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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 46 KB, 1192x624, gamefaqspoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9021374 No.9021374 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, I thought there were still *some* young people using gamefaqs. I'm 24 and I'm in the youngest 4% apparently

>> No.9021375

i'm 20 but i just lurk some of its boards, don't have an account

>> No.9021378
File: 76 KB, 459x1024, 1619615950538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opens a FAQ in IE6
*cracks open monster*
>looks at ASCII art
>FAQ by kao megura
"yep… they don't write them like these anymore"

>> No.9021381

Oh god I’m in the largest percentage.

>> No.9021384
File: 56 KB, 382x358, bugs bunny ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's more people over 46 on GameFAQs than those under 25
I seriously thought this wasn't possible and people over 45 barely played video games

>> No.9021404

modern games have the faq built into the game nocap

>> No.9021406
File: 13 KB, 200x196, 1649474707341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of shocked. For as much as we joke about it gamefaqs is still very useful because you just can't beat a well-indexed text document for massive info dumps. Like what's better? Fucking youtube? I use videos when it's necessary to actually see something done in real time but between the ads at the beginning and the inevitablly tedious intro and bland personality of most youtubers it's more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.9021407 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 960x799, 1654856615475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr fr no shot dab lit lit bussin

>> No.9021409

Lmao, are you 60? use adblock retard.

>> No.9021412 [DELETED] 

What is it about this haircut that makes me seethe so hard.

>> No.9021419 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.34 MB, 808x590, 1592581272257.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because white zoomers with straight hair intentionally get perms done to niggerfy themselves, unironically. In a couple generations from now perms won't be necessary anymore.

>> No.9021423 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 837x1024, 7789681396_6cb3c78747_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomers took an actually good masculine haircut from first half of XXth century and turned it into gay twink style fad
it angers you because they pretend to be something they could never be, real men with balls

>> No.9021428

I've only ever used gamefaqs for adventure games.

>> No.9021431

Posting on gamefaqs isn't playing video games anon

>> No.9021435

Have you not noticed how your generation behaves, feels about games? What they like in gaming? I'm kind of surprised seeing this pic but I guess then again maybe I shouldn't be surprised. Why would zoomers use gamefaqs when they are a generation that doesn't even like to read something for more than a couple of seconds before their ADD starts making them irritated with the reading? I wouldn't be surprised if the age of the site itself is one thing that would put off your age group. You gen Z people really do have some of the most oddest and petty ways of thinking so this wouldn't shock me that 25- guys just don't want to be browsing some old website that isn't social media.
Yeah I don't know what to think on this either. I see it as an ominous sign desu.

>> No.9021441

I'm not following the 'shock'. I'm 31 and will only stop playing games when I'm dead. You do realize people that were kids during the NES days are 45+ now, right? Plenty of them simply never stopped being interested in games.

>> No.9021442
File: 76 KB, 265x211, 1652271263119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are you implying those 50-60-70 year olds are just shitposting on GameFAQs and not actually playing games?

>> No.9021443

I started posting again recently and thought, hey, the kids posting are just as cringe and delusional as I remember. and then this poll happened. WTF. The thought of some grandpa posting with a Sonic the Hedgehog quote in his signature feels me with dread.

More concerning, though, is what happens when this crop of users dies off? Will tomorrow's youth not care about yesterday's legacy? Doesn't seem like a good sign for GameFAQs.

>> No.9021448

The world is crumbling, friend. There's quite a bit more than subcultures and niche websites being forgotten forever.

>> No.9021458

I think it's dying for 3 reasons
1) it's seen as web 1.0 site that has outlived its best days like LiveJournal
2) no one fucking reads anymore, people would rather watch an hour long YouTube video than read for 5 mins
3) in general modern games have accounted for babbies screeching "bwaah it's literally unbeatable without a walkthrough" and made sure to give you a 4h tutorial made for sub 70IQ people explaining that you press A to jump and hold B to run

>> No.9021461
File: 145 KB, 2000x1080, zoom_humor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wikis killed the FAQ. Why settle for a single nerd's perspective when the wiki is managed and maintained by everyone? All into a single, easy to browse source of info. I don't need handholding. I just need reference material so that I can come to conclusions on my own.

