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9064093 No.9064093 [Reply] [Original]

The endings are being listed in this order in the official guides/trivia/collector books on Silent Hill 2:

In Water.

Leave. Maria. In Water.

"Leave Maria in water".

"Maria" is Mary's doppelganger that was "born from a wish" of deranged James that had gone crazy after he forcefully euthanized his suffering wife.

"Leaving Maria in water" (in reality - Mary's body) is exactly what James ends up doing when he launches his car in Toluca lake in the "In Water" ending, as Mary's (actual "Maria's") body been sitting in the trunk of his car from the very beginning.

"Leave Maria in water" is a very blunt and direct message that tells us this is the only course of events that ended up actually happening, after all endings were collected/witnessed.

Thus, "In Water" is the only absolutely undeniably legit ending in that game, outside of the UFO/Dog "alternate canon".

>> No.9064096

Yeah, did not read. Real ending is the dog ending.

>> No.9064102

I like to imagine the Leave ending is canon, because when James returns to his car he still has Mary's corpse in the back seat and Laura is probably pretty upset by that.

>> No.9064146

I used to get really ate up with canon until I did some research on several games with multiple or open endings that particularly bothered me and came to find that:

1. Chances are, if it’s an older game series that you’re a fan of you more than likely care way more about the canon than the developers did
2. Japanese devs and fans could give two shits about canon and just appreciate the options for multiple endings, and even think some cases like Star Fox commands bad endings are funny (they actually like that game where in the west it was poorly received because of the story and bad endings)
3. Multiple dev interviews I’ve read basically just had them saying “we didn’t really care about the canon, we just wanted to do neat things with the characters, you can just view it as an alternate reality”
4. The obsession with canon tends to be a western thing from what I can see, and only recently do various companies like Disney seem to put an emphasis on it

So basically, just enjoy the stories you like, choose the ending you like, and don’t get so caught up on everyone agreeing on a particular ending or route. It’s really all up to you.

>> No.9064183


>> No.9064208

>I've 100% proof that I need professional help

>> No.9064214

>depressing ending is more kino, have to purposely play the game badly and work towards your character's suicide
this honestly triggers my ocd.

>> No.9064221
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Reminds me of the Muramasa’s Wild Child bad ending, which ended up being better and more wholesome than the actual ending.

>> No.9064240

In water was the first ending I got,
but my favorite is rebirth

>> No.9064526

I got so pissed when the game gave me the In Water ending that I never touched that piece of shit again.

>> No.9065314

This is retarded, and you have to leave out the fourth ending to even get this.

>> No.9065368

Not him and I don't believe it's true but the fourth ending was only added in a re-release, right? Along with the born from a wish segment?

>> No.9065369

The Rebirth ending was in the original release. The added ending was the UFO ending

>> No.9065371

Oh? Fair enough then.
I still don't think any of the endings are 'canon' anyways. It's painfully obvious that SH2 is supposed to be standalone.

>> No.9065505

There is no canon ending. Silent Hill 4 mentions that James has gone missing, and this is compatible with all four endings. It is left intentionally open.

>> No.9065510

Kek, I got the 'in water' ending the first time I played the game blind back in 2002.

>> No.9065515

>multiple endings
>"no bro this ending is the true ending that continues the story"
like what? the fact that all Silent Hill games have multiple endings means they arent connected, aside from the UFO endings cause its funny. Like the only way Silent Hill is connected that they are within distance of eachother(apartments, town, city, truck stop, etc)

>> No.9065517

Silent Hill 4 sucks anyways so it should be ignore regardless imo
Sorta but SH 1 has to either be the good ending or the good+ ending

>> No.9065520

>>4. The obsession with canon tends to be a western thing from what I can see, and only recently do various companies like Disney seem to put an emphasis on it
>I cant enjoy different storytelling devices unless I am told what is the real ending!
>I cant even begin to play a game unless I find out which are the true settings I have to play it in!
video game fans are sheep

>> No.9065521

>Silent Hill 4 sucks anyways so it should be ignore regardless imo
It wouldn't help your case either way.

>> No.9065527

Silent Hill 3 is a direct sequel to the first game.

>> No.9065592

It’s more entertainment in general, and it’s hard to say for sure as I just used Japanese and American/European discussions on various things with bad or controversial endings or lack there of, but again, it seemed like western discussion revolves around canon and trying to either vilify or write off certain parts of it, where as nip discussion was based around mechanics and if they did bring up the story it would just be something they liked, or didn’t like, then move on and it wouldn’t get nearly as “in depth” as western discussion in that particular area.

I am curious as to when it seems to have become such a big deal. I wonder if the shit writing we see now of days has just made people more sensitive to it or something.

>> No.9065615

>SH4 sucked
It wasnt everybody's favorite but it was mine. To be honest though the gameplay is pretty bad, but the atmosphere, the aesthetic and the cutscenes were what made me love the game

>> No.9065857

I also got In Water playing blind on my first playthrough.

