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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 139 KB, 789x1119, 5da1880df64ad4f234b2bf2a3ac8259c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9012284 No.9012284 [Reply] [Original]

Does this game still hold up or does it feel like a beta release of later revisions?

>> No.9012316

it's the only good one. the lack of feature bloat, the charming is-it-stock music, the funnier simlish, the better-looking architecture and furniture, the more balanced challenge

>> No.9012317

The music is top-tier comfy, that much remains true.

>> No.9012351

The series as it is now is almost exactly what this game was parodying.

>> No.9012354

like zoomers like to say, it's the first game that "feels rough around the edges" compared to later games
i cant really judge it since i have nostalgia bias toward the first game. but from what i can say in retrospect, it feels less like life sim and more like turn based strategy. you often end up pausing the game giving and queuing all your actions and then letting it play out like some sort of baldur's gate

>> No.9012365

couchfag here, whats the best console port?

>what this game was parodying

>> No.9012371

Sims 2 is the best one but this game is still worth playing. Sims 2 plays different with the addition of the aspirations system which some people like and some dislike. Personally I could do without it but it doesn't ruin the game. Sims 1 is more of a pure Sims experience. The biggest thing Sims 2 adds is your Sims can age and have kids that age to adulthood and who can take over the household when their parents die which is awesome. No reason to play anything after 2 though.

>> No.9012381

1950s american dream consumerism

>> No.9012453

The Sims Bustin' Out 100%. It retains all of the features and feel of the first game with better graphics. It's actually a shame it was never ported to the PC because it's my favorite one (and the first one I ever owned/played).

There's a reason to play the Sims 4 and it's the porn mods. It's a goldmine of cooming.

>> No.9012458

It's still my favorite, but it has a few issues.
-Your sim's needs fill up fast compared to later games, which can make it difficult at times to even do some things like go out somewhere. Unfortunately mods can't change these rates, so the typical solution was using mod objects that satisfy all needs all at once.
-There is no weekend and your sims are expected to work and go to school every day of the week. They can miss days as long as they never miss two consecutive days, though.
-As mentioned in >>9012371 the lack of a proper lifecycle means that players who want to have generations of sims are mostly out of luck. You can use mods (or a spell with Makin Magic) to age kids up. Except by accident adults won't die unless you kill them yourself.
-There's also no concept of genetics, so kids that are aged up to adults are essentially random (though you can edit the sim).

>> No.9012468


>> No.9012484
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dont play past 2

>> No.9012509

>best console port?
Had this on Xbox and it was fun as he6

>> No.9012780

>couchfag here, whats the best console port?
I enjoyed Urbz on GBA and PS2, but like the other anon said, Sims Bustin' Out is still incredible. I think the main reason I enjoyed Urbz is purely from nostalgia as well as the music. South Side Bridge and The Foundry (I think was the name of the suburb) have the best tracks in the game. Give em a listen.

>> No.9012908

3>2 though

>> No.9012912

2>3>The Urbz>1>>>>>>>>>4

>> No.9012914

Forced job switch at the end of a career path kind of irks me

>> No.9012951
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Meh, who needs a job anyway.

>> No.9013093


>> No.9013168

idk, never played the later versions.
But I did pick up the original and a couple of expansions and it felt just as fun as it did all those years ago.

>> No.9013204

If people made half-decent porn mods for the older games I would uninstall 4's bloated ass in a heartbeat but yes, you're right.

>> No.9013276
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Full of soul. A little boring but zen. Just the right amount of cynical/dark humor.

>> No.9013779

>not using genie lamps
why even live

>> No.9013971
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tl;dr sims 2 is basically sims 1 on steroids and far more fun to play - ts1 is so brutally difficult that you'll probably spend more time filling need bars than actually doing anything of substance - but ts1's soundtrack, dark maxis-y atmosphere, the nostalgia surrounding it, experimental nature and certain gameplay features (makin' magic is still the best expansion ever) help keep it relevant
the console ports are dumbed down and more linear but also absolutely fucking insane and are fantastic time capsules (the urbz in particular) so i'd say they're still worth playing. the handheld versions of bustin' out and the urbz are both solid adventure games with a lot of charm, same goes for ts2 on the ds and psp
i'm surprised there isn't a mod that fixes this over 20 years later, but the ts1 modding scene is pretty fucking dead outside of maybe freeso so i'm not surprised actually
>he doesn't just buy hundreds of japanese wall fans and wait a day for them to go up in value

>> No.9013986
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I prefer the second one, it adds just enough and it didn't feel like it was taking the piss, contrasting the later releases.
Oh and bonus feature, Sims 2 works perfectly under lutris

>> No.9013998
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Played the shit out of Sims 1 when I was a kid. Probably thousands of hours, and I didn't even have that many expansions, just a couple or three.

