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File: 214 KB, 2000x1270, Sonic-The-Hedgehog-Origins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9029263 No.9029263 [Reply] [Original]

My son loves Sonic. How can I save him from a life of autism and embarrasement? Thankfully he has only played the classic series and Adventure 1 and 2 so far.

>> No.9029268

It's normal for kids to love Sonic. You might have to make corrective measures once he reaches 15-17 years old and still loves Sonic. But considering his father posts on 4chan, it might be too late for him. Probably genetic.

>> No.9029272

I’m afraid there is no way. I thought I beat it in my preteens, but it had reappeared in my 30’s with a fiercity. My condolences to you and your autistic son.

>> No.9029287
File: 229 KB, 820x701, Sonic3&K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Sonic and I'm pretty chad. Just make sure he plays sports (good ones, not soccer and frisbee) as well as video games.

>> No.9029295

How old is he? If you think he is of appropriate age just show him some Chris Chan videos, that'll show him what Sonic obsession does to a person and hopefully will keep your kid off the wrong path to ruin.

>> No.9029317

How did you save yourself? You were there since the start...

>> No.9029320

Get him into something just as edgy and "cool" as Sonic but without the autism.

>> No.9029360

>how can i save him
by being a good father, one that doesnt post on fucking 4chan you massive loser

>> No.9029361

This. That and sports ball.

>> No.9029370

>Adventure 1 and 2
Leave him at the nearest fire station. They do no questions asked child dropoffs at most of them and will put him up for adoption for you.

>> No.9029374

He's already been exposed, all you can do is hope he has a natural resistance to autism.

>> No.9029378

here is the thing most parents don't get.
If you want your son to do something, you have to give him an alternative.
Too many parents see their kids playing too much videogames, and just tell them "don't do that, play sports instead".
Fucking faggots can only use their mouths.
If you really care about your son not becoming a sonic autist, you will provide him with an alternative and give him all the resources to pursue said alternatives.
For example you sign him up for soccer training, then you bring him to soccer every fucking day.
If then it really is not for him, you bring him to some other shit. And so on and so on.
The point is, if you want your kids to do better, you have to guide them and give them the resoruces to do so.
They don't know the alternative is even possible, they are fucking kids.
Fuck you OP.
Fuck you.

>> No.9029398

>If you think he is of appropriate age just show him some Chris Chan videos
you know that guy's also a pokefag right?

>> No.9029402

It's not Sonic that's the problem, it's the already heavily autistic fanbase considering of furfags and a bunch of other weird creatures. He'll be fine as long as you don't let him join any online Sonic communities, that's just asking to be groomed or brainwashed into believing you're an animal, or as is often the case nowadays, a woman. So yeah keep playing vidya with him, just don't let him talk to nonces online. Simple as.