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File: 24 KB, 317x222, BAFA5ECD-456F-44A5-9EF3-E8664220CE1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9110185 No.9110185 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people seem to think that Sonic Adventure and the Mega Drive games take place in different worlds because Sonic Adventure has human cities and people. Do people just forget that many zones in the Mega Drive games (even in the first game) have human cities in the background? Not to mention that Sonic Adventure includes locations from the older games.

I think it's because of Sonic X. In that anime Sonic gets isekai'd to the human world and they adapted the story of the Sonic Adventure games. But that was a stupid decision and to fix it they had to make Angel Island go to the human world too.

>> No.9110201

No one thinks about or cares about this.

>> No.9110202

Yes they do

>> No.9110223

the split timeline thing is just a retcon to appease the SONIC'S EYES ARE NOT GREEN autists. sonic adventure makes many direct references to 3&k and there's no way the autists aren't aware of this

>> No.9110232

the connection between SONIC'S EYES ARE NOT GREEN autism and SONIC'S WORLD DOES NOT HAVE HUMANS autism is just satam fanboy cope. they didn't get a season 3 so instead they pretend the games carry it forth. stupid.

>> No.9110254

Hydro City

>> No.9110273


>> No.9110335

Really? Cause there’s a thread about it right now

>> No.9110360

Is there a list somewhere of all the references? I've probably missed some.

>> No.9110397

This is why Sonic is mocked while Mario isn't

>> No.9110404

bing bing wahoo

>> No.9110406
File: 50 KB, 739x415, 010E7380-76D8-47BF-9CF6-8EC1FF0F4CBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nobody makes fun of Mario

>> No.9110416

nincels constantly trying to push the narrative that sonic is cringey and embarrassing meanwhile the packed house of normies i watched the sonic 2 movie with were all absolutely erupting at all the fanservice moments. the shadow reveal especially so which is even more hilarious
>n-no! you don't actually like this!! muh edge!! muh 2006 emo memes!!

>> No.9110476

How do you know they're human cities?

>> No.9110489

Sonic is human. He is not a hedgehog. Hedgehog is his nickname. Sonic, tails, knuckles, etc. are all essentially just human.

>> No.9110547

why would you assume they aren't? last i checked birds and rabbits aren't capable of building sky scrapers. all the animals live in the more naturey zones with explains all the little tunnels in zones like emerald hill

>> No.9110604

Sonic- does the same job as whitey but much faster = mexican

Tails- constantly gets high and highest iq but not cool = white

Knuckles- physically strong but dumb = blax

>> No.9110617

Because Sonic Adventure takes place in the same world (and even has locations from the previous game and no mention at all about another world), and shows us the inside of a city for the first time in the series and it's full of people.

>> No.9110620

Amy - cute and feminine while not being completely useless = Japanese

>> No.9110623

what a schizo post
by the way, the cities in Mobius are inhabited by animalls and badniks. Not humans

Sonic Adventure is shit

>> No.9110627

>worker robots need living quarters
sonic adventure is canon and your satam fanfiction isn't

>> No.9110629

>sonic adventure is shit

You’ve never held a chao

>> No.9110631

These alien hominid animals and their weird humanish/robot antagonist have bigger issues here.
First, the clear environmental analogy and the idea that technology is out of control and dominating nature. Robotnik's inventions were supposedly helping the "humans" he is proud of his genius. But ego/psychopathy takes him to extreme levels of megalomania.
But what is less discussed is his obsession with capturing baby animals. Notice how he is not killing them? But he is not opposed to killing other animals like Sonic + Tails?
This is surely the most suspect thing since if he has no intent to kill them and mostly targets the young, we must conclude that Dr Ivo Robotnik is in fact not only a pedofile. But worse, a furry.

>> No.9110636

its a cartoony metaphor for slave labor. he takes away their free will and uses them as batteries

>> No.9110638

lmao, the sonic canon ended after s3&k, my little schizo. your beloved game is the exact point sonic jumped the shark
>best thing he can say about his mediocre game is it has a cool minigame aping tamagotchi that has nothing to do with sonic

>> No.9110645
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utter fanfiction.

>> No.9110647

Sonic canon did not end after the first 3 games. There are so many games after sonic 3 and you also didn’t factor in all of the cartoons/comics. Imagine being such an old head that anything that isn’t 8-16bits doesn’t count for you. Kill yourself.

>> No.9110653
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Bullshit created by fags for the shitty American spinoffs which aren't canon. Never mentioned in any Japanese game, manual or anime. Its only appearance in the games is when Sega of America changed manuals because they changed everything.
>the cities in Mobius are inhabited by animalls and badniks. Not humans
Except when we see the inside of a city in sonics world for the first time, it's full of people. picrelated.

Take your gay cartoon bullshit and your furry comics to your containment board where they belong.

>> No.9110654

why do green eyes designate a new canon but mohawk quills don't? really going off this logic most sonic game take place in different canons considering how often they've always changed his design

>> No.9110659

I do, 26 year old anon from aus

>> No.9110660

>Dr Ivo Robotnik
Not canon. His name is Eggman, and it always has been.
>the sonic canon ended after s3&k
It didn't, and you even go to Angel Island in Adventure, and explore the history of the Echidna and their relationship to the emeralds. It's literally a sequel.
>all of the cartoons/comics
Those aren't canon and are literally written by furries.

>> No.9110670

His name has not always been egg man you Fucking unit. Sonic X and the sonic comic books are canon you moron.

>> No.9110674
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mohawk quills
You can clearly see in this early model that his spikes go to the side and are not shaped like a mohawk. The mohawk only exists in shitty American artwork from the early 90s.

>> No.9110679
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>you can't just end the canon when you want to!!
yes I can. it's a kids furry story and it ends when I want it to end

>> No.9110680
File: 21 KB, 710x400, 1631816437408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and sonic 2 lol

and my point wasn't that they intentionally gave him mohawk quills. i'm just inquiring why that kind of design weirdness isn't bothersome to the point of doing weird fanboy gatekeeping but a mere iris color is

>> No.9110681

That’s sonic underground you retard I’m talking about sonic X. You can’t end canon when you want too that’s not how it works. You sound like such a retard.

