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File: 95 KB, 640x512, 0991efa51f833865026c6e9831cd8ca1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9076975 No.9076975 [Reply] [Original]

the only Zelda clone better than the source material.

>> No.9077003

never playd supernes games, grew up with ps2 games that actual look good, never going to play those ancient games, not really worth it.

>> No.9077010


>> No.9077045
File: 134 KB, 800x1108, Chad Crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted the wrong game op, here let me fix that for you.

>> No.9077076

dude you are mentally ill if you think that jank is better than alundra.

>> No.9077082

believe it or not, there's a good chance he isn't even shitposting

>> No.9077090

It's a beautiful game but the muted tones never sold me on it.

>> No.9077097

yeah he is
there's like 5 people on this board who spam "not retro", and recently it seems they've stopped, but i bet it's just one of them falseflagging

>> No.9077110

yeah but dude, i'm telling you, there are literally dozens of retarded 19 year old kids on here who say the dumbest shit possible out of complete ignorance and unawareness. i dont know how some people even find this place.

>> No.9077184

Golden Axe Warrior is better than LoZ

Also, Landstalker is better than Alundra for one reason - way less exposition. Damn, Alundra has so much boring story text.

>> No.9077187

I'm convinced the only people who light Light Crusader are kids who asked for Landstalker, but their parents bought this jank instead and they had to make do.

>> No.9077192

What about the people who land Landstalker?

>> No.9077214
File: 79 KB, 640x480, ANSWER THE RIDDLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you got filtered, lad.

>> No.9077215


but the ones who land landstalker are lucky, because it is a great game.

>> No.9077217

I bet you complain about having to push diagonals in Landstalker.

>> No.9077231

I didn't like how you have to talk to someone in town to progress. A Zelda game should open up as you collect items. In Alundra, rocks and obstacles just disappear after talking to the right person.

>> No.9077247

Your post is not retro. Stop metashitting, talk about some games you dumb bitch

>> No.9077257

Agreed. That's one of two issues I had with it (the other being platforming being difficult to see due to the perspective).
Even the walls of text and the fact that it's Everybody Dies: The Game don't bother me. But the jumps and the way shit just opens up just kind of pulls me out of the game/ruins the immersion.

>> No.9077261

The visuals are mostly brown and the game has way shitty pacing. Needing to talk to the right NPC to continue playing sucks.

>> No.9077269

Not with that dogshit platforming, lack of map, and being unable to proceed until you talk to the right person.

>> No.9077320
File: 31 KB, 1482x1134, Ashley_game_over_touched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to make a 2D Zelda clone
>Never been that into indies, check out the market
>It's an absolutely flooded market
>Get disheartened and scrap my idea

>> No.9077337

Well, yeah. The matter of Zelda being surpassed by its third-party spiritual successors was settled over a decade ago.
Alundra>any 2D Zelda
Okami>any 3D Zelda
There is no argument to be made against Alundra that isn't just "I think this is worse because it's different to Zelda", and that's why the game is superior.
>Trash NPCs in LttP trained Zeldafags to not want to talk to them in this kind of game
>Lack of platforming made them averse to it and unable to adapt in this kind of game
>LttP's cartoony palette makes them think a pink-haired Alundra running around a bright Wonkaland would fit the tone and themes of the game

The other criticisms I've seen are garbage too.
> A Zelda game should open up as you collect items
Shit does in Alundra too. As early as the second dungeon you get the bomb which opens it up, then you've got the flail, sand cape, fire wand, magic bean, etc. etc.
>lack of map
The game comes with a physical map, the world is tiny and well-signposted, NPCs point you in the right direction, and there's a fortune teller in the first village who can show you an in-game map of your next destination.

>> No.9077341

Okami is the worst game I have ever played. There is nothing enjoyable about playing it.

>> No.9077345

>Trash NPCs in LttP trained Zeldafags to not want to talk to them in this kind of game
Nobody likes arbitrary progression gates. Especially ones where the condition to advance in the game is to talk to a random NPC. That's literally never a good thing to include in a game.

>> No.9077347

Name one example when it's random. Just one.

