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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 256x224, Shining_Force_2_The_Sword_of_Hajya_SGG_ScreenShot1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
909542 No.909542 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out this title was recently added to nintendo's eshop! Should all totally get it!
Shining Force thread!!

>> No.909547

Favorite character in the series? Mine's Gerhalt

>> No.909557
File: 29 KB, 256x192, godot-damage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. This'll tide me over until I repair my Mega CD.

>> No.909563

AWWW YEA. Never played the gamegear one.

>> No.909569

is final conflict on there? if not i don't care

>> No.909574

Always found it weird how they only localized the second part of the story.
People who never played the first Gaiden (or CD), will have a hard time understanding a lot of references in this.

>> No.909596

i agree. But i think people should buy this to generate sales for a possible new game. Wouldn't that be nice? A new shining force that's turnbased strat?

>> No.909603

Am i the only person who loved SF1 but hated SF2?

>> No.909606

Or a port of Shining Force 3 in its entirety.

>> No.909607

No, you aren't the only one

>> No.909612

>shining force 3 hd remake
ha, i can dream can't i?

>> No.909627

There's a shining force 3?
Is it good?

>> No.909648

Are you kidding?
In the off chance you're being serious, yes, it's considered the best one. It's for sega saturn, split into three parts, parts 2 and 3 are japan only, but there's a translation patch.
Get it now and play it.

>> No.909738

Oh man, my favorite game was the 3rd one, masqurin was my waifu

>> No.909752
File: 106 KB, 319x617, mywaifusarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having Sarah from Shining Force 2 as your waifu

>> No.909756

Sword of Hajya is one of the few eShop purchases I don't regret. I hope Sega will port over the original game as well.

>> No.909763
File: 461 KB, 800x800, KazinSarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever played Shining Wisdom? She ends up with Kazin.

>> No.909875
File: 32 KB, 200x201, euuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading a review on the game I decided to play it. It is very good, considering it was on the game gear.


>> No.909897

Domingo and Peter are the best.

>> No.910108

>Forced to marry that &%^$&%$ princess instead of Sarah.

I nearly tossed my damn controller.

>> No.910119

>but there's a translation patch.
wait... there is?
I thought there still wasn't
when did this come out?

>> No.910164

I've never actually played the shining force series because I never liked SRPGs that much... is it worth playing even with that in mind?

>> No.910176

like 2 years ago

>> No.910178

ever play shining force 2? she ends up with kazin.
Though if you play the europe version of wisdom which is the proper translation, she's miserable

>> No.910209

2 years ago, though i think not all of it was finished then, but now it's all done, though they claim they're still proofreading it making it perfect. Also they're making a patch for Feather
if you don't like them then no. don't play them. Though you could try shining in the darkness, it's a dungeon crawler

>> No.910341

can't wait for the feather translation

>> No.910365

Bullshit, there's no translation.

>> No.910370

no you shouldn't buy some kilobytes

>> No.910376

well... I heard that SF is different than most SRPGs though... what I really hate about SRPGs is that they are allways just fight and story, fight, story, to me it feels like there is no actual RPG in most SRPGs

>> No.910389


Really? Tell more.

>> No.910390

oh well there's exploration between fights. and secret characters and stuff

>> No.910418


that website was actually my captcha, believe it or not

>> No.910424

i almost beat shining in the darkness and then something happend to the games memory and i lost it all. i think my little brother has that game now, fuckin pack rat

>> No.910450

why are you linking me?

>> No.910523

urrrm... why is the patch... an exe?...

>> No.910568

i felt like it. you were the chosen one
you have to take the iso image (or a copy of the actual game disc) and it uses isoburn or somethin to create a file that you add to you iso/cue.
fuck i cant remember exactly. i believe theres instructions that tell on that site

theres also a website where someones doing a translation of the saturn version of policenauts
also dragon force 2

>> No.910584


What was that you were saying?

>> No.910594

didn't i already post that website earlier in this thread?

>> No.911045

Just bought it. Seems really cool. I'm mad as fuck that Sega has a better emulator than Nintendo's own GB games though. get your shit together for christs sake nintendo. Holy shit.

>> No.911068

It stands alone well enough. All the important plot points from previous installments are more or less explained in-game, as I recall.

