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File: 11 KB, 300x225, 1142464-sega_saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9043534 No.9043534 [Reply] [Original]

apart from having more ram how was the saturn a superior 2D console to the ps1? what are some things the saturn could do that the ps1 couldn't? also why the fuck was my last thread about this deleted?

>> No.9043540

more ram basically

>> No.9043564

Apparently the PS1 couldn't display actual sprites and every 2D game on it was actually a 3D game with flat models larping as a 2D game.

>> No.9043567

how isn't that 2D?

>> No.9043571
File: 312 KB, 1590x623, ps1vssaturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna see a pretty blatant example of how Saturn did 2D better, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2C-jpMQmFY.. An entire gameplay feature had to be cut from the PS1 port because of insufficient RAM.

>> No.9043575

>because of insufficient RAM
right but that isn't really an architecture difference. people act like the saturn was the most powerful hardware for 2d ever conceived when in reality it just had slightly more ram than the competition.

>> No.9043580

>ignoring the image that goes into painful detail on how the Saturn was better at 2D
Oh, so that's why your previous thread got deleted.

>> No.9043586
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x436, 1615717910870.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a saturn fan but that image is deluded satard propoganda. I have played enough saturn and ps1 games back to back to know that in practical terms, the saturn wasn't superior to the ps1 for 3d in any way regardless of what their specs might have been on paper.

>> No.9043590

>please guys! shit on the Saturn! PS1 has transparency effects! why was my thread deleted!

>> No.9043595
File: 3.00 MB, 480x360, 480.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like the PS1, but it objectively had superior hardware. part of liking something is being realistic about it. in terms of hardware, the saturn was inferior to the psx for most applications. panzar dragoon is a good example of a game that plays to the saturns strengths, but that only works it's the sort of game that can offload huge swathes of the rendering to VDP2.

you call me a sony fanboy and yet between us you're the one acting like a crying fanboy.

>> No.9043609

I literally eplained the difference.

>> No.9043614

that's just a different technique for rendering 2d.

>> No.9043616
File: 2.78 MB, 612x320, stellar assault ss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grandia is a good example of the disparity between the consoles. It's a game on both systems, max extensive use of the saturns features and the PlayStation version needed numerous cutbacks and reconfiguration to get running. Neither version performs amazingly (they're both fine) but the Saturn version is far ahead. It makes use of infinite planes, windowing to allow layered infinite planes, numerous scanline effects, infinite planes allow cheap bitmap backgrounds which were used for detailed towns, higher res backgrounds, etc. Saturn makes a lot of these things easier to do, which for that generation of 2D was far more useful. PS1 could often do a lot of the same tricks, although some limits became obvious and comparing similar games on the platforms, ones which utilized the saturns 2D capabilities could often do far more impressive things than what the PS1 could do in 2D. It's all unique visual tricks that become easy to associate with Saturn. I'll post a few examples but this is an example of how you can use the 2D tricks for 3D space and make incredibly impressive and massive feeling environments.

Stellar Assault SS is a visual treat despite how simple it obviously is, it just looks awesome and occasionally pulls out the stops with a barrage of explosions or a scene like this, where the planet instead of being an obvious 2D element has a significant amount of depth and behaves exactly like you think it would in space. It's stunning to behold. The following stage is even MORE impressive but I didn't capture it when I played through it. It involves free movement between a cloudy sky and beneath the clouds, where the land seamlessly transitions in and out. It's fucking nuts and like nothing else that generation. Saturn doesn't break a sweat doing this.

>> No.9043617

>Game that was releases after the Saturn version with better engine looks better

>> No.9043620

>3D is just a different technique for rendering 2D
It's still 3D

>> No.9043624

>asks the difference between Saturn and Ps1
>Gets them
>"Bro that don't count"
It's different enough to be considered its own thing.

>> No.9043634
File: 3.00 MB, 640x480, burning rangers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally every single 3D game released on both consoles runs worse on saturn. also saturn was the target platform for the original TR and the fact that the PS1 version which was released less than a month later runs so much better should say everything. the saturn nearly shits itself running burning rangers, and it looks and runs far worse than its contemporaries on PS1.

I didn't ask how the ps1 and saturn were different, I asked how the saturn was superior.

