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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9106019 No.9106019 [Reply] [Original]

30+ thread, what have you been playing this week so far? Give it a quick rate too.

>> No.9106026

>that british accent

>> No.9106072

Honestly man I haven't even been playing, I've just been watching this incel youtuber play like a zoomer.

>> No.9106186

I got a og xbox. Playing ninja gaiden and jsrf, amoung other exclusives. Remembering 2004 when first played mk deception and harry potter 3 with my very first GF and his brothers, good times. Time fly

>> No.9106197
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>30+ thread

>> No.9106203

>with my very first GF and his brothers

>> No.9106209
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35 here. I'm in the middle of Sonic Adventure right now. (DC version). I must have attempted to play this game all the way through like 8 times over the past 20 years but I always lost interest.

>> No.9106220

Klonoa remakes + WWE SvR 2006 season mode as Hulk Hogan

>> No.9106221 [DELETED] 

Stop trying to force your shit circlejerk here, this has been deleted at least 5 times now

>> No.9106226 [DELETED] 

Yes imagine wanting to circlejerk about video games, just go back to your resident evil 1 containment thread

>> No.9106234

35yo, playing Super Famicom Wars and Uncharted Waters: NH. I've been wanting to burn Aconcagua for quite some days now

>> No.9106247 [DELETED] 

You don't want to talk about video games, you want to whine about your dull vapid existence as if it has anything to do with your age, and talk about "the good ole days" like an 80 year old war vet, except your good ole days are when you were 8 years old because you're such a social failure that was the peak of your life.
That's all these threads ever have been. Why you feel the need to continually try to force them on a board that actually is about video games, and not filled with your pseudo social media bullshit instead of just posting in the constant ones on /v/ is what I don't understand.

>> No.9106252 [DELETED] 

kek, based

>> No.9106264

Her* sorry beaner/mexitard here.

>> No.9106270

36, playing Final Fantasy 2 (aka 4) on my modded SNES mini. It’s my first play through and I’m about 5 hours in, I love it so far 9/10. Also playing some short sessions of Mario All Stars here and there

>> No.9106723
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48, playing Cosmic Fantasy 3
It's alright. Overall I'd say it's been the best so far of the series, but the maze-like overworld combined with high encounter rate has been annoying at times
The story tone is lighter/sillier than the first two games so some people might be disappointed by that if they liked the previous stories (although I don't know how 3 ends yet). Then again, maybe 3's story was created as a response to player reactions to 2's bittersweet ending.

>> No.9106756

35 here, what I've been playing...doesn't qualify as retro.

>> No.9106763

Tales of Phantasia (SNES) - nice visuals & sound, middling story with middling characters, but the fighting system, while great at first, starts to get boring
Robotrek (SNES) - just started, but looks very nice

>> No.9106854

34, revisiting RCT2. Shit's still cash.

>> No.9106874

Was playing FFIX, put that aside for a minute because I impulse bought Donkey Kong 64. Haven’t played it since it was released. The collecting is as bad as everyone says.

>> No.9106927

I've been playing SMB2 (donkey donkey picnic, all stars version)

It's literally the first game to ever enter my backlog; I've had it for 26 years, I really like it but no matter how many times I come back I don't end up finishing it. I've made it all the way to 7-2 before but just haven't been able to seal the deal.

>> No.9106943

It's a good kids game but yeah I couldn't go back to it

>> No.9106983

34 y/o here; finished playing Hades, honestly it's a 9/10. Nearly perfect game. I don't give a fuck about achievements or completionist shit, but I unlocked damn near everything in this game simply because it was so much fun to play.

Also, the SNES Ganbare Goemon series. I highly recommend you guys give them a shot. They're so bizarre and fun. I just beat the 2nd and have started the 3rd.

>> No.9107041

34, have not played a retro game in a while, closest I have come is putting super mario rpg on my laptop a few weeks ago

>> No.9107095

playing a lot of the super famicom wars translation, and finally started final fantasy 3 as i've never actually played more than the first 10 minutes previously

>> No.9107097

Its ok Hose, enjoy the pinga while you can

>> No.9107112

Turning 40 on the 24th so I’m replaying Resident Evil which takes place on my birthday.

>> No.9107141

I feel like 30+ is like, 70% of the regular posters here.

>> No.9107191

32 here. Playing Sakura wars 2019 on the ps4. Had no clue about this series and it's right up my alley. When I finish it I will be moving on to the original Saturn game, super excited to get into it.

>> No.9107282
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37 here. Dragon Quest 1 on Android. I give it an 8/10. Charming and simple, with very little plot of dialogue to get in the way. If I finish it I might go ahead and get the sequel.

>> No.9107285

late 30s
I'm on vacation and my laptop sucks, which means classic Doom in the evenings. Currently playing individual Plutonia and TNT levels. 7/10 fun, its alright.