>> No.9077351

What are you supposed to read the game's mind and know what NPC they expect you to talk to?

>> No.9077362

You are right about Alundra, but come on dude. Okami is (dog) shit.

>> No.9077363

No you're supposed to tell me when this occurs. One time when you have to talk to a random npc to progress in the game.
Having played through the game multiple times, including recently, I remember all conversation triggers were well-directed either by forced conversations with NPCs walking into your room as you wake up, or another conversation with literally any other NPC in the village. It was never random.

>> No.9077364

Alundra would be better if it weren't localized by Working Designs.

>> No.9077369

Check out the Un-Working Designs hack

>> No.9077372

The first 40 minutes is just talking to NPCs until the game lets you out of the starting town to have any sort of fun.

>> No.9077379

The first town where Jess tells you to meet everyone?
Not random.

>> No.9077384

What is this Animal Crossing? At least half the game is spent reading text boxes.

>> No.9077386

>At least half the game is spent reading text boxes.
Hyperbole just makes you sound more uninformed and your opinion less valid.

>> No.9077390

That was not hyperbole.

>> No.9077405

The ratio of text to exploration, traversal, puzzle-solving, basic combat, and boss encounters isn't close to being even, which means you must have really struggled with the text.
I'm done here. The only thing worse than discussing a game with someone who hasn't played it, is discussing it with a retard/ESL

>> No.9077410

>The ratio of text to exploration, traversal, puzzle-solving, basic combat, and boss encounters isn't close to being even
Yeah it has a bias towards text.

>> No.9077420

>Shit does in Alundra too. As early as the second dungeon you get the bomb which opens it up, then you've got the flail, sand cape, fire wand, magic bean, etc. etc.
Those open up optional areas to find health upgrades, potions or money, which is fine, but to actually progress the game and reach new dungeons you need to wait until the story allows you too. The 3D Zelda games are often criticized for doing exactly that.

>> No.9077435

Hyperbole aside I am inclined to agree with the sentiment of the anon you are arguing with. First time players are going to end up spending a lot of time talking to NPCs between dungeon intervals discerning explicitly who they are meant to talk to move the plot flag forward. I can't specifically recall the moments themselves offhand but I do distinctly remember feeling annoying about this when I played it a few years back. It wasn't as egregious as, say, Dragon Quest VII but if you're new to the game and don't know which residents belong to which house or where they may be you're going to spend a lot of time mucking about.

>> No.9077438

For the Genesis, this was my white whale for a while (sorry for shit quality, phone), i only played it twice with my cousin at san diego when it was 98 and i only had time to play it for lile 30 minutes because we only came to visit 1-2 hours back then, but i managed to beat the first dungeon.

>> No.9077440
File: 78 KB, 599x512, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shit, forgot pic.

>> No.9077442

Alundra is the harder game

>> No.9077452

They were just ahead of the curve. Square definitely has them beat in the realm of less gameplay more videos.

>> No.9077458
File: 481 KB, 1900x1200, musashi_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

motherfuckers act like they forgot about musashi

>> No.9077460

This game honestly looks and plays like shovelware.

>> No.9077461

It's fantastic. Don't be a divisive cunt for the sake of it.

>> No.9077463

>It's fantastic

>> No.9077476

Holy zoom zoom if you think Alundra has alot of text.

>> No.9077478

I really enjoyed Beyond Oasis. It's a bit small in scope for a Zelda-like game but what's there is nice (minus some platforming). The visuals look ahead of their time.
I saw a sealed copy at a pawn shop not long ago, but I'm not shelling out $200 or whatever they wanted for it.

>> No.9077481

Not him but I'm not overly fond with how it plays either. I sure as hell wouldn't call it shovelware but something about the more meandering stage designs and the combat didn't set right with me. The absorption sword mechanic is cool but I feel like they didn't do enough with it.

>> No.9077482

It's literally constantly interrupting gameplay.

