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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9059758 No.9059758 [Reply] [Original]

so you can actually obtain the triforce in Ocarina of Time, that's wild

>> No.9059759

The Triforce is the friends we make along the way

>> No.9059782

Maybe we all have a triforce deep down in ourselves.

>> No.9059893

Triforce before you Biforce!

>> No.9059908

Yeah old news, Nintendo themselves revealed them back in April of 1999.

>> No.9059915

If by obtain, you mean hacking the game in real time to put it in, sure. But that also means you can give Samus' arm canon to Link if you wanted.

>> No.9059920

>But that also means you can give Samus' arm canon to Link if you wanted.
yeah, next you're going to tell me you can fight an Arwing.

>> No.9059931

no, you cannot

>> No.9059936

The Arwing is actually in the game's files, though. The shit they did to make the Triforce obtainable isn't. https://youtu.be/qBK1sq1BQ2Q

>> No.9059963

which is incredibly impressive, imagine being there to see it in person in real time, their robot pal inputs 2 million button inputs and next thing you know you're fighting the fucking running man in hyrule field

>> No.9059990

I believe the Airwing can actually spawn after opening a chest when a very rare CPU bug happens. Something was found in the leak that the Airwing instructions were right after the chest opening instructions or something
But we're talking like cosmic ray interference level of rare probably

>> No.9060041

Does anyone have a prepatched rom of this? I'm not autistic enough to build it myself

>> No.9060052

Just play normal OoT and right when you get up to a treasure chest quickly cover your screen with a printout of a triforce.

>> No.9060097

can confirm that this works for all regional variations of the game

>> No.9060154 [DELETED] 

So in order to play this do I have to be mentally ill?
Is that a requrement?

Seriously, the first time in years I looked sth GDQ related and immediately the illness oozes out of the screen, that 100% male guy at the controller gets referred to with non standard pronouns... It's astonishing really.
Though in his case it really seems just like a half assed attempt to keep attention stay relevant in that weird scene.

>Hey people, I suddenly feel now as woman too!

>> No.9060160 [DELETED] 

It's one of the most popular games ever, millions of people played it. Within these millions, there's going to be mentally ill ones, especially if you look in places like GDQ and the like. But they're not the only ones who played OOT lol.

>> No.9060176
File: 126 KB, 1463x759, WindowsTerminal_2022-07-03_19-37-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been compiling this shit for the better part of the last hour and it's still going
and apparently the one we can actually build is a "lesser" version for some reason, there's no information of what's missing

>> No.9060940

based, their version they fed in twitch comments of online users in realtime, i'm sure that's what was greater about it, it was meta

>> No.9061152

TASBot has existed for a while so it's really not that impressive desu.

>> No.9061246

It's cool, but it's just arbitrary code execution. Link could obtain the Infinity Gauntlet if someone really wanted to make it happen.

>> No.9061648

How the fuck did they add voice acting via ACE?
I can believe drawing new textures, I can somewhat believe creating new geometry and collision maps via ACE but how the absolute FUCK do you simulate someone's voice via ACE?

>> No.9061691

i know right, everyone is just saying 'bro it's JUST ace' and i'm like; "seems like heckin magic"

>> No.9061721

Except this isn't just nominal bullshit. The level of content being created from an in memory ace with nothing but controller input is one hell of a feat

>> No.9061726

Best guess is they had pre recorded files that were transferred to expansion pack ram and played out. Since they were loading and discarding in near real time they didn't need to compress it to fit in a cart or anything

>> No.9062115

The reason the Arwing is there is because OoT is just SF64/SF2. I'm surprised more people haven't cottoned on yet. Play close attention to the camera pathing next time you play those games.

>> No.9062130

it's there because the devs used it to test z-targetting, nitwit

>> No.9062141

I'm sure of all the assets they could've chose to waste space arbitrarily putting on a cartridge, it was a Star Fox one, right? Because Shiggy's really known for his emotional attachment to Star Fox?