>> No.9107290

I enjoy the panocha, of the jainas putas. Taco taco corona beer

>> No.9107456
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I've been playing UT2004 and Q3A back and forth, even though I've only been playing once or twice per week because I've been doing the chores on time and reading while unemployed. Can't fall back to NEETdom again at 30.
I like double tapping to evade and the double jump. Makes me feel special considering I'm a bunnyhoplet that can't do proper strafejumping even if he had a gun to his head. Also Assault is Back
And on Quake 3 I've been playing as Bones out of a whim. I'm doing fine on Nightmare except when I reach Xaero.
Also, I'm playing Metal Max Returns between those two. I'm going at a snail pace but it's a great franchise that I'd been putting away for a long time.
What I like from DQ1 is going on a mission with no companions; it's just the hero exploring the land and defeating monsters on his own. Very straightforward but one of my favorite features.

>> No.9107852

Been playing PSO on gamecube, learned some neat new tech with menus today..

>> No.9107891

35, been playing Cyber Shadow off-and-on, which feels like the "final form" of what Sunsoft and Natsume were doing with dark action platformers on the NES, really hard but fair and rewarding, and actually looks and sounds like an NES game pushing the limits of the hardware and not cutting corners on the graphics or presentation.

Also been playing through Castlevania 64, the often mentioned Nitro/Mandragora sub-quest featured in the AVGN video is not confusing, as there's an NPC that explains the whole subquest, and then you have to do the Nitro/Mandragora on a different wall prior to the main one just as a practice run.

The ACTUAL confusing part was being allowed to choose to go through the door to the second half of the castle before getting the nitro/mandragora subquest going, so you could easily waste an hour or two in that second area confused about why you're not making any progress.

The camera is the biggest issue, moreso than the controls. The controls are fine, it just feels like you're moving in slow motion the whole game, and puzzles and traps are always just slightly out of sync with your speed. For most of the game you can kind of wrestle the camera to do what you want, but then you get to the Dual Tower and the camera decides to fix itself in a side view while trying to jump from one platform to another, when you need to jump then press forward to grab the next platform, which makes it way harder than it should be with insta-death jumps the whole level.

I do like the atmosphere in the game, and the more ambient soundtrack (and it's not like the composers were avoiding the classic Castlevania tunes, Bloodlines plays on the title screen, the opening of Bloody Tears plays in a few key moments, and Dance of Illusions plays during the Dracula battle) works when it comes to exploration in large 3D areas rather than in quick, direct action-oriented levels.

>> No.9107895

I want to play MGS games with Liquid voiced by Hulk Hogan.

>> No.9107907

I honestly doubt that most players made it past the second stage as a kid.

>> No.9107919

32 here, mostly MAME.

Check out Funky Jet, great single screen platformer, beat em up. 8/10

>> No.9107931

33, I've been playing Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2 on an emulator after I found out the PC port was going to be 30 bucks. I played it when it came out but I never finished it, loved DA1 though. I've mostly been marveling at how incredible PS2 emulation is now.
For variety I've also been banging my head against the first Mega Man game, but I just can't get past the Yellow Devil. I'm tempted to just cheat and use save states.

It's actually kind of a struggle to motivate myself to play games with any challenge these days. After work I mainly just want to veg out to YouTube videos or play Euro Truck Sim or something mindless like that

>> No.9107938

Or Randy Savage

>> No.9107947

Just hit 40. Been playing Star Ocean 2 in moon. Translating the unnecessarily huge number of items is challenging, haven't gotten very far yet.

>> No.9107969


Almost done Medievil 2. It's a pretty solid game, but I'm not left wanting another one in the series. I enjoy the character designs and the almost good voice acting.

>> No.9107987

How do I find a game that stars 30+ year olds

>> No.9108009

37, finished up Marvelous: Mouhitotsu no Takarajima yesterday. It was pretty fun and unique, dunno why they never localized it. I started the Switch remake of Live a Live today, finished the caveman chapter and doing the Imperial China one now.

>> No.9108048
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34. I've been playing the RE games lately and some GBA games, Advance Wars (10/10) and LttP (LttP is easily a 9 or 10/10 with the GBA port being a 8 or 9/10, mostly due to the lack of buttons compared to the SNES.). Currently in the middle of playing RE2(8 or 9 out of 10. Excellent game, even with the scenarios sharing the RCPD which gets a bit tiring.) with Leon A complete and Claire B almost done. My goal is to beat 3, CV:X and 4, but I am losing the desire to do so.

I also have Wild Arms on standby for when I finish the PS1 and PS2 mainline RE games at least, and would like to complete Mega Man Battle Network 1 and 2 and Final Fantasy 1,2,4, 5 and 6 on GBA if at all possible before the year is up.

