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File: 61 KB, 512x512, Famicom Keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9062203 No.9062203 [Reply] [Original]

Did the "Family Computer" have a word processor? A calculator? Could you file your taxes or write proper software? And what about the Super Famicom?

>> No.9062208

With the right carts, yes.

>> No.9062218
File: 95 KB, 711x960, A7DB2B89-A3E3-43F3-ADAD-E842F3F4E841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, like in the US it was designed to be a Knitting Machine only. Don’t understand why the “video game cartridge” add-on became so popular, it distracted from knitting.

>> No.9062224

No, but you could trade stocks and go online. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Computer_Network_System

>> No.9062229

>it's not a computer if you can't do work on it

>> No.9062234

*personal computer

>> No.9062235

Is this real?

>> No.9062240
File: 136 KB, 720x720, 158628268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of old systems had official BASIC programming carts, peripherals, and documentation that you could learn to make games with.
Game Basic for Sega Saturn and Petit Computer's SmileBASIC for DSi/3DS/Wii U/Switch are newer examples.

>> No.9062327

Keyboard Famiclones were more like actual computers than legit Famicoms lol.

>> No.9062347

>doesn't know about Chinese NES Windows 98

>> No.9062404
File: 63 KB, 500x375, tumblr_pc3825HBWG1v0jfsto3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. But not nearly as well as famiclones.

Not really. Maybe a mockup or even prototype, but not an actual product. But the GB sewing machines were, and pretty good ones.

>> No.9063190

basic software can do some neat stuff
but i doubt people were using it for much of that
maybe as a fancy calculator but

they were using it for games anon
the keyboard is actually great though
im typing on it right now with a usb adapter

>> No.9063202

Family BASIC was relatively useless due to the small memory for programs and the lack of floating point capability--it was integer only.

>> No.9063324

Integer only is the way to go for literally everything embedded/low resource. Fixed points are in many ways better than AIIIIIEEEEE floats.

>> No.9064404

This. People wanted to use their toy computer for developing embedded system not to balance their checkbook.

>> No.9064413

More of a gimmick compared to real personal microcomputers of the time. Even cheaper ones like VIC20.

>> No.9064632
File: 406 KB, 965x1280, B1B9B577-DBDC-4781-ACAB-995DBC275BBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would have loved it as a kid

>> No.9064634

is this somehow worse than "programming" on the bally astrocade?

>> No.9064693

Wasn't there actually sewing software for the Famciom Disk System?

>> No.9064717

I've never seen those pauline sprites

>> No.9065039
File: 816 KB, 581x704, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that motherfucking Pentaro?

>> No.9065041

yes it had basic

>> No.9065048

it was knitting but yah

>> No.9065942

no it was a video game console

>> No.9066286

it comes with the famicom keyboard
the fami basic has a few built in sprites you can program in to your "games"

>> No.9066293

There's nothing really stopping any home console from being a PC. It's just that they were built with certain tasks in mind and not others so it would make a pretty brutal experience if you were to try to use the NES the same way you would a Commodore 64 or something.

>> No.9066319

The NES sucked at RPGs. Lack of floating point and true RNG made it even worse than the speccy.

>> No.9066321

SNES RPGs didn't really do true RNG either. It was more clever about it though.

>> No.9066336

Wait, i know those penguin sprites. It's from NES Pinball. Mario and Paulina also were there.
Shellcreepers, Fighter Flies and Sidesteppers are from Mario Bros.
What are other sprites from? Some early FDS/arcade Nintendo game?

>> No.9066346

It took so many cycles on the NES. I can't imagine a Sword of Fargoal or Rogue port running on the NES even with expanded RAM, the games that cheap computers had owned for many years by the time the NES came out.