>> No.9077487

I'm 40. I hate the kind of games that gatekeep you playing by having endless exposition and talking to every NPC at the start. Every modern Zelda does this too. I have never finished the 2 hour tutorial to Twilight Princess. Landstalker on the other hand - you watch a 2 minute vintro with hardly any text except what is neccesary - (You rescue Friday from Kayla, Wally, Ink, she says "I know where Treasure is", and Nigel/Lyle is all about treasure, so off you go, adventure starts. The longest exposition dump comes about halfway through the game when talking to the Wizard and the Duke, but by that time, I want to know more about the plot, because I'm invested in the game). After the intro - boom, gameplay.

>> No.9077491

Why is Alundra getting so hyped up recently? Did some dumb YouTuber call it a hidden gem? This is a game from my childhood and I don’t appreciate zoomers appropriating it. Also we already collectively agreed that Illusion of Gaia is the best non-Zelda 2d action rpg. Stop trying to rewrite the canon.

>> No.9077492

It's literally not. I just beat the game last week.
Legit complaints for the game would be jank platforming, some damage spongy enemies and bosses and Working Designs added jokes.

>> No.9077494

You can't go 20 minutes without some sort of text interruption.

>> No.9077495

The idea is that you get to know each resident, so when you get an event like "Bonaire is trapped in a nightmare", you have some sort of idea who he is and what's going on.

>> No.9077497

Great set pieces. Tons of personality. Great music. A day night system that isn't bullshit. Great boss fights. Tons of secrets. Fun and playful atmosphere and dialogue. Characters are named after food and the entire thing is a pun (Alucaneet > All You Can Eat). Throwback to 90s anime with it's cheeky humor and voice acting. An overall fun game that isn't without it's faults but said faults aren't worth fixating it. It's a genuinely soulful and heartfelt game.

>> No.9077506

You mean like a text box saying "Murg Woods" or reading a sign?

>> No.9077508

No I mean characters talking.

>> No.9077515
File: 17 KB, 66x94, 524545345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the composer just reused one of his old tracks from G Gundam's soundtrack for Kline's nightmare

cool music at least, really helped elevate the game a bit

>> No.9077520

Okami is the gayest fuckin game imaginable after Wind Waker. Should have named it Okama

>> No.9077548

I know, I bought it on PS1 because I was a mega fan of Landstalker. I liked Alundra, but I preferred Landstalker. I even preferred Alundra 2 over Alundra, but Alundra is a great game.

>> No.9077552

You are full of shit.

That's fair. I have never even touched Alundra 2, so wouldn't know anything about it.

>> No.9077554

another Working Shitigns abomination

>> No.9077569


>> No.9077572

No shit? Which one?

>> No.9077576

Why the fuck doesn't this game have a translation fix yet? I don't want to learn moon.

>> No.9077578

t. fag

>> No.9077580

I can smell your fedora from here.

You're all retards too.

>> No.9077584
File: 172 KB, 507x926, Shin_(manga).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never played this game, but i like the cover artwork. The dude reminds me of a more masculine Shin from HNK.

>> No.9077585

All it does is revert the stat changes. It doesn't fix the garbage translation.

>> No.9077586

Kill yourself furfaggot

>> No.9077589

>noooo my heckin golden axerinos should've been the popular game!
Cope, contrarian.

>> No.9077591

I don't care that it wasn't popular. I got it on discount at Big W for about $15 in the early 90's and had a lot of fun with it. I played LoZ a few years later and thought it was a bit shit compared to GAW.

>> No.9077636

They don’t care. Your lived experience literally means nothing to these people, the only thing they take seriously is whatever opinion their favorite e-celeb told them to have.

>> No.9077648

Shameful, get better standards before coming back here

>> No.9077724

>yet another retard who think bank means bad

>> No.9077738 [DELETED] 

Same pathetic nigger. And yes, no one gives a fuck about your shit story

>> No.9077747 [DELETED] 

Learn how to count ips retard. Also you just outed yourself as an e-celeb worshipping babby, time for seppuku mouthbreather

>> No.9077749 [DELETED] 

i give a fuck, you anti social retard.