I appreciate what GameFAQs was, but there's a reason the userbase isn't being refreshed like back in the 2000s. There are simply better options. and besides, everyone's on Discord.

>> No.9021463

Steam games have guides you can access by pressing shift+tab. Everything else people go to youtube for a walkthrough.

>> No.9021474

You would have a point if fandom/wikia wasn't shit(and thats where almost all game wikis are)

>> No.9021481

I don't want to stop either but the truth is games are time consuming. I don't even care if these 45+ year olds have families and whatnot. Its still not a good sign if there are guys this old still into gaming. To me it shows its too good of a form of entertainment and escape. Back when I was a child the adults would always claim things like oh the kids will get over it among other crap. This clearly wasn't true. Gaming only grew so much larger since the 90's. Its clear society isn't providing people with enough happiness or fulfillment I guess is my ultimate point. So that means a lot of middle aged men are playing video games.

>> No.9021487

Yeah man, the world is awful, and water is wet. Embrace the misanthropy and cynicism, shit sucks, escapism is something that will only increase. You shouldn't bother with holier than thou rhetoric while browsing and posting on /vr/.

>> No.9021490

my mom plays puzzle games fairly frequently. Tetris, Puyo, Bust-a-Move. She's happily married, in a stable career and successfully raised 3 kids. What do the video games have to do with anything other than having a good time?

GameFAQs users are not representative of anything other than GameFAQs users.

>> No.9021491 [DELETED] 

it's just being terminally online and creating people in your head to get mad at
nobody uses that in real life

>> No.9021497

chad puzzle game tradmom vs modern childless gamerthot

>> No.9021503
File: 71 KB, 600x271, excuse_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japanese wikis work for me. RPG nerds are dedicated.

>> No.9021532 [DELETED] 

Niggerfy? Like Spotify?

>> No.9021537

I'm over 46. I play games and look stuff up on GameFAQs sometimes, but I would never make an account or post there.

>> No.9021542

>5' 5''

>> No.9021552 [DELETED] 

It's not as common in real life as some people make it seem, at least not here, but I do see these pretty often.
I try to keep this online reality and real life separate in my head. I realize these two are not the same.

>> No.9021640
File: 190 KB, 1898x1087, Screenshot 2022-06-19 at 15-28-23 Poll of the Day - Why are you visiting GameFAQs today - GameFAQs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a poll of the day on a message board. All it tells you is that 9837 accounts took that poll and selected those options. Going back a couple days offers a bit of clarity. 55% of the people who took the poll said they were only there to take the poll.
So what does all this actually tell you? That most people 29-40 only visit sites because they think their opinion matters and don't play games? If you've been here more than a week you don't need a poll to tell you that.

>> No.9021646

What's your taste like?

>> No.9021650

You must be crawling with malware.

>> No.9021656 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 477x700, 9a5f6632d46280465b2d32293c54f12e--music-and-art-my-music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers made this actually good masculine haircut from XXth century and turned it into gay twink style fad

Think you may have actually been living under a rock...

>> No.9021680

I've used the site a lot over the years. A while back some anon linked a magnet containing every faq posted up to that point so I've been using that ever since. Now I'll only go to the site itself for things like maps or really specific stuff that might be under q/a or the boards, but that's usually a waste of time. Plain text was awesome whereas the switch to HTML was really shitty.

>> No.9021705

thanks for confirming you're 60.

>> No.9021795

>Back when I was a child the adults would always claim things like oh the kids will get over it among other crap.
I think what happens is that people fall back to stereotypes that are outdated. "Games are for kids" was more or less true in the early 80s, and bing bang wahoo presentation didn't help it. but then vidya very quickly grew into something deeper through the 90s, while the old generation still thought of them as of "something for kids".
it's kind of like with comic books, people who grew up with 60s Batman TV show and comics will likely think of it as a baby tier entertainment, and to be fair, the 60s superhero media wasn't exactly sophisticated stuff.

