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File: 180 KB, 815x640, cv-Phantasy_Star_Online-jpn1-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9031642 No.9031642 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there nothing else like it? Even its own "sequels" are completely off the track and don't compare

This game is the only reason I got a DC, and then a GC

>> No.9031652

Diablo, Monster Hunter

>> No.9031738

Do people compare MH to PSO just because of the 4-player parties?

Because there is pretty much nothing else in common between the two

>> No.9031786

This, and that's why MH was such a huge disappointment for me. Heard it was a "prehistoric PSO."

>> No.9031839

Never played this.
Is it fun offline?
Is there any way to play it online nowadays?

>> No.9031885

except for it having a main hub town only
except most of the ventures into the 'fighting area' being mission-based
except being based on item gathering and +1ing.

>nothing alike...

>> No.9031912

It can be. Don't pick a FO though and make sure your ID drops a good weapons for your character.

>> No.9031928

You didn't actually say if it was a good game or not.

>> No.9032563

Most of the ventures into the fighting area are free roam explorations that focus 95% on killing mobs and opening boxes, with the boss as a bonus at the end. This is the complete opposite of the MH formula.

Gathering and crafting are not the same thing as straight loot drops. This is one of the differences that most fans hated about PSU.

Not to mention ALL of MH's stats are tied to equipment upgrades, while PSO has independent character levels, stats and stat modifiers, as well as distinct classes and roles. This is a HUGE difference

>> No.9032747

Don't forget the game being balanced around committed attacks.

>> No.9032894

>Is it fun offline?
Yes, but it's much more fun online.
>Is there any way to play it online nowadays?
Yes, there are private servers for Dreamcast, Gamecube, and PC. No Xbox, as far as I know. And crossplay doesn't work either.
PC is the most popular. If you want to play on a console, the ethernet adapters for Dreamcast and Gamecube are outrageously expensive, so you're best off playing on a hacked Wii.

>> No.9032898

>Don't pick a FO
What's wrong with them? I've always been a boring melee player but most RPGs seem to favor mages.

>> No.9033531

Forces are underpowered in the early game, and very resource hungry, especially solo. Your best strategy for a Force is to level up a Ranger first and use them to raise a Tech mag and collect some decent MND units to trade to your fresh FO.

>> No.9034870

Force is also underpowered in end game.. Force is just underpowered forever.

>> No.9034886

Forces are best played as a support class to Rangers/Hunters. That's why solo play with them is the hardest.

>> No.9034896

They aren't bad ep 1, but every fucking enemy in Central Control Area and Seabed has 90% resist to all elements.

>> No.9035413

Not him but fuck off

>> No.9035430

what's +1ing

>> No.9035829
File: 146 KB, 756x1000, 1650689459531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus one on a piece of equipment such as Nigger Dick +1, Nigger Dick +2, Nigger Dick +3 etc

>> No.9036210
File: 215 KB, 1024x683, 1650903525084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destiny 2 is kind of like PSO1 if you think about it. ;)

>> No.9036221

Also people expect you to be the heal bitch especially when zerk happens.

>> No.9036225
File: 484 KB, 512x399, Pso_ep3_reflection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the best way to FO is to get a red handgun and Elysium and be a discount HU

>> No.9036232
File: 415 KB, 1167x578, blast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's time you bitches found out


>> No.9036236


>> No.9036352

If Bungie made both Destiny games playable offline, yeah. But Destiny 2 keeps going down the shitter by removing paid expansions once a year. It’s modern gaming at its worst.

>> No.9037073

You find items called monogrinders, digrinders and trigrinders. You use them to upgrade your weapons. If I remember each plus raises their attack by one or two points.

>> No.9037312

vm server when?

>> No.9037349

What makes this game so fun? I like the art style I just don't see how a MMORPG from 1999 can be fun.
Sell me on it

>> No.9037367

Can't say it was the reason I got a Dreamcast, but PSO was indeed my number one game for the GameCube!

The nostalgia of the brand alone is probably still the main reason I haven't quit PSO2 / NGS..

>> No.9037403

First, it's not an MMO. It's a Diablo-like / dungeon crawler / scoot and loot with online co-op.

Second, it's just a very simple and satisfying gameplay loop in a very well made setting and pacing. Playing it almost becomes meditation solo, but can get really hectic with partners.

>> No.9037454

>Its not an mmo
Why not? You gather in large lobbies before heading off to dungeons like most MMOs.

>> No.9037462

>FO underpowered endgame
Not if you want Shifta and deband.

>> No.9037471

An MMO is not about "lobbies" with instanced gameplay, that's a modern bastardization and destruction of the genre because MMOs proper are dead. An MMO, especially in 1999, was a seamless continuous shared open game world simultaneously inhabited by thousands of players. Obviously this could not be done on consoles yet, so PSO was an "Online RPG" of small scale and optional offline play.

>> No.9037521

It's not an mmo dude and saying that isn't a slight against it

>> No.9038213
File: 1.08 MB, 598x980, Phantasy_Star_Portable_2_Material_Ursula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infinity perfected the PSO gameplay and PSo2 has the best bosses in the series


>> No.9038245

Unfortunately they departed a bit too much from the original's tone, and PSO2 is so radically different from PSO1 in terms of gameplay.

>> No.9038708
File: 3.30 MB, 1744x1885, NPJH50332_00042_stitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely prefer PSU series games theme of Family more so than the isolated and lost stuff in PSO

>> No.9038895

This is because you are a lonely virgin who wants to live vicariously through anime cliches.

PSU/PsP/2 have some of the stupidest, color-by-numbers generic plots and characters ever shit onto a script, right down to the "loli anime girl is really a 10,000 year old goddess who sprouts angel wings" tripe.

>> No.9039194

I mean Phantasy Star as a series was certainly inspired by anime at the time of its release. Its just that current PSO is inspired by the worst tropes of modern anime, tropes that just won't die even now and are less interesting than something like "nothing lasts forever".

>> No.9039515

Don't project yourself onto others anon