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9118549 No.9118549 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Games that were better than the movie

>> No.9118607
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>> No.9118632
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I had no idea it existed, on Steam, until a week ago.

>> No.9118640
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>> No.9118653
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>> No.9118662
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>> No.9118664


The movie (all versions) and game sucked but the movie is slightly more entertaining than that mess of a game they ported to every device known to man.
Amazingly the Gameboy version is completely different and does follow the movie though.

>> No.9118696
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Youre gonna think I'm shitposting but I'm not, this is an actual good videogame.

>> No.9118834
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alien 3 is a great movie. i'm glad fincher killed off newt and hicks to start a new bleak story showing that aliens are ripley's only family. it was the only way not to repeat Aliens and it works really well, Weaver clearly loving her new cynical side. The sci-fi name of the rose setting is also such a great idea. And the bold and beautiful ending closes the saga perfectly.

>> No.9118864


>> No.9118913

Alien 1: Original cut
Alien 2: Director's cut
Alien 3: Assembly cut

That's how I spent an evening.

>> No.9118918

every one, because movies are boring shit made by decrepit old jews.

>> No.9118931
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>made by decrepit old jews.
Kinda like Sega then?

>> No.9118932

that's not saying much

>> No.9118947

I'll never get my head around Ridley Scott, he made some of my absolute favourite movies but he also directed completely hapless crap, it's hilarious that he thought Alien had to be updated for a modern audience, resulting in the Director's Cut being shorter than the original Alien.

>> No.9119091

The Secret of Monkey Island

>> No.9119110

i really like the goldeneye 007 movie but the game was better

>> No.9119117
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Not the PS1 version though

>> No.9119269

>i really like the goldeneye 007 movie but the game was better

For me, Goldeneye, was the first Bond movie that I saw at the cinema. I was 14 years old when it came out. I was familiar with Bond through TV airings of the Moore and Connery era movies, and the James Bond Jr. cartoon. It was a solid movie overall. The first time Pierce Brosnan gets to play Bond. It has some great action set pieces. The Tina Turner intro is still one of the better intro songs. I still like the movie. The game was delayed quite a bit, and came out two years after the theatrical release of Goldeneye the movie. It wasn't even released alongside the home video releases. I know some magazines make fun of the game for being released two years after the movie. The game Goldeneye was released a couple months before Brosnan's second Bond movie: Tomorrow Never Dies. Hype for the second movie was big, but the game was released on its own, with no strong advertising tie-ins, like Die Hard Trilogy on PS1 was released beside the Die Hard Trilogy box set on VHS (for example). Nintendo of America didn't think it was going to be a big hit either. Goldeneye became one of the best selling games on the N64 and most popular 4-player split screen games outside of Mario kart 64 and the Mario Party games. Goldeneye was the reason why I bought the console. I loved the single player campaign and all the challenge levels, as well as the 4 player Bond matches.


>> No.9119284

Based Alien 3 appreciation. I always thought it was a worthy conclusion to the series, even if they ripped off the ending to Terminator 2.

>> No.9119316

Ridley's only as good as the writer he's been assigned to. Alien and Blade Runner both had pretty good writers, while Prometheus was written by one of the clowns that did Lost.

>> No.9119343
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>The game was delayed quite a bit, and came out two years after the theatrical release of Goldeneye the movie.

Mission Impossible by Ocean had the exact same issue, as the game was originally announced right alongside the original 1996 Mission impossible movie. But the game was delayed and released in 1998. by the time 1998 rolled around, there was very little interest in the first Mission Impossible movie. Mission Impossible 2 didn't come out until 2000. When Mission Impossible came out for the N64, nobody cared. Goldeneye was late, but still came out between other Brosnan Bond movies.

>> No.9120217

First time I finished the game I was playing alone and it was quite of fun, but the best of the game is that you could play al the history mode with a friend.

>> No.9120259
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Not to imply the movie is bad by any measure, this just stands head and shoulders above the usual licensed shit.

>> No.9120274

Alien 3 is the best Alien movie though, sad Aliens kiddies can never appreciate it. Literally everything about that movie is kino.

>> No.9120314
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>> No.9120318

This game was fucking brutal difficult.

>> No.9120339
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>> No.9120527 [DELETED] 


The sequel to the movie that never was. Ma Fratelli gets her revenge on the Goonies by kidnapping them all, except for Mikey, and kidnaps a mermaid as well. because.

