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File: 40 KB, 300x283, Sega_Saturn-logo-2C2BA9D972-seeklogo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9045513 No.9045513 [Reply] [Original]

I love this console but I only have 9 games for it. Collecting for it cost too much years ago when I was too young to have a job and save up money and now it's only gotten more expensive as I've grown older.
I've been trying ebay auctions to snatch a good deal on somewhat common games for it like fighters megamix or panzer dragoon but there's always some asshole who basically bids the average buy it now price for it last second.

>> No.9045517


>> No.9045518

step 1: buy pseudo saturn cart
step 2: burn games
step 3: stop paying money for cracked CD cases with microscopic particles of some kid's piddle, pum-pum and cheeto breath on it

>> No.9045519


>> No.9045520

If I wanted to emulate even on original hardware I would've said so. I love how the cases look and I actually collect games I'm going to play

>> No.9045521

>collecting games in 2022
Use a flashcart man.

>> No.9045529

>I pay money for old plastic covered in pum-pum particles because i'm a retarded faggot who wants material objects instead of playing every game for free. i am also so gay and so retarded that i think there must be some other way to get rare, multi-hundred dollar games for cheap
lol good luck kid

>> No.9045530

If you weren't buying games before 2010 you missed the boat.

>> No.9045531

well, there's a way to get the cases too

>> No.9045532

what the fuck is pum pum dawg

>> No.9045534

take a guess

>> No.9045535

You're fucked, basically. Should've been around 10, 15 years ago when stuff was still cheap.

>> No.9045541

yeah cases look nice on a shelf. but if you want a few good saturn games on shelf it's going to cost you big bucks, to the point where it's just not worth it unless money is completely no worry for you

>> No.9045568

Really op, get a psuedosaturnkai ram cart from China. It will allow you to not only play burned discs but also makes the Saturn region free so if you are determined to play original discs this will allow you some options. It is expensive unless you get odd Japanese games or sports games.

>> No.9045571

Others have said, there’s really no point in collecting for the Saturn, especially NA Saturn titles. Your only bet is to import JP releases but only IF you plan on playing and not just hoarding.

>> No.9045574

have a lot of money or hope somebody actually has games for it.

>> No.9045583


>> No.9045613

Most people don't. I didn't collect back when I was first getting into collecting games because prices for it were already too high but I have just recently started to and it hasn't been easy. I have a couple disc only US Saturn games and some imports and that's it.

There still really aren't that many US games I'm interested in for it anyway but since I'm into racing games I need Sega's first party ones because they're the best. I also would like to get Dragon Force one day, it is on my grail list. Most of my favorite weebshit wasn't localized either, if Sakura Wars was one of those expensive games I'd be tempted but I'm not paying hundreds for that fucking firefighter game, I just don't care

>> No.9045650

I've told you trannies once and I'll say it again: I don't fucking emulate. Don't make me repeat myself, poorfags. Don't you have some CRT filters to tweak?

>> No.9045657

You aren't emulating if you're using real hardware you retard.
But hey, good luck finding some seller to gladly dump his collection for you to cheap.

>> No.9045673

>playing burned gamea on real hardware is "emulating"
>calls other people poorfags but can't afford to actually buy the games
point and laugh at this retarded 20 year old cuck

>> No.9045687

You don't.
You play games one or a few at a time instead of "collecting" games based on what's cheap.

>I've been trying ebay auctions to snatch a good deal on somewhat common games for it like fighters megamix or panzer dragoon
What you're describing is insanity. Do you even want to play these games or just put them on a shelf?
You want to play a Saturn game you either

1. play it through an emulator
2. play it through a CD-R or optical disc emulator device
3. cough up the cash to buy it, and potentially resell it later down the road after completion if don't want to invest that much.
4. play a port (not recommended)

>> No.9045690

>I love how the cases look
Then buy the case without the disc.
Or make your own repro cases and discs. These days you can print color artwork on the disc. Or even thermal print it on there to make it look professional.

>> No.9045702

Now is the time to buy PS3, 360, and Wii games.
It's always like this. The cheapest games are two generations old.

>> No.9045740

Lmao OP here, this ain't me. You guys make some valid points, I do have a region unlock cartridge in my saturn, use it to play a copy of vf2 I got cheap. If I can find some cool stuff for a decent price I might get it. But I don't plan on spending like $200 on RE for example.

>> No.9045780

When you get tired of playing the games you have, trade them to your friends for different games

>> No.9045786

>trading saturn games with your friends
are you posting from 2003?

>> No.9045903

Ebay auctions are literally the worst way to buy retro games. As you've already noticed, there's always that one guy who just gives zero fucks how much he overpays for something.

>> No.9045962

>PS3, 360,
These games are incomplete trash
Most have dlc
Not sure about the wii

>> No.9046098

>These games are incomplete trash
No, they aren't. You're just ignorant about them.