>> No.911531

>people are buying a game gear game more than a sonic game?
>we need the call of duty audience

and then a sonic fps reboot involving a japanese soldier with a skin disease that can run a little faster than everyone else sells millions of map packs

it gets 10/10 everywhere for being a AAA cinematic roller coaster ride experience

>> No.911550
File: 22 KB, 240x160, 1373939402923[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I just beat Shining Force Resurrection of the Dark Dragon/notretro

I had fun with it, and I'm planning to play more. I'm going to play Shining Force CD after this, and maybe Final Conflict? I've heard Final Conflict is a direct continuity from the side stories and SF1, but its music and graphics seem a little... Underwhelming.

Is it a good entry in the series or should I just skip it?

>> No.911556

if you like the series then play final conflict, it's gamegear graphics. and it's areas and music from shining force 2. I'd say play shining force cd then shining force 2 then final conflict

>> No.911603

I know a lot of people have had trouble getting the patch to work. So here's a torrent of the whole game, pre-patched.


Also, Medion is best protag. Just sayin'.

>> No.911670


All you need to know is what they tell you: in the first game, Prince Nick went to fight Iom but had his right hand petrified, so he can no longer wield the Sword of Hajya. In the Sword of Hajya game, you play as the soldiers who guard the sword, as Prince Nick goes out in search of a cure with members of the previous game

>> No.911682

and it never explains how he got it cured, but somehow it was all according to plan

>> No.911707


I guess it's easy to miss but that is part of the story.

Near the end, when the Shining Force defeats Warderer, Hindel releases Prince Nick (who they were going to sacrifice) and reveals he is actually Deanna's brother working as a double agent. With Warderer defeated, the curse that petrified Nick's right hand is lifted and he can wield the Sword of Hajya once more.

>> No.911716

which is odd because it's like nick planned all this shit.

>> No.911723

I wonder if Final Conflict will ever make it there. It didn't even appear on CD.

>> No.911746

I think Sonic was the old name for Camelot Software Planning who made the Golden Sun games. My interest is piqued.

>> No.911749

Final Conflict kind of deserves a remake, too bad it'll never happen in a million years.

>> No.911782

They all do, even the first one though it got a GBA remake.

Just put them all in the same package akin to FFIV PSP and we're fine.

>> No.911810

SEGA would never do that unless someone gave them an engine to use.

They really hate money.

>> No.911927

it will not because it doesn't have a translation

>> No.911954
File: 17 KB, 1280x960, Shining force cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worst Shining force.

>> No.911985
File: 102 KB, 450x488, sf-moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly LOVING this game myself. I wish SF CD wasn't so expensive. So I bought SF 3 instead...

>> No.911991
File: 37 KB, 320x240, 1368814699298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you love Shining Soul 1&2 and got into the other Shining games because of them but everyone hates you for it

>> No.911994
File: 64 KB, 464x482, sf-sarah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't the Europe translation the more accurate one?

I heard the US wasn't as good and it's canon that Sarah doesn't reciprocate Kazin's feelings

>> No.912026


>> No.912070

looks like people are having trouble with ose pre-patched ones also

>> No.912079

As long as you didn't start with Shining Bread & Waifus, I'm ok with that.

>> No.912104


Anyway as for me my first was Force I. I didn't even know it was a tactical RPG until the first battle.

>> No.912105

why would anyone hate you for that?
I think you are exaggerating... most people don't care about things like that

>> No.912140
File: 116 KB, 500x574, ShiningHearts[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, bread making is a thing in the most recent Shining games.
Anyway, not retro.

I think I started with Shining in the Darkness when I was a kid. I remember it being hard as hell and I never finished it (and later traded it for Sonic & Knuckles...).
My first "real" Shining play was with SF3, and I still have the original game. Fucking loved it.

>> No.912168

Remember how /v/ was?
This is why we left.

>> No.912170

Ya know, I enjoy good bread. And I'm totally on board with Tony Taka's lovely ladies baking some. But dammit, why must they keep putting the Shining name on things that have no connection to Force/in the Darkness. Get Hiroshi Kajiyama back in the artist's chair and Masahiko Yoshimura in the recording studio and make a real Shining game if you're gonna slap the brand on there.

>> No.912175
File: 490 KB, 250x189, ika_pfft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good thing about the current Shining games are Tony Taka's boner-inducing art.