>> No.9043638

The image isn't arguing that Saturn 3D > PS1 3D, it's just giving the raw facts. It's a tech article not some kinda console polemic

>> No.9043640
File: 2.90 MB, 1076x572, grandia-crt-waterripple.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pardon the quality of the recording, this isn't my capture (I do direct) but it's a good example of one of the tricks Saturn could do. It gave devs a ton of control over line interrupts for effects which could produce stupid-good-looking water when used right. People meme about the Grandia water but they don't really give enough examples. This is completely absent on PlayStation. Also note the deck of the ship, that's done with windowing, if layered correctly the Saturn can have numerous infinite planes active at once and these are cheap performance wise but costly for memory.

Burning rangers uses an early version of SGL, and it runs fine performance wise. You already know this but you're than n64 fanboy that likes to shitpost about the saturn instead of playing your n64 games.

>> No.9043645
File: 2.93 MB, 600x494, Grandiabeach.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandia makes the point for the Saturn's strengths excellently. There's a few other games like Psychic Killer Taromaru which blend 3D and 2D and this seems to be the Saturn's greatest strength, it's a shame there weren't more games that shipped in this style.

>> No.9043649

A game's performance has more to do with how it was coded and optimized, if you want numbers and specs then the Saturn is technically the superior machine, if you don't care about that then yeah the PS1 3D games are better so the ps1 is better.
>I didn't ask how the ps1 and saturn were different
You think the fact that one can render actual sprites doesn't affect the development of 2d games, performance and the end result at all?

>> No.9043651
File: 2.94 MB, 654x480, taromaru-burningriver.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Psychic Killer Taromaru, it pulls off a tasteful reflection, fluid action (60fps, no drops) big ass sprites and the environments are all 3D. Simple 3D with quality assets and lots of detail so it looks excellent.

>> No.9043658

someone once posted a detailed explanation of why that article is bullshit, I can't find it in the archive but basically the article was written by a technical illiterate sega fanboy who just pulled numbers out of his ass. for instance, he multiplied all the numbers for CPU speed by 2 because the Saturn has 2 main processors, which isn't at all how it works.

>> No.9043665

>if you want numbers and specs then the Saturn is technically the superior machine
There are at least 3 Saturn programming gurus I know of that say the Saturn is weaker than the PSX, the guy behind the Jo engine, Ezra Dreisbach, and Jon Burton. Really, all you have to do is take an honest look at the games, all the butchered ports and graphically unimpressive original titles from Sega, even celebrated ones like VF2, Sega Rally, Burning Rangers, and PDZ, which are all outclassed (graphically) by scores of PSX games, and it should be obvious the Saturn is a dramatically inferior machine in terms of hardware. I mean honestly, do you really think the Saturn could have pulled off Silent Hill? Or Alien Resurrection? Or Soul Reaver, or MGS, or Crash Bandicoot, or Lego Racers, or NFS3, or Spyro, or GT2, or Dino Crisis, or Soul Blade, or TR4?

>the most striking thing about the PlayStation port was how much faster the graphics hardware was than the Saturn. The initial scene after you just start the game is pretty complex. I think it ran 20 fps on the Saturn version. On the PlayStation it ran 30, but the actual rendering part could have been going 60 if the CPU calculations weren’t holding it up. I don’t know if it would have ever been possible to get it to really run 60, but at least there was the potential...

>So I know something about the PlayStation. And really, if you couldn’t tell from the games, the PlayStation is way better than the Saturn. It’s way simpler and way faster. There are a lot of things about the Saturn that are totally dumb. Chief among these is that you can’t draw triangles, only quadrilaterals.

>> No.9043675
File: 2.91 MB, 654x480, taromaru-rotate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how the environment rotates around the player, That's great stuff and has so many concepts that could be used for game play. Still as it is, it looks excellent and that's a testament to the kind of tricks the Saturn was good at.

>> No.9043678

From what I understand is that ps1 2d graphics are just polygons with the perspective disabled so that advantage of saturn is it can use the background layers with more sprites to spare. Still the ps1 can move a huge number of sprites around, ever more than saturn but the ps1 needs the sprites to make the background.
So if you made a platformer with 5 background layers the saturn would handle it easier. Only ones I can think of are castlevania and megaman 8.

In 3d games the background layer should have helped reduce the number of polys needed but it wasn't enough.

The net yaroze demo discs have some games the showed an excessive number of sprites.

panzer dragoon looks legit impressive with the water, even better than some dreamcast games if only looking at the water. This should have been pushed in advertising.

>> No.9043681

>I mean honestly, do you really think the Saturn could have pulled off Silent Hill? Or Alien Resurrection? Or Soul Reaver, or MGS, or Crash Bandicoot, or Lego Racers, or NFS3, or Spyro, or GT2, or Dino Crisis, or Soul Blade, or TR4?
Doesn't the Saturn have some homebrew scene looks more impressive than those games?

