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File: 58 KB, 848x480, 341560-banjo-kazooie-xbox-360-screenshot-clanker-lies-submerged-in-1844902316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9005986 No.9005986 [Reply] [Original]

banjo-kazooie is a great game, but swim controls are absolute SHIT
It's not just the controls, but the guy's "item hitbox" is so small and he takes forever to turn, yet moves forward very quickly
getting underwater notes is hard enough, but these tea-sucking limeys want me to turn a fucking key with these shit controls
absolute nightmare

>> No.9005990

they key's also so far away from the surface, there's not enough air to do shit, and catching bubbles is hard with these ass controls

>> No.9005991

the fucking smormus reset when you die, too

>> No.9005995

git gud
i beat this game when I was a semen drop in my dad's left ball
it's a masterpiece you just don't understand

t. coping banjofag

>> No.9006005

i don't want to be an asshole but if you're having trouble with banjo kazooie you should probably reconsider playing video games as a hobby.

>> No.9006019

not him, but the platforming parts are easy, it's the fucking underwater shit
It's not that it's really hard, it's jsut plain fucking infuriating
underwater controls are absolute cum, it legit feels bad to swim in this game

>> No.9006023

so fucking bad, it's like trying to control a wad of deer jizz with a taser

>> No.9006025

Say what you want, swimming IS fucked up in BK and the said level is where it gets really really obvious.
The best strategy for it is just ignore everything and go straight for underwater challenges/notes, then around Clanker, then into it, doing everything possible not to fuck up.

I have no idea why so many people defend this janky game, the only guess I can make is that it plays completely different on real N64 hardware and any emulator just fucks things up making it an unpleasant experience. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to prove that theory.

>> No.9006029

Alright, I kinda figured it out, you have to aim at the bubbles while swimming with banjo and push with the bird
It's shit, but I managed to tame it

>> No.9006030

I also think having an oxygen meter/fall damage in a platformer is super gay
I mean, it adds some realism and probably a challenge too but it's still gay. At least in the game about fucking cartoon bear and bird.

>> No.9006051

nevermind, it's like trying to control a ball of snot with a straw

>> No.9006062

Fuck you OP

>> No.9006089
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>finally turn the key
>die because no air
And I have to get the notes, too

>> No.9006101

No wonder /vr/ whines about Banjo so much. You're all filtered shitters

>> No.9006102

how old are you?

>> No.9006264

If only AVGN dropped more N bombs.

>> No.9006273

Yeah I usually end my play throughs when I get to this level just because I can’t get myself to beat it again.

>> No.9006328

well, fuck you too, my friend

>> No.9006338 [DELETED] 

Stop saying the n word you ass. Reported.

>> No.9006339

This. Be like this guy and hone your banjo skillz. Warning: may involve chopping your dick off.

>> No.9006349

>t. ranny

>> No.9006353

Protip: Hold the R button while swimming, and Banjo can make sharper turns.
I have no idea why the game doesn't tell you about this.

>> No.9006402

Just press R, for retard, which is what you are. Then kill yourself when you get the chance.

>> No.9006529

shit bros, it's actually kinda playable now, still sucks elephant dick

>> No.9006567

also, when you're underwater, instead of comfy kalimba-like music you get this high-pitched anxiety siren that sounds like you're about to get eaten by a shark

>> No.9006573

OP is right, the swimming controls in this game are the worse in existence. Cope nintenfags.

>> No.9006665

Yeah, the swimming is still one of the harder parts of the game, but once you know about the R button it gets a lot easier.
You'll be relieved to know that future levels don't rely on water as much as Clanker's Cavern does.
Of course there's plenty of water to swim in, but you never need to do anything as harrowing as the key diving again.

>> No.9006714

Alright, 100%d the world
took 2:14 hours total
Pretty proud about finding the empty honeycombs
Very soulful and fun world, aside from freeing the whale part, picking up the notes and smormu at the bottom was torture, but the R button made it actually possible, really don't get why Bottles doesn't tell you about it
Fuck, this is a very fun game, but I don't look forward to replaying this part in the future, guess I'm not 100%-ing it after this
why is it always the water level and the ice level

>> No.9006716

>no key diving
Thank fuck for that

>> No.9006984

Fyi Clanker's Cavern is frequently placed on the bottom of folks' favorite level list. There is one level late in the game that is HATED more than CC but that same level is also well-liked by a lot of people so yeah. It's all up from here.

The R trick woke for flying too.

