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9009519 No.9009519 [Reply] [Original]

For a first attempt at the genre it was pretty cool. Also it feels like one of the most 90s games ever. Say something nice about it.

>> No.9009698

the fact this game came on a black cartridge and came with a cd of the soundtrack was fucking awesome

>> No.9009703

>gave birth to the CCCCombo-breaker meme
Forever respect

>> No.9009707 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 480x600, 4463A0D0-CBA0-4406-941A-7AC03A0D2FD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key Bayliss was based

>> No.9009715 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 480x600, 9B839E27-7EBF-483C-AB0E-C3345F1FCB05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kev Bayliss was based

>> No.9009730

As a kid I thought it was impossible to master. After revisiting KI2 as an adult I realize it was basic dial-a-combo shite with the openers/linkers/finishers system, all style no substance.

Still better gameplay than MK in my opinion but ultimately not as great as SF/KOF/sega/namco fighters. It's in the World Heroes tier

>> No.9009736 [DELETED] 

Based low IQ anon doesn’t know how to into manuals and why autos are a stepping stone to one-frame links (as in every other fighting game) but that still didn’t stop this chad anon from posting his uninformed opinion.

>> No.9009745

I thought this game was shit most of my life but these days I find it has a lot of kitsch value the same way Primal Rage does.

>> No.9009869

Shit sux but the title song is fire.

>> No.9009886

The entire soundtrack was great

>> No.9009917

>my parents lost the CD while I was at college
These things happen I guess...

>> No.9009929

I lost mine in a move

>> No.9009942

I still have mine

>> No.9009964


>> No.9010000

>As a kid I thought it was impossible to master. After revisiting KI2 as an adult I realize it was basic dial-a-combo shite with the openers/linkers/finishers system, all style no substance.
I think that it still has a lot of substance, and it is the best non-japanese fighting game, at least of the retro era.
>Still better gameplay than MK in my opinion
This is a no brainer, MK's gameplay is quite poor, KI follows more the traditional SF school while adding its personal flavor to it.
As a kid I loved both, as a teen I lumped KI along with all the shitty western fighting games just because it was western and not animu-looking, then I played Ki again and realized it's actually good.
Fortunately it's not expensive, I remember seeing it for $5 on discogs. Of course not the same as your very own childhood copy but you can still get it if you want, great CD.

>> No.9010003

based killer chad

>> No.9010321

For me its sabrewulfs theme.

>> No.9010345
File: 38 KB, 1024x768, 1635799528234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought Orchid's tits looked fucking weird even as a kid. I was like, yeah, I get what you're trying to do, big boobie good, but wtf are THOSE?

>> No.9010602


Yeah me too. They did better in the sequel (though there were still problems, mainly with necks and faces). I mean she's still hot even in the first game, but... you have to be willing to discard some of what your eyes are telling you, to be attracted to her.

>> No.9012342

Even back then people would joke about early 3D models tits, i.e. Lara Croft.
But they're still titties, I don't discriminate.
Orchid was much more attractive in KI1 than 2 for me. Not that she was ugly in 2, she had a great ass, but her Janet Jackson face never did it for me the way her KI1 more asian face did.
But Ki2 has Kim.

>> No.9013450

I love early CG and I loved the extreme 90s style KI had. I agree it's the most 90s game ever, I dont think any reboot could ever do it justice since it'd need that same 90s energy that could only be unironically enjoyed in the 90s. That's why the reboot failed.

>> No.9013527

The graphics were awesome looking for the time. I remember renting games since I couldn't afford them my cousin got this an sucked at games so I got to sit down and play it for them while they watched. It's easier than mortal kombat for single player but probably not quite as good as tekken. Really for the time period Tobal#1 was a lot better. The game is probably too easy till you get to boss levels.

>> No.9013567

like how do they point up and are shaped like a bowl together?

>> No.9013616


They look like they're trying to escape

>> No.9014517

Throwing out your son's vidya stuff is part of being a parent

>> No.9015994

The arcade version is miles better than the SNES

>> No.9016061

Same. Something about her being all alone in that fmv, the lighting, and the geometrically unique tits just made it odd.
I’m okay with the character design in both games etc but her boob anatomy is weird.

>> No.9018293


>> No.9018464

As a kid I thought it was 2nd rate. I was wrong.

>> No.9018490

Arcade Version > Pure bliss
Snes Version > Pure Shit
everything was dowgraded, sprites, music, stages

>> No.9018512

Right, it is 3rd rate

>> No.9018523

>everything was dowgraded, sprites, music, stages
no shit namefag, the arcade was state of the art tech at the time and the SNES was late 80s hardware, but the gameplay was kept intact and even was tweaked to be more balanced.

>> No.9018613

fucking loved it
Cinder was the only character I could beat my brothers lmao

>> No.9019390
File: 67 KB, 485x600, 94149276_588133528719552_6519978844609314816_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever notice how green Riptor is basically a Kremling?

>> No.9019587

Didn't this have an arcade cabinet? If so, I think I've played this at the mall's arcade.

>> No.9019594

to be fair mortal kombat always been style over substance

>> No.9021327

Don't have the game anymore but still have the CD.

>> No.9021691
File: 439 KB, 1200x902, available for your home in 1995 only on Nintendo ultra 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now hear the announcer in your head

>> No.9021703

this game has one of the worst character designs i have ever seen. who the fuck made these stupid characters

>> No.9021847

The combos filtered me hard, as a kid the basic idea of Rare prerendered 3d characters fighting eachother sells you on it but when you actually have the controller in your hands you realize it's some sort of elaborate rhythm game.

>> No.9022007


>> No.9022039


t. zoomer born in 2004

>> No.9022072

Good try at an original gameplay concept (fighting game centered around extended combinations), good soundtrack, could play as a werewolf.
Some of the game concepts were hit-or-miss, but that's to be expected.

>> No.9022076
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Kek. So uncanny valley, even other characters couldn't survive seeing them uncovered!

>> No.9022475
File: 134 KB, 886x562, A71CEF73-9AFC-49D2-9931-34C7779BB256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9022539


>> No.9023154


>> No.9023219


>> No.9023705
File: 11 KB, 256x224, Killer_Instinct_SNES_unauthorized_device.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the first game that I ever saw a copywrite protection screen for when I tried using it with the game genie and it scared the shit out of me and I thought I was going to get arrested so I started inconsolably crying until my older brother asked what was wrong and told me I'm a dumbass.

>> No.9023720

Rare is a British studio, girls in the UK either have huge fat knockers that hang down to their stomach or like a c-cup that points off in weird directions.

>> No.9023731
File: 42 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the time 2/Gold came out my dick belonged to Maya.