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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 220x274, Doom3box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9005562 No.9005562 [Reply] [Original]

About to play picrelated and am about to play it, what to expect? Loved the other 5 DOOM games.

>> No.9005574

Lots of PDA reading

>> No.9005578

Classic scifi horror fps

>> No.9005598

In for a good time.

Hope you're playing the dark anon with a monitor or TV that has good contrast.

>> No.9005602

Half-Doom, Half-Life, all barely /vr/

>> No.9005646

Lots and lots of pointless imps and then more imps on top of imps
The game basically starts at the recycling plant

>> No.9005715

look behind you bro! rawr

>> No.9005737

use the flashlight mod, or play the BFG edition, that haves the flashlight mod included, resurrection of evil, and the lost mission.

>> No.9005757

System-Life 3 featuring the Revenant from the Doom franchise.

>> No.9005767

I thought BFG edition was too be avoided? Can't remember what was wrong with it though

>> No.9005768

You'll hear that a LOT.

>> No.9005926

Crap. Boring teleporting monsters, awful guns, no music and the worst shotgun in Doom history. And an absolutely horrific final boss.

>> No.9005929

>Boring teleporting monsters
to be honest this made the game feel comical to me, you get to a point where you can already 180 before an impnigger appears because you know he's coming

>> No.9005932

And that's what's so wrong with it. It's so fucking tedious after the first 3 times.

>> No.9005935

bad half life 2

>> No.9005962

It has more in common with Half Life and System Shock 2 than any other Doom game.

>> No.9005972

It's basically if Doom and System Shock had a baby and it's also really dark.
Make sure you use the dhewm3 source port to play it.

>> No.9005975
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>Recommending the BFG edition

>> No.9005985
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I've been wanting to replay this lately. Something about makes me want to come back to it every few years. Its not a bad game, but should have been a new IP and not DOOM though.

I thought so too, but can't remember either. I think its the lack of mod support. Also the Classic DOOM wads are the 'censored' ones. I.e. the red cross is removed from medikits.

>> No.9006017

A very monotonous game that pits you against basicallly the same 3-4 encounters over and over again for 6 and a half hours.

4 hours in, you have seen it all. so many times that it's just unbelivably predictable. You that that in imp is going to try and claw you in the face the moment you open that door. You that another is going to spawn behind you in that hallway. You know, because that's what happened the last fifty times you were in an area like this.

If you go into it expecting a watered down System Shock 2 with slightly better combat, you might enjoy it.

If you go in expecting Doom? Trash.

>> No.9006052
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we got quake 2 RTX.
doom 3 RTX when??

>> No.9006079

Play nu-Doom and Eternal, and then play Doom 3. The difference in pacing and gameplay is enormous. You go from falling from skyscrapers without any repercussions, to taking high damage from a 5ft fall. From running at superhuman speeds without tiring to walking like an old grandpa and getting tired every 5 seconds. From punching holes on cyberdemons with your fists to losing fistfights to lowly zombies.

>> No.9006087 [DELETED] 

I know it's not /vr/ material but as someone who grew up through all this I fucking loved nu-doom. Eternal was pretty decent but 2016 just hit something primal within me. Fucking loved it.

>> No.9006119 [DELETED] 

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9006145

This is like a /v/ analsysis of every game coming out now yet it's still completely accurate for Doom 3. It's like overt cynycism like this is intentionally missing the point of the entire medium. Of course your average internet "realist" will never understand that. They're too wrapped up in themselves.

>> No.9006152

i honestly have no idea what you're trying to say here, but yeah, doom 3 sucks a fat fart.

>> No.9006154

this thread is the usual "retard contrarians and retards who didnt play the game" commentary.
doom 3 is a narrative game with some cool cutscenes (mostly at the start), very dark environments and atmospheric gameplay.
it's an alright game but it's got very little to do with half life or system shock.
flashlight mods arent needed unless you're a pussy

>> No.9006158

>narrative... dark... atmospheric...
how about you go back to masturbating your anus faggot lol. i don't want a "narrative" shooter, i want a fucking good game, which DOOM 3 is not.