My girlfriend loves Sims 4 and I watched her playing the other day. It's such a shame that they've turned the series into a girl's fantasy sandbox. The amount of Barbie bullshit (play as vampire! etc.) is staggering, and the generic, lifeless look of it all is depressing.

The build mode looked nice and well designed, though.

>> No.9014072


>> No.9014089

I wish I could fill the houses up with more stuff. Damn that meter!
Also, the build themes are just fantastic. I'm humming "build theme 1" right now

>> No.9014104
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Sims 1 is still absolutely charming but Sims 2 overall is just the same gameplay but 3D and more fun to play/way less strict time management.

>> No.9015108

Same for Sims 1. Except I played the Sims 2 even more. I also played a ton of Sims 3 until "Into the Future" expansion came out. Then when Sims 4 came out, I got it and enjoyed it. I still play it every once in a while. It's alot easier, but still very fun.

>> No.9015234

Sims 1 would be my favourite if it had the aging mechanic and life stages of Sims 2

>> No.9015950

It's what we call it.

>> No.9015960

>but 3D
That automatically makes it worse than Sims 1

>> No.9015973

Now I'm getting the itch to install The Sims 1, but I'm reading it's kind of a bitch to do so on modern Windows. Should I just do it on a VM?

>> No.9016209


>> No.9016263


These anons are correct, I played the game recently after 20 years or so since last playing it and it's TOUGH (much more so than I remember) if you play it fairly. Your Sim's needs drain very quickly and you're pausing constantly to make sure they don't do anything stupid the half second you have to plan ahead of their actions. And that's accounting for just *one* sim.

>> No.9016549

The complete collection sucks, too much bloat. All you really need is Livin' Large, House Party, and Hot Date. Make an 8 adult family and get them all military jobs. Grind them hard and they'll make you bank without rosebud.

>> No.9016739

This sounds fucking unfun.

>> No.9016752

>he thinks people on /vr/ are having "fun" playing video games

>> No.9016783

One look at any emulation thread will show you that fun is the last thing on this board's mind.

>> No.9016981
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You could. It works absolutely perfectly in a VirtualBox setup running Windows XP.

>> No.9016995

>tfw nobody plays FreeSO

>> No.9017356
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rate my crib

>> No.9017361
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What stops me from playing this game again is that I can't enjoy it without mods, and by mods I mean mods that fix the balance of the game, namely the moods/motives/needs/whatever the hell you want to call them. I don't know if it was intentional satire by the devs (people will never be happy, thus sims are never 100% happy) but it's like a job-game for your Sim to actually do anything

>get a job for sim for money
>at work, needs go down
>hunger down, needs to eat
>comfort down, needs to sit or sleep
>energy running down, will need to sleep soon
>hygiene running down, will need to shower soon
>fun always going down, better cheer them up soon!
>only a few objects or events can improve multiple needs; always balancing between
And by far the worst one is the fucking Social need:
>gradually running down
>only way to improve mood is to talk to other sims
>a toss-up as to whether or not your sim will continue conversation with another based on interests and chemistry
>usually never compatible; one line of conversation is exchanged and that's it
>mood continues to go down, nobody's interested in talking to your loner sim
>any mood that gets close to the red zone will affect your sim's overall mood to do literally fucking anything
>social mood stays at red all the time, sim starts crying, doesn't want to do anything but throw up a dialog box at you about how depressed and lonely they are

Satire is good and all but when it affects the overall playability of the game, it becomes tiresome. It's like it's designed so you can't get into a good standing:
>need money for better objects to improve needs better
>better jobs require friends to progress up the career ladder
>if not a job, creative skills require needs to spend the time grinding up the skill levels
>starter objects do absolute shit for your sim's needs

It's one of those games I can't bother revisiting anymore without mods or cheats.

>> No.9017393

What mods do you recommend?