>> No.9021805

Back when the internet still had soul

>> No.9021806

>>I don't want to stop either but the truth is games are time consuming.
Depends on how you look at it. As long as you balance your work/life/play it's all good. Too much of anything is bad. I play about an hour or two per day after work to relax. That may seem like a lot when you add it up over the course of a year. On the other hand, I barely watch TV or use social media.

I never understood the whole "le videogames are time wasting" thing, because it's not worse than any other form of entertainment. To me watching a sports game or some Netflix series is actually a bigger time waste than playing video games, because at least my brain has to do some work when I play a game.

>> No.9021896

I’m surprised by this simply because of how fast and efficient it is to find info on games when really stuck. Can get what you need in less than a minute.

Maybe the boards aren’t dead. Maybe it’s time to go hang with the fellow boomers.

>> No.9021905

>adblock removes removes youtube intros and make youtubers not shit
Confirmed tiktoker who only used youtube once to watch a cat video his grandma sent him

>> No.9021907

I know a 59 years old guy who still plays games, and he knows a 80 something years old dude who plays too.

>> No.9021917
File: 25 KB, 640x496, 1552495275744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people dooming and glooming about FAQs
Guys I promise you the overwhelming majority of people that use Gamefaqs for actual information and FAQs do not make accounts or vote in polls and this has been true since the beginning of time.
The only people actively taking part in the godawful community there and managing their account and voting in polls are people still clinging to or nostalgic for forum culture because so many others have been deleted and retired. No shit it's going to be a bunch of 30+ year olds that memberberry about their forum days instead of young people who want to find information on a game that's too obscure for a video guide or comprehensive wiki.

>> No.9021919

Sponsorblock, retard.

>> No.9021938
File: 132 KB, 1024x819, FSt0yqxXoAQGvmh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can get what you need in less than a minute.
Sure, sometimes, but when you're stuck trying to find a secret in a game or where a key you missed in an RPG is it means:
>opening the FAQ
>skimming the table of contents
>copying and Ctrl-Fing whatever code leads to what is likely the section you want
>reading through the paragraphs of directions
>"walk through the doorway and you'll be faced with three orcs, (careful, one of them will cast fire spells at you!) dispatch these green troublemakers and head through the blue door. The red door might look tempting but we're saving that for later!
You'll find yourself in a hallway with multiple offshoot rooms, visit these rooms to find 100G, a Small Key, and a Mimic that will drop a Battleaxe when killed, (I guess the last adventurer to find him wasn't so lucky! XD) now keep heading down the hallway and make sure to heal if you need to, the next room is a doozy!
In here you'll find a Crystal Golem that can hit for a whopping 70 damage! Now we aren't quite ready to deal with an enemy like that yet so hug the south eastern wall until you reach another blue door. The path you'll want to take looks something like this:
X ^ X
X ^ X
X ^ X
X >>>> X
This next room may look like a dead end but there's actually a secret hidden along the wall! Make sure you collect the Small Key in a chest in the corner before triggering a minigame via the north wall, where you can find a switch.
Complete the minigame with a B rating to get a Red Key, but don't leave just yet! Phew, you still there? Okay, so start the minigame again and this time get a D rating on purpose, this will give you the Magic Key needed to progress to a super secret dungeon later in the game, [#SSD001] but for now let's go back out and passed the Crystal Golem to that red door we saw earlier!"

>> No.9021941

Somehow the greentext and map getting fucked and not formatting properly only adds to the Gamefaqs simulation.

>> No.9021943 [DELETED] 

It's this generations version of a bowlcut or those douchebag spiked up styles or fauxhawks.

>> No.9021960

I am 20 and I use gamefaqs guides constantly

>> No.9021979

i bet they'd get called zoomers on /vr/

>> No.9022003

>Sponsorblock makes youtubers not retarded
Got anything that makes /vr/ posters not retarded? Can you use it on yourself?