>> No.9062142

If negotiation fails, Triforce

>> No.9062161

>Because Shiggy's really known for his emotional attachment to Star Fox?
He created the characters and setting of that series based on his childhood nostalgia, so yes.

>> No.9062179

Really hate this shit. The dishonest way it was presented is gonna make all the normalfags think that shit is real and on the cartridge.

It was included to test Volvaginas movements.

>> No.9062217

Once you can solve for getting from controller input over to executing whatever code you want everything else that follows is equivalent to if you weren't doing anything with controller input and were working through a devkit more directly instead.

>> No.9062259

I'm inclined to agree. The way it was described from the title implied it was either going to show off all the crazy things from the leaked prototype (in hindsight, this probably carried the risk of pissing off Nintendo) or just show off beta shit on the cartridge a la Beta Quest from the olden days of Gameshark codes. Instead, we got an ACE exhibition, with some beta assets thrown in. Total bait and switch, and that ending was cringy as fuck but of course would play well within that bubble. It was very impressive on a technical level, though.

>> No.9062351


I don't really see how someone could think that as soon as things got more wild.
Then again we all indeed know that you should never underestimate human retardedness.
The beginning with the lost woods was still believable, because why not could the devs have left behind a secret code with the exits (though with a game this popular it's unlikely it wouldn't have been found a long time ago already, surely that combination of exits has autistically been tried out already, followed by every other combination up to 20 exits), but after that it seems pretty clear that that was no longer content hidden on the cart.

>> No.9062373

They had to know their audience was primarily going to be normalfag millenials who probably played the game back when they were kids and only ever replayed it casually once or twice, if ever, and are largely unaware of all the craziness surrounding OoT or are only briefly acquainted with what has been shown in speedruns on previous GDQ events at best. It's the only reason they got away with being coy.

>> No.9062402

You continue to undermine extensive reverse engineering to create and inject assets without crashing the game, as well as dynamic network loading of internet assets

>> No.9062428

None of that really has anything to do with controller input though. Doing it with controller input isn't really what makes any of it impressive is the point. Once you can solve for getting from controller input over to code execution the controller input part no longer really matters and everything else being done is equivalent to working with the code more directly. Especially since the controller input is automated for inhumanly precise adherence to whatever is needed to bridge that gap over to code execution.

>> No.9062436

Not sure why you're so fixated on that but sure. I'm absence of any dev materials being used, they were limited to what was available retail on that system. Controller ports were it, and they used the TASBOT to macro all the inputs. That said, asset creation had to occur independently, they had to ensure it worked in the gsme, in sequence, without crashing, then had to effectively transpile the data into code for the TASBot to input at likely very specific queues, likely reading from memory.

Tasbot is a means to an end. The project as a whole is what's so impressive from both a product management and engineering perspective

>> No.9062491

I wonder how restricted the TAS is to adhering to the script.
After all the PC is constantly feeding the needed new content but there is still the base game under it. So is it pretty much just an interactive movie or could he for example just ignored the giant rupee and went to the ranch or the Gerudo and when coming back the rupee would still be there or would not following the script exactly in order cause the game to crash?

>> No.9063150


they quickly put in 2 million button cheat codes and played through a part of the game that materialized out of thin fucking air

and to top it off the spectacular part was they took the lauch cartridge with no modifications, and they walked through memory lane of all the cool beta ideas and rumors everyone considers iconic, and took the protagonist from his 1998 game 23 years forward to a tribute meet 'n greet with all the gamers who were impacted with the game.

>> No.9063157

nah, in the run the dude narrates the whole fucking experience and doesn't have anyone thinking anything other than what is going on, explaining in detail how everything is happening and why they've chosen certain story elements

anyone who was hoodwinked is a fucking moron, and they're no anon of mine

>> No.9063219

from what I can gather there are many crashes outside the intended path

>> No.9063243

Anyone that watched the run and came away thinking it was all on the cart is irredeemably stupid

>> No.9063258

This was the series finale of retro gaming.

