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9111201 No.9111201 [Reply] [Original]

what did he mean by this? like unironically

>> No.9111202
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is he just talkin about himself? couldn't be ness or googi i reckon

>> No.9111208

I think he was talking to Ness. It's been ages since I last played these games though

>> No.9111213

>like unironically
Go back to plebbit

>> No.9111287

It's a parody on narcissism.

>> No.9111370

I feel like he is referring to Giygas. From what i recall in EB, he spoke highly of it before actually coming face to face with it.

>> No.9111374

Plus the fact Pokey was a complete loser to Giygas started fucking about with his mind, helped make him rich when you meet him in Fourside and its entire gimmick is using its psi to draw out the worst aspects of humanity.

>> No.9111379

Also wasnt there another line where he makes reference to someone/thing referring to "HIM", i think it was this same scene/before the pokey bots. Maybe it was just this text and im remembered it wrong.

>> No.9111401

Giygas didn't do anything in Earthbound, it was all Porky. Giygas lost its mind after Mother 1 and Porky who went back in time created his own future Garland style by acting as the mastermind using Gigyas's power through the Devil Machine

>> No.9113040

I've played through the trilogy, but never picked up on any of this; sounds interesting, care to give an outline of the full trilogy story?

>> No.9113442

Sounds like he's talking about Ness and EB2. I guess Porky seemed happy when being Ness antagonist.

>> No.9113578
File: 3.64 MB, 2480x3508, 72485280_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porky believes that humanity is simply destined to destroy itself, which is kind of hard to argue against since they literally did this, and that they should have just gave in to the shittiness of society and embrace it, not caring about the consequences since it won't matter.
Incorrect. The thing about Giygas most people don't realize is that he only took the form we perceive him as in the final battle as his final last ditch effort to defeat Ness. Once Ness had gathered all eight melodies and had his awakening he realized he had basically no choice. Before that point he was fully logical, Porky and Giygas thought they were using one another really.

>> No.9113651

Also it was humans who created Giygas in a way, because the evil intent in every person he was psychic manipulative of to start going nuts had the reverse effect of destroying his physical form and consciousness, hence why he is defined as being a literal embodiment of the concept of "evil" at that point. The Devils Machine was either just some kind of protective incubator to protect its body like in Mother and/or was to contain all that chaotic form he devolved into and/or was the device he used to send his psychic will through time. My guess is the reason it took the face of Ness because it was attempting to show that everyone has the potential for evil even someone like the main heroes.

>> No.9113668

Since the whole game reads as a criticism of capitalism or commercial obsession and success chasing, I think it might be reasonable to interpret under that lens. In this case it might actually be a parody of the common defense from successful people who say "it's easy just do what I did" and they're just a millionaire's kid or something. This could be a hyperbolic joke about that, Porky tells them to do what he did, something even more impossible than the parodied stance.

>> No.9114207

There is literally nothing that supports the fact Gygas wasn't brain dead at any point in Earthbound. Because of time travel Porky was there for the entire time and he admits to be using his power for his own games.

>> No.9114230

>Porky believes that humanity is simply destined to destroy itself,
Completely wrong interpretation. Porky was a kid who was fat, ugly, stupid and unloved as a child. So as revenge he wants to destroy the world and take everyone with him. Why? Because he didn't have a true MOTHER who could give him unconditional love and Ness and Lucas did. The entire series is about the divine gift of motherhood, which makes or breaks children and either turns them into loving heroes (Ness, Lucas) or unloving sociopaths (Porky). I wouldn't be surprised if Itoi was never loved by his mother and he created these games as an unconcious coping mechanism.

>> No.9114252
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 6D50ED25-6028-4508-B1D1-FA90DD295A7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since the whole game reads as a criticism of capitalism or commercial obsession and success chasing

Jesus Christ, and here’s the dumbest theory.

Go back to YouTube you midwit psued.

>> No.9114810

Why does a certain type of person (almost always an American) go in extreme seething mode whenever capitalism is criticized? Is it hard for you to realize mommy and daddy paid for your whole existence and your self-image of success is self-delusion? Or are you one of those suckers who is actually poor but dreams about being le Elon Musk because you're a secret genius with a billionaire mindset? Either way kill yourself.

>> No.9114889

I don't think he was seething. He was pointing out what a faggot pseud that poster was. And I agree.

>> No.9114893 [DELETED] 

Doesn't Porky gain PSI from his time with Giygas? He does use the alien's trademark Inexplicable Attack in M3.

>> No.9114904

You're seething. If you weren't you'd have an actual counter argument. But your knee jerk reaction is
>Noooooooooooooooooo [edgy word]

>> No.9114905

Doesn't Porky gain PSI from his time with Giygas? He does use the alien's trademark Inexplicable Attack in M3.

>> No.9115037

I'd say it's more anti-modernism than specifically anti-capitalist, though yea there's some overlap. That whole critical outlook on technology, with needing to get back in touch with nature seems to be a not uncommon trend in Japanese media

>> No.9115040

A good chunk of these games plots is speculation based on the bits of info thats spelled out clearly. Ive personally believed Porky is a type of "avatar" for Giygas, not in a literal sense, but rather as a selfish child with no real understanding of right and wrong and from an abusive upbringing and a lust for power, he is a perfect amalgam of the negative human emotions Giygas was psychicly manipulating in all humans. This in addition to his closeness to Ness could be why the aliens choose him to assist.

You could say in M3 he still is this same avatar for the ills of humanity, just pushed up even more. However based on the cut final boss fight and evidence this is the world where Giygas "won" and thus its presence would still exist, Claus probably was going to be implied in that cut fight to be the new "avatar" of humanity's evil, a child who was heavily abused, childhood destroyed, mother taken away from him and shown no love.

Fuck, if we want to go further into possible speculation, perhaps there was some intended parallels between Claus being torn away from his mother and Giygas from his surrogate mother in M1.

>> No.9115050

Finally someone who gets it. And I mean this unironically. MOTHER 3's ideas closely intertwine with Heidegger view on technology and Nietzsche's views on modernity and the absence of higher values. It's beyond right-left distinctions, which don't really exist in non-Western Japan anyway

>> No.9115550

Kinda obvious if you look at the title font for 3

>> No.9115581

First post in this thread but the funny thing is you just insist that someone is seething despite having zero way of knowing that, but what we do have proof of is you posting like a fucking faggot.

>> No.9115693

In the first textbox, Porky is saying that those who currently oppose him (the party, DCMC, friendly NPCs like Flint, Wess, and Salsa, etc.) would be happy and satisfied with their lives if they just went along with Porky's plans, just like how the Pigmasks promise all of the people in Tazmily village that they'll be happy giving up their previous lives, working at the factory or nursing home, and watching their happy boxes. It's the standard pitch that the Pigmasks seem to give to everyone to get them to go along with Porky's plan to industrialize and centralize everything on the Nowhere Isles.

The "great hero" stuff in the second textbox is just Porky fellating himself. He's become a narcissist that loves the control and attention he has as a developer, regardless of whether or not he's actually made the world a better place for those who follow him. It's a pretty common theme in stories about a world becoming industrialized. Goethe's Faust is the best example of this. Faust's desire to control the natural world and rebuild it in his own image leads him to constantly commit evil acts without giving it much thought until he kills Philemon and Baucis. After this, he finally realizes that his uncritical belief that he could make the world place by controlling it morally corrupted him, which ultimately made the world a worse place.

>> No.9116351
