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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9122171 No.9122171 [Reply] [Original]

I got memed into using Retroarch by this board. Holy shit, it's so fucking garbage. I just realized it after 2 months.
>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
>PSP, 3DS cores are sluttering and are not playable
>Genesis/CD emulators skip frames every time I press a button
>Two SETTINGS menus that have different settings
>The whole interface is inconvenient and poorly designed
Fuck every and single one of you.
>Download and install separate emulators
>Work flawlessly

>> No.9122201

I hate retroarch too. The only strong point it has is run-ahead feature.

>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
I think thats actually possible but who cares? Fuck that shit

>> No.9122207

works on my machine

>> No.9122208

It has more features, ergo it is worth using despite all the points you made which are valid and should not be denied just because some people don't think they're issues. Yes RA is garbage, intuitive and requires a lot of work. But in the end, it depends on the core.
You can save them. You just need to press save or something.

>> No.9122212

It's fucking garbage indeed.

>> No.9122214

>Can't set controls per different emulators
They added an option under input that prevents this from working intuitively like before, "remap controls for this core" which is off by default. autoconfig is also pure cancer so I guess it's a perfect match.

>> No.9122241

Retroarch is only acceptable for integrated HTPC-like devices with limited controls. If you're emulating on a normal desktop or laptop computer, I don't know why you would use this garbage.

>> No.9122248

Are you retarded?

>> No.9122250

It's not for undiscerning mids. If your standalones get you there and you don't feel anything lost, then it's not for you. Many of us used started using RA for one reason or another in standalones; bad scaling, poor framepacing, control configs being lost when controllers aren't present, high latency. Just keep middin'. Life's better that way, honestly. I envy you.

>> No.9122252

i realized retroarch was garbage once i tried using it on linux. the stupid shit doesnt even work without "cores" and it doesnt ship with them, so in the end i still have to compile emulators to then add them to retroarch, and at that point i asked myself why would i do it when i can just add emulator to bashrc alias instead of this stupid frontend

>> No.9122273

seems like a PEBCAK to me

>> No.9122295

yeah its complete dog shit especially with default settings, i gave up on it years ago when it wouldn't save games if you didn't exit the game in their specific way

>> No.9122297

I like how the cheat function auto-populates with literally 8000 useless entries that you have to scroll through slowly one by one

The menu system and ui fucking destroy retroarch, it would be great if it was designed to be used by a human, and not some weird science bug

>> No.9122302


Are you guys being serious?

>> No.9122308
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Daily RA cope thread

>> No.9122316

haven't used it in years because its a mess but last i remember was playing through ps1 games with in game saves only working if exited properly rather than simply checking for saves in game like all other non retarded emulators

>> No.9122350

>>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
Yes you can.
>>PSP, 3DS cores are sluttering and are not playable
Fix your configuration.
>>Genesis/CD emulators skip frames every time I press a button
Fix your configuration
>Two SETTINGS menus that have different settings
One if for the currently loaded core, the other is system-wide. This is logical.
>The whole interface is inconvenient and poorly designed
No it isn't.

>> No.9122361
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>mfw high enough IQ to understand the glory of Retroarch

>> No.9122367

If you emulate a lot of different consoles then its worth to learn it, especially if you're picky about latency
If not then stick with standalones

>> No.9122372

Retroarch is peak normie.

>Muh, I can have all my systems in one place

Doesn't help if this place is complete shit. You're better off using separate emulators for what you want to play and that's it.

>> No.9122378

What are your specs? Do you have threaded video enabled?

>> No.9122380

>t. brainlet

>> No.9122383

I use both separate emulators and retroarch. The utility of having different things is nice, I'm not sure why /vr/ specifically has a console wars mindset with FREE software

>> No.9122389

There is a bit of a learning curve to retroarch so it's people insecure in not taking the time to learn it vs people wanting justify to themselves taking the time to learn. It's kinda embarassing

>> No.9122393

Aren't there better alternatives like Emubox or something?

>> No.9122413

>use retroarch for years
>no problems
>plug in a second controller one day
>everything suddenly goes to shit
>keeps defaulting to the wrong controller
>button config no longer works
>it's your own fault
>you're doing something wrong

>> No.9122419

just unplug it

>> No.9122421

I just started using RA after being a standalone stan because it has better av sync. It is impossible to remove video stutterson my machine in mesen, bsnes, and higan. RA lets me vsync to my monitors actual refresh rate and completely removes that shit

>> No.9122451

As someone who's been using RetroArch since the Phoenix launcher days (so close to a decade now), I won't sugarcoat it: it has a learning curve, and it is NOT guaranteed to Just Werk™ on first launch. You have to configure it and calibrate it to your specific setup for best results, and you may have to fiddle around with the audio, video and input drivers depending on your hardware and/or drivers. I think once you manage all of that, though, the benefits are worth it.

>> No.9122461

No way, that would be giving in. This is RA's fault, everything else works perfectly.

>> No.9122463

sounds like its entirely your fault

RA is excellent and doesnt take more than 3 minutes to set up

>> No.9122467

>>>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
This. It's honestly atrocious how fucking bad RA is for controls.

If you want to map something as basic as say, a fucking SATURN controller, well, you have to look up a fucking picture of what the buttons are supposed to map to. Like ABC actually map to XAB because it's using the fucking SNES layout for everything "retropad". Then, you get into the actual game, and you have to remap everything again, only this time to correspond to the inputs you remapped the first time for the emulator this time.

Don't even get me started on the absolute HELL you enter if you ever think something as stupid as "hmm, I wonder if I can use my Saturn Arcade Racer with this emulator?". It's legitimately not worth it.

I would kill for an RA clone that just gives me a real fucking GUI for system/rom selection, and sensible controller mapping, while also remembering my shader presets so I can use CRT filters on everything.

>> No.9122489

Yes, run ahead is pretty good. Won't play SMW hacks without it anymore.
>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
It it's off by default and you have to switch something, then it's retarded Because it won't save for me at all.
>Fix your configuration.
I don't need to fix shit. I install a standalone emulator - I get perfect work without any configuring. Get it?
>One if for the currently loaded core, the other is system-wide. This is logical.
No, the logical way would be to name them differently like core settings and system-wide settings.
>No it isn't.
No comments.

