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File: 175 KB, 800x450, sonicorigins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9035820 No.9035820 [Reply] [Original]

How's the new remaster?
If it sucks, in your opinion what is the best ports of these games not on the original hardware?

>> No.9035828

Taxman Retro Engine ports of S1/S2/SCD > Xbox/GC emulator compilations > PS2 emulator compilations > XBLA > Sonic Jam > Sega Smash Pack DC > Sonic Genesis GBA

>> No.9035854

Unofficial ports, but Sonic Forever, Sonic 2 Absolute, and Sonic 3 A.I.R.
Literally just Origins if it were good.

>> No.9035903

Sonic 3 replaced Michael Jackson's tracks so it's automatically shit

>> No.9035905

Replaced them with what?

>> No.9035915

You forgot the DS one

>> No.9035937

He forgot the PSP one as well. And Mega Collection+ was also on PC. Damn, there were a lot of Sonic compilations...

>> No.9035941

prototype tracks, but with a shitty soundfount because Senoue can't compose Mega Drive tracks even if his life depended on it.

>> No.9035980 [DELETED] 


>> No.9036289

They're a little glitchy, to the point where one of the devs have even made a Twitter thread pointing fingers at SEGA.
S1/2/CD is best played with the decompiled Taxman ports. S3 should be played via AIR.

>> No.9036296

Just play the Genesis version retards

>> No.9036314
File: 460 KB, 3166x1460, 20220623_000604_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it, but it could be better. I pretty much play everything I can on PC these days, so I figured I can just mod it to my liking though. If you end up buying it for console you're pretty much going to be stuck with the new crummy versions of Sonic 3 songs and stuff.

>> No.9036316

New arrangements of the beta/PC soundtracks by Sonic 3 composer Jun Senoue https://youtu.be/2iTx4_MXxZI?t=68

>> No.9036323

Seriously this. What is the point of all these remasters of unremasterable games? All you get is garbage, smeary upscaling and a bunch of issues that weren't there before.

>> No.9036328

The perfectly smooth 60fps rotations.

>> No.9036338

>All you get is garbage, smeary upscaling
At least look at footage of the remasters before you talk about them.

>> No.9036390
File: 645 KB, 898x2887, Stealth_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a light smudge effect you can't turn off even with AA off
>Boss rush is broken, rings given at random, can't carry between bosses & can circumvent lives by booting to menu
>Audio balance is all over the places+Tails AI is borked
>Weird collision/physics bugs all over the place, even S3K
>DLC is awful, music is mislabeled, majority of art is already known, lit.no one likes Coin system, missions are bad with debug-tier placement
>Can't turn Spin Dash off
>Drop Dash is the broken one
>Proto Palace code gives a jingle like it does something but level itself was deleted
>Game regionally defaults to US OST (poorly), you have to start new game and scroll through the title screen's unintuitive text menu so you're sol if you went straight to story, mission or boss rush
>Menu itself was restructured with dash toggle being sole "extras"
>All voice clips are gone because classic era is retroactively completely mute
>Intro lazily run through an AI-upscale filter
>End cutscene carelessly based on turbo-speed version without Mega-CD/2011 SFX
>2011 JP music loops are missing and tracks jarringly repeat
>Seems to be based on the console version with less qol patches than mobile
>Codes may be missing(?)
>Weird music/sound choices like main themes (not to mention the obvious), S4-esque Super/Hyper theme, S3 zone layouts are nerfed Lock-On versions
>Knuckles' intro has him start in Mushroom Hill like S&K-alone then he's suddenly in Angel Island Zone
>Special Stage music doesn't speed up like in original or even Mania
>Game takes control away from you when first Act 1 boss appears
>Launch Base boss platform now has you "float" if you veer off arena sides instead of acting as screen boundary like normal
>Unused Eggman flying away animation is used to make it seem like he retreated to Death Egg, which was deleted for a reason (he's down in Mushroom Hill like you!)
>Death Egg mech no longer telegraphs fingers
>Still credits MJ team

>> No.9036427
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, m072662466136823-8902279357247881206790007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game takes control away from you when first Act 1 boss appears
They do the same thing when the Marble Garden Act 2 boss drills the ground for no good reason, I kept wondering why I was dying when trying to get hits in like usual.

