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File: 341 KB, 680x680, C5CA0541-14EB-42F0-B2CB-814F747ED6F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9111445 No.9111445 [Reply] [Original]

Do you prefer Amy's classic design or her Sonic Adventure redesign?

>> No.9111458

For some reason nobody will openly admit that the classic design is not only worse, but a bad desidn in general purely from a color perspective. She doesn't look good with green and orange. If the color of her dress was similar to the modern design, with a red white and pink scheme, I'm sure the classic design would be much better. The Modern design however has a better hairstyle, she's literally way cuter. The only thing holding the modern design back is her eye color. It should be more teal-ish like Rouges

>> No.9111464

Classic is cuter than nu-amy.

>> No.9111471

Classic Amy looks like shit.

>> No.9111474

Which one would you fuck?

>> No.9111475


>> No.9111501

Good choice

>> No.9111549

I can't think of any I would NOT.

>> No.9111620



>> No.9111623


>> No.9111658
File: 504 KB, 600x1125, 2edbfe6eae0e5426cf8ba0e50ca91f2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main beef I have with Amy's modern design is that I'm colorblind and the red of her dress looks way to similar to Knuckles' color theme, and obviously Sonic Team / Sega wanted each member of the "core" cast to represent a different color. Classic Amy has a good color scheme for people like me who need a greater contrast. Modern Amy looks like she's wearing a weird bodysuit-dress thing to me. If you're going to redesign her, at least keep her skirt a separate piece of clothing so that it doesn't blend in.

>> No.9111948
File: 372 KB, 1750x2048, 1604258954857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer her Adventure/Modern design over her Classic design by quite a wide margin, especially since she was essentially a pink version of Sonic, with an odd color scheme in her clothers too, but now her spines are much more unique and her clothes also have a color scheme that's easier on the eyes in both her Adventure/Modern look and her Boom look, which probably had the best writing for Amy aswell, at least on the TV show.

>> No.9112057

Personality-wise I prefer the Classic one (silent Sonic characters are best Sonic characters). Design-wise the Modern one.

>> No.9112067

pink hedgehog Cunny

>> No.9112096

Hmmmm like NES Zelda and Alucard case?

>> No.9112108

wait what's wrong with orange and green coord?
she looks like an average 80s/early 90s tokyo girl.
Adventure Amy is hawt, but she looks like she's always on a christmas dress.
The more street, casual look of classic Amy is actually sexier.

>> No.9112141
File: 46 KB, 480x800, katchijoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait what's wrong with orange and green coord?
Even with Sonic's grossly expanded cast since, they're very rare and unique colors.

>> No.9112216

New Amy makes me uncomftrable

>> No.9112259

Sonic retards need to go back

>> No.9112296
File: 20 KB, 288x288, 1658454591428542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why that is, afterall this is a board dedicated to retro video games, and Sonic is a retro video game icon, whether you like it or not. Having threads about the franchise here makes sense.

>> No.9112342

In her 1993 vidya debut, she was Rosy the Rascal before they renamed her Amy Rose (and said her name was always Amy Rose and "Rosy" was just a nickname), then renamed her again as just Amy sometime later then Rosy was retconned as a separate, evil-twin sort of character in the Archie comics in 2008.
I didn't even know she was in Sonic Adventure at all.

>> No.9112470
File: 202 KB, 600x600, page6-600px-SonicCD_MCD_JP_manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her real name was always Amy, though. "Rosy the Rascal" only showed up as her nickname in her Japanese Sonic CD manual profile and then Sonic the Fighters before being dropped entirely. In the manga series she originated from, she was just known as Amy and later got the surname Rose around or after Sonic CD's release. If anything, Rosy the Rascal was a short-lived attempt at retrofitting her into the usual "x the y" naming scheme.

>> No.9112475

Modern Amy for sure. She definitely has a bubblebutt and superior thighs. Classic Amy looks too much like a filthy loli.

>> No.9112548

>Her real name was always Amy, though.
How bizarre. It's almost as though the post you're replying to said that exact thing or something. Shocking.

>> No.9112556

>retrofitting her into the usual "x the y" naming scheme.
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Tails the... oh... wait... Tails has never been referred to as "Tails the" anything! So much for the existance of this supposed "naming scheme" you brought up! I mean... with literally only one character (IE. Sonic himself) pre-dating the Rosy the Rascal name, you can't really call it a scheme or pattern quite yet can you, pookums?