>> No.9122494

The only thing that foes according to plan is your faggotry.

>> No.9122497
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Everything works fine here

>> No.9122498

You're on the fucking point. I experienced Retroarch-Saturn hell too (in the ned, the game I wanted to play wasn't even worth all that stress).

>> No.9122506

set the game's controls in the quick menu (not the universal map), then save core default so it's only on that emulator

>> No.9122516

Huh what core is this?

Can I somehow load rpgmaker eroge with RA too?

>> No.9122519
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It's insane how shitty RA is in this regard. Compare it with mednafen, a "standalone" emulator but one that emulates plenty of systems, in which you configure it once per system you want to play and they are separate and work perfectly each time.

And good luck with retroarch configuring various peripherals like mouses and switching them on the fly with controllers, while the configuration being compatible with multiple platforms.

>> No.9122523

Not that anon but It's a new core that lets you install W98 on a core

>> No.9122527
File: 936 KB, 3264x2448, topkek new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire point of using retroarch by lots of people is to not read the documentation of the actual emulators the cores are based from so I find amusing you say that.

>> No.9122541

Can you repeat that in English?

>> No.9122552

>retards can't figure out how control mapping works
Jesus Christ, there are three levels: Universal, Core, and Individual Game. If you have a configuration for an individual game, that is chosen over the universal settings or the core settings. If you have a core setting, it overrides the universal settings.

>> No.9122570 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9122583

>Try to play Yoshi's Island in Retroarch
>Notice that the groundpound sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.

>Open game in SNES9X
>Groundpound works every time.
Fuck off with this "run-ahead" bullshit, RA has input issues on top of everything else.

>> No.9122590

Every core in it runs like shit for me, even basic stuff like NES. Mednafen is way better

>> No.9122601

>Download and install separate emulators
>Work flawlessly
I do this and then have them all tied into Launchbox for my frontend. No reason to ever use RA

>> No.9122602 [DELETED] 

The internet conflates the fetish with what happens to men with low self esteem that get cheated on

>> No.9122603

I'm sure this is fine if you have one controller. Not so much if you have 5, and REALLY not so much if you're dumb enough to think you can use 2 types of controllers on one system.

With literally every other emulator, I can open up the remapper and map anything I want in 20 seconds. With retroarch, it requires 5 minutes, with half of that spent in the menu of a game checking that all the buttons are mapped right and going "okay, so if A is R in this menu, then I need to remap R from X to Y".

>> No.9122605


>> No.9122614

I'm not sure why you feel the need to tell us you're too retarded to use retroarch every couple of months.

>> No.9122615

Extremely based.

>> No.9122650

gay software for gay retards

>> No.9122660

I use it with different controllers for most systems with no problems. If I'm using another type of controller for a particular game on the same system, it's not much effort to make a custom game map just for that one.

>> No.9122672 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 1030x898, 1637782394692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes NTR is based.

>> No.9122680

>Not so much if you have 5
That's what controller profiles and individual game based remaps are for
>but I use 5 different controllers for the same game!
There are still workarounds. Make two copies of the ROM with different names and remap files if you have to.

RetroArch probably should include a "save as" feature for remaps like it does with shaders. Or maybe it does with newer versions. I am still using 1.8.4 because my Mayflash F500 V2 has a glitch with new versions of RetroArch.

>> No.9122685

What glitch? I'm using it with 1.10.3, though it swapped start and select when I updated the firmware on my F500 v2 (but I just changed them back in the main file). Seems ok for me, but maybe I haven't used some buttons or come across the glitch (using it on xbox mode).

>> No.9122687

>>Download and install separate emulators
>>Work flawlessly
Only if you are a pleb that plays with default settings.
Otherwise you're fiddling just like in RetroArch.

>> No.9122694

Ah yes the settings of "play game" or "play game but smear the screen a bit"

>> No.9122701

On the newer versions of RetroArch something is causing the RB button which I map to heavy punch in Final Burn Neo to register as both Heavy Punch and Heavy Kick at the same time. It works fine until I try to save or load a remap file. This will happen even if I use a different controller to create the remap.

>> No.9122705


>> No.9122709

Also there is a workaround of using direct input mode on the F500, but fuck that.

I do miss the new feature to map which port a controller is plugged into. That was useful for playing as player 2 side in fighting games when I want to practice p2 inputs.
Right now I just plug in two controllers to get that functionality.

>> No.9122715 [DELETED] 


>> No.9122736

>It has more features
Just stop.
Features that actually work is far better than 'more' features that don't.

>> No.9122750

True. Fuck faggotarch and funneling devs into making cores over standalones

>> No.9122763

>If you're emulating on a normal desktop or laptop computer, I don't know why you would use this garbage

Less input delay than standalones, less audio delay than standalones, shader support, VRR.

>> No.9122773

≥too stupid to set up a basic frontend

>> No.9122775


>> No.9122787

They do though

>> No.9122794

Name the features that don't work.

>> No.9122814

Are there any other emulators or "multiple in one" emulators that have filters? The inly reason I still stay with retroarch is because of CRT filters

>> No.9122817

>The whole interface is inconvenient and poorly designed
Alright, what 7 year old post complaining about the long-sidelined XMB interface are you copying?
>I don't need to fix shit. I install a standalone emulator - I get perfect work without any configuring. Get it?
>The standalones play some games like shit but I don't notice because I'm too lazy to fix things and I never played the games before!
No, we don't get you.
>far better than 'more' features that don't
Such as?
>i realized retroarch was garbage once i tried using it on linux. the stupid shit doesnt even work without the things it flat out REQUIRES to run games
You must be the type of retard who still, in two thousand and twenty two anno domini, wonders why emulators for optical media consoles won't run without a bios. And that's not even assuming you know how to find one.