>> No.9110683
File: 26 KB, 427x676, 4s41o4ygaxx61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one barging in here demanding others accept your fanfiction
>n-no i'm chad because i used the meme template to describe an argument i lost

>> No.9110684

Literally you have no depth perception they aren’t going to the Fucking side you mongoloid

>> No.9110689

>thinks adventure is canon
>I'm the one who wants fanfiction to be accepted

>> No.9110690
File: 1.20 MB, 1300x1201, manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His name has not always been egg man you Fucking unit.
This is a page from the manual of Sonic 1 for the Mega Drive. It says Dr Eggman. And in case you doubt me, I'll even write the Japanese text right here (which you can compare to the image) and past into a romanizer or translator of your choice.
エッグマン is Eggman. "Robotnick" is some bullshit that Sega of America made up.
>Sonic X and the sonic comic books are canon you moron
They're not. The story in Sonic X is different from the games, and the comics are fanfiction written by furies at Archie and IDW.

>> No.9110691

Your fanfiction is refusing to accept something as fact. Adventure is canon. I can’t believe I’m even telling you this. I didn’t know people thought it wasn’t canon. You are an actual idiot.

>> No.9110692

no, i KNOW sonic adventure is canon. the same way i know the sky is blue and that you have low t.

>> No.9110696

do you need any more proof of how worthless sega japan's idea of canon is? eggman is such a shitty name compared to robotnik. what kind of self-respecting scietist would call himself eggman

>> No.9110697

at least robotnik is actually from the games in a capacity and not literal fanfiction from entirely different kinds of media like all this mobius, no-humans-allowed shit

>> No.9110698
File: 204 KB, 900x1266, jp.900x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sonic 2
You can see in the Japanese artwork for the game that his quills jut to the side, it's not. a mohawk.

>my point wasn't that they intentionally gave him mohawk quills
My point is that they didn't. Sega of America did and it looks awful.

>> No.9110703

they still drew sprite frames as if he had one. i'm not saying it was intentional (obviously the special stages are the real proof here), just that its represented in his sprite until 3 fixed it.

>> No.9110705

>if it’s not something from a page of a manual from the 1990’s that no one actually remembered it’s not true

Kill yourself. If you are claiming that out of all the 20+ sonic games and extra content that exists, only the first 3 Fucking games “count” you’re an actual brainlet. Please an hero.

>> No.9110706
File: 128 KB, 640x448, 1437373424137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have no depth perception
You can clearly see that the top spike is not directly above the next spike down. The top spike is directly in the center and the next spike down is closer to the viewer. If you can't see it then you don't have depth perception at all.
It's the same alignment as his Sonic Jam model.

>> No.9110709

sonic adventure canonized it as eggman AND robotnik depending on the context which was the correct direction

>> No.9110710

>do you need any more proof of how worthless sega japan's idea of canon is?
Sega of Japan literally created the character and wrote the canon you moron.

>> No.9110713

>quills to the side

Bruh because he’s turned to the side. You don’t know how depth perception or perspective works and have probably never drawn anything worth showing in your life

>> No.9110714
File: 81 KB, 1020x566, 29107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonic adventure is a soft reboot. they can say it's canon and make references but it's not.
just like ff7r is not canon even though square will tell you it is no matter what

>> No.9110715

capcom also created rockman. and then they had to fix the stupid japanese name. cope

>> No.9110719

sonic generations is a soft reboot. anti-green autists can say there's a split canon but there's not. it's all retcons blindly accepted by zoomers trying to look retro which conveniently makes them really easy to pick out

>> No.9110720

It's literally not from the games. It's Sega of America fan fiction because they didn't like the original Sonic.
>they still drew sprite frames as if he had one
They drew shadows which show that his face is separate from his spikes.
Ok, have fun with your Sega of America fan fiction.
In the English localization. He was never ever called Robotnik in Japanese, which is the original language.
>he’s turned to the side
He's turned in a 45 degree angle. Are you blind? Look at his feet, retard.
Capcom of America created the name "Mega Man" and made some cope to get around it but he has always been Rockman in the original language. You don't seem to understand that what you grew up with is a localization which didn't stick with the original canon.

>> No.9110726

its still the correct decision. eggman works better as an insult and robotnik works better as the actual name

>> No.9110729

the idea of a Sonic canon is completely non-existent by the time generations dropped

>> No.9110728

>America bad
>Japan good

Weeb activity. Kill yourself. Most of us grew up with sega of America stuff and you probably did too. But you’re probably gonna claim you didn’t just to refute my argument, because you’re that autistic. Adventure is canon.

>> No.9110730

well yeah because sonic generations ruined it

>> No.9110734

lmao. yes it was generations that did that and not muh fucking maria plotline, sonic genetic clones, human army and edgy aliens

>> No.9110735

Fleetway are pretty good actually.

>> No.9110737

A decision that Sega has been trying to erase all trace of since Sonic Colors at the earliest.

>> No.9110738

Generations was a fun game tho I enjoyed it. City escape remake level was epic.

>> No.9110740

>fucking maria
we've already been over how humans were always a thing here
>sonic genetic clones
is this even canon? i'm assuming you're talking about shadow. i don't think it was ever said he's some kind of sonic clone
>human army
see point 1
>edgy aliens
i would give you this but shit like ufos have existed in the series since sonic 1. i don't see why aliens are unacceptable anyway.

>> No.9110741

>defends SoA
>then says Adventure is canon
found the retard

>> No.9110743

you mean the game that does nothing but pander to people who liked nothing about sonic up until that point? yeah fuck colors and all its decisions
yeah it is fun but the boost gameplay makes it not as fun as it could be

>> No.9110745

It's not. His name is Eggman.
>Person who created the characters and wrote the story good
>Person who changed the story because they didn't like it bad
The countries themselves are irrelevant.
>Adventure is canon
It is, and so is Sonic 1-3, which is why his name is Eggman. His name was Eggman in all of those games, and it's still Eggman today.
Similarly, the name of the princess in Mario is Peach. American localizers always changed shit to whatever they wanted, and later on they had to retcon out their bad ideas. Mario did it in 64, Sonic did it in Adventure.

>> No.9110746

Adventure is canon. You’re the retard.

>> No.9110747

>humans were always a thing
kill yourself

also for someone who prides himself in being a sonic lore encyclopedia then not knowing about the shadow clones, kek you

>> No.9110749

>>obvious fact
>>k-kill yourself
the shadow clones are clones of shadow not sonic. shadow being born from sonic somehow was always just fan speculation

>> No.9110750

>i don't think it was ever said he's some kind of sonic clone
Not that anon, but the Shadow in Sonic heroes was a clone of the real Shadow. Idk about other Shadow's.
Adventure is canon, which is why the Sega of America shit isn't canon. You're the retard,
Most of your lore is Sega of American fanfiction though. It's not canon.

>> No.9110751
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>> No.9110752

be honest: would you fuck a chao?