>> No.9018180

And by far the worst one is the fucking Social need:
>gradually running down
>only way to improve mood is to talk to other sims
>a toss-up as to whether or not your sim will continue conversation with another based on interests and chemistry
>usually never compatible; one line of conversation is exchanged and that's it
>mood continues to go down, nobody's interested in talking to your loner sim
>any mood that gets close to the red zone will affect your sim's overall mood to do literally fucking anything
>social mood stays at red all the time, sim starts crying, doesn't want to do anything but throw up a dialog box at you about how depressed and lonely they are
I think there's a mod where after all that happens you can start shooting everyone anon.

>> No.9018203


>> No.9018217

Perfectly described. I bought this game as a kid, and was sorely let down. My brother was happy to cheat and build super houses or whatever, but I wanted to play it "correctly" and it was exactly like coming from work to do extra work. Sort like that like "German forklift simulator" comic. My sims were always bitching and moaning, and I just couldn't believe that any human being would be reduced to a fetal-position ball of depression after 3 days of not talking to someone on the phone. I never played any of the later Sims games because of the weeks I spent trying this one.
It was one of only two games I've ever purchased that I regretted spending the money on, the other being Neverwinter Nights (based purely off the single-player content, since I had dial-up at the time).

>> No.9018626

>Neverwinter Nights
The original campaign is it's biggest flaw, it's expansions are much much better in comparison. Community content is top tier and the toolkit is a lot of fun.

>> No.9018628

>Burglar appears
>get jumpscared

>> No.9018632

Doesn't the same music play when a fucking raccoon walks in or some shit? Hated that shit, always assumed it was something actually serious.

>> No.9018634

>lack of feature bloat.

If Makin' Magic isn't feature bloat I don't know what is, but it's still better than the sequels.

>> No.9018639

If Sims 1 had proper aging would play it forever. It's a lot of fun to see one family change through generations. But the way the game is now you are just sitting on maxed out Sims and it gets boring.

>> No.9018656

I would always just use the money cheat, design awesome houses and then have the Sim move out. It makes me sad that they never made a game that's just about building houses. Animal Crossing is close for interiors but you can't build/design the exterior and layout

>> No.9018684

livin large is the only expansion you need. The Sims is a fine game to just sit back with and play.

>> No.9018696
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>couchfag here, whats the best console port?
bustin out

>> No.9018808

I heard the expansions are better, but I was too pissed to spend money on them back when I was a wee laddie, as I felt betrayed.
I'll remember what you said about the community content and I'll see if I can't try some out now that the Internet isn't a distance place. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.9018881

the cheapest couch turns from 139 to 575 simoleons after a day.

>> No.9018987
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>> No.9018995


>Spends $54,000 on cheap furniture
>Flips it for $223,000

This game is hilariously broken

>> No.9019708

rule of the sims:
do not install xpacs
hide xpac threads

>> No.9019989

I started playing it for the first time in years not that long ago. Decided to make a one man family with a nice house but based him on Peter Sutcliffe. So every week I start a party then lure one of the party guests into his special room before selling the door and watching them go mad starving to death.
I'm surprised there was never any official serial killer content for the sequels but I suppose that's a bit too dark for what they were going for with the series.

>> No.9020241

Is this game even playable on modern machines?

>> No.9020243

It gave me my taste in jazz and piano classical

>> No.9020272

yes, just install >>9016209

>> No.9020350
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I keep hoping we'll get a leak of Simsville. I was hyped as shit for this game and I feel like the concept wasn't truly realized till The Sims 3.

>> No.9022042
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you moron
that's the whole point. unlike sims 4 where you are rewarded for being loner loser or independent woman. in sims 1 the bang was on the traditional family values. and if you create normal family you will never have low social since everyone can eat at one table. one breakfast and one dinner like a traditional family would. shit like this deliberately not possible in sims 4 because of this nu agenda where being alone is good and living in a pod also good

>> No.9023386

HAHAHAHAH what a retard you must be!!!!
It's not a main character self insert simulator. It's a life simulator meant to teach tweens what it's like to be an adult. Of course they come home drained and barely have time to recharge before heading out again, because that's what real life is. Of course you need at least two people in one house, that's what real life is.
The game is intended for 12 year olds and yet you struggle with it.

>> No.9023409

>not starting off as a lonely loser who dates and marries the girl next door and has a kid with her

>> No.9023431

children are completely useless and a huge burden in sims1, just like real life

>> No.9023768

I would always start with a single Sim and have them get married to someone in the neighborhood, because when your Sim gets married it absorbs the entire other Sim's net worth into your spendable cash

>> No.9023778

>marrying for the dowry
based and feudal pilled

>> No.9024198

It's beyond comfy...literally top 3 OST of all time easily. Fucking incredible build and construction tracks

>> No.9024216

Well if you want money you just rush aspirations and then get genie lamp. Completely game breaking.