>> No.9112676

She'll always be Rosy to me after reading about her in some magazine or other in 92-93. EGM, I think. They explicitly called her "Rosy the Rascal." Coulda sworn it was in the manual, too, but I just checked and they call her Princess Sally in there (lolwut).

As for her "name was always Amy," well yeah, I said as much. Still Rosy to me. FWIW, she's even rose-coloured so of course, her name being "Rosy" just kinda stuck with me.

>> No.9112792
File: 270 KB, 541x771, 'Tails'_the_Fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coulda sworn it was in the manual, too, but I just checked and they call her Princess Sally in there (lolwut).
Yeah, that's the North American manual. European manual does indeed call her Amy though. "Princess Sally" is another short-lived name brought to us by someone at Sega of America who thought Sally was Sonic's only love interest. It was abandoned by the PC port, where they go back to calling her Amy.
>As for her "name was always Amy," well yeah, I said as much.
My bad, it seemed like you were saying Sega was saying it retroactively.
>Tails the...
Fox, smartass.

>> No.9112814

>My bad, it seemed like you were saying Sega was saying it retroactively.
I can see that. I worded it poorly.

>> No.9113071

most useless sonic character

>> No.9113108

In the manual scan posted above (>>9112470) it says "Rosy the Rascal" and right below that it says "Real name: Amy Rose"

>> No.9113141

Classic Amy is cute and her hammer fits her better
Modern Amy is for mating press and anal creampies

>> No.9113170

While I think Adventure Amy is sexier and I see a lot of hentai of her (no kinkshaming pls), I vastly prefer Classic Amy, it's just cuter.

>> No.9113203

I think you mean most fuckable

>> No.9113239

Oh. Wow. Really? That's, like, the first time anyone in this thread has brought that up. Amazing. What a talented young woman you are for pointing out this thing we were already discussing and were obviously aware of. Such observation skills are simply astounding. You certainly must be Sherlock Holmes' younger, smarter sister. Your intellect is absolutely unmatched. How can we ever hope to achieve your brilliance? Wow.

>> No.9113248

Touch grass

>> No.9113268

Touch ass.

>> No.9113282
File: 761 KB, 2048x1935, 1630739543795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy was created before Sonic CD (or Sonic 2). First actual appearance is in the obscure Sonic the Hedgehog manga which barely anyone knows about.

>> No.9113286

The post he's replying to said that they "said her name was always Amy Rose." Anon is saying that Amy really was the original name, and it's not just something they retconned.

>> No.9113293

Yes, we know. Where Sonic's real name is Nicolas/Nicky and "Sonic" is his superhero alter-ego ala Clark Kent/Superman. This is common knowledge to anyone who has ever held a Mega Drive controller and still talks about its games.

>> No.9113304

See >>9112814

>> No.9113316

Yeah, this fact is the Sonic equivalent of the SMB2 Doki Doki Panic "UM, ACKSHUALLY".

>> No.9113317
File: 693 KB, 735x970, d6en8oy-2290c5af-6ddf-4d96-b3ff-4e4fae76621e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average 80s/early 90s tokyo girl.
That's the thing, despite being a fashion over there, that aesthetic never quite resonated with us westerners, we had a lot more to choose from, and to be honest, Amy's red dress felt much more likely to be on the street than the green shirt/orange skirt combo, same with Rouge metalhead clothing and sports outfit

>> No.9113318

What's the year on that? It's also got Mighty, Ray, and Vector. Mighty and Ray were in the arcade game but that's dated as 1993. Vector and Mighty were in Chaotix but that's from.... 1995?

>> No.9113324

they're from the manga too

>> No.9113721
File: 474 KB, 600x811, my mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you already addressed it, my bad

>> No.9113729

Amy somehow looks really 80s here.

>> No.9113731

More like early 90's.

>> No.9113823

The early 90s are part of the 80s. Similarly, the early 80s are part of the 70s, and the early 2000s are part of the 90s.

>> No.9113840

No way. Late 80's and early 90's were totally different in terms of style and aesthetic.

