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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9110108 No.9110108 [Reply] [Original]

Are you the type of gamer that likes to play a bit of everything? Or do you go into deep dives for a few games you like. Do you play games once and go to the next game or replay games?

>> No.9110379

>gamer that likes to play a bit of everything
I've decided to never play any more turn based RPGs like FF or DQ. It's not worth the time investment.
Lately however I've been trying to play games that I can "complete", games with a story/campaign, not open ended simulators and stuff. I feel less like I'm wasting time if I can say I beat a game.
>Do you play games once and go to the next game or replay games?
There's so many games bro...I just wish I had more time.

>> No.9110563

>There's so many games bro...I just wish I had more time.
This is basically why I made this thread, I think I'm going to have to start filtering games 20x as hard because there's just no time anymore

>> No.9110840

I'm quite the retro gamer. You can tell by the mario games displayed on my shelf behind mario bead art and amiibos.

>> No.9110951

>I've decided to never play any more turn based RPGs like FF or DQ. It's not worth the time investment.
Imagine being this much a faggot.

>> No.9111002

>Are you the type of gamer that likes to play a bit of everything? Or do you go into deep dives for a few games you like.
Both. I like to try a lot of games but also stick with the ones I like.

>> No.9111320

RPGs fucking suck and can suck my dicks. You too and 3 other friends can take turns doing it, too. See how silly that is? Taking turns taking a whacking at a single big boss? And it's the same story you hear, again and again.

>> No.9111337
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Some days I play like max 30 minutes of some games that I have on my list.
If I like something I will know it.
Then I usually play those games I like to completion.
If I really liked the game I may go to 100%.

For those games that don't have a real "ending" (like Sim City, for example) I start to play enough to get good. Then I look for some "challenges" or set up my own goals of what I want to do. After that I can consider I "beat" the game.

I any case, by the end of the month I force myself to change the game.
In order to avoid being stuck playing the same thing for a long time.
I noticed that I could fall on a routine loop and play the same game for months and not really be having fun anymore at the end (Halo, ugh).

>> No.9111402

I don't think I've ever 100%'d a game because I don't really care about completionism for its own sake. I'll only replay a game if it's truly different on multiple playthrus (not just "good" and "bad" ending shit).

>> No.9111421

I play every type of game and have a strict order of autism, so when I finish one genre I must never play the same genre again until the loop is complete.

>> No.9111460
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> Are you the type of gamer that likes to play a bit of everything? Or do you go into deep dives for a few games you like.
Rather a second type. I don't feel the need to play whatever was released or became popular, I pick the genres and settings I like the most. For example, I like action games about modern times or XX century, don't mind sci-fi and cute cartoonish platformers such as Mario and Kirby, but I'm not into RPGs, medieval fantasy or some gothic vampire shit, so I usually avoid them with rare exceptions such as Zelda.

I like getting into game franchises thoroughly, always starting from the very first game and playing everything in order, at least what is considered mainline. Actually, that's how I started playing retro games, at first they were just prequels to the recent ones I was going to play.

Also, I can't play multiple games at the same time, even though I tried. When I'm truly getting involved into a single game or a franchise, I become really obsessed with it until I burn out and drop it. Often I find it really frustrating to return to a game completed in a half and remember what I was doing there after so long, but when I eventually do it, I keep enjoying like before.

> Do you play games once and go to the next game or replay games?
I almost never replay. Sometimes I want to, but there are too many other games I'd like to play and don't have time for.

>> No.9111479

I try to branch out my horizons and try out different games whenever I can, that being said I can easily fall into the habit of playing games I know i like.

>> No.9111491

i collect everything i think is neat

>> No.9111618

Like a few other anons have mentioned, time is a big factor for me. If I'm playing a game I either need some idea of whether I'm going to like it, or I'll give a game I know nothing about like an hour or two to see if I get into it.

The main reason I play mostly (what /vr/'s rules define as) retro games is because there's a ton of info online about what a game's like and its cheap to get hold of them.

That being said, I definitely replay some of my all time favourites. Every few years I'll replay Rayman 1 and Crash 1 & 2.

>> No.9111669

When I was young I played the shit out of everything.
Play games mutliple times and all sequels or spinoffs.

Now I play a bit of everything, only play the game once, if I even finish them.
I lose interest very very fast.
I feel like I have seen everything games have to offer.

>> No.9111980
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I mostly stick with the same few franchises I'm familiar with since childhood, and spend most of my time dedicated to this hobby simply replaying video games I've already managed to beat before a few times. On the rare occasion I play something new it's usually from one of the franchises I'm already familiar with instead of something completely new. I do go out of my comfort zone sometimes, but it's not common for me to do so.

>> No.9112970

Do you mean you have a loop of genres, and you need to play one game of each genre, in a particular order? And repeat? If so, what are the genres, and what's the order?

>> No.9113073
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I have ADD and tend to go through cycles with what I like. I'll get into one specific series or genre, go real deep, and track down as much of it as I can playthrough. After a couple months I burn out on it and find something new, then six months to a year or so later I'm right back into it. I've found a lot of all time favorite games this way, that I can pick up and play whenever, but I guess for the most part my interests are all over the place.

>> No.9113301

I play a bit of everything. I can't help but replay my favorites here and there, even though I have a decent physical collection and haven't played them all yet.

>> No.9113743

ive started having a lot more fun once i narrowed down on collecting and playing games from a smaller selection of systems. i used to try and play everything i had even a passing interest in, but my backlog would get so big that i completely lost interest in playing a lot of games

i sold pretty much everything and went in really hard on buying all the games i wanted as a kid for the n64 and gameboy, and have pretty much just been playing those a lot.
having a mass selection of games in your backlog really leads to a lot of burnout in my experience, and thats when gaming started feeling more like an obligation than relaxing thing

>> No.9113775

I can't get into most sports games. The only ones I've ever found that interested me are the Mutant League and Sensible Soccer gams.

>> No.9113876

I play as much as I can

>> No.9114323
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>> No.9114367

I'm very selective about what games I play. If im going to waste my time, I had better be enjoying myself. Over all, I don't play many games these days and I rarely finish them.

>> No.9114789

Reads like a foreign exchange student explain why he only faps to pictures of himself.