>> No.9108057

Just keep looking.
For example Wil Knights in Saga Frontier 2 is playable at (if I'm not wrong) 90 years old at some point and Gogen from Arc the Lad has more than 3000 years.

>> No.9108068

rct1 doing some scenarios 8/10

>> No.9108070

34 next month. I'm working constantly and have hardly any free time.

Sonic CD on my phone (Retroarch) since I don't have a lot of spare time. Pretty good game, a bit intimidating at first because I didn't know what to do. The levels are based around exploration, much more than the other games. You find a "past" lamp post, warp and look for the roboticizer, break it and head to the exit. I'm not sure if the time stones are optional, but I'm collecting them anyway.

If you destroy a holographic projector of Metal Sonic abusing animals that zone will be filled with animals roaming around. Very neat touch. It adds nothing to the game, and kind of reminds me of how Nights on Saturn was so busy and populated with things.

>> No.9108098
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Wind Waker
Pokémon Black

>> No.9108309

Just finished A Link to the Past on SNES for the first time, used to have it on GBA. Had a fairly good time, lots of nostalgia there. Died 4 times, but it's not especially what I'd call a hard game. Dungeons go pretty fast and the world is small compared to modern titles so it feels pretty comfy and not overwhelming to traverse/explore. Not too much replay value for me, though, will probably put it in a box and not touch it for a few more years now. Kinda makes me wanna play Link's Awakening (either GB original or Switch, since I have both but not DX version) or maybe Breath of the Wild because the blue mail reminds me of the iconic blue shirt in that game and I'm curious go and see whether there was a yellow hat to go with it. I don't remember because I haven't played that game in a few years now.

>> No.9108315

Comfy games aren't real

>> No.9108431

Isn't most of this board over 30? Am 26 and I thought I was a baby here. Would be cool to see a true 41+ Gen X thread

>> No.9108547

32 here, also playing through Resident Evil, but this is my first time.
Game is hard at times, I'm very stingy with tapes so it sucks losing a lot of progress.
Just got to the underground area behind the waterfall and died to a couple of Hunters since I didn't take a shotgun with me.
Game is 10/10 so far.

>> No.9108551

crash bandicoot trilogy at the moment. I actually just play the same games over and over.

>> No.9108557

49, playing SMT 3 Nocturne on my fat PS2. Great game. I like it more than Persona 4 and 5.
What other SMT games should I play?

>> No.9108567

Obviously DDS and maybe Persona 2 Innocent Sin.

>> No.9108576

31, messing around with KOF '98 and a romhack called Rockman 7 EP. 98 is decent and my favorite KOF I've tried so far. RM7 EP is kino. It changes everything. New stages, weapons, and gameplay mechanics. Surprisingly well balanced. I usually hate the tryhard level design retardation of romhacks, but there is none to be found in EP. The Wily capsule has been fucking me, but it doesn't feel cheap, just very challenging. If you like Megaman and want a challenge, strong recommend

>> No.9108580

I've been kind of on a Master System kick recently.
Ninja Gaiden (NES): Got to stage 3 for the first time, but no further. My daughter, who is usually bored by the games I like to play, was strangely enthralled by the cut scenes. This game can seem annoying, but then you get into the zone, killing everything before it can hit you, making all the jumps, and it feels great.
Black Belt (SMS): Maybe it's the nostalgia talking (this is the first video game I ever beat, at age 9), but this is really an underrated game. Great music, great boss battles.
Kenseiden (SMS): Somehow I've gotten worse at this game. Got a game over before the first boss. Then got a game over at the first boss. Ugh. This is not the best game, kind of clunky, but it's alright.
Scramble Spirits (SMS): Never played this before. Somehow, I kept losing my last life, and then going straight back to three lives. Infinite continues? When it happened for the fifth time, I realized I'd never lose, and I lost interest. It's trying to put too much on the screen at once; there's a lot of flickering. Otherwise an OK game.
The Flash (SMS): The music in this game is really something else, like one of the better C64 chiptunes. Gameplay is fast, somewhat reminiscent of Sonic on the Genesis, but seemingly requiring more skill. I didn't get very far though; I think I need to put some more time into it before I can decide whether I like this.

>> No.9108635

I was playing Dawn of sorrow on my R4, till I got halfway through and the game froze and deleted my save. Never had any problems like that before. Anyone know if it's a thing with DoS, or just a fluke or anything?

>> No.9108650

I played through The Great Cave Offensive with my daughter.

>> No.9108676

I just turned 30 yesterday, what games should I play?

>> No.9108683

40 (shocking to type that honestly). Playing doom in the modern dsda port, on custom wads. Still a vibrant community.

