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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9007383 No.9007383 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think there's a large amount of people who refuse to play old games on original consoles, refuse to emulate, and only play on officially released ports?

>> No.9007391

Imagine paying 20 bucks for a shitty port with input lag as one of the newly based features

>> No.9007396

For the number of people constantly begging for ports of $OldGame to switch and steam, I'm going with yes.

>> No.9007403

If only the retro console market wasn’t so damn inflated

>> No.9007437

I think that group is a small sliver of the Venn diagram, no. I do a little bit of everything. E.g I’ve bought FFX a few times and the Megaman games several. I might want to make some progress in FFX, then do the hokey challenges in MMLC on the same machine before playing current Gen multiplayer

>> No.9007448

Considering how Persona 5, being 6 years old, has rendered /v/ unusable for the week, I'm inclined to believe that plenty of people want to play old games. Can't blame them, I'd rather play a 2016 game than the latest and greatest open world multi-player crafting survival game with wokeness and lootboxes ad infinitum.

>> No.9007462

I played this today. It costed like $4 for 6 games plus extras not found in the originals. No input lag on my Xbox controller. I like it.

>> No.9007468

what if i don't like playing shit on PC

>> No.9007497

Then don’t?
I mean with steam now, shit is really simple

>> No.9007524

I like to imagine that there's someone out there who REALLY wants to play Mother 3, but has a strict moral stance against emulation and piracy, so 16 years later he's still begging for Nintendo to give him Mother 3.

>> No.9007927
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I think there are plenty of people who aren't aware of emulating games on a PC or phone or whatever, and there are a ton of people who just don't want to pay for an old console. I don't think that is outright refusal moreso just ignorance.
I mean, in all honesty, if you're being a moralfag the legacy collections are a pretty good deal.

>> No.9007943

blame Capcom for stretching out the megaman virtual console releases over the entire lifespan of the wii.

>> No.9007956
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Piracy moralfags are a special breed of tard, so emulation is a no-go. As a result, they're too poor for the original consoles and games, and so must beg for ports from indifferent and often actively malevolent publishers. Works out great for the rest of us, since I happen to enjoy playing ports on my Switch in bed sometimes, and a new version of an old game is at least better than the money going to the latest scam of the month.

>> No.9007965

I think so, it's the legal path of least resistance. Real hardware is scalped so you're fucked if you're too young or sold your stuff already. There's also a good chance rereleases have a digital version that can be bought and played the same day just like emulation. Meanwhile normalfags play telephone with emulation so much, people started thinking you'll get swatted for downloading Tetris.

>> No.9007973

>bought and played
Meant to say downloaded and played but you get the gist, it's all about convenience. I should've also added that most people who fall under this category just want to relive their childhood or explore retro gaming. Those reasons are fine but it almost makes you want to tell them there's cooler ways to play.

>> No.9007974

I think a lot of people genuinely don’t know about emulation or find it off putting as it sounds more complicated than it is. My cousin was like that until I showed him how to do it and how he could just look up YouTube videos on how to do pretty much anything, and now he’s the one trying to explain it to his coworkers who find it as off putting as he did. I don’t know if todays generation just doesn’t like to learn, or are afraid to fail… or maybe they are just lazy.

>> No.9008015
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Well that's how learning stuff happens lol. A lot of people are put off of doing ANYTHING technical if the alternative is much much easier. Even if there are long term benefits people would rather go for the perceived easier solution. You being a mentor to your cousin is how traditions and culture is passed down.
People like to dig on Zoomers but it was up to older millennial brothers and sisters to teach us this shit, and you guys didn't. By the time we were like 10 there were already so many options to play retro games officially that there wasn't any desire to find alternative ways of playing them, unlike the millennial age where you grew up along the mass arrival of the internet where EVERYONE was learning how to do stuff and all these supposedly ubiquitous concepts were formed.
Also let's not forget that Zoomers didn't grow up with these old consoles. If someone's first console was, shockingly, a PS3 or Xbox 360 there are no easy ways to emulate those games on modern systems. By the time millennials were 16, 17 they could play almost all of their childhood games with zsnes or whatever were the defacto best SNES, Genesis, NES, emulators of the time. You STILL need a PS3 to play Metal Gear Solid 4, while all the other games are easily playable via emulation or modern PC ports. One of my favorite "childhood" games was Little Big Planet 2. A big part of that are the community levels. You literally cannot play most of the community levels made because Sony shut down the servers. You can easily play every single Mega man game ever released on like a 200 dollar handheld. You can play every Mario, every Sonic, and close to every final fantasy on your smartphone.
I'm not digging at you personally it's just a trend I'm seeing everywhere.