>> No.9036434

To keep you from cheesing the battle by getting hits in before the fight's even properly started.
Like how you can't hurt the green hill boss at all until the checker wrecker ball is fully deployed.

>> No.9036448

Yeah I get it, but I figured the original developers threw you a bone here on purpose since they knew how different that boss is to every other one in the game (sans Doomsday) and the remaster punishes you for playing that way.
Also, have you always been able to Insta-Shield the Hydrocity Act 2 boss from the ground?

>> No.9036453

Seen an article with the devs whining in how they weren't let to fix certain bugs before launch and how an outside team introduced even more
I'd wait a few months for the whole thing to be fixed. If you wanna play on console, I'd wait until the physical release where every problems would be fixed by then

>> No.9036508

"whining" about how they weren't allowed to fix bugs? Something is wrong with you.

>> No.9036515

not exactly how I wanted it to sound, but yeah
Sega is as retarded as ever

>> No.9036518
File: 269 KB, 1023x768, i-will-egg-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is basically a definitive list without getting into all the glitches (which now spans multiple pages of a Sonic Retro thread), tho I'm pretty sure you can add CD to the broken Drop Dash list. One change I flat-out don't like is Eggman/Eggrobo in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I know this is an aesthetic thing, but they added laughing sprites and they, well, overdid it. It'd be one thing if he laughs at the player when he gets a hit in like Sonic 1&2, which was strangely missing in the original Sonic 3, but they make him laugh in every. Single. Boss. Appearance. Even when you destroy his satellite in Mushroom Hill which should be pissing him off. In the classic games, the only times he does this as a boss intro is for the first boss machines of Sonic 1 & CD, this wasn't a constant thing. He did, however, laugh at the start of every boss in Mania. The thing about that is the boss music includes a laugh at the beginning and the animation syncs to that part. The S3 boss music, on the other hand, doesn't sound like a laughing matter: he is not happy after multiple games of losing and is ready to rain mechadeath from above. Making him giggle in every boss intro in Sonic 3 misses the point. And why does his robot need to chuckle anyway?
Also when Knuckles beats the first phase of Mecha Sonic, and the whole transition feels stranger than it did in AIR and the original game.

>> No.9036532

Stealth is such an idiot. I cannot believe he posted that publicly, especially knowing full well his hands aren't clean.

Complaining about hard deadlines is ridiculous and so unprofessional, especially when the release deadline is based on a fucking milestone anniversary.

I actually want them to go back in there and fix things, but I can't imagine this is going to do it. He potentially fucked a whole team of people--not just himself--out of ever working with SEGA again.

All he had to do was say, "Yes, we are aware of some of these issues, a few known, and some are based on integration after the fact. We'd line to go in and work with SEGA to fix these issues, but that will depend on them."

>> No.9036560

He's been through this song-and-dance at least two other times. He'll be fine.

>> No.9036567

I dunno man
Honestly it's like the xth time I've heard Sega stupid ass deadlines fucking shit up for everyone and themselves. Sega has released outright unfinished and extreme unpolished games more than several times and they just keep fucking doing it, over and over and over again

>> No.9036590

This is actually a good answer. Just play the original Genesis game and there you go. I still play the Wii VC version of the Genesis games, but honestly looking at how SEGA has been handling the games since then (they were also good on the infinitely better collection, Sonic Mega Collection, on the PS2/GCN/Xbox) I don't see why anyone would willingly choose the origins versiond

>> No.9036638

>How's the new remaster?
Not good. My biggest complaint it the music changes in Sonic 3 but there are a bunch of other issues.

>If it sucks, in your opinion what is the best ports of these games not on the original hardware?