>> No.9122841

MAME emulates some home consoles as well but its not near as expansive as Retroarch (same with their shader selection, I think they just have CRT-Geom-Deluxe and their own shaders)
Retroarch is pretty much the only game in town if you want quality filters without dicking with stuff like Reshade

>> No.9122867

the only Good thing on RA is the shaders, and that is all.

worse now are the iliterate soibois at DigitalFoundry shilling it now because of xbox Dosbox fork win98 emulation, which is inferior than dosbox ECE or even X doing the same

>> No.9122878

Less audio delay and vrr support. I can't think of standalones that have those plus runahead for most of the supported cores

>> No.9122902
File: 367 KB, 2312x1080, Screenshot_20220726_225600_com.retroarch.aarch64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum comf.

>> No.9122905

You can download cores using the core downloader like on other platforms unless you use a musl system (like I do).

>> No.9122923

I'm OP and I'm actually glad most people in this thread agree with me. I seriously thought it was some kind of psyops.

>> No.9122929

It's always comforting to know there are people as retarded as yourself, yeah

>> No.9122938

yeah i have a love/hate relationship with it too.

particularly the retropad, nice idea in theory pain in the ass in practice.

>> No.9122946

This. Op's retarded

>> No.9122961

who gives a shit to VR?

>> No.9122964

Mame emulates Plug & Play systems too.

>> No.9122975

VRR you fucking idiot, not VR

>> No.9122990

I hate it too but it's the only really good way to emulate on PC. Standalones are laggy and don't have shaders.

>> No.9122997

>I need to announce how other morons validate my inability to use software a teenager can figure out

>> No.9123002

VRR is variable refresh rate. Either way this isn't exclusive to RetroArch so I don't understand why people bring it up as an argument. All emulators run games at their native refreshrate, and your monitor will sync to it regardless.

>> No.9123004

I've used individual emulators for 15+ years before discoveriny Retroarch and I'll never go back. Learn how to use it.

>> No.9123005

>Fuck every and single one of you
But I also hate trannyarch it sucks.

>> No.9123009

Willing to devote your time to a garbage program doesn't mean you're of high intelligence. You can stop trying to validate yourself now.

>> No.9123010

>All emulators run games at their native refreshrate, and your monitor will sync to it regardless.

>> No.9123012

Meant for these meme pushers.

>> No.9123013

>devote time
dude it takes like 5 minutes to set up lol

>> No.9123016

Use shaderglass

>> No.9123019

Okay. List the actions you need to do to eliminate the problems mentioned in this thread.

>> No.9123026

What problem specifically?

>> No.9123027

its been like this for ages, and i play on a 1080p tv since my monitor is busted

>> No.9123029

You can try it if you want. The VRR setting in RetroArch simply overwrites RA's default behavior. RA normally changes your OS's refresh rate setting to match the game's refresh rate. The VRR setting doesn't mess with your monitors native refresh rate and lets FreeSync/GSync kick in.

Standalone emulators don't bother with changing the native refresh rate, so if you have a VRR capable device it will just work without any special settings.

>> No.9123121

This is quite possibly a raid consisting of disgruntled emulation devs who have an axe to grind with RA. I don’t know why it should bother you. I’ve played hundreds of games on it by now and haven’t had any of these issues either. You know the truth

>> No.9123127

>raid consisting of disgruntled emulation devs who have an axe to grind with RA.
That's funny since we know one of the RA devs shills on 4chan.

>> No.9123142

A feature that does not work is not a feature. This entire premise is false and based on a rather poor understanding of the american language.

>> No.9123164

If CRT filters are important at all to you there's really not an alternative. There are also several other features it has as well that are not easy to have/implement with other means of emulation.
Sucks but, that's how it is.

>> No.9123197

I like how there are retroarch devs in this thread hopelessly trying to help people

>> No.9123310

Ideal qualification for citizenship is whether or not you're too retarded to use RetroArch.

>> No.9123318

I'm never going back from RetroArch. There are dozens of reasons, but the latest one is that it's on Steam and my savestates sync between my PC and Deck flawlessly. FUCK I love RA.

>> No.9123334

At this point, they would need to remake the whole thing to make it usable. Which obviously will never happen. It's a bloated piece of shit with a terrible interface.
I keep it for runahead and shaders, but onnly use it if I'm forced to. Stand-alone emulators are more than enough most of the time.

>> No.9123390

>frame delay
>hard gpu sync
>superior video sizing options
>switch cores without using mouse+kb

>> No.9123398

>All emulators run games at their native refreshrate, and your monitor will sync to it regardless.
This is not true at all. You probably think games only run in 50 or 60hz.

>> No.9123404

Well those people are idiots.
Read the fucking manual.

>> No.9123421

>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
Yeah you can
>PSP, 3DS cores are sluttering and are not playable
Never had a problem with psp. Haven't tried 3ds
>Genesis/CD emulators skip frames every time I press a button
Which core? I don't have this issue. You sure you didn't map frameskip toggle on a button hotkey?
>Two SETTINGS menus that have different settings
One for global setting for RetroArch and one for each core. You can set overrides too.
>The whole interface is inconvenient and poorly designed
I've gotten so used to it that it doesn't bother me. I use rgui to simplify it.

>> No.9123538

4channel is a board of gay losers.

>> No.9123572

Where did I even say that all games are 60hz? I just tested if FreeSync works on standalone DuckStation and it works as intended on games that are native 22, 30 and 60 FPS (closer to 59.94). Just like how it does on RetroArch with VRR enabled. VRR on RetroArch isn't a special RA-only feature, it simply disables RA default behavior.

In borderless fullscreen mode, RA will run at your monitor's native refresh rate (ex: 144 hz) regardless of the game's frame rate. In exclusive fullscreen mode, RA will change your OS's refresh rate setting to match the game's refresh rate (ex: if a game is 30 FPS, RA will change your desktop's refresh rate to 60hz, which is the nearest integer to 30). If you have VRR enabled, RA will stop changing your desktop's refresh rate and will let FreeSync do its thing.

>> No.9123593

I never learned to like it, just adapted to its crap factor. It's exactly why I could never enjoy Lakka, that goes double for you XMB neanderthals

>> No.9123606

4channel is a website. /vr/ is a board. Gay retard.

>> No.9123630

Also! It. Doesn't. Do. Diagonals.

And why can't I delete a core I don't like? I download a core. Hate it. Download another. Hate that one, too. Download a third. It's okay, but not great. Download a fourth. Perfect. But now I'm stuck with three others I'll never. Fucking. Use.

