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9086713 No.9086713 [Reply] [Original]

I had no idea the Game Boy Advance scene was poppin' so much. The price of the original model GBA systems is higher than I would have expected - most likely due to how popular it is right now to mod the handheld, giving it a backlit screen, etc. The games themselves, don't even get me started. Everything from Pokemon Sapphire to The Minish Cap seems to sell for like, 80 USD a pop. I had no idea the GBA and its library was in such high demand right now. Probably going to sell off the GBA games I don't particularly enjoy and make a nice little sum of money. Keeping The Minish Cap though, that's easily the best game on the system for me.

What's YOUR favourite GBA game? Has it amassed a lot of value over time? Surprised the original Golden Sun doesn't cost an arm and a leg now.

>> No.9086736

the GBA is like the gamecube, its the hot nostalgic system of today

also the system had some killer underrated jrpgs

>> No.9086776

Yeah it seems kind of random what games have become super expensive on the GBA. I expected Golden Sun to be really expensive because people constantly talk about wanting Issac in Smash and it's been a while since we've had a Golden Sun game in general. Guess not though. Yet games that were super popular and sold a shit ton like Pokemon Ruby are very expensive to buy today. Who knows.

>> No.9086780
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Honestly too many games to pick favorites, obviously almost all first party Nintendo titles, plus things like Advance Wars.

>> No.9086842

I used to think the SP was the tightest shit on this side of the planet as a kid. Unfortunately, I grew up to have giant Donkey Kong tier gorilla hands, and playing on the SP now is painfully uncomfortable. Even more so in games where you have to press the shoulder buttons a lot. Playing on the original model GBA isn't so bad, so for the first time I may mod a handheld and have my original GBA gain a backlit screen. I think it'd be worth it.

>> No.9086885

I never use my SP without a grip, it's much more comfortable that way.

>> No.9086898

What grip do you use?

>> No.9086907

Just use a DSi screen. Best GBA mod ever.

I am playing Minish Cap but I'm using my N3DS XL

>> No.9086918
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It came with an accessory pack I bought back when the GBA SP was current. I like it because I don't have to curl my index fingers as much to use the triggers.

>> No.9086919

the Castlevanias, WarioWare, DragonBall Advanced Adventure, Alien Hominid

>> No.9086972

Might as well literally use your phone

>> No.9087059

>Playing on the original model GBA isn't so bad, so for the first time I may mod a handheld and have my original GBA gain a backlit screen. I think it'd be worth it.
Fucks up the colors. Don't do it.

>> No.9087262
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Only if you use one of the third party IPS screens. If you opt for the older AGS-101 mod, you'll have colours 1:1 to how they look on the later SP revisions.

>> No.9087372

That’s a great looking screen. What do you think of the DSi screen mod?

>> No.9087553

Astro boy Omega factor and Dragonball advanced adventure
Were some of my favs that went up in price but man so much good stuff on it I like watching those awful gba videos lol so goofy

>> No.9087559

>Probably going to sell off the GBA games I don't particularly enjoy and make a nice little sum of money. Keeping The Minish Cap though, that's easily the best game on the system for me.
sell them all and get a flashcart

>> No.9087570

Theres a modkit that uses a dsi screen now its a better option than the ags 101, also majority of ags-101 you can buy now are chink clones its actually very hard to get an original 101 screen

>> No.9087828

I don't see the point of this mod, why would you want to give up the AGS-101's fantastic dpad?

>> No.9087834
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oh hi

>> No.9087864

Don't see any benefits. The AGS-101 screen is probably the best bet for any GBA, don't fall for the replacements, it has the right colors and right amount of motion blur already and is nice and bright with excellent contrast.

>> No.9087870

I like the way these look but they aren't comfy for me to play on for more than a few minutes.

>> No.9087885

Screen and case mod?

>> No.9087886

good for you, then. they're expensive as fuck.

>> No.9087893

No. GBA games were designed for the dark screen of the original. Without it, they all look like over-saturated garbage.

>> No.9087909
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Compare a IPS screen to a AGS-101 screen and to a emulator running the same game with color fix. Even the old designed games look good on it and less saturated than replacements.
Later games already accounted for backlight screens either by default or with gamma/saturation options.

You can read more: https://shmups.system11.org/viewtopic.php?t=63748

>> No.9087915

>interlace screen
So it is garbage.