>> No.9108707

It's okay, at least you're making me feel less old at 33 :^)

>> No.9108708

Nigga just use nds-bootloader wtf are you doing with a NDS flash cart in 2022

>> No.9108710

I still feel twenty, which was maybe cute in my early thirties, but now I'm probably just giving off a "hello fellow kids" vibe

Also what are you playing

>> No.9108712

Castlevania Anniversary Collection. I'm limiting myself to save scumming only once per screen but that still makes me a shitter ;_;
I also feel just the same as I did when I was 25. I'm lucky enough to look the same, as well. I'm frankly shocked why there are literally no wrinkles even around my eyes. But my beard is already getting plenty of gray in it (so I started shaving it every day)

>> No.9108813
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30 here, be 31 in August.

Currently playing Dungeon Keeper Gold (well, KeeperFX— it’s just way too hard to see what the fuck is going on in the original) and the game has me so fucking hooked that it’s actually pretty crazy. I’m in physics class right now that requires 5+ hours of daily homework to keep up, and this game has been making it increasingly difficult to give a single fuck about getting enough sleep to stay functional. 10/10 — not surprised people love it.

Finished my first play through of Zelda: OoT earlier this week. It has a lot of charm and I can definitely see why it holds such a dear place in so many peoples’ hearts, but I played MML growing up and it’s really quite dull in comparison IMO. Oddly enough I found myself more excited about the prospect of starting up Majora’s Mask than finishing OoT, so I’ll be doing soon and am hoping that I’ll find it to be a more interesting game.

I really gotta get my time management under control; I’m getting too old for self-sabotage.

>> No.9108821

Current professor is like this. He’s 45, looks about 5-10 years younger, and definitely talks like someone who either posts on 4chan or Reddit. It’s cool and weird at the same time; I respect the casual demeanor, but sometimes it makes him seem either straight up immature or unprofessional. It’s at a community college though so I guess he couldn’t give two single fucks less. Pretty based guy overall.

>> No.9108857

He's lame as fuck unless he responds in greentext >implying IRL

>> No.9108870

Mid 30's. I finished both magical pop n and super ghouls n ghosts this morning. Kinda funny how both games have an N throw in their names

>> No.9108960

Any video games starring balding guys haha

>> No.9108964

i honestly have very little desire to play new games and just play the same ones over and over. i really don't like new games at all. I don't even do speedrun stuff or anything.

>> No.9108973

I relate to this a lot. Fear of wasting time on a subpar product that wont grab me like a proven thing

>> No.9108982

Old farts who are scared to go out of your comfort zone. I guarantee none of you work out or even go running. Stereotypical S o Ys

>> No.9108984

SMT strange journey and soul hackers are both really good

>> No.9108985

I really didn't want to become some old man who just watches his ancient movies and bemoans culture but my time spent playing newer stuff just leaves me bored or outright offended. I guess that's just what happens when you get older and get left in the dust.

>> No.9108990

I workout everyday. What a strange post. I just don't enjoy the new trends. I've given them a chance and it's not for me.

>> No.9109287

>muh comfort zone
Get stuffed retard. Vidya itself is a massive comfort zone and nothing else.

>> No.9109293

Finished the game last night.

>> No.9109317

30 here, replaying wild arms 2

>> No.9109354
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31. in the middle of a parasite eve 2 playthrough. (i dont want to rate it because i'll get flamed either way)
also playing space megaforce (snes) on a handheld emu. (very fun 4/5)

>> No.9109481

I don't think that's a bad thing really
Spend first half of life evaluating entertainment, spend second half enjoying your curated list of good stuff

>> No.9109790

It’s the opposite for me. Replaying games feels like more of a waste of time than “consooming” new ones. I have found a ton of new games that I absolutely love over the years by doing this.

>> No.9109921

i play old games but with modern modded content. it's incredible that there are extremely active communities for 20+ year old games. i actually have too much content and constantly feel guilty about not giving them all enough time, the same way people feel about their steam libraries

>> No.9110078

Been playing Okami. I like a lot about it, but hate the expository character Issue. I also am annoyed that it wrenches control away for a cutscene every few minutes. I really dislike games that have such constant removal of control from the player.

>> No.9110084

Dungeon Keeper is my all time favourite PC game. Glad you're hooked on it.

>> No.9110430

I really don't enjoy replaying games at all anymore, or rewatching shows/movies. If I already know what happens I don't really get any enjoyment out of it, so I just play games I haven't already played before. It's also why I try and avoid spoilers for newer games if stuff leaks.