>> No.9043683
File: 2.62 MB, 640x360, grandia-comp2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets bring up more Grandia, PS1 had to use polygons for the floors here so you get the typical wobbly floor textures. I'm the first defender for the PS1's unstable textures, they don't bother me but the art clearly calls for those clean straight lines and the Saturn can do them all while having a proper sidewalk/road design while the PS1 is just an ugly repeating texture pattern. It's really ugly especially when you look at the map.

>> No.9043685
File: 2.92 MB, 640x470, 1642587873893.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't the Saturn have some homebrew scene looks more impressive than those games?

>> No.9043687
File: 175 KB, 456x405, beagle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for instance, he multiplied all the numbers for CPU speed by 2 because the Saturn has 2 main processors, which isn't at all how it works.
I'm giving you a (You) and a bump for the sheer guts of making up an obvious lie like this. You could've just left it at the "uhh I saw it somewhere" but you had to go the extra mile. Have fun with your trolling, anon.

>> No.9043691

Console shooters at the time ran worse than that though

>> No.9043696
File: 2.21 MB, 1280x1044, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The map screen is like the finishing blow. Mind you, PlayStation Grandia came out two years after Saturn.

He likes to do that :)

>> No.9043697

I'm convinced that this thread wasn't made for arguing but rather to just flex knowledge and spam WEBMs

>> No.9043698

It is a good resource for collecting Saturn webms, yeah, props to the Grandia anon. Maybe that's why the mods let this new thread stay up.

>> No.9043705


>> No.9043714

Grandia is one game.

>> No.9043715

I'm proud of your counting skills.

>> No.9043718

Why are you being so passive aggressive? Do you feel threatened by the prospect of one 30 year old console being moderately technologically inferior to another 30 year old console?

>> No.9043721

>ctrl + F: "CPU"
>no results that back up your supposed "debunking"

>> No.9043725

Ok, where is it? Where's the debunking of that image? You don't seriously expect me to read over 100 posts just to keep this stupid discussion going, right?

>> No.9043727

He's fucking with you, idiot.

>> No.9043734

Duke Nukem 3D also ran better on the Saturn, so make it 2.

>> No.9043736
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, WRDR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another strength of the Saturn is in its lighting, it uses a weird model called subtractive lighting I think. It's probably not accurate but the contrasts are really eye catching, I think they look great. So games like Powerslave usually look prettier on Saturn due to how contrasty they are.
Do you always get this mad when you're complimented?

>> No.9043737

yea dude i do. you saturn players like playing rpgs so surely you're used to reading a lot right? not my job to educate you

>> No.9043745

I accept your concession.

>> No.9043748

not me

>> No.9043751

dude whatever. the saturn is dead and berried, and sega will never make another console. did you see what they did to sonic origins? kek

>> No.9043768
File: 2.80 MB, 532x300, 1655722258075.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9043790

>posting Sega Retro comparisons
That site is complete and utter nonsense when it comes to technical specs and comparisons. Just ignore anything they say about that.
To be fair, the Saturn isn't using polygons for the floors, they're done with a VDP2 rotating plane.

>> No.9043808
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x1768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Saturn isn't using polygons for the floors
That's entirely the point. It can do things that are amazing for 2D graphics and can even be utilized for really good looking 3D graphics. And they run well too. Hence the OP asking the retarded question about what the Saturn's 2D strengths really were. That's like the definitive answer. Thunder Force V is another embarrassing showing for the PS1. The Saturn version runs a little worse at times but looks so much better it's fucking nuts.

>> No.9043815

>The Saturn version runs a little worse at times
yeah like 70% of the time.

>> No.9043816

shouldn't you be playing n64?

>> No.9043819

I don't like the n64. believe me the saturn really is my fifth gen console, I just don't feel the need to exaggerate or otherwise lie about its capabilities.

>> No.9043821

>I just don't feel the need to exaggerate or otherwise lie
sure you do, I just post proof instead LOL

>> No.9043824

*my favorite fifth gen console

>> No.9043975

>muh tendo boogeyman

>> No.9044091
File: 863 KB, 1298x642, 1651229770108[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a myth.

>> No.9044395

>That site is complete and utter nonsense when it comes to technical specs and comparisons. Just ignore anything they say about that.
[citation needed[

>> No.9044401

Post your favorite articles and I'll enumerate the inaccuracies or misrepresentations.