Sonic 1 Forever

Sonic 2 Absolute

Sonic 3 AIR

Sonic CD Restored and Knuckles

>> No.9036662
File: 72 KB, 472x468, 4pd2u0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we thought they couldn't fuck up the classic games,huh?

>> No.9037142

But the iconic Sonic’s Birthday release date

>> No.9037148

play sonic on your tesla instead

>> No.9037170

fuck the iconic birthday release. Sega should stop releasing half-baked game. One time they did, it irreparably damaged the franchise and they've kept doing it since then

>> No.9037179

they look too out-of-place.

>> No.9037205
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, heavy red metal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing how simply porting the Mega Collection would've been better and more than enough, that along with leaving the proto tracks unchanged. What a waste of time, money, and resources. Oh, but 5 minutes of animation you can easily look up online somehow makes it all worth it
You missed a big, lazy one.
>advertised with "NEW PLAYABLE CHARACTERS" despite there being none (Amy advertised constantly yet still hasn't been made playable)
>still can't even play as Knuckles in CD (THE FUCK LOL)
There'll always be fans to eat up slop like this, its sad. Sega has been in trouble lately and this is not helping them either.

>> No.9037248

What is the superior version Angel Island Revisited or Sonic 3 Complete?

>> No.9037275

What if I told you they fixed the bug where angel island act 2 starts playing in act 1 if you enter and exit a special stage after the fire

>> No.9037291

I prefer Sonic the Hedgehog 2

>> No.9037301

Just get the ROMs and use some free emulator instead.
You probably have them on Steam already and if not then you could just rip them out of one of the gazillion Mega Drive classics collections that've been released over the years.

>> No.9037385

I find it funny that they changed all sprite flickers into different effects but suddenly stop doing it at Knuckles, so the Super Emeralds still flicker on and off instead of shimmering.

>> No.9037458

Sonic's jump height in 3 seems ever so lower in this version. It makes using Tails' flight assist annoying, and makes one of the special stages on Hydrossity inaccessible.
You also get knocked off of Tails if you fly too close to a ledge.

>> No.9037467
File: 2.47 MB, 1100x618, 2022062315350800-1EDAEB1D4CF35DFDFA1C50A92FD29ACD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The launchers in Oil Ocean Zone are brokken.

>> No.9037498

jesus what a fucking disaster

>> No.9037516

Just play the original, subhuman faggots

>> No.9037525
File: 2.47 MB, 1280x720, 1656028778931.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I don't really care about day 1 glitches because patches are a thing.
the shit that bothers are the actual changes.
remember in sonic 3 act 1 when when you make it to the miniboss fire transition and the enemy floats down in slow motion?
now when you make it there, the game takes control of the player and sonic walks back to the middle of the screen and looks up.
also the invincibility music is s&k but the 1up sound is sonic 3? fucking weird.

>> No.9037547

That happened to me in the decomp.

>> No.9037806

I like the brand new Super Sonic song.

>> No.9037823

This. The original games in cartridge format are the definitive versions.

>> No.9037832

I was so excited for this because I thought "There's no way they fuck this up."
But they found a way to completely drop the ball on what would otherwise be a straight port job

>> No.9037897

It's really amazing. All they had to do was port the already-existing mobile games, and just not touch them.

>> No.9037961

>What if I told you
You just did. Man bun moron.

>> No.9038065
File: 2.78 MB, 960x540, it's a trap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New fuck up just dropped:
- Sonic 2, Metropolis Zone: when launched in this spot, the fakeout spikes now actually hit you instead of missing completely

>> No.9038092

The jump heights all seem slightly off in each of the games.

>> No.9038135

I think CD is like S3 in that it doesn't have roll-lock whereas S1 & S2 do so that's why Dropdash is counterproductive in those games.
The point of the song replacements is they should be reproducible on real hardware should Sega have to redo the music in existing ROMs for future rereleases. This theme uses the S1 & S2 drums. From the S1 & S2 soundfont.