>> No.9110454

I spent a lot of time the past year playing new (to me) old games. There's still lots of gems I havent played yet and it's been mostly a good time.
One of my favs was Dynamite Headdy.
I havent re-played an old game in a long long time, I think i'd still have fun re-playing something like mega man, but I can't say until I try. I definitely do have the mindset "why re-play something i beat?" but i like to believe they're still fun replaying

>> No.9110495

33. I beat Final Fantasy Adventure -- fucking awesome game. I also beat the original Air Combat aka Ace Combat 1 on my PS2. Plays pretty damn well and its easy to see how it started a whole series.

>> No.9110770

Nah new games suck ass

>> No.9111209

Go to bed grandpa.

>> No.9111248

I've been watching arcade longplays on YouTube because too tired for video games.

>> No.9111262

I'm a single parent to two young kids and a full time job so I barely get any time nowadays, but I've been playing OpenTTD when I can recently.

>> No.9111624

When I say “new” I mean a game I’ve never played before. Release date has nothing to do with it.

>> No.9111703
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I've had realtively free week this time, so I can actually participate in this thread this time.
Fisherman's Bait 2 and 3 - cool fishing game. Has a lot of colorful and weird fishes. The third part is straight on acid. It was mentioned somewhere on /vr/ that it is the only fishing game where you can actually die.
Also started Ghost Vibration. Can't say it is very good, but it is definitely an interesting and quite unique game, plus it is rather easy with several hacks and savestates applied, so I guess I'll complete it once I'll have some more free time.

>> No.9111732

So now you're mansplaining to me?

>> No.9112924

I wouldn’t have to if you weren’t such a dumb broad.

>> No.9112973

It was when the old rules were applied, but with PS2 and GC being retro I would say it's 52% 30+ and 40% 23-29 and 8% 20 and below. Then again i would say the thread posting is not as bad as other places can be.

>> No.9112978

Persona 2, Strange Journey and Soul Hackers.

>> No.9113934

>Stalker soc
>aram in league

>> No.9113952

>humoring trannies

>> No.9114295

I’m playing as Chris and I forgot how difficult his scenario is early on when you only have the pistol. They throw a shitload more zombies at you that you’re pretty much forced to clear out of the narrow upstairs hallways.

>> No.9114468
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got my hands on a Plus disk a while back, I just can't let this game go. too many good hours split screen. miss those times.

Played a bit of original Pikmin on/off the last few weeks. Recently been thinking a lot about snowboard kids 1 on N64.

>> No.9114482

30, no interest in playing any games whatsoever.

>> No.9114491
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Kya: Dark Lineage. It's a great game, beautiful environments, loaded with soul. The parts where you snowboard down the tree branches like /asp/ Tarzan are really fun and I like the parts where you freefall and have to dodge shit, go through tunnels, just breathtaking. I have run into a couple glitches but that sort of thing just amuses me rather than pisses me off. This is why I still play retro games, this was ignored when it came out and rather than pretend I'm having fun with some shitty new game I can go back and discover something actually good when the industry was in a better more fertile place.

>> No.9114493

>/asp/ Tarzan
Whoops, forgot that stuff got moved to /xs/.

>> No.9114537


Metaquarius is a hell of a hacker, but I'm not really 100% sure how much I'm liking this hack. Item locations seem really arbitrary and fuck-you levels of hidden, and shit such as killing kraid to get a RESERVE TANK of all things just seems like a huge middle finger.

>> No.9114964

Wrong board, Desmond is Amazing.

>> No.9115034

World of Warcraft PvP, if not i'm primarily playing indie Switch games

>> No.9115053

kind of feel this too, especially with indie games. they've gotten more elaborate.

It's the "AAA" cinematic experience games that don't do anything for me, but outside of that there's plenty of new stuff to love

>> No.9115071

Halfway in between this for me. I don't like replaying games I've beaten before, even if I haven't gotten 100% on them. However, games that I have played before that hacks and mods exist for are something I specifically enjoy.

>> No.9115078

Sonic 3 & Knuckles 5/10
Castlevania Symphony of the Night 6/10
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 2/10
MGS 8/10

Started emulating out of nostalgia and went back to play Sonic. It was good. Kind of boring but very solid at what it does. I love the atmosphere and the music, but the levels are kind of shit. I just wanna go fast.

Took a break and played sotn. Very hyped up game. It was okay. Too easy, but I liked it. I'd probably play it again and recommend it to people.

MGS still holds up well. It's a good game, but at the time it was the greatest thing I'd ever seen. There's way more cutscenes and codec calls than I remember. I didn't really listen to what a lot of the bosses have to say after you beat them, and I regret that. I think they're a big part of what makes the game special. Also, I saved Otacon, not Meryl, which I always do so I can have some fun with stealth on my second playthrough. I regret not saving Meryl, because I don't think I'll be jumping back in any time soon.