>> No.9110753

>no you're the retard!
this is why I filter these threads

>> No.9110754

Probably not. Doesn’t really seem like a sexual being by any means, aren’t they all asexual? I’d fuck Marge Simpson tho. And rouge.

>> No.9110759
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I offer you an Egg in this trying thread?

>> No.9110764

What about Amy?

>> No.9110767

lmao it literally says eggman. Where's the anon that said robotnick is canon.

>> No.9110772

Too loud and too much pink. Reminds me of my ex. Isn’t she also like 11 or something lol

>> No.9110778

at the end of the day its not just the fact that sonic adventure is canon, its that it being canon is cool as fuck and enriches and expands on 3&k's lore and atmosphere, regardless of the pseudo purist naysayers who just want sonic to be ring ring i'mouttahere wait no not that last part cause they're also under the delusion that sonic is mute because generations told them

>> No.9110815
File: 148 KB, 1188x610, angel island 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonic and his dumb anime freind destoryed raboniks cities and casinos

>> No.9110816

SA1 is supposed to be in the same universe as the old games.

But there are no visible humans in the 2D games and it's a headcanon to say you know what's meant to be in the background.

>> No.9110834

Hallowfaggots is just as cringey as what they push the most: Edgelords.

>> No.9110861

Tails built a plane.

>> No.9110927
File: 146 KB, 360x360, Angel-Island-Sonic-Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be a retard somewhere else.

>> No.9110930
File: 732 KB, 1280x800, 508cfd8490132d1f278462adf2ee85e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a headcanon to say you know what's meant to be in the background
It's not headcanon to say that's a city. You must be one of those retards who says you can't tell if someone is a man just because they have a penis.

>> No.9110943

SA is a different universe. Both Sonics met in Generations.
Also roaming romans

>> No.9110948

>both Sonic’s met in generations

Surely you can’t be this retarded

>> No.9110959


>> No.9110984

I don't get it Eggman was obviously a human. Why would he be the only human?

>> No.9110987


I fucking love when games do this because I loved Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Kingdom Hearts kinda fits in this aesthetic too.

>> No.9110990

>Eggman was obviously a human
how is that obvious? he's an egg with humanoid appendages
besides, Mario/Luigi/Peach are "humans" in a mushroom and turtle world. it's a common trope

>> No.9110993

ok zoomer. that trope is awful

>> No.9110998

1. no he didn't. it's not even his plane.
2. so what

>> No.9111000

i think they say he's just a younger modern sonic. it's really just forces that treat them like separate characters

>> No.9111001

Nobody gives a FUCK what Japan thinks. All the lore happened in Adventure 1&2 anyways, anything newer can fuck off.
The premise of the American cartoons (Sonic travels around Mobius, meets wacky creatures and gets chased by Robotnik) meshes with the 16-bit games pretty well. That applies to both Adventures Of and SatAM (probably Underground too but I never watched it). Also Satam invented Sonic having a group of friends before Adventure did it. You're welcome, SEGA of Japan.

>> No.9111003

>he's a literal egg
nobody actually thinks this including you

and mario/luigi/peach aren't the only humans in the mushroom kingdom

>> No.9111006
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x971, tumblr_nizrmbKerA1tu022ro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SA is a different universe. Both Sonics met in Generations.
Even if you are that retarded, when he's talking to Tails outside of Green Hill, the modern Sonic says that he feels like he's been there before. He's having de ja vu, because he has been there in the past.

>Why would he be the only human?
He's not. They show other humans in the series. There's all the people living in Station Square, Eggman's grandfather, Maria, all the people in Unleashed, etc.

>how is that obvious? he's an egg with humanoid appendages
You're joking, right?

>> No.9111009

>Who framed Roger Rabbit is 34 years old
>Donkey Kong is 41 years old
>Before you ackshully me Pauline was a more realistic woman and DK was cartoony this is why Mario Odyssey did that.
>Sonic Adventure is 24 years old but Madonna was planned for Sonic 1 putting the idea at 35 years old
>Kingdom Hearts is 20 years old


>> No.9111012

Sonic and Knuckles already met, Sonic references 3 by asking Knuckles if he was tricked once more by Eggman, Angel Island is stated to have fallen down once more without the Emerald (as seen innS&K), Amy has a flashback to Sonic CD, remembering when Metal Sonic kidnapped her and Sonic saved her. Tails recounts how he met Sonic which is how it's described in the Sonic 2 manual. Ice Cap in SA is within the landed Angel Island which is supposed to be the same place as Ice Cap Zone.

>> No.9111013

>Sonic travels around Mobius, meets wacky creatures and gets chased by Robotnik
congratulations you've described every sonic game ever including both adventure games, made up name for earth notwithstanding

>> No.9111016

Can someone tell me why the fuck people in Adventure keep building Nights into Dreams casinos?

>> No.9111018

Wait are you implying Mario is spaghetti?

>> No.9111026

No but I'd fuck the daylights out of Vanilla the Rabbit. Even engage in what asian bugmen call oyakodon with her and Cream.

>> No.9111027
File: 513 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_p61b0duEza1tu022ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. no he didn't. it's not even his plane.
Have you never played Sonic adventure? It's not his plane according to who?
>Nobody gives a FUCK what Japan thinks.
Of course not, instead you all care about the furry shit from Penders and whoever wrote you're faggot-ass cartoon.
>All the lore happened in Adventure 1&2 anyways
The lore of Adventure 1 literally picks up where 3&K left off. Have you even played the game?
>The premise of the American cartoons meshes with the 16-bit games pretty well.
Sure that's your opinion, but it's not canon. The actual canon never included anyone named Robotnick or Sally or Boomer or that skunk guy. The first game in the entire series literally says Dr Eggman and all of those other characters and names that you love so much were written by furries who were trying to cash in on it.
>Also Satam invented Sonic having a group of friends before Adventure did it. You're welcome, SEGA of Japan.
Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Espio, Vector, Charmy, Ray, Fang, and more charactes all appeared in games made by Sega of Japan long before Adventure. The only new characters introduced in Adventure 1 were Big, E-102, Tikal, and the Chao. The echidna tribe existed but never appeared in game prior to it because of obvious technical reasons, but they are mentioned in the manual. "Having friends" isn't something that Sega of America invented or has a monopoly on. The first Sonic cartoon premiered in 1993 and Sonic already had multiple established friends by that point (Tails, Amy, Mighty and Ray).

>> No.9111030

>sonic adventure
humans being canon is a foregone conclusion then. what was even your point?

>> No.9111031

Because NiGHTS is a cool game.