>> No.9022018

Can you share that pack of FAQs maybe?

>> No.9022024

I'm 41, I used to go on GameWinners in the late 90s and then about '00-'01 I found GameFAQs. Got one account banned in 2004 but I can't remember how. Current one is suspended for 6 months, I like to do a bit of mild shit-posting here and there, they're just wound up too tight.

>> No.9022027

stop typing like a woman

>> No.9022028

I remember reading RE4 walkthroughs to get the feel of what the game is like while waiting for a pc port to come out. Good times

>> No.9022049


>> No.9022051

>Thinks only people on site are old cucks
>Forgets that it is most likely only old cucks click YES I WANT TO TAKE THIS POLL

>> No.9022054

How retarded are you? A visual reference instantly.... vs a text document translated from Cantonese that skips half the useful descriptive information.

Seeing Youtube ads are like admitting you are mentally slow.

>> No.9022059

Probably because they think gaming peaked at 6th and 7th gen

>> No.9022067

>not using uhs-hints.com

>> No.9022074

I'm 26 and haven't used a vidya forum in over a decade but I used to use Neoseeker/GameFaqs (early 00s) and GameSpot (mid-late 00s).
Anyone remember Amazon video game forums? They were fairly obscure but I had a lot of fun shitposting there

>> No.9022117
File: 68 KB, 700x525, aAzpGRW-5f887691921d9-700x525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was always going to happen and it will get worse as newer gens take over and pass everything down to their kids, and being raised by the internet as well. Like a lot of genx and millenials being raised by the tv, only at all times.
We already have old people playing vidya and being weebs, like actual old people, it's starting to be less of a rare sight.
Get ready for grandman/women-children 80yo going "uwu kawaii desu ne ;3 get fucked, bitch nigga, lol" online, while posting anime girls and larping as one with facerig. There's already people in their late 40s+ online acting like irreverent 20yo or younger. Online seems to create this behavior on people, makes them act like they are younger.

>> No.9022120

This but for me it's Absolute Steve's final fantasy guides

>> No.9022123


>> No.9022125
File: 42 KB, 1024x688, get fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it did
keep coping, bitch nigga

>> No.9022138

thanks anon, that seems great! For some reason I'd never heard about it before.

>> No.9022139

>Its clear society isn't providing people with enough happiness
Yep, it is. Hell, it is one of the main points of /vr/: modern world does not provide happiness. It is soulless and made for mindless consuming, and so is every thing said world produces, video games included.
>Get ready for grandman/women-children 80yo going "uwu kawaii desu ne ;3 get fucked, bitch nigga, lol" online
I haven't done it when I was 10, I haven't done it when I was 20, I haven't done it when I was 30, and I won't write like that never ever in my life. It's not about the age - it is about culture and education.
On it's own, there's nothing wrong about old people acting like they are younger. It's wrong when they act like they are retards. Yet, as you can guess, being retard is wrong regardless of the age.

>> No.9022184

Kids have NO INTEREST in your old toys. Actually videogames and geek media in general are not that popular, you're blinded by shills.

>> No.9022187

if you're playing games over 45, you're doomed to gamefaqs

>> No.9022192
File: 167 KB, 365x281, internet guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was always going to happen
And it did. Long ago. There's a reason pinball tables and arcade panels are at the heights they are instead of baby table height. And it did get worse. Have you ever seen a WoW player? But hey, congratulations of predicting the past.

>> No.9022193

Came here to post this. I don't even really look at the front page when I look for a game on Gamefaqs.
That being said, I'm sure a lot of people are moving onto stuff like Reddit, Discord, wikis, etc for information.

>> No.9022201
File: 56 KB, 300x300, LUEshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, I'm 34 and spent tons of time on GameFAQs back in the late 90s/early 2000s

>> No.9022204 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 372x404, jinjo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9022208

Because babies have no disposable income?