>> No.9066360

Modern day flash carts where you can put all your software on a microSD card (which everyone just loads up with game roms) would allow for any console control deck that accepts one to become a real computer.
Those bad boys already have a file system in place to handle the roms. Long as you can get back to that file system without cycling power, and can add files to the storage space from that menu (most do - copying .sav files and the like) you're golden. If someone wrote a word processor and an assembler which can run in the native device's language (not a compiler for a .sfc file running on a windows machine - you'd have to make a yacc), you'd have a genuine OS for the SNES or whatever you like which would be freaking cool as hell.

>> No.9066416

You could hack Donkey Kong to use those Pauline sprites.

>> No.9066418

im not sure and my japanese is quite poor- i'm not familiar with visual basic enough to call up the sprites and do things with them.

im just the usb keyboard anon from earlier

>> No.9066431
File: 2.76 MB, 2536x1777, Nintendo_AVS_display_case_(high_angle).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One wonders how things may have played out if they went with the microcomputer route.

>oi bruv dis aint a micro innit, only got 2kb ram unlike me speccy

>> No.9066435

Flash carts have built in microcontrollers and FPGA interface that are pretty much more powerful than the console itself, so using flash cart is pretty much cheating. The only way to turn the NES into a fully functioning computer without flash cart or only 2KB of RAM is by modding the FDS system to run the Famicom BASIC ROM and using the Mitsumi Quick Disk floppies as storage.

>> No.9066440

The C64 would eat it up alive. It could probably compete against Tandy CoCo 3 or something more obscure, if it was lucky.

>> No.9066451

Probably very little would change other than the thing would just be annoyingly more expensive. The peripherals and keyboard would go largely unused as more and more Famicom games came over. You'd still be playing all the Castlevanias and Mega Mans but now you have a giant keyboard sitting there for no reason. It would eventually get to the point that they would have redesigned it to ditch the keyboard and we'd get a smaller revision in the late 80s with probably a keyboard accessory sold separately for whatever software actually needed it.

>> No.9066630

so the famicom av would still exist

im ok with it

>> No.9066662

It was a name that the wife of the dude developing the machine came up with it.

>> No.9066934

>posted from my mommies' iphone, which i know has a true RNG

>> No.9067091

That's fair. I was thinking ease of use for the experience of using the hardware as a computer, but you're not wrong that the additional tech inside the cart is massive, and a pure experience using just OG tech would be impressive.

>> No.9068745

>check out my retarded highschool opinion, which is also wrong

>> No.9068840

Famicom Basic is one of those things computer fanatics who are anti-console want people to ignore, fiercely.

>> No.9068859

>i am surrounded by imaginary enemies

>> No.9068974


what pills are you taking to make you this deluded?
share them anonkun

I just need a break from reality baby

>> No.9069173

Similar to the PC Engine.

>> No.9069548

>>doesn't know about Chinese NES Windows 98
i remember that.

>It took so many cycles on the NES
depends on how shit the routine is. doesn't take that much time to generate a random 8-bit number. c64 was slow as fuck yet still could generate random numbers very quickly. i doubt the nes would be slower than the 64.

>> No.9069560

>computer fanatics who are anti-console
this board is unbelievable in regard to how the internet's worst and most disgusting compulsive liars come here to just make shit up as they go. delusional fucking morons.

>> No.9069567

>Flash carts have built in microcontrollers and FPGA interface that are pretty much more powerful than the console itself
and they're still limited to that slow as fuck system bus. brilliant.
>so using flash cart is pretty much cheating.
false. it serves its purpose: making ROM data available on the bus so the nes can see it and use it. it's a cart with infinite space - that's limited to whatever mapper system is used.

>Mitsumi Quick Disk floppies as storage.
this is why nobody takes nintentoddlers seriously. i love the nes, but you have severe brain damage. none of this works how it works in your meth soaked mind.

>> No.9069853
File: 372 KB, 1024x768, Smaugchad_20220707_092005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are keyboard famiclones with fully implemented mouse support and word processors that you can print from. All of that shit was possible with the Famicom from the beginning in case Nintendo didn't find the dedicated gaming market and had to position themselves as a budget alternative to MSX and PC-88 but that didn't end up being necessary. It didn't stop the bootleggers from doing it though.