>> No.912179

...and people complain about Toriyama's sameface characters.

>> No.912184
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, marki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiroshi Kajiyama

Oh baby.

>> No.912206

Actually, get Masahiko Yoshimura, Motoi Sakuraba, and Kikuta Hiroki to all collaborate on the music. They're all veterans of the franchise (and the music was the only good part of the ones Kikuta worked on) so between them, they should produce a pretty epic score.

>> No.912224


Just hire Camelot and make it a 3DS/Wii U exclusive for it to work.

And no. Keep Tony Taka on. Just pressure him to make more original, non-fanservicey designs with more diverse facial features - at LEAST on the level of Attack on Titan if not something like 20th Centry Boys.

Also bring Phantasy Star's Rieko Kodama on board to make things interesting.

>> No.912239

They're recognizable. The guy's got a very distinct and memorable style.

AFAIK Tony Taka's style is exactly the same as Ragnarok's.

>> No.912251

camelot is too busy making mario sports games these days, since Golden Sun 2 completely bombed it's pretty unlikely we will ever see another RPG from them

>> No.912256

golden sun 3 I meant

>> No.912265


That's a good thing, since the stories of Golden Sun 1 and 2 were absolute garbage, and Dark Dawn was even worse.

>> No.912417

I thought GS1 was pretty good. I just couldn't stand the padded dialogue and EZ MODO battles. If someone could just hack those two flaws, it would be amazing.

>> No.912453

How good is the Genesis Emulator on PSP? I've been thinking of trying out a few SF games but I don't want to play on a shitty emulator plus I don't know what games to get on it at all.

>> No.912480

It's really...really good. It even emulates Sega CD if you want to play some SFCD.

>> No.912613

You could also play the Shining Force remake for the GBA, which I hear runs pretty great on PSP.

>> No.912652


Who is the artist of this by the way? Tried to image reverse search it, but no results.

>> No.914067

Yes. Yes it was, they made The shining series which is most known for shining force.

>> No.914071

Camelot said they'd be on board to make another shining force if sega was willing

>> No.914078

... So it'll never happen then.

>> No.914265

Of course. Because what's his face, sawada, thinks americans called him gay when we tried to get the two companies back together

>> No.914272

Yea that whole thing was really weird.
>talk to camelot
"Hell yea sounds great we'd love to work on this series again."
>talk to sega of america
"sounds fantastic but we can't make the decision"
>talk to sega of japan

Like seriously they thought were were insulting them. Wierdest misunderstanding ever.

>> No.914276

Why is it impossible for Sega America and Sega Japan to get along?

>> No.915174
File: 66 KB, 296x167, 630-1352895025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma let you finish, but Motoaki Takenouchi was the best Shining Force musician of all time. OF ALL TIME. Just listen to dat shrine music:


God damn you people, how can you allow such an oversight? He only did the amazing soundtracks for SFII and the first two GG games + CD. Sakuraba did good work for III, but it's genuinely unmemorable compared to what's in SFII or, from around that time, FFT.

And Tony Taka can suck it. He's gotten lazy and basically does borderline hentai for a killing, while other doujinshi artists have their work cut out doing interesting, novel illustrations all the time.

This needs to be fixed somehow, if ever at all. They're kind enough to put Shining Force games on the VC but not enough to do something about III? God, there's no hope for SoJ. Forever fucked up.

>> No.915262

Pretty sure that was just trolls on 2chan pretending to be sega employees.

>> No.915698

no. that was our response to sending emails to sega of japan.
the SOS campaign

>> No.915706

It was Sawada's official twitter.

>> No.918540
File: 24 KB, 256x224, shiningforceswordofhajya.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this game looks terrible, is this really the best the 3ds can do?

>> No.918571

No, but it IS the best the Game Gear could do ~20 years ago (holy shit I feel old now). It's just an emulation, not a remake.

>> No.918592
File: 32 KB, 360x270, sforcecd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game Gear was basically just a portable sega master system.

Play Shining Force CD instead. It's the whole GG series remade with better graphics, sound and music.

>> No.918630

>better music
Understatement of the century. Shining Force CD's soundtrack is orgasmic.

>> No.918641

Shining Force 2 was pretty amazing when I played it as a kid. The only JRPG that I liked (didnt had random battles).