>> No.9063280

It was to test Volvagia

>> No.9063285

He was explaining in detail, but he kept the charade of "this is all actually in the game files you guise" right up until they went through the door to the Triforce chamber when he finally came clean that a bunch of it was made up.
But what gets me is that the video and any news about it continue to be advertised as "legitimately finding the Triforce." It's retarded and you know as well as I do that there will be people who don't actually watch it but will simply read a news headline and start spreading it around as fact that the Triforce was found for real.

>> No.9063427

Volabia, idiot

>> No.9063434

It was really a mixture of kids
Stuff like the beta kokiri and the butterfly cage were found about a decade ago (although I believe in the debug MQ ROM, but I'm not sure) and furthermore back the Ocarina pedestal, but the "plot", the text, the Overture were all injected realtime with ACE but not part of the ROM. It was a fun tech demonstration of both calling for real beta stuff from the ROM and also injecting shit real time. Gor that alone it was a fun tech demonstration.

>> No.9063443

no dude, i watched it earlier. before he goes in the door what he actually does is preface the audience again, and reiterate what has been done so far, what was their OC and what was beta assets.

>> No.9063473

That is exactly what I said in my post.

>> No.9063483


>> No.9063492
File: 43 KB, 400x441, 061611_zeldacomparison_ocarina1--article_image_zpsvkxksndf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ending was cringy as fuck
this, it kinda ruined it especially with the voiced dialog.
a simple romhack that adds the triforce in the sage's realm and gives the sages normal lines would have been nice.
i'm not really sure why that alone wasn't released.

>> No.9063507

>presented as a beta showcase
>the truth is only revealed before the triforce chamber

>> No.9063556

It was extremely cringeworthy and was a huge bait and switch. They just basically did a romhack in real time.

>> No.9063578

Everything has to be clickbait these days.

>> No.9063623

Oh man, the Ocarina Pedestal. I remember the "beta quest" codes, which is basically just dropping you in a cutscene Hyrule Field and transporting to other cutscenes maps. Somehow you could easily get to the Jabu-Jabu map, where he was double spawned and it would often crash the game, and there was a beta element right there, the pedestal

>> No.9063905

the kokiri, exploding rupee, great fairy and pedestal were all legit. the new song using a segment from the end of alttp was pretty convincing.

>> No.9063920

The difference between /vr/ and /v/

>> No.9064101

>generic buzzwords vs generic buzzwords
so, nothing?

>> No.9064113

They're identical ever since the rule change.

>> No.9064114

You seriously don't see it?

>> No.9064125

A thread on each board covers the same topic. Are they identical? Hardly.
>level-headed discussion
>immediately devolves into shitposting

>> No.9064204

>but he kept the charade of "this is all actually in the game files you guise"
No he didn't, he said they used glitches which is completely true, it was technically all put in the game via ACE on a vanilla cart.

>> No.9064335

I wish they went to Melee's Hyrule Temple in the "future" instead of whatever the fuck that was with BotW and the Twitch chat

>> No.9064374

Watching this made me sad because it made me reflect on how hard everyone is clinging to OoT still. when the botw stuff popped up it just reminded me how totally disconnected i feel from video games which was my favorite and only hobby. The standing ovation and everything...
It really brought home the whole 'manchild' feeling above anything else Ive ever seen at agdq.

>> No.9064478

It really made agdq seem out of touch

>> No.9064552

you're a fag

>> No.9064583

Good videos, but I hate this faggot's voice so much.

>> No.9064740

touch grass
they started with a release cart from 1998, they pushed 2 million button combinations, and then they got the triforce and connected with everyone who has ever liked the game, a 23 year old journeyed experience

>> No.9065035
File: 1.81 MB, 1540x1256, aeaf3799-f265-4890-a053-9e883d1001f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-related, does anyone have that thread from a month or two ago where some anon claimed the ending was an analogy for the player beating the game? I'd like to read it again, it was legitimately clever

>> No.9065082

The entire show was initially presented as a beta showcase. Right from the start they were lying and saying that everything you were seeing was hidden away unused within the game code, and that ACE was only being utilized to bring it out of hiding. That deception was held until the Triforce chamber. They called special attention to the actual unused content along the way, but made no attempt to clarify until the end. It was a total charade.

