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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9101108 No.9101108 [Reply] [Original]

If you were a Sonic fan and owned a Gamecube back in the day, you were able to play:

>Sonic 2
>Sonic 3
>Sonic & Knuckles
>Sonic CD
>Sonic Spinball
>Sonic 3D Blast
>Sonic (8bit)
>Sonic 2 (8bit)
>Sonic Chaos
>Sonic Drift
>Sonic Drift 2
>Sonic Triple trouble
>Tails Sky Patrol
>Tails Adventure
>Sonic Labyrinth
>Sonic Blast
>Mean Bean Machine
>Sonic R
>Sonic the Fighters
>Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Sonic Heroes
>Shadow the Hedgehog
>Sonic Riders

When Sega went third party, they brought literally every Sonic game that existed at the time (plus a few goodies like Ristar and Comix Zone) to the Gamecube except for Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic Shuffle, and 3 random old-ass arcade games that nobody cares about anyway. I had all of these on Gamecube and loved the hell out of them at the time.

It's a shame what's happened to Sega. Now they can't even release a decent collection of Sonic 1-3 without fucking it up.

>> No.9101115

Its one of those instances were 4chan's newfound love for arguing about boomer/zoomer/millennial childhoods is completely blown the fuck out, because every zoomer born 1996-1999 was able to grow up with basically the entire library of sonic on one console, hell the console that should've had the mario library on it. Sonic owned the gamecube and it was amazing.
How they're unable to do this again, a simple drag and drop over some roms in an emulator and call it a day, is baffling.

>> No.9101136

I also had the Mega Man collection :)

Zelda, Zelda 2, Ocarina of Time, and I think even Majora's Mask were on Gamecube too if you had that one special collectors disk (but I didn't have it). Otherwise Zelda, Zelda 2 and Link to the Past were on GBA which is how I played them (or emulators).

All of the Mario games were on GBA. I had all stars on SNES.

>> No.9101158

I thought we were anti-emulators now.
Unfortunately Sonic Origins sucks, but if it were just roms, we'd call it a lazy cash grab.

>> No.9101169

yes i borrowed the special edition disk as a kid and got to play majora and ocarina, great shit.
Funny nintendo didn't even try to put any classic mario games on gamecube, meanwhile we were blessed with mega man, zelda, sonic, and i think there were other collections but im forgetting.

>> No.9101195
File: 76 KB, 640x480, 6CB1793D-91F8-40BC-8B76-C144330DF47E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny nintendo didn't even try to put any classic mario games on gamecube
They were too busy putting them all on the GBA (1 and lost levels were part of the NES/Famicom mini series)

>> No.9101243

1996 = millennial

>> No.9101256

baffling why nintendo even did this, not like the gamecube was a failure right away.

>> No.9101275

Don't lump me in with those faggots. Don't lump me in with the zoomers either.

Just call me the Beyblade generation.

>> No.9101292

>the beyblade generation
i like this, we're the beyblade generation now.

>> No.9101304

Old enough to remember CRT's, young enough for Halo 3.
Old enough to remember VHS, young enough for Linkin Park Transformers.
Old enough to remember homophobia, young enough for globohomo high school.
Old enough to remember Newgrounds, young enough to have played LoL in high school.

>> No.9101342

i refer you to this fella's statement >>9101275
don't lump us in to either generation, we're like the gray area, the weird freakazoids that live in the twilight between.
Beyblade generation, anything but zoomer/millennial.

>> No.9101349

>Old enough to remember homophobia, young enough for globohomo high school.
Ouch, you hit the nail on the head. I miss the good old days. Here, I've got one more for ya
>Old enough to remember retro games being cheaper than dirt, young enough to not be able to afford retro games because they're expensive.

>> No.9101351
File: 35 KB, 640x480, F0E8621D-55DA-4D55-8E6C-11E5E7D12A4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the gamecube game

>> No.9101360

I remember being like, i think, 12 or 13, going to a gameshop that was here and being told i was never going to be able to afford a copy of FF7.
No idea why he even told me that, i dont think it was expensive back then given its a $30 game now. It mightve been sealed and i just couldn't tell, but that game shop sold me animal crossing for $20 among some other stuff, they also had OG consoles for very very cheap.
We dont even have normal department stores here anymore kek zero places to pick up videogames physically.
I need to play it sometime, saw it in magazines back in the day but never bought it.

>> No.9101394

>Old enough to remember homophobia, young enough for globohomo high school.

I went from hating the LGBT, to falling for the “they just want to marry” lie, to full on hating them more than ever.

>> No.9101420
File: 49 KB, 561x546, 9BD2C426-9304-4463-8684-5A59EC57D541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? You can draw a direct line back to 2015 and blame them for literally everything going to shit after that. It's really funny actually.

I'm still mad that they tried to claim Yoshi as theirs. Also Sylveon.

>> No.9101426

It was only after these games hit the gamecube did the sonic fandom develop a reputation for being weird.

>> No.9101429

>Tails Sky Patrol
>loved the hell out of them


>> No.9101695

Based. Mid-90s babies unite

>> No.9101748

>baffling why nintendo even did this, not like the gamecube was a failure right away.

Because people were willing to pay $30 for ports of those games, where as Sega cheapened sonics brand.

>> No.9101752

These compilations were fun, but bow I can recognize them as flawed and imperfect. Coming off Sonic Jam's excellent ports really made them pale in comparison. Once I discovered emulators these became sort of a convenient way to show off these games on a TV more than anything.

>> No.9102545

Same and I'm gay

>> No.9102548
File: 43 KB, 300x500, Jam_protada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's Jam.

>> No.9102596

don't forget GBA support
>Sonic Advance
>Sonic Advance 2
>Sonic Battle
>Sonic Advance 3

>> No.9102702

>They were too busy putting them all on the GBA (1 and lost levels were part of the NES/Famicom mini series)
not to mention the excellent Super Mario Bros Deluxe had come out for Game Boy Color back in 1999(and would remain reasonably easy to find at retail for several years after the GBA launch like a lot of the better GBC titles), which is probably why the Advance series starts with 2 instead

>I liked the gamecube game
my older brother won a copy of that game at an actual official Beyblade Tournament they held at Downtown Disney

>> No.9102721 [DELETED] 

Based Sega Saturn enjoyer.

>> No.9103510

never understood why the adventure games werent on ps2
would have been epic considering unleashed was on there (the version was great)
i guess you could play all the gc games and unleashed on a wii

>> No.9103513

You could play all /vr/ Zelda games on the Gamecube with the help of GB player

>> No.9103657

Well it's no real surprise that a lot of Sonic fans only became Sonic fans through Sonic Adventure 2 getting a port on the Gamecube, plus Sonic Gems Collection giving a small history lesson.

>> No.9105347

This proved just how much SEGA never liked Sonic
If they cared they'd never team up with Shitendo, gatekeeped all of their older games to only be played on OG hardware, and only would then hire Taxman to remake them from the ground up on Sony Hardware to make sure virgins didn't ruin the series with their autism.