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File: 20 KB, 285x371, Bernie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9041151 No.9041151 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9041163


>> No.9041164

sticky when?

>> No.9041165


>> No.9041167

posting in an auster thread

>> No.9041168

S for Shiturn is not our future

>> No.9041206

>it's real
Well shit

>> No.9041213


>> No.9041217

RIP sir

>> No.9041218

Sticky NOW

>> No.9041225


>> No.9041227 [DELETED] 
File: 1.57 MB, 1249x766, Bernie_superman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good Lord giveth (Roe v Wade overturned) and he taketh away

>> No.9041241

Never cared about him, but RIP.

>> No.9041248

Good riddance

>> No.9041251 [DELETED] 

Shiturn trannies finally got him...

>> No.9041259

Saturn bros, it's our time!

>> No.9041263 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey!
Enjoy burning in hell, kike.

>> No.9041276

Did Sir Clive get a sticky? I'm pretty sure he did but it was a while ago.

>> No.9041283 [DELETED] 

He did. Mainly because he actually did good things to the industry.

>> No.9041293


>> No.9041308 [DELETED] 

RIP our saviour our shiturn destroyer.

>> No.9041312

I’d imagine he’s “feelin the bern” right about now. RIP in piss, Saturn slayer.

>> No.9041318

press S to spit on the Shiturn

>> No.9041321

For anyone looking for a source:


>> No.9041326

maybe today will be a good day after all

>> No.9041329

Isn't he the guy who tried to save Sega but Sega was too shit to understand he was doing them good?

>> No.9041331 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 640x480, 1580599948562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would JIDF browse fucking /vr/ of all places?

>> No.9041334

Shining Force III blueball edition

>> No.9041335
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>> No.9041340 [DELETED] 

If he gets a sticky, it should be to ridicule him and this should be in the OP.

>> No.9041341

I like the part where he talks about being scared of getting shit canned at sony, then moves on to sega only to shit can 200 of their employees.

>> No.9041345 [DELETED] 

What did it give you, the right to endanger lives? Fucking scumbag.

>> No.9041347
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Bernie versus Segata

>> No.9041349

The shining force team was fucking pissed, left sega, and became camelot due his actions

>> No.9041357

They were called Camelot by SF3

>> No.9041365
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>Dean Takahashi

>> No.9041368 [DELETED] 

isn't that the guy that plays games like a chimp and failed that tutorial or some shit

>> No.9041387 [DELETED] 

>Yet another "if only Bernie brought underage panty quest: the visual novel: the rpg: the strip mahjong the saturn would be saved"

>> No.9041392 [DELETED] 

All the australia-kun idols are dying.
Maybe it's a signal, no?

>> No.9041395 [DELETED] 

Pure slander written by a shiturn cultist.

>> No.9041398

Oh man. Better dig out my Dreamcast in his honour. RIP.

>> No.9041404

Yep. But he's just reporting on Bernie's death so there's not much margin for error.

>> No.9041407 [DELETED] 

>No rebuttal
Cope and seethe.

>> No.9041409 [DELETED] 

somebody doxxed him once and found out he's an actual, literal tranny so it won't be long now

>> No.9041413 [DELETED] 

I always suspected auster to be kimjustice, but maybe it's just the bong retardation

>> No.9041416 [DELETED] 

and Treasure came back recently
sad days for auster

>> No.9041464

Yeah, I just came across the story myself after just passing this thread. Sorry for the family and sorry for Sega fans.

>> No.9041467 [DELETED] 

Any Sega fan is overjoyed with this news, zoom zoom.

>> No.9041472 [DELETED] 

No, I mean the alternate time line where Sega of America didn't shit the bed. Lol zoom zoom, kids are still asleep.

>> No.9041474

He did what had to be done

>> No.9041475
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>> No.9041476

>this person deserves to die because of 30 year old toys
You really are a schizoid if you think anybody other than yourself is overjoyed

>> No.9041510

I'm sorry man i couldn't see the genius of SoJ whose expertise led to a crowning distant second place barely ahead of the N64, that's the true achievement of the japanese saturn library, if it only was brought to the US the console would've sold millions.
I can only KNEEL to the genius of the yamato race.

>> No.9041524

This but unironically

>> No.9041543

>equating being happy someone died of old age with actively wishing death upon them

Why are you gay, anon

>> No.9041547

How do you come up with that shit
Nigga you would better spend your time by reading Anabasis

>> No.9041565
File: 73 KB, 252x252, 62835A42-EE10-49BE-B76D-DCA25EB0F037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest in peace Sega king and leader. We will honor you.

Top kek

>> No.9041570

>it's popular to hate [x], so I will support [x] ironically to piss people off online
This kind of midwit contrarianism is so boring.

>> No.9041579

I don't get it either, people wouldn't even care about Sega if not for their japanese IPs.

>> No.9041585

Well, on one hand you have the unironic but still midwit take of supporting SoA and hating SoJ because of all the Kalinske interviews that were shilled during the 2010s,where he blamed everything to the Japanese and make it seem as if he was the savior of Sega (when in reality, he only had 1 good idea and then hundreds of shitty ones that made SoA a complete joke).
The Japanese never said anything bad about SoA, by the way, I doubt there's any actual rivalry between the two, and if anything, SoJ was probably happy that Genesis was doing well in USA.
But yeah, all the shilling got people to suck Kalinske off and hate SoJ as if they were the devil, when, as you say, all the hardware and games that made Sega good were Japanese.
But Bernie is a total different story. He's obviously an incompetent businessman who is even suspected of being a plant to sabotage other companies, but people ironically glorify him now because it's the "troll" thing to do, hur dur

>> No.9041587

>Post 2D game made by nips

>> No.9041589

owned for sinking the wonderswan lol get cremated

>> No.9041643
File: 1.51 MB, 2270x1100, SEGA_dreamcast_low.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This calls for Dreamcast posting.
Post Dreamcast kino tracks:

>> No.9041645

t. Saturn lover

>> No.9041647
File: 258 KB, 651x794, AFA37938-901C-4ED1-8B66-B55F90D9A5B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Same death day as my fathers birth/death day.
Master System was the first console my father bought us.
Dreamcast was the first system I saved up and preordered and got at launch my self.
Would never have been able to do that without my dad, and without Stolar bringing out something that I wanted bad enough to work hard and save up for.

Sega and it’s people have a special place for me. RIP buddy, say hi to my dad. Gonna play some Dreamcast today

>> No.9041653
File: 44 KB, 301x267, thumbs_up_BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you're doing well wherever you are anon.

>> No.9041668

>Stating facts makes you a saturn lover
Thanks for the info i guess.

>> No.9041697

One if the biggest idiot in the industry.

>> No.9041749

I guess it was a compliment, since Saturn is known for good 2D games made in Japan?

>> No.9041760
File: 2.08 MB, 837x955, d9opz2o-95d4bb8d-82e2-4448-8768-c701ca8ae275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony. My launch Saturn is still alive and well and Rabbi Bernie has gone to hell. Hey that rhymes! Anyway good riddance.

>> No.9041772

Love that SoA is the joke despite selling 8 times the number of genesis models than japan, dreamcast twice the units, and for the saturn only half which you blame on the Idiocy of Kalinske and not the hardware that wasn't up to task, the soft that wasn't either, or the 100 dollaridos above the playstation required to buy one
Can't argue with the high iq move of spending 70.000.000 on Shenmue, the cost being comparable to 3/4 of the TOTAL marketing budget for the dreamcast.
Face it sport without the jew sega is kaput.

>> No.9041783

I guess Bernie Stolar wasnt our future

>> No.9041784

>Love that SoA is the joke despite selling 8 times the number of genesis models than japan, dreamcast twice the units
Because they were cheap and had Sonic in it, Japan just didn't care about sega beyond their arcade games.
>and for the saturn only half which you blame on the Idiocy of Kalinske
He didn't even mention the Saturn in that post.

>> No.9041792 [DELETED] 

It's implicit, like how our right to have abortions is implicit in the constitution (Respectfully disagreeing with judge Thomas, of course)

>> No.9041795

>Because they were cheap and had Sonic in it
So naturally Sega of Japan's next move was to have an expensive console without Sonic on it.

>> No.9041808

What your babbling about?
Japan didn't care about Sonic at the time and didn't want to force Sonic team to make another Sonic.
Just because we acknowledge SoA's mistakes doesn't mean we think SoJ is perfect.

>> No.9041813

>and didn't want to force Sonic team to make another Sonic.
Probably the most mind-blowingly stupid decision from Sega.

