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File: 1.66 MB, 3024x3024, P_20220625_155813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9039579 No.9039579 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/ turns out you can just leave your consoles out in the sun for like 3 hours and the yellowing starts to clear. Pavement is from last night, counter top is from today. Was hoping to hit it with more sun but the difference is there. Anyway happy retro gaming

>> No.9039580
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Before obviously

>> No.9039585
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Yeah, we literally had a thread about this a few days ago.


It's so counterintuitive, people just don't try it since they think it's bullshit.

>> No.9039612

Nice try, not falling for it

>> No.9039615
File: 486 KB, 403x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fall for me instead.

>> No.9039621

Why are people so obsessed with the yellowing of the plastic? Does it actually alter any functionality in the console or it's pure aesthetic?
I don't own a NES, but I have a SNES and a white Saturn and, while the SNES didn't get yellow, my Saturn is, and I don't think it looks bad. If anything, it adds a certain mystique to it, like the yellowed pages of an old 1st edition book.
I would be bothered if it meant it breaks or somehow alters the actual functionality of the system, but, as is, I don't really see any issue and I'm puzzled as to why people get so crazy about this to the point of performing gore shit to their old systems.

>> No.9039624

Aesthetic. Having a piece of dark brown plastic under your TV is just a eyescore.

>> No.9039627

>putting the plastic into the sun for a few hours is gore shit

>> No.9039646

>dark brown
Wait so now it's dark brown? I thought it was more like very light yellow.
Anyway, I still don't get it. I still keep my old computers with their original cases and all, my old 286, 386, 486... and they all have yellowed plastic. It just adds to their history. It's old plastic, you can tell it's not brand-new, but it's not broken or rotten.

>> No.9039651

I fell for the John Deere

>> No.9039657

>Wait so now it's dark brown? I thought it was more like very light yellow.
Depends on the plastic mixture, literally shit piss dark brown-yellow is what some turn.

>I still keep my old computers with their original cases and all, my old 286, 386, 486... and they all have yellowed plastic. It just adds to their history.
Mine just were kept well and never yellowed in the first place. What's the difference?

>> No.9039658

>It's so counterintuitive
Retards never heard of sun-bleaching?

>> No.9039659

is that anything like anus bleaching?

>> No.9039668

It's because Sun is the thing that turned the plastics yellow in the first place.

>> No.9039676

>shit piss dark brown-yellow is what some turn.
well since we're going scatological, did you know shit turns white when it decomposes? So white plastic would be like old shit, ha ha.
No, really, I don't see the issue. I guess it's a preference thing, but still weird to me how it's an actual "problem" for some people.
Do book enthusiasts try to bleach the pages of old books, too?

>> No.9039685

It's because those consoles are part of your furniture when you use them in your living room, etc.
I for example try to always keep a pleasant color scheme without shit sticking out, like actual brown turds.

>Do book enthusiasts try to bleach the pages of old books, too?
For a second I thought you might have Aspergers but an autistic person wouldn't do such a bad analogy.

>> No.9039686

>like actual brown turds.
yeah but then it's like actual old white turds... again, if you want to go purely scatologic.

>> No.9039708

I've seen 15+ year old turds in abandoned houses, they were still brown, so I'll stick with my own definitions.

>> No.9039719

wrong, it's the natural oxidation of the plastic
my dad's house has one of those security-panel things in the basement, in a spot where sunlight never reaches it, and it's still yellowed as fuck

>> No.9039735

Why are the things always yellowed from the side the sun shined on them then?
Heat plays a role too, might be heat. Not saying oxidation doesn't do anything but it barely makes a difference.

I've seen plenty of office setups with two CRTs next to each other, same model, same mark. One is entirely fine, almost new looking, the other one too, but only on one side, with the other side being entirely yellowed thanks to being on the side where it gets a couple hours of direct sunlight every afternoon.

>> No.9039768

It's because they're being hit with sunlight from through a window, glass filters out some sunlight which is what causes the staining.

>> No.9039772

just google "white turds". It's shit, just white shit.
I think it also happens when there's some illness involved, but I did see old shit turn white over time too.

>> No.9039808

Exactly, it's the light doing it. But it's also the light that fixes it.

>> No.9039810
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Yeah, I know.