>> No.9046107

I mean pretty soon you won't be able to get patches for those games so they really will be incomplete trash because that's the way they were shipped
This is why the PS3 generation should never become retro, there is just a clear line between the purity of what came before and the cynical money grubbing of what came after

>> No.9046120

If you want Saturn games then you have to accept you'll be paying more than what others often pay for their consoles on average. You have options for very low cost methods to play Saturn games on original hardware. If you are hell bent on having the legit games then that's all on you.

>> No.9046130

360 and PS3 games are a weird situation. most games for both consoles come complete on disc, i.e. you can play them offline by just inserting them into either console. however basically all games on both platforms had at least 1 update that was provided shortly after release (they would try to make as few updates as possible because it cost $10k to the dev per update) that would usually add small last minute changes like bug fixes. most games are totally fine as is, some even benefit from not being updated (e.g. Diablo 3), but usually you'll want to get them if you can. regardless, these games are still going to be worth something one day because they'll fundamentally playable and there will probably be an easy way of downloading updates from an archive and transfering them from PC/phone for those who even care. X1/PS4 games and beyond though, that might be a different story because those game discs contain barely any data and require the console to download everything.

>> No.9046146

Yeah, not all PS3/360/Wii-era games are trash. But a good bulk of them are, and if they aren't then some are just bad follow-ups compared to what we had during the PS2-era, and the shift towards an online-heavy future means that for some games you aren't even getting the intended experience, either for multiplayer or DLC.

>> No.9046153

If someone hasn't already made a tool to allow you to off-line update your games then it is only a matter of time until it happens.

>> No.9046158

You're not getting the intended experience for most fighters either unless you were living in 1996 Japan near an arcade. It is what it is.

>> No.9046164 [SPOILER] 

>Be not op
>Go to lgs since they got saturn games
>$120 for rayman, $150 for nights

>> No.9046203

The stuff was never cheap. Even at the lowest prices they were about 4x the prices of other retro games at the time.

>> No.9046209

I remember getting many Sega Saturn games (US, CIB) for like $15 or $20 a piece back in 2010 or so. Same prices as most other consoles, in fact slightly cheaper than N64 stuff.
I have no idea about prices now.

>> No.9046249

How is that place in business? Are they actually able to trick people into paying 10 times ebay prices?

>> No.9046254

Most stuff is reasonably priced, I got Crazy Taxi on the Dreamcast for about $25 CIB, its just the Saturn and Jaguar stuff that's expensive as hell.

>> No.9046373

Grow weed/shrooms

>> No.9046489 [DELETED] 

Are you really this retarded?

>> No.9046498

For $100 I got myself a jp saturn and PD Zwei, I use pseudo saturn to play burned up games and I buy some of my favorites.
Jp prices are usually cheap, shmups and arcade ports are expensive thanks to EOPs tho.
From my last trip to Japan, I got Baroque, Enemy Zero, Devil Summoner, Soul Hackers, Clockwork Knight, Panzer Dragoon and some more for less than a hundred bucks.

>> No.9046694

Games like PDS and Shining Force 3 have never been cheap, even 20 years ago.

>> No.9046787

I'm growing rn, all fem but only one is fertilized. My first time trying this so I guess I'll learn as I go.

>> No.9046797
File: 195 KB, 384x436, 1642918207119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the fun part, you dont.

Get it chipped, a stack of cd-r's and keep an eye on ebay save search

>> No.9046840

I don't because it's a piece of shit, still have ptsd from it.

>> No.9046853

Okay "hidden gems" man.

>> No.9047449

Lol you want Saturn games for a decent price? Lmao your only option at this point is japanese versions on yahoo auctions, baybee.

>> No.9047461
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, lindacube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to collect physical Saturn you've either gotta be rich as fuck or go Japanese, although some of those are getting out of hand these days too.

>> No.9048246 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 1028x1428, 81a-YDXOhFL._SL1428_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-tip: Instead of collecting the PS3/360 versions of seventh generation games you should instead collect the physical PC versions

>> No.9048459

You need to be careful with that though. 7th gen is when they started going nuts with DRM and straight up locking you out of the game with malware like Uplay

>> No.9048539

I guess pay for it then. Looking at Ebay right now, I see Fighters Megamix CIB for 55 bucks buy it now. That's cheaper than it was when it came out in real dollars.

>> No.9048548

You're calling everyone else poor, but you're unwilling to pay what people are asking for games.

>> No.9048564

That's what cracks are for.

>> No.9048572

Repro cases will not give me that sweet sweet dopamine hit tho.

>> No.9050303

im going to agree with this anon here
ps3 and 360 are still worth collecting regardless of regardless of what other anons say
barely any anons bothered to do thorough research on that generation and just dismiss it by default
its true that generation introduced some heinous shit but been dwarfed by far worse practices now