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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 45 KB, 1200x675, nightsxbox360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9067002 No.9067002 [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday was NiGHTS' 26th birthday! Happy belated birthday, NiGHTS into Dreams...! Talk about anything NiGHTS-related. Gameplay, thoughts, datamine, etc.

>> No.9067020

Shit game.

>> No.9067026

Is that jester thing a female? I hope so

>> No.9067028

no, but that wouldn't stop me from cumming on his face

>> No.9067042
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>> No.9067076
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>> No.9067087
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NiGHTS isn't a physical being and thus doesn't have a sex as we understand it, and neither does anyone else from the dream world.
...which drives me up the wall because NiGHTS fans often black out the second part and take just the main character as androgynous. As in, they often refer to NiGHTS as "they" but everyone else (except Puffy because boobs) as "he". Like, at least be consistent in your fake -ass millennial-speech. The second game came out at the right time to nonchalantly refer to NiGHTS as "he" without batting an eye. I dread a third game, which will undoubtedly have a very special gaijin-written scene where the game talks to you about what it means for NiGHTS to defy gender norms and "fly free" while hypocritically ignoring the fact the the same applies to everyone excep humans.

>> No.9067327
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I just started playing the Steam version this week. I'm having a great time for the most part, but some level segments feel for lack of a better word, cumbersome.

>> No.9067329
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>> No.9067347
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Oshima's early concept art is pure horror.

>> No.9067350
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>> No.9067370

I remember when Nights was this legendary game treated on par with stuff like Shadow of the Colossus. Then it got ported and all the mystique went away.

>> No.9067391

There he is.

>> No.9067423

lmao what the fuck is this

>> No.9067440

Fuck SHiTES into Memes and fuck the Saturn for killing SEGA.

>> No.9067451

I remember one article from around Nights release that stated that Sega was considering replacing Sonic with Nights as Sega's mascot.

>> No.9067463
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>> No.9067496

Don't remember this, but I do remember some mag saying that this was Sega answer to SM64 and Crash.

>> No.9067603

So apparently Naka is shitting on Ohshima now? Is it because Balan didn't work out?

>> No.9067803

Saturn version feels and controls much better, even on an emulator

>> No.9067809

Here's how I feel about this game:

>> No.9067836

and fuck auster for killing /vr/

>> No.9067904

Naka's still as big of a petty and self-centered faggot as ever, huh

>> No.9068314

I played the second game on the Wii years ago. I found it fun, especially since it had something akin to the Chao Garden.

>> No.9068462

How exactly do you get an A rank? Do you need to go over a certain score threshold? Or is getting actual A's in each lap more important? (even if the overall score is low).

>> No.9068529

Get the Ideya as fast as possible to double the score multiplier, then spend the rest of the stage link chaining and only enter the Ideya Palace when the time starts running out (like 20 seconds or so).

You need Rank C or higher in every stage to enter the final stage of the game. Finishing the game with Rank A on all stages gives you the adult version of Dreams Dreams (the main theme song) for the ending.

>> No.9068658

not him but I still feel a bit sad; I bought the pc version years ago because I wanted to support the series going forward. Of course, that never works (just look at Darkstalkers series, they never got a revival even though people keep buying it when they rerelease it) but back in 2014 or whatever when the port came out, people were much more naive about that business practice.

>> No.9068664

>implying auster can kill anything
Not even himself.
/vr/ died with the rule change. Sure the quality was already bloated compared to the early days, but auster is mostly /vr/'s jester, not really dangerous.

>> No.9068672
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>NiGHTS isn't a physical being and thus doesn't have a sex as we understand it,

>> No.9068679

It's true, if you play the game, you see the character you play as isn't NiGHTS, it's Elliot and Claire, and NiGHTS is a sort of dream creature that acts as their avatar. If you play as Claire, NiGHTS is female.

>> No.9068686
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>> No.9068689

guys, it doesn't matter what's between the clown's legs.

>> No.9068704

>Finishing the game with Rank A on all stages gives you the adult version of Dreams Dreams (the main theme song) for the ending.
The kids versions is so infinitely better.

