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9093953 No.9093953 [Reply] [Original]

Sonic Teams best game wasn't a Sonic game.

>> No.9093970
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It was Astro Boy.

>> No.9094490


6 billion concurrent players

>> No.9094530

Christ everything was perfect about this game. The graphics, the art direction, the game play, the music, the community. I tried to hold on as long as I could playing it for dreamcast, GameCube and pc

>> No.9094550

what's the best classes in v2? any tips for leveling up faster playing offline?

>> No.9094553

Robots with 1 magic user casting high level shifta and deband.

>> No.9094567


>> No.9094616

God this makes me depressed. I wish games were good

>> No.9094671
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For single player go with whoever has the highest health as bosses will one shot you if you can't tank certain attacks. RAmar is a good choice. Any of the Humans really but the human FO options will be the hardest to solo with.

If you do plan to take your games online RAmarl is great to solo with and works very well in parties too.

>> No.9095787

I absolutely despise every other MMO with a fiery passion, yet PSO is one of my favourite games of all time. What gives?

>> No.9096197

Part of it is smaller scale allows for reptition to not feel as cumbersome. Action gameplay though primitive is more involved than getting in a circle and clicking shit with visible AOE circles cool downs involved. Timing for a lot of attacks matters.There are tons of exploits however to make things easier for example bringing up the chat window allows you to move away from enemies faster rather than stay slow ina combat stance. Jank as it is the ideas overall were executed well. Play today still on Ephinea though some of their members leave something to be desired.

>> No.9096559
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I guess since no one is gonna post their best game then I will

>> No.9097465

Cute game but no

>> No.9097510


>> No.9097513

Nah. No more remakes.

>> No.9098538

Everyone should join up to Schthack server. You can play from GC, Dreamcast, Wii and soon Xbox. It's incredibly awesome.

>> No.9098593

Thanks. It's hard for me to explain to MMO fags who've never played PSO why I like PSO, but strongly dislike other MMOs.

Those games just aren't fun. I'd never clain that PSO is as deep or content-rich as the likes of WoW, but I like how the game doesn't waste your time with bullshit that feels like work. It's not a game that needs to be scheduled into your life. The gameplay itself is fun and addicting; as a teen I'd get ready for school as fast as possible so that I might have 30 minutes to jump into a game with randos and slay some enemies, with no long-term goal in mind.

It combined the short-term addictiveness of arcadey gameplay with the long term MMO-addictiveness of powering up your character with levelups and new gear.

The point-click-and-watch combat of other MMOS is boring, and is the antithesis of immersion. It feels like I'm ordering my character around like an RTS unit rather than actually playing as that character.

Even PSO2 got tiresome after a while, with it's blatant FOMO, free-to-play monetization nonsense, and controls that felt awkward whether you were using controller, or kb/m.

I'm actually tempted to resurrect my Lv 190+ RAmar from Schthack Blue Burst and start playing again, but my backlog has already been giving me evil glares for months while I ignored it in favour of Eldin Ring.

>> No.9098792

Is this any fun offline or do I need to associate with forty year old manchildren nostalgia-tripping while their wife's boyfriend lets them use the basement TV?

>> No.9098974

It's not an MMO, it's an Online RPG. Nothing massive about it. No continuous shared overworld.

>> No.9099008

I'd play Ep 1&2 just for RAmarl access, it's the best solo play class because of how completely independent it is. She has the highest techs level of all non-Forces meaning high level Shifta and Deband repairs her lower ATP stat, has the best non-FO healing, and then the usual Ranger weapons to stun, disable, and mechgun DPS her way through bullshit Ultimate mode enemies.

>> No.9099021

The thing that PSO had that PSU fucked up for me was the presence of careful and precise timing. You could not mash to combo and you actually had to do calculated movement to avoid getting hit, such as 1-2 combo and then backing off because your hit 3 left you vulnerable. Then instead of using a weapon skill to mow everything down with more mashing, you contemplate using your special or other feature to disable the approaching enemy, or keep up the running-retreat tactic while watching the rest of the approaching enemies for things that could catch up or disrupt you, and making sure you're not running out of space.

For me PSU took action out of the game because there wasn't really timing to it.

>> No.9099023 [DELETED] 
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Why are they like this?

>> No.9099034
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WHY are they like this?

>> No.9099045

>level 144 on a political worship thing where no one sees it
Dedication I guess?
Also a nonhuman race for that is kinda funny.

>> No.9099097

It's plenty of fun to play solo, and if you're playing one of the Dreamcast versions, I'd honestly recommend sticking to offline solo.

There are ways to play all versions of the game (I think) online on private servers, but I'd only do that with PSO Blue Burst on PC. With any other version of the game, you run the risk of some online asshole freezing your game, causing the game to not save properly, causing you to lose all unequipped items on your character. Even worse things can happen on Dreamcast online, like having your character wiped and replaced with a low-level NPC.

If you want to do online, stick with Blue Burst. If you want local multiplayer, however, I'd recommend Gamecube. It's a bit limited, but me and by friends had a ton of fun with it back in the day. It's pretty damned crazy that 4 players can have 4 seperate characters on their seperate 4 memory cards, and still play together on one gamecube despite the gamecube having only 2 memory card ports. Your character is your own; he's not limited to only playing with the party that you started playing the game with like in FF Crystal Chronicles, which made PSO a much more practical local co-op action-RPG for my friend group than FFCC was. If Dave couldn't show up for FFCC that weekend, you were fucked, but in local-multiplayer PSO, no big deal, just play without him, lol.