>> No.9022232

More ASCII art

>> No.9022282
File: 1 KB, 235x150, Roflcopter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9022283

( . Y . )

>> No.9022493

are you mentally retarded bro? you can ctrl+f what you need on text documents, you cant do that with videos.

>> No.9022505

ahhh, reading that guide written by someone who clearly didn't pass elementary english, but he knows all the tricks and quickly responds to questions via email.

>> No.9022507

The best one!

>> No.9022561

No they aren't, they'd be 40, tops. You mean people who were teens in the NES days would be 45+.

And that's why it's strange, it's because teenagers didn't play NES that much, not nearly as much as kids. The answer is that those old fucks probably played PC games back in the day.

>> No.9022585

>Get ready for grandman/women-children 80yo going "uwu kawaii desu ne ;3 get fucked, bitch nigga, lol" online
Holy fucking kek I'm cracking at the idea of some grandpa furiously typing "sheesh this shit finna bussin fr fr no cap"

>> No.9022602

You joke but I'm actually a bit curious how the English language will have evolved in the 2100's.

>> No.9022610

My dad is 69 and he used to be a huge gamer back in the day starting with the NES. (He was really into it with the Genesis, though.)

>> No.9022637
File: 176 KB, 303x311, 2 int.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video games have been mainstream for nearly 5 decades and you're surprised that people over the age of 40 play them?

>> No.9022643

Oh, no one cares, anon, we all know that was pretty rare. People treated Atari like a novelty, even though it was bought in large numbers, and people just dropped Atari's products pretty easily. Someone who was a "gamer" in 1980 probably wouldn't still be a gamer five years later. That your dad was an exception just means that he's an exception. I know some old fucks who play on PC because PC has a lot of games that appeal to audiences that consoles always ignored, like Civilization and Sierra/Lucas Arts point and click games. You'd see a lot of college students get a computer, or at least access to a computer, and they'd enjoy some games that they'd never seen before.

>> No.9022645

Video games weren't considered mainstream until the mid 90s. Video games mostly targeted children and they'd usually stop playing around age 15 or so. This only changed around the time the PSX came out.

>> No.9022649

And what would you do when you'll hit 60 or so? Switch games to books just because "I'm too old to play vidya"?

>> No.9022653

We're talking about what happened in the 80s and 90s, anon.

>> No.9022660

I like finding games with it, they have a better advanced search than Mobygames. Like >>9021463 said if I'm stuck in a game though I'll just go on youtube, a video's worth ten thousand words. I do like the stat tables and raw info you can get on GameFAQs though

>> No.9022661
File: 31 KB, 800x455, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9022663

Ugh, pardon me. Misread that.

>> No.9022664

>and they'd usually stop playing around age 15 or so
This never happened

>> No.9022674

This usually happened.

>> No.9022678

It really really didn't. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many 30 to 40 gamers right now.

>> No.9022679


>12 and unders went from 10% to 0.7%
>30 and olders went from 3.3% to ~60%

>> No.9022681

If you turned 15 in 95, the exact year I'm talking about where 15 year olds finally kept playing video games as they grew up, you'd be 42 today.

>> No.9022685

...and? Lots of 42 year olds still play PC gaming, I'm sure. My dad is in his 60s and still plays TFC every other day.

>> No.9022692

Young people just watch a let's play of the game on youtube and move on to another game if it's sufficiently complex to demand a walkthrough. Text walkthroughs are for people actually interested in gameplay instead of seeing the story.

>> No.9022698

Looks like its the same people using the site for the past 20+ years

>> No.9022706

>Video games weren't considered mainstream until the mid 90s.
Your grandma played Pac-Man. You have zero idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9022707

>playing games solo for long stretches
Waning at 15-16, over at 17-18

>multiplayer at social gatherings
It never stopped until after some years after college

>PC gaming
Never ended entirely, just for long sessions

Context is key. For me, by 17 I was into dating and other real world things. Most young people tended to get into their first serious relationships or at least dating during the last two years of hs. I know that’s way different for the current generation, though.