>> No.9120531

It's not bad I just get more enjoyment out of the game.

>> No.9120538

This game was a bit weird. There was a Goonies 1 game made for the japanese Famicom, but it never came out in NA. The sequel 'Goonies II' comes out for the NES, and it is actually a bit confusing. There was never a Goonies II movie. What a weird movie too... Ma Fratelli gets her revenge on the Goonies by kidnapping them all, except for Mikey, and kidnaps a mermaid as well. because.

>> No.9120541

wow man you like the thing that the majority dislikes. you must be very smart and cool.

>> No.9120546

>instantly appeals to popularity
as expected of Aliens kiddies

>> No.9120583

Holy bait

>> No.9120593

going against the current isn't a personality, brainlet.

>> No.9120636

alien 3 is kino. I legitimately love that movie and especially the music. I'm not just pretending to like it.

>> No.9120703

the current isn't always right, giga faggot, remind me what's the average IQ of consumers? why do you want to have the same taste as people who barely scratch 3 digits?

>> No.9120726

>muh IQ
holy midwit

>> No.9120739

IQ is proven to be the most accurate prediction of your outcome in life. I am sorry you are a brainlet and share taste with the "average" person (aka drooling retards who can't even tell a square from a triangle)

>> No.9120740

I’m professionally tested at 133 and that didn’t stop me from being a retarded loser.

>> No.9120753

I'm professionally confident that anecdotal evidence isn't enough to trump mass scale studies.

>> No.9120793

See this is why I called you a midwit. That there is a correlation between IQ and life outcome does not mean IQ *dictates* life outcome. A fundamental property of statistics is they’re only accurate at the mass scale; at the individual level aberrations start to appear.

What’s your IQ btw?

>> No.9121168

>There was a Goonies 1 game made for the japanese Famicom, but it never came out in NA.
It was released on the arcades as a VS. System pak.

>> No.9121383
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Better than all of the Disney sequels

>> No.9121384

>alien 3 is kino
Alien 3 is what? Go back you fucking faggot.

>> No.9121428

The game is a sequel to the movie.

>> No.9121439
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I'm not gonna say better but definitely on the same level of quality

>> No.9121446

Alien 3 the movie in unfairly hated. Alien 4 was fucking horrible.

>> No.9121450

>Nobody cared
Bullshit. Everyone and their grandma anticipated this as we had nothing else to look forward to on n64. Everyone said it was the next goldeneye. While it wasn't everyone I knew who bought it liked it, including me.


>> No.9121521

nah its trash bro

>> No.9121536

Does Aliens: Infestation on the Nintendo DS count?

>> No.9121540

No but I like how they included some stuff from shelved Aliens 3 scripts like the space soviets

>> No.9121549

>it's not as action packed as aliens so it sucks
>it's trash because ecelebs said so
The first Alien wasn't as action packed as Aliens and it's still a great movie.

>> No.9121550
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>> No.9121571


>> No.9121596


>> No.9121606
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Alien 3 as a platformer is better than Super Metroid especially the music.

>> No.9121660

You should've been aborted

>> No.9121706

I only played the PC version which is a completely different game and mediocre platformer

>> No.9122096

>Alien 4 was fucking horrible.
I enjoyed it. The entire premise of cloning Ripley after she felt into molten lava just to get the alien embryo that was inside her body is already kinda goofy to begin with and you can tell the filmmakers were just having fun without taking themselves to seriously.

>> No.9122195

>The game is a sequel to the movie.

It's a sequel to a Famicom/ NES game that is based on the movie.

>It was released on the arcades as a VS. System pak.

Yeah, it was one of the games in the Nintendo Players Choice 10 arcade cabs. I actually got to play a Players Choice arcade machine, it had Super Mario Bros. 3 as a highlighted game, as SMB3 was 'brand new'. Sadly. I don't think Goonies was a game on it. I remember seeing copies of Goonies II (for the NES) at a local department store, and thinking to it was based on a Goonies II movie. Like Goonies II was a real thing. I was like 7 years old.

>> No.9122304

>nah its trash bro
nah, Alien 3 just doesn't have a pulse one way or the other. The documentaries about making it are far more interesting than the movie itself, if only to see how much shit david fincher went through with the studio and how many concepts they shelved over a six year development process. Alien 3 is more entertaining than Covenant and 50% of Prometheus, though.