>> No.9007287

Keep us filled in on your progress

>> No.9007317

don't have an N64 anymore but i've got the games on Xbox, never had the chance to play them on there much but i want to. what's different in BK1 compared to the original relases? do they hold up just as well?

>> No.9007341

>hehe trannies

>> No.9007346

BK is still pretty good but the Xbox version is easier since you keep notes after dying.

>> No.9007375

Hold R while turning underwater to turn quickly, the game tells you this. It's not the game's fault you never read anything it told you.
Remember at the start where Bottles asked you if you needed help? Maybe you should have asked him for some instead of insisting that you knew the controls inside and out.

>> No.9007394
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Xbox is the original but with widescreen and notes are collected permanently like the other anon said. Some say this is too easy but I always thought it was a pretty shit game mechanic and it was changed in Banjo Tooie which means Rare must have thought the same thing.

It also features a few higher resolution textures which look fine enough asides the UI which looks pretty fucking shit imo. Looks like they upscaled and then drew over it.

If you have a decent PC, emulating the Xbox 360 release with the 60FPS mod is a pretty good way to play the game. If you don't care about it running at 30FPS then I'd say just play it on your Xbox or emulate the N64 version which too has 60FPS and widescreen patches if they're your thing.

>> No.9007395
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You know if you hold R you can turn easier underwater. You'd know that if you read the manual you fucking retarded zoomie

>> No.9007402

we already told him that and he's beaten the level since then
did you not read the thread?

>> No.9007406

>the game tells you this

No, the sharp turn trick is never told to you in-game except specifically in the Xbox version and even then, only for flying

>> No.9007460

if only there was some kind of way to completely avoid fall damage via the bird in your backpack.................

>> No.9007506
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The R button trick is incredible and it's a shame more people don't know about it.

>> No.9007732

So, another tip!
If you do the ground pound, you can steer Banjo during the animation where he backflips onto his feet.
He isn't programmed to do anything else until he touches the ground, so you can bypass fall damage by pounding and then flipping off a ledge.
There's a level later on involving scaling a giant tree, and this trick is especially helpful there.

>> No.9008087

Yeah, why not, I'll give a short review after finishing a level
So far, great game, a Mario N64 sidegrade, the way they space out the moves instead of dumping them on you like in Mario adds a sense of progression, it's kinda like a metroidvania
Mario has an overall higher skill ceiling since the game forces you to use all these skills from the get-go, while Banjo expands the experience gradually
The fear of losing notes makes the stakes higher and adds more difficulty
The characters are cute, I really like Bottles' voice, and the bird and the mole are good friends, I love how they just tag along to save the bear's sister, no questions asked
It is pretty fucking weird how the mole dug a hole through the whale's flesh and it's fucked up how Grunthilda keeps a slave to eat her shit and piss
Grunthilda is an asshole, but her name is funny
The game is very charming, the way you control two guys at once makes it more interesting
The graphics are really fucking good, it looks like a PS 1.5 game, definitely controls like a 6th gen game, except for the dated camera controls, but the ability to continuously center the camera makes up for that
>first level with eekum bokum
Great introductory level, the only confusing part was when Bottles teaches you about climbing slopes, and then there's the ant tower nearby that has sloped platforms inside, so you'd think you'd be able to climb it with kazooie, but you can't, spent a couple minutes trying to scale it
>pirate cove
Really cool level, soul
love the shark, the only shitty part is getting that smormu thing under the wharf, it's pretty hard to do with the shark
I also lost a 43-minute playthrough at 96 notes and 4 smormus because I didn't pick up the 4 notes on the wharf and the guy under the wharf, so I climbed the bridge to get the notes and dive to get the guy, and just walked into the level teleporter like a retard, it has an awkward placement

>> No.9008093

I usually read the manuals, but I skipped this one, rip
Thanks bro, that's pretty useful
I discovered a trick that's rarely of any use, but you can slide off platforms and do a somersault mid-air
I think you have to start the somersault while still on the platform

>> No.9008225

I like the swimming in BK, how Kazooie does the strokes. It's graceful and zen you mongrel.

>> No.9008231

I wish Kazooie did the strokes to me. We could also go for a swim afterwards.

>> No.9008241

What about the fucking flying? Trying to go inside the star three times within a strict time limit is torture. And the quiz can go fuck itself. Cute idea, horrible execution with those death tiles. I dislike collectathons in general, almost all except spyro 1, mario 64 and bk have so much shit minigames and mechanics nobody asked for for the sake of variety.