>> No.9041814

*what are you

>> No.9041824

He was implicitly referring to the saturn.
The abortion thing is an offbrand topical joke, feel safe to ignore it
I'm not saying Kalinske is a genius mastermind but at very least SoJ fucked up at rates consistent or possible a bit more than SoA

>> No.9041826

>"“When I got to Sega I immediately said, ‘We have to kill Saturn. We have to stop Saturn and start building the new technology.’ That’s what I did. I brought in a new team of people and cleaned house. There were 300-some-odd employees and I took the company down to 90 employees to start rebuilding,” Stolar said."
God damn lol

>> No.9041832


>> No.9041842

I wonder if Bernie didn't show up, if the Dreamcast would have had a DVD player. They were like 1 year too quick

>> No.9041865

That's the thing, SoJ and SoA are idiots, it's just that SoA was able to get actual profit out of Japan's IPs which leads to people arguing which one is better.
If Sega were actually competent they would either have made their brand way bigger before the Saturn's launch or would've taken advantage of their brand loyality when it mattered the most.

>> No.9041873

Kalinske always comes across like a narcissistic douchebag in interviews. I wouldnt take his bragging too serious.

>> No.9041886

Reminder: The "genesis does" shit was there before Kalinke showed up.

>> No.9041889

>taken advantage of their brand loyality
If they would only do that now.

>> No.9041893

It was?

>> No.9041908

Yes, it was there since the console lauched in the USA, unlike Kalinske.

>> No.9041931 [DELETED] 

Saturnweenies still seething decades later lol

>> No.9041973

Still some life left in that dead horse.

>> No.9041989

What Saturn game should I play in his honor?
Bonus points if it's 2D and Japanese.

>> No.9042020

So many people shit on Bernie for the Sega Saturn. But Bernie didn't do anything, the Saturn was already dead by 1997 in America, anyway. All Bernie did was put the last nail into the coffin. When the Dreamcast bombed, didn't David Rosen convince Sega to get out of the hardware business, anyway?

>> No.9042030

Sega of America's success came at a cost that eventually caught up with them. They were over producing and high on their own success. And when the 16-bit systems started to dry up around 1994-1996, they were completely unprepared.

While Sega of Japan's mistakes were dumb and caused some problems, Sega of Americas mistakes did far more damage to the company in the long term.

>> No.9042056

There are MANY reasons to shit on Bernie, the Saturn just happens to be the one most people talk about.

>> No.9042060

Your dad died on his birthday? I'm sorry to hear that anon. Hope you're doing OK.

>> No.9042071

Tom Kalinski was the guy who fucked shit up.

>won't accept that the Mega Drive's time is over
>still keeps ordering giant piles of them from the factory despite it being 1995
>SOJ were horrified to discover warehouses full of unsold Mega Drives
>neglects to translate Saturn technical dox

>> No.9042080

SoA was a joke in terms of content. Kalinske burned a lot of money developing mediocre to really bad shovelware with very few exceptions, but no SoA game is really up to the AAA standard that Sega of Japan did, and you know it full well.
As I said, in terms of sheer numbers, SoJ was probably happy about SoA. In the end, money that served Sega HQ at Japan, anyway.
The whole SoA vs SoJ rivalry never existed, you just bought into a western journo narrative.

>> No.9042081
File: 391 KB, 897x1200, panzer_dragoon_saga_ad_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Successfully removed all third party support from the Sega Saturn, then all 2D games.
> Sabotaged the Sonic Xtreme.

Bernie Stolar was at Sony when all of that happened. The Sega Saturn was a blunder at launch. It was expensive for Sega to manufacture, they lost money on each system sold. Third party publishers were bailing from the machine for the PS1 before Bernie showed up. Sonic Xtreme wasn't his project. Bernie may have helped popularise 3D gaming with the success of the Playstation. He also did prioritise 3D games over 2D ones. But... that's where the game industry was heading anyway. The mass population was getting board of 2D games, so the PS1 became a big hit regardless. The popularity of the PS1 did cause Sega of America to not publish a lot of 2D games in the west. They were trying to focus more on the Saturn's 3D capabilities. Which only ended up making the Saturn look weaker than the PS1. Tom Kalinske was Sega USA President until 1996. The Saturn was already a sinking ship in 1997.

>What Saturn game should I play in his honor?

Panzer Dragoon Saga

>> No.9042089

>Kalinske burned a lot of money developing mediocre to really bad shovelware with very few exceptions, but
Other than The Ooze I can't think of a noteworthy SOA game.

>> No.9042092

I'd say Comix Zone is their best offering. I never liked the gameplay, I think it doesn't fit the style of game they were trying to do, but I appreciate the creativity in its presentation.
Vectorman is probably my favorite american Sega game. Only played the first game though, I know the 2nd is supposed to be really bad. Vectorman 1 seemed good enough for me.

>> No.9042093
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Desire of course.

>> No.9042095

Garfield Caught In The Act, but the PC port was better.

>> No.9042098

>man dies
>weebs seethe about anime games and how Sega dying was actually Americans fault despite Sega never turning a profit a single time in the home consumer division in Japan for almost 20 years
Dreamcast launch was the best launch in video game history and remains so to this day

>> No.9042102

I had never bothered to check who developed that originally but yes it was an American studio. The look and feel of the game wasn't very Japanese tbqh.

>> No.9042106 [DELETED] 

Shiturnfags delude themselves that if only the japanese library came to the US the system would beat it's competition.

>> No.9042113

At least half the library had a PS1 port anyway.

>> No.9042116

That's just you having schizoid internal arguments with yourself.
Bernie is made fun of because his whole history is sketchy as hell, not just his brief time at Sega.
The reason Sega stopped making hardware was not the Saturn or the Dreamcast, it's a thing called PlayStation.

>> No.9042119

He thought they could drag the Mega Drive out until 1998.

>> No.9042123

yeah a 7Mhz console with 2D graphics was going to still hang with PS1 and N64. what was that guy on?

>> No.9042156

The Mega Drive came out when the NES was dominant but the technological gap between the two consoles was much smaller than the gap between the Mega Drive and 5th gen consoles. Technology made some really rapid advances during the 90s.

>> No.9042158

Wouldn't it be funny if Sega had a surprise announcement for a Saturn mini today?

>> No.9042175

no it was the opposite. he constantly engaged in censorship and denied game release after game release only for ps1 to release them instead and then wondered why sega saturn is not selling when he literally wouldnt let it to have games. he was real piece of shit

>> No.9042176 [DELETED] 

unironically yes

>> No.9042180

You fags are mentally ill.
>Best launch to this day
Beaten by PS2's launch, KEK

>> No.9042192

>There are MANY reasons to shit on Bernie, the Saturn just happens to be the one most people talk about.

All Stolar did for the Saturn was take it out to the tool shed and put a bullet into it. The Sega Saturn was already far gone by mid 1997. Nobody could save that console in the west. Not with the PS1 and N64 on the market. Stolar was there for the creation and discontinuation of the Sega Dreamcast.

>> No.9042201

I don't remember stating that he was the one who ruined the Saturn.

>> No.9042203
File: 73 KB, 256x257, 1632581011402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i wonder if he never left sony. would the timeline be different where saturn would have release of SMT devil summoner and ps1 wouldnt get any persona at all instead

>> No.9042207

PS2 American launch lineup was not better than Dreamcast's.

>> No.9042208

Outside of the shitposting about the screencap i don't think anyone here actually believes 2D games would've saved the Saturn.

>> No.9042223

Name a single good game in the dreamcast launch

>> No.9042238

He probably was just a terrible businessman that refused to get with the times. Maybe to some extent it would’ve worked with portable Genesis like the Nomad as tech got better, but that’s just wishful thinking.

>> No.9042246

Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, Soulcalibur, NFL 2k.

>> No.9042252

Nec didn't beat anyone, it just cultivated it's audience, the Saturn could have done the same.

>> No.9042258

>Power Stone, Soulcalibur
K, you got me

>> No.9042261

So much this

Soul Calibur
Sonic Adventure
Power stone
Marvel vs Capcom

>> No.9042262 [DELETED] 


>> No.9042267

It would have been 10 years old. Still the NES lasted 10 years, the Atari 2600 fourteen (!), the PS1 ten years, etc.

>> No.9042269 [DELETED] 

not him, but the old mods shared some information about him some years back on IRC, nothing personal but like, where he was from and I think he used a phone to shitpost and samefag too. don't think his real identity was shared, but would be pretty funny if it happened.

>> No.9042275 [DELETED] 

Wow, you really hate Dreamcast.

>> No.9042293

Soul Calibur
Ready 2 Rumble
Sonic Adventure
Power Stone
House of the Dead 2
Blue Stinger
Hydro Thunder
Sega Bass Fishing

>> No.9042302

they were second-tier budget systems. and again the technological gap between NES and Mega Drive was not nearly as big as gap between Mega Drive and PS1.