>> No.9044427

You could start with the article you're calling bullshit: https://segaretro.org/Sega_Saturn/Hardware_comparison#Vs._PlayStation

>> No.9044445

I think it came about from Symphony of the Night
which is a 3D game

>> No.9044446

ong fr fr

>> No.9044467

>the PS1 can only draw pixels through its polygon engine, whereas the Saturn can draw pixels directly with its processors, giving it more programming flexibility.[7]
Playstation can draw 2D tiles as >>9044091 points out and there are software rendered Playstation games like Doom.

>When both SH-2 and the SCU DSP are used in parallel, the Saturn is capable of computing fixed-point operations faster than the PS1's GTE. The GTE is faster at calculating 3D geometry than each SH-2 and SCU DSP individually, but when these processors are used as a parallel geometry engine, the Saturn can calculate 3D geometry faster than the PS1.
This scenario completely ignores the Playstation CPU which is apparently just left idle. There's no situation in which the SH-2s are completely free for polygon math anyway, you still have a game to run.

>In terms of polygon rendering fillrate, the PS1's GPU and the Saturn's VDP1 have similar performance
This is contradicted by later figures given on the same page. In the comparison table the 15 bit framebuffer fillrates are given as 85 MPixels/s for Saturn and 33 MPixels/s for Playstation. However
>This is including VDP2 fillrate, even though this doesn't draw to a framebuffer. VDP1, which does buffer frames, has only 28.63636 MPixels/s fillrate.
>Playstation fillrate doubles to 67.7376 MPixel/s for 2D graphics or flat polys
>Saturn fillrate is compromised by overdraw for polygons
The first two points can be verified if you just bother to check the citations.

>The GPU uses multiplicative Gouraud shading,[8] which halves its fillrate
This is compared to the doubled fillrate of flat polys, which was previously overlooked. It's actually just normal speed.

>The VDP1's quad polygons are rendered with forward texture mapping (which functions similar to sprites and uses a form of perspective correction),
This just isn't true at all, forward texture mapping still doesn't send Z coords to GPU so it doesn't do any perspective correction.

>> No.9044736

yea little known fact many nes games are rendering polygons and pasting sprites on top of it. Bet you guys didnt know your nintendo was a playstation

>> No.9045081

How many 2D games of note did the Saturn actually even have over PS1? That generation was all about 3D being the new thing. Outside of fighters you only have certain memorable games like X4 and SOTN. Outside of that though what exactly can we say was popping as far as 2D goes? I am not sure if this is even noteworthy at all even if Saturn was superior. How much so was it honestly? Even if it was who cares? Clearly Saturn had a ton of issues that held it back.

>> No.9045107

>the PS1 can only draw pixels through its polygon engine, whereas the Saturn can draw pixels directly with its processors, giving it more programming flexibility.[7]
"can only draw pixels through its polygon engine" =! "can't draw 2D tiles at all". The point is that the tile-based video display of the Saturn gave it more flexibility for 2D titles (at the expense of 3D titles).
>This is including VDP2 fillrate, even though this doesn't draw to a framebuffer. VDP1, which does buffer frames, has only 28.63636 MPixels/s fillrate.
VDP2 doesn't buffer frames but it does display the VDP1's buffer, and is able to draw extra sprites and modify them, hence the higher value given.
The rest is about the Saturn's 3D which I don't really care to defend, someone else can make that their hill to die on.
It's mainly arcade ports such as fighters and shmups, yeah. That might sound pointless in the age of emulation but even now, some games run better through Saturn emulators than MAME (Radiant Silvergun).

>> No.9045109

saturn versions of arcade ports are usually better. elevator action returns is still best played on Saturn for example.

>> No.9045170
File: 201 KB, 1164x899, page17-1164px-ADV_GPU.pdf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"can only draw pixels through its polygon engine" =! "can't draw 2D tiles at all".
That isn't what I'm saying. Playstation 2D does bypass polygon capabilities and becomes faster by doing so. The citations clarify this.
>The point is that the tile-based video display of the Saturn gave it more flexibility for 2D titles (at the expense of 3D titles).
That's a good point to make but the text isn't clear at all if that is the intention. "Drawing pixels directly with its processors" sounds a lot more like software than using VDP2.
Lack of specificity is a general problem with the article and results in a lot of comparisons that aren't like for like by excluding important details.

>> No.9045176

Looks fine to me, only thing I notice is the Saturn version has shadows

>> No.9045190

neither looks bad, read the post until you understand it better

>> No.9045224
File: 1.76 MB, 320x232, Odious Trident.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dedicated tilemapper line scanning display chip. Basically it's like a SNES running at high resolutions, higher color count, and about three times the simultaneous backgrounds.
The polygons are drawn on top of that (or under, or inbetween, depending on one of the innumerable display modes you can set up).