I like In Water best because it feels more thematically consistent. There's a heavy 'water damage' aesthetic throughout the game, plus everyone else in Silent Hill dies so it makes sense to me that James should too (barring Laura of course, but she's obviously not like the others).

>> No.9065868

Your standards are way too high if you think SH4 was a bad video game. It's not as good as the others, but it's definitely not a less than 5/10 which is what 'sucks' implies.

>> No.9065876
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Is Silent Hill 2 straight out of the hospital with her fresh body? He forgot that quickly?
Isn't she supposed to have died for a while? Did he dig up her grave?

>> No.9066450

you're a fuckin idiot

>> No.9066474

>Your standards are way too high if you think SH4 was a bad video game
I think it's crap for a lot of reasons actually. I even prefer Origins and homecoming over it

>> No.9066476
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Bro I think you need to play SH2. It's a really good game.
The whole 'body in the trunk thing' was always just a fan theory but he 100% killed Mary a relatively short while before the game started so it's possible she's in his car somewhere.

>> No.9066494

A big part of 2’s story is denial. People like to meme on the games being bad, but they all still capture various phobias and mental health issues a million times better than indie games that actually try to do that. People are fighting about 4, but I still like it just for the fact it captures what it’s like to be a shut in and having a general fear of other people so well as I was having both of those issues when I first played it.

>> No.9066510

>and mental health issues a million times better than indie games that actually try to do that.
lmao bro you're obsessed

>> No.9066539

You're retarded and lack the understanding of what makes a video game good

>> No.9066548

>retard lashes out because someone doesn't like his shitty favorite game ever
Silent Hill 4 isn't scary, it isn't fun to play and it certainly doesn't have an interesting or good story.
The invo is a pain in the ass, the locations are boring and bland, the fact that the entire second half of the game is a giant escort quest is annoying and not tense and the game seems to go as far out of it's way as possible to ruin any tension it does have via shit like the burping nurses falling down the stairs, stupid enemies like the wheel chairs / the ghosts that are just annoying as fuck and the fact that Walter is such a laughably stupid bad guy with such a retarded motivation that it's impossible to take it remotely serious.

Silent Hill 4 fucking sucks and every kind of cool idea it kind of does is ruined by like 3 or 4 much much worse ones.

>> No.9066554

Cool post. I disagree, and you lack understanding of what makes a video game good.

>> No.9066564

Guess you're just a cuck with bad taste then.

>> No.9066570

Nah. I think you have bad taste and low IQ. Have a good day.

>> No.9066572

>waaah you're dumb
I accept your delectation of defeat. Hopefully you can get good taste someday and learn to think for yourself.

>> No.9066576

I didn't read your essay you wrote btw. Just thought you should know.

>> No.9066579

>like 4 lines
Anon that's just sad no matter how you try to make it come off.

>> No.9066705

Sounds like you are grasping at straws. Can't you just accept that there are multiple endings and one doesn't have to be canon? They are all decent enough endings and help conclude the story in different ways

>> No.9066715

I'm sure you have your reasons, but you must've spent your life playing only the greatest games ever made to say Silent Hill 4 is a bad game.

Having flaws doesn't make a game 'bad'.
I think Homecoming was made by people who didn't understand what Silent Hill was supposed to be (classic complaint of why is Pyramid Head there?) and can't hold a candle to the Team Silent games on the PS2 and I personally don't like it... but I wouldn't call it a 'bad' game. It had some good monster designs, some interesting concepts even if there were flaws with the execution, some areas of the game are well designed visually. It has both good points and bad points- probably falling slightly more on good than bad. 6/10 or so seems fair.

You think Silent Hill 4 is a 4/10 or less?
I think that's really hard to justify.

>> No.9066730

Homecoming is a shit game but imo if you mentally remove the 'silent hill' title from the game then it's at least an okayish horror action game. Obviously it pales in comprison to things like Dead Space 1 (I'd actually rather play HC over DS2 though) and RE4 but it's o k on it's own.
Personally I think if you remove the 'silent hill' title from 4 then it 100% doesn't hold up as either a horror or an action horror game but that's mostly just my point of view. I'm not going to say it's unplayably bad but I do think it's in general overrated a bunch and I don't consider it fun to play or tense in any real way

>> No.9066767

disregard this post and continue talking about video games in this video game board

>> No.9068392

you're a fuckin idiot

>> No.9068494

Imagine playing a game that gives you the chance to explore and address different endings and what their significance means on the characters and world and instead you miss the point entirely and focus on whether or not there's only one true lore canon.

>> No.9068985

you're a fuckin idiot

>> No.9069040

I thought the creators confirmed that James had Mary's body in the back. I must have misremembered, but I stand by my joke about traumatizing Laura.

>> No.9069068

This. There can only be one true ending to a game and there can only be one kid on the internet who dictates what it is. No one else can be ever be as special and clever as it's mommies tell it that it is.

>> No.9069443

Personally I always take anything one of the devs says decades later, doubly so one that's salty at Konami, with a massive grain of salt but that's just me.

>> No.9069704

This just in , some faggot tries to connect the dots where there isn't any.