>> No.9087916

Didn't you even read the forum posts? There's no interlaced screens for GBA.
Maybe have some patience and go thru things before posting something this silly.

>> No.9087951

The official panels are known to only update alternating lines each frame. I think even the PSP 3000 screen has this limitation. OP of that thread posted a video showing the effect so I don't know why you're denying it.

>> No.9088016
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>sell them all and get a flashcart
Nah, I'm a nostalgic sap. I still have my original copy of Pokemon Red on the Gameboy. Too many good memories.

>> No.9088026

Read the thread.

>> No.9088029

I have no reason not to believe the posted link but if it was interlaced then it would explain why they are so good for motion compared to replacements and why all replacements screens from DS to IPS would have higher latency since they have to convert to progressive

>> No.9088037

Just read the thread anon, it explains clearly what the problem is. It's not interlaced, but alternating lines can have miscalibrated brightness on each frame. Every line is scanned every frame regardless.

>> No.9088047

I did, hence why I explained why it would matter for motion and replacements.

>> No.9088053

If you did read it then you didn't understand it. There's no conversion from interlaced to progressive because it never was an interlaced signal.

>> No.9088057

No, I said if it WAS interlaced but I have no reason to doubt that thread and it explanation that it's NOT interlaced
Read my post again >>9088029

>> No.9088093
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>> No.9088182

I'm still pissed I didn't get Leaf Green/Fire Red back when it was at a reasonable price and the market wasn't buried in bootlegs, but at least I got Emerald.
Did an AGS 101 mod on my old GBA recently and surprisingly didn't fuck it up. Except the damn screen isn't perfectly compatible with my board apparently, so the colors are washed out and there's ghosting or whatever. Still, it was fun to do, wanted to try that for a long time now.

>> No.9088186

>the market wasn't buried in bootlegs
Aren't bootlegs functionally the same as original copies of the game at this point?

>> No.9088196

Bootlegs have lots of potential problems. In the case of Pokemon, many of them can self-destruct their save files after beating the elite 4. Bootlegs from the past 2-3 years suck up a lot of power when they save which can even cause your console to power off if the battery is low. It's better to avoid bootlegs.

>> No.9088197

Not sure if they don't use the battery for saves still. Otherwise you might be right, but there's the autism of it not being "legit".

>> No.9088203

The issue is that there's basically no way to tell the quality of a bootleg. You may get one of the newer ones that fixes most of the issues with the originals or you may get old stock from a decade ago.

>> No.9088207

If you knowingly buy a bootleg directly from a vendor like those on Aliexpress, you'll definitely get a new one. But even the new ones have strings attached that make them undesirable compared to authentic carts or flashcarts.

>> No.9089053
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Pic is my DSI screen, it's pretty sick. Don't listen to the retard acting like the AGS 101 is the only thing you can use.

>> No.9089063

>Meat was designed to be eaten raw because that's the way the caveman ate it before fire

>> No.9089094

Both screens look hideous.

>> No.9089126

GBA carts do not use batteries for saving. Pokemon RSE do use batteries for the RTC, and some carts use batteries for rumble/special features not related to saves though.

>> No.9089260
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There's a small number of GBA games which use batteries for saving, perhaps a quarter of the whole library. Some games were released initially with batteries and later rereleased without batteries.

Bootlegs used to use batteries because it was the cheapest, then they got rid of the batteries with an unofficial saving method which sucks.

>> No.9089610

It's a case swap, couple mods and combination of parts from different SPs.

>New green transparent case with yellow transparent shoulder buttons and power slider, with original buttons, membranes, badge and sticker though.
>AGS-101 mainboard with power cleaner flex PCB and a new high pass filter capacitor that ups the filter to ~500Hz from the original ~250Hz.
>White tab AGS-101 screen with original screen protector, no scratches or marks on it.
>New 800mAh battery, tested out well in terms of capacity.
>EZ Flash Omega DE flash cartridge.

My favorite SP.

>> No.9089902

>a new high pass filter capacitor that ups the filter to ~500Hz from the original ~250Hz

what does this do?

>> No.9089946

The speaker in the GBA SP starts working properly at around ~450Hz, there's a capacitor on the mainboard that makes sure that no signals lower than ~250Hz get sent to the speaker, that's a little too low for the speaker and it can still distort the sound, the new capacitor raises it up to ~500Hz (it's a gradual curve, not a sharp cutoff), so the speaker only gets frequencies it's good at playing.
So it should sound a little better and reduce distortion and any low frequency interference too. Plus the old capacitors have drifter quite out of spec anyways in the 20 years,

>> No.9089985

Ahh gotcha, I was just watching a video on Helders mod with the new capacitors/power cleaner/flex cleaner, and I was having issues hearing the difference (other than being really really loud), but that could also be the shit audio of the vid..that prob something you have to hear in person to appreciate.