That means that when ever you port one of the old school tile mapper based games that do a shitload of tricks like column scroll or per-line scroll, you don't have to turn the trick into polygons, you can just use them directly. See pic related? On playstation, you have to re-code the entire background effect to use polygons. On Saturn you drop in the numbers to the VDP2 and it's done. Same for tile based backgrounds.

>> No.9045235

The best part of Stellar Assault is that it runs at 60fps. However it's still just an arcade Model 1 quality title, and on the Saturn it runs letterboxed - it renders to just half the screen size, and uses barely any textures, so of course it can run at 60fps.

>> No.9045245

it's not 60, it's 30. But a very good 30. I think some elements are 60, saturn can do weird mixed framerate stuff.

>> No.9045249

not him but TFV is one of my favourite games on the system, and I have to concur that the framerate tends to have issues. The worst part is that the game doesn't slow down in speed like other games do, it just starts skipping frames. So the action is at the same pace but the movement of objects on screen is so choppy that it becomes harder to keep track.

And then you have shit like the penultimate boss (the mother figure), where not only do you get frame skipping, but it also starts skipping drawing of sprites. That's the worst offender in the game. But maybe I'm biased because of how difficult that boss is (which could be a catch-22, as the reason it's so difficult is because of the slowdown and sprite skipping).
Playstation version does not have that issues, and the FMVs tie the game together pretty good. The lack of backgrounds is a huge blow though, especially during the intro of stage 5 where you fly out into orbit.

>> No.9045254

>The GPU uses multiplicative Gouraud shading,[8] which halves its fillrate

That part isn't even true, it just adds a few hundred cycles of overhead to read the gouraud shading table, but it doesn't affect the fillrate cause the chip computes the shading during display. There are official cycle calculations by Sega to verify this, which take pixel overwrite into account. However if we punch those figures into the calculator, we get a practical fillrate of 3-12 MPixels for the Saturn, depending on size of the polygon and whether it is textured.

Texturing adds an extra memory read, so that's what straight up halves the fillrate. This (and the low amount of memory) is why some people preferred to gouraud shaded single color polygons instead of textured ones.

also, sega retro is full of shit and is the worst possible place you can get for hardware info.

>> No.9045258

>Playstation version does not have that issues
yeah because they toned it down to look horrible.

>> No.9045271

saturn lightning works by taking a color value and offsetting it by whatever value is set up in the gouraud shading table (said table is just a list of 4 corner colours to use for the shading).

What makes Saturn lightning odd is because of the low amount of texture memory, and because you have to use paletted polygons if you wanted to use the VDP2 in any manner, the textures have to use very few colours. And you have to set up every one of the shaded colours yourself too, because in paletted mode, gouraud shading just changes your palette index. You have to set up gradients per every pixel colour and have the shading ramp them around. It's ridiculous.

>> No.9045290


kind of curious why the Saturn decided to go with 'no cd-door opening during game load' and PS didnt.

>> No.9046191

>sonic team game has poor optimization
who is surprised by this

>> No.9046242

It was a standard enforced by Sega. Anytime the CD Door is opened your game is supposed to call the BIOS function to return to the CD Player. While there's no technical reason you can't just open the door and not return to the CD Player, your game wouldn't pass QA and get printed if you didn't follow Sega's standards.

>> No.9046579

Dude this is barely above a SNES game. Nobody wanted to invest in a 5th gen system to play another side-scrolling 2D beat em up. This would have been absolutely embarrassing to show at E3.

>> No.9046583

FF tactics did the exact same thing, rotating a 3D camera around sprites is not some astounding technical feat.

>> No.9046594

Is it actually better at 2D though? All of 5th gen could make amazing looking sprites because of their higher resolutions and gigantic color palette. However when I look up each systems max resolution, Saturn's is the fucking smallest. So again, why is Saturn better at 2D?

Saturn: 704×224
PS1: 640×480
N64: 640×480

>> No.9046602

Increased horizontal resolution was rarely used and so was interlaced mode. Most games from that gen were running at a cool 320x240 regardless of platform. Some were even lower like SotN at 256x224.

>> No.9046725

yeah but it's on SATURN so it's an unprecedented masterpiece that could never in a million years have been pulled off on PS1.

>> No.9047050

>3D camera around sprites is not some astounding technical feat.
no one said it is, retard-kun.

