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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 78 KB, 1280x720, final-fantasy-vii-switch-patch-1.0.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9045838 No.9045838 [Reply] [Original]

I played this back in 99 and fucking hated it. The graphics were ugly (even then it looked like shit), the combat sucked, but the thing that made me rage quit as a 10 year old was when the game gave you a timed sequence to escape the facility at the beginning, but then apparently you have to help a grown ass man unstick their fucking leg or some shit and have to walk all the way back, while being subject to random battles where you have to watch painstakingly slow animations while your team thinks it's appropriate to victory dance while trying to escape an exploding facility. In hindsight obviously this segment is really easy to beat if you hold down the run key, but that's not the point. It's asshole design. It's designed in a way that makes the experience of playing it the opposite of fun.

Replaying this game today I hate it even more. Now that I have an appreciation for JRPGs and what they can be when they are designed to be RPGs and not visual novels I cannot for the life of me understand the hype. Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest fucking rape this game in terms of gameplay. Graphicswise the game is just ugly. Maybe in 97 it looked good if you had not played a PC game, but MGS and THPS shat all over it 2 years later, and those games still look good today. The main issue is the gameplay, mainly the combat. It's like being stuck in traffic. It's painstakingly slow but thanks to the ABS you HAVE to pay attention, you can't turn your brain off like in Dragon Quest. It's like being stuck in traffic and your playlist is done and all that's on the radio is an NPR interview about how making little dolls out of your vagina hair is a major blow to the white male gaze. I don't love Final Fantasy in general but FFV was a major step in the right direction. Quick snappy combat, an actual class system (the job system), at least some exploration. It's actually a pretty good game. Did people really play that game, then play FFVII and actually like it?

>> No.9045850

>Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest fucking rape this game
>FFV was a major step in the right direction

Nothing to see here. Just a butthurt faggot still butthurt after all these years that SquareSoft left Nintendo for Sony.

>> No.9045857

FF7 is shit. Its story is shit, its graphics are shit, its gameplay is shit. It just came out at the right time, and won over 90’s 10 year olds with Sephiroth’s reeeeeally long sword. That’s literally all they happened. Its writing is fucking juvenile. Fuck FF7.

>> No.9045867

It's like in really browsing GameFAQs circa 1998.

>> No.9045876

Should've gotten gud back in '99 bud.

>> No.9045890

>Dragon Quest, the most by-the-numbers turn-based JRPG gameplay imaginable, rapes FF7 which has ATB, limit breaks, materia, and actually different weapons per party members
Lol lmao

>> No.9045895
File: 100 KB, 800x685, 34894-final-fantasy-vii-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 was the first console I ever owned. I never owned an SNES (parents wouldn't allow it) and I've only played Chrono Trigger and DQ on emulators, but that is irrelevant. They are good comfy games. I experienced FF7 as a 10 year old kid who hadn't played an RPG outside of Zelda and a 30 year old man who has played a fuckton of RPGs and has a pretty good idea of 90s RPGs in general and in both of those contexts, it fucking sucks.

>It just came out at the right time, and won over 90’s 10 year olds with Sephiroth’s reeeeeally long sword.

Pretty much this, but I will dig into some nostolgia to give it some credit
1.The jewel case looked really good. I mean really good. If you were walking by in a Blockbuster your eyes were snapping right to it
2.The soundtrack was pretty killer
3.Aerith, dat bitch can get dis DICK
4.I'm sure the story is good. I have no idea. I haven't been able to stomach the game enough to know.

>> No.9045930

I actually never played it back in the day, my first one was 8. Not sure if that's better or worse although it means I have no nostalgia for 7 at all. To be honest I almost have anti-nostalgia for FF as a whole because it was the gateway to me wasting my life on this shithole.

>> No.9045942

Clearly you fucking suck, even when I played it at 13 I knew how to run and helped Jessie get her leg unstuck. Imagine being this butthurt over 20 years later because you couldn't get past the opening sequence of babby's first roleplaying game.

>> No.9045950

>game makes you pay attention and you can't turn your brain off
Wow, sounds like a compliment. You can speed up the battle system, you know?

>> No.9045974

I’ll get shit for saying this, but: The PS4/Xbox/Switch/PC port’s cheats massively improve the game. Especially the ability to run battles at 3X speed and turning off random encounters.

>> No.9045984

In general cheats improve most RPGs a lot, because its a genre more about aesthetics, story, and downright wasting your time as opposed to actual skill. There are some exceptions of course but you're not finding them in almost anything Squeenix has made.

>> No.9046005
File: 6 KB, 250x250, vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought FF7 preowned from a pawnshop when i was a preteen, i was so excited to go about playing it, but low and behold somehow it had two disc 2's and a disc 2, without disc 1 i was unable to start and play the game. still pretty sour about it, life had different plans for me than to play FF7 back then.

how is it even possible, a factory defect? i wonder if someone bought it brand new only to discover such a wondrous fail

>> No.9046017

Yeah, there’s so much stuff in those games that are just there to pad out the length to 40+ hours.

>> No.9046183
File: 19 KB, 889x1175, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9046210

>but then apparently you have to help a grown ass man unstick their fucking leg or some shit and have to walk all the way back
This is LITERALLY a 15 second detour.

>> No.9046709

>two discs 2s
>preowned from a pawnshop

and you the first thing you think of is "factory defect"?