>> No.9111034

I look like myself and think about this.

>> No.9111035

>humans being canon is a foregone conclusion then. what was even your point?
My point was that there are humans in Sonic's world and there always has been: >>9110185

>> No.9111038

>>1. no he didn't. it's not even his plane.
>Have you never played Sonic adventure? It's not his plane according to who?
Not him, but the red plane, The Tornado, belongs to Sonic. Tails being capable of fixing it is the reason he let Tails stick by in the manual or something. Even in SA Sonic goes "Why don't you just use my plane, The Tornado?". Tornado 2, however is all Tails, he built that shit.

>> No.9111040

there are no humans in that screenshot, retard

>> No.9111046

i don't see knuckles either wow guess he isn't canon.......

>> No.9111048
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, 29135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adventurefags are the most schizo subgroup of sonic fans.
classic sonic fans don't go to the mental gymnastics olympics to make their crappy game look important

>> No.9111050

imagine being this retarded

>> No.9111051

You're inventing strawmen again. The original Sonic games have a very different look and feel. The question of whether they're set on the real Earth is completely irrelevant (Sonic doesn't have canon anyway).
Cutscenes of Sonic interacting with SWAT or talking to the US president will always be jarring and weird for the same reason it would be weird if James Pond did it, and you can't talk your way around that.

>> No.9111053

I'm actually amazed how Sonic autismos stick to poor 90's localization and an outsourced DIC cartoon as the "correct" Sonic while Mega Man fags actually go retranslate game dialogue, art and guide books with developer commentary and japanese interviews to make sense of the storyline thst became a confusing mess due to localization and translation (the Serges scenes comes to mind) rather to stick to poor localization jobs as the "definitive series of events".

>> No.9111054

yeah imagine thinking a character can't possibly exist just because they aren't represented in a singular screenshot

>> No.9111057

>Sonic interacting with SWAT
doesn't happen
>talking to the US president
best cutscene in the game

it's not any more jarring than sonic's existence at all. you only see it as such because fanfiction has convinced you its not supposed to happen.

>> No.9111056

>bro it's totally real
>look this screenshot implies it because only humans can build things!
it's time to take thine pills

>> No.9111059

No one thinks Archie is canon. You're inventing people to be angry at.

>> No.9111061

>only humans can build skyscrapers and massive chemical plants
yep. yet another blatant, obvious fact flying over the head of fanfiction authors

>> No.9111064

that would imply humans work for robotnik
do you realize how stupid you sound?

>> No.9111067

ITT; Retards arguing over a game franchise that doesn’t have canon. Each game stands as it’s own world except for sonic 1-3. Mario fans would never

>> No.9111069

Oh noz I'm just reading the thread in awe but I wasn't alluding to Archie, I was alluding to SatAM

>> No.9111070

robotnik is indeed a human yes. whether or not he had human help building the plant is irrelevant. point is everything about it is indicative of human activity

>> No.9111073

Knuckles is an injun because there's barely any of him left and he constantly gets tricked

>> No.9111074

adventure babbies need their game to feel important than it actually is

>> No.9111075
File: 60 KB, 696x434, sonic-the-hedgehog-image-5_1556809082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an entire city in that screenshot, and there's a human in this screenshot.

>> No.9111076

tries to be above the thread for half a sentence before arguing for his fanfiction. priceless.

>> No.9111078

>doesn't happen
It's the first scene in Sonic Adventure
>it's not jarring
So on the one hand you have Dr Eggman, building his ridiculous Wile E Coyote contraptions, and a tribe of vaguely Aztec echidnas who safeguard magical jewels atop their floating island, and then there's just actual America, played relatively straight, and this all exists within the same universe?

>> No.9111079

more important*

>> No.9111080

No one thinks SatAM is canon either.
Some people might think it's better than canon. That's a different issue.

>> No.9111081

You're making me feel tempted to translate all of my manuals and shit.

>> No.9111082

I guess the echidna tribe didn't exist either despite being mentioned in the manual.

>> No.9111084

Come on anon. Become the Basednic equivalent to the Mega Man lorefag who occasionally hijacks all Mega Man threads here with his obscure book snd website posting.

>> No.9111086

the only canon is S1-3K. after that it turns into the usual trope of "modernizing" and established franchise. that started the new canon , SA1-2 and Sonic X

>> No.9111087

yeah he doesn't interact with them. he was only curious where they were going and otherwise ignores them
>played relatively straight
he casually interacts with said ridiculous wily coyote scientist and is in a game that has death lasers and edgelord androids everyone in-universe accepts. there's no contradiction here. are you gonna cry that humans don't belong in an action movie because some over the top stuff maybe happens? this is just how fiction works.

>> No.9111092

nope. still fanfiction.
your buttpain over eye color doesn't change this.

>> No.9111093

I might actually do it. It's not like manuals have a lot of text either so it wouldn't be particularly hard to do. I guess I need to make a blog, I better look into that.

Adapt. Overcome. Become the faggot.

>> No.9111097

Sonic X isn't canon, it's an adaptation of the games with an original storyline at the end, not too dissimilar to Archie Comics when they adapted game storylines and the did original storylines in the Adventure onwards era.

>> No.9111098

SA1's story literally picks up where 3 left off and also continues part of CD. SA2 is a direct sequel. Sonic X isn't canon and makes major changes to the story of the games.

>> No.9111103

Not fan fiction. There is no canon in any sonic games except 1-3. Adventure isn’t canon. Might as well just try to tell me that sonic unleashed is somehow canon. Fucking goober. Kill yourself.

>> No.9111104

There's the 1996 movie OVA with metal sonic I'm sure many people thought was canon at least. There weren't any humans in that one besides eggman unless Sara was a half-breed or something.

>> No.9111105

Godspeed Sōynic lorefag

>> No.9111107

>with an original storyline at the end
And beginning. It's literally an isekai which never happens in the games.

>> No.9111108

So what is America's foreign policy on Angel Island? Is Dr Eggman considered a terrorist? Why don't they try to arrest him when he's wandering around in Station Square. Why don't they send the military to kill him, for that matter? If you're going to present all of this shit existing within the same context, you can't then just walk away and pretend it didn't happen.
>Awww yeah, we at pumpkin hill, nigga!
What? No. Where the fuck is Pumpkin Hill, if this is real Earth?
Why is there a US space shuttle inside a pyramid?

>> No.9111110

That's not canon but I do love it.