I currently have an issue with my audio being a smidge too low, and I think it's either the volume pot or the capacitors. I havent fucked with it yet because I'm worried I'll rip the conductive pads off the vol pot since this board is so old and crusty. Almost every vid I've seen of them changing out the pot has shown them ripping those pads off

>> No.9089992

>I was just watching a video on Helders mod with the new capacitors/power cleaner/flex cleaner
Yeah, the same power cleaner flex PCB mod is from Helder. It does reduce hiss by a lot but it's hizz you're hard pressed to hear unless you put your ear up to it, but the improvement is there.

>I currently have an issue with my audio being a smidge too low, and I think it's either the volume pot or the capacitors. I havent fucked with it yet because I'm worried I'll rip the conductive pads off the vol pot since this board is so old and crusty. Almost every vid I've seen of them changing out the pot has shown them ripping those pads off
I just used generic contact cleaner spray to clean the volume slider and power switches, the power switch can technically be a problem too if it acts like a resistor because of the internal oxidation on the contacts. I just blasted both with contact cleaner when I had the PCB out of the GBA SP and moved them back and forth a little, both work great, didn't have to take them apart.

>> No.9090036

>generic contact cleaner spray

I'll give this a shot before I try anything else, thanks man. I have a funnyplaying speaker that I havent installed yet, but from what I've understood its prob not the speaker right? I guess I should just install it anyway since it's not hard.

>> No.9090042

I know about legit carts, we were talking about bootlegs. The ones I used to have used the battery for saving, but that was a long time ago.

>> No.9090058
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I put an IPS screen onto a GBA I rescued from an untimely demise, but I did not realize until sometime after reassembling the system that I misaligned the screen slightly. Anyone know what kind of tape I can use to reattach the screen to the case? Doubt the one I used will be any good once I remove the screen from the shell again.

>> No.9090112

Good luck and have fun with your GBA. Don't worry about going ham and just blasting it in there to get rid of any shit suck in there, moving the switch and audio pot to scrub off any of the oxidation and then doing it again to blast it out, most sprays have a small straw to aim, just dry the PCB up with some paper towels afterwards and the rest will evaporate itself. Just do it outside so you don't have to deal with the smell but it goes away fast even if you're stuck inside, just open a window.

>I have a funnyplaying speaker that I havent installed yet, but from what I've understood its prob not the speaker right? I guess I should just install it anyway since it's not hard.
Yeah don't think so, those speakers are just plastic with a coil, it's hard for them to fuck up, but it won't harm to switch it out for a new one if you have one already.
Also use a q-tip and the same contact cleaner and clean the two pads on the mainboard PCB where the speaker contacts against it, those can corrode too and make the connection worse.

Plus when you already have it open and the contact cleaner, you can clean other things too with a q-tip like the cartridge slot.

>> No.9091779

>no tactile buttons
sorry, but no thanks

>> No.9091785

did you push the screen all the way through the gasket tape? i don't know if it's still possible to remove that other than to use a solvent to remove it. but that might mess up the screen

>> No.9091790

not exactly. there are certain features that will not work in a bootleg. the one that i can remember from the top of my head is with the distribution cartridges for any pokemon gba game.

>> No.9091865

With a controller obviously , retard

>> No.9092065

now you're carrying a controller and phone, now you have the negatives of both without any of the positives, what's the point?

>> No.9092116

What do you mean, “without any of the positives”? The positive is that I can play absolutely everything up to and including Dreamcast (and hopefully soon PS2) on the go, or in the bed, wherever.

>> No.9092207

Why not just... hold your palms slightly farther?
You don't need to buy anything to do the same shape your hand has with a grip.