>> No.9024286

whats the difference between the complete editio and the deluxe edition?

>> No.9024384

my understanding is that deluxe edition contains sims 1 + livin' large, whereas complete edition contains all the expansions.
deluxe might be preferable if you want essential features like the grim reaper, but not all the bloat from the other expansions

>> No.9024817

they sometimes get random events that get them cash for good grades

>> No.9024842


>> No.9025776

vacation pack actually makes most sense in the first game than any other entry due to the fact that your sims work 24/7 and if you skip word twice you are fired. sims 1 at least tries to be realistic so when you spend most of your time doing work your family relationships will dwindle over time, and as some people >>9012354 >>9012458 >>9016263 have said sims 1 has turned into turn based strategy now, so you quite frankly have NO TIME to do anything else but work and prone to NO MISTAKE. so going on vacation is great opportunity to get relationships back to the top and take literal in-game break

>> No.9026073

I got the Sims 2 Ultimate Edition when Origin handed it out for free a few years back. I haven't had the means of playing it since and I've lost my Origin login details. I heard that it's since been removed from Origin, so I'm wondering if it's actually worthwhile me going through the effort of digging up my old account info, if I'm only going to find a great big Nothingburger at the end of it. Surely if I got the game back then it should still be there in my library, right?

>> No.9026980

If solo play is almost impossible to play normally, why enable it? If I play as a single-member family, build up from the ground up, then try to date another Sim, it usually never works out with them, and I don't know why it is. For the years back then which I spent playing the game, unless I made a multi-member family, your single Sim always stayed a loner, and it felt as if everyone was on Block Mode. Without cheats or grinding out skills, you need decent relationships, sometimes two or three of them, with other sims to move your sim up the career ladder. With multiple-member families, the split roles balance this out, but as a single-member family it's always felt impossible to me. I always thought it was the game deliberately screwing me over.

>It's not a main character self insert simulator
What part of my post implied that? What I said was that the starter/low-budget objects are next to useless for replenishing your sims' needs. We're talking about a gameplay experience here, not reality. If the player was to spend an eternity trying to get their sims to stable-enough moods so they can be productive in the game (grinding skills, making relationships, etc.), it's a job in itself and becomes micromanagement hell, like a strategy game. The objects that are available to starting families just don't cut it unless you craft out a tiny, retarded-looking shoebox house and instead spend the starting budget on better objects. I'm not wanting instant improvement or overpowered balance, but the balancing just seems poor overall. I never figured the game out without cheating, unless I were to turn off Free Will and click millions of times away, but then it becomes an entirely different game then and there.

>> No.9027190
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>finally get around to installing the Complete Collection
>use widescreen patcher linked above
>neighborhood view sometimes gets stuck in a loop repeating various messages about Oldtown, Superstars, etc.
>have to quickly and rapidly click on one of the icons up top as soon as the messages end to escape the loop
>get around to creating a Sim and moving him into a simple shit house with entry level stuff
>everything going swell so far
>tell to go cook something
>stove catches fire first try
>Sim starts extinguishing it
>looks like he's about to succeed
>NOPE fire multiplies and engulfs sim
>nigga dead in 15 minutes playtime
Game is fucking with me, isn't it

>> No.9027212

your sim has to have 1 cooking skill to not start fires
you have to buy a burglar alarm or you will robbed
don't answer the phone, it's 99% useless except the 1% of the time it gives you like a free $500
don't do single character only households. you will never make enough money or have enough free time. More people per house is better. Don't make children, they're only a drain.

>> No.9027230
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Gotcha. It's been well over a decade since I last played it so I forgot a bunch of this shit. Now that I'm over the frustration, that was actually kind of funny. Motherfucker didn't stand a chance.

>> No.9027242

Have you ever played Vacation? As soon as your sims leave their house, their needs start draining what seems like faster than normal and there's limited ways to recharge. They always end up broke and miserable after a vacation, just like real life.

>> No.9027370

The Sims 1 is still a fantastic game, but I don't know if I'd install all the expansions if you're new to the game. When I was a kid, my parents got a new PC because the Sims 1 expansions kept increasing the system load; the last one we got before upgrading was Vacation, which crawled on the old PC.