>> No.9042310 [DELETED] 

yes as we all know the Saturn would have won if only they'd localized Super Schoolgirl Locker Room Bouken

>> No.9042314

The Sega Saturn was a blunder when Bernie showed in 1996, but he was the one going to Atlus (Devil Summoner), Konami (Policenauts), Game Arts (Grandia, as a collab with Sega of America cancelled in 1998 then picked by fucking Sony) and Working Designs (Lunar remakes, Silhouette Mirage) to "convince them" to cancel almost ready localizations, all the while cancelling a ton of already finished localizations of expensive 3D games made by Sega internally (Deep Fear, Griffon 2)
>Panzer Dragoon Saga
Oh, the one the loc team said was constantly at threat of being localized and was shipped with an extremely low print run that would never turn a profit even if it sold out, which it actually did?

One of Bernie Stolar's achievements besides stating as early as 1997 (with ZERO backup plan between 1997 and september 1999, keeping in mind the DreamCast was supposed to be ready by 1998) that "the saturn was not our future", basically forcing companies like Capcom to scrap almost complete ports of PS1 games (Resident Evil 2, the other Mega Man games, their myriads of 2d arcade ports whose approval by SCEA was a coin toss) which they were eager to develop as a failsafe to Sony SCEA policies easily rejecting complete games at submission for "quality" reasons.

Then as he realized some companies were still supporting the Saturn, he removed stuff like RAM packs from stores, and as game publishers were finding loopholes and directly commanding those RAM packs from Sega of Japan, he complained to SoJ directly to plug those holes.

Not to mention that it was between 1996 and 1999 that Microsoft was introduced to Sega to work on their DreamCast OS.

Bernie killed most of Sega of America's inhouse productions (published on PC, even proposed a fucking N64 port for a Virtua Fighter 3 port that got vetoed) and didn't allow JP games to be imported by SoA or otherwise. Also SoA didn't do its job at translating the documentation. No shit a console with no games wouldn't sell.

>> No.9042319

How many more times are you going to try to convince people that Saturn fans claim the system would have triumphed with Visual novels?
Nobody says that, you're making it up.
People just say Bernie was the reason many 2D games remained in japan, both on Saturn and PS1, and this is hard fact. It has nothing to do with saving the Saturn or not. The Saturn was hard to save when the PS1 existed.

>> No.9042321 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 220x164, 662D4843-62A0-49D1-8079-A79DA29125C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few criminals may die while commuting a criminal act

What a tragedy!

>> No.9042326

Even in Japan those games are laughed at as shovelware garbage for friendless shut-ins.

>> No.9042328

>The Japanese never said anything bad about SoA, by the way, I doubt there's any actual rivalry between the two, and if anything, SoJ was probably happy that Genesis was doing well in USA.

Kalinske didn't want to bring over Phantasy Star IV until Working Designs wanted to, of course he's an unreliable narrator.
There are numerous times when the Japanese side said "something bad" about SoA. Like admitting that the decision to release the X32 with that timing was a monumentally stupid idea (SoA's idea), or that the music replacements for Japanese music done in Sonic CD, Sonic 2, and Sonic 3 weren't accepted by the Japanese side (for Sonic CD they didn't even know about it, for Sonic 2 SoA gave them a replacement track for everything and they thought it sounded like dogshit and that the Japanese bands were better, for Sonic 3 they said multiple times that the MJ situation was troublesome and that the older games didn't have the same issue)

>> No.9042330

>>>9042192 (You)
>I don't remember stating that he was the one who ruined the Saturn.

I guess I wasn't referring to you directly. I just mean in general people accuse Bernie Stolar of 'killing' the Saturn. Bernie came on board as Sega CEO in early- mid 1997. Saturn already previously lost big during Christmas 1996, when Sega had NiGHTS into dreams up against the N64 launch library, and the cheaper PS1 with Crash. Bernie Stolar did the most obvious thing any business man would have done, and just discontinued the console. Sega was losing money on it.

>> No.9042351

The Saturn was finished after 1995.

>> No.9042361

SoJ supplied a badly designed console with no sequels to the SoJ games that sold the genesis, they neglected the non-japanese market that put them in their position, i don't believe they had a rivalry with SoA, they just took bad decision all around, SoA was the junior partner so i don't think they are to blame for anything, they had one job which was to sell the hardware and games and they did damn fine, you fault them for making shitty games but they still sold in the genesis period so that's not the question, the question is why SoJ with their games couldn't sell in the saturn era.

>> No.9042362


>> No.9042363

Bernie stopped releases on the Saturn because the Saturn was an entirely dead console by the end of the same year it released in. Packaging, manufacturing, translating, and finding retail space for any Saturn game by 1997 was a waste of time and resources, the consoles highest selling game of all time barely sold 70k copies, it's was a complete financial nightmare on every level, and the only business move to make was shutter everything and try to build up hype for the next console. Literally all Bernie did was save Sega from wasting a few more millions on games that would have sold at most 2-3k copies, and either have a print run so low they couldn't make profit from it anyway, or have backstock they'd have to take losses on. Bernie did the only move available to him which was shutter everything to ensure no more losses were possible and wait for the Dreamcast.

>> No.9042368

>I just mean in general people accuse Bernie Stolar of 'killing' the Saturn.
By people, do you mean Bernie? See: >>9041826

>Bernie Stolar did the most obvious thing any business man would have done, and just discontinued the console.
Correction: Didn't formally discontinue the console, but pretended to support it while sabotaging every single ongoing development project targeting it so that it's no longer profitable on release, not even TurboGrafx-16 levels of profit.
In the meanwhile, as no money profits are going into Sega, he's constantly laying off people (from his experience with managing the twilight years of the Atari Lynx - horror stories of refusing to pay developers and still expecting them to finish on time, echoes of which can be seen with the management of the Sonic Xtreme project) and spending secondary R&D on plans to make the Saturn successor dependent on a Microsoft-made OS.
The DreamCast was ready at some point, and so was its killer app (and even its TGS demos had full English data inside) yet he delayed it one whole year in America for no real reason and in his own words "one of the most expensive marketing campaigns ever made". Then, sold the console for loss, and blamed his ousting for SoJ's leadership change.

>> No.9042374

The only Saturn I've ever seen in my life was at a Goodwill once in like 2006 or so.

>> No.9042380

>SoJ supplied a badly designed console with no sequels to the SoJ games that sold the genesis
tbqh Sonic Team were getting burned out and wanted to make different stuff so it's understandable why they did NID instead of Yet Another Sonic Game (TM).

>> No.9042393 [DELETED] 

>australia-kun posts were pruned
lel, always love a good auster number, he's the best lolcow.

>> No.9042394 [DELETED] 

Nights was still garbage though.

>> No.9042402

What makes you think it's garbage?

>> No.9042403

Too strong a word, but it is more of a tech demo than a game.

>> No.9042406
File: 15 KB, 198x225, Abdul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's physically impossible to have a good Saturn thread
What's with this console and making people from both sides chimp out?

>> No.9042408

It's a platformer you can fly around in, like Kirby but worse. Gets boring after an hour of play, if that. Should've just been Sonic 4 instead.

>> No.9042416

>it was australia-kun again lol
Aren't tech demos non-playable videos? Sort of like the stuff the demoscene does for different old computers. Nights had very tight and fun gameplay, I had fun playing it.
it's only a platformer when you lose Nights and have to walk as one of the kids, but I still wouldn't say it's a "platformer", you don't really need to do precise jumps and there's no pits you can fall to your death, it's mostly a way to get back to the place where you can turn into nights again.
It's hard describing what Nights is as a game genre, you can fly freely anywhere, sort of like Fantasy Zone, but instead of shooting it's about collecting spheres and beating enemies by doing acrobatic moves around them.

>> No.9042421

But yeah, SOA didn't translate Saturn tech docs and they struggled to develop properly for it as they lacked the resources Japanese developers had.

>> No.9042424

>By people, do you mean Bernie? See: >>9041826

OK, maybe he did say that then. But he wasn't wrong. The writing was on the wall for the Saturn since Christmas 1996. The PS1 was getting all the third party support, the hardware was getting cheaper, they had a version of tomb Raider that looked and ran faster than the Saturn version. They had a mascot platformer called Crash Bandicoot that competed directly with Mario 64. Sonic Xtreme was a failure. because Sega made it clear that it was going to be out by Christmas 1996. They had NiGHTS with the Saturn 3D Pad instead. Bernie Stolar became CEO in march 1997, after the Sega Saturn's big 1996 holiday failure. Stolar was only pointing out the obvious.

>> No.9042425 [DELETED] 

Amerifats cant ASM. Sad story bro.

>> No.9042434

The basic issue is Sega tried to copy the formula that had worked so well on the Mega Drive of consolizing an arcade board, but the arcade board the Saturn was derived from wasn't as easy or cheap to consolize.

>> No.9042450

History has generally shown that the hardware that is the simplest and cheapest to build tends to win (PS2 being the major exception).