>> No.9123635

just delete them

>> No.9123636

The. Problems. All of the problems that have been mentioned ITT, you disingenuous little splooge vacuum.

>> No.9123658

Why would I delete diagonals?

>> No.9123717

delete the cores, they're in the cores folder

>> No.9123728

literally nothing you said is true and the fact retards like you continue to be filtered by this program will never cease to get me hard. best compatibility, customization and feature set of any emulator in existence. get fucked and die in a hole, retard.

>> No.9123734

>Also don't forget to donate to the Retroarch pateron

>> No.9123739

>don't forget to be a faggit retard who gets overwhelmed by too much freedom and customization
dont worry, you didnt.

>> No.9123754

I use it with no issues. Granted, I took the time to learn it. Took some effort, but now I can configure it so fast that I do it for normie friends and they call me a "hacker" (wtf).

>> No.9123836
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Another day, another retard filtered by Basedarch. Business as usual.

>> No.9123848

If mods checked this thread they'd find Squarepusher's IP constantly bumping the thread.

>> No.9124074
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>>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
you have global input for the interface itself and per-core controls for the emulation.
>>Two SETTINGS menus that have different settings
>>The whole interface is inconvenient and poorly designed
I mean, considering you don't know how the menu is supposed to work kind of proves you're a retard. Should've read the manual or watched a tutorial like a zoomer.

Another low-IQ subhuman filtered, many such cases.

>> No.9124273

Yes! It's just fudders! Retroarch™ to the moon!

>> No.9124787

Which ones?anjng

>> No.9124792

You literally just go to the core menu and delete it. Did you even try?

>> No.9124801

>itt OP getting filtered this hard
i could reply to everyone but not going to bother since they're underaged. literally RTFM. end of.

>> No.9124805

>makes countless narcissistic baseddevs seethe for being "leechware"
Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.9124812
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>I just realized it after 2 months.

>> No.9124846

It's great if you want to emulate machines like the Amiga, the PC98 or the X68000.
The stand alone emulators of Amiga have much worse GUI and pre-configuring them for different games takes much longer than in Retroarch.
Retroarch's Sega Saturn emu-cores just have a much better performance compared to separate ones and Mednafen.
The Picodrive core can even run modern homebrews which fail to load on other emulators.
Retroarch is also undoubtedly the best way to run most games if you're using a phone (even if its GUI is kinda lame).
Some emulators have better stand alone versions (PPSSPP, Dolphin, Citra, MAME) but for the rest Retroarch is pretty serviceable.

>> No.9124867

I am terrible with computers and Retroarch is my "just werks" emulation option for when I just want to plug in a controller, drag a rom into a window, and play some vidya. How on earth do people regularly struggle with it?

>> No.9124869

Read comment

Think to myself " hmm maybe he's right"

Load retroarch and Yoshi island with mesen s

Think wow think game is shit

Try 50 ground and pounds, works every time

Fuck 4chan for making me play this awful game

>> No.9125039

Not everyone uses Windows.

>> No.9125047

>everything can be modified from the horridly designed menu
>except the cores, fuck you, you need to delete them manually
It's like it's win95 all over again and I'm putzing about with cfg files in notepad.

>> No.9125073

RetroArch is supposed to be for retards, but a lot of the settings are painful to configure without burning daylight which could have been used to actually be playing a game. It is also far from an enthusiast tool because most enthusiasts don't settle for the most obvious solutions and keep trying to find what works for them.

>> No.9125124

>RetroArch is supposed to be for retards, but a lot of the settings are painful to configure without burning daylight
So you're right up its alley then.

>> No.9125129

>messing with config files is hard waaaah
>messing with config files is for old computers!
At this point RA's only mistake is thinking it's so easy a retard could use it. How some of you this fucking stupid?

>> No.9125130

>It's for retards!
>No it's for enthusiasts!
Seems like RA is only for enthusiastic retards.

>> No.9125148

Maybe read the thread, complain more and we'll set up a caretaker for you.

>> No.9125152

You should be able to remove cores from the menu. That is true.
But it's a small thing.

>> No.9125168

Yes it's an awful garbage and the only reason it still exists because of crazy Linux nerds who install it on any device with a screen and buttons just for fun. They are not interested in playing retro vidiya

>> No.9125172

Counterpoint: after you have spent enough time configuring RetroArch and getting it just-so you will end up playing more games because the experience is superior to what you could get with a standalone. This is assuming you can control your urge to fiddle and tweak and know when enough is enough.

>> No.9125184
File: 89 KB, 1169x850, FWlGG71aAAAHJ78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a liar in denial man, RA is notorious for being unstable, crash happy, stops working right after a crash to thw point of not just deleting the .cfg file but uninstalling and re installing the whole thing, and it lets some sort of fuckery on your pc so that you cannot delete its folder at all even after wiping the program (this is true).

Also half ita cores are outdated and stolen, home console versions of it are even more outdated (Wii version of RA uses FBA 2012? What?, MAME 2002? like what the shit man?, cant load bigger neo geo games then KOF 96?)

Lets just say it gets shilled around and defended to death by the "usual suspects" with weird potato faces.

>> No.9125186

I've put about 200 hours of game time into RetroArch this year. Mostly arcade with a few Dreamcast games and SNES hacks.
Full disclosure: probably spent 10 hours playing with shaders.
But you know what? That was pretty fun too.

>> No.9125190

Works on my machine.
Anime girls don't make your argument any more convincing btw.

>> No.9125191

>MAME 2002?
This is because the RA devs antagonized and pissed of the MAME team so bad they now refuse to work with them.

>> No.9125192

Oh, and theres some insane revisionism over its history ans its devs last time i read on this forum.

>> No.9125197

Then does RetroArch still have a "MAME current" core?

>> No.9125198

Could you please not be an NPC? we know your answer is disingenious.

>> No.9125202

>Stop being a liar in denial man, RA is notorious for being unstable, crash happy, stops working right after a crash to thw point of not just deleting the .cfg file but uninstalling and re installing the whole thing, and it lets some sort of fuckery on your pc so that you cannot delete its folder at all even after wiping the program (this is true).
Uh oh, he's broken.
>Also half ita cores are outdated and stolen, home console versions of it are even more outdated (Wii version of RA uses FBA 2012? What?, MAME 2002? like what the shit man?, cant load bigger neo geo games then KOF 96?)
Then use the updated ones you whiny nigger lover
>Lets just say it gets shilled around
Is this the duckstation dev? Who pissed in your cornflakes this time Danny?