>> No.9027373

It's pure Maxis magic. I think I liked 2 the best gameplay wise, but 1 had so much humor and little dumb detail shoved into it. Great music and audio work too.
I miss Maxis, they had a style and it was a great one.

>> No.9027376

I enjoyed the sort of manic humor of the GBA games. Just weird plots and animations. Wizards appearing out of no where to call you an ass before teleporting away. Mayor's with top hats trying to foil your guitar playing.
Fun little RPGs, the GBA ports are.

>> No.9027426

all sims games better off on ssd. expansions always took eternity to load from hdds

>> No.9027460

This was in 2002, we didn't have that luxury then.

>> No.9027767

which is why it's great to run sims 1 and 2 on ssd and enjoy fast loading times

>> No.9027795

I had the complete set with all expansions. Pretty sure you had to install the expansions in a certain order otherwise you would run into issues lol

>> No.9027876

The Complete Collection has no such problem.

>> No.9027894

>the charming is-it-stock music

I think it's mostly jazz standards? Skyliner is defs on there though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsDXnYKkdqw

>> No.9027896

Can't speak for 10/11 but werks fine on 7

>> No.9027915

complete collection is full of stupid items and wallpaper and stuff. it bloats the menu. it's all a bunch of fantasy crap from makin' magic and superstar.

>> No.9028113

it's mostly bossa nova, which mostly in major key and major key is jazz standard, so yes

>> No.9028140

superstar actually has the most modern type of wallpapers and floorings that doesnt look outdated

>> No.9029430

i wish bustin' out got a port, it's such a fun mode but the lack of customization/mods brings it down, reinstalling 1 again, thanks fags
>Decided to make a one man family with a nice house but based him on Peter Sutcliffe.

>> No.9029585

2 is better in every single way

>> No.9029607

1 has more soul.

>> No.9029615

How is this game if I'm not creative or a self-insertfag?

>> No.9029707

It's fun until you become rich and max all your skills.

>> No.9030095
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>>9027230 here. I made a family of four dudes, built them a small two-story, two-bedroom and two-bathroom house, gave them all jobs, and after an initially rough start where the house was just a tad too small and I had to expand it ever so slightly so they wouldn't be getting in each others' way everywhere, it's actually gone pretty smoothly. Yes, you have to micromanage them quite a bit, especially to avoid the retards from going into the occupied bathroom when the one closest to them is the one that's unoccupied, but otherwise it's been pretty damn fun playing without cheats. The faggot dogs randomly walking into the house are annoying, though.

>> No.9030289

dating mechanic in nightlife is game breaking where you can just farm want points during over and over again
sims 1 is still king

>> No.9030297

>especially to avoid the retards from going into the occupied bathroom
that's essentially an added challenge. i was playing default pleasant household where it's 4 sims, and them all sharing 1 bathroom is where real micromanagement kicks in. i never thought i'd play a sims game where buying chair next to bathroom door to wait for your turn is legit strat

>> No.9030335
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>Life sucks, man!
You'd expect people old enough to play original Sims weren't bitter losers that bought to the early 90s cynical "family is shit, working is slavery and you will never be happy" bullshit... Alternatively - so they finally moved mentally from edgy teens

>> No.9030372

Say whatever you want, like if it still hold up or not, the soundtrack unquestionably does hold up, it's fkn timeless. I love it.

Marty Plays the Sims made some fun chill videos with Sims 1
it get crazier each new episode

>> No.9030378
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this is real life by the way

>> No.9030764
File: 60 KB, 1003x450, Setup Error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the 3rd or 4th different torrent i've tried with this same error, any ideas? (win 10)

>> No.9030768

Use the one on internet archive. And stop using Winrar Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.9030775

>shitting on winrar
gay and retarded

>> No.9030791

>And stop using Winrar Jesus fucking Christ.
does the job, never had an issue

>> No.9030825

install via wine using ntfs-3g to mount windows partition

>> No.9031121
File: 95 KB, 600x800, sims2_fashion_pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't care for The Sims, but I thought this thread might appreciate this image, as I always have.

>> No.9031126
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As well as the follow-up. After EA tried to get him fired or something (I don't recall the story), he toned it down somewhat (but read carefully).

