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File: 48 KB, 400x300, reviewsonicblastgg-4-2997908931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9041098 No.9041098 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it get so much hate?

>> No.9041116
File: 782 KB, 725x458, giorno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't. You saw this uploaded to World of Longplays the other day and found out it existed that way, same as me.

>> No.9041119

I first learned about this game from Wikipedia in 2006.

>> No.9041139

I learned from it after downloading a Master System ROM pack.
Fuck, it really is bad.

>> No.9041236

Cause it's very much the worst 2D Sonic game. Bland and floaty as fuck plus has the worst water level in the franchise.

>> No.9041343

Because it's fucking garbage

>> No.9041429

If you're willing to tolerate the truly garbage spritework, it's not all that bad.

>> No.9041781

Too zoomed it. Slow. Wonky
Played back then unlocked in DX

>> No.9042057
File: 217 KB, 800x1121, D230422F-EF21-49DA-A495-E874D5E288BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+some neat boss fights
+taking away control from the jump, but giving you a double jump was a neat addition
+some fun early levels

-camera pulled in a little too much
-probably the slowest Sonic has ever felt
-the trial and error feel of later levels is simply not fun. Choosing a pipe or portal only to have chosen the wrong one and be spit back up earlier in the level is a drag

It’s an okay game, but probably the weakest of the GG titles. It’s got some positives, but towards the end I was more than ready for it to be over.

>> No.9042110
File: 62 KB, 450x405, sonicblast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't get much hate because it's not well-known. What's true is that it's the only bad Sonic game before Sonic '06.

>> No.9042128

After getting an S rank in most of 06 I’ve come to find that 06 isn’t really that bad, just very, very unfinished in the main story and it doesn’t explain the controls to you at all. For instance, in those speed sections if you hold the stick forward you actually have a much more precise control over your movements, but you’d think that just tilting the stick to the left or right would be enough. Now Silver’s horrifying physics based puzzle alone could have made it a bad game, but thankfully you can glitch through that part entirely with ease.

It’s one of those games where once you beat it and can retry levels, it becomes a LOT better.

>> No.9042250
File: 74 KB, 474x749, 1656141570335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does it get so much hate?
Well, because it's genuinely subpar, and baffling in many ways aswell, since this was the 5th traditional Sonic platformer on the Game Gear, but feels like it scrapped everything that was built up in the previous ones (Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble). I don't think this graphic style works for the Game Gear, so it just looks unpleasent in general, worse than all of the previous ones, the OST isn't memorable either. One of the main issues is that the screen is too close, closer than the previous ones, due to the graphic style sort of demanding this to work, and it just becomes more awkward to play, even more than Sonic 2 sometimes, which did suffer a lot from the resolution. On a minor note, the Special Stages are not good either, it tried to replicate 3D on the Game Gear and depth perception is just not quite there. Still, the worst part is Sonic's control and physics, which is much worse than the previous titles, and the level design too, most specifically Blue Marine, I decided to give it a shot after reading this thread, and quit on Blue Marine, just how I used to do when I was younger, it just isn't fun enough to make up for the frustration of going in tubes that take you where you don't want to go to, while being pushed by current that take you where you don't want to go, while running out of air.

>> No.9042452

because Donkey Kong Country drones think only Rare can do prerendered kusoge.

>> No.9042457

If you want a bad 2D sonic game, play Gens 3DS

>> No.9042476
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In the interest of thread variety I ask that this comment be stricken from everyone's brains.

>> No.9042481


>> No.9042498

I learned about it in the Sonic Mega Collection Plus on the PS2.

It's fucking hideous and the level design is shit.

>> No.9042553

I insist.

>> No.9042595
File: 52 KB, 500x500, deliveryapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like playing Sonic through a peephole.

>> No.9042601


>> No.9042810

Those kinds of graphics are very impressive for an 8-bit handheld with 1985 hardware

>> No.9043135
File: 113 KB, 900x1324, super_sonic_skyline_by_drawloverlala_d94dhel-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just feel this was somewhat set to be subpar due to its concept. When this came out, we already had both the classic Sonic duology and the Sonic & Tails duology on the Game Gear/Master System, the idea of making yet another title wasn't necessarily bad, as a sort of swan song for Sonic on those consoles, but by 1996 this should've been like the Sonic 3 & Knuckles for those consoles, where you can play as Sonic, Tails or Knuckles, with 7 Chaos Emeralds, with Super forms, that kind of thing. When you compare the graphics, OST and level design from G Sonic to what came before it, to what set the foundation for Game Gear/Master System Sonic, it's underwhelming and disappointing, everything was sacrificed for the sake of the pre rendered graphics, which are indeed impressive for the hardware, but not necessary and the whole package suffered because of it. I recommend the Brazilian Master System port if anyone decides to give this a shot, since the higher resolution makes it a lot more enjoyable to play through. I don't think it's an awful experience when you know what to do, especially on Blue Marine and Silver Castle, but it's subpar.

>> No.9043393

for me, its the master system version


>> No.9044016

I'd say this is the superior version for playing the stages, since you can see more, though there's a slight slowdown which can be awkward compared to the handheld counterpart, and I feel bosses are harder due to the added space, still, probably the right choice for someone looking into playing the stages and going from point A to point B in your standard Sonic fashion.

>> No.9045334

I just don’t get why this experiment was done on an 8 bit console and not the genesis.

>> No.9045350
File: 453 KB, 500x715, free_shrugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck? no?

>> No.9045354

Because Sonic Blast Man mogs it

>> No.9045380

Gens 3DS is hilarious that, not only they copy pasted the level designs from the older games for Classic Sonic levels, they give you the homing attack just before the original levels and the plunge in quality. Poetic.

>> No.9045507
File: 191 KB, 810x510, GeeSonicWhyKnucles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike the others, it's specifically designed for Game Gear. It doesn't even reposition stuff like the title cards or Special Stage screens. Also, Blue Marine was made worse - not only are there less air bubbles, but none appear during the boss fight. TecToy was doing budget conversions so that's why it has such a bootleg feel.

>> No.9045616
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I went ahead and played some of the Master System version yesterday, and yes, almost all screens kept their Game Gear resolutions, except for when you're actually playing, which does make everything slightly easier for the most part, except for the bosses which I feel got harder with the extra screen space. One thing I didn't notice were the differences in Blue Marine, maybe I didn't pay much attention while playing, but all crucial bubble spots I use seemed intact, and the boss still functions the same way from what I can tell, when he shoots diagonally down into the ground, a bubble pops up that you can use, I don't think the boss would be even possible without any bubbles since you wouldn't get enough time to take him down before drowining.

>> No.9045696

this is the Sonic 2006 of the 90s

>> No.9045827

The game only looks ugly on an emulator. On an actual hardware it would look better because you'd either a) be playing it on a small, LCD grid screen or b) playing it on a CRT through composite. Either would mask its flaws. Play it again on real hardware or with a good shader, zoomzooms.

>> No.9046029
File: 71 KB, 375x666, 1656024819325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no doubt that these pre rendered graphics would look a lot better on original hardware or on a CRT, still, it's not just about looks. What upsets me most is not that I just don't like how it looks, it's that the concept of having pre rendered graphics on a Game Gear wasn't too viable, and for the sake of pulling it off they had to sacrifice pretty much everything that was built up on previous Game Gear titles, so it had smaller and uninteresting level design for the most part, with the only longer levels being downright frustrating, like Blue Marine, which is probably one of the worst water levels in the franchise. Aspect were the ones who made this, and they had also made Sonic 2, Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble, it was clear that they knew how to make something that plays close enough to 16bit Sonic. I just feel that, if it wasn't for the emphasis on these pre rendered graphics, we could've had a stellar 8bit Sonic to finish of that line up.