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File: 42 KB, 330x330, 330px-Mega_Man_X6_JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9081073 No.9081073 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.9081074

It even existing in the first place.

>> No.9081079

Nothing. The game just tests your balls as any Megaman game should. Only redditors cry about this game.

>> No.9081087

The difficulty isn't really a problem once you get Zero

>> No.9081095
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Ridiculously tight development made them cut corners in gameplay and story. It needed several more months.

>> No.9081115

Fuck Zero. This is a Mega Man X game.

>> No.9081151

x6 isnt hard
people will bitch about missing the saveable reploids but aside from that nothing in the game is excruciatingly difficult
This was always the comfy X game I'd play on a moody rainy day to chill

>> No.9081196

On Extreme it does get kinda nasty but the checkpoints alleviate that
X6 Tweaks actually turns that shit off for some reason so its actually harder than the original kek

>> No.9081332

>What went wrong?
People started hating on it because some speedrunner fag bitched about how it wasn't designed around his dumb no armor/upgrades/boss weapons run.
The only real bad parts of the game are the tedium of the donuts and one specific spot in the Gate 2 stage.

>> No.9081883

the level design is trash
>heatnix donuts
>shield sheldon's level is like a minute long
>gate stage 3 is almost impossible with shadow or unarmored x, and you don't return to the stage after beating stage 2 so you waste a shitton of time if you get stuck
>metal shark prayer's stage takes forever and wastes its ride armor gimmick
>Infinity mijinion's stage is a straight fucking line
>ground scaravich's stage is randomized so getting the upgrades can waste a lot of time
anything I missed?

>> No.9081979

X needing either Jumper + Ice Wall or the Shadow Armor is genuinely dumb though
They likely did it because if you know what you're doing you can unlock the fortress stages ASAP and I'm not sure why they made the game that way. These games are short enough as it is, who the hell picks up X6 and is like "I'm just gonna play like 20% of the game"? Besides speedrunners, anyway.

>> No.9082000

I like it for replay value in X5. Sometimes you just don't feel like doing a certain stage. X6 not so much since you jump in and out of stages much more.

>> No.9082483

Barely anything, some situations where you have to die as X and exit the stage if you don't know what to do are annoying and the localization is infamous for how poorly done it is, but it's a fun game.
They added it for people who replay the game a lot and want something different, and yeah, speedrunners.

>> No.9082489

Level design in later X games is pretty bad. Honestly, only the first X game even has serious platforming levels like Storm Eagle. And even X1 has boring levels.

>> No.9082506

this, with a little more polish it would be the best PSX X game, and I love X4. as it stands it's still better than X5 even with the jank translation and odd stage design

>> No.9082507

Capcom's directive of shitting out as many Mega Man games as possible caught up to them. Most are mediocre, X6 is not even that bad but on the worst side of mediocre. Only Mega Man X 1 was really polished, imagine if every game in the series had been developed with the same care.

>> No.9082515

That's what people get for playing mods.

>> No.9082523

Oh, you can turn it back on, I just thought it was a bizarre choice on the devs part.

>> No.9082568

Value Wave becoming the devs for the X series from X5 onwards, and the scenario writer for X4 becoming the actual director for X5 up to X7.

>> No.9082612

inafune said x series was getting boring, asked x5 to be a finale, x5 was already getting boring and made collectables that were as fun to find as nsmbs star coins, x6 is made on much less time with more emphasis on collectables that are now able to get sick and die in front of you requiring you to not just re try the stage but reset the game, platforming choices asking you to sometimes put on another suit by just not allowing you to proceed

>> No.9083540

didn’t the original director of the x series say he wanted it to end with x2 or x3? I remember reading that somewhere. some of the games after 3 were good, I didnt like 6 though personally

>> No.9083575

Nothing, just another case of the player being bad at video games, I recommend getting good.

>> No.9083669

>Only Mega Man X 1 was really polished
X2, X4, X8?

>> No.9084091

On Extreme (and honestly even on Normal) it feels like one of those modern rage platformer games. Tough as nails level design and enemy placement that's compensated by an incredibly generous continue system. It's why I think it's funny that its defenders act like disliking it is a mark of being a casual like >>9081079 or >>9083575
It has some fun moments but yeah, it's pretty flawed. I very rarely see anyone uncritically defend it, they always say stuff like "bro its real good if you start with Zero" or "bro if you just use a save with all the reploids saved".

>> No.9084213

It's not as fun when all reploids are saved, I find it way more interesting when just playing the game normally. I do see your point, though, but that's probably why I like it.

>> No.9084269

The reploid complaint is over-exaggerated, like yea it's dumb but most of their power ups are kinda junk anyway. The most critical parts, Jumper and Hyper Dash, can't be lost. So all you're really hurting for is the extra health.
I've played both Vanilla X6 and X6 Tweaks. The latter has reploids respawn, at the expense of removing the continue system and frankly I'd rather take Vanilla X6's brand of nonsense. The main gameplay improvement of Tweaks is letting you use armor upgrades as you get them which makes X way more fun to play.

>> No.9084472

>The main gameplay improvement of Tweaks is letting you use armor upgrades as you get them which makes X way more fun to play.
Also making the air-dash standard for all forms of X, enabling Ultimate armors in-game without any need for the code, and fixing that infamous button input for Zero's diving slash that originally only got you killed when on ropes.

>> No.9084545

That too. Honestly I think I'm just a tad salty because I played Extreme on X6 Tweaks right off the bat and got caught off guard by them removing continues, though that's on me for not reading the readme thoroughly kek
Maybe I'll give it another go on Normal some day

>> No.9084676

If you want to get the most out of Tweaks, you have to use the editor to make the patch yourself. The pre-made patches are a bit iffy with their decisions.

>> No.9084767

That's fair, I do agree that Tweaks outright removing the continue system goes overboard, but it does have some fun things like the armor upgrade change you've mentioned and some bosses being a bit harder.

>> No.9084782

Yeah I should've just made the patch myself, but eh, I'm kinda lazy. Tweak the continues back in and you definitely have the definitive X6 experience imo
When will some madlad try to fix X7/X8

>> No.9085642

Aside from the obvious, unlocking Alia's backstory with Gate is stupidly long to get and isn't viewable once the bosses are defeated.

>> No.9085805

>What went right?
This rushed piece of shit managed to be a better game overall than X5.

>> No.9085816

Honestly this, because the main issue X5 has is that it's boring and that's genuinely worse than being infurating.

>> No.9085971

Improved upon the disaster of X5, so not too much.