>> No.9065084


>> No.9065086

It's more wild that you can do a shitload of stuff through arbitrary code execution.

TONS of things are technically possible, but it doesn't mean the ROM contains that content.
There isn't an obtainable Triforce in there, but you can make it obtainable through absurd means.

>> No.9065093

Anon, the simple fact that they had to come clean at the end proves that it was a deception.

>> No.9065138


While technically true per definitionem the the thing is I really think you had to be clinically braindead to until the end think that all that stuff like a whole unused running man fight is on the cart.
Pretty much from the moment the beta Kokiri was met and he talked about how the butterfly item it should have been clear to even the dumbest one that this is ACE content.
And then when things get more and more wild with seemingly arbitrary time switching shenanigans anywhere etc. it should have been super obvious.

So it's like a charade where someone tries to impersonate your girlfriend by putting a mop on his head and lipstick on his lips, and then in his original voice is all like "Oh hello honey *smack smack*"

>> No.9065162

>it should have been clear to even the dumbest one
While it's nice to believe this, the unfortunate truth is that plenty are dumber than even "the dumbest one" and still don't understand. The explanation at the end was not terribly good and still confusing to those who don't understand this kind of thing like you or I do.
This is going to result in a fair number of people believing shit like a Full Song of Time exists on the cart, or a secret code in the exits of the Lost Woods.

>> No.9065164


>> No.9065175


>> No.9065178


>> No.9065179

Are you well, Anon? Do you have brain damage?

>> No.9065182

ACE is old news.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjm8P8utT5g (Fast forward to 1:25 for the fun part)

>> No.9065189

Surely you can go older than that?

>> No.9065204

Dude, like you said I knew exactly what was happening by the time we got the beta Kokiri kid quest going, but it's a fact the presenter was NOT being clear enough about for the unlearned normalfags who don't follow any of this shit. He sort of came clean only at the end, and even then I think he could've spelled it out better. >>9065162 is right, a lot of dumbasses 100% got the wrong idea of what went down there, and to a significant degree that's on the presenters.

>> No.9065214

According to written accounts from, I believe it was CES 1997, Link stepping on a pedestal would automatically pop out his Ocarina. In the cutscene Jabu Jabu spot, probably that functionality is no longer there and that's why the game freezes if you step on it, or the Pedestal ia loaded twice confusing the game.

>> No.9065224

In the final game stepping onto a pedestal does nothing. That function was removed a during development and the platform just became an indicator to show where the player would have to play a song, before that idea was just abandoned completely.
The real reason the map crashes is because it can't handle the way two JabuJabus are spawned into the map. That's why on actual N64s the additional code "Specific things lean" needs to be loaded in when going to that particular map.

>> No.9065230

Cheers for clarifying that, I was never sure if it was the two jabu jabus or the Pedestal having broken functionality

>> No.9065243

Right, I remember that code. It's been a while
The map is still very crashy despite that

>> No.9065253

what's different about it?

>> No.9065281

More info, if you like. The specific map is "Setup 05 - Jabu-Jabu Inhales (Unused)"

>> No.9065289

I remember messing around with the Zora's Fountain cutscene map in the debug ROM once, and the Ocarina pedestal shows up there for some reason. Also, if you "pause" the cutscene to take control at the right moment, for some reason you see another Link standing in front of Jabu Jabu. One time I paused it at just the right time, and the "clone" was at the bottom of the lake instead. Pretty creepy desu.

>> No.9065305
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>> No.9065326


>> No.9065406

deepest lore. tcrf gdq transbots on high alert.

>> No.9065417
File: 68 KB, 925x616, 076ED665-3508-4FCF-A705-7CF9DB4688E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9065450

Can you really use ACE to add in custom animation, or is this whole thread saying they did add shit to the cart? I was under the impression they made up the text, but the sounds, models and items were all from a legit, untouched cart and not added in.