>> No.9022708

How the fuck does someone wander into a retro video games board and still somehow be surprised that people over the age of 40 play games? Who the fuck do you think even gives half a fuck about NES games?

>> No.9022720

>Old website is used by old people
What a surprise.

>> No.9022728

Your grandma isn't a gamer.

>> No.9022731

You will never gatekeep vidya gaming.

>> No.9022738
File: 43 KB, 500x463, 1615455943721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 26 but still use Gamefaqs regularly. I've never made an account or even visited the front page, though. I'm more interested in seeing how much daily traffic Gamefaqs gets. It's my go-to for vidya walkthroughs and I hope the site stays alive for years to come.

>> No.9022747

I hate to say it but internet forums have been dying for the past 5 years and it's only gonna get worse. Zoomers don't have the attention span to create an account and engage in a discussion when tik Tok exists. I used to hang around /sp/ a lot over a decade ago and it was a fast moving board, but now you'll see the same "general" up for 5 days. 4chan probably isn't profitable at all anymore and I'm predicting it'll shut down by 2025.

>> No.9022748

>and I'm predicting it'll shut down by 2025.
I wish

>> No.9022749
File: 25 KB, 356x153, 1646386841058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still remains king as the Gen X central of videogames

>> No.9022753

Not trying to, pointing out that your grandma isn't a gamer though and there's nothing you can do about it.

Reading a book twenty years ago doesn't make you a bookworm, knowing who Superman is doesn't make you a comic book nerd, etc. Your grandma isn't a gamer.

>> No.9022757

>pointing out that your grandma isn't a gamer though

>> No.9022769

>when tik Tok exists.
Shit like this just makes you sound retarded. Old man angry at cloud retarded.

>4chan shitting down because nobody gives a shit about sports
Even if all the good boards die 4chan isn't going anywhere. You don't seem to realize how fast boards like /b/ and /v/ move, and I'm sure most of the site's traffic still comes from the /pol/tards that have been flooding it since 2016.

>> No.9022773

Anon, trying to change the subject from "that grandma who played pacman" to this isn't an argument.

>> No.9022778

>Hell, it is one of the main points of /vr/: modern world does not provide happiness.
People like you are why this board is cancer. I come here because I love retro games. You come here because you hate modern games. The latter is joyless, soulless, and pathetic. You're here to bitch and moan. You couldn't give less of a shit about nuance or game quality you just want to hide in your childhood because you're needlessly bitter.

>> No.9022786

>you just want to hide in your childhood
I've never seen a more perfect description of 80% of this shit board.

>> No.9022798

Uh. I'm sorry I've had to generalize in order to make my point short, but, of course, I love modern things when they bring joy and are well-made. I've liked Starcrawlers as any retro dungeon crawler. And I've liked Inspector Waffles as any other old point-and-click game. Heck, I'm playing Surge right now, and I'm having my own kind of fun with Cheat Engine and some code monkey-ing. Etc, etc.
And, of course, old video games have their own trashy games I haven't liked. It's just the percentage towards trash shifted radically nowadays.
It's just, in general things in modern world are oriented towards mindless consuming. I hope you won't argue that. What with all that planned obsolescence in tech, loudness war in music and all the other stuff? All of it is not even a secret nowadays. It happened, and that's why we are here, on /vr/.

>> No.9022814

>pointing out that your grandma isn't a gamer
Nice try, but I never argued that your grandma was a gamer. I was arguing that gaming was mainstream and using the example that your grandmother knew who Pac-Man was as an example of HOW.

If gaming wasn't mainstream she never even would have seen a Pac-Man cabinet in passing.

>> No.9022819


Despite everyone pretending that kids are "tech savvy". Zoomers don't know anything about the Internet outside of the 6 apps on their phone.