>> No.9042458

The issue here is that people romanticize corporate stuff and see it as if companies were characters that either win or lose.
The home video game market usually has a dominant brand and then competitors, sometimes it can get even (like SNES vs Genesis in the west in the early 90s), but having a competitive 3rd party is not the norm.
It doesn't really matter if the Sega Saturn was easier to develop for, if Sega did everything right, if a good 3D Sonic came out for it.
Sony was still forcing the PS1 into the market at full force and there was very little video game-only companies like nintendo or sega could do.
Neither nintendo nor sega could have convinced Squaresoft to make FF VII exclusive for them in exchange of a multi-million dollar advertising campaign, just as an example.
Neither Sega nor Nintendo owned CD pressing factories.
Neither Sega nor Nintendo were mega corporations with branches in all sort of media, they were just vidya companies.
Microsoft and Sony came to replace Nintendo and Sega in the hardware market.
Nintendo were able to keep making them due to Luck form the Heavens, basically. And Pokemon.

>> No.9042490
File: 76 KB, 343x500, bernie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I'll be joining the saturn in the grave. Good thing it kept it warm for 28 years

>> No.9042492

My Saturn is still working perfectly.

>> No.9042503 [DELETED] 

>no new games since 1998
>at best, you'll get a troonslation path of some cringey JP-only weebshit once every 4 years
It's dead, Jim.

>> No.9042505
File: 166 KB, 515x538, o05150538135509813041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolar-sama... I kneel

>> No.9042506

Nintendo wasn't only a video game company. You caution about romanticism yet fall to it.

>> No.9042507

My Saturn is still working perfectly in 2022.
These things are built like rock, I went through several PS1s and PS2s, but my Saturn is still my original one from the 90s.

>> No.9042510

9 hours later, still no sticky

>> No.9042513

You mean because they had different business in the past?
The Nintendo we know is not the card-manufactured, it's the video game era.
>but they did toys! they still make cards every now and then!
Yeah they make merchandising, Sega does too. But without their video games they couldn't sell merchandise.
Sony was never a video game company, they were an electronics corporation that went into the music industry, the film industry, the TV industry.
You don't have music CDs on a Nintendo label, or movies produced by Sega for hollywood, you only get licenses from either Sega or Nintendo if they ever get music CDs released or movies about their properties.

>> No.9042515
File: 99 KB, 966x513, tk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The basic issue is Sega tried to copy the formula that had worked so well on the Mega Drive of consolizing an arcade board, but the arcade board the Saturn was derived from wasn't as easy or cheap to consolize.

SOJ sent engineers over to SOA to look at a piece of hardware that Silicon Graphics / MIPS showed in private, only to have SOJ turn it down. Not only that, Tom Kalinske said that MIPS/ SGI went and revised their prototype based on some of SOJ's criticisms. They showed it to the same SOJ engineers twice, and it was rejected both times.

>> No.9042529 [DELETED] 

Mods are Saturncucks, they won't sticky the death of the man who rightfully pulled the plug on its life support to usher in the glorious Dreamcast.

>> No.9042537 [DELETED] 

>Mods are Saturncucks
I doubt the new mods even care about pre-6th gen stuff, dude. Stop making a boogeyman out of "saturncucks", you are the cucked one by wasting time crying for a sticky of an old man you never knew.

>> No.9042546

>soj are... BAD! ok?
I don't say he's lying but I wouldn't take his word 100%. Is there any Japan-side narrative about the whole SGI situation?

>> No.9042549

Was going to be similar to this San Francisco Rush board

>> No.9042557 [DELETED] 

No offense to bernie, but he was nothing but a clown in the vidya industry and this is ignoring anything related to the Saturn which might be his most inoffensive accomplishment in his career.

>> No.9042560 [DELETED] 

No need to clarify anything, anon. The bernieposter is just australia-kun aka /vr/'s autistic resident lolcow. He thinks he's clever by pretending to support Bernie and how it's "based" because he killed the "shiturn", then samefags a lot to make it seem there's "saturnfags" getting mad at his poor trolling.
This board is a circus.

>> No.9042584
File: 36 KB, 350x360, BERNOUT 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's kind of the impression a lot of people got... he was like Yamauchi in that he hated RPGs right? Or he saw them as impossible to sell. I still see him as a SONY plant but I don't think anyone can blame him for Saturn's early launch?

>> No.9042594

Well who was responsible for dropping the Saturn in the laps of everyone by surprise? What was that person's rationale for doing so?

>> No.9042597

>Is there any Japan-side narrative about the whole SGI situation?

Not that I can tell. It seems like only a few people from Japan saw the N64 prototype hardware. From what it sounds like, the revised prototype was the hardware that SGI sold to Nintendo.

>People just say Bernie was the reason many 2D games remained in japan, both on Saturn and PS1, and this is hard fact. It has nothing to do with saving the Saturn or not. The Saturn was hard to save when the PS1 existed.

In 1996, Sega held media events like these to convince us that games like Sonic Xtreme would be on track for a Christmas 1996 release:

Crash Bandicoot (Stolar had a hand in this game too) came out September 9th 1996 (The 1 year anniversary of the NA launch of the PS1) , and was advertised to compete directly with the N64 launch and Mario 64, which were released on September 29th 1996. The original Crash commercials showed Crash drive right up to Nintendo's HQ in Washington State to yell at Mario with a bullhorn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTi5EaocGaY
Crash was a real hit for Holiday season 1996. Also Mario 64 was an obvious big hit as well. :

Crash took Sonic's place as a competitor to Mario. All SOA had was Nights, which was released in August 1996. NiGHTS didn't have any of the appeal of Sonic, and SOA had some pretty desperate commercials like this:

Holiday seasons are big for game companies. True make or break period for console sole manufacturers.

>> No.9042598

Bernie passed on JRPGs because no one was interested in that. He also passed on the best ports of KOF97, Samurai Shodow 2, Xmen vs SF, Street Fighter Alpha 3 because no one was interested in that. Also passed on Radiant Silvergun, Dodonpachi, Gunbird, Strikers 1945, Battle Garegga, Metal Black, the rest of ultra rare shmup library because no one was interest in that. Also passed on cinematic adventures D no Shokutaku, (only released in Europe) Enemy Zero, (only released in Europe) Deep Fear, (only released in Europe) because no one was interested in that. Also passed on the superior version of Exhumed (only released in Europe) because no one was interested on that.

>> No.9042610

>glorious Dreamcast.
So glorious. Everybody grabbed one. But they forgot to purchase more than one game for it.

>> No.9042613

Doesn't help some segasat exclusives ended up getting brought over with extra content on the PS like soukyugurentai, thunder force v, silhouette mirage, grandia, gekioh.

>> No.9042630

why make a sticky for a clown

>> No.9042634
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Grandia and Lunar should have been Saturn exclusive. Instead they gave all the sales to Sony PSX because of the huge FF7 anime JRPG popularity boom. But Bernie was an anime hater.

>> No.9042643
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>> No.9042647

Was that really his fault, though? Sega thrived off dudebro appeal in the 16-bit era. They used it as a foil to Nintendo of America's family friendliness. The Genesis was where EA sports games took off in popularity.

>> No.9042653

>Bernie Stolar
>a founding member of Sony Computer Entertainment America
A trojan horse created by Sony to destroy Sega for sure
Will not be missed.

>> No.9042667

>dudebro appeal
Nobody liked that stupid shit except urban youths and Fred Durst. SOA was retarded for rejecting Japan. Sony was smarter and appealed to actual gamers.

>> No.9042669

I know you're being a passive agressive weeb but unironic yes to all of that.
jrpgs were never popular in america, and they're a genre whose importance is vastly overstated due to most retro "historians" being fat shut in nerds, both now and at the time. even ff7, which had a massive advertising campaign, and was sold in advertisements using only cutscene footage under the premise it looked like a Pixar movie only sold around 3-4m copies in the US and had 70% of it's sales outside of America. It was far less popular and talked about than series like Medal of Honor, Tony Hawk, Syphon Filter, Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, Driver, Tekken, or Crash. No jrpg without final fantasy in the title sold even 1m copies, with most being lucky to break 200k. Keep in mind this is on a console that had literally 10x the market penetration of the Saturn, and had all the big name companies producing for it as opposed to C and D tier Saturn devs.
Fighting games are more popular, but the heavy hitters at the time like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat had PlayStation releases and the entire idea of superior versions is revisionist history on the back of simple emulation now, that no one cared about at the time. No one was going to buy a console to play a slightly better version of a game they could already play on the console they already owned. The alpha 3 port also came out in 2000 and is a complete non-factor. The Saturn was beyond dead and buried in 97 let alone when the Dreamcast itself was on its last legs.
Shmups are a niche genre for shut INS even in Japan, and the other games are D tier trash that would be totally forgotten on any other console, and are notable only because the Saturns game library is so poor. Equivalent of calling games like Tonic Trouble or Nightmare Creatures killer apps.

>> No.9042684

>Nobody liked that stupid shit except urban youths and Fred Durst.
So the average consumer of video games in North America? This was a few years before Columbine made being an edgy white kid slightly less cool.