>> No.9092215
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>most likely due to how popular it is right now to mod the handheld, giving it a backlit screen
Mine's about to be lit

>> No.9092218

just as much bulk as having a dedicated device and phone instead, now you have two batteries just to play (or one that even degrades faster depending on the clip on controller) and you loose charge quicker on your phone, if it's bluetooth, added latency, you still have to buy a controller and clip or clip on controller, just a bunch of dumb shit
sure sure the positive is that you now have tactile buttons

>inb4 battery bank
yeah now it's 3 things to carry

>> No.9092221

>aftermarket replacement screen
>instead of just getting a AGS-101 screen adapter and screen
oh no no no no

>> No.9092228

Without a grip, you have two options.
>hold the the console between your palms, but curl your fingers more to use the shoulder buttons
>hold the console with your fingers, but use the shoulder buttons naturally.
Neither is very comfortable. The grip allows you to hold it with the palms and still use the shoulder buttons naturally.

>> No.9092232

>gutting a perfectly good ags-101
why would you do this? They're rare enough already

>> No.9092237

Not anon but you're not destroying anything if you just get a screen from a otherwise broken and unrepairable 101 console. The adapters for the screens don't require modifications to the screen itself, you could still put it back into a 101.

>> No.9092238

>Don't see any benefits
DSi screen mod costs $30 and doesn't require vandalizing an SP.
It saved my actual 101 SP so I can compare them side by side, the colors are pretty much the same.

>> No.9092240

$30 is insignificant next to the cost of a 101 SP.

>> No.9092247

it all depends on what you're doing

if you already have a ags-101 there's no point in replacing the screen
if you want a replacement screen for something else it's absolutely valid option
if you can't find a broken ags-101 with a good screen to take the screen from
and so on

>> No.9092253

Idk what you're on about, the second is how I do it and I'm perfectly fine with it.

>> No.9092263

Don't know what you're talking about and don't care

>> No.9092270

ignorance is bliss

>> No.9092276

I know right?

>> No.9092309

Why are 4channers like this?

>> No.9092310

>not liking a replacement screen that has almost 3x the latency is "snobbery"
what kind of bullshit is this?

>> No.9092314


>> No.9092316

apparently, only snobs would care about form over function

>> No.9092331

>Wow this thing costs 3 times as much now!!!! How could they?!?!?
>How much does it cost now?
>3 cents
Anyone can push around bullshit if they don't say the numbers.

>> No.9092334
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this is well known anon, not made up bullshit

>> No.9092335

Anon was exaggerating a bit, but 3 frames extra/5 frames total isn't insignificant.

>> No.9092342

You think you're playing competitive fighting games on the GBA?

>> No.9092346

Veiled ebayer thread

>> No.9092347

>you have to be a compfag to want good input latency
why even use original hardware

>> No.9092348

The negatives you mention are valid, but the ability to play Dreamcast and GameCube anywhere outweigh the cons for me
If there was a handheld that emulated those as well as a 2020+ flagship phone, I’d agree that phone emulation is shit

>> No.9092354

you think latency is about competitive fighting games? lol

>original hardware has the lowest latency
we're in 2022 anon

>> No.9092357

>If there was a handheld that emulated those as well as a 2020+ flagship phone
There is, better even
The Win600 came out recently for example, only slightly bigger than the RG from the same company

>> No.9092368

>you think latency is about competitive fighting games?
Literally the only reason. Any other reason and you're just being a piss baby.

>> No.9092375

Kek you're funny

>> No.9092424

Why does this GBA have child bearing hips?

>> No.9092441

where do you think GBAs come from?

>> No.9092474

What about the 3ds running ds games is there a latency difference

>> No.9092478

Yes, it adds one frame of latency compared to the DS for buffering and optionally scaling.

>> No.9092494
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>> No.9092506

>she posts on a autistic retrogaming forum that's all about having the best experience
did you fall for a shitty replacement screen or something that this triggers you so much?

>> No.9092527

AGS-101 screens are prohibitively expensive if you just want to make a GBA usable today. And no, 50ms difference in latency and "slightly accurate" colors is not enough to justify the amount that you need to spend for one.

>> No.9092535

Apparently the graphics chip in that is shit, and I’m not about to spend $350 on something that has only 20% of the performance of a Steam Deck. And I already have a phone lying around which was $800 two years ago and I don’t use it anymore since I’ve bought a new phone two months ago.
If the Win600 was around $170 I think it would be something to consider.

>> No.9092592

>Apparently the graphics chip in that is shit, and I’m not about to spend $350 on something that has only 20% of the performance of a Steam Deck.
It's better for the systems that you mentioned than a Android phone, even flagship.
Sure I would have recommended the Deck or even AOKZOE A1 but then you'd make the size argument and still bitch about price, even though price was never an argument before.