>> No.9077752 [DELETED] 

still samefagging, cry more you nigger cocksucking troon

>> No.9077759 [DELETED] 

No more (you)s for you faggot, go back to /v/

>> No.9077837

its not. its really fucking good but the missable content, retarded monster life (us only) and casino minigame (required for 100%) made it worse then zelda. a game about exploration and they literally add missable content, how fucking retarded is that.

>> No.9077859

The ones who like Landstalker are kids who asked for Landstalker, and then their parents bought them Landstalker.

>> No.9077860

I hate missable content. It’s basically there to sell guide books. One of the aspects of Suikoden that made it go from a solid 8/10 to a 6.5/10 was the inclusion of missable content.

>> No.9077863

this. you can say what you want about zelda but atleast they got this one right and didnt add missable content into most zelda games. I say most because I dont think the deku upgrade in oot is really required for 100% and its the only thing I can think of when it comes to missable content in zelda games.

>> No.9077870

>noooo you're just listening to e-celebs! it's not like zelda outsold and outscored every competing game for decades before streaming became a thing!

>> No.9077872

>deku upgrade

>> No.9077878

I think there is a deku nut or was it the sticks upgrade which you could only get as a kid by showing a certain mask to some deku nuts or whatever. For some reason after you get the time sword and you try you come back later you cant get it anymore.

>> No.9077891

okami is very very boring. you don't have to enjoy twilight princess or whatever modern 3d zelda, but how can anyone say okami is better?

>> No.9077902

You're just an ADHD dopamine deprived faggot who cannot appreciate gentle art

>> No.9077950

wojak in text form.

LoZ was released in 86 and GAW was released in 91. Why would anyone be comparing them when LoZ was released. Most people in Australia were still playing Atari, Intellivision and Colecovision until 88ish

Most burgers have never played GAW, let alone seen a Sega Master System, but it was popular in Australia, UK, and... brazil. It was actual competition for the NES (which arrived here later then USA)

>> No.9077990

is a 45 minute tutorial gentle, or just dull

>> No.9077995
File: 26 KB, 470x700, oka-issun-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the tutorial ever ends

>> No.9077997

good game, definitely not better than any Zelda game, I also recommend doing the unworking designs romhack

>> No.9078005
File: 63 KB, 414x740, 47325025-5210-4972-902F-9793F50C46D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alundra is great (in spite of the typical Working Designs retardation) but pic related is the real LTTP killer.

>> No.9078023

you're funny.

>> No.9078026

So what did Working Designs actually ruin? There are a couple of bad jokes and Bonaire being a weed lmao asshole, but I don't think we cut something deep cut out.

>> No.9078031

we mostly don't know with the story unless there's someone who has gone and done comparison
but they also fucked with all the stats making the game unnecessarily bloated

>> No.9078046

You're an idiot if you don't think it's obvious bait. Even if he's being honest, which he's not, it's still bait since his only intent to is rile people up.

>> No.9078047

>Throwback to 90s anime
It's not a throwback to 90s anime if it came out in the fucking 90s, retard.
>i just saw this, like, really good movie called weird science! it is SUCH a throwback to 80s movies with its raunchy humor and titties!

>> No.9078068

retarded 19 year olds don't come here

>> No.9078074

>I have never finished the 2 hour tutorial to Twilight Princess.
you are legitimately bad at video games

>> No.9078081


>> No.9078153

So are they responsible for the enemies being damage sponges?

>> No.9078171


>> No.9078224

Owned this as a kid and one of the puzzles flummoxed me so hard that I gave up on it. This must have been around 98 or so and I didn’t have access to the internet (or more likely I didn’t actually know what the internet was at that time). But the version I had was published by Psygnosis, the dons of the PlayStation.

>> No.9078227

He's just filtering bad games. Zelda games are substantially boring and it can't be helped.

>> No.9078256

Well fuck them then.
Those end bosses were outrageous.

>> No.9078270

no, "he" (you) is bad at video games.

>> No.9078286

Everyone who disagrees with you is all the same person. Not how it works Frank.

>> No.9078295

alundra jap balance but with english fan translation. is this a thing or am I forced to play with the stupid us balance and the funny meme translation?