>> No.9125203

Not an argument.

>> No.9125205

I just tried to use a mega drive controller, instead of Xbox360 and was amazed how fucked up this thing is, then I tried to swap a disk image, that lead to tricks with saves transfers. Then I tried pc98 core... Maybe you're watching YouTube or doing other useless things from the feature list and it works for you

>> No.9125206

this. get fucked op

>> No.9125208

>Which means werks for everyone a hyuck

It doesnt work for me.

>> No.9125210

State your issue and we'll help you troubleshoot it.

>> No.9125215

We know that RA devs shit over the Duckstation dev, stop trying to revision shit.

>> No.9125217

>its history ans its devs last time i read on this forum.
>this forum
So either a spurned emu dev or a Brazilian wondering why RA doesn't work on his Windows XP Cracked Gold Edition machine.

>> No.9125218

Yes it is, stop it with your infantile non arguments, and dont use shit like SAME FAGGIN, because you cannot read IPs let alone minds.

>> No.9125219

>>>/vg/ Danny. Reminder you're too incompetent to work with even the pcsx2 devs.

>> No.9125223

>RA doesn't work on his Windows XP Cracked Gold Edition machine.
Why shouldn't it? RA isn't an all in one solution for low spec machines? Sounds like standalone emulators are better once again.

>> No.9125225

Not him but
I used to use those versions of XP and installed them for other people too

>> No.9125228

Good luck with that, the RA discord is full with usual suspects and pompous asses who refuse to help you, and its github feedback is even worse, dude i am not lying to you, i tried and got told to be quiet.

>> No.9125229

>Could you please not be an NPC? we know your answer is disingenious.
This is not an argument.

>> No.9125230

>its not an argument cause me dont like it

>> No.9125232

>Why shouldn't it? RA isn't an all in one solution for low spec machines?
It is. But not on your literal nigger box made of rusted shrapnel with ventilation
>sounds like standalone emulators are better once again.
Yes enjoy such as accurate up to date stand-alones like Kega, Nestopia, espxe, the list goes on.

>> No.9125235

>Kega, Nestopia, espxe
I've played many full games in each of these.
I load game, it plays game.
What's the issue?

>> No.9125237

>RA isn't an all in one solution for low spec machines?
That is correct.
I am a RA defender but I would never say it is such as that.
>Sounds like standalone emulators are better once again.
Sometimes they are.
I use standalone PS2 and Gamecube emulators.
X68000 core for RetroArch only supports MIDI sound. The standalones are much better in support for sound cards.

>> No.9125239

I run RA on a similar pirated builds of XP on old optiplex machines and rarely get trouble. Anon is just an attention whore nigger

>> No.9125241

>This fucking thread
Holy shit, the devs are literally HERE.

>> No.9125243


>> No.9125247

No shaders.

>> No.9125249

Last time I saw this thread in /v/ the dev unironically dropped a pateron link for RA.
They're very much here and Squarepusher has admitted it before.

>> No.9125253

You probably just casually play on a few systems.

>> No.9125254

State your issue in this thread and we'll help you troubleshoot it.

>> No.9125258

So its worse then shilling, they are in cahuts.

>> No.9125259

You were being trolled.

>> No.9125260

All dead inaccurate piles of junk past their prime. Kega can't even pass system diagnostic test. Funny how MUH STAND-ALONE faggots have zero absolute standards in regards to representing the games.
>I load game, it plays game.
Nope. Unless it's a cartridge game, you booted up an iso and then you quit because you were too stupid to find a bios. Don't lie, the way you REEEEEE about RA proves you can't even use a browser.

>> No.9125262

Just like you told me before "sorry we cant help you, please understand"

>> No.9125263

link to thread

>> No.9125272

I'm not a RA developer. I'm just a guy trying to help you.

>> No.9125278

>Yes enjoy such as accurate up to date stand-alones like Kega, Nestopia, espxe, the list goes on

Men are you even trying? You are nust strawmsning at this point, i mean shit, we been having decent emulators like FCEU, mednafen psx, and genesis plud gx, but ok then...

>> No.9125289
File: 171 KB, 3440x1440, core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9125304


>> No.9125309

>You are nust strawmsning at this point, i mean shit, we been having
I knew it, huemonkey. And he doesn't even emulate
Long surpassed by Mesen
>mednafen psx
Not a stand-alone
>Genesis PLUS gx
Not a fucking stand-alone

You've outed yourself as a literal fucktard. You can go back to getting aids.

>> No.9125313

People here are looking to play games, not check that the assembly pointers passed between the RAM and CPU just like an NES would.

>> No.9125321
File: 33 KB, 530x391, 1656779285699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one

>> No.9125324

Yes, people generally have pretty low standards. I mean look at the chink handheld shill threads we have every day

>> No.9125384


>> No.9125385

>People here are looking to play games badly, not well
In that case go back to ZSNES and wonder why it locks up on later era games and fucks up hi res transparencies instead of subjecting us with your whiny niggerdom.

>> No.9125548

This option is located in the opposite direction of where it should be.

>> No.9125556

settings>core>manage cores

seems fairly intuitive to me

>> No.9125559

When other emulators get run-ahead and Mega Bezel, I'll stop using RA. So, what's the ETA on that, huh?

>> No.9125562

No, it's not. It's intuitive only if you're an autistic dev of this shit.

>> No.9125567

Bsnes has run ahead. Maybe duckstation too?

>> No.9125570

Save state unloading is also pretty nice.

>> No.9125578


>> No.9125587

Retroarch is not an emulator. It's a frontend that takes credit for the tireless work of multiple emulator authors, adding a lot of intentional obfuscation so people won't notice it's nothing but a frontend. People will fight me on this because of runahead. Fuck you and your shitty clique. It's a glorified frontend with needless feature bloat.

>> No.9125593

>adding a lot of intentional obfuscation so people won't notice it's nothing but a frontend
How? The very first thing you do before playing a game is choose a core (emulator).

