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9065194 No.9065194 [Reply] [Original]

Is Romancing Saga 3 worth it?

>> No.9065198

not really, you have to play the game 8 times to get the full story and the story itself is mediocre and definitely unrewarding before the 8th playthrough

>> No.9065272
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I bought this shit as a kid to play on my modified SNES only to realize it was mostly reading. I played it quite a bit even though I couldn't read it, and I liked the music. The only Japanese kid in my town would read some it for me when we hung out.

>> No.9065287
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Yes it is. While maybe not as good as Romancing SaGa 2, it is still one of the best JRPGs on the SNES. The world opens up fairly quickly and you can go and attempt to find quests, threads of information about the archfiends, and globe trotting while building your party. Plenty of varying weapon types that worth playing around with from axes, epees, bows, fists, great swords, spears, among others. The encounters are on the easy side, but the boss battles are great.

>> No.9065294

Hell yeah it is. I've only played like a third of the SaGa games so far, but it's my favorite so far along with Frontier. One of the best RPGs on SNES I'd say.

>> No.9065829

Worth what? A gold medal for being the best JRPG on the SNES? Then yes.

>> No.9065831

>villain is actually impossible to defeat
>only way to prevail is to fight it enough to make the destruction to recreate the world as it was before the inevitable desctruction.

>> No.9065920
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It's like a slightly better RS1. Very pretty, great music, great character designs. But the gameplay is really shallow compared to RS2. You don't have anywhere near as many options for building your characters and you're actively discouraged from using magic if you want to spark shit (thanks to that stupid ass crown system) and when you combine that with how difficult the game can get with some of the bosses, you really have to know what you're working with or you can get fucked up.

The enemy level thing is also totally retarded here, it's RNG how much it goes up every fight you do. The cap was something like 158 and on a low-fighting playthrough I was at 152 before the final dungeon my last playthrough. Bosses don't scale until you hit cap, where they get 1.6x as much HP or some shit, but you're pretty much encouraged to just hit cap, get Shadow Servant and grind some 2% chance drops to negate some of the heinous RNG the final bosses like to pull.

Overall I'd say it's worth playing if you're already a SaGa fan. The core SaGa jank is there, so it's still enjoyable, but there's not really enough going on to make it into a game I'd actually recommend. It feels even more rushed than the other SaGa games. As a SNES JRPG I'd give it like a 6/10, most of that score being from the presentation rather than the actual game.

If you're new to the series and looking for a place to start, try SaGa 1 (Wonderswan version is cool), RS2 or Saga Frontier instead.

>> No.9065925
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Oh also a tip if you do play it: don't kill the boss Galatea in the cave near Fals and Stanley. Leave him alive so the enemies in the cave stay alive and you can have access to the best sparking/grinding area in the lategame once enemy scaling is beefed up.

>> No.9066040
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>check out the modern ports
>write them off as mobile tier because people criticized the graphical style
>realize later on that it's square's early attempts at HD-2D

>> No.9066048

They still look pretty shitty, and add a bunch of new bugs and shit. Only reason to play them is the translations if you can't into moonrunes.

>> No.9066096

>square's early attempts at HD-2D
No that was DQ 7

>> No.9066131
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The backgrounds are great and they still use the same character sprites. On the other hand RS2 looked very primitive outside of the battle backgrounds.

>> No.9066138

I watched a bit of someone playing the RS3 port and there were some battle backgrounds that looked absolutely fucking horrendous.

>> No.9067124

>if you can't into moonrunes.
more like if you can't into emulation. og RS3 has been translated for years if not for decades

>> No.9067258

No SaGA game is

>> No.9067293

What's a good place to start with SaGa? I tried the PSX and (fan-patched) DS ones but they filter me with their wack ass character leveling and bullshit bosses.

>> No.9067905

It has, but the translation is fucking garbage. I imagine the official port does a better job of that.

>> No.9067918

The soundtrack is fire

>> No.9067935

I think the first games were called final fantasy legends and they came out on Gameboy.

>> No.9067996

>Playing SaGa for the story
Anon, the story is secondary to the gameplay in most SaGa games.

>> No.9068035

The last one I can recommend is Romancing SaGa 3. It only has one method of developing characters compared to the Gameboy games and SaGa Frontier since it only uses a natural growth system. On the other hand the bosses can get pretty difficult in RS3. There really aren't many other recommendations when it comes to entry points into the series. The bosses and the growth mechanics are just something you have to tough out.

>> No.9068051
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If he thought the bosses in the other games were bullshit, SaGa 3's bosses won't do much for him.
>spams full party attacks that do 1/3 to 1/2 of everybody's HP in a game with no party heals
>full party random instadeath attack
>full party damage + poison
>any of the above twice in one turn if the AI RNG feels like it
RS3's more difficult bosses are just a fucking exercise in how much RNG negation you're willing to grind out.
Burn in fucking hell Forneus you cunt

>> No.9068063

Yeah I admit the bosses can get difficult, on the other hand there is only one growth method. I'd think it's better if he stuck to SaGa Frontier since it's the easiest when it comes to bosses since you can get fairly overpowered. That's if you take an effort to power up some of the races. While I haven't beaten the DS versions, I do remember some of the Gameboy bosses being tough as well like Creator being able to use recover, and when I was younger I had a hard time against Odin and of course the Arsenal fight is tough due to how hard the final form can hit.

>> No.9068072

Frontier felt pretty fair when I played Asellus and T260G's routes. I think so long as you don't fight too many enemies that give you bad gains then you're good in that game.
*unzips chainsaw*

>> No.9069128

Which is a shame.becausw the gameplay is fucking horrid
>press a
>wait for turn
>press a
>wait for turn
>press a
>wait for turn
>press a
>wait for turn
Across MULTIPLE playthroughs? Fuck off

>> No.9069139

Complaining about games you don't play becomes more obvious when it's something not entry-level.

>> No.9069158

Real shit. SaGa niggas have some of the highest bullshit tolerance levels of any RPG players.

>> No.9069167

To be fair, a good amount of SaGa involves bullshitting the bullshit right back.

>> No.9069178
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>spent like 4 hours grinding out Troll Stones, Hydra Leathers and Ice Shields for all my party members in RS3 a week ago which are all 2% drop rates

>> No.9069182

>Relying on drops
That's not really bullshitting the bullshit.

>> No.9069191
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Those + shadow servant on everybody + martial arts with the strongest martial arts moves sparked with japanese speedrunner tech I learned from youtube to get chad Fairy to spark and master what I needed with a 100% success rate on Cerberus and Asura every time
Killed the final boss before it could even phase shift

>> No.9069410

start with minstrel song

>> No.9069563

Pixel remasters are shit.

>> No.9071215
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The fairy is kawaii and the best spear user

>> No.9071236
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She has some insane stats outside of the HP growth. But for me, it's Robin.

>> No.9071243
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Katalina (martial arts)
Fairy (martial arts)
Sarah (martial arts, axe)
Robin (martial arts, nightingale)
Undine (heals and shit)
My favorite party. I just like punching shit. One thing I don't like about RS3 is the wrestling moves having a high chance to miss, though. Frontier is better for wrasslin.
My nigga. I love "superhero" archetype JRPG party members.