>> No.9065451

see >>9065326

>> No.9065493

you guys are just too stupid to listen to the presenter explaining things in real time, consider suicide

>> No.9065497

that's not true, the only one doing deceiving here is you
and you should feel bad about it, because you're retarded for trying.
the run is 50 minutes long, and the entire thing is narrated and explained every step of the way.

>> No.9065550

You're pretty dedicated to keeping up the charade, huh

>> No.9065945


>> No.9066038


>> No.9066164

Looks fake and gay

>> No.9067234

I'm going to trivorce my wife.

>> No.9067540

how do i play ocarina of time in co-op with my bros, bros?
is it really windows only because of shitty bizhawk?

>> No.9067652


>> No.9067751


That is only the case for real beta content.
For example the beta kokiri really is still on the cart, the butterfly on the other hand was a custom model they streamed in via ACE.
Same is true for the Triforce itself.

>> No.9067786
File: 61 KB, 320x240, THE_LEGEND_OF_ZELDA_15_butterflycage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The butterfly model is on the cart, albeit with a messed up wing texture. The associated inventory icon dosn't exist, and was streamed via ACE. The wing texture too, likely.

>> No.9067793

the fuck even is this

>> No.9067805

The Butterfly Cage, hacked into the magic shop's inventory.
As a side note, the Butterfly Cage managed to survive the porting process to Ocarina of Time 3D, and can be found hidden away in unused data there too.

>> No.9067854

newfags cant triforce


>> No.9067871


>> No.9068182

what do you mean managed to survive porting, it's in the fucking release rom

>> No.9068201

I'm confused. You ask what I meant by survive porting, then you immediately demonstrate that yo know the answer by saying it was in the released rom. Which is what I said in the first place.
What exactly is the purpose of your post?

>> No.9068291

Sometimes when updating games for a remastered, unused assets are removed in the port. In OoT3D not only did some assets remained, others were outright uncompressed therefore more accessible.

Others did got cut tho.

>> No.9068343

this to be honest

>> No.9068817

Extensive content creation via ACE isn't really practiced though. That's why it was quite a feat

>> No.9070124

>dishonest eceleb shit

>> No.9071110

How N64 connect to internet?

>> No.9071124

That ending is so ridiculous, do people really get emotional and teary because of that?

>> No.9071131

We're talking about NPCs here, anon. The moment was meant to be touching and emotional, so they get touched and emotional.

>> No.9071145

Well they didnt get me (not the anon youre replying to), that floating Twitch chat shit spiked whatevet was left of my sentimentality after hearing the characters speak (BotW characters at that). You can call that autism or whatever, I dont resent anybody if that resonated with them, but it did the opposite for me.

>> No.9071205

SBC making the inputs is connected to the Internet.

>> No.9072108

Has anyone built the romhack yet?

>> No.9072512

Is there a new update?

>> No.9072537

no but the FAQ says it should be possible to build a romhack version without some unspecified things

>> No.9074194

do you understand english?

>> No.9076104

as soon as i saw english text for the kokiri i knew something was afoot. they wouldnt have localized cut text. but i figured maybe the runners just translated it, but then they did the gerudo shit and running man shit and it just got more and more cringe from there

>> No.9076156

Again, if they had been straight-up from the very beginning that it was primarily an ACE exhibition (I know they did mention they were going to use ACE early on, but they initially presented it as just a means toward showing beta shit on the cartridge) rather than a so-called "beta showcase", at least the bad fanfiction would've been more tolerable.

>> No.9077635

>they wouldnt have localized cut text.
You say that, but it's happened in a lot of games.

>> No.9078030

Every copy of OoT is personalized and spooky desu

>> No.9078063

Info on the Arwing and why its in OoT has been available for more than a decade. But cling onto your speculations if you like.

>> No.9078106
File: 1.25 MB, 692x853, ZeldaTP_GoronGolem[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, similar happened for the Wii U HD release of Twilight Princess.

>> No.9079683

If you press the right buttons you can also obtain a dildo and fuck link in the ass haha isn't that crazy