>> No.9111112

acting like sarah and the president aren't humans is just pathetic straw-grasping
>b-but elf ears!
so? they're functionally identical to humans. it makes no difference when the argument is that humanoids don't real besides eggman when they clearly do

>> No.9111113

Sara was indeed a halfbreed and an attempt to bring back the Madonna concept in a way they thought SoA wouldn't object. It's ok because shes half cat half anime girl.

>> No.9111114


>> No.9111115
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I mean, yea. Adventure is fanfiction. I'm just saying how Sega sees it. They build a "canon" every generation.

Which by the way, reminds me of the new Fortnite collabs with DBZ. Apparently one of the skins is gonna be Beerus. Fucking Beerus. Probably becaus Jump sees Beerus as the current important "canon" character

>> No.9111117

>What? No. Where the fuck is Pumpkin Hill, if this is real Earth?
Just because there's a fictional America doesn't mean it's real earth. And if it is real Earth, that doesn't mean it's current earth. I mean do you see blue hedgehogs anywhere?

>> No.9111119

yeah i can do little cinemasins dings on an action movie too. these klnds of things are done to build stakes and keep the focus on the characters. eggman just being arrested out of nowhere would be retarded and unsatisfying even if it technically makes more sense. autists really don't understand how narratives work.

>> No.9111121

Although it's never called America in the games, it is called United Nations as a democratic meta government that oversees all human nations (with places like Solianna being "states") Eggman is indeed treated as a terrorist and war criminal. He attempted to nuke Station Square, created the Death Egg, blew up half the moon and broke into government facilities after all.

>> No.9111129

So what the fuck is this setting? Adventure set out to tell deeper and more involved stories, and yet they don't. They pretty much flash a series of scenes before your eyes, and ask you not to think about how anything fits together.

>> No.9111131

>Sonic X is basicallly Sonic Adventure: The Anime
>nooooo it's not canon!!!!
>but Adventure that one is canon, yessir
I kek at you schizos

>> No.9111134

What builds stakes in a work of fiction is properly defined settings and rules. Sonic presents a universe where a guy can just blow up half of the moon, and then nothing happens.

>> No.9111139

So why doesn't someone take a gun and shoot him in the face?

>> No.9111140

no they just ask for a modicum of imagination.
>wahhhh there's no rocket ship in giza
hedgehogs also aren't blue and don't go very fast. fiction.
what? it's the entire motivation for the hero story. you're stopping him before he uses the ark cannon proper. "muh settings muh rules" and you can't even remember the rules of the setting to begin with

>> No.9111143
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>Also Satam invented Sonic having a group of friends before Adventure did it.
>invented friends

>> No.9111145

He has a shield power up, extra lives and rings as well.

>> No.9111148

sonic x is a shitty doraemon ripoff where the characters dick around a big house that at the end of season 2 suddenly shoehorns in both adventure stories in like six episodes before turning into a shitty gundam ripoff that has nothing to do with anything

>> No.9111150
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>> No.9111161

You can't have it be both a serious story set on real earth, and a frivolous cartoon at the same time. That's why it doesn't work. You have to pick one.
A good example of fictional setting would be Lord of the Rings, because you have a good sense of what the setting is, how all of the different races fit into it, and how they relate to each other (Hobbits are considered lowly and insignificant. Dwarves and Elves don't really see eye to eye, etc), you understand the danger the ring poses, and what the costs of Sauron winning the war would be.
Sonic doesn't give you any of that. It pretty much just cuts and pastes a bunch of ideas together, and then asks you not to think about it, while simultaneously asking you to treat it with utmost seriousness. It's ridiculous.

>> No.9111176
File: 716 KB, 1600x2825, silver_as_trunks_by_13legion13legion_dd8xvig-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonic is a shitty dbz ripoff

>> No.9111181


>> No.9111183

Nothing happens? He blew up the moon as a warning shot/demonstration, then told the world governments to submit to his rule in 24 hours (waiting for the cannon to recharge), and then would go on to attempt to blow up any country unwilling to comply. He's bitching about the cannon not firing when he wanted it to, since he's locked out while Gerald's revenge program (crashing the ARK into the planet with all 7 Chaos Emeralds for total annihilation).

>> No.9111197
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>You can't have it be both a serious story set on real earth, and a frivolous cartoon at the same time. That's why it doesn't work. You have to pick one.

>> No.9111228

So send one sniper to kill Eggman.

>> No.9111246
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>> No.9111250

Archiechads win, I guess.

>> No.9111260
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>then there's just actual America,

No m8 its whatever the fuck this is. The whole world is this city in Adventure 2 it has like Pyramids and Green Hill Zone and San Francisco n shit.

>> No.9111267
File: 28 KB, 640x448, thedoctorhascomeknocking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't have it be both a serious story set on real earth, and a frivolous cartoon at the same time. That's why it doesn't work.
Absolutely retarded.
It's not the real earth to begin with, serious tones work just fine in cartoon settings, cartoon characters juxtaposed in more realistic environments works, and stories can have multiple tones with zero issues.

>> No.9111282

>the evil Doctor is stealing my magic jewels!
>Real modern society exists, and the President is personally aware of Sonic
These aren't the same thing.

>> No.9111290

but Sonics eyes are not green..

>> No.9111332

Adventure adapts story elements from both Adventure games and even Sonic Battle, but it makes heavy changes to all of the stories and is not canon.

>> No.9111335


>> No.9111362

I agree, Adventure is not canon

>> No.9111365

Learn how to read, Chris.

>> No.9111386

Learn to type, adventure schizo

>> No.9111390
File: 250 KB, 740x1073, tumblr_nosry4fah31tug5afo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ ストーリーコミック
>Sonic the Hedgehog Story Comic
(full manga spread across the Tumblr links)
It's a very short Sonic 1 adaption released the same year as the game. (This is not the more well-known Sonic manga where he wears glasses and has an alter-ego, it's unrelated to that.)

>> No.9111393

also note the lack of humans

>> No.9111398

>181 replies in 11 hours on one of the slowest boards
you underestimate how autistic Sonic fans are. I am Sonic fans

>> No.9111403
File: 285 KB, 740x1073, tumblr_nosrtihcUM1tug5afo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah about that anon

>> No.9111408
File: 246 KB, 2045x1726, 1632247621180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-human schizos btfo by random concert girl 1991, amazing

>> No.9111429

Thanks anon, I genuinely appreciate it. I should check out all of the available manga.
I wish someone would make a proper Sonic manga.