>> No.9078312

I think the Psygnosis version might be a different localisation, which makes sense because Psygnosis were incredibly based and basically were responsible for making the PlayStation successful in the west.

>> No.9078347

good thing there's a fix for that at least now

>> No.9078349

stats yes
translation no

>> No.9078373

you're bad at games dude. you literally couldnt even finish a zelda tutorial and you're 40 years old.

>> No.9078418

I appreciate the overestimate but I'm only 24 Frank, Zelda games are just very boring with long drawn out intros preventing you from the meat of the game which is pushing blocks. It can't be helped.

>> No.9078421

in other words you're bad at video games lmao

>> No.9078445

Not Zelda 1 or Zelda 2. Press start then go bomb so dodongos (Z1) or stab some blobs (Z2).

>> No.9078464

I found it really boring, personally. The items aren't very interesting and enemies take far too many hits. The puzzles and platforming are pretty good, though.

>> No.9078474

If you don't like Zelda you probably don't like action-adventure games and ARPGs in general

>> No.9078661

You seem desperate to believe yourself.

>> No.9078674

The pre-OoT Zelda games don't have this problem and are also far more difficult.

>> No.9078680

They've never even made a good game outside of Drakan. Shut the fuck up already you retard abbo

>> No.9078687

When people talk about Okami, they mean its better than the Wind Wanker. When it comes to half-assed (((cell-shaded))) zelda games, Okami is clearly superior.

>> No.9078708

The fuck is this supposed to mean? Jews invented cel-shading?

>> No.9078715

>far more difficult
It's inconsistent throughout the series. Link's Awakening is a sudden drop in difficulty and then Oracles are harder than ALttP

>> No.9079010
File: 4 KB, 391x288, keffals - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You play like shovelware you fucking bitch

>> No.9079016

I wouldn't call the Oracles difficult. They're just long. I guess the puzzles in Ages are hard, particularly the water level changing in Jabu-Jabu's belly.

>> No.9079450

That's exactly my point you dense motherfucker

>> No.9079527

I genuinely do and recognize that Shadow of the Colossus is a far more enjoyable game than Zelda will ever be. And Ys Oath in Felghana completely rapes any attempt at action RPG zelda ever attempted.

>> No.9079529

>damage spongy enemies
Also working designs fault. They gave enemies between 50%-100% more HP.

>> No.9079530
File: 97 KB, 540x960, 1642776587055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good GBA Zelda likes?

>> No.9079542
File: 2.48 MB, 480x320, elemix.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9079547

I never found a translation, is there one?

>> No.9079712

Why would you want the game to be easier? The USA version was too easy. The English fan fiction was cancer, I'll give you that.

>> No.9079851

What makes it a clone of Zelda?

>> No.9079858

Okami is boring as fuck and nothing about it is similar to zelda.

>> No.9079891

if you had actually played it you would know. it's not an insult, but it's clearly derivative.

>> No.9079937

it's not, Zeldatrannies just want to hijack literally every game that's not a FPS. Calling Alundra a Zelda clone is like calling a modern car a donkey cart clone.

>> No.9079980

Alundra is a Zelda clone. You would have to be retarded not to see that it was at least heavily inspired by ALttP if not a straight rip-off. It also happens to be a better game. There's nothing wrong with calling a game a "clone" of another unless you have asperger's and get upset over semantics. It's a top down, 2D action adventure game where you control a blonde twink who walks around a forested overworld, fights monsters that drop healing items and money specifically, explores dungeons filled with monsters and puzzles that also hapoen to contain a special item and a health upgrade ala Zelda, etc. It isn't even passably similar, it is the exact same game design down to nigh-identical protagonists and item menu screens. Dont be a fucking spastic.

>> No.9079995

What I really want to know is who were the people that did the pixel art and the games they worked on.

>> No.9080116

i dont know but man, alundra is beautiful.

>> No.9080119

It was outsourced to Korean artists

>> No.9080121
File: 303 KB, 1440x1080, A6E1C872-F53A-4C26-89AA-0C6DBD244EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Willow was good

>> No.9080137

Look up climax and Camelot games on the MD

>> No.9080139

source on this? ive always thought alundra had some similar art elements to ragnarok online and itd be interesting to know if there was any overlap with artists

>> No.9080163

That makes no sense, you cum-gargling cock-holster.