>> No.9031178

>sims 2 had h&m
>sims 3 had sweet treats
>sims 4 has star wars
only sims 1 had sovl

>> No.9031223 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 959x1264, situation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'll have to try this, thanks.
i fixed my other issue but now it wants to install in d: (recovery) which i obviously have no space lel

>> No.9031295

kek fukken based

>> No.9031513

Sims 1's equivalent was Superstar, which was just an excuse to throw in as many celebrities into the game as possible, like Avril Lavene and Cristina Agulara.

>> No.9031616

Introducing magic and sci-fi was a mistake. The odd ghost is alright, but the series really went overboard as time went on. Not to mention half the art assets didn't match the original game.

>> No.9031775

It's no coincidence that Makin' Magic was the final expansion pack for the original Sims.

>> No.9033590 [DELETED] 

thank you i noticed the cabinet thing too. i also hated how the custom music was highly personalizable being able to insert new music in ALL the categories of the game from build/buy all the way down to radio genres in the 2nd game but was severely downgraded to a singular custom radio station and nothing else in the next game.
i loved the interactivity of cars in sims 2. it was fun building garages and driveways then watching the interactivity of the cars backing out of the garage doors back into the street and drive away. they werent exactly vital as taxis still didnt charge. i was hoping in the next game they would have given an incentive to buy cars by having to have to pay for taxis. if you were out and couldnt afford a taxi home your sim would be forced to walk home hours later with all their needs dropped as punishment (sims 2 mod idea?). but instead in 3 they did the polar opposite and removed all the car animations, removing what little satisfaction of owning a car there was. then 4 removes cars entirely. everything past 2 sucked but at least 4 had nice sims to look at. 3 had these weird cherub looking man baby sims.

>> No.9033596

thank you i noticed the cabinet thing too. in the 2nd game the custom music was highly personalizable being able to insert new music in ALL the categories of the game from build/buy all the way down to radio genres but was severely downgraded to a singular custom radio station and nothing else in the next game.
i loved the interactivity of cars in sims 2. it was fun building garages and driveways then watching the interactivity of the cars backing out of the garage doors back into the street and drive away. they werent exactly vital as taxis still didnt charge. i was hoping in the next game they would have given an incentive to buy cars by having to have to pay for taxis. if you were out and couldnt afford a taxi home your sim would be forced to walk home hours later with all their needs dropped as punishment (sims 2 mod idea?). but instead in 3 they did the polar opposite and removed all the car animations, removing what little satisfaction of owning a car there was. then 4 removes cars entirely. everything past 2 sucked but at least 4 had nice sims to look at. 3 had these weird cherub looking man baby sims.

>> No.9033727

>it's early 2000s, so you could just, you know, get a job

>> No.9033986
File: 1.70 MB, 325x194, 1322577924597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how I find myself expanding my house, not because I want to cram more shit in, but mostly so my fucking Sims aren't bumping into each other and blocking each others' path so much.

>> No.9034010

It can still be fun and it has its charm. I still like to build houses because I like the artstyle Sims 1 has. That said, if you have played the others this one feels rather limited.
Also this >>9012354 it can be realistic that you don't have much time to do other things because irl, usually work and basic needs take most of your time, but some more freedom would be appreaciated.
Sims 2 does pretty much everything better and adds other things. I'm personally not a fan of the artstyle, at least the one Sims have
In my opinion, Sims 3 would have been the best Sims if they polished the performance and small details, but they didn't so Sims 2 is overall better.

>> No.9034025
File: 92 KB, 750x600, 0790c020e950c78079a23231688a4646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, probably the only Sims game that's worth playing

>> No.9034074

yea you really cannot have comfy hallway unless it's 3 tiles wide. 2 tiles also fine, but you wont furnish it as it puts the danger of 1 tile and creates choke point

>> No.9034321

Anon, the game's technically abandonware like TS1. You can get it
for free with no problems, just don't bother recovering your Origin account
You have to level up cooking first. You can read cooking books on your closest bookshelf
It can run perfectly, but as >>9016209 said, you're better off running it using the widescreen patch if you're looking for a modern experience
Either use the Internet Archive one or get a copy from an abandonware site

>> No.9034364

>It can run perfectly, but as >>9016209 said, you're better off running it using the widescreen patch if you're looking for a modern experience
have you tried "simitone"? looks good on paper

>> No.9034998

Simitone is nice, but for some reason the UI is kind of corrupted for me :—(
We should try FreeSO one of these days

>> No.9035561

>requires .net 4.7.2
this shit doesnt work on my version of offline windows machine i use for gaming. so you have to do it manual way of editing hex values if you're in shoes like me