>> No.9111435

yea no. that's your typical sexy girl in japanese thing because japan

>> No.9111437

nvm then, sovlless

>> No.9111438
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Daily reminder that all media other than video games is irrelevant because Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game franchise first and foremost, the comics and shows are it's own set of universe and does not connect or conflict the main core of the franchise. No matter how much you want to use your mental gymnastics like >>9111282, lmao.

>> No.9111594

But what about Sara? They both have the same traits. (animal parts but humanoid woman)

>> No.9111609

what -about- sara? sara's another example of what I just said

>> No.9111613

what does that have to do with what that guy said?

>> No.9111636

why do you treat sega's decisions as gospel? yea ok, he is eggman according to sega and "canon". but that's still fucking stupid. robotnik is a way better name

just like rockman is fucking stupid

>> No.9111734
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SatAM, Archie and AOSTH all used humans long before Adventure. Fans of those aren't the ones fighting for no humans in Sonic's world

>> No.9111735

I never said I agreed with it, but Sega is literally plugging their ears and screaming that Robotnik was never a thing in any Sonic game past or present, even though the name is seen as clear as day in a few of their precious Japanese games (Triple Trouble, Adventure 2). The sheer audacity to claim that those never happened is ridiculous.

>> No.9111886

a magic jewel and modern society can both exist in a fictional context you gigasperg.
so... a human

>> No.9111891

i know for a fact that satamfags are. they just do the same mental gymnastics as that "eggman is actually an egg" retard and try to pretend snively's a gnome or something.

>> No.9111893

sega has been trying to sweep the 8-bit games and the adventure era under the rug for decades now. nack is a neat character we never got to see again outside of an obscure fighting game nobody actually played in its day

>> No.9111901

anon you're the one doing mental gymnastics. robotnik is humanoid, but not necessarily human. he hardly passes as human. obviously he's "human" conceptually, but that doesn't mean he has parents or that other "humans" exist with him in sonic's world (the canon world)

>> No.9111906

yes it does. eggman not being human is completely presumptuous
>b-but he looks weird!!!
so does the wicked witch of the west. its just that standard trope of the villain being uglier than the other characters

>> No.9111907

if they really were throwing the adventure games under the rug then they would've shelved shadow but the faggot keeps showing up

>> No.9111913

once. in dlc that nobody liked five years ago, and in a context completely divorced from the adventure games. sega isn't directly involved with the movies.

>> No.9111967

>a magic jewel and modern society can both exist in a fictional context
That's not the point I was making at all. The point I was making is that "serious" storytelling, isn't the same thing as suddenly inserting Sonic into real world context he was never implied to be in before.

>> No.9111979

I would say he fully is human. The thing is he's a cartoon human. In the sense that he looks like a cartoon, and he behaves like a cartoon by simultaneously being a genius and a bumbling fool, building ridiculous contraptions when he could just build a gun, and somehow having the endless resources to build his own deathstars and whatever else.
This is not a guy who exists in "the real word", so it's absurd to try to paint him that way. If you're going to depict a human society in Sonic, it needs to feel like it gels with the tone that has been established. In other words, it needs to be a cartoon.

>> No.9111984

>behaves like a cartoon by simultaneously being a genius and a bumbling fool
>This is not a guy who exists in "the real word", so it's absurd to try to paint him that way
you have never interacted with an engineer huh

>> No.9111986

One who builds an elaborate Wrecking ball device to kill a hedgehog, like that isn't the most inefficient thing in the world? No.

>> No.9111989


Didn't they actually compromise the endless Robotnik<->Eggman discussion by making it part of his name?
Dr. Robotnik Eggman or Dr. Eggman Robotnik, don't remember which one.

>> No.9111991

it's not the real world, just an approximation in the same way green hill zone is an approximation of hawaii or whatever.

>> No.9111994

It's still too close to being the real world, in a way that comes across as jarring.

>> No.9112004

wahhh palmtrees don't belong with checkers boards! so jarring!!

>> No.9112007

a human in the same sense robotnik is a human. basically a human who was isekai'd into a furry world
or just X race that happens to look human

>> No.9112009

>basically a human who was isekai'd into a furry world

>> No.9112010

I accept your concession.

>> No.9112014


I'm speechless.

>> No.9112015

source: dozens of anime and manga released over the last 50 years

>> No.9112018

sonic is inherently a jarring mishmash of different elements. you're arbitrarily drawing the line at the adventure games because they made his eyes green. i accept your incapacity to form a convincing argument.

>> No.9112019

>source: other irrelevant media
lmao. humans were always in sonic.

>> No.9112023

For a while, then that moron Iizuka came along and said Robotnik was never canon to begin with.

>> No.9112024

If you read 50 year old anime like Tezuka you wouldn't be so weird about Sonic Adventure

>> No.9112026

his eyes being green is cringe, but I'm convinced you're pretty much the only person who brings up the eyes in these threads, but you do it all the time which makes me have to beg to God that you never skip your meds

>> No.9112028

It works in the context of the original games because it all feels like a cartoon. It doesn't feel like the real world with elements of a cartoon awkwardly Roger Rabbited into it.

>> No.9112030

>his eyes being green is cringe
i accept your concession

>> No.9112034

oh, I don't deny sonic through the eyes of Sega of Japan is full of anime dumb shit, including humans. I'm just saying that's fucking shit

>> No.9112035

there's plenty of cartoons that use pseudo-realism like the adventure games do. its not any more arbitrary than checkerboard ground in hawaii

>> No.9112041

>reeeee le eyes I'm gonna mention them because ??
>yea the eyes are shitty ngl but no one cares about that
>heh, le concession
take thine medication

>> No.9112045

Usually a good cartoon has a cohesive art style and tone. Characters all look like they belong in the same universe. Otherwise it's a bad cartoon.
Actually, Sonic Adventure is kind of like the new seasons of the Simpsons where all of the characters who aren't legacy characters are drawn in a different art style, and it's fucking weird.

>> No.9112046

it really doesn't. it feels sudden and unnatural. it literally comes off as isekai
at least sonic x bothered to write it as actual isekai

>> No.9112054

i bring them up because i was there. i've been around to see all the same people screaming about his eyes in 98 slowly come up with pretentious rationalizations for what's really just superficial hangups they have with the artstyle. not to mention you literally proved me right by bitching about it before acting like i'm making assumptions.

and it looks good anyway you pleb. its just a color contrast. it's like bitching that sonic's shoes aren't blue,

>> No.9112065

we get it, you had furry fanfiction delusions about the sonic games as a kid and treat the games proving you wrong as some kind of betrayal. because sega was supposed to read your mind for the TRUE and HONEST sonic canon

>> No.9112068

Do you not have shame?