I've gone back and forth on this. As a kid I called it an online action-RPG rather than an MMO, for the reasons you've stated. But I hear people refer to Diablo 2 as an MMO. And if Diablo 2 counts as an MMO, by that standard so does PSO.

>> No.9099125



try this. i had a blast reliving my teens with it a few months back.

>> No.9099180

Why shouldn't they? What, don't like being confronted with reality? Get the fuck out.

>> No.9099185

>ffcc has the awful GBA gimmick
>re release has no local co op among other flaws
>No fsa re release
I fucking hate modern games man.

>> No.9099297

I transferred my character data from the official Sega Blue Burst servers over to Schthack right before the official Sega servers got shut down, to keep my characters alive. For this reason, if I were to start playing again today, I'd go back to Schthack instead of starting all over again on Ephinea. But I'm curious; how does Ephinea stack up compared to Schthack? Is there a general consensus as to which is better? I remember being impressed when Schthack added a new bank NPC next to the normal bank NPC that gave you access to a new bank that was shared between all 4 characters on that account. Does Ephinea add any cool new features like that?

Oddly enough, with my friend group the accessibility problem with FFCC wasn't the GBA/link cable requirement. We actually managed to get 4 GBAs with 4 link cables together to play it no problem, as we were turbonerds. The bigger accessibility problem for us was having to get the exact same group of 4 players together each time we wanted to play. Offline multiplayer GCN PSO was so much more flexible and practical, as it didn't matter who was and wasn't able to show up that weekend. Hell, our one friend who lived in the poor part of town introduced the game to his neighbourhood, and we had kids who would buy themselves a controller and a memory card and get their characters to triple-digit levels with us without even owning a gamecube or a copy of the game themselves. Sometimes we'd have two gamecubes, two TV's, and two seperate parties going on at once with 6-8 players all playing in my friend's parent's basement. Fun times.

>> No.9099330

Lol wut

>> No.9099525

WHY are you a massive faggot

>> No.9099531


fucking twenty years ago. Fuck

>> No.9099539

Not that guy but honestly if you're that obsessed with American politics you're the fag

>> No.9099581

trump is a lvl 144 racist, who knew?

>> No.9099603

If you anti Biden and pro Trump you really deserve to be doxxed and fired. Be better

>> No.9099642

This isnt even my thread, but ive taken it over with my lengthy posts waxing nostalgic over this weird, wonky, old-but-ahead-of-its-time sonic team game. Fuck biden fuck trump fuck american politics go back to your containment board lets talk about PSO.

>> No.9099656

This desu. American pol ruined the internet. I don't give a FUCK what the guys I'm hunting with believe. They can kick ass and slay bosses with me. They can grind items with me. It's fun. If we can have fun together I don't give a shit if you're a commie, nazi, socialist, whatever. Leave that shit behind for the old geezers. Let us have a nice passtime without life's woes.

>> No.9099659

Why, WHY did they not include a port of this as a bonus (or purchaseable with money) with PSO2?

I liked that you could still play this offline as well as on; back then we weren't chained to the internet like today... *shakes cane*

>> No.9099945

I'm not the one who wants to suck on a millionaire's salty balls so badly, that I incorporate their name into every facet of my life. That's pretty gay.

>> No.9099947

fuck off. That's not a wrong or old man opinion to have. You're just trying to debase

>> No.9100652

>Everyone should join up to Schthack server.
Everyone should cut off their dicks, too. Stop giving bad advice. Ephinea is the only reasonable choice in the year of Dark Falz 2022.

>> No.9100669

I hear Schthack's database got fucked, so your character is probably dead. Lots of stories about that server, bad ones.

>Does Ephinea add any cool new features like that?
Yeah, it has a shared bank and a couple of other new features. Perhaps a few too many new features but you can play purist mode if they are offensive. I do appriciate the shared exp (no tagging) and PSO2 style drops.

>> No.9100678

>I hear people refer to Diablo 2 as an MMO.
Those people are wrong. I have never heard this.

>> No.9101943

I think the main thing that added to the addictiveness of PSO was that upgrades were spaced out pretty evenly up until about Lv100. You were always "almost there" towards your next big milestone, whether it be a new piece of gear, a new dungeon, or a new difficulty level.

It's also why I always end up dropping the game around Lv120, because it feel like there's nothing left to work towards and Ultimate mode is just a bunch of 1-hit-kills bullshit.

>> No.9101948

>Phantasy Star Online
I was put off by the 'Online' part, I knew my Dreamcast wasn't connected to the internet, so I thought it was like an MMO that needed an internet connection.

>> No.9101951

Wait til the day of the rope

>> No.9103593

v2 doesn't have Ramarls

>> No.9103606

So after having poked my head into Phantasy Star 1-4, does this have ANYTHING to do with those games? Is it set in that solar system?

>> No.9104740
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Solar System is different afaik, other than some nods to previous game's characters via items and Dark Falz (Dark Force), no overlaps.

>> No.9104801

what this anon said >>9104740 you can kind of accept that it’s taking place in a separate universe or that events are so distant either by time or space that it doesn’t impact anything. all phantasy star follows similar motifs.