>> No.9022821

>Hell, it is one of the main points of /vr/: modern world does not provide happiness.
This is not one of the main points of this board, you absolute moron.

moot said it himself when he launched the different gaming boards that it was an attempt to deal with insane amount of traffic that /v/ was getting. That's it. The subject of the board is retro video games. We're here to talk about retro video games, not to hear you attempt to wax poetic over your childhood because you have nothing to look forward to.

>> No.9022827

Why would kids be interested in gamefaqs when there are much more efficient ways to obtain information about video games?

>> No.9022834

>moot said it himself
I wonder what else he said, because everything definitely worked out just as he said it.

>> No.9022838

Just because you're using this board as a livejournal does not mean that's what it's here for.

>> No.9022843

That's from your perspective only. Perhaps, for me it is exactly what's it here for, even though I've never used LJ and have no idea what it should be used for.

>> No.9022854

You will quit games but still go on to browse the internet, watch tv, listen to music, do other useless shit and somehow convince you aren't wasting your time. Quit being an insecure fag.

>> No.9022857

It's called a joke, retard

>> No.9022864

nursing homes will soon have arcades, SEGA's gotta start planning titles for the 70-and-up crowd

>> No.9022868

My dad is late 50's and has played games all his life. I can't imagine myself quitting games because it is too "childish" or some shit while my dad continues on to live a happy life with gaming as one of his hobbies.

>> No.9022871

and yet their taste is embarrassing.
old age doesn't mean shit

>> No.9022880

There are 3 wikis for dark souls and only wikidot is good.

>> No.9022887

I hate this shit. Seeing all this wikia, and fextralife bullshit makes me want to create a self-hosted wiki free from them and the retards that use them. I've been wanting to create a beatemup wiki and a nioh and monster hunter wiki, but time is a bitch. One of these days.

>> No.9022892

As opposed to 40 somethings doing what? Watching netflix? Playing tennis or golf? Woodworking? Playing texas hold'em? You realize that people can have multiple hobbies, right? You realize the average golfer only plays nine holes, right? Come on, dude. It's more immature to try to define what adukts should do. If you have provided for your own food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, then it doesn't fucking matter what you do in your leisure time.

>> No.9022894

Uh, based department?

>> No.9022901

>I was arguing that gaming was mainstream and using the example that your grandmother knew who Pac-Man was as an example of HOW.
I know. That's not an example. An example of a grandma who has played pacman isn't an example of a gamer. That disproves your point.

No, having heard of or seen something doesn't mean it's mainstream.

>> No.9022907

what's the point of gamefaqs forums

>> No.9022909

This took me 15 seconds to read. The video on youtube showing the same thing is five minutes. That's not counting the obvious problem that youtube search is pretty shitty for finding game secrets so you will have several minutes of politely asking an ad company to just give you what you obviously want already instead of the latest DoYouKnowGaming video.

>> No.9022942

>heh, I took everything literally and now your argument has crumbled *tips fedora*
I know anon probably spent a lot of time on that mock-up but fuck off, walls of text will never be easier than literally just Googling something.

>> No.9022948

Name a better guide website, you can't.

>> No.9022950

I love gamefaq walkthroughs where you can feel how invested and well acquainted the author is with the game.

>> No.9022953

>I'm sorry I've had to generalize in order to make my point short, but, of course, I love modern things
You are in the minority here. Most /vr/ posters are whiny and unironic with their hatred for everything beyond an arbitrary date where they became old enough to recognize shitty games.
Sure the mainstream became infested with shit once gaming reached a certain point of popularity but anyone old enough to recognize it should also have the brain power to make their own judgments instead of caring about which posters are in the window at Gamestop.

>> No.9022954

Get an ad blocker you idiot

>> No.9022964

>wall of text
It's easy to read and then you know what to do. FAQs are the better tool. It's faster to find, it's faster to find what you want out of it, and it's not a trivial difference in time.

>> No.9022969

I have an ad blocker. The video is still five minutes long. You can't skip large parts of it because you don't know if pulling some lever two minutes into the video is relevant or not unless you listen to the guy slowly drone on about what you're supposed to do.