>> No.9113924
File: 5 KB, 56x56, SegaSonicBros_BandVarious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That piece is probably c.1993/1994 since Amy had a pretty different design at the beginning of the manga, and her color flipped from brown to blonde before settling on pink. Vector is actually the second-oldest conept of Sonic's recurring anthro-friends, not Amy. He was planned to first appear as part of the "Sonic the Hedgehog Band" in the original game, but time constraints and cartridge space led to them being scrapped pretty late in development - Naoto Ohshima was working on animations of Sonic break-dancing to the band playing the game's music as part of a unique sound test screen, but Yuji Naka decided to make room for the iconic "SEGA" sound from the commericals instead. The band ended up making a minor appearance in a separate, one-shot manga promoting the Japanese release, where Sonic was a lead singer (similar to how he's depicted in the 8-bit credits). The band was also apparently going to appear in SegaSonic Bros., but their graphics are unused in an unreleased game. Coincidentally, Amy ended up being a secret dancer in Chaotix's sound test.

>> No.9113939

i dunno
Sally Acorn
Vanilla the Rabbit
the others can take a hike

>> No.9114007
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, AmyR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always found it interesting that Amy lowkey has had the biggest changes of Sonic's friends.
>Manga: Amy is Nikki's (Sonic's) sweet, loving, stable girlfriend.
>1992(?) concept: According to this image, she's a highschool cheerleader.
>1993: Amy Rose is Tails' age and her crush is a precocious one. She believes her love is destined by her Tarot cards, something rarely brought up later.
>1996: She's randomly given a comical toy hammer thing out of hammerspace in a fighting game spinoff, which somehow became her trademark weapon in future appearance. Last appearance of alternate "Rosy the Rascal" name used for early game appearances, but it later got used for her crazed counterpart in Archie.
>1998-2001: Amy is aged up since her last appearance and living by herself in a human city. She tries to reconnect with the old gang after running into Sonic but she tends to get into all sorts of hijinx. Despite that, she's got a big heart and gives it her all anyway, and is trying to be more independent.
>2002: Suddenly she's a speed character who can roll and stuff with no explanation, but I'm sure this is a one-time unlock that'll have no repurcussions whatsoever.
>2003-2006,2010: Amy is a freakish obsessed Sonic fangirl stalker who constantly chases after Sonic and tries to get her to marry her and has gotten faster due to her training herself to catch Sonic, she occasionally has vestiges of her old caring personality but is blind-sighted and impatient when it comes to Sonic, Cream is also pretty much her sidekick for some reason.
>2008-2009: This is toned down considerably and the player can actually have Sonic return her feelings somewhat, and apparently it's canon that he accepted a date but she screwed up a chance by hammering him when she thought he ditched her.
>2011+: Amy is actually a good friend of Sonic's, but they'll occasionally play into the "oblivious crush" angle for a gag or two. She's more self-aware and their relation is more "will they or won't they" now.

>> No.9114246
File: 33 KB, 262x372, Amy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9115052

Did they seriously make a storyboard for Sonic CD's "cutscene"? Never seen this before.

>> No.9115164

>Amy is aged up since her last appearance

Was she really canonically or simply made less chibi?

>> No.9115176

Based Fleetway enjoyer!

>> No.9115186

>Vector is actually the second-oldest conept of Sonic's recurring anthro-friends, not Amy.
Wouldn't that be Mighty?

>> No.9115194


>> No.9115208

was this image translated? What was Amy's scene in R2?

>> No.9115286
File: 1.62 MB, 498x468, run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to appreciate it a little more over the years, she actually looks like a kid pre-Adventure.

>> No.9115568
File: 175 KB, 696x396, Aimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canonical. Archie even had a mjnor story arc where she wished upon a Chaos Emerald or something for it. She's still not quite "highschool" age like she was planned at one point if you go by the numbers, but the character ages never really meant much sense. I don't think animal ages are supposed to 1:1 with humans. Pretty much every Sonic character under the age of ten is obviously a kid, and every Sonic character over the age of ten is basically a young adult. I daresay that Tails is practically equivalent to a teenager considering the gap between him and younger characters like Charmy and Cream.
An armadillo was one of the pre-hedgehog concepts, but it's never been confirmed that Mighty intentionally called back to that idea. I think the armadillo concept art was found and it looked nothing like him. General concensus seems to be that it's a coincidence since an armadillo easily comes to mind for an animal that rolls into a ball.
One of the few things that Origins brought us was very small snippets of R2. This isn't fully translated from what I can tell, but it looks like Amy was supposed to fall down the underground ruins(?), and she would've had a more reserved role until she gets kidnapped and then rescued in R7 (Stardust Speedway), where she gets infatuated with Sonic after rescuing her. She -might- have also had a gameplay role in R2 and acted sort of like Tails. When R2 was canned, her role was split between R1 and R3 (&R8?).

