaparoo8tdpv

>> No.9143647

That argument might work for shitty remasters or bad flatscreen TVs but emulation doesn't introduce any relevant amount of input lag. Unless you're going for speedrun records or EVO wins you won't notice shit rofl

>> No.9143649

Because I own a computer like an adult instead of playing games on a zoomzoom toy.

>> No.9143661

The thing was packaged really well. Just had a glitched line of pixels going up the screen. Definitely a faulty screen.
I could've tried opening it and reseating the connection but I didn't want to risk them pulling some bullshit like "oh well you tampered with the device so now we won't refund you or replace it fuck you."

>> No.9143714

Emulation has anywhere between 60-90ms lag. Yes, even with “run ahead” and similar shitty hacks. Real hardware has between 30-50ms. That’s a HUGE difference.

>> No.9143720

I have a gaming laptop with RTX and I also have a flagship phone with a wired controller, because I’m not going to waste money on shitty Chinese devices with questionable build quality, low performance, and non-existent quality control.

>> No.9143726


>> No.9143728

It’s literal facts with hard numbers, retard

>> No.9143732

source: anon

>> No.9143738

Read it and weep, emufag

>> No.9143749
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Meanwhile, in the same thread...
>I’m happy to say that with tips in this thread, a CRT, and a heap of stubbornness, I’ve achieved real provable next-frame response time — sub-16ms lag!
this is before runahead btw.

>> No.9143752

Your chinky handheld is not going to be running in fucking KMS mode, and flat panels add a lot of response time compared to a CRT. So that’s an own goal right there kiddo.

>> No.9143760

fair enough, I prefer original hardware for handhelds too
Since you were talking about your modded GBA though, most screen mods do add ~3 frames latency.

>> No.9143803

I play GBA on my RG351MP, it looks great esp with 2x scaling and and LCD Grid/Colour accuracy shader on, the Castlevania games actually look how they're supposed to instead of technicolour nightmares

>> No.9143857

Post screenshot.

>> No.9143861

>It’s literal facts with hard numbers, retard
And you'll never be good enough for those hard numbers to matter.

>> No.9143863

>he had to move the goalpost from emulation to handhelds
No matter how angrily you type your slurs you still look like a retard and we're all laughing at you.

>> No.9143865

We are in the handheld thread.

>> No.9143872
File: 279 KB, 2048x1051, Hahaha Funny Spunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent my mate this yesterday playin Drilldozer

>> No.9143894

>And you'll never be good enough for those hard numbers to matter.
Is this what cope looks like?

btw I can easily tell when there’s an extra 16ms delay because I’m not shit at games

>> No.9144002
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x2268, DSC_2080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a phat 3DS loaded up with just about every emulator and an SD card full of roms for everything you'd ever want to play. It's fucking great, seriously impressed with the console itself.

But I always keep coming back to my DSi. It's just lighter, more compact, feels nicer. It feels more rugged and better quality somehow. Only trouble is you can't play much besides GB/GBA/DS games on it, which... Let's be honest. It's a big library, but not the highest quality library.

Was it a mistake to get the 3DSXL, and I should have got the smol version instead? Is it lighter and more pleasant to play on? Anyone have both to compare?

>> No.9144041

I have both. I go back and forth - the large screens of the N3DS XL are nice and the build quality feels a little more premium, but the N3DS is just more portable and the weight distribution is better.

>> No.9144060

I do - the 2DS is better for emulation. The 3DSXL screen is way too large. Not big enough for shit to scale 2x, so you end up with huge bezels like in your pic. I also find it a lot more comfortable to hold but honestly I’d go with a chink handheld instead unless you’re trying to play DS games

The problem with emulation isn’t the input lag, it’s the accuracy. I wrote a Game Boy emulator - even GB emulation is not 100% perfect. FPGA implementations are BETTER but I’m not sure they’re 100% either. And emulating anything past the 16bit era is terrible. Emulation is getting better all the time but it’s absolutely the worst way to play.

>> No.9144067

The 2DS would be a far more appealing console if only the dpad were a little better.

>> No.9144092

I agree. I don’t think the 2DS or 3DS are great for emulation in general though.

>> No.9144096

The 240p screen would have made it nice but the performance and accuracy just aren't there. Especially for the O3DS, N3DS is a bit better.

>> No.9144103

Regardless you were still wrong about your emulation claims.

>> No.9144324

every time

>> No.9144385

lol how many LEDs does your alienware have, grownup

>> No.9144396

>The problem with emulation isn’t the input lag, it’s the accuracy. I wrote a Game Boy emulator - even GB emulation is not 100% perfect. FPGA implementations are BETTER but I’m not sure they’re 100% either. And emulating anything past the 16bit era is terrible. Emulation is getting better all the time but it’s absolutely the worst way to play.

nigga you stuck in ten years ago

>> No.9144438

Looking good.