>> No.9008259

The question is why even have fall damage in a platformer, fag. In a game that heavily uses jumping. In a game about fucking Disney-esque characters.

Imagine if Mario had to stop to take a break every dozen of jumps, because he's fat and middle-aged man with heart problems.

>> No.9008270

psure mario has fall damage without the last minute ground pound cheese

>> No.9008345

Should I use Angrylion or something else? Angrylion looks pretty fucking good.
Also, bros, what's the go-to crt shader right now? I heard there's something better than royale now
Actually, isn't he like 18-22

>> No.9008349

royale makes my fucking eyes hurt

>> No.9008356

another thing i dislike is how much percent of the notes and jiggies that are required for the true ending. mario 64 and spyro did it right by letting you skip a lot because unless you use a guide you are bound to miss a few things on the first attempt and when the game lets you skip some stuff you can also pick and choose which things and levels you like, and avoid the THAT part

>> No.9008417

How do you wear turbo trainers as crocodile banjo? He just phases right through them

>> No.9008469
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>> No.9008471 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, I found the Cheato thing
Thought it was a winter level
Is there no winter level, bros?

>> No.9008485

Does the game autosave when you exit and enter a world, or do you have to save and quit from time to time?

>> No.9008613

because the developers wanted to waste your time. you should just save it for later when the game arbitrarily lets you do it after you have talked to the mole in the desert level

>> No.9008656

Just pure kino, love the croc transformation
>snow world
Really comfy, but why did it become cryptic all of a sudden? Previous puzzles made sense, in this one, you have to fly through the star thing three times and destroy the snowman's buttons, I would've never figured out the latter on my own
did it without the boots, was just curious why they were there

>> No.9008973

interesting. based on your prose i'd have guessed you were around 12-14.

>> No.9009026

The R button trick works for flight as well.

>> No.9009094

Analysis appreciated, you seem a lot more savvy than most new players, you should be fine. BK has a few flaws but mostly just minor gripes it's genuinely astonishing how well it holds up despite a few issues here and there. It's a little odd to compare Mario and BK like everyone does. Mario is a 3D platformer. BK has a lot of platforming in it but that isn't what the focus is, Banjo isn't supposed to be very acrobatic the focus is really more on exploring things.

You mentioned metroidvania. Idk if you LIKE them, but the sequel Banjo-Tooie is very much that. Tooie is full of backtracking and the game is fucking HUGE and interconnected. Some dislike that, some love it. In BK there's only a single Jiggy in the game you HAVE to backtrack for (not counting the overworked) in the snow world, it'll be obvious you don't have the ability for it yet.

If you can get 90 or more music Notes per world you're golden.

The game autosaves after getting a Jiggy or doing literally anything even slightly important. The save and quit option is mostly just for show lol.

BK gets harder as it goes, the difficulty curve is pretty good and gradual for the most part. By the way, when you come upon a level late in the game that is metallic and polluted (not Clanker's Cavern). Prepare to have your asshole clenched because it is the "that level" of this game. And you can fucking forget about getting all the Notes first try because you WILL die a couple times there. Music is a banger tho.....

Last cryptic advice from me is when you encounter a world that has the next transformation after the walrus, be sure to take it out into the lair and do shit with it because if you don't you'll get completely fucking turned around and waste a shitton of time wandering around nowhere near where you're supposed to be.....I believe in u good luck son

>> No.9009205

I used to type out walls of text with perfect grammar and punctuation, carefully planning out every sentence but then realized it doesn't matter and decided to focus on other things, like actually playing games
I feel free without the need to worry about every detail, I just improvise everything
Interesting, I didn't have a problem with flying, even without using the R button, it's way more responsive
It does hold up, beautiful, charming game with nice, smooth gameplay
Some retro games, like Ocarina, have this trope, but Banjo seems to be especially fond of making you go inside giant animals
I don't like a lot of backtracking because I get autistic about it and start making notes and maps, that's a pretty weird direction to take
>90 notes
I'm taking the collectathon thing seriously and getting 100% on every level so far

Thanks for the hints, bro, especially the post-walrus one

>> No.9009251

How does it feel to be this bad at video games?

>> No.9009269

I'm sure Anon is very hurt and upset that [random internet stranger] thinks he's bad at video games lol

>> No.9009387

Of all the N64 games I think Banjo has probably held up the best. It still looks good and somehow avoided the N64 fog. It also has one of the higher stable framerates for a game on that console which itself is pretty surprising. Wonder what trickery they must've used.