>And I already have a phone lying around which was $800 two years ago and I don’t use it anymore since I’ve bought a new phone two months ago.
And? So if you first posted "just get a controller for your phone" you thought everyone is in the same scenario?

>> No.9092614

It really is obnoxious how overpriced AGS101s are not because of the fucking screen swap meme. Mine has fucked sound and I can't find a decently priced replacement anywhere (it's not the speaker it's something wrong with the board)

I absolutely do not believe that every 101 screen came from broken 101's, it's fags gutting perfectly good ones to do hack jobs stuffing them in GBA fats to sell on ebay.

>> No.9092638

I bought a mint AGS-101 recently for 90€, came with new battery and USB charging cable.
That doesn't seem to expensive for me, a little more than half of the original retail price when accounted for inflation.

>> No.9092649

only a few of Nintendo's first party games in the first year were designed around the stupid dim og screens. it's less than ten games total

>> No.9092680

--> >>9092494

>> No.9092681

ah okay you did, got it

>> No.9092796
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>So if you first posted "just get a controller for your phone" you thought everyone is in the same scenario?

>> No.9092813

I still don’t understand why a DSi screen isn’t good enough?

>> No.9092819

DSi screens are fine as a alternative replacement screen.

>> No.9092848

>And no, 50ms difference in latency and "slightly accurate" colors is not enough to justify the amount that you need to spend for one.
This entirely depends on your income and how much you desire it and the latency and accuracy differences (both color and motion).
There's no objective answer to that like you're trying to claim.

>> No.9092897

Tell that to this: >>9092506
I agree that mods like that really depends on how much you're willing to shell out on what. It also depends on whether parts are available in your area or not.
If I am to choose between a $90 AGS-101 or a $30 IPS, I will pick the cheaper option. I personally don't mind using chink crap since I'm not chasing the "best and authentic" experience like some autistic retard.

>> No.9092904
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>only autistic retards want a good experience
kek subtle but nice bait

>> No.9093000

Yeah, three frames of latency is REALLY TORTURE OMG SO HORRIBLE, Flash.

>> No.9093003

>i'm going to wear the boots that are slightly uncomfortable instead of the comfortable ones for no reason
you do you

>> No.9093036

Literally not noticeable and you're being a drama queen.

>> No.9093038
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It's a seller's market as far as I'm concerned.

Redditors/Hipsters buy those silly looking modded GBAs and want muh Pokemon but are too stupid to buy an everdrive or a repro cart. Vendors laugh about Pokemon GB/GBA games because they can put practically whatever price they want on then and a hipster WILL come in and buy it.

I think the nostalgia for GBA will be over shortly anyhow and people will be talking about their RGB LED LGBTQ DSi pretty soon.

>> No.9093049

Not anon, but I really hope you're not serious that you can't tell 35ms and 80ms apart.

>> No.9093052

No you literally can't you fucking dumb nigger cattle.

>> No.9093057

I'd argue DSI screens are superior, and thus at this point the only ones who would get swindled on an AGS-101 mod for a gameboy advance must not know any better. I've owned several gameboy advance sp/ gameboy advance with DSi, IPS, and AGS-101 screens. I prefer the Dsi screen. IPS would be fine, and possibly superior if you 1) don't care about pixel grids, 2) Intend to play SNES ports or use color hacks, but even then GBA games will look garbage because they use color gradients a lot. I always reccomended Dsi screens they are suprisingly superior, but not marketed well leaving many to not know why they should get one. Meaning also while being superior they are cheap.

>> No.9093098
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If they're side-by-side? Sure.
Alone? No, you can't.
And you're not playing any frame-perfect-intensive games on the GBA. So what's the point?

>> No.9093309

I agree with everything you said. I didn’t dare do a mod so I just play on the bottom screen of my actual DSi. I used one of those “virtual borders” that looks like the plastic grey screen frame on a GBA. It is surprisingly convincing while you’re playing.

>> No.9093340
File: 44 KB, 657x657, 01BFB14E-F894-420D-A917-F91F9A0D1169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a beautiful Pokémon Center Celebi GBA in great condition during the beginning of Corona
>seller even offered to changed over to an IPS screen himself and all I had to do was pay for the screen
>ship it over to GFs parents house half a world away since we were planning on visiting shortly
>months pass and there’s no end in sight for the corona bullshit
>GFs parent don’t remember where did they put the GBA, all they know is that it is somewhere inside their house
>tfw half a world away from my precious

>> No.9093426

I don’t have to tell you this but your GF is being fucked by a dozen different men half a world away

>> No.9093449

I still have my original clear light purple GBA.