Ordered a 6 button controller so I could play mk3 and sf2 properly. The one I got didn't work on my pi4. I thought it would be USB, but it was the 9 pin type. I ordered a 9 pin to USB adapter cable. That didn't work. So I ordered two more controllers instead. They worked. I played mk3 for about ten minutes before realizing that fighting games are really only fun against friends. Spent about 60 or 70 euros on controllers to reach that conclusion. At least I have proper controllers for mega drive now.

I did play and beat Golden Axe by myself too though, that was fun. I won't rate it because it's a short game and I can beat it with my eyes closed at this point.

Anyone use Recalbox? Any tips for properly setting up controllers they don't properly recognize?

>> No.9116243

32 played Jet Set Radio on Steam finally and I can say that while the controls are not the best and it does have a bit of a curve learning a few things. It's surprisingly a solid game overall that I can understand why many people like it. The Cell shading and absolute show off trick moves are interesting and the button presses are simple enough to be able to do things well. Also the music and the characters make it lively. I hope that someday JSF remake happens or a spiritual successor series comes out for Jet Set Radio.

>> No.9116281
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Symphony of the Night is an exploration and mild puzzle game, once you beat it once there's not much else to it. Same as all the other metroidvania type games. Randomizers make it challenging, but the combat is piss easy and will always be piss easy unless you gimp yourself. It is what it is. The music is pretty rad, though.

Speaking of randomizers, I've been fucking around with Zelda 2 and Link to the Past randomizers. Makes it insane. Zelda 2 is tough as shit and holds up far better than most other NES games. Haven't bothered with Zelda 1 randomizers yet.

>> No.9116620

Update: watching all those old arcade playthroughs inspired me to get various classic snk fightan games up & running on my computer and I had a pretty good time playing some of those again.

>> No.9116679

Jsrf was disappointing for me.

It's good to see a thread dedicated to true retro gamers. I havent played a retro game in some time. I guess steams dragons Trap was the last one I finished which was fun but I did not like the new art or music.
Post your 10second 100m dash anon.

>> No.9116685
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Been replaying Final Fantasy 7. I keep forgetting how goofy this game really is. I mean look at this. Don Corneo kidnapped a federal agent and a teenager and strapped them onto a mountain so he could fuck them upside down on the face of Wutai ancestors. Why do this? This is the sort of insanity that could only exist in the 90s and I kind of miss it

>> No.9116696

Indie games are just worthless

>> No.9116725

dont forget the part where the protagonist is anally raped in a hot tub by a group of naked strongmen.

>> No.9117408

I would love to see some regular posts about the glory days of bulletin board systems, text adventure games, and games that weren't focused on graphics.

>> No.9117412


>> No.9117434

I've been playing Sim City 2000. Been enjoying it since it came out. I usually run VLC player with the soundtrack from a few versions of the games soundtrack going in the background.

>> No.9117453
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I've been playing Linda Cubed. Panheim is a man after my own heart.

>> No.9117512
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quake 2 RTX, quake, and doom 1/2

on a retro shooter binge at the moment.

>> No.9117531

this is why i say new-to-me when i try to say that. makes it very clear you're talking about old game i never played before

>> No.9117542
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reminds me of these two in Nonomura Byouin

>> No.9117550
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>> No.9117574
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My jolly African-American

>> No.9118728

Synchronicity, anon. I got killed by the hunters after seeing Enrico last night too, because I also didn't bring my shotgun. It's also my first time playing. I'm bringing the grenade launcher this time.

Except I'm playing the HD remaster. Because I'm still incredibly young and zoomerlike at the tender age of 28.

>> No.9118862

If I can ask what made JSRF bad? Did it not have better tricks, better controls and more stuff to do? Or was it just barely an upgrade to the original?

>> No.9118889

been fiddling with arcade pcb lately
got one of my igs pgm boards to come back to life

the list:
DoDonPachi DaiOuJou
gals panic
king of fighters 97
king of fighters 98
king of fighters 99
king of fighters 2000
king of fighters 2001
samurai shodown IV: fuckys revenge

got the neo mvs carts for less than $30 a cart from a cool local seller

>> No.9118959
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37, Italian in Pianura Padana, playing Parasite Eve 3rd Birthday on PSvita, really enjoying it, feels like a really light Monster Hunter. I don't care about the lore of the game.

Also playing on Psvita Silent Hill Shattered Memories, i thought that a silent hill NOT developed by Team Silent could only be a tragic mistake. But this games is actually interesting in a complete different way. Not bad.

>> No.9119074

I'm playing Meikyuu no Fukkatsu. I played it years ago but I have literal brain damage because reasons and can't remember the game too well (or any of the puzzle solutions) so it's basically like playing for the first time all over again.

>> No.9119079

Oh, and rating: 10/10. Great friggin' game.

Also Italian, but living abroad now.