Really, I had this friend who played tons of JRPGs on playstation 1 and I tried to play those but couldnt. Every two steps you had a random useless battle that you couldnt even avoid. At least all SF2 battles were set at specific places and didnt happen all the fucking time.

>> No.918732

Sounds like you're a fan of SRPGs.

>> No.918918


Actually the Game Gear had superior hardware to the SMS, that is why it was able to play games using an SMS converter, but no such device existed to play Game Gear games on an SMS. It wasn't capable of playing Game Gear games at all.

>> No.919915

there was a converter actually

>> No.920054

Could be. I played, I think, Tactics Ogre, and I quite liked it.
BTW, anyone knows good SRPG titles that I should play?
AFAIK some of the best were tactics ogre and final fantasy tactics

>> No.920060

Is there a game gear emulator for the GBA?

>> No.920167

Langrisser, Fire Emblem, Front Mission, there's a huge amount of good SRPG series.
I'm also a fan of Valkyria Chronicles and Soul Nomad, that, while not retro, are worth mentioning.

>> No.920286

Thanks friend
Will check those out

>> No.920297


Show me a converter that allows the SMS to play GG games, because I have never seen one and I've been in the SMS/GG scene for a long time. If it's a third-party device introduced in recent years then maybe I can see it, but even searching all of my databases for such a device has turned up nothing. So really, show me. I actually want to see it if it exists.

>> No.920763

the guy from the witcher?

>> No.920765

game gear emulator for the gba? No. The GBA isn't powerful enough

>> No.923003

They're actually trying to translate that? I always wondered why it wasn't localized, I bought the artbook at barnes and nobles, it was translated.

>> No.923015

What is this game? I have a 3ds, is it any good? Never heard of Shining force before.

>> No.923053

Why don't you just watch a playthrough of it on YT?

I've never played Fire Emblem but from the glimpses I've seen of FE, I think the two can be compared. Or at least compared with FFT.

>> No.923727

I wan't this on my Mega CD so bad. But 90 bucks? Jesus christ almighty.

>> No.925079

Why would I watch someone just playthrough the game? Going by that mentality why ever play video games?

>> No.925087

Video games suck, you should do something more productive with your time.

>> No.925216

FEDA is better.

>> No.925257

Never heard of it.

>> No.925271


Look up FEDA The Emblem of Justice. Like Shining Force but better in every way. There's a translation patch I don't really like that much, but the game's great.

>> No.925296

Basically, imaging a Fire Emblem game with simplified gameplay and silly plot and characters. And the gameplay is rather slow.

>> No.925484

He did.
He knew about Hindel from the start and co-op'ed with them.
He also pulled the wool over Guardiana and got them to help him willingly.

Nick is a clever bastard.

>> No.925487
File: 208 KB, 1194x359, shining then and now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sawada is such a faggot, man.
Someone kill him along with rotanigger, iWADa, and miyamoto.

>> No.925532

Unfortunately, most gamers in Japan prefer animu-style games. That's the only shit they'll play and outside of the usual mainstream franchises its the only stuff that sells.

>> No.925535
File: 25 KB, 246x276, may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having May from SF2 as your waifu with her tight, pretty little pony vagina.

>> No.925552

Is there something wrong with the new games' art? I don't see it.

Do you guys hate Langrisser, too?

>> No.925556

Guntz motherfucker, mobile tank

>> No.925567

So I beat SF1 and Cannot play SF3 because my PC sucks, what should I go to next?

>> No.925589

It's not just the art, it's the entirety of the games. Moderning Shining Force is a straight up anime game, with anime art, waifus, opening and ending songs, modern day clothing, magical girl shit, etc.

Imagine if Witcher 4 came out and it looked like Neptunia. That's kinda what it's like.

>> No.926990

I think most shining force fans like that game though i've never tried it.

>> No.926992

Shining force 2.

>> No.926997

It's more like if final fantasy became neptunia. And not like slowly changed into that, like go from ff6 to neptunia.

>> No.927076

I just found out that /v/ actually likes the new games, but none of them played it and they just like the pretty pictures.
I hate /v/.

>> No.927094

If you played SF1, you might want to play CD and Final Conflict (in that order), since they are directly connected, and there's lots of recurring characters and themes.