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9032758 No.9032758 [Reply] [Original]

Canonically, why did Gordon have to do weapons training for his job?

>> No.9032764

Gordon was clearly working on top secret shit. It’s not like he was just some chemist working on candy flavors or something.

>> No.9032768

I was always under the impression that Black Mesa was being surreptitously groomed for some kind of spook/ayylmao shenanigans and that they weren't being told why, just to do it. I mean it's heavily implied with G-man watching you right from the beginning. But then I'm sure I've already put like a million times more thought into it than Laidlaw did.

>> No.9032842

>Canonically, why did Gordon have to do weapons training for his job?
(They) knew what he was getting into. I mean, props for the game having a tutorial stage, but it is amusing that Gordon has to learn how to shoot guns and master that fucking crouch jump.

>> No.9032859 [DELETED] 

>(They) knew what he was getting into.

Thank you for using their preferred pronoun.
Happy pride month!

>> No.9033005
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Because maybe he has to respond with weaponry in a disaster scenario, they WERE just shooting guys into Xen and taking back their flora and fauna

>> No.9033016

There are some industries that are so tied to the government through contracts and have such top-secret stuff they're working on, that some of the non-security staff are given some level of defense training on the crazy one in a million chance that a foreign ops team or something tries to raid the facility for their secrets. It's a relic of the cold war.

Also, Xen

>> No.9033026

It’s probably more of “mandatory periodic refresher” type training
When I worked with radar diagnostics for the government we had to do this IT/safety course for 4 days every 12 months. So uh, in HL they reused the same module for new employees and veterans I guess.

>> No.9033032 [DELETED] 

>this is what passes for humour in this shithole now
Wow, what a great time to be a channer.

>> No.9033042 [DELETED] 

fuck off bigot

>> No.9033153 [DELETED] 

Careful, they might post a wojak.

>> No.9033157 [DELETED] 

Nice bait, but isn't it a little early for election season tourism?

>> No.9033158 [DELETED] 

not retro game discussion

>> No.9033161 [DELETED] 

it's summer you idiot. you can really feel it in here.

>> No.9033169

why was it gordon's job to push a cart into a laser beam
why couldn't they have used a robot arm or a railway track for that

>> No.9033174 [DELETED] 

>why couldn't they have used a robot arm or a railway track for that

Thank you for using their preferred pronoun.
Happy pride month!

>> No.9033207

Benefactors wanted him trained before the shitshow

>> No.9033270 [DELETED] 

He meant why couldn't his superiors have used a robot arm or a railway track for pushing a cart. I wonder if you are still capable of recognizing that you have turned into what you are mocking here, just with a different coat of paint.

>> No.9033321

In case of alien invasion. Obviously.

>> No.9033359

I like to imagine that literally everyone working at black mesa has to do the hazard course

>> No.9033360

But then why do we have to wear these RIDICULOUS ties?

>> No.9033371

They probably needed someone with expertise on the subject to closely analyze the experiment. Also to push the button and to probably fix things in case something went wrong (obviously not to the same extent as what actually happened).

>> No.9033383

He was being groomed for a Xen mission, as evidenced by dead suit wearers in Xen. Probably being groomed for gay sex as well.

>> No.9033463


Because they knew the potential of what he was in for.

>"I don't know how you can say that. Although I will admit that the possibility of a resonance cascade scenario is extremely unlikely, I remain uncomfortable with the..."

>"Gordon doesn't need to hear all this. He's a highly trained professional. We have assured the Administrator that nothing will go wrong."

>"I never thought I'd see a Resonance Cascade, let alone create one."

"I suspected this would happen, but the administrator just would not listen."

"I predicted all of this, you know. All of it!"

"I'm not so sure I want to get to the surface. What if the world finds out what we were doing down here?"

Right before you enter the test chamber, you pass three glass tanks with portals suspended in them. After the accident, one is destroyed than the other two have headcrabs in them.

The two scientists in that room make absolutely no mention of the headcrabs right in front of them. Why?

They've obviously seen them, or something else come through the portals before.

They knew.

>> No.9033540

Like most anons said, probably just periodic training, Black Mesa was huge, government company, also doing high-tech weapons and defense systems. For example, even if you're a civilian in military IT, you still have to get basic training in many countries.

Not to mention, what happened in HL1 was all planned, the G-Man knew what Gordon will have to do before the Resonance Cascade, they could have easily added weapons training for that purpose even if it was not standard and claim it is. Nobody would have known better.

>> No.9033541

The scientists definitely didn't know. They are just speculating.

>The two scientists in that room make absolutely no mention of the headcrabs right in front of them.
They do.