>> No.9115602

Adventure Amy has a much better design, but I think they should have doubled down on the concept and given her a new look in every game. At least different hairstyles.

>> No.9115606
File: 407 KB, 700x876, AmysHairstyles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9115879

>sonic is retro game
It's retro, it goes here.

>> No.9116061
File: 83 KB, 817x947, FXwA_bcUsAEcSkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time for another redesign.

>> No.9116068


>> No.9116072

Someone beat me to it. Damn it.

>> No.9116612

Bottom-left has the best "form" factor for a sporty type, but none of them really capture the "spiky hedgehog" feel. That's classic's strength over the current design.

>> No.9116615

The yellow one is Sister Sonic?

>> No.9116634

Yep, the seven-year-old kid sister, though for some reason they couldn't decide if her name was Tania or Anita.

>> No.9116637

She shouldn't use any clothes or go out similarly to Archie 90's Sally

>> No.9117983
File: 50 KB, 400x309, AmyNoUnder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does going commando count?

>> No.9118076

Gosh, his mieum looks like an ieung and I keep reading his handwriting as eiee rojeu rather than eimi rojeu. He really ought to make sure his mieums and ieungs don't look so similar.

>> No.9118941

Darn well said.

>> No.9118992

i never got that about sonic, the males don't wear clothes, but the females do. Wtf?

>> No.9119210

Maybe it's an added layer of rape protection?

>> No.9119678 [DELETED] 

I'm thinking about the 90s fan-favorite princess character that hasn't appeared in any Sonic for a while.

>> No.9119789
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My inference back in the Dreamcast days was that, as a Station Square urbanite, Amy grew up around human society and so she took on more human traits than her fellow hedgehogs, most notably fashion. I excused Tikal because her father also wore clothes and that implied it was a mark of high rank in her society, and Rouge because she's literally a government agent that reports to the human president. By the time Cream and Vanilla were introduced, it became quite clear that for whatever reason Sega and/or Sonic Team insist that females be clothed and males not be. Doesn't it give the impression that females would somehow be more exposed unclothed than males? Do males have, like, retractible genitals that females don't? Stranger still, >>9117983 Sonic Adventure added PANTIES to Amy's design. Yet in Sonic Boom, Sticks wears nothing beneath her loincloth, and like you'd expect from any other Sonic anthro, it's just fur and nothing visible. Maybe the key to this is the weird lyric in Amy's theme, "The Sphinx looked so cute, I had to shave it," implying that she started to shave her body in places? Obviously I'm overthinking it, but I swear, it's the series' fault! If the next female anthro isn't at least half-naked, I'll go nuts! Seriously, my Sonic OC will grow nuts just to spite them!

>> No.9119913

>constantly chases after Sonic and tries to get her to marry her
Never understood why the writers took her joke in SA2 so seriously later on.

>> No.9119953

>my Sonic OC will grow nuts
Nut the Tanuki?

>> No.9119967
File: 314 KB, 2560x2560, creamsmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9120162

spax, no

>> No.9120597

I want to pound Amy’s shit pipe if you know what I mean

>> No.9120626


>> No.9120931
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...To which one?

>> No.9120938

I'd guess it's because in general, a naked male with no dick is instantly recognizable as just being an inoffensive cartoon character, but with a naked female it's not quite as obvious
and if you're going to have a character who feels the need to wear clothes, why not also underwear?

>> No.9120974
File: 235 KB, 500x450, somethinghotpen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess male Sonic character never have accidental erections...which is quite a handy feature/skill actually..I wonder how awkward it is for female Sonic characters if they cause a boners around them.

>> No.9121406


>> No.9121489

Considering how different their physiology is, one can assume they only pop a boner when they're ready to have sex, but due to their rather large craniums, they are likelier to incur nosebleeds when blood rushes to them in an unexpectedly sexual way. I hope this answers your question, my guy.