>> No.9125596

He's right, though.

>> No.9125597

I don't care about any of that, all I want is useful features. If other devs want me to use their emulators, then fucking compete.

>> No.9125604

It's a frontend with a lot of useful features that I can't get elsewhere, and that's why I use it

>> No.9125612

Is that your Sakura animation cel? Really cool if so.

>> No.9125685
File: 30 KB, 1024x576, 1642334346397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mega Bezel

>> No.9125696

That's not how you use that image.

>> No.9125709

You don't make the rules, you're not the boss of me now

>> No.9125940

What should I use on the nvidia shield thingy thing I bought then?

>> No.9125952

All the advantages of Retroarch are offset by the fact that it takes too much time to set up

>> No.9125976

You only have to go through the setup process once though.

>> No.9125995

Yeah, retroarch is shit.
>UI/UX is absolute trash
>have to worry about and manually install cores
Meanwhile using dedicated emulators
>download BIOS if needed
>just drag-drop games, they work fine
>has ALL the GUI menus you need. Save states, memory card management, control settings, graphics settings, networking/multiplayer (if available)
>just works

>> No.9125998

Kids are just lovespelled over the use of shaders and runahead, and maybe even CRTswitch, which you need to buy lots of adaptors to get that output anf only works with vga monitors or component tv crts.

>> No.9126025

Don't use the repo version. Use the flatpack one. Works fine and you can download the cores whitout messing with the terminal or package managers.

>> No.9126052

N64, PS1, PSP, PS2, Arcade(MAME), NDS, Dreamcast, Wii, GC = Standalone. All other systems = Retroarch.

>> No.9126087
File: 1.51 MB, 1507x1419, 1524181390744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standalone DS emu runs better
>but DS on Retroarch looks fucking gorgeous with the Mega Bezel preset I have

>> No.9126249

>>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
Specifically one of its features to do this. And if you didn't want enthusiast features (ie too many options) why were you using it?

>> No.9126267

Every aspect of RetroArch, and everyone who uses it, stinks.

>> No.9126346

I use melonDS and I haven't really noticed a difference between standalone and the core. But desu, I still keep standalone melonDS installed mostly because it has more screen orientation options than the RetroArch core.

>> No.9126371 [DELETED] 


This thread is a larp by a dev who just has an axe to grind with RetroArch.

Most likely based on the same disinformation and lies about how they bullied devs or whatever inane bullshit they came up with over the years.

It always goes by the same playbook, hype up standalone, say that it's hard to configure, make up a bunch of bullshit, then go into unrelated tranny drama (which never happened).

>> No.9126480

I definitely wouldn't go standalone n64, mupen in RetroArch is fantastic

>> No.9126546

RetroArch is the backend for millions of devices out there. Imagine shitting on ffmpeg that powers every single fucking moviewatching service on the planet. You're a massive retard that doesn't even understand how things work in the tech world.

It's a backend to build stuff on top of.

>> No.9126563

>if your environment uses windows you must be using Windows
There is no excuse for being this fucking stupid.

>> No.9126565

>Stop being a liar in denial man, RA is notorious for being unstable, crash happy, stops working right after a crash to thw point of not just deleting the .cfg file but uninstalling and re installing the whole thing, and it lets some sort of fuckery on your pc so that you cannot delete its folder at all even after wiping the program (this is true).
Are you ok?

>> No.9126591
File: 49 KB, 400x767, 1634098107907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah Retroarch broke when I used it! Doesn't work on my machine!!
>no I won't explain what led up to it crashing
If you're one of those people who refuse to use RA out of some boycott against the dev, then you do you. But literal NPCs like you who can't explain how you broke the software before reading the manual are fucking retarded. Some anons here will literally spoonfeed the answers to make your experience more enjoyable. Use your words or fuck off.

>> No.9126596

Go actually kill yourself this time byuu

>> No.9126605

>>no I won't explain what led up to it crashing
That's because they haven't actually used it, they just feel like they need to pick a side in order to fit in and shitpost.

>> No.9126669

Retroarch is like Arch linux.

>> No.9126830

>manually install core
>go to the download core menu and choose one and select download
while technically true, it's not exactly a hard process.

>> No.9126985

The UI is exclusively made for gamepad. It's cancer to use it with mouse and keyboard.

>> No.9127184
File: 29 KB, 334x393, c71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being scared of XMB
Imagine being dumb enough not to take a min to change to it.

Stay filtered.

>> No.9127210

What's XMB Anon? Is it something you think is bad about RetroArch but won't admit to it?

>> No.9127258

>this whole thread
that's why I just play on my irl consoles.

>> No.9127273

When it works it's nice, but many of the more advanced cores (nur and up) are just pure shit and lagging behind from their standalone versions.

I only bother with it for the 2d systems pretty much, easy to manage all those systems via 1 app

>> No.9127282

XMB style itself is not a problem, tard.

>> No.9127315

wtf...you might as well just run a VM at this point

>> No.9127318

Retroarch has some of the best N64 emulation available though. It's 6th gen where it goes to shit because none of the cores are maintained

>> No.9127550

N64 is good, but project64 emulation quality is better.
E.g. I always had issues with MK64 character select screen in RetroArch while it works flawlessly in project64.
Same for fzerox dd. Never even got the 64dd to work in RetroArch.

Just too bad that the project64 Gui is complete shit.

>> No.9127562

>N64 is good, but project64 emulation quality is better.

>> No.9127569

Retroarch doesn't pretend to be an emulator. It quite explicitly and unashamedly says that it's a frontent for libretro cores ("emulators").

>> No.9127573

>scared of XMB
But people fucking love XMB. The issue is that it was created for a simple media player, not for a fucking multi-emulators frontend.

>> No.9127574

Care to give some arguments instead of a single 'lol' like some dumb retarded shit

>> No.9127758

You said it. Make it simple: you can trim down many options. If you don't use 50% of the menu, then you can hide it and unclutter everything. You can do the same with the Ozone GUI, so there's more variety to find something to your taste.