>> No.9039938
File: 761 KB, 2044x1182, keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm sold. I got a keyboard in a very sorry state and frankly, I'd rather give that method a try before soaking it all in bleach, probably losing the prints and damaging the plastic... I've got an old box of floppy disks somewhere that I left too long near a window and a face of the box is completely white: all the ink has faded away. So sure, why not, maybe it'll fix the yellowing problem on plastic.

>> No.9039947

The difference here would be a controlled amount of sunlight exposure to the plastic you seek to whiten. Too much sun will rot any plastic.

>> No.9039976

The yellowing of plastic is exactly the same color as cigarette smoke stains on white walls, which looks like dirt and grime. People want to clean that off because it looks unclean.

>> No.9039996

Another thing you can do if you wanna do more mass restorations is you can take a tote and line it with UV lights, and then get a temperature sensor/heating element. One from a fish tank will work fine, it's like 11 bucks. Finally, get a smaller container and fill it with Hydrogen peroxide. Disassemble the console to be oxidized, submerge in peroxide, place into tote with heating element on and UV lights on. Seal with the tote lide, leave alone for a day or two. This does what sunlight does except unlike Retrobright or Sunlight, this will not yellow back quickly. This basically undoes the entirety of aging that happens to it. Don't get me wrong, it will happen again, but it turns back the clock on the plastic very effectively.

The only catch is you have to be comfortable with disassembly of your console, and some people are not.

>> No.9040001

You don't need to use bleach to do chemical "retrobrighting".
I recommend the Sun only method though, rotate it from time to time yourself or get a motorized lazy susan. Couple days should fix it right up.

>> No.9040005

I don't think there's a point in trying to explain it. Anon literally fetisheies about excrament and googles pictures of white poop...

>> No.9040014

That is the standard method known as "retrobright". UV light and heat with hydrogen peroxide is the same, some just use heat and UV from the sun, others build enclosures.
Properly done chemical "retrobright" will last a long time, I still have plastics from 2016 that look like new.

>> No.9040092

What I meant was: "I initially intended to use bleach but postponed it because I knew it would fuck the prints up". The video in the archived thread only covers sun bleaching and that's indeed what I intend to try. The keyboard was purchased as part of a lot (mostly cables) so I don't really care whether it gets damaged or not... but if the method works, I'll probably disassemble my old NES and give it a go.

>> No.9040096

NES plastics should work well with this method, good luck.

>> No.9040107

Yeah, it basically is, with one key difference. A container of namebrand retrobright is like twenty bucks on amazon. A big container of 3% peroxide is two bucks and will do the exact same thing. Just a little advice to same some cash for some anons.

>> No.9040119

There's actually branded retrobright shit? I always bought 6% peroxide from hair saloons.

>> No.9040128
File: 298 KB, 1772x649, this is what the world has come to please god make it stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shit you not, there is and it's an overpriced small container of peroxide with a small amount of xanthum gum or some other stupid shit that you could easily do yourself if you were so inclined. Look at this shit. Fuck, you could probably do this with lemon juice if you really wanted to do that because no one doesn't have lemon juice usually. or peroxide, let's be honest here it's probably in your medicine cabinet right fucking now.

>> No.9040145

Man now I feel dumb for not tapping into the retrobright market myself.

>> No.9040223

some people don't like their consoles looking like someone peed on them

>> No.9040291

These trolls always post the images in reverse. don't fall for them. They're trying to get you to expose even more light on your consoles to yellow them further.

>> No.9040305

pffft, the new hot market is plastic sun tanning lotion

>> No.9040695

Give me a time lapse video.
>It's so counterintuitive, people just don't try it since they think it's bullshit.
Not really, the sun bleaching is real.

>> No.9040706

Yeah, but people think because the sun caused the yellowing, it would make it worse.

>> No.9041417
File: 909 KB, 1434x1744, kb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I disassembled and cleaned the keyboard before putting it outside just a few minutes ago. The weather's fairly cloudy so I'm not expecting a huge difference, we'll see how that goes.

>> No.9042950

Interested to see the results, good luck

>> No.9042983

Again, I have plenty of things that have never been touched by sunlight due to being in a basement, and they're still yellowed. It's not always sunlight.