I don't have any games for it anymore though, I must have sold them when I was younger, everything outside of my pokemon ruby / sapphire / emerald / leafgreen / fire red is gone.
But reading this thread really makes me consider modding my original one with a better screen and going back and getting some of the games I used to have again.

Specifically Warioland 4, Never played Minish Cap.

Can't believe how expensive the games are though. I think I sold my collection of games on ebay for like 50 bucks or something well over a decade ago, before the prices skyrocketed. You could probably walk into a retro store a decade ago and get most of the games that are selling now for like $60-80 for a few bucks.

I know, you can just emulate everything I guess.

>> No.9093457
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Sorry small friend but GF lives with me, it’s her parents who are half a world away

>> No.9093465

Do something like this >>9092215 and get a flashcart.

>> No.9093491

Is there like a full upgrade kit that includes everything you need to upgrade the original GBA and where would I get one, ebay?

>> No.9093543

I don't think there's any kit (many options for a shell, stickers, and flashcarts), but I got my stuff from these sellers:

retrogamerepairshop has a website, but things are generally more expensive there for some reason.
I think thegodofgaming gives you the screwdrivers you need with the shell.

Here's what I got:
>new shell (requires phillips and tri-wing screwdrivers)
>new stickers to go on the shell
>rechargeable batteries pack (might need tools to make in the battery cover's shell)
>EZ Flash Omega Definitive Edition (a flashcart that needs a micro sd card, nothing big, 10GB can hold the entire library of GB/GBC/GBA)
>new screen (there's a screen you can install without soldering, but may technically need it)
You may want new buttons or a glass screen lens, but for me I'll just reuse the ones I have.
Check out videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpxPqkLnE-U

>> No.9093549

Wow thanks for the detailed reply man!

>> No.9093554

No problem, but I have a typo:
>might need tools to make A HOLE in the shell's battery cover
This is to make it easier to recharge without taking off the cover.

>> No.9093614

That's a beautiful screen. How's the cost?

>> No.9093721

Looking back on GBA, it feels like it was the dumping grounds of post-Amiga european devs and demosceners

>> No.9093724

The left is a darker color than the right.

>> No.9093725

The piracy scene was definitely like that. I do have a fondness for all the scene cracktros.

>> No.9093854

Kek either lying or just autistic sperg with slow reaction time.

>> No.9093860

Colors are fucked and there's not enough motion blur. No offence but you sound like someone who ever played GBA on a DSi and have major baby duck syndrome.

>IPS would be fine, and possibly superior
Ah you're baiting, pretty good bait.

>> No.9093868

It's like PVMs, now that they are expensive, people shit on them. Same with AGS-101 screens, they have always been the go-to, with only retards falling for IPS replacements.
Except with PVMs you're right that they look like shit for most /vr/ games, meanwhile AGS-101 screens, specially if you get lucky, you get objectively best screen for the device.

>> No.9093869

Amiga devs and demosceners never left the platform, there's less GBA demos in total than Amiga gets per year for the whole existence of the GBA.

>> No.9093874

that's a 101 screen

>> No.9093880

Looks too good for a AGS-101 screen, probably a DSi screen replacement. You can see the shading on the white letters, a AGS-101 does not have that.

>> No.9093891

Reaction time has nothing to do with detecting screen latency, so you don't even understand what it is you're defending.

>> No.9093893

why would you lie? its a 101

>> No.9093894
File: 488 KB, 1296x972, 657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, AGS-101. Here's mine, a little blurry because my phone sucks but same screen, stop bullshitting.

>> No.9093898

I have a friend who is autistic with assburgers and he always uses the latency doesn't matter argument to cope with the fact that he has slow reaction time thanks to assbuergers
either you're genuine and just retarded or copying

>> No.9093901

I think we have a real DSi screen retailer shill in this thread, there's way too much DSi screen shilling

>> No.9093941

>Generalizing one person to an entirely different person
So you upgraded from "doesn't know what he's arguing" to "doesn't know how to argue".

Feel free to back up your arguments with anything at all. Because so far, no one ITT has proven how noticeable the latency is nor how detrimental it is to any GBA game. So far it's just pissy snobs pretending they're "hardcore".