>> No.9080165

overhead blonde elf swordsman with puzzles

>> No.9080172

The music in that first area is so good. I should try and beat this.

>> No.9080180

The idea that Redditundra is anywhere close to the pure, exquisite beauty of ALTTP is laughable.

>> No.9080183

That isn't Legacy of Kain Blood Omen

>> No.9080194

kek if theres one thing nobody compliments ALttP for it's being beautiful. that game is uglier than your uncle's asshole

>> No.9080329

>Did you think you would find anything of value off the beaten path? Absolutely not. The ONE item you can get that is optional, out of the way, and useful is a sword upgrade, but 99.99% of the time any amount of exploration is a health upgrade at best
>Combat is extremely limited and dull, and early game enemies take so many hits you are better off playing Bomberman instead of using your weapons. This does get better later on but it's still 4 directional combat with no combos or anything
>Awful translation
>Dull bosses

Alundra is decently entertaining but man are there issues

>> No.9080335

They look like shit bro fuck off with that segay shit

>> No.9080398

It could do with a bit of cleaning up, a remaster perhaps...

>> No.9080646

That is literally the same art style

>> No.9080747

Alundra is an amazing game.

>> No.9080818

>hurr it's dodally the same gaem if I simplify the gameplay elemends

Everyone knows Zelda is just a shitty Hydlide clone and it requires no mental gymnastics to see that.

>> No.9080945

>the one item
dude half the items you can get are optional e.g. the spell scrolls. did you even play this game retard?

>> No.9080957

lol it even has a bow, bombs, sword upgrades, some of the exact same puzzles, shops work the same way... etc. again, you're an idiot.

>> No.9081120

crusader of centy is the best zelda clone

>> No.9081165

darksiders 1 is unironically the best "modern" zelda clone.

>> No.9081201 [DELETED] 

DS1 is a good game and clearly took influence from Zelda but it has some major issues that hold it back from greatness. the god of war-esque combat with enemies that take 100 hits to kill and the repetitious finisher moves gets old fast, and a lot of the items (e.g. the pistol) are borderline useless. the dungeons are cool but the overworld is super shitty and is basically just composed of a bunch of ugly corridors with very little interconnectivity. the biggest problem though is that there's absolutely no replayability. once you beat the game there's really nothing worth going back for. there's nothing you can do in a different order, no way to switch things up or experiment. no sidequests, very few optional items that aren't just health/power upgrades or the occasional meaningless weapon enchantment, no real secrets outside of the abyssal armor pieces. the game desperately needed some side content. it's a solid 8/10 but it's not the kind of game you'll revisit frequently. i will say though, the one sequence where you have the arena showdown with the demons roaring in the stands and then you fight the demon knight riding your horse is one of the most badass moments in any game ever made. that was "epic" done right and no Zelda game has ever had that moment outside of maybe the final battle in OoT.

>> No.9081614

>map select screen instead of a real overworld
into the trash it goes

>> No.9082720

Just do it.
A good game rises above an over-saturated genre, it's that easy to make a game now, Pajeet's Unity-flipnotZelda#28 will fade away, whilst shit with effort put in will be more likely to get attention.
I could be talking shite but I think of all the Metroid clones constantly released yet I can only think of something like Axiom Verge, as effort was made

>> No.9082767

>Okami is better than Wind Waker

that comparison isn't really hard to make out, anon. WW wasn't even that good to begin with. Okami is only barely better.

>> No.9082790

Has anyone ever beaten the roulette wheel puzzle in Alundra without save states?

>> No.9082794
File: 228 KB, 390x487, w5478l98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you supposed to be trolling on another board about indians being a superpower or something?

>> No.9083769

Atrocious puzzles and terrible localization mean it's nowhere near as good as zelda. But it looks bloody good on an RGB CRT.

>> No.9083775

Nah it's too hard to make a game

>> No.9083792

Good bait, you had me for a second