>> No.9047062
File: 126 KB, 576x1024, polygonengine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the confusion is over Sega Retro citing a dev who was using the term "polygon engine" when comparing the two different consoles. I can get why the dev would use such a vulgar description when talking to normies but yeah, a technical wiki should be more precise with their language. I think it's fine to call PS1 2D fake as long as Saturn fans can accept their 3D being called fake without crying :^)

>> No.9047080

Good looking 2g games aren't just about static images. The backgrounds, animattion frames, transformations, etc all matter. I can't think of many (any?) 2d games that use high resolution modes for anything other than menus. I can't think of any 640x480 pc game ports that kept that resolution instead of cutting it.

>> No.9047181

I should play Grandia. Looks really good

>> No.9047197

fun rpg with a lot of heart too

>> No.9047564

>Game is technically 2.5D with 3D Textured scenery
>Barely a step above SNES
Are you retarded?

>> No.9047568

Sega retro isn't really a technical wiki. It's a fanboy fanfiction wiki. Actual devs have tried to correct the info multiple times but they've been banned and had their changes reverted.

>> No.9047609

Are you fags unable to read or just trolling?

>> No.9047617

First I've heard of that but it wouldn't surprise me, considering how Sonic Retro can get at times, kek

>> No.9049038

I'm just going to say tat the Playstation port of In The Hunt was better than the Saturn port and had less slowdown

I also liked the PS1 port of Viewpoint

It has a neat port of Strider 1:

I'm pretty sure the Saturn was a monster with sprites. But the PS1 could do some surprisingly good arcade ports every once in a while.

>> No.9049059

It isn't really the sprites that makes the Saturn better, it is the support for backgrounds. It is the most advanced console for it, as shown in games posted previously.
If you want a system that does sprites, that is the Neo Geo. That is the only thing it does, and it does it well. It can instantly access sprite data from a cartridge with far more space than the Saturn has RAM.

>> No.9049075
File: 150 KB, 1920x920, 1920px-Neo-Geo-CD-TopLoader-wController-FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It isn't really the sprites that makes the Saturn better, it is the support for backgrounds. It is the most advanced console for it, as shown in games posted previously.
>If you want a system that does sprites, that is the Neo Geo. That is the only thing it does, and it does it well. It can instantly access sprite data from a cartridge with far more space than the Saturn has RAM.

SNK released the Neo-Geo CD in 1994, which is a Neo - Geo AES with a CD-ROM drive. The CD system has more memory than either the Saturn or the PS1, and there are still some Neo-Geo CD games that have missing frames. Sega allowed for 1 and 4MB RAM cartridges to be released in Japan, which allowed for some good Neo-Geo home ports, as well as many other 2D beat em ups/ arcade ports.

>> No.9049117

Mostly just graphics, rendering, load speeds and going on the internet i think? It had a modem port on it, no?

>> No.9049162

Saturn RAM expansions were significantly slower than internal RAM or VRAM and sprites had to be streamed into VRAM to be displayed. It significantly cut down on what you could display in a single frame.

>> No.9049430

I don't think they're any slower than LWRAM as they're also 16-bit DRAM. So they're not useful for having more RAM to run code or do 3D Rendering with, they're just useful for more static data. The issue is more that the RAM carts are on a different bus than the CPUs and VDPs so you can slow things down if you're sloppy with how you access them.

As for streaming to VRAM, that's not really any different than normal as your sprite data needs to be in VRAM for VDP1 to display it.

>> No.9049505

>As for streaming to VRAM, that's not really any different than normal as your sprite data needs to be in VRAM for VDP1 to display it.
Usually your sprite data is permanently loaded in VRAM and doesn't have to be streamed there every frame.

>> No.9049580

Not necessarily. If you have a lot of sprites and can't store all their frames of animation at once in VRAM you'll need to periodically update VRAM with new frames of animation. That's not really that crazy or out of the ordinary for 2D Fighters, with or without the RAM cart.

>> No.9049601

sheath should be forbidden from editing wikipedia and segaretro

>> No.9049617

Sure, but it does cut your effective bandwidth.
I bring it up as a comparison to the Neo Geo/CD which just have a lot of video memory. External RAM carts are a bit inefficient.

>> No.9049635

Sure having more VRAM is always better, but copying stuff over to VRAM from another RAM source isn't that bad. It's fast enough that you can decode FMV straight to VDP1 VRAM without issue and no impact to performance after all. So I'd imagine copying over a couple new frames of animation shouldn't really be that bad.