>> No.9119782


Just bought System Shock and Elden Ring, but also need to finish Final Fantasy 7, but I don't entirely remember where I'm at in it, it's been awhile. Contemplating getting Planescape: Torment when it goes on sale, but am not sure if its just a meme or not.

also continuing my eternal addictions to Oldschool Runescape and World of Warcraft (MoP pserver for pvp)

>> No.9119919

Planescape is great. Stop buying old games, you aren't supporting anyone but whatever retard bought the rights 20 years later for a few cents in an estate sale.

>> No.9119934

im game genie-ing the fuck out of Legend of the Mystical Ninja. -Its actually amazing. there are so many arcade games hidden within the game and the ability to play them, gamble, and be reckless with stuff is awesome with the cheats.

>> No.9119990
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I'm looking at RTS games because I haven't played many but haven't actually picked one up yet
DQ1 ruined JRPGs for me, it's so fucking good. Solo battles and the world progressing make for such a nice, tight experience. Can't go back to 4 player party after that.

>> No.9120198
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I've been playing pic related. Barely retro but within the rules.

>bullshit difficulty
>bugs up the ass
>braindead teammates

For some reason it's become one of my favorite games, I've been playing it for 2 weeks now, cant stop.

>> No.9120257

Planescape is best when you get into the setting.
The Sigil cant can be a bit overwhelming at first and you can easily get an information overload, so I would've recommended you to read the tabletop campaign setting a little bit, maybe just the player's primer to the planes. It's a fantastic read by itself.

>> No.9120425

oh and I'm 33.

>> No.9120932

Elden ring, it just reminded me why I prefer old games.

>> No.9121284

Always wanted to play that series.

>> No.9121290

FF9. SM64. Seaman. Shenmue.
10/10, all three.
Well, so far in FF9 anyway. I've beaten the others but not that one.

>> No.9121292

I live around mexicans and can confirm beaners do this all the time.

>> No.9121340

It felt bigger, more open worldy. I think. It's been a long time and while it had good music I just felt it was worse in almost every way. If you're an Aussie vr poster I could give you my copy on xbox.

>> No.9121864
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I'm in the 4th one now (Or part 1 of the 4th one anyway; it was sold in two parts) and it's really come a long way, feels like a basic SNES RPG.
They still had to do something weird with the combat though -- 4 went with an ATB system like Final Fantasy (they call it "AIR - Advance In Realtime") except you have to manually move the cursor to the character you want to act and press a button to initiate their menu, and you can't do either of those things while an enemy is attacking, so it's this game of trying to get a character selected during the windows between enemy turns

>> No.9121872
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I read so much bad shit about the panzer dragoon remake that I had to play it when I saw it was $3 on PSN. The music is awesome and the gameplay is mostly like I remember the original. The graphics are not as much of an improvement as you'd expect in 25 years, but they were some of the best when they came out so that's fine. Wort $3 to say I've run through the game twice and will likely never play again.

>> No.9121873

Video games only barely manage to stave off the depression I'm in because adventures aren't real and if they were I'm too old to have any
>inb4 going camping or being a tourist somewhere is an adventure
I've been sad over this since do was a kid and I'll never get over it.

>> No.9122010

Runescape and Parasite Eve 2, two best games ever made.

>> No.9122047

Finally, most people hear that DQ has no party members or that because DQ 1 is really old it's shit but far from it, finished it a couple of months ago and it's was great, couldn't finish DQ 2 after getting the ship.

Playing Megaman Battle Network right now, great game and fantastic pixel art.

>> No.9122994

36 here, 'bout to blow the dust off the ole N64 and get my Shadows of the Empire jiggy on. Might pull out Banjo Kazooie, never did finish the game.

>> No.9123001
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>30+ thread, what have you been playing this week so far? Give it a quick rate too.
sega collection on Nintendo Switch.
then Resident evil 2 Reemake.

>> No.9123031

Is pe2 better than 1

>> No.9123054

i'm coming back from vacation so nothing /vr/ related unfortunately.

>> No.9123113

You have my attention. I'll give it a run later.

>> No.9123323
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Turned 34 on 24th July... been playing the BG Dark Alliance 2 re-release

It's ok, low effort port with a major game breaking bug still there

>> No.9124402

New to the club, 31. I've been playing the Live A Live remake and currently replaying Soul Reaver 1.

>> No.9124406
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24 just bought puyo puyo fever and I love it

>> No.9125615

Bring back booth babes.

>> No.9125717

this tbdesu, also nice alliteration

>> No.9125723

Castlevania harmony of dissonance
6/10 its too easy even easier than symphony of the night but still fub

>> No.9125730

After more than 20 years, I'm replaying Pokemon Crystal. I had forgotten I hated the fact there is hardly any evolution stone and the earlier game[up to gym 5] has more Kanto pokemon that requires stone to evolve than Johto pokemon. Fuck that really sucks.