>video game
Alien 3: The Gun is more fun than the movie. There was an arcade in a small theater I went to as a kid that had one. It was still there in 2002. Guess it vacuumed up lots of quarters.

exactly. The franchise became self-aware and played on how much of a joke it had become by 1997.

>> No.9122332
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>> No.9122485

The first part of Alien 3 where they build the characters is one of the best parts of the entire trilogy. Once the Alien shows up, it becomes an inferior rehash of stuff done better in the previous 2 movies.

>> No.9122517

Imagine if Rockstar Toronto didnt make a tie-in movie game and instead worked on a completely original product in 2005. This could have been generational. Mediocre

>> No.9122586

Alien 3 is bad, but Resurrection is so bad that it makes 3 seem decent by comparison. Covenant was even worse than Resurrection.

>> No.9122613

Joining in on this one. It was my favourite of the series as a kid. I loved the grimy atmosphere and being British loved that I recognised a lot of the actors in the film.
Growing up I learned to appreciate the first film above all due to how fucking immaculate it is but I still have a soft spot for 3. Aliens is a fun film but it feels a bit plasticky in comparison to the others and was clearly designed with the American market solely in mind. Resurrection I loved as a kid but watching it again it's fucking awful.

>> No.9122620

I rented it and liked it back in the day. Playing it again recently it's interesting that Hitman took some ideas from it.

>> No.9122627

Aliens is cool, because it has the best Alien costumes in the whole series. The sets are also great. The characters are really flat and it is a much less tense movie than the others, though.

>> No.9122630

Aliens is the brainlet choice to be fair. Good film but it's just guns n' action for the American audience. Pure brainlet popcorn material.

>> No.9122638

I'm sad that I'm the only person that got that very relevant reference.

>> No.9122645

They also did Bully and Max Payne 3 which are two of the best games under the Rockstar umbrella. Or was that Vancouver?

>> No.9122648

I was about to disagree then I remembered the few times you see the Alien fully in the first film looking pretty bad and the shit puppet/CGI of the 3rd film.
I'd actually argue Resurrection has the best looking aliens. They're just trapped in a shit film.
Best sets belongs entirely to the first film though and it's not even close. I've always thought Aliens looked weirdly cheap compared to the first even though that can't possibly be true.

>> No.9122654

The alien head animatronic in the first is very cool. The whole body costume does look very "guy in rubber suit" though. Which is why you only see the whole thing in a few shots.

>> No.9122658
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It was maked to forget shitty kids movie, but 2002 og better

>> No.9122662

We're in /vr/ bromeo. It's ok though, you're forgiven.

>> No.9123249
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Don't mind me, just posting the best Alien game.

>> No.9123261

everyone loved that movie as a kid, fuck all the bandwagon zoomer fags these days
everyone loved ghostbusters 2 as well. Dude in the painting was scary as shit.

>> No.9123263

Resurrection gets a bad rap. It's a joyful success of an action schlock film. It's everything the Resident Evil films tried to be, but good. Alien^3 is much worse, because it tries to be Alien and fails.

>> No.9123502

>Resurrection I loved as a kid but watching it again it's fucking awful.
Complete opposite for me. I love how absolutely no one looks like they’re taking the movie seriously and it was probably a blast to film. It’s silly, fun garbage.

>> No.9123518

I like all of the first 4 Alien films.

>> No.9123525
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>> No.9123546

Alien 3 is legitimately great.


>> No.9123768

The Assembly cut is pretty good, except they changed the end, though the new end is actually very similar to the end of the SNES game, where Ripley just falls in unceremoniously. I wish Assembly cut kept the chestburster part at the end, otherwise it was better.

>> No.9124013

>Stage 4
First time a game ever made me paranoid as fuck. Foreground effects making it super-difficult to see the alien coming at you from below until it's too late.

>> No.9124028

>seething this hard
Back to r/games kiddo

>> No.9124108

No he's right. Go back, we don''t want your faggot kind here.

>> No.9124135

Okay, so im not a bitch for getting my ass whipped trying it recently.

I remember almost beating it as a kid somehow

>> No.9124142

Dilate samefag

>> No.9124470

I loved this game I played a lot in my psx in late 90s

>> No.9124574

Fantastic game

>> No.9125740
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>> No.9126278

The sequel to this was better than the subsequent films too.

>> No.9126302

>The sequel to this was better than the subsequent films too.

I don't completely hate Die Hard 4, but making it PG-13 was a mistake. Die Hard 5 was whatever.