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File: 124 KB, 256x363, Super_mario_sunshine[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9108610 No.9108610 [Reply] [Original]

At which point am I supposed to like the gameplay?
For info I love M64 and Galaxy 1+2. Odyssey haven't touched but decided to give this one a try now that my PC can emulate properly.

Is this water gimmick gonna be the whole game huh?

>> No.9108647


>> No.9108652

When you use the nozzle for more than just basic hover movements

>> No.9108672

When you play without fludd.

>> No.9108673

>not having fun

found the problem
emufags will never admit they just jump games every 20 seconds like a small child with adhd

>> No.9108686 [DELETED] 


Played through Sunshine my first time co-op and it was great. I think I would have enjoyed it solo.

>> No.9108723

Tranny I played 64 and galaxies on emu without save states.

>> No.9108858

which is like 1% of levels

>> No.9108861

never, the gamecube was the lowest point for most nintendo franchises

>> No.9108874

Why are you asking us when you should enjoy a game? Just play it or don't and move on

>> No.9108883

If you're not enjoying it now you're not going to. It's the worst of the 3D Mario games. Was a disappointment on release and it's a disappointment now.

>> No.9108887

Of course you aren't enjoying it

>> No.9108901

That's the Wii U/3DS generation

>> No.9108914

Vs having a huge collection of plastic on the shelf you never touch except to admire the scan lines when you fire it up once a year, right?

>> No.9108931

this is the best looking video game ever made you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.9108948


This, unironically.

The only good portion of Mario Sunshine is exactly the levels where you don't have Fludd. That's why, since OP is emulating, he should play Super Mario Arcade, which is a romhack that focus on the best part of the game, bringing new levels that demands you to use fludd in creative ways and going without it entirely.


>> No.9109084

Aren't those tranny things anyway?

>> No.9109183

Once you learn to use FLUDD the game is fun. You can do some crazy shit and go really fast. Most complainers only use it to hover and spray.

>> No.9109194

How did you manage to play the Galaxy games on PC? I got a Wii primarily to play these games

>> No.9109241

>At which point am I supposed to like the gameplay?
You shouldnt. The GC Nintendo games are all trash

>> No.9109283

>At which point am I supposed to like the gameplay?
When you stop sucking. People who hate Sunshine are bad at video games.

>> No.9109290

I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Sunshine has been utter trash since it came out. The level design is terrible and the levels themselves somehow feel smaller and more barren than Mario 64's, FLUDD is a novelty at best, and the controls are worse than 64 while Mario is much more limited. The one leg up it has is that the camera is a bit better than 64.

>> No.9109391
File: 208 KB, 484x680, Super Mario Sunburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play the good version.

Its on cd romance. Literally fixes every single issue.

>> No.9109419

It's not anywhere near 64 but its still a great game

>> No.9109428

Metroid Prime is trash? F-Zero GX is trash? Yeah, shut the fuck up

>> No.9109431

>Is this water gimmick gonna be the whole game huh?
I started really enjoying the mechanics after doing one of the levels that take your fludd away. Forcing me to gitgud like that made for a really fun challenge, and mario handled a lot easier for me after figuring out the movement like that.

>> No.9109458

I'd argue that Mario Sunshine has the best controls/movement out of all 3D Mario games but yeah 64 is still way better

>> No.9109674

The game looked beautiful with the way they made the water.
Still hate the anxiety brought on by fluddless secret stages and the pianta village underside.
Fuck the blue coin hunt. Some of the most autistic shit ever.
>squirt the blue birds
>have yoshi eat the blue butterflies
>carry a fruit to the blender at gelato beach

>> No.9109683

I'm fine with Fludd but this looks really fun

>> No.9109689

You aren't. Mario Sunshine is incredibly unfun to play and its biggest defenders insist if you make the basic actions you can do more complicated with tedious water spraying which involves balancing the trigger at a certain depth while jamming the jump and lunge buttons you'll somehow enjoy the game but no.

The only time the game is actually any fun is when it takes away the fludd, and even then they quickly ruin that with other gimmicks.

>> No.9109747

does it replace all the levels with good ones?

>> No.9109756

fucking retard

>> No.9109762

Yes they are, play better games.

>> No.9109771

Such as?

>> No.9109784

outrun 2006

>> No.9110020

Never, I spent the first 30 shines waiting for the gameplay to be fun. Never happened.

>> No.9110024

Fucking true.