>> No.9144440

Flashcarts are emulation

>> No.9144473

No. Pinball Deluxe on GB is just one example.

No. Game carts/discs just feed data to the system. ODEs can have compatibility problems because the read speed is way higher than a disc. GDEmu for example had a problem in Code Veronica related to read speed, but it was fixed by being able to bottleneck the read speed as a setting.

>> No.9144490

Sameboy runs that game.

>> No.9144504

Should I get the blue or black rg351mp? I don't really have any coloured handhelds, just either black or white. I can't really tell from pics whether the blue looks good or not.

>> No.9144526

what in God's name is that thing?

>> No.9144564


>> No.9144569


>> No.9144570

>t-trust me bro

>> No.9144595

if you werent shit at games a tiny amount of latency wouldnt matter

>> No.9144598

Third party is off-brand by definition, you stupid consoomer.

>> No.9144628
File: 724 KB, 1280x720, eiAJKMkXYC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emulation has anywhere between 60-90ms lag
It really doesn't though.
picrel is a comparison of Android, Linux, and original hardware.
There is added latency (not lag you fucking parrot), but it's ~30ms. Perceptible if you actively want it to be, but negligible for anyone actually playing games.

>> No.9144635

The image you posted literally verifies exactly what he said. Original hardware has 33ms lag and the emulators have 66ms lag. That's almost verbatim what is stated in the previous post.

>> No.9144637

everything else looks so fucking ugly and big though. Honestly all I want it for is Game Boy games, I already have a Vita for PS1.

>> No.9144643

>exactly what he said
Oh wow you're right. I forgot that 33 actually means 60-90 and not thirty fucking three.
I guess that's what I get for learning eurocentric maths instead of the dindu variant.

>> No.9144695

Honestly not a big deal. I got mine a month ago and love it (I'm the guy playing Front Mission 3), if you're not looking to play anything above PS1 you're literally perfectly sorted. I got the black one and it just feels so fuckin' nice in the hands and the whole thing feels built to last.

>> No.9144798

can't believe someone would honestly say 2 frames of lag is unnoticeable

>> No.9144824

what's with the psp love in here? I had I've and all i remember was there being several bigger consoles with trash emulation and not having enough buttons for psx. I've got a vita with L2 R2 grip and that does a better job, even if I'm prob gonna chuck that in favor of an xstation soon.

I guess compared to the china miracles being hocked ITT you're definitely better off with a PSP since they're basically in the bin at this point, but I dunno what the appeal is if you have access to better units.

>> No.9144938
File: 1.14 MB, 2499x1764, steamdick neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For as much as I hate snoy now, I just think the PSP and Vita are neat devices.

>> No.9144947

I think they will make a new handheld as soon as possible because they are losing to Nintendo

>> No.9144952

I would've be really happy if that happened at one point, but now I can't stomache giving them money for anything.

>> No.9144961

Why are you stuttering?

>> No.9144967

N3DS XL is great for emulation, I’ve been playing Soul Reaver on it no problem.

>> No.9144971

Damn bro do you have some genetic math disorder? Sober up before posting again.

>> No.9144975

Two out of sixty? Of course.

>> No.9145206

You can react within 2 frames?

>> No.9145609

Ur Mom didn't think so when she tongued her anus.

>> No.9145806

hot mom on mom action

>> No.9145814

It's a black.

>> No.9145826

Damn straight,

>> No.9146283

React? Not quite. I observe, formulate a strategy, and then execute it. That’s during the first frame.

>> No.9146517
File: 3.87 MB, 395x281, disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no custom theme
>handheld only controllers with no vibration support

>> No.9146531
File: 934 KB, 1639x1047, image_2022-08-04_112606816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth getting the a handheld for Moonlight/Sunshine streaming?

picrel for 4:3 aspect ratio

>> No.9146532

*Get the rg353p

>> No.9146583

after the Vita, you know Snoy will think up new, more interesting ways to fuck things up.

>> No.9146620

We need a new thread!

>> No.9146875

Retroid Pocket 3 details out

Price: $119

1A75/3A55 CPU; 2-3x performance gain from RP2
Support Android 11
support 4.7 inch touch screen (16:9)
Support 2GB+32GB/ 3GB+32GB storage
Built-in 4000mAH battery
Built-in official game launcher and emulator frontend
Built-in official OTA support for incremental upgrading

>> No.9146927

Holy shit, this sounds like a steal. I'm halfway tempted to cancel my Odin order and get this instead, but I'll wait for some hands-on testing.

>> No.9146996

New "hanhelds" thread here:

>> No.9146998

its just a wider rp2+ with more ram