>Sony was smarter and appealed to actual gamers.
Sony went out of their way to attract the dudebro crowd just as much, anon. Where do you think those EA sports games went? Hell, where did the vast majority of M-rated console games end up?

>> No.9042703 [DELETED] 

The duality of 4chan split between perverted Japanese tranime pedos and christian protestant dudebros

>> No.9042704 [DELETED] 

It's about damn time. Who's up for taking a trip to go take a giant shit on his grave for fucking over us sons of Saturn?

>> No.9042715

>No jrpg without final fantasy in the title sold even 1m copies, with most being lucky to break 200k.
Well, Legend of Dragoon is an exception, but JRPG fans really need to drill this into their heads.

>> No.9042729

Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat had nearly no presence on the 32bit home console market, unless you imported Saturn titles. Alpha was something most kids did not give a shit about and MK had the goofiest entries of the entire series come out this time (however MK3 and UMK3 were exclusives for a short time).
The only SF people played on the Playstation were the SF Ex games. Everyone else played Tekken, Soul Blade, and maybe Bloody Roar and DOA1. I don't remember a single person giving a shit about any of the other SF2 games back in the 90s.

>> No.9042731
File: 177 KB, 302x226, Screenshot_2022-06-26 fetchimage (WEBP Image, 604 × 453 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear that as a badge of honor.

>> No.9042737

Because people expected the Saturn to be a dudebro college fraternity party but it was actually the successor to the PC Engine.

>> No.9042745 [DELETED] 

If you post on 4chan and you are not a weeb like what this website was intended for, you are very likely a fucking psycho. Its no shock to me that the kids who joined here after the 2016 election for "BASED /pol/" shit end up as mass shooters.

>> No.9042764 [DELETED] 

I thought it would be best if many different genres coexisted? Americans are fighting a constant culture war, fags merely existing is enough to threaten their territory.

>> No.9042770

Nothing of value was lost when he killed the Sega Saturn. Everything else he did, was shit.

>> No.9042775

>killed the Sega Saturn
He wasn't that powerful lol. The Saturn was already dead in the west because of Sony, not because of Bernie (well, bernie was a Sony plant, but besides that).

>> No.9042791

No, he said Silicon Graphics, 3DFX is a different company. Very well known for their PC video cards. To my understanding Sega never worked with 3dfx.

>> No.9042798 [DELETED] 

There are such things as /pol/tard weebs, you know. A lot of internet fascists see Japan as a successful ethnostate and make an exception for it when it comes to their hatred of all things that aren't straight white guys. Who do you think starts almost every localization controversy bait thread on /v/?

>> No.9042814

>To my understanding Sega never worked with 3dfx.

They did. They actually had two different pieces of hardware in development as the successor to the Saturn. Sega of japan had project Katana, which became the Dreamcast. Sega of America was developing project BlackBelt, which used a 3DFX chipset.

>> No.9042843

>No, he said Silicon Graphics,

Silicon Graphics pitched Sega of America the prototype N64 hardware before Nintendo signed contracts with SGI/ MIPS. Maybe 1993-ish? My guess. They never specified the date when it happened. It was probably similar to what was shown off in this video:


>> No.9042868 [DELETED] 


RIP, based SHITURN man!

>> No.9042870 [DELETED] 

go to bed already, auster, and don't forget the pills

>> No.9042890

How is there no sticky anywhere?

>> No.9042897

he was just a passing businessman, not a creator or even an important figure.
not to disrespect him as a person or anything, but professionally speaking he wasn't an example and the only reason we even have a thread about it is because he's sort of a meme due to how bizarre his business life was.

>> No.9043000

SEGA was not our future.

>> No.9043093

>even ff7, which had a massive advertising campaign, and was sold in advertisements using only cutscene footage under the premise it looked like a Pixar movie only sold around 3-4m copies in the US
That's as much as TMNT on the NES sold and that was like the biggest selling third party game it had.

>> No.9043102

oh hell no, this bastard brought Moore into the games industry and he pushed for the MTX hell we live in


>> No.9043115

Sony's biggest profits are actually from games, while nintendo reaps most of it's dosh from toys.

>> No.9043124

I know that. The major NES RPGs in North America were FF1, the four Dragon Quest games, and Crystalis and none of those scratched the sales numbers for Bases Loaded, Skate or Die, or T&C Surf Designs.

>> No.9043137
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>> No.9043204

>Sony was smarter and appealed to actual gamers.
You don't remember Sony's marketing if you think they were aiming mainly at actual gamers. sony ads were marked by having an attitude and a coolness that was similar, but more adult than sega. sega was trying to be cool to kids and preteens, Sony was trying to be cool for the older highschooler/college crowd.

>> No.9043209 [DELETED] 

Press S to spit on the Saturn

>> No.9043265 [DELETED] 

> no sticky
> actual /vr/ news
this board is absolutely fucking dead. fuck you jannies and mods.

>> No.9043273

PowerVR, under an NEC license. Power VR is the company that acquired 3dfx when they were in their death throes...

>> No.9043276 [DELETED] 

Not Nintendo related so it won't be stickied. They reserve that for such impactful news as the death of the head of R&D at Nintendo when the SNES was being made. Being the head of multiple companies isn't that important in comparison, wait for the secondary sound designer in a Pokemon game to die if you want a sticky

>> No.9043278 [DELETED] 

didn't know that the zed ex spectrum is now nintendo related

>> No.9043325 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1000x729, based bernie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies have been shoahing Stoleour memes for years and now the worm has turned. I demand a sticky and I demand you post your best Stoleours RIGHT NOW.

>> No.9043331
File: 377 KB, 680x680, 1638722295070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuphead Tutorial Man wrote this

>> No.9043332


>> No.9043334 [DELETED] 

australia-kun is thoroughly traumatized by nintendo and he will always have them in his mind, until the moment he dies... maybe after, too, if after life exists. Imagine a nintendo-obsessed lost soul wandering through some shitty UK city, lmao.

>> No.9043356

yes but if you believed e-celebs Dragon Quest III sold 10 million copies in the US and every American 12 year old was playing it instead of RBI Baseball or Bad Street Brawler.

>> No.9043384

LOL, dat nigga still gamin'?

>> No.9043439

RIP my nigga. He may not have been perfext, but he was a man with a good vision for the future of gaming.

You should know this by now. For some reason, people here get so attached to consoles that they keep up dead console wars from the 90s in order to prove their fair maiden's superiority over those harlots, when pretty much all four main consoles (Saturn, N64, PSX and DC) of the late 90s had many flaws but many strenths as well. They all have a pretty good library that plays to their strength and while certain ones may be preferable if you like certain genres, you can't go wrong with any of them. So basically, autists being autistic.

>> No.9043447 [DELETED] 

His death is hardly talked about or hitting any numbers.

Legacy my ass lmfaooooooo. Just another boring ass mediocre rich white man.

>> No.9043448 [DELETED] 


>> No.9043450 [DELETED] 

yt ass jew

>> No.9043834


>> No.9043872 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 385x359, bernie5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I've always noticed about shiturn hipsters is how blatantly apparent it is that they very obviously only pretend to like it for contrarianism, and don't even play games.

Anytime any other console or old pc or arcade game is mentioned people will always talk about how they had fun playing it as a kid, or how they would always stay over at friends houses playing certain games, or how they'd stop in at the local arcade to drop quarters in whatever. They'll always have distinct memories and nostalgia of having fun with whatever they're talking about.

But all you'll ever hear from shiturn fags are how it actually had the most vertrex cycles of any console at the time assuming you properly utilized both CPUs and GPUs and did a rain dance under a full moon, or how the shading of a lamp post in the background of a capcom fighter was actually arcade perfect quality unlike the ps1 where its gamma tint was microscopically off. Never do you hear about how you and friends stayed up all night playing saturn games.

It's like the console was complete dogshit and they're all just a bunch of friendless shut in weebs who bought a 25 year old piece of plastic to try to be cool and now spend all their time validating their waste of money to themselves as they play alpha 3 for the 47th time and get KOd by the CPU on stage 2 as they repeatedly struggle to do a qcf to throw a fireball, before waddling over to the $4500 pc their mother bought them, (that they use only to play steam ports of PS3 era JRPGs) and extolling the virtues of whichever japan only release they most recently heard a youtuber talk about and then going on a forum begging for it to be translated so they can actually play it long enough to take a picture of it to post on reddit.

>> No.9043879 [DELETED] 


>> No.9043892

>Never do you hear about how you and friends stayed up all night playing saturn games.
Can and have; Contrary evidence is easily ignored when you're set on an idea so I don't blame you for overlooking it

>> No.9043910

RIP to a great guy. Thanks for the Dreamcast. Pretty cool last ditch effort for a ship that had been sinking fast since the Genesis expansions. It's so obvious as to why the Saturn failed to me. Sega during the Genesis succeeded in appealing to an the contemporary trends in the adolescent and young adult markets, succeeding in catching a huge contemporary wave and thus appealing to an entire generation of kids who had grown up the NES and were primed to react to this super contemporary, western campaign because they were now teenagers and young adults. they followed it up with software that appealed along the same themes, and also largely succeeded with taking games that were more Japanese in nature and conveying them along the same lines because they had created that consumer buy-in.