>> No.9093963

so you are just retarded, got it

>> No.9093967

Looks like anon hit a nerve.

>> No.9093972

I bet it's a retard who fell fell for a shit IPS replacement and is coping here now about it
Muh latency doesn't matter!!!1one

>> No.9093986

let's say I just want to upgrade the screen on an original GBA? What is my best option?

>> No.9094003

depends what you mean under best
dsi replacement screen or ags-101 replacement screen, depending how much you want to throw at it

>> No.9094030

Pokemon being expensive is not surprising. That's basically all Nintendo stuff.

>> No.9094042
File: 1.79 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_2357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dsi screen gba, it is superior fuck ips. I also have an ags-101 sp, but I prefer my dsi screen gba.

>> No.9094051

Found this comparison video, the DSI screen looks surprisingly good.


>> No.9094079

IPS mods are a joke

>> No.9094508

The average human reaction time is between 160 and 190ms. Even e-sports players, who play vidya for a living, can only clock at an average of 100 to 130ms. 35-85ms would not make a difference to anyone unless they're actively looking for it.

>> No.9094526

Just get what you can. May it be AGS-101, DSi or IPS. There are autistic retards here that think their preferred screen is the "best" but meh, for anything practical they're all good enough.

>> No.9094796

Are there any screen mods that don't require soldering? Bought a GBA earlier this year off eBay not even intending to do anything to it, but the screen is weirdly faded on the right half, so it's been sitting in drawer ever since.

>> No.9094874

Why do modfags use rainbow font? That looks retarded. I hate modfags. Buttons look disgusting as well.

>> No.9094937

None of them NEED soldering but to control brightness and other shit you need to solder. The base brightness is pretty good IMO but soldering is worth it. It's really not that hard to do, there are tons of online guides and there are cheap soldering kits that exist.

>> No.9094972

It's a premodded glass lens that comes with the screen.

>> No.9095020

its not rainbow its reflective, retard

>> No.9095135

See >>9093891

>> No.9095139

Look at the dithering, IPS looks disgusting.

>> No.9095163

Alright, what is detecting screen latency about then? As far as I know, reaction time is a measure of how fast a human can react to external stimuli. Seeing pixels light up in a screen is reacting to external stimuli.

>> No.9095174

Lag is the opposite, it's how fast something reacts after you press a button.
It's from you pressing the button to your eyes registering change on the screen, it has nothing to do with reaction time, that's you reacting, but the reaction time of the device+screen itself.

Humans are pretty slow but we get used to our own latency / reaction time, so even when it takes 60ms for my thumb to press the button after I think about it, it feels instant and my eyes take another 60ms to register the change and report it back to the brain and process it, these things stay the same, but if a screen takes 35ms or 85ms, that add's to that chain and your brain easily notices this.
The lower the latency the more pleasing something feels to interact with, the true reason why lower latency matters.

This is worse than the "30 fps is fine on a shitty LCD TV" threads we had on /v/ 15 years ago.

>> No.9095181

The world doesn't work like a turn-based strategy game. I think you underestimate how fast 85ms is.

>> No.9095187

It's a noticeable amount for your brain. If you grew up with a GBA with an original screen that had 35ms latency and now use a 85ms one, it will feel "off" and worse to control since you're not used to it.

>> No.9095406

Yeah, that's a brainlet take if I've ever read one. Those screens are all significantly different.

>> No.9095496

Ignore him. He only has one friend and that's his only human interaction.

>> No.9095665
File: 327 KB, 800x778, Nupe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like minish CRAP LOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.9096268
File: 812 KB, 2730x2048, 1588948035738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use your DSi.

>> No.9096278

That's the worst DS model for playing GBA games. What are you doing?

>> No.9096294

Have you been paying attention? The screen is exactly the same PPI and thus same size as the OG GBA.

>> No.9096298

Who gives a shit if the screen is a quarter of an inch bigger than the DS or DS Lite when GBA games have to be run through a buggy hypervisor?

>> No.9096303

I haven't had any problems with it so far. The new DSP build even fixes the sound inaccuracies.

>> No.9096305

Lucky you.

>> No.9097501

Does it have a 33.5ms response like the og gba

>> No.9097601

That information was never officially released, but everyone who uses a DSi screen loves it. Did you see >>9094051

>> No.9097615

ITA is the superior option at this point

>> No.9097651

It has less ghosting than AGS-101 so it must have a lower response time