>> No.9070017

/thread. Pack it up

>> No.9070148

I just realized it having a tape deck means it would have an aux port which means saving tracks in Excitebike would've actually worked like on the Famicom...

>> No.9070165

No, that's not what happened. The system was officially called, "Family Computer," but his wife said it should be called, "Famicom," cuz everyone is gonna call it that anyways. They couldn't, though, because Sharp already had the copyright for an oven called the, "Famicon," and apparently, "Famicom," and, "Famicon," are spelled the same in Japanese, and Japanese copyrights go by the Japanese spelling. Nintendo bought the rights to that name from them, though, which is why they were able to call the next system the, "Super Famicom." In exchange, Sharp got the rights to produce their own models of the Famicom, which is why the Twin Famicom exists.

>> No.9070305

> a computer is not a computer unless it has microsoft word

are you perhaps retarded

>> No.9070351

Personal computer.

>> No.9070358

you own it so it's personal. not that that matters because even if you didn't it would still fit the definition of a computer.

>> No.9070369

If I owned an analogue computer would it be a fucking PC? I know you are not this fucking stupid and are just trying to save face. Grow up

>> No.9070397

I believe I need to clarify that a personal computer is a type of computer. Your washing machine has a microprocessor but it's obviously not a PC.

>> No.9070402

Not the anon you're coping to, but yes. Any computer designed for personal use would be a personal computer.

>> No.9070413

Even my fridge?

>> No.9070446
File: 159 KB, 800x548, Smaugchad_20211218_004222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Microsoft and IBM successfully branded the term "personal computer" in 1980

>> No.9070581

This is super cool, I'd love to get one.

>> No.9070630

If your fridge is a computer designed for personal use then yes, it's a personal computer. Not sure why this is so hard for you to wrap your head around.

>> No.9070689

Famiclones were cheap as dirt in the '00s, including keyboard famiclones. I got my King Game Computer NIB for $10 at a store. It has a cool box and mouse support but no parallel port or floppy drive like that Subor has.

>> No.9070745

PC has always been a poorly defined gray area. From a legal standpoint the NES was not PC because the rights to produce ports of arcade games on home computers did not give you the rights to sell a port for videogame consoles. However the only thing that really separates a console from a home computer is the inclusion of a keyboard, yet you could buy those separately for many consoles. A modern day "actual PC" mainly refers to IBM PC compatibles and the computers that defend from them, yet the Xboxes are considered consoles while just being PCs without a keyboard so that definition does not work either.

>> No.9070859

I feel that the thing that separates a PC from consoles is the ability of individuals create and release your own software for it without permission/licensing from the manufacturer.

>> No.9070892

But under that definition the NES or any system with cracked copy protection is a PC. Selling homebrew software is not illegal if it does not contain copywritten code.

>> No.9071157

Kind of, but I was talking more like mass production/distribution. Nintendo cracked down hard on any stores that dared to sell unlicensed games. I guess the fact that there's built in copy protection you need to crack is a part of it?

>> No.9071182

>visual basic

>> No.9071536

Atari 2600 had a basic cart and no copy protection so that makes it a PC.

>> No.9072054

>or any system with cracked copy protection is a PC
100% false. still a console.

>> No.9072059

Yeah. I used to be in 3rd world shitholes a few times a month and would always pop into the local game stores and see that shit they had in the bargain bins. Picked up dozens of famiclones NIB for a few bucks.

From a legal standpoint you're not old enough to be here

>> No.9072060

depressingly accurate

>> No.9072734
File: 2 KB, 820x49, reggin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd have to get a little creative to make it work. No fireball, either, so no SMB. :(

>> No.9072748

>...except when it doesn't suit my narrative, etc...