By comparison the Saturn had next to nothing about it that seemed western and it had no marketing or software to catch that same demographic. People distrust Kalinske because he's very shiny and smooth and CEO-LIKE but his basic point about the Saturn is right: the Saturn is I Japanese. It did not appeal to the youth demographic that the Genesis captured so well. And not only was Sony a huge corporation, but, their marketing succeeded in stealing that audience. The PS1 marketing was huge and well-received, normal people were hype as hell about something there was no precedent for....and just like the Genesis did, they had the software to back it up. Sega started declining before the Saturn was even out, hemorrhaged money through the whole ordeal, and then NEARLY made it with the Dreamcast---and then they dropped out of the market. It's amazing they were able to regain anything and ended up producing a console (in record time) that time has proven is really cool and unique. The Dreamcast is bigger than it ever was. Long live Bernie I guess!

>> No.9043912 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 607x608, bernie stolar segata sanshiro the weak should fear the strong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9043925 [DELETED] 

bump because: fuck jannies and mods for not making this a sticky.

>> No.9043927 [DELETED] 

>Not Nintendo related so it won't be stickied
not surprised by this at all. sucks.

>> No.9043937

Where did that quality control go when the Dreamcast launched? Mine still works (from Christmas '99), but it ruined my Sonic Adventure and Power Stone discs somehow.

>> No.9043940 [DELETED] 

>samefagging yourself to derail the thread with braindead console war shite

>> No.9043942 [DELETED] 

Had no idea that Chicago gang shootings were planned on /pol/.

>> No.9043943 [DELETED] 

>getting triggered by someone not liking the same vidya company that you like
Peak soi desu lad

>> No.9043950 [DELETED] 

refer to >>9043278
or continue to deflecting and coping
it's your choice really

>> No.9043952 [DELETED] 

Console warring is effeminate. Constantly thinking about and posting about Nintendo haunting you is effeminate.

>> No.9043961 [DELETED] 

Sega died before most zoomers on here (which includes this board's j anni3s) got their first console or were born. Their first access to a Sony console was a PS3 and that sucked. That leaves Nintendo and the 360, which the arbitrary new rules haven't made "retro" yet.

>> No.9043968 [DELETED] 

sega was chad's console. the young chads played it same way they played other kids toys at the time. grew up and stopped caring about video games or children's toys
but nintenbots never grew up and remain insufferable manchildren to this date and thats why all you hear is snes this and snes that

>> No.9043981 [DELETED] 

He honestly looks like a paedophile.

>> No.9044170

The reality is Sega was a sinking ship and he bucketed out enough water to give us the fucking Dreamcast before it was submerged.


>> No.9044193

He fought harder for SEGA than any business leader has fought for their brand before or since. Rest in peace you beautiful bastard.

>> No.9044257 [DELETED] 

fought hard with a losing hand, only nintendo had the cultural stock to survive both the ps1 and ps2.

>> No.9044440

>Living is not my future

>> No.9044490
File: 23 KB, 252x360, NightsIntoDreamsBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trademark game is gay superman 64

>> No.9044562 [DELETED] 

I didn't know zx spectrum was a nintendo system!

>> No.9044571 [DELETED] 

Bernie No! I will Shiturn post till the day I die in your honor!!!

>> No.9044701 [DELETED] 

the rich old white man look

>> No.9044707 [DELETED] 


>> No.9044715 [DELETED] 

Nice try shlomo

>> No.9044740

Damn, RIP

>> No.9044749

I wonder if he's the reason the Dreamcast port of SRW Alpha got canned and not Harmony Gold

>> No.9044787 [DELETED] 

He did nothing wrong. The Shaturn and its consequences have been a disaster for the Sega Corporation.

>> No.9044821

He didn't do anything right either

>> No.9044868 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 500x368, Dreamcast-eye1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't do anything right either
He was the genius behind the Basedcast having the greatest launch of any of Sega's consoles, perhaps even of any console of all time.

No idea why Sega of Japan had Bernie fired. Guess they didn't want a repeat of the Genesis where SoA embarrassed the Japanese branch by out-performing them? Wouldn't put it past those petty faggots, really.

>> No.9044879 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 900x396, fuck-jannys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck em.

>> No.9044882 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 690x500, john-mahoney_Crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's his sticky?

>> No.9044887 [DELETED] 

that's retarded

>> No.9044889

Rest in Peace, Stolar

>> No.9044894 [DELETED] 

This is why the useless pricks don't get paid.

>> No.9044901 [DELETED] 

He killed the Shiturn.

>> No.9044912

Sure, for a consumer perspective holding the Dreamcast for a year gave it more launch titles and gave it a better first impression, but from a business perspective? not so much.
The Saturn was dead long before Bernie set a foot on Sega.

>> No.9044948 [DELETED] 

>Sure, for a consumer perspective holding the Dreamcast for a year gave it more launch titles and gave it a better first impression, but from a business perspective? not so much.
Isn't that typical for retro Jap consoles, releasing them in Japan first and then exporting them to other countries after 6 months up to a year?

>> No.9044963

The thing is that Sega wanted the DC to get in the US way earlier.

>> No.9045006 [DELETED] 

Are you sure? We all know how well a super early NA release worked out for the Saturn.... kek.

>> No.9045042

Because of this jew we didn't get 2D games on the Saturn. He basically contributed to Sega's downfall. Why do people seem to like him?

>> No.9045048 [DELETED] 

2D games weren't popular at that point anyway, everyone was enamored by 3D, the future of gaming. Same deal with JRPGs (bar FF7).

>> No.9045056

Those scenarios aren't alike at all, the DC already had a bunch of its launch titles (including their brand mascot, Sonic) ready by the time Sega wanted to launch it and by then the DC was cheaper than the Saturn at launch, on top of the fact that sega was bleeding money for over 2 years.

>> No.9045087

>2D games weren't popular at that point anyway

There were plenty of good ones. The Oddworld games, Mega Man X4, SOTN, Tomba, fighting games, Rayman, Heart of Darkness. Plenty of great 2D games.

>> No.9045101


Exactly, and we could have had much more, if not the fuckups of Stolar.

>> No.9045128 [DELETED] 

Fuck that, 2D games are for faggots. Glad he made Sega realize that and pushed them to create their magnum opus, the Basedcast.

>> No.9045145

The DC would've been created without him anyway

>> No.9045157


Yeah, guess why the DC never got a chance, despite being a great console? Because Sega lost all their money before it even came out, thanks to OP pic.

>> No.9045169

Sega was over 15m in the red, and hadn't turned a profit in 3 years when Bernie got there.

>> No.9045171 [DELETED] 

>bernie thread already got way more replies than sinclair's sticky, all thanks to shitposting.
and mind you, we had our share of speccy shitposting here too.
as a speccy fan, this hurts.

>> No.9045229

>Bernie killed Sega
Nice meme, bro. He tried to save them, but they didn't want any of it. Sucks, but life's a bitch sometimes.

>> No.9045351

It’s not about great, it’s about selling consoles.,almost no one was buying the console for those ganes

>> No.9045358

There was some precedence, Genesis would’ve been a dirt cheap budget console with a huge library. It’s treating it less like a flagship or alternative to modern consoles and more like a toy.

>> No.9045396 [DELETED] 

Jannies absolutely seething.

>> No.9045402 [DELETED] 

St Bernard generates a special kind of seethe for both Shiturn fags and jannies alike. luv me bleeps and bloops tho

>> No.9045407 [DELETED] 

I doubt the zoomer mods even care about bernard, australia-kun.
angry your posts got deleted, though? you spent a good time making them!

>> No.9045418 [DELETED] 

>I doubt the zoomer mods even care about bernard

>> No.9045428 [DELETED] 

go to bed already, auster. your posts have been deleted.

>> No.9045537 [DELETED] 

I bet they secretly still seethe about him killing their Saturn, and stickying Atari was their way of getting back at Bernieposters. Very petty of them.

>> No.9045543 [DELETED] 


>> No.9045554 [DELETED] 

if anything, bernie should not be hated for killing the saturn, but for giving us the putrid anal bubble known as the dreamcast

>> No.9045558 [DELETED] 

He did not kill the Saturn and he did not bring the Dreamcast. He was just a passing businessman at SoA for a little while.
>noooo bb-b-but... bernieposting is based and funny! XDDD
Grow up.

>> No.9045586 [DELETED] 

It's no secret, I've had 2 warnings today alone. Fuck em if they can't a joke.

>> No.9045590 [DELETED] 

>noooo bb-b-but... bernieposting is based and funny! XDDD
Grow up.
who are you talking to?