>> No.9121661

not retro

>> No.9122083
File: 40 KB, 500x265, 6203c13edbda0f7a6cf7a120518120183bf7457a_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply put, boys are more willing to get into scraps; girls are conditioned to not to so much as dirty their nails and are viewed as having more delicate bodies, and the character designs buy into the gender stereotypes.

>> No.9122117


You want to sneak in, unscrew her toilet and stick it in the drain?

>> No.9122245

Dude, are you trying to kill me with nostalgia by posting this old ass art

>> No.9122249

kill yourself

>> No.9122802
File: 161 KB, 341x354, 3f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch OVA
>owl wears "Sonic's favorite clothes"

>> No.9123891
File: 385 KB, 500x688, 1658895263717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they never said he wears them. He could just be a clothes connoisseur, someone who appreciates having them in his collection.

>> No.9125052

Adventure Amy is cute as fuck, with an incredibly alluring skirt. Classic Amy is just palette swap Sonic in an outfit with a tacky color scheme nobody but the Irish or golfers would be caught dead in.

>> No.9125818
File: 97 KB, 935x1437, CDAmy-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Classic Amy is just palette swap Sonic in an outfit with a tacky color scheme nobody but the Irish or golfers would be caught dead in.
Yes, it's adorable!

>> No.9126268
File: 134 KB, 1074x1074, Ei9XeuGWoAEE4GA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like 'em both.

>> No.9126603

Art looks like shit. Hope the "artist" kills himself or get a brain tumor. Fucking loser.

>> No.9127000
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x1303, tumblr_pmemamVMmD1tmpeb9_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9127267

Art looks great. I hope the artist is healthy and feels accomplished and delivers more of his beautiful work.

>> No.9127351
File: 148 KB, 302x242, 1605205943437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you know I'm praying that everyone you love will suffer and die in front of you.

>> No.9127380


>> No.9127395

For going against me.

>> No.9127398

I'm sorry, my love.

>> No.9127402
File: 78 KB, 340x340, pinktrannysonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems a little too easy...

>> No.9127495
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 3a3134f5ea313c09f5bdd3ccbed7b221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9127538

Art looks fine, perfectly mediocre, not super good, not bad.
Hope the artist has a fine normal life.

>> No.9128096

Personally I like both.
Classic is a bit redundant, being a pink Sonic with Tails' hair bangs in somewhat random clothing. She's freaking cute though. I think it's eye shape which makes her so adorable.
Modern is more distinct, although red dress clashes a bit with Knuckles. Not as cute as Classic, but close enough, especially in original SA1. Since SA2 she looked kinda meh IMO, but then Unleashed gave as a great model which has been used since.
What bothers me between designs the most is nose. Classic is long Sonic-like, but then in modern it's got way shorter, more Knuckles-like. What happened?

>> No.9128101
File: 586 KB, 540x540, 1585657900286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic makes me cum.

>> No.9128216

girls have smaller, cuter noses

>> No.9128503
File: 49 KB, 960x540, E5itI-nXoAAliLx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9128869


>> No.9129108
File: 205 KB, 400x400, cvetovaya-palitra-2961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9129782

>but then in modern it's got way shorter, more Knuckles-like.
It's a bob cut. Her hair isn't even remotely similar to Knuckles in any way other than it flows downward

>> No.9129825
File: 187 KB, 500x302, AmyDrift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9129857
File: 173 KB, 557x680, CDAmy-131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9130171

sonic adventure has amy panties. simple as that.

>> No.9130367

Shit, that's an OLD pic. I used to simp the author back when I was 14.

>the males don't wear clothes, but the females do

It's a thing since golden era cartoons like Looney Tunes and Disney. Male characters are okay with being naked. For girls, it would be too weird I guess.

>> No.9130515

>Shit, that's an OLD pic. I used to simp the author back when I was 14.
To be fair, there was a lot of A-nya's simps back then.
A shame that she left the community and deleted all her accounts everywhere.

>> No.9131454
File: 15 KB, 683x425, bosko-n-honey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a time when female characters wore less clothing, usually only enough to communicate to the audience that the character was indeed female. I remember Minnie Mouse wearing less than she does as well. The thing to really note here is that the character in question looked nearly identical to their male counterparts, with only the bit of clothing and mannerism to really make them distinct.