>> No.9043006

You could just mix couple of egg whites and a half cup of fairy and wipe the unit with the liquid, then leave it outside in the sun.

>> No.9043010
File: 884 KB, 1434x1744, kb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't get much sun (only 4 hours before it started to rain again and it was cloudy) and the plastic is so brown it hardly shows any progress. I'll keep trying though.

>> No.9043013

It's mostly sunlight though, anon is right
Sometimes it could be heat or just shit plastic though

>> No.9043017

Unless it's just camera trickery, it does look slightly less yellow, plus the borders between yellow and less yellow are much lighter

>> No.9043050

yup. this story broke a few years ago.
the only other place that compete with the strength of sunlight I get here would be australia

>> No.9043053

I remember talking about this method around 2016 and nobody believed me.

>> No.9043059

I really can't tell because there's a difference in lighting and contrast. First picture was taken around 2PM, second was taken around 6PM. I genuinely can't tell. It really sucks because we've had great weather for three weeks: hot, lots of sun, no clouds, dry. But for the past four days, it's been cloudy with occasional rain and it will last for at least two weeks... bad timing all around.

>> No.9043067

I always picture brits or people in seattle trying it and concluding it doesn't work, lol.

>> No.9043069

Kek same here, West Europe?

>> No.9043091

...yeeah... Belgium.

>> No.9043096

I thought the yellowing happens because of overexposure to sunlight, and you to use that retrobrite shit to reverse it

>> No.9043104

Literally two hours from me
I wish it would rain more, I'm sick of the 35C+ days of last week

>> No.9043206

The glass is filtering out the UV. The yellowing is probably solely due to heat. When an object is sitting in front of a window, it's getting warmed by the sunlight, but there's no UV getting through to counteract the yellowing.

I wonder if a UV lamp might work even better than the sun. Most of the UV light that makes it through the atmosphere is UVA, with the highest frequency UV (UVB and UVC) getting filtered, but you can get UV lamps that are used for disinfection that produce UVB and UVC. Has anyone done tests with these?

>> No.9043214

Don't think so, I've seen the effect in places where sun heat is miniscule, i.e. hardware near windows in places consider polar. Specially since the glass reflects a lot of the heat too, the plastics would never get warmer than 2-3C over ambient in such cases, light material specially since they don't absorb well.

>> No.9043226

autism is a helluva drug

>> No.9043371

Be careful with this method, your shit can eventually re-yellow again and then become extremely brittle.

>> No.9043379

>yellow = piss and only piss, can't be anything else
seek help

>> No.9043501

Doesn't UV make plastic extremely brittle?

>> No.9043510

Wrong method, anon.

>> No.9043513

Long term exposure, yes. Not a few days. You'd need months.

>> No.9045634
File: 1.74 MB, 2015x1334, Getting_some_work_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to try that. How much is one of those turntables to keep an even exposure? How could I keep the kids from stealing or destroying the shells while it sits in the sunlight?

>> No.9045674

Throw it into a oven and jump after it faggot

>> No.9045961

The yellowed plastic is more brittle and can break much easier.

>> No.9045987

this isn't true, it's from a specific type of plastic from that era that was prone to it as it aged, that's why late gen super nintendos don't yellow

>> No.9046013

It's due to the specific type of fire retardant chemicals added to the plastic. We know these don't yellow solely from age because sections of the plastic not exposed to sunlight don't yellow. Whether or not it's the heat, or some other property of the light is debatable.

>> No.9047468
File: 898 KB, 1434x1744, kb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny update on the brown keyboard sun-bleaching situation: very few clouds today, very warm, lots of sun, stayed outside for 6 hours. Right off the bat, let me confirm that the pictures are crap (the camera adjusts colors and contrast automatically and it looks like there's less and less contrast with each picture I post), but in real-life I noticed an improvement, especially on the top cover: the pencil grove (above the the 1st row of keys) had a yellow tint that is now entirely gone. I butchered the sun exposure for the keys, which is actually interesting because I can notice a difference between the surfaces that received plenty of sun (top of the key) and the surfaces that didn't (the edges, which look much darker, yet better than what they used to).

That said, I think the pink sticker in the back ("S QC OK") suffered from the exposure... but it's red ink, so it was expected.