>> No.9045593 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 600x600, bernie9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn is not our future, effectively killing the Saturn in the west in 1997, blocking outdated 2D shit and cringey JRPG shovelware like a based Chad
>made the Dreamcast have an amazing launch in NA and the call for it to come with a modem, giving many their first entry into online gaming and Sega's highest profit margins since the Genesis era after the Saturn had failed
Yep, Bernie's /ourguy/.

>> No.9045601 [DELETED] 

When are you fags going to stop with this meme?
The Saturn was dead long before Bernie came a long, the reason why this didn't get sticked and why your posts are being deleted is because the autism surrounding him isn't funny.

>> No.9045605 [DELETED] 

haha, so funny anon! I like your bernie memes.
No, but really, it doesn't matter. Both the Saturn and the Dreamcast would have existed, and then died, with or without this jewish american businessman.
>nooo but my memes!

>> No.9045606 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 1115x894, ywnbaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9045615 [DELETED] 

Saturn was already dead by 96 and Bernie had no hand in the development of any DC launch title.
>Dial-up internet instead of a DVD player
Yeah, like that was the right call...

>> No.9045618 [DELETED] 

I probably have more testosterone and body hair than you, but whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.9045648

Sega Saturn sends its regards


>> No.9045672 [DELETED] 

Why are the jannies here so sensitive man. No other board is like this.

>> No.9045689 [DELETED] 

This is a slow board so spamming is easier to spot.
It's why I never understood people like you. If you want to waste time """"""trolling"""", do it on more populated boards, you will get more (You)s and less moderation, dumbo.

>> No.9045719 [DELETED] 

Trannyjanny's gotta enforce that echo chamber safespace. Too bad for him the truth is already known to most of /vr/, so his constant shut-it-down'ing is all in vain. What a shame.

>> No.9046081 [DELETED] 

vaxx claims another one

>> No.9046116

>muh 2D
>muh jrpgs
This is nothing but butthurt revisionist shit. No one gave a fuck about 2D outside of a few rare outliers and by the time JRPGs began to boom outside of Japan the Saturn was already on death's door. Bernie is nothing but a scapegoat for n words who can't deal with the fact the Saturn was a crap console with a few decent ports of arcade games which aged like stinky cheese.

>> No.9046265 [DELETED] 

>100 deleted posts

sticky this gem

>> No.9046268

>Bernie Stolar killed Sega! Bernie Stolar killed the Saturn!
Sega killed Sega. The market killed the Saturn. Consumers killed the Saturn. Bernie just laid it to rest.

>> No.9046272 [DELETED] 

Why isn't THIS stickied?

>> No.9046395 [DELETED] 

Mods are Stolar-hating Saturntrannies still upset that he btfo'd it and kept gay weeb shit stuck in Nipland where it belongs.

>> No.9046464
File: 43 KB, 548x407, 1313718491195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread shows why jumping on bandwagons always sucks ass.
Always better to wait and become a fan later once everyone else moves on to next product.
Bernie did good and bad. Typical game development person. They're never great people, and sometimes they're bad people.
Stolar, Kojima, Miyamoto, Jaffe, Carmack and Romero, Sakaguchi and Matsuda, Horii, etc all have their shit-and-ass moments.
As long as they weren't complete fags I give em a pass, considering the state of modern gaming. If we only knew in the 90s and 00s it could get this bad.

RIP crazy jew game dude.

>> No.9046493

Watch your Saturn closely...Bernie will haunt your hardware and try to finish his dream in the afterlife.

>> No.9046664 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 452x460, smug_bernie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real Bernie Stolar may be dead, but the meme Bernie Stolar will live forever -- unlike Sega Saturns which will all eventually stop functioning, then Bernie will have the last laugh.

>> No.9046676 [DELETED] 

>no sticky
Absolute injustice.

>> No.9046695 [DELETED] 

>zero mention of covid in ANY article
Rent free.

>> No.9046701

Sakura Wars

>> No.9046738 [DELETED] 

t. jabbed retard

>> No.9047271
File: 178 KB, 605x600, rush2049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a list of Based Bernie's favourite games if you were wondering what to play in his honour:

>San Francisco Rush 2049
>Crash Bandicoot
>Crazy Taxi
>Soul Calibur
>the Sonic Adventure franchise
>the Oddworld series
>Ridge Racer
>Battle Arena Toshinden
>Spider-Man (the Dreamcast version)
>the 2K Sports series in general

>> No.9047273

>>the Sonic Adventure franchise
lmao, please be true.
imagine him playing that shit, too funny.

>> No.9047321
File: 1.62 MB, 1200x869, bernie-playing-dreamcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have to imagine, bruh.

>> No.9047324

hahahahaha, comedy gold, thanks for posting anon

>> No.9047385

>Taking shitposting seriously
Nice job ignoring everything else btw.

>> No.9047621

They were. While it had a lukewarm reception in Japan in 1988, the Genesis was selling like mad in the USA after experiencing a rebirth after Kalinske became president of SoA, slashed the price of the console, and bundled Sonic the Hedgehog with it. It was kicking Nintendo's ass HARD until they got the SNES out into the American market...at which point they were neck-and-neck. Kalinske's extremely aggressive "fuck Nintendo" marketing campaign was unironically working out extremely well. Then in early 1994, Sega CEO Nakayama proposed and pushed a "bridge" in the form of a 32-bit cartridge based console to SoA, which they collectively stated was a terrible idea, but agreed to make it an add-on instead. The problem was, Sega of Japan was ready to move on. Nobody told SoA that SoJ was developing the Saturn. So when the announcement of the Saturn came a short few months after the 32X was announced, all of the momentum for the 32X ground to screeching halt, and many of the big third-parties withdrew support. The biggest kick in the teeth was that SoA promised long-term support and a diverse library of games utilizing the 32X on release...which it didn't have due to the announcement of the Saturn. This damaged the fuck out of Sega's credibility, caused multiple rushed titles for the 32X in order to attempt salvaging the disastrously-weak launch (same day as Donkey Kong Country for the SNES which pushed that console to its limits, and looked better, played better, and was more fun than most 32X releases), and it put SoA and SoJ at odds with each other. They never really recovered, so it's led me to believe that it's the single most pivotal flop in the industry next to E.T.

All because nobody told SoA about the Saturn's development. Both sides fucked up, SoA for going forward with such a boneheaded idea to begin with in a world where the 3DO, Jaguar, and soon Sony were making waves, and SoJ for being too secretive of the Saturn.

>> No.9047737

Could SoA have realistically refused to launch the 32x?

>> No.9048282

Daily reminder the Saturn killed Sega.
>inb4 Saturn apologists scapegoat the 32X
No, having the worst designed hardware full of bloated and strange engineering that was much worse at 3D than PSX and the N64 as well as being more costly to manufacture and more tedious to develop on did Sega in harder than some add-on that only Genesis owners would have cared about buying to extend the life of that system.

Fuck the Sega Saturn, fuck Segata Sanshiro, and fuck weebs who like that piece of shit.

>b-b-but it sold almost 7 million units in Japan!
At the cost of ruining their far more lucrative and successful western markets. Nice going SoJ, you fucking retards.

>> No.9048287

Playstation killed Sega.

>> No.9048295

Playstation only won because Sega didn't offer a better 5th gen system. If Saturn hadn't sucked so much balls, Sega would've crushed Sony and nobody would even remember the Playstation, it'd be just another 3DO.

>> No.9048308 [DELETED] 

nice sticky, berniebros

pressing S

>> No.9048312

The scapegoating of the CD and 32x has never made sense considering they outsold the Saturn.

>> No.9048318

Imagine lying like this one the internet

>> No.9048323

>Sega would've crushed Sony and nobody would even remember the Playstation, it'd be just another 3DO.

>> No.9048329

>Saturn: 9M
>CD+32x: 2,5M

>> No.9048342 [DELETED] 

What happened to yours, Atarifaggot? Kek.

>> No.9048580

>topic of debate is the American branch, a products impact on the public perception of Americans, and the downfall of a company who had the majority of their success in America
>better use worldwide sales figures!
Disingenuous idiots.

>> No.9048618
File: 1.78 MB, 2048x2048, 1634486703271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playstation only won because Sega didn't offer a better 5th gen system.
playstation won because it wasn't sega or nintendo - the corporations, not the systems. sony offered favourable licensing terms to developers, gave them greater control over their final product, you could use any PC to program the playstation dev machine etc. sega and nintendo couldn't compete like that. they've always insisted they retain control over nearly every aspect of their food chains.

>> No.9048638

>the net yaroze is what made sony win
someone post that funny santa claus webm.
anyway, sony won because they burned money on advertising (even offering multi-million dollar campaigns to third parties), owning the CD pressing factories and understanding the market.
Previous companies like Panasonic didn't fully understand how the video game market worked, Sony did, and used their corporation powers to penetrate it.
Nintendo and Sega should have both died once microsoft stepped in, but Nintendo managed to survive somehow, but never at the same level as Sony and MS.