Such a character can't happen today though. Unfortunately, audiences just aren't innocent enough for that to fly. Characters like Sally Acorn is a prime example of why it's not a good idea, especially if your cartoon is meant to be family friendly.
Of course, with the internet as it is, this won't stop certain determined perverts, but just because rule 34 exists, doesn't mean one has to make their characters pander.

>> No.9131728


>> No.9131807
File: 63 KB, 480x360, AmyEnding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Amy Hacks were really good.

>> No.9131869

Still worse than her Advance 1 gameplay.

>> No.9131874

Meant for >>9131807

>> No.9132280

one of the worst posts ive read

>> No.9132426
File: 137 KB, 800x650, CDAmy-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? What makes you say that? I will admit that Amy can be pretty busted in these hacks, but the level design feels still feels nice with the moveset.
Also the lack of leaps-of-faith over death pits...

>> No.9132510

It's a shame Amy in Sonic 3 doesn't work when loaded into an Everdrive, it crashes the moment it tries to load the first enemy in the stage.

>> No.9133281

It simply feels sloppy and much less precise, especially in hacks that weren't recently updated, i.e. AiS2 and S3&A.
AiS1 and S2PE are better, but considering the difference in how physics work giant steps ends up being less spammable and hammer jumps end up being too high without much work. Also hammer got a weird frame data (or is it the way the enemy hitboxes work?) and isn't as effective against bosses + it doesn't work with diagonal springs.

>> No.9133816
File: 1.93 MB, 1555x2418, 20180314183831!SA1_A_d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they really have to reference pussy shaving in a kid's game?

>> No.9134409

You should be pit on a watch list if you prefer """"Classic"""" Amy.

>> No.9135037

I thought that was a fucking diaper for a second

>> No.9135065

I just separate the two now like with all modern era. Anime Amy works for the shonenshit era of Sonic, but classic works for the fantastical feeling of classic era.

>> No.9135071

My favorite classic design is the alligator. I don't know why they didn't use the sonic bulldog, bulldogs are funny

>> No.9135084

Your mom. Now fuck off back to /v/ and make your Rouge /trash/ thread already.

>> No.9135096
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>> No.9135110

Mickey Mouse.
>He wears pants
Donald Duck. It's a product of its time
I don't want the females not have clothes because coomers are fucking toxic. At least clothes keeps them at bay from going "B-B-BASED OFFICIAL SANIC PRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.9135490

>the alligator
Vector? He's in Chaotix.

>> No.9135549

Ask me how I know you are a zoomer underage faggot.

>> No.9135552
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UK one with the spikey hair is the best, I'm not even British but shame lot of those artists can't draw cartoony animals.

>> No.9135573

Why is Amy so densely designed compared to Sonic? Sonic's just the same shape with only shoes and gloves, same with Tails. She doesn't match, it's weird. She always looks like she's from a different thing next to them.

>> No.9136406
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>> No.9136410

Now read the post again and realise I wasn't talking about her hair.

>> No.9137471

i dont know what you mean, but is the series that created rouge, anything can happen....expect good games

>> No.9137507

>Oshima was going to put Vector in Sonic 1 but Yuji Naka fucked it up
God fucking damn it

>> No.9138374
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>> No.9138554

Classic because reasons.

>> No.9138697

I like both her designs to tell the truth, but I feel like both are missing something. I'm gonna see if I can maybe combine the two.

>> No.9138748

This is what people who asked for Amy in Sonic CD wanted.

>> No.9139290
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>> No.9139294
File: 242 KB, 640x876, sonic 3 and amy jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a shame Amy in Sonic 3 doesn't work when loaded into an Everdrive, it crashes the moment it tries to load the first enemy in the stage.

It's notoriously buggy. Will work in some emulators but not others.

>> No.9139309
File: 218 KB, 1500x549, rollinbishop-1540074938987679749-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this image not-so-subtly suggesting that Classic Amy's character design palette was originally based around that of a type of... flower?

Our little Rosy? Inconceivable!

>> No.9140348

I think Amy is cute in all her designs but I slightly prefer her Classic

>> No.9140365

Do you know where you are?

>> No.9142158

It really doesn't? Aw shit, that's a shame. Speaking of which, recently I was happy to get Sonic 2 Advanced Edit working on my Everdrive. Had a great time getting through the thing as Amy. She looks & plays exactly like her Amy in Sonic 3 counterpart.
Overall a great hack, highly recommended. On hardware you gotta start the game through level select though, as it crashes by usual means.