>> No.9009562

Because it was meant to impress people with realism. Now we recognise that fall damage is boring but back then boomers were amazed

>> No.9009693

2 main ones. First is culling which Banjo-Kazooie is REALLY fucking good at doing. You can see it in action at 0:52 here


Stuff literally doesn't exist unless you're looking directly at it. That's why Tooie lags sometimes, the levels are huge and it will lag if too many polygons are on screen at once. Terry and CCL attempt to alleviate some of this by dynamically unloading polygons behind the big center mountain you can't see anyway.
The 2nd thing they did I don't entirely understand but it has something to do with textures. Apparently by default the N64 was unable to stretch high-quality textures or something. Rare had to literally invent some shit that enabled them to work with higher quality textures and stretch them however they pleased so stuff looks way better than most N64 titles.

Idk man, I think most games kinda NEED fall damage not for gameplay but just for realism. I know it's supposed to be fiction and you can do whatever you want, but there is a limit to believability here. But I suppose they could easily remedy this by making it so after you fall a certain height, Kazooie will flutter her wings automatically to slow you down to explain why you're not taking fall damage. That would work well and feel organic. I mean, why DOESN'T she try to help when they're both plummetting to their deaths??

>> No.9009712

Games not hard. The only hard part of any banjo kazooie game is canary mary in banjo tooie

>> No.9009785

You seem upset tho

>> No.9009798

Never thought I'd find someone else who used nigger as an adjective

>> No.9009802
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>> No.9009891

Fall damage was never about impressing people with realism, lol. It was just to give a punishment for fucking up platforming

>> No.9010697

It's a real goddamn shame we all live in the timeline where Clanker's Cavern was 80% sewer water world 20% inside bizarre android whale thing, and not the reverse ratio. Real shame.

Should have cut out all underwater parts except for the swimming inside his stomach. Make Clanker himself bigger, make the water outside Clanker so filthy and dark that Banjo and Kazooie can't dive under it. Include rooms and Jiggies dedicated to Clanker's heart, brain and lungs and a few other rooms, and really double down on the weirdness and nonsensical anatomy of this strange cyborg shark-whale organism. This would skyrocket CC from being many people's most hated world into one of the most unique and fondly-remembered levels in the game.

Also the music inside Clanker is already a way better musical composition than the Cavern. There I said it.

>> No.9011182

Isn't that pretty common?

>> No.9011189

>you can kill the green wall thing in clanker's cavern
what the FUCK

>> No.9011523
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nice world, really comfy, one of the best in the game
the music sounds very SNES-y, kinda like the Actraiser sand level
poor camel, lol
the fucker just wanted to exist in peace, first he's chained to a rock under the scorching sun, then he's cucked out of his hard-earned water while he was in a goddamn oasis and then you scour the map, looking for the poor bastard, and take the last thing he owns by force
it takes a sick bastard to chase a fucking camel out of a desert
I think there was potential for mutual agreement in the oasis, all you needed was water the plant, and the camel would have a nice shade
on the other hand, he was being a stingy bastard while he was literally surrounded by water, he could've just given some water to the plant
I actually liked it a lot, the only part that really sucks is the key dive

>> No.9011630

no shit retard it took you 24 years to figure this out? you never tried to beak tap it to death?

>> No.9011856
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holy shit, 10/10
this is definitely the best level for me so far, but I spent an hour trying to find the last jinjo, honeycomb and jiggy because I didn't think about breaking the windows
one of the most atmospheric levels in the game, it's so unexpectedly large, too
I'm storing the save file in a folder to play during halloween, beautiful level

>> No.9011871
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It also reminded me of maps from Blood, the shining hotel one and E2M5: The Haunting

>> No.9011878
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The most aggressively yellow level in all of gaming?! While I don't approve of the animal abuse the camel is a stingy bitch and the running gag of ruining his day for no reason is pretty funny

And I fucking adore the environmental humor with the tree that most people don't stop to think about. The joke is that he is literally surrounded by water but he's an ANTHROPOMORPHIC tree, so he needs to physically drink the water with his mouth instead of his roots. And if he were any OTHER animate object with googly eyes on it like we constantly see in these games, he would be able to cartoonishly hop around. But no. He's specifically a tree, something which is rooted in place, and he cannot move his solid wood fucking face to reach the water a foot away from him.
Also, Banjo and Kazooie stroll up to this dying tree in an oasis literally begging for water, and both characters are like

>huh? what? I only understand the world in terms of eggs and feathers. what d'you mean it HAS to be water?? sheesh let's get out of here, this guy is unreasonable, there's nothing we can possibly do to help this tree *jumps over oasis and leaves*

Comedians can learn a thing or 2 from this string of events.