Or you could just read it and instantly know.

>> No.9022973

What can I say... Sad thing it is. Closing yourself behind some "expiration date" kinda removes any hope for fixing things in the future. I mean, you should definitely sift through the modern games and at least vocally support the ones you like, so you might one day see something good again amidst all this wall of triple A ads.
By the way, "certain point of popularity" is another interesting and vague point, just like the date. This is whole another topic though.

>> No.9022978

My dad didn't even pay attention to video games during the Atari era, his first game was Super Mario Bros, which came out in America when he was 33.

>> No.9022985

You can try not watching retards, retard. That will involve you shattering all the mirrors in your house though.

>> No.9023013 [DELETED] 

Some boomers made the jump from Galaxian and Zaxxon in the arcades to Colecovision, Contra on the NES, Wolfenstein, Super Mario Kart, Street Fighter, Goldeneye, Bushido Blade, Tekken, etc. There are people nearing 70 who still talk about these titles. Back in the 1980's there was supposed to be a pipeline from home consoles to PCs like the Adam. The fact that the Coleco Adam failed really set back PC adoption rates.

>> No.9023029

>no u
It's ok anonlet. We get it. You can't read and need to watch videos. Many such zoomie cases.

>> No.9023096


>> No.9023109

Same. Then LUELinks, but I lost my password at some point. I still think of it some times.

>> No.9023116

If you were 13 in 1985, you'd be 49. Most teens who played it would be 55. The NES was released in the US 37 years ago.
The Dreamcast release is closer to the NES release then we are to the Dreamcast release.

>> No.9023120
File: 26 KB, 395x396, Imagine-Ishtar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my first account banned in 2006 and my current account is from 2009 but in my mind it will always be the "waaaay newer account". Time is kind of funny like that.

>> No.9023137

Most people who played NES were a lot younger than 13, anon. The target audience was kids, and a lot of kids didn't get an NES until later, like 1990 or some such.

The majority of NES owners are younger than you think.

>> No.9023192

>see age poll
>"damn I'm over 30, that's old for a gamer. guess I'll see myself in the tail end of the results haha"
>see pic rel
>"...oh right. It's 2022."

>> No.9023195

>You would have a point if fandom/wikia wasn't shit(and thats where almost all game wikis are)
Unfortunately true. I have no idea how the wiki editors put up with this shit. I hope they're simply too lazy to move elsewhere, because the alternative is that they literally aren't even aware what a wiki should look like.

>> No.9023224


>> No.9023243

>be kid in early 2000's
>email a FAQ author with some info he missed
>he releases a new FAQ version some time later
>your contributions are in there, complete with "(Thanks to [name] for letting me know!)"
>feel like a hero

>> No.9023248


>> No.9023256

>be kid in early 2000's
>email a FAQ author with some info he missed
>he signs your email up to gay sex websites

True story. Was actually pretty funny.

>> No.9023263

You all, I don't want to be in my 40s and 50s still on 4chan or some forum talking about video games. I'm already 30. How do I prevent this from happening?

>> No.9023267

Nothing wrong with being 40 and talking about video games.

As far as leaving here, just slowly start to branch out. I will frequently fire up a video game instead of posting here. I'm much happier now.

>> No.9023270

You get off and don't come back on.

>> No.9023320

Some are just assholes. Maybe they relish in their authority or something, but on several wikis it is next to impossible to make useful edits.

>> No.9023327

Tried and failed multiple times.

This sounds more plausible and doable. I probably won't just stop talking about video games, but I really shouldn't be hanging out the /v/ boards as much as I do. I came to here generally for new information at first, but now it's
scrolling through the 4chan boards just to pass the time (almost like social media at this point admittedly). Amazing how I seemingly like talking about games more than playing them, but I do need to start going back and actually playing them so I'm not just here arguing and shitposting all day. Now if only the 4chan boards would stop being fun places to kill time.

>> No.9023341

What kind of games does you dad play?