>> No.9110036
File: 319 KB, 500x500, 1658273638463915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noone cares how you choose to enjoy or dislike this game, faggot. Sunshine is best 3d mario. Go waggle a wiimote.

>> No.9110143

never played ur mr gay but sunshine is awful

>> No.9110167

This is a problem yeah, but I prefer it to my consoles having a failing laser every year or two.

>> No.9110179

Are you a tranny trying to call shit tranny to turn people off of it? Is that the latest tranny ruse, to associate things you faggots dislike with your own trannyism knowing it'll turn people away?

>> No.9110197

This game killed mario for me so hard that I still need to play the Galaxy games

>> No.9110229

A small part of what was happening in my mind was, Mario's play field was getting smaller and smaller. The game feels kinda claustrophobic.

>> No.9110549
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, 1609794104584.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the buggiest, most incomplete mainline Mario game ever released. There's a reason why Nintendo never references or celebrates it nowadays. They're ashamed of it. They scrubbed Isle Delfino off the map in Super Mario Odyssey before release. They know they fucked up.

They know giving it to Koizumi to infantilize it with a toy water gun concept was a mistake.
They know it was the least favorably reviewed Mario game of all time up until that point by fans and outlets.
They know they rushed it out the door in under 1.5 years to desperately try and save the GameCube. It didn't work.

The game was also cringe incarnate, right down to the enviromental awareness ads with the singing chorus of kids.

Honestly, in many ways, it's actually the Sonic Adventure of Mario games. Both of them have:

>An overreliance on the narrative.
>Unhealthy focus on NPCs.
>Crutches for 3D platforming.
>Lots of padding and filler, to artificially extend the playtime.
>Many infamous "that part" moments.
>Tons of glitches and exploits.

I never really understood where Mario fans get off on being so cocky and smug towards Sonic fans when they've had it just as bad in the past.

Is it the fact that it's made by Nintendo that gives it a free pass from objectively criticizing it? Sunshine isn't the 9/10 masterpiece zoomers make it out to be. It's actually more of a... 6/10. Solidly mediocre, only carried by brand name alone... Just like Sonic. Anyone who didn't grow up with Nintendo (And isn't an eternal cubie manchild), can see the game for what it really is.

>> No.9111801

It's undoubtedly the most unpolished 3D Mario, even for when it came out. Basic shit Nintendo should've caught--like how switching to aim your nozzle just after running will almost always lead to pointing down because lol forced inverted controls--is prevalent enough I almost don't consider it a sequel to 64.

>> No.9111808

>Metroid Prime is trash? F-Zero GX is trash?
No? Because anon didn't say Retro Studios or Sega games.

>> No.9112142

I just use dolphin, sync a wiimote to my PC, then have my old wii (the disk drive is dead) hooked up near my TV to power the sensor bar. Works perfectly

>> No.9112293

Nintendo needs to shake off their old IPs and let some other studio fix it. Rare, Hudson and Sega really bailed them out.

>> No.9112421

Where can one download the Arcade 2 hack?

>> No.9112428

>implying save states are necessary at all for those games

>> No.9112551

I just completed the game and I honestly thought most parts about it were good. I don't what all these trannies are whining about
>le fludd mechanic bad
Then just don't use fludd? You can navigate 95% of all levels with regular jumps.

>> No.9112576

lol, I've thought about doing the same thing with my wii but I just bought a 10 dollar USB sensor bar on amazon.
theres really no technology going on in there its just 4 IR lights, apparently you can fool the wii remote with a couple of candles.

>> No.9112909

Well, they are kind of 'first party' still

>> No.9112921
File: 2.74 MB, 960x540, what are you gonna do about that.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried to play this piece of shit like 6 times, amazing how bad it is compared to all the other 3D Mario games

>> No.9113423

>emufags will never admit they just jump games every 20 seconds like a small child with adhd
Emulation definitely makes it where a game really has to heavily grab me in the first 20 minutes or I'll move to something else, but I still finish a fair number of games that I emulate.

>> No.9113532
File: 73 KB, 640x480, Sms-title5-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you arent
the game is literally unfinished, it was supposed to have as many levels as mario 64 and multiple hubs but that ended up being cut in the end
corona mountain was clearly made in a rush with whatever assets they had already built for the stage

>> No.9113624

While not trash they are nothing special. Give me Quake 3 or Daytona USA over those two games.

>> No.9113661

the levels suck too and are all giant and empty to justify the stupid ass fludd.

>> No.9114079

>Noo you can't just go from point a to point b
>Every platform has to be an hekkin obstacle