>> No.9046723
File: 81 KB, 729x729, 1651780183313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't want to save a smoking hot tomboy damsel in distress

>> No.9046739

why would there be two disc 3s instead of a missing disc or a different game being in the case, how could you rectify the presence of an additional disc seemingly from a different copy of the game's case,

>> No.9046792

>grown ass man unstick their fucking leg or
fuck you that is jesse the best girl

>> No.9046794

>got filtered by an escape scene
but yeah it's really fucking sad that you're as old as you are and not only rambling on 4chan but balding over 25 year old video games

>> No.9046796

>from a pawnshop

You guys do the dumbest shit I swear. You didn’t have an Electronics Boutique at your local mall?

>> No.9046802

What I never liked about FF7 was the timing system in battles. I mean, if there's going to be turn based battles, just have fucking turns. What's the point of having a timer so that you can't evaluate your options? Isn't the point of turn-based combat that it's strategic?

>> No.9046803

I never played it. I thought about the switch version but I heard it crashes often because these ported old rpgs are usually based on prior mobile or steam versions and are lazily unoptimised for console, is this true?

>> No.9046807

>but then apparently you have to help a grown ass man unstick their fucking leg or some shit and have to walk all the way back
Imagine getting filtered by walking

>> No.9046808

Just use an emulator with fast forward dumbass

>> No.9046809

preowned games are great, how can you be into retro vidya and be dissing them?
my Morrowind was used, i found AvP Extinction and Vexx used

>> No.9046819
File: 134 KB, 350x234, elevator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really are low IQ if ATB stresses you out
That said, first time playing I figured the TIME bar just showed how long until it was my turn - and ONLY my turn. During the elevator battle I had to go eat dinner and I left the game on thinking it wasn't a real-time game anyway.

>> No.9046820

> be me 1998
> Just bought FF7
> holy shit this is like a movie
> these graphics are great
> this is the future of gaming.

> fast forward two years later to 2000
> PS2 comes out
> Friend has it and wants to get into Final Fantasy. Heard FF7 was great.
> "show me your ways anon"
> sure I am the messenger.jpg
> " these graphics suck wtf is up with these numbers? This is gay let's play MGS2"

It's really amazing what a difference those 2 to 3 years from the late 90's to about 2001 or 2002 make. OP is a huge faggot btw.

>> No.9046824

Wasn't that optional?
I think you can make it totally turn-based in the options menu.

>> No.9046830

it was a start in the right direction, turn-based shit is shit and all vidya should strive to be more engaging

>> No.9046832
File: 48 KB, 680x510, doing_it_wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I thought there was an option to turn this off but then I tried it and kept getting attacked over and over if I waited. Guess I was doing it wrong.

>> No.9046836

Just switch the game to "WAIT" in the options you dumb negroe

>> No.9046897

I did that tho!

I think

>> No.9046971

I preferred Breath of Fire III but the reality is that Final Fantasy 7 had mad graphics on release for such a massive game. Final Fantasy 8 and 9 were the masterpieces tho in terms of graphical performance...

>> No.9046985

Cant remember because I don't use Wait mode in FF7 but I think its just for selecting items/spells. You can just pause the game if you need to think about commands.
Anyway one facet of the materia system is to tailor your abilities so that you know in advance what your allies can do in battle.

>> No.9046992
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, 1588359519662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another 300 reply bait thread

>> No.9047031
File: 56 KB, 455x356, tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my purse idk (you)

>> No.9047148

It's the best RPG ever made.
Sorry. It just is.

>> No.9047279

I played it in 2001 and thought it looked great and loved the way the world looked. Character models were a little goofy in the world but it was fine. The battles looked better than some PS2 games.

>> No.9047296

Honestly I’d rather play it than any Fatlus game.

>> No.9047301
File: 586 KB, 460x640, ff4-atb-manual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of having a timer so that you can't evaluate your options?
To encourage decisiveness, punish hesitation with decision-making and add a dynamic element to the battle system that isn't mere RNG. The standard implementation freezes the timer while delving through longer menus (spell lists, item lists, etc.), to avoid making 'menuing skill' too important.
>Isn't the point of turn-based combat that it's strategic?
Back in 1991 Square wanted to try something different in order to stand out from other turn-based RPGs with no tactical combat grid.
Nah, you can't turn off ATB. You can turn off the "Wait" feature that shuts off the timer when you're in a deep menu for extra challenge. Stopping the timer when the main turn menu comes up would defeat the whole purpose of ATB.

>> No.9047401

You have to go in a sub-menu for ATB to stop flowing.

ATB Active = all ATBs flow all the time
ATB Wait = ATBs only flow if you aren't in a sub-menu (IE looking for a spell or item). Just having a character selected means ATB still flows.

>> No.9048009

>it’s really amazing what a difference those 2 years make

No. You and your friend are just a couple of dumb niggers. Kys.

>> No.9048060

just finished my first ever playthrough of this game and I thought it was pretty good

>> No.9048209
File: 20 KB, 662x463, images - 2022-06-29T100136.547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was shit, luckily they released ffviii to save the franchise (and jarpigs in general)

>> No.9048434


>> No.9049725

I was referring to buying preowned games from a pawnshop of all places. Anon could’ve gone to Funcoland and gotten a used copy of FFVII with all the correct discs no problem.

>> No.9049732

You're not a special snowflake for hating a popular game.

>> No.9049735

Are you faggots still replying to this blog post? Jfc just kill yourselves already.

>> No.9049743

closet homosexual identified

>> No.9049793

how much of a repressed faggot are you to be insecure about creampying a cute girl and starting a family