>> No.9112071

Lmao Eggman has been there since day one and he's human.

>> No.9112074

How is changing the art style to a distinctly different (and worse) art style something people aren't allowed to have misgivings about?

>> No.9112076
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i was there too. who knew people would gravitate towards sonic's appearance the most. it's not like that's the most basic thing that anyone can point to to indicate a larger problem

no one's ever done that before

you're so retarded

>> No.9112080

Do you really see this as realistic human? >>9110645

>> No.9112082

They're just part of the base, because Eggman is so egotistical that he'll make entire cities as part of his bases and literally be the only person who lives in them.

>> No.9112087

In contrast to Sonic and Eggman, yes. They also pretty much drop that anime style for SA2.

>> No.9112091

Tell me what's natural about a blue supersonic felix the cat lookin hedgehog in shoes and gloves picking up rings on green checkerboards killinb robots

>> No.9112093
File: 129 KB, 500x497, 1608413194982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please point out to me the massive stylistic divergence between 3&k and sa1

it's literally just that they gave him eye color
>muh larger problem
it isn't a problem in the adventure games regardless of the fanfiction that he got turned into stretch armstrong which is yet more pretentious bitching about green eyes because in reality he's proportionally identical to 3&k sonic.

>> No.9112095


>> No.9112107
File: 101 KB, 863x639, tumblr_2b2fda37fc4384eb156002ea00595ae6_e6351fad_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amy literally has a flashback to Sonic CD

>> No.9112113

amy didn't look like that in sonic cd

>> No.9112120

amy looked like shit in sonic cd. literally a deviantart recolor. improvements do not equal a reboot. are sonic 2 and 3&k reboots too because they also change sonic's design?

>> No.9112126

There's more to the art style than just Sonic's design, but even in that image you can tell his proportions are a lot ganglier. He's all stretched out and aerodynamic, rather than charmingly plump.

>> No.9112131

anon you said it was a flashback. now you're saying they had to change sonic cd for no reason? sounds like something a reboot would do

>> No.9112134
File: 8 KB, 390x420, dac416d387feb01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. not any ganglier. generations has everyone convinced that classic sonic was fat meanwhile in reality sonic 2 sonic is about as lanky as sa2 sonic

>> No.9112137

>anon you said
wasn't me. obviously the real reason is that they didn't want to make a whole ass other amy model for a two second little cutscene snippet.
>for no reason
it looked like shit. literally just pink sonic in a dress.

>> No.9112138

Now do promotional art. And then do Eggman.

>> No.9112153

I like modern Amy a lot so I won't call you a retard this time
but SA is still a reboot... friend

>> No.9112370

It was a retcon that since got retconned, because they just didn't want to make an all new model at the time for a JPEG. But yes, I'm aware she didn't look like that.

>> No.9112680

Nack was in the UK Sonic the Comic though.

>> No.9112692

In Sonic it looked lame and ridiculous, in Mario it looked cool and it was fun.
It's also not much about the humans, it's about the entire thing being a faggotry ridden mess. Instead of Sonic being a cool fast cartoon animal, we are supposed to believe that he always was a teenager comedy character that speaks and lives in the suburbs and eats and shits and watch the news. Also humans are fucking useless and Eggman just gets away with anything.
Compare this to Metro Kingdom in Mario, which does not invalidate how the Mushroom Kingdom is portrayed in older games, does not make any difference in the plot, doesn't change Mario's character, and it just oozes soul.

>> No.9112794

>he's never been to 'Frisco
>he's never taken a comfy route 101 drive to his local pyramid

>> No.9113020

sonic was always a teenager who talked and i don't see how he's particularly comedic in the adventure games. he's just flippant as always. this is just more whining that sega didn't read your mind for your hyperspecific special snowflake canon and instead went with what they had already set up, just expanding it further

let me play your cinemasins game for a sec. toads are fucking useless. why don't they just kill bowser themselves? the mushroom kingdom really doesn't do anything for the plot. peach could just be mario's girlfriend who gets kidnapped like pauline (clearly the first incarnation of peach) in donkey kong. not sure why they would fuck up the character of a mute plumber by giving him a voice in mario 64 and then nixing the plumber aspect entirely more recently. really they "fucked up" mario's character in the exact same way they "fucked up" sonic. modern mario is nothing like his 80s/early 90s incarnation.

>> No.9113078
File: 355 KB, 500x500, Toyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even disagree with OP.
But because the whole thread is full of retards who grew up with shows and comics, are the cancer what raids other story discussions with their butthurt nostalgia blind faggorty.
All to the point they sperg irrelevant or dumbest shit you ever seen just to defend their SatAM/Jap era and it really shows.
>muh amy cd/tails cutscene
It was there at the time where Sonic Adventure was developed for the Saturn where all characters where in the Sonic R model. They didn't bother removing the cutscenes which is Genesis-tier.
No matter how hard you try to dispute this, SA is a sequel to S3K, it's not just the game mentions 3 the most like Angel Island itself or "the Dragon", but also mentions other stuff in the earlier games like how Sonic has a deja vu like he met there before.
>muh Eggman/Robotnik
He's now "Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik", seethe and dilate.
>You can't have it be both a serious story set on real earth, and a frivolous cartoon at the same time. That's why it doesn't work. You have to pick one.
What is Who framed, Roger the Rabbit or Tiny Toons?
Also, Sonic always had that wacky shit since day one, even his concept art really shows. So having SA2 is not farfetched, also that game's setting is based on every 80s/90s shows like Tiny Toons or Felix the Cat, so i don't see why it doesn't work unless you're Seth McNigger.
The whole whining is because of other media, which is again, irrelevant because they don't touch the games at all. All of them are based on the games. That doesn't help that Sega promoted SatAM shit so bad they even rewritten the manuals to fit their own fanfiction, even as far to call Amy, "Sally".

>> No.9113125


>> No.9113135

>to call Amy, "Sally".
Lmao is that in the Sonic CD manual? America or Europe?

>> No.9113146

Did Sega of America ever call Sonic's world Mobius in the manuals?

>> No.9113179
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>> No.9113270
File: 4 KB, 320x224, Sonic vs Chuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satam isn't canon
Uncle Chuck begs to differ

>> No.9113276
File: 568 KB, 1344x2241, ova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the Sonic OVA is canon
Everything else is fan fiction

>> No.9113279

>Sonic. Look under the table. I have a present for you.

>> No.9113287

OVA has the best Metal Sonic.

>> No.9113321

The OVA is great but it's not canon.