>> No.9011881

the underwater theme for this level is beautiful, one of the best ones

>> No.9011886

BK’s swim controls are limited but not terrible for what they are.
Conker’s Bad Fur Day has HORRIFIC swim controls, by far the best of any retro Rare game.

>> No.9011890

it better not have a fucking water level, then

>> No.9011891

*by far the worst

>> No.9011898

I knoooow it's such a fucking great world just because of the atmosphere and presentation alone, the music feels like pure undiluted essence of Halloween is being injected directly into my bloodstream. Hope you figured out you can kill undead enemies with gold feathers cuz it's too late now lol.

This level is also a shining example of the design philosophy that makes a lot of BK worlds good. The world is not really that large but it's condensed and intricate with tons of shit to do so it FEELS huge but there isn't any pointless empty space.

>> No.9011903

Yeah, I thought solving the puzzle would involve finding a bucket or something, but it got resolved in the most hilariously roundabout way

>> No.9011912

don't know about the skeletons, but I killed ghosts with the feathers
Found this out by accident while in the maze, remembered I had the feathers when I had 1 HP, and one of the ghosts died, it's definitely the most valuable thing to know about this level, it would be hell if I didn't know this trick

>> No.9011921

it's one of the halloweeniest things I've seen, definitely, the music is great

>> No.9011940

You sweet, summer child. Hell isn't a bunch of gothic demons chasing you around a maze. Hell is a bunch of spinning gears, axles and fan blades. :)

>> No.9011943

this level was always where bk kicked it up a notch for me

>> No.9011972

Nah not really. Conker is overall a bit less polished than BK at times but it's arguably better in some aspects and worth playing for the sheer novelty of the experience. It's a wonder that game even fucking exists at all and it feels like a big fever dream with a South Park squirrel

>> No.9011982

I like how smart Kirkhope is with his sound design choices. Most underwater tracks are very deliberately not supposed to grab your attention, they are supposed to be simplified as a shrt underwater break from the rest of the level. But in a DESERT being underwater is more novel, so he makes sure the music sticks out a little more than normal

>> No.9012104

rusty bucket bay?
more like crusty fuckit gay

>> No.9012106

You're the Mark Twain of modern times

>> No.9012109

mark twain?
more like shart stain

>> No.9012259

>but you never need to do anything as harrowing as the key diving again.
I don't know man, swimming under the ice in the winter part of Click Clock Woods was way more harrowing to me.

>> No.9012281

Conker is a wild experience but imo not really a great game. Like half the game consists of novel but frustrating shit that you just can't wait to be done with, and a lot of other parts wear out their welcome and become tedious very quickly. I'm glad I played it the first time but kind of regretted replaying it.

>> No.9012295

Based but actually Conker is just a shit game that coasts on the
>omg it's so gross and crude and ON THE N64?!?!
And that's basically it

>> No.9012501

It took me like 15 years AFTER playing the game to realize Conker is just a corruption of conquer.

>> No.9012514

Swimming is easy in B&K what are you guys on about?

>> No.9012607

I agree, the ability to make tight turns helps tremendously and makes it okay to swim around. Maybe not FUN like land movement, but not a chore.

What DOES suck is that the game NEVER tells you about the tight-turning. That's a legitimate issue.

>> No.9012646

He should have brother named Coman.

>> No.9013445

And his cousin Havagoh

>> No.9013929

aaaiiiiee am
degrate mai tipoooo

>> No.9014154

I don't see what the big deal is with the fans in rusty bucket bay
I literally only got hit by them once, and had a solid 19 seconds left when I reached the underwater propellers
The game is merciful enough to keep the jigsaws you collected even if you die
The fucking shark guarding the jinjo is giving me more trouble than the fan part, it's EZ

>> No.9014238

uuhhh bros
why are there two male goblins in a room with a single bed

>> No.9014446

Welcome to the navy boyo.

>> No.9014472
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more like gavy

>> No.9014850

>rare is cheeky enough that this could have been an actual joke and not just enemy placement for gameplay purposes

>> No.9014857

Not in my experience, especially not to describe things other than people

>> No.9014894

I don't see how it would be anything else, it's literally a room with two guys locked in it
All the other goblins have small bunk beds, this is a sex bed for two people

>> No.9014908

That's supposed to be the captain's cabin and his bed, and it just has enemies in it, calm down. The ship's steering wheel is in the same room.