>> No.9143170

This looks really cool, I'm gonna have to put it on my Everdrive. Speaking of cool romhacks that work on real hardware, check out Sonic 1: The Next Level. It's only 3 acts long but it's the most impressive rom hack I've ever seen, Sonic or not

>> No.9143179
File: 313 KB, 1327x1920, CDAmy-138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sonic 1: The Next Level
The only thing more impressive than the visuals and aesthetic of that game is the developer's taste in music.

>> No.9143513

Definitely. Those 32X-esque colors are one thing, but I honestly don't know how it's possible for the Genesis to output the songs in that hack

>> No.9143531
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Old Sonic art has a unique feeling. It's very surreal and digital. I feels huge and unrealistic, but very distinct at the same time. I would describe it like cyber-psychedelia or dreamlike.

One of the worst things they ever did to Sonic was getting rid of this feel.

>> No.9143930

Maybe we'll see stuff like that in the new game's cyberspace.

>> No.9144902
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>Sonic Adventure added PANTIES to Amy's design.
There was definitely a purpose to this design choice - the leaked autodemo shows her dress physics were wildly windier, making it much easier to see pantyshots all the damn time. Sonic Team presumably had to tone it down because their testers kept cooming, which hindered testing, but by that point the damage was already done.

>> No.9145880
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For 2 main reasons
In character design its very important for you to convey the basic things of a character in the fastest way possible for the viewer, generally its important for the audience to know right away if a character is a female or male without needing a introduction and this can be portrayed in a varied different ways (one of the reasons why modern female characters that look like males are so easily forgettable), Sonic Team just choose clothes for girl characters because its the easiest way to convey it to an audience in a limited form.
And also so that the game can have more vast marketability on markets that dont have modern western sensibilities and don't accept naked girl characters.

>> No.9145892
File: 10 KB, 144x240, CDAmy-100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really did not appreciate this look when I was younger. I feel kind of blind thinking about it now.
I think it fits much better than the psuedo realism in some of the 3d games, though I understand why the devs went in that direction.

It would be nice to have a later Sonic game with the abstract look and 90s house music, but that'd likely come out feeling cynical to some.

>> No.9146530

why do people fall for such weak bait

>> No.9147141
File: 52 KB, 680x680, Amy recolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up. The classic design is a clash of colors and in need of work, mostly on the dress. The new hair style for Adventure was a good change too. Generally they made her look less like Pink Sonic.
>silent Sonic characters are best Sonic characters
Nothing on it's own, it's a matter of context. Classic Amy has big blocks of color with little to bring them together, and a LOT of colors besides. If her skirt was a plaid pattern with elements of green and blue, or her shoes were green, it would bring the design together a lot better. Even small shit like changing her hair style to the same as modern Amy's is a big improvement.
This outfit unironically more coordinated than classic Amy's, lol

>> No.9147167

Why do people hate the idea of "just pink Sonic" when Shadow just "Black Sonic with red stripes"

The appeal of Shadow is that he's literally edgy Super Sonic. The appeal of classic Amy is that she's girl Sonic. As a literal fan girl over Sonic, this works. Modern Amy just comes off like anime girl weebs fall for and her psycho behavior in the mid 2000s doesn't help with that.

>> No.9147171

>didn’t even bother to change the japanese title

>> No.9147173

I can't speak for anyone else, but I despise Shadow. He's peak lazy garbage and should have been left in the bin with the other scrapped ideas.

>> No.9147198

>I can't speak for anyone else, but I despise Shadow.
Ironically, neither can I anon. But while I think design wise is rather overrated in some ways, both Amy and Shadow have two things in common, the first is their designs have a purpose to be the way they once were, and the second is their personality is why they are so overrate-able. I don't like the complex background of Shadow because it's peak anime retardation, but then again I guess that explains why people don't like classic amy's backstory reasons as to her pink Sonic look. Design wise while samey I don't mind Shadow and I do like Classic Amy more because it's cuter than modern. Maybe it's also do to them once pushing her to be sex symbolable which puts me off to the idea. We already have Rouge, and she makes the most sense with that concept if we are just sticking to gameverse.

>> No.9147446
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>> No.9148587

Misato is an acceptable answer, thank you.

>> No.9150717

He's one of consistently best characters in the whole franchise, at least as a source of constant entertainment.