>> No.9008020
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As someone who's always preferred to own physical copies of the games I really like, nowadays these ports and collections are pretty much the only cost effective way to do that when it comes to a lot of retro titles.

>> No.9008038

Dunno if you think I was talking about zoomers, but I’m mostly talking about my generation. If anything, the zoomers that I’ve shared this stuff with are more willing to try than millennials. Trust me, I’m just as revolted at the state of my generation as you are. We had such good childhoods that most of us didn’t grow up, I probably could reach the text limit filling up a post of all the complaints with millennial’s, but considering where we are I’d just be preaching to the choir.

Another nice thing with zoomers (or at least the ones I know) is that they are very willing to play my recommendations, where as most of my friends my age can’t stand anything with “bad graphics”.

>> No.9008094

There are some people who own the consoles but refuse to use flashcarts/emulate. And if the game is not on Virtual Console/PSN/Steam etc they think that they are straight up unable to play it. I've realised that it's mostly Americans who do this

>> No.9008109

>it was up to older millennial brothers and sisters to teach us this shit
I was the first in the family to know how to emulate so that's bullshit. My millennial cousin had to learn this shit from me. There were online guides if you didn't know how to set it up. Kega was my first back then and it's just setting up a virtual system: emulators are the console, roms are the games and WinRAR is like opening the box. Stop blaming millennials because you didn't want to take the time to learn.
>If someone's first console was, shockingly, a PS3 or Xbox 360 there are no easy ways to emulate those games on modern systems
Lol I remember people used to ask when Saturn emulation wouldn't suck, there's no way PS3 would've had something. Most 7th gen titles were multiplat so you could've grabbed the PC version anytime. If you were boned there were still used physical games.

>> No.9008121
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It's cool that you just didn't read nor understand my post.

>> No.9008124

>We had such good childhoods that most of us didn’t grow up
As a foreigner, why is this a thing? I'm also a millennial, but coming from the third world, I've been more of the mindset of "play what you can, figure out how", which is how I got my interest on retro vidya started on the 00's. Also in the 00's my perception was that the US was angry, furious and scared after 9/11, so it didn't seem to me from back then like you guys were having a good time at all.

I think the other thing is that some companies such as Capcom release these collections to gauge interest. supposedly the sales of LC1&2 greenlit MM11, so if you want a series to come back, you're boned to support these even if you already own them in a different format.
Then again I only pirate them kek

>> No.9008125

I would only buy it if it were a dead series and the port were like the company putting a toe in the water to see if the current market would enjoy it. So right now if you want Monster Rancher to get a new game you should buy the DX release. And if From ever releases an AC collection I'd buy it just for the chance of a new game. But otherwise I stay away, especially when there's no hope of revival like with classicvania

>> No.9008135

Zoomers are the minecraft generation no wonder we have better taste. Millennials are the ones complaining about how bad the games they grew up with have aged and praising shit like the spyro and crash remakes for "updating" them

>> No.9008138

>And if From ever releases an AC collection I'd buy it just for the chance of a new game.
If it's any consolation, current rumors are that Miyazaki is already working on a new Armored Core, with a plot summary that sounds like it's heavily inspired by Dune.

>> No.9008143

There would be a lot to go through:
>vidya technology was rapidly improving
>animation had hit its stride and was both cheap enough and profitable enough to get some quality entertainment
>technology also hadn’t become all consuming yet either, so as long as your parents limited your tv time you still got a good amount of outdoor time with friends
>a lot of popular IP’s were born in that time, especially Pokémon
>arcades were on their way out, but still a thing and another place to hang out with friends

The 80’s and 90’s were very good times to be a kid in America, though that may have done more harm than good.
Millennials are the consoomers they were trained to be. Everything in our entertainment and commercials trained us to want the newer and better thing. It’s why I think so many of my friends have trouble looking back and realizing that older entertainment genuinely is better.

>> No.9008169

If you do this, whether it's playing only stuff you can buy physically or digitally, then you're probably just some trendy tryhard.

There is only so much you can do, so much you can play, with that logic, and your knowledge will be limited to the most famous games on the most famous consoles publishers deemed okay to release in your region.

With that said these people are more numerous than you think. Every time a popular series gets a re-release there are threads about it every day for 2 weeks and everyone starts acting like they've known the games for 30 years

>> No.9008219

>refuse to play on old consoles
No. Who the fuck will refuse that? But original consoles are getting old, expensive, and less and less compatible with modern TVs probably.
>refuse to emulate
Probably some who want the thing that "just werks" and don't mind spending an extra buck on that.

>> No.9008321

There are.
They are the silent majority.

>> No.9008373

Never underestimate how clueless normies are. Most of the population doesn't use the internet much outside social media and smartphone usage.