>> No.9068872

Yes. Ohshima was alleged to have a big hand in getting him kicked off the project for creating a terrible work environment. Naka's been his usual faggot self and been seething on Twitter ever since, basically.

>> No.9068884

Oh yes it does anon. Yes it does

>> No.9069038

>only enter the Ideya Palace when the time starts running out (like 20 seconds or so).
lmao no you should always do it last second

>> No.9069064
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Dream creatures are literally dreamed up.

>> No.9069398
File: 489 KB, 547x541, dc0qqwt-19ebd32f-9460-4484-a2fc-b6248c30451a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the timeline where NiGHTS and Sonic Adventure switched places.
>Saturn Sonic Adventure trims the gameplay fat (i.e. Big who was there to showcase the Dreamcast's almighty fishing prowess), redesigns that occurred due to major games skipping a console generation either happen later or not at all.
>Dreamcast NiGHTS gets analog-default controller, way more polish, looks closer to PS2 version upon release, and gets expanded concepts such as Self, is remembered as a unique launch title.
>Due to the NiGHTS engine not being a thing yet, Sonic Xtreme developers don't waste valuable time on that dead-end; if it still gets canceled on Saturn, it made it further along to the point it was probably picked up as a streamlined PC exclusive.
This is a net good, shame Sega's priorities weren't aligned.

>> No.9069429


>> No.9069550

nights is satan
think about it :0

>> No.9069940

I think it's a shame they didn't integrate the pirouette moves in the gameplay(outside of those timed bonus ribbon moments) like have them give you benefits like speed boosts, make sudden turns easier, etc.
It would make the skilled movement in the game even more stylish than it already is

>> No.9070502

no, that's Reala

>> No.9070509
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>mfw seeing myself

>> No.9070551

Reala didn't betray and rebel against his creator tho.

>> No.9070596
File: 610 KB, 980x663, There is no NiGHTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Reala is the Jesus Christ of the NiGHTSverse?

>> No.9071324

At least they extend links. Barely, but they help.

>> No.9071490

The Saturn had way bigger problems and simply could not handle a Sonic game like Sonic Adventure
Even if they made someway to handle the game on the console it would probably just be too late and it would be dead anyway

>> No.9071496

>>9071490 (me)
If Sega of Japan wasnt retarded they would get over their autism with SOA and make the priority to have their main star game be able to run smoothly without having to handicap itself on their new console
just like how fucking Nintendo did

>> No.9071498

Alright boys but who is Self

>> No.9072372
File: 337 KB, 1280x412, 2021-12-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cut boss. According to Naka, Self was meant to be a secret boss, but he was cut due to time constraints. The only things that remains of him are an unused boss emblem and name for the Boss menu, an unused name for the credits and a cut boss song.

Additionally, the NiGHTS Datamine Project team found a set of 3D emblems on the E3 demo. The second set of emblems are heavily speculated to be what Self would've looked like.

>> No.9072610

that emblem screams SHE

>> No.9072656

Happy birthday to the most boring game ever made, and one of the more colorful nails in sega’s coffin.

>> No.9073451
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Reala is even weirder.

>> No.9073485

never cared much for it, but the OST is good

>> No.9075449
File: 92 KB, 600x960, SANGHT012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NiGHTS is the kind of trickster faggot who'd grow a penis just to aim piss at his enemies then morph it into a vagina to magically impregnate herself and get an abortion after going through eight months in eight seconds.
That's kinda how dreams work anon.

>> No.9075506

Did Yuji Naka spill the beans about Self?

>> No.9075516
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>> No.9075587
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It's unironically non binary.

>> No.9075591

The widescreen option is a scam.

>> No.9075594
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>> No.9075601
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>> No.9075606
File: 2.41 MB, 2244x2598, __nights_sega_and_1_more_drawn_by_jessica_mcginnis__99e41e879c8d7f3d9a1f7865688fa3dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9075645

He's spending his time bitching about Oshima on Twitter than talking about Nights.