>> No.9048651

>the net yaroze
that's not net yaroze, but similar colour. are you retarded?
> advertising
also another area where sega and nintendo couldn't compete. not the reason why they failed. anything but the console itself! even with its flawed gpu, it was still shitting on sega and nintendollers. oh wait, that's right.. it was the games that made people buy playstation in the millions. people were tired of bing bing wahoo!, blue spinning ball etc. and now had access to software that wasn't written for retarded children (you had an option to buy such trash!). playstation changed everything. cope.

>> No.9048675 [DELETED] 

>atari unstickied with 150 posts

Dreamchads won

>> No.9048705

based mature playstation gamer. mature games didn't exist before playstation. kids suck, adults rock.
playstation is for adults.

>> No.9048914

Unsure. There's not enough information on the meeting without speaking directly to the SoA executive team from that time. The only thing anyone can safely say is that Sega would've been in a stronger market position in all regions without releasing the 32X.

>> No.9048928

Except for the sports faggotry, acceptable.

>> No.9048937

>People distrust Kalinske because he's very shiny and smooth and CEO-LIKE but his basic point about the Saturn is right:

Keep in mind that Tom Kalinske left Sega at the 1996, and the 1996 Holiday season was not good for the Sega Saturn. I think Tom was betting on a Sonic game to pull them out of a slump, and it would give Sega something to compete against Nintendo and Sony. Sony adopted Crash as their mascot for the PS1 years, and they used the same tactics that Sega used with Sonic in the 16bit days, but to compete with Mario 64. Crash and Tomb Raider on the PS1 were big hits, along with the PS1 third party line up. The N64 also had Mario 64, Shadows of the Empire and 5 other games. Sega also had Tomb Raider, but it generally looked worse than the PS1 version, and NiGHTS didn't catch on with the masses. Sega did release Sonic 3D Blast for the Genesis and Saturn. That was your 1996 Sonic game for the Saturn, a Genesis port.

>> No.9048951

Stay mad amiga faggot.

>> No.9048996


There were times when some devs could get interesting results with Saturn ports of PS1 games. But generally speaking, 3RD parties were getting a lot more out of the PS1 hardware with a lot less effort. Saturn ports would require devs to have to remake all of their 3D assets with quads. Some devs couldn't be bothered trying to get both CPU's to function. The Saturn could do some interesting things, when devs know how to take advantage of the hardware.

>> No.9049514
File: 2 KB, 209x215, 1330348322508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>both of them acting like they're playing at the same time.

>> No.9049634

>mature games didn't exist before playstation

>> No.9049875 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 627x330, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Atari sticky. Whatever happened there.

>> No.9049923

Uhh, Berniebros? I thought we hated 2D games?

>> No.9050015



>> No.9050031

you can actually play as tails with controller 2

>> No.9050053 [DELETED] 


>> No.9050965 [DELETED] 
File: 587 KB, 1280x720, bernie_yamauchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most shocking and unexpected moments in /videoretro/ history was when Bernie Stolar passed away...
Alas, he's now joined his good friend and fellow hater of RPG's, Hiroshi Yamauchi, in heaven.

>> No.9051121

>auster spent his xmas and new year shitposting alone
fuck, that's actually sad.

>> No.9051309
File: 1.91 MB, 500x648, mew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is the unofficial Dreamcast/SEGA thread...

Happy 22nd birthday, Jet Set Radio!

>> No.9051317

Newfag here, why is Stolar so hated? I only know of him through that "Saturn is not our future quote"

>> No.9051328

He was a shady guy who didn't last much in each company he headed back in the 90s and made some decisions like not bringing japanese 2D games to PS1 or Saturn, ending the Saturn's support earlier than japan (this is probably understandable considering Saturn wasn't popular at all outside of Asia), and waiting like a year to release the Dreamcast in the west.
But mostly people remember it for his anti-2D policy, rather than the saturn is not our future quote (that's more like a recent meme some shitposter is trying to force here).
He also was a blatant businessman who never cared about video games, but he wasn't the only one, kalinske was the same.

>> No.9051834 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 402x408, bernie_cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he makes weebcucks seethe because he was a chad action/racing/sports player that blocked gay rpg games on the saturn from coming to the states, most notably grandia which resulted in it getting ported to the playstation.

he also makes saturnfags seethe because they believe he's solely responsible for its demise, even though it was always a failure from the very get-go.

>> No.9052210

yeah lets just block rpgs during the ff7 craze, what a fucking moron

>> No.9052627

They won't. I haven't seen a sticky here for any big retro name's death.

>> No.9052632

This. Nothing short of a miracle was going to save Sega, and Dreamcast was close.
I wonder if they had focused more on PC ports from the beginning, since they were relatively easy to do, if they could've pulled it out in the end.
Ah well.

>> No.9052647


>> No.9052684

there was no craze.

>> No.9053053 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 875x735, bernie_segata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder again: fuck the Sega Shiturn.

>> No.9054481
File: 23 KB, 480x480, DreamcastGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't the Japanese mascot for the Dreamcast die not too long ago too?
Not a good year for the ol' Dreamcast...

>> No.9054659

>This. Nothing short of a miracle was going to save Sega, and Dreamcast was close.
>I wonder if they had focused more on PC ports from the beginning, since they were relatively easy to do, if they could've pulled it out in the end.
>Ah well.

The Saturn carved out it's own market in japan, and it had a lot of appeal for JRPG's, Arcade fighters, shooters, etc. But in the NA market, it was a bad launch with limited supply, the machine generally can't quite compete with the PS1 when it comes to polygons. Sony and Nintendo were pushing 3D hard. Sega was trying to compete with games that would generally not look or run as good as their PS1 counterparts. The Saturn is an interesting piece of hardware, and can do impressive things too. But the PS1 was praised by third parties for being easy to use, and it could render lots of triangles fast. SOA was already refusing a lot of 2D games before Bernie came aboard. Bernie Stolar joined Sega in 1997. At that point, the Saturn was losing so hard in the North American market that nothing could really turn it around. In 1997, the Saturn lost a lot of retailer space to the PS1 and N64.

>> No.9056002 [DELETED] 

Another day, another reminder the Sega Saturn was a piece of shit and for weebniggers to deal with fucking it.

>> No.9057067

They better make one for John Romero when the time comes

>> No.9057258


>> No.9058458

Why? Romero's a certified leftist poofter who can't develop a good game on his own or even design good levels.

>> No.9059129

As someone who owned a Saturn and a Dreamcast. I loved the Saturn for what it was. But if you were not spending big $$$ Japanese imports, there was little to chose from in NA. Not many retailers would not stock Saturn games anywhere in Canada around my area. Dreamcast on the other hand... I payed $200.00 Canadian, which was a steal. And Sega kept pumping games out fr that system until they cancelled it too. It sadly did not last long. but I have like 25+ Dreamcast games. To be honest, I was a bit underwhelmed with the VF3 port, and would still like the Saturn for VF2. For anything else, the Dreamcast was a trip. I would find games at Futureshop (RIP) for $20.00 a pop. I think bernie Stolar actually gave it a shot with the Dreamcast. But ... PS2 hype was a funny thing.

>> No.9059872

he is the same motherfucker who said
>what is streets of rage
when streets of rage 4 got presented to that faggot, he is a fucking asshole, good thing he died, thanks for cancelling streets of rage 4 asshole.

>> No.9060120

Belt scrollers were not our future. That shitty genre died out for a reason, most repetitive and cookie-cutter out there, even worse than shmups.

>> No.9060363
File: 121 KB, 733x630, based bern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9061141

The "player 2 can control the partner character" feature lasted all the way to Shadow the Hedghog IIRC
Beat me to it.

>> No.9061159

Except I'm retarded because thats Emerald Coast and you don't have Tails with you yet,

>> No.9061573

Tails follows Sonic around after you rescue him and re-visit Emerald Coast.

>> No.9061765

>Muuh rombeero!
You can hold a memorial service in the containment general.

>> No.9063004


>> No.9063078

Is this true?

>> No.9063145 [DELETED] 


Jason Rubin was one of the founding members of Naughty Dog and developer on the original Crash series. I would imagine it is true.

>> No.9063147

>Is this true?

Jason Rubin is one of the founding members of Naughty Dog and developer on the original Crash series. I would imagine it is true.

>> No.9063208

>all this samefagging

>> No.9063446

>all that seething

>> No.9065118


>> No.9065665

Bumping for Bernard.

>> No.9066583

luv me bernie
'ate the sega saturn
simple as

>> No.9066587

damn no wonder he hated saturn so much. He helped make the ps1 successful with crash.

>> No.9067446

he hated the saturn because it sucked dick at 3D and had too much weebshit polluting its library.

>> No.9067483

RIP based Sega Dreamcast man.
The Saturn was indeed not our future.