>> No.9113365

A few times. I definitely know that Spinball and Triple Trouble used the name in their US manuals.

>> No.9113375

I tried but we got lost at Pumpkin Hill...

>> No.9113383

Isn't Metal and other robot Sonics in Eggman's ship too? It's been awhile since I played it but I remember thinking that was cool as a kid..

>> No.9113389

Oh it's faggoty? Cool argument.I'm happy i could read an opinion from someone so smart.

>> No.9113397

To be honest I hate how they retconned New York City into New Donk City...

>> No.9113538

>ending is you fighting in space while rock plays in the background

No wonder its the best mario, they literally ripped off SA2

>> No.9113545

The thing about the Mario universe though is it is only ever presented as a cartoon, so you never start asking questions about why everything is stupid, which it is.

>> No.9113570

It was never New York. That's just something that Nintendo of America made up.

>> No.9113601

why dont the new donk city police just kill bowser themselves? DING

>> No.9113604
File: 737 KB, 996x747, Lazaar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the setting has techno-wizards

>> No.9113613

Because it's a cartoon. It's not trying to be anything but a cartoon.

>> No.9113618

sonic is also a cartoon fuckdick. if the president in sa2 is an indication that sa2 is somehow trying to perfectly replicate real life then the same thing applies to new donk city

>> No.9113635

Not really. New Donk City is just another space for Mario to get into wacky hijinks. There's not even a hint that the developers want you to think of this world as "real".
SA2 on the other hand presents you with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSf0kfaUGHQ
It doesn't want to be a cartoon. It wants to be a Roland Emmerich movie.

>> No.9113640

you fly there in a ship distinctly mapped on a giant planet. how is it not supposed to be "real" and how is the realism of new donk city any different. you just don't like the tone because it's more dramatic than wahoo yippee.

>> No.9113645

Because Mario throws his hat at people and hops inside of them, and they grow comical moustaches, as he pilots them around.

>> No.9113650

yeah and thats fucking horrifying sonic would never do something so psychotic

>> No.9113652

No, Sonic would smoke weed because he's cool.

>> No.9113678

That nose...

>> No.9113681

/thread, there's nothing else to post

>> No.9113684

>t. posing zoomer that never discussed any of the "Classic" games

>> No.9113696

Unless Cybershell is lurking here, there's a good chance I'm probably the biggest Sonic lore autist in this thread.

The closest thing Sonic has to rational canon is the Sonic OVA and Sonic CD like what >>9113276 anons said. The games take place on a semi-distopian planet where most the habitable landmass exists on floating islands (hence "Zones"). Some islands are man-made, like the industrial Zones and Green Hill Zone with its plastic trees. Zones like Labyrinth and Mystic Caves take place in the old world below which is largely inhabitable. Some floating islands are chained together to form colonies. Some run on magic, like Angel Island, and can stay isolated from society because they stay obscured in the clouds and are just generally hard to travel to. Some islands are just giant mechanical bases made by Eggman. Etc. There's also some fuckery with portals.

Humans existing in the Sonic universe isn't so much a point of contention as is the fact that it's really jarring aesthetically to see a noodle-armed egg person to be standing next to anatomically correct humans, standing next to stylized talking animals. What makes the most sense is having different types of humans occupying different floating regions, with some even having animal traits. The not-America and not-Egypt in SA2 are pretty lazy and are moreso a product of a game that had like nine months development time, but the Adventure games still have stuff like giant, looping highways over large bodies of water which still supprt the islands theory.

>> No.9113797

If only that were true I think the same 2 people have been flinging shit at each other for days.

I also think the guy saying sonic cant have a president is the same guy who made Mother 3 threads for years but I cant prove that one lol

>> No.9113817
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Going to need to ask for some sources of where you got that info because it sounds like a whole lot of bullshit that is easily disproven by playing the games. And last night I started translating the manuals, and I can at least guarantee that the manual for the first game contradicts your points.

Are you saying that each zone is it's own island? Because the entire first game takes place on South Island. Green Hill Zone, Marble Zone, Labrynth Zone, Spring Yard Zone, Starlight Zone, Scrap Brain Zone and Final Zone are all on South Island.

Sonic 2 takes place on West Side Island. All of the Zones in Sonic 2 are areas on West Side Island (until you go into space)

Likewise, all of the Zones from Sonic 3 are on Angel Island.

South Island and West Side Islsnd are just normal islands. In illustrations of them, they appear as normal islands in the water. Only Angel Island is ever said to be floating or shown floating. It is also never said that the world is post-apocalyptic or that the only livable areas are islands. You literally just made that shit up.

>the Adventure games still have stuff like giant, looping highways over large bodies of water which still supprt the islands theory
No they don't. The only level like that is Metal Harbor and it's not highways over the ocean, it's a fucking G.U.N. outpost in the ocean. Otherwise Misson Street and Radical Highway have bridges. Have you never seen a bridge in your life? Our world had bridges, does that mean our whole world is made of islands?

You literally just made shit up the same way Sega of America did. The games have canon, it's in the fucking instruction manual included with the game. And the OVA isn't canon.

>> No.9113860

Sonic could have a President if he looked like he belonged in the Sonic universe. Actually make him look like he's the same species as Eggman, for starters.

>> No.9113883

>Actually make him look like he's the same species as Eggman, for starters.
What, American?

>> No.9114739


>> No.9115225

Nah, Porker Lewis or Johnny Lightfoot. Or maybe Tekno as vice president.

>> No.9115274

always thought it looked like Knuckles was playing an invisible violin here

>> No.9115302

>stop playing series
>storyline ends with last game i played

>> No.9115306

Robotnik is canon because of the very source you autists are arguing over, Adventure.

>> No.9115318

Just because you have an idea, doesn't mean its good.

>> No.9115351


>> No.9115605
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>> No.9115617
File: 50 KB, 734x392, 0c97a0dfdaea9bb9425b59da3dc0e4e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfYieaXmqrA&t=52s & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFBvzhmU5ho&t=54s
>Sonic gave Robotnik the Eggman name
>tfw he was almost Dr. Fatass instead
>and his egg-themed machines would've been fat/ass-themed

>> No.9115632

I don't think the idea was ever really widespread until Iizuka said it, which was a few years ago
As you pointed out it obviously makes no sense but Iizuka gonna Iizuka yanno

>> No.9116642
File: 75 KB, 305x463, PinkHairMysteryWoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's since been settled that "two worlds" was figurative, not literal, and more like societies: humans tend to live on the continents, and anthro-people come from various islands.

>> No.9116650

Grow the fuck up, you pathetic manchild.