>> No.9047501

Yeah I can easily tell an improvement even on the pictures. A couple more days and it should be golden.
You might want to cover up parts you don't want to get sun bleached by masking tape or black electrical.

>> No.9047595

thanks for your updates im enjoying them

>> No.9047645

it does. these people are fucking idiots giving it the peroxide treatment is good for the plastic your forcing it into its original state (if anything its being made stronger as it gets closer to its original state) what sticking it in the sun does is force the chemical reaction so the plastic is completely stripped of bromine. actually weakening it.

>> No.9047668

you don't know that
no chemist has ever sufficiently described what chemical reaction is actually occurring, other than random people saying "brominated flame retardant" which isn't a reaction

>> No.9047682

It's not even related to bromine, we know that as a fact.
No idea why people still parrot the bromine thing.

>> No.9047687

your forcing the bromine bonds back into the ABS with a peroxide solution. putting it in the sun is causing the plastic to give up its bromine. its pretty fucking simple chemistry you fucking retard

>> No.9047691

because bromine was a fire retardant and the reason it turns yellow you stupid fucking nigger. no idea why youre even on this board spreading your idiocy, if you dont know just shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.9047692

lmao stfu

>> No.9047697

Kek why are you literally parroting something that you have zero idea about?
If you actually read all the posts, one of the first posts links to a thread that has links in it that explain it all, even on a chemical level. There's no bromine related to yellowing, stop with this old, misunderstood explanation from literally years ago.

>> No.9047698

Why should we trust someone who doesn't know how to spell or use punctuation to know anything about chemistry?

>> No.9047707 [DELETED] 

your source is another fucking idiots thread we already debunked. yes go ahead and link me that morons blog again too since youre that fucking stupid.

i didnt spell anything wrong though double nigger

>> No.9047708

>your source is another fucking idiots thread we already debunked.
Kek link me up, since I was in that thread and you're full of shit.

>> No.9047715

>noo my racist slurs will show you
Pathetic faggot

>> No.9047723

dunning-kreuger in action folks
witness it

>> No.9047728

so you were in there with everyone saying how retarded it was someone even making the comparison between it and growing crystals 4chan troll and you still are trying to push that bullshit. it never caught on further than that retards blog because its bullshit. you really are fucking retarded.
maybe reddit is more your speed champ. your ebig troll can get massive upboats as everyone destroys their consoles with oxidation.

>> No.9047731

Oh you're actually just shitposting, I bet you're the one who posts "don't do this they want you to make your plastics even more yellow" posts from the other thread too (and this one).

>> No.9047732

>"don't do this they want you to make your plastics even more yellow"

>> No.9047753

>oxidation causes plastics to yellow
>peroxide reverses the oxidation process
>the sun speeds up the process
>sun oxidizes plastic to the point there is no flame retardant left
yeah you tards are sure the fuckin experts. sounds more like youre too fucking poor to afford hydrogen peroxide.

>> No.9047761

The yellowing was never related to bromine, the flame retardant. That's a very old misconception.
I'm not even going to (You) this post.

>> No.9047771 [DELETED] 

where does this post say bromine? >>9047753.

>> No.9047784

itt niggers who dont know what oxidation is.

>> No.9047791

Duh, there's many plastics that didn't even have to adhere to fire retardant regulations and didn't use bromine and still yellowed
Only retards still think it was bromine

>> No.9047797 [DELETED] 

>its oxidation not the bromine you stupid asshole
>the breaking of chemical bonds of the abs plastic creating bromine oxide has nothing to do with bromine
of course you stupid little niggers use some basedboy blog as your source. do you faggots even know what oxidation is. im just hoping people are seeing this and not destroying their consoles cause stuoid troll faggots dont even know what oxidation is. so if rust is iron oxide and rust is oxidation of iron, what is the oxidation of ABS treated with bromine? couldnt be bromine oxide on there because some idiots blog already established that was a misconception and were all stupid. but the only answer from the idiotic side is
>its not bromine
>source: trust me bro

>> No.9047806

>it's bromine
>source: trust me bro
kek 0/10 try harder

>> No.9047810

Are you the guy who advised to use hydrogen peroxide instead, which is a oxidizer?