Of course, the goblins definitely ARE fucking on that bed, as well as on every squar inch of the ship, but that's beside the point

>> No.9014913

banjo kazooie's swimming controls >>> super mario 64

>> No.9014919
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The oxygen consumption rate is a bit bullshit, it's tricky to traverse, but it's a solid level
very different from other worlds, feels too real
It has an actual boss battle
The soundtrack slaps
I happened to get every jinjo except the underwater one, located under the mesh with the bee house on it
Fuck, that was painful, had to swim there twice because he spawned a jigsaw piece, being the final one

>> No.9014962
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Very cool concept, and it's somehow not very repetitive
It's a beautiful world, made me a bit sad for some reason
Solid level, the rain is aesthetic as fuck
Felt like the transformation was criminally underutilized
The grass is nice, and the abundance of HP really makes it feel like summer in a meta way
the fat fucking squirrel farting and belching was unexpectedly hilarious
the camel encounter was also hilarious, I think they fucking replaced his soundfont to sound more offended and horrified when he met his tormentors
ground pounding him once more was funny as shit, but I felt bad about bullying the poor fucker again
gorgeous, wish there was an actual level like that, by far my favorite, just running around the red slopes as kazooie feels great
comfy, with a touch of bullshit
my son grew up
the snowmen can suck my dick, but they were dealt with swiftly, glad they finally let the player skip platforming
placing the four notes on the top of the house is a cruel decision
I think they placed them there expecting the players to collect them mid-flight
skipped that by doing a somersault and going into kazooie mode while the bear was crouched
maybe that's how it was intended
One thing I'm really mad about is how I climbed on top of the skull on every world in the game just to check if it had anything
the ONE fucking time I decide to stop being autistic and abstain from climbing on top of the skull, since the developers made it CLEAR that they had absolutely no intention of placing anything on the roof of mumbo's house
the one fucking time I do that, it turns out the last fucking smormu is hidden there

>> No.9014971

idk, it's the reverse for me
mario is also shit, but at least you don't have to collect too much underwater shit
he also doesn't float as much

>> No.9015470

I decided to replay this game 2 days ago because of this thread and I’m already at Click Clock Woods. Guess I’ll finally get through Tooie next.

>> No.9015557

I recommend doing the N64 version of Tooie because it has a fast walk cheat code you can put in in the fist level. N64 Tooie even has widescreen mode but obviously Xbox has higher graphical quality, depends on if you care about that more than you care about default walking speed. These levels are huge and sprawling and you'll be wandering around a lot....

>> No.9015946

I think I found why I dislike BK's swimming. When you stop holding the swim button, moving the control stick rotates Banjo but it does NOT change your trajectory. You're stuck continuing to slide the same trajectory you were going when you let go of the swim button

So if you're swimming toward a collectable underwater hich means if you'll release the button in an attempt to not overshoot it but the fucking bear will keep sliding 10 feet away past your goal

>> No.9016110

Doggypaddle bro

>> No.9016678

Did you finish it?

>> No.9016697

damn, bros, awesome game, got 100% except for bottles's minigames, fuck that shit
here's my world tier list, ranked in order in each tier

S tier
>mad monster mansion
>treasure trove cove
>bubblegloop swamp
>click clock wood
>gruntilda's lair
A tier
>clanker's cavern (excluding the bullshit key dive)
>gobi's valley
>freezeezy peak (very comfy, but the snowmen can go fuck themselves in the ass)
B tier
>rusty bucket bay (too grimy and brown)
mumbo's mountain

>> No.9016703


>> No.9016704

>(excluding the bullshit key dive)
Is that what caught you? For me it was the pink jinjo that I quite literally spent like 5 hours looking for. Piece of shit faggot bird

>> No.9016715

>pink jinjo
It's the one in the chasm, right? I don't know, I immediately dove in and got it
The fucking key dive, including the jinjo and the notes, took me so many fucking tries
The swim controls are fucking ASS, >>9015946 this is why

>> No.9016719

>the chasm
I mean the one inside clunker, not under him

>> No.9016724

>tea-sucking limeys
someone rewrite this entire OP as overly british

>> No.9016726
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, 32453245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9016817

Gruntilda's Lair is the most enjoyable, atmospheric and fun hub world to explore out of almost every other game I've ever played.

>> No.9017032

Beat it last night. I've played the game before but Iin retrospect I'm not sure I ever actually managed to beat the final boss before.

>> No.9017075

gruntilda is a tough bastard