>> No.9006160

>Loved the other 5 DOOM games.
1, 2 64, Doom RPG 1 and Doom RPG 2?

>> No.9006165

That literally every single fucking thing modern that comes out /v/ pulls the same type of analsysis on regardless of whether it's deserved or not. At least with Doom 3 you're kinda right (if overly harsh) but nothing is good enough for them clowns. The videogame equivalent of the fucking Sistine Chapel could be shown and they'd still piss and moan.

>> No.9006170

I think it makes more sense when you realise it was Carmack jacking off over muh shadow volumes and literally everything else occupied about 0.00001% of the time he spent thinking about Doom 3. It's why it doesn't feel too bad for the first five minutes or so but you quickly realise you've seen everything the game has to offer and you still have another eight hours of shit to get through.

>> No.9006175

>you're complaining... and you're right!
okay dude i get it, you just wanted to type word soup that sounded analytical and wax armchair intellectual for a minute. doom 3 sucks, glad we agree.

>> No.9006178

>it's got very little to do with half life or system shock
It very clearly and openly took inspiration from both. The general structure of the game is 100% Half Life while things like the audio logs and general background storytelling mechanics were very System Shock. They don't even pretend to hide the inspirations there.

>> No.9006181

i didnt say it was a good game. but as usual my response to fuck faces like you is to name 3 things that are better than the thing you're shitting on, they never reply.

>> No.9006182

im guessing he means doom 1, 2, 64, plutonia and tnt

>> No.9006185

More venting that being a moany cunt who sees the good in nothing is the fucking standard these days. Yes, everything's shit. Well done. Go wallow in it.

>> No.9006195 [DELETED] 
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>but as usual my response to fuck faces like you
t. you

but hey, ill bite. Timesplitters 2, Quake 3, Hard Reset. that was easy.

>> No.9006203

i see the good in plenty, there's nothing good in doom 3 lol

>> No.9006204
File: 469 KB, 700x525, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is in danger of being flooded by bitter incels, quick name your favourite moment from doom 3.
im gonna say the level with the escorting robots, those little niggas really knew how to fuck demons up.

>> No.9006208

>kills the shit tier enemies for you so you don't get even more bored doing it yourself
based desu

>> No.9006212

instead of sending in a marine they should have just sent in 50 of those robots, problem solved

>> No.9006214

Not even the bit where they said pistachios?

>> No.9006440

In for a very short trip on mars.

>> No.9006612

Play f.e.a.r. afterwards.

>> No.9007481

yeah, pretty much. carmack has always been a graphics fag with very little understanding of actual gameplay; not to indirectly credit Romero with this, since he was a total hack who contributed almost nothing. guys like American and Sandy are what made the classic games so good, but unfortunately they couldn't compensate for carmack's obsession with technology that resulted in the festering pile of dogshit known as DOOM 3 and its even stinkier, uglier brother Quake 4.

>> No.9007494

You will get a little bit in and think
>huh, this isn't so bad, it's actually kind if fun
>this should really pick up once the game starts throwing more at me
and then you'll get close to the end and realize it never starts throwing more at you

>> No.9007520

>name 3 things better than Doom 3
Painkiller, System Shock 2, FEAR.

>> No.9008086

The shotgun is great though!

>> No.9008129 [DELETED] 




>> No.9008134

>use the flashlight mod
Why are you such a faggot

>> No.9008136 [DELETED] 

>flashlight mod
It’s almost like Carmack made a realtime lighting engine because vision was considered a resource of its own. But go ahead and play the game however way IGN’s reviews influence you to play. I’m sure they’re pretty good at games, right?

>> No.9008140


>> No.9008153

It's pretty spooky. Basically Half-Life 2 survival horror. The shotgun is so bad it's basically a melee weapon but the death animations are satisfying.

>> No.9008159

>vision was considered a resource of its own
sounds really fucking fun anon. I love not being able to see what I'm shooting.

>> No.9008160

tech demo to show off the 9800 pro graphics card
not much of a game

>> No.9008161