>> No.9038365

Are these games tougher with just a keyboard or am I just retarded and bad?

>> No.9038369 [DELETED] 


>> No.9038372

What's the point of emulating an emulator

>> No.9038467 [DELETED] 

It's the only way you can play these games on PC

>> No.9038474

You can, but it's gotta be nearly frame perfect. Haven't played Origins but if you can just constantly do it that's stupid and ruins the fight. Not that the fight wasn't already ruined, for some fucking reason they added a ceiling to that fight so you can't go above the boss and the bombs launching you upwards barely work to get hits in (let alone if you're skilled enough to continuously bounce on top of the boss) because of it

>> No.9038482

I like S3C because you can play it on original hardware and it has a shit ton of customization but I hear AIR is better, haven't played it myself though. I know at the very least it adds widescreen

>> No.9038548

So why is the Sonic 3 music an issue all of a sudden anyway? Mega Collection was almost a decade after the original release, and the DS and PS3 collections that had it were even longer after that

>> No.9038565

presumably MJ was fine with not collecting royalties, but after his death his estate eventually began demanding royalties

>> No.9038578

Fuck... Guess I'm gonna skip this one.

>> No.9038579

Genesis emulators have worked fine since the mid 90s.

>> No.9038593

Origins is a port

>> No.9038698

Some anons claimed that it is better to play CD Restored & Knuckles with the decomp instead of using the steam version.
Anyone willing to explain?
What is wrong with the steam version?

>> No.9038702

The PC version has a blur filter that can't be disabled, and the decomp adds Knuckles & Amy as playable characters.

>> No.9039123

But the proto tracks WERE already on original hardware. They didn't need to touch them up, or well, most of them

>> No.9039136

The Super/Hyper theme is brand new and Senoe-approved, anon.

>> No.9039267

It was S3C for the longest time until AIR came around. S3C is still about as comprehensive as you could possibly get and a fine choice if that's the version you choose to play.

>> No.9039321

It’s a rebuild in the retro engine, that’s why the jump physics aren’t quite the same

>> No.9039384

>PS2 emulator compilations > XBLA > Sonic Jam
Jam will always be in its own tier.
It's actual ports to Saturn hardware, so that's automatically better than emulation, and it displays at 240p, so it's more accurate than the HD remakes/remasters.
And while it has some minor inaccuracies, mostly in sound, but it makes up by actually fixing some other problems the originals had and adding extra content like time attack mode.
Also, in terms of presentation alone, Jam makes every single other compilation look lazy and poor, due to Sonic World alone (not even talking about all the content the museums have)

>> No.9039680

S3&K is a remake, but the other games are just ports of the Android versions.

>> No.9040010

I'm not sure why there's a distinction here. Isn't S3&K also remade in the retro engine just like the others?

>> No.9040084

Because that one was worked on specifically for Origins, handled by Headcannon. The rest were already done and handled by Sega.

>> No.9040437

How are you liking the Steam Deck?

>> No.9040458

Knuckles can't cancel into a spindash or jump anymore once he lands, he has to go through the entire recovery animation and as a result feels shitty to use.

>> No.9040608

i want someone to do proper C/lisp ports of 1, 2, and CD, and unfuck sonic 3 air so it can be played in 4:3 without issue (otherwise it's perfect imo). the decompilations of the mobile remakes are okay but the collision issues piss me off too frequently: https://twitter.com/32mbit/status/1540022581633454086
(that shit in that video happens in the non-origins version of the game too)

>> No.9040879

isn't that how he always was till SA1?

>> No.9040881

why lisp

>> No.9040909

supreme autists alternative language of choice
see: jak and daxter developer andy gavin
something about lisp can really bring out the best in certain autists

>> No.9040937

Yeah I'm like 90% sure he could never cancel into a spindash or jump upon landing in S3&K or KIS2, Mania I'm not sure about

>> No.9040987

We've reached a point where people don't recognize references to The Matrix. Inb4 you start screaming about how it's a "reddit movie" and lashing out like a toddler.