>> No.9126012

Me again. Went with Age of Empires 2, it's pretty fun so far. Trebuchets are OP.

>> No.9126136

they should make a game like earthbound but you're a middle aged balding man and everytime you go outside you get interrogated and harassed by people for not just staying inside all day and you're treated like a freak for using the sidewalk and the only other things you encounter are enemies who want your wallet haha that'd be a crazy world

>> No.9126436

I know in Uncharted Waters 2, Pietro Conti is a one of the 6 characters you can play and he's 30+ years old. Haven't played the game in 5 years so I don't remember much other than that.

>> No.9126476

Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

>> No.9127117

starcraft64, fzero x and cubivore


>> No.9128093

38 here. Going through smt iv at the moment. Would definitely recommend.

>> No.9128425
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Old bros I did it.
After gathering parts and watching many videos I set upon the task of fixing my old PS2 and I DID IT!
I'll hook this up to my CRT later but for now HOLY FUCK I CAN PLAY RAD AGAIN.

>> No.9128501
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Sounds like you should play this on it

>> No.9128539

Noice, my ps2 in my closet, but too lazy to hook it up, i wanted to replay RAD recently but it runs really bad on pcsx2 with my potato, nice game, have fun!

>> No.9129213

I've been replaying SMB3 on GBA. Just got a physical cart with the 38 e-reader levels included.

>> No.9129237

late happy birthday, bros. I was also born the 24th

>> No.9129659

Finally ODE modded my Dreamcast but the fan is starting to get on my nerves. So now I ordered a fan replacement. I've been playing some legacy of kain soul reaver on the dreamcast, still one of the all time greats.

>> No.9129661

I love this game. Especially the colors, the artstyle and surfing levels.

>> No.9129665

Replaying Witcher 2. I'm going to try and play the other branching path. It still looks incredible.

>> No.9129698

cant handle the damn noise, gonna wait til I get my fan mod before I continue

>> No.9131303

Too bad the choice didn't mean shit in the third game.

>> No.9131331

You can keep Letho alive and he'll help you in 3.

>> No.9131959

Just get the numbers of the trainers who give them to you or just play HGSS kek

>> No.9133120 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9133317

Going through ys1 and I will beat dark fact. 10/10, give bump combat a chance!
Also got a PC engine mini, can't say much on it as I'm just getting used to it.

>> No.9133719

and when are you going to grow up and at least stop playing child games?

>> No.9133871


>> No.9133895 [DELETED] 

Damn, millennials are just sad.

>> No.9134003 [DELETED] 
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Zoom off.

>> No.9135049
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just finished Banjo Kazooie for the first time 98/100 jiggies & all notes. Game was carried by good sound design and music. Some really awful platforming but all around fun game.

>> No.9135091

What are adult games

>> No.9135136


>> No.9135158

nah im playin checkers

>> No.9135169
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>> No.9135416

41 yo. It's much better than MGS4 and Death Stranding so far. Can't rate it cos i haven't finished it.
Also slowly chipping away at Kirby on NES. I'm playing it with an emulator overclocked, the slowdown was atrocious but it's ok with the overclock.
I like that more than terranigma to be completely honest. It's by the same director as Actraiser/Soul Blazer/Gaia and the first 2 Ys games. The translation is really bad though, some of the sentences make no sense at all.

>> No.9135418

My edit somehow mangled my first sentence

*41 yo, i'm playing MGSV.

>> No.9135578
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DDS1+2 and the PS2 Raidou games my dude

>> No.9135597
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39 here
Gain Ground (MD) - Can't stop playing this send help
Bunch of PC Engine stuff - got a chinky flash cart recently
Persona 5 (PS3) - It's fine but I'm sick of modern Tokyo, I much prefer rural Japan (Persona 4, visual novels)
Iron Storm (SAT) - hard as balls

>> No.9136254

Amug us.

>> No.9136414

34 next week
Resident Evil Director's Cut -clown farts edition
7/10 aside from that one track in the kitchen, I really like the rest of the soundtrack.
When are you going to stop larping and move out of your parents' house?

>> No.9137059

going on a Gamecube session today with family. F-zero, Melee, Monkey Ball 2, Baldurs Gate. Mario Golf, OG Animal Crossing yessss

>> No.9137096

Anybody here played the Extreme G games for the gamecube? Watching videos they look like fun.

>> No.9137619

so i didn't have any Gamecube controllers, but you can run Nintendont on a softmod wii, this lets you use the classic controller or any USB HID one which is pretty cool. I've had the same WIi since launch and I put a chip in it back then to play backup discs. Thanks for reading. Can;t believe how good the games look after 20 years, esp on a decent CRT (Magnavox 80)