>> No.9127765

Ozone for da bigscreen, RGUI for da lilscreen, XMB for the lilpeen

>> No.9127957

It's not a hard process but it's pointlessly confusing. Which core should you use? Would you have to use different cores for different games on the same console? What makes a core better than the other? None of this information is written anywhere in the Core menu nor are you recommended to use a certain core when launching a certain game, so how are you even supposed to get this information?

>> No.9127963

I love XMB, Ozone is meh.

>> No.9127983

I think there's a fundamental problem when you're shitting that many interfaces and they're all barely usable.

>> No.9128146

Agree, except for RetroPie.
For anything else I'd much rather just use individual emulators. I can't think of a reason not to.
Runahead. That's it. What the fuck ever.

>> No.9128238

Retroarch isn't for playing games, it's an activity box for autists who want to RP as devs.

>> No.9128247

both work fine for me and retroarch has indispensable advantages like reduced input delay and shaders. i think the problem is on the user end, and that problem is that the user is retarded and can't work an extremely simple gui and the settings on a braindead emulator frontend.

>> No.9128256

>the stupid shit doesnt even work without "cores" and it doesnt ship with them

it takes all of about ten seconds to go into the emulator's "download cores" tab and get all of the ones you want. you're punched in the face by it as soon as you boot up the application. this has to be bait.

>> No.9128257
File: 24 KB, 750x331, 50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Retroarch. I have mine setup where i can play games on my phone and after im done the save will be uploaded to the cloud so i can resume the save at home on my tv and vice versa. Retroarch can be a bit confusing but desu it unifies a lot of my emulator features like saves and shaders which is nice and i like that. The stuff it doesnt emulate well like PS2 I just use standard emulators for.

>> No.9128263

I want to download retroarch for Xbox Series S|X but I have some questions?

Does it accept other type of controllers or is it only compatible with the Xbox Controller?

How laggy is it?

Can it play correctly gamecube and n64 games?

>> No.9128265

How do you know which standalone to use?

>> No.9128279

Does project64 have a parallel backend? Can it do the same VI effect emulation that Mupen with Parallel can? If not then yeah, I'd stay far away from project 64

>> No.9128293

Xbox only has the xinput API, so it has to be an xbox controller (or something through an xinput converter if you have one of those).

If you turn on GPU sync and set it to 1 or 0 it's perfectly responsive. And the series x (and maybe s, I think they have the same cpu) has enough horsepower to use runahead and jack up the frame delay setting a bit

The gamecube retroarch core isn't particularly great, on any platform

>> No.9128315


>> No.9128451
File: 779 KB, 860x1400, 412c206fa6496cb050bccad087c3caa4b606a609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they just fixed the UI to make it less ugly and more intuitive, retroarch would be fine. It's weird how it's come so far these last few years and yet they've made absolutely zero progress on this front. Even ZSNES has a better UI.

I'm not sure if that's a problem on retroarch's end or your distro's maintainers. Retroarch on both Debian and Arch ships with the core downloader disabled, expecting you to get cores from your distro's repository. You only have to change a line in a text file to fix it but it's still rather odd to me. It does the same with shaders and shit but I just change the directory and download them via RA.

>> No.9128460

this post for da lilbrain

>> No.9128471

Speak English.

>> No.9128705

best post in this thread

>> No.9128746

but man, lemme tell ya. i got it running on my crt (via vga - component transcoder) on a win7 pc i stole from work. boots up n directly into RA. I love it

>> No.9128767

>If they just fixed the UI to make it less ugly and more intuitive, retroarch would be fine
Not to be a cunt, but what specifically do you find unintuitive?

>> No.9128831
File: 128 KB, 800x1091, c054c42654d6efee5ac920fc6884ff53bf89b182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my issues with it come from the layout. Compare to older standalone emulators, like PCSX2 or SNES9x off the top of my head. Or just older Windows applications in general. You've got the bar underneath the titlebar with the basic categories, and it's quite compact and quick and easy to mouse through quickly. Sometimes the lists open into more lists, or if necessary, a popup window with more options. Generally it doesn't take too long to find what you want, and once you've found it once, it's quick to get back to it.

Comparatively I find all of the current RA UIs to feel like they were designed for phones or tablets. They take longer than they need to to navigate, everything takes up a lot of space, and what you might be looking for is often hidden several layers deep. It feels very "zoomed in" if that makes sense. What you need to see isn't presented to you in a way that gives you a real overview and quickly. This isn't strictly a Retroarch issue, it's kind of a modern design trend in general (fuck hamburger menus and GTK's CSDs) for some reason. If Retroarch didn't have so many features I appreciate that many standalones don't, I wouldn't use it at all. I don't get why RA has 4 different flavors of bad UI made for tablets and TVs but not a single decent one for desktop usage. I know they were kind of working on one a while ago, I haven't checked in on it recently but maybe that will solve the issue for me eventually.

>> No.9128852

The game runs fine natively on Windows 10. No reason for an emulator.

>> No.9128860

Tongue Anus

>> No.9128872

I run RA when I need to waste my time to tweak something here and there, and then I closed it after I'm satisfied with it. Yes, I don't play video games with it, RA itself is the GAME

>> No.9128883

This guy gets it

>> No.9128897
File: 1.97 MB, 1758x1344, All Night Nippon Super Mario Brothers (Japan) (Promotion Card) T+Eng v1 Psyklax-220728-011048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retroarch is based

>> No.9128904

>What's XMB Anon?
>i have never actually used retroarch
Yeah, that's pretty obvious.

>> No.9128968

I'm stuck with the cdrom boot on the selection menu. I checked the log and found lots of : [INFO] [Environ]: UNSUPPORTED (#65607). errors
Can't find the solution on Google, classic RA troubleshooting moment

>> No.9128980

There is an UI specifically for desktop, have you tried it? Personally, I didn't, since I use it with a controller in hand – maybe that's the target audience they have in mind. I use RA since 2011; back then, they had a GUI called Phoenix, and it was just like you described, you'd probably like it. However, they seemed to have trouble adding newer options to it, and quite a few stuff had to be done by text editing. People also started fancying the idea of navigating the menus using only a controller, since home media centers were becoming popular and RetroArch was seen as having potential for that. In the end, Phoenix got ditched in favor of RGUI, and later came out the XMB, GLUI and Ozone flavors. Some people probably missed the old style, since not so long ago a desktop mode was introduced, though I don't know how it fares against other traditional styles.

>> No.9129112

Phoenix sounds really familiar, so I probably tried that at some point. Don't know about anything recent, desktop wise.
Really I could have summed up my whole post with: there's no good desktop UI. I'm sure the current options are fine for media centers but it could be so, so much better on desktop, and I reckon at least 95% of the complaining about the UI being bad or unintuitive in general is because the UI experience on desktop (where I presume the majority of emulation users are) is such a step down from pretty much anything else made in the last 15 years.

>> No.9129163

I want to have N64 controller set for n64 games but an xbox controller for 2D systems, right now I have to go in and manually switch over from one controller to the other when I want to play genesis then n64

>> No.9129209
File: 38 KB, 200x200, Mister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Mister start to get faggots whining about it after its novelty wears off like Retroarch?

>> No.9129259

where the fuck have you been for the past year?

>> No.9129275

Stfu! Unlike RetroArch, MiSTer has no flaws and is the ultimate retrogaming experience.

>> No.9129282

But can it do easy 240p?, NO MEME YUROOP SCART OR COMPONENT, just 240p composite for most old crts

>> No.9129290

>i realized retroarch was garbage once i tried using it on linux.

your computer system probably wasn't built for linux in mind.

>> No.9129295

>getting mad at freeware

>> No.9129364

If you’re on linux install “gnome-games-app”, thank me later.

>> No.9129387

Surprisingly based for Gnome

>> No.9129530

>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
Yes you can, retard.
>PSP, 3DS cores are sluttering and are not playable
Use standalone for systems newer than dreamcast
>Genesis/CD emulators skip frames every time I press a button
You're doing something stupid
>Two SETTINGS menus that have different settings
You don't understand what they are
>The whole interface is inconvenient and poorly designed
It's not. But even if it was, there are like 15 different UI's to choose from.

Don't ever get a job using computers when you finish school, mate. You'll piss your pants and go home crying the first day.
Stick do mowing lawns or unblocking toilets.

>> No.9129537

what a brainlet

>> No.9129947

Not only 240p, but much more. And easily too. Don't mistake the MiSTer with your plev solutions. Yes, even original hardware with its faulty capacitors are for plebs. You either get a MiSTer and play how it's supposed to be or go back to your PlayStation 5™.

>> No.9129970

I think my main problem with Retroarch is options bloat. There's a lot of cores for the same consoles that aren't really explained very well. In some cases its necessary (Nestopia instead of Mesen for weaker hardware) but I don't know why we have both VBA-Next and VBA-M. It's especially evident with shaders, there's a lot of CRT shaders that do basically the same thing at similar levels of performance.
I still use Retroarch but I can get how it can confuse new people

>> No.9129993

Yes, there are plugins for angrylion and parallel that work with project64.just not part of their default delivery

>> No.9130148

The problem with retroarch is that documentation for it is garbage, and they don't make their UI etc straightforward enough for it to make sense without it.
For instance, why are bios files supposed to be placed in "system"? Why isn't there a root folder called "bios files"? Why isn't there a libretro doc explaining that bios files are always installed in "system"? Instead, you have to look it up for each core, and assume after doing four or five of them that they all go in the same place despite this not being explicitly stated.
Or the new MegaBezel, for instance. Community bezel packs are placed in a folder called "MegaBezel community" or some shit. But this folder isn't automatically generated by the "online updater" version of the shader. So to install the packs libretro advertised in THEIR blog post, you have to scroll through all the community packs until you find the one guy who tells you where to put the "MegaBezel community" folder, and that it doesn't need to be auto-generated (that you can make it yourself without issues).
The people who don't have issues with RA are either doing the bare minimum default with the features, or are emulator devs themselves who know all the terminology. It's a bad compromise.

>> No.9130183

Fair. Just to clarify their thoughts about the "bios" stuff, their reasoning is that not all files needed for cores are actually bios, so they chose a generic name to designate "files which are needed by the systems", thus the "system" name. Of course, bios should go there, along other files.

The blog posts nowadays are more propaganda than anything. No more core reports and documentation for new features. Just "you can only find it on RetroArch™" bullshit. Even newer releases are announced about a week later.

>> No.9131575

The only thing that can get confusing in retroarch is if you are playing with core overrides and shit. It gets hard to keep track and if you mess up, it's not always clear why (resetting core overrides to default, etc)

>> No.9131584
File: 235 KB, 1280x960, Mario Kart 64 (USA)-220729-160325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works for me. Maybe you're using a shitty plugin?

>> No.9131675

Feels like using one of those crappy browser emulators

>> No.9131703

never listen to this shitboard and research yourself
i use emuloader but don't take my word for it

>> No.9132636
File: 75 KB, 641x491, 1363671235906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh come on its not that bad. pretty good actualy

>> No.9132731

Lmao nigger you are a fucking retarded

>> No.9132786

Of course, if you get some Patreon money for adding another useless feature to it

>> No.9133648

Name an emulator/program that can do this. You can't

>> No.9133704

>look up how to do anything in RA
>literally all the information is out of date, using a different menu, or just flat out doesn't work
>Ozone doesn't have a grid view
>for some god forsaken reason, loading an emulator is the very first option that comes up, and not you know, loading a game from your favorites
>every GUI theme has this same problem
>has option to load PPSSPP even though it doesn't work
Despite all that yeah I like it okay. Its nice having one launcher where theoretically I can launch all my ROMs. Makes multiplayer with friends slightly more convenient since they only have to learn one thing.

>> No.9134075

>Can't set controls per different emulators without fucking up the rest of the emulators, and save them
Yes you can. You must be retarded.

>PSP, 3DS cores are sluttering and are not playable
Working for me.

>Genesis/CD emulators skip frames every time I press a button
Working for me.

>Two SETTINGS menus that have different settings
Too unintelligent to figure out menus? Sounds like a you problem.

>The whole interface is inconvenient and poorly designed
It's effective for being hardware-agnostic. Works great on the deck. You just kind of sound like an oaf whose brain has run out of free space.

>> No.9134120

>install more bloat on top of bloated DE