>> No.9041004

>>Special Stage music doesn't speed up like in original or even Mania
This is the only thing on your list that I like. The speedup thing causes me to start having migraines. The shitty special stage music doesn't help either, what's with Sonic having fucking earrape in the special stages?

There are no deadlines in videogames. There are no supply issues. This isn't the fucking 90s. A bad release of a game that is trivial to download or even buy and port to a better engine will obliterate sales. This thread alone made me not buy it. If Sega decides to throw a tantrum at him for speaking the truth then maybe I wont buy any Sega products again.

And FYI anon, professional means "you get paid", "unprofessional" is a spook made up by anti-unionists and executives to try and make people who stand up to toxic and hostile work environments look bad.

>> No.9041009

Complete for the best retro experience, Air for the best modern experience.

>> No.9041039

it's just the invincibility loop shit but with a little more flare. still just as annoying

>> No.9041042

1, 2 and CD are the Christian Whitehead remakes from 2011 and 2013. They've been ported to the Mania version of the Retro Engine and botched internally at SEGA.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a brand new remake by STEALTH and his team at Headcanon based on the mobile proof of concept they submitted years ago. It's been made on the Mania version of the Retro Engine and since it's submission has been botched internally at SEGA.

1, 2 and CD should have been fine with minimal to no gripes about the gameplay and presentation. Instead, the team at SEGA screwed up the ports so bad that they have introduced a plethora of all new bugs and glitches.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best game in the series that has been damaged the most by this. The rushed build that Headcanon were forced to submit under severe crunch was buggy and not nearly tested enough but was ruined even further by SEGA. STEALTH came out a few days ago and said "This is frustrating. I won't lie and say that there weren't issues in what we gave to Sega, but what is in Origins is also not what we turned in. Integration introduced some wild bugs that conventional logic would have one believe were our responsibility- a lot of them aren't."

>> No.9041056

Anon, Sonic World is not very impressive or good

>> No.9041175

>and since it's submission has been botched internally at SEGA.
Even Stealth admits it was unfinished when they submitted it.

>> No.9041182

So were they removed due to rights issues or because of the fake pedo accusations?

>> No.9041185

Back in the 90s MJ's name was removed because of the real pedo accusations
Today the tracks are removed because of rights issues

>> No.9041186

Jackson's name was probably removed because of pedo accusations in 1993 but his and his team's work was never taken out. The team are still credited for their work but Jackson is not.

The team never knew that their work was actually used and when the internet started to ask questions and investigate to them, they kicked up all sorts of shit and took SEGA to court immediately. It's not been publicly disclosed if the case was settled or not, but clearly SEGA lost or didn't pay because we're stuck with the shit we've got now

>> No.9041192

Bullshit. Source on anyone ever taking SEGA to court?

>> No.9041201

Cirroco Jones won't talk about it publicly because of it

>> No.9041202

Rights issues. The last release of S3&K was before his death.

>> No.9041212

He won't talk because of the rights issues, maybe they had a private agreement with SEGA without ever going to courts, but there is absolutely no record anywhere of SEGA ever being taken to court over this stuff.

>> No.9041361

Who fucking cares about meeting the anniversary release date? I guarantee you that Sega made 0 extra sales from the normal public because they released on the same day as Sonic 1. They already missed the 30th anniversary, why not delay the game by a couple months or so to make sure the games are polished?

>> No.9041370

They should have given us high quality Mania style remakes of the games instead. Could you fucking imagine that? Sonic 1-3K and CD Mania style? You'd have 6 GOAT platformers right there.

>> No.9041379

>This thing that is widely considered good is.... Not good, ok!?

>> No.9041382

I said that it was unfinished. Stealth said that what got released was worse than what they'd submitted

>> No.9041401

This shitpost makes a lot more sense now lol. I haven't been following the release.

>> No.9041447

Didn't sega make sure that you can't get the superior version anymore, so you're forced to buy the cash grab?

>> No.9041528

Has anyone compared Sonic 3 A.I.R and the Origins visuals yet?
When I last played A.I.R after playing through the (unmodded) decomps I remember A.I.R looking blurry and zoomed in, in comparison. I'm wondering if Origins looks better or if they're like for like (albeit I know Origins applied some post-processing blur for no good reason)

>> No.9041545

I don't feel like making a webm of it, but I notice in GHZ Act 1 in Classic mode one of the badnik placements are borked, so if you try and speedrun the level like normal, there's a slope where you'll get hit if you don't make a blind jump, when that's not supposed to be the case.

>> No.9041693

Is the placement actually off or is it just ending up somewhere different because the wide screen means it loads in and starts moving around sooner

>> No.9041754

No, the placement is off.
The 2011 mobile version, the decompliation of the mobile version, and anniversary mode do not have this problem, the enemy placement is correct in those.
It's something only introduced in Classic mode of this game, probably because them reverting to 4:3 somehow fucked enemy placements.

>> No.9041767


>> No.9041869
File: 99 KB, 600x730, 1655394162215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably their ideal customer, since I'll mess around to make things work or get a better experience. As well as loving handhelds (despite mainly using them at home), enjoying older games that it can breeze through, and things like jrpgs and visual novels that fit the format well. All that said I was skeptical about it, but it kinda exceeded my expectations.
I figured I could always make money on it if I didn't like it and buy something else, but I'm definitely keeping this thing.
If you want something that "just works" or to share with your kids or something then I definitely wouldn't recommend it, but if you have a similar traits to the things I posted above or see some other uses you can get out of it and don't mind fiddling with things then you might really enjoy it.

>> No.9041981

the decomps can run in 4:3 by messing with the .ini file, does that happen there as well?

>> No.9042026
File: 2.06 MB, 498x412, 1652418268224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valve do seem to be trying to push it as a "just works" machine with the whole Deck Verified thing.

>> No.9042036
File: 2.87 MB, 1410x1080, Sonic Origins-Decomp 4;3 Badnik Placement.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think to test that out, but sure enough, yeah if I edit the screenwidth to 320 on the decomp the exact same thing happens.
So, it seems that's exactly what they did with Origins.

Here's a webm of what I'm talking about by the way, I get hit here, in any other version of the game you wouldn't normally get hit here by running, which means badnik placement is slightly messed up by forcing the aspect ratio to 4:3.

>> No.9042038

Do Sonic 1/2 work on steam deck?

>> No.9042043
File: 2.95 MB, 1248x720, Sonic Origins-Decomp 4;3 Badnik Placement.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck disregard that, the webm cut off my clip too early.
Here it is for real this time.

>> No.9042045


>> No.9042512

Considered good by who? Literally no one gives a shit about Sonic World
It's literally a tiny hub area

>> No.9042530

>Considered good by who?
I dunno dude, read opinions about it. It was always regarded as a cool thing, even if it was a tiny hub area, the visuals are good, the controls are actually pretty nice and, in terms of presentation, you can't deny that having Sonic World is a lot more effort put into it than just a regular text menu.
Not only that, the polygonal cartridges and the way you could lock-on Sonic & Knuckles with any of the other carts on the menu, it's details that are there just as a labor of love. It's much more than a lazily put together ROM collection with a bios ass looking menu screen.

>> No.9042550

>Sonic 3 & Knuckles is the best game in the series
Not with that level design it isn't.

>> No.9042583

Just because a phrase is said in the movie doesn't inherently make saying that phrase a reference to the movie. Even if it was a meme a decade ago. "What if I told you" is broad enough that I doubt most people would instinctively link it to The Matrix

>> No.9042602

>real pedo accusations
>real accusations
>found not guilty on all charges
>years of investigation turned up nothing
>accuser recanted and revealed he was coerced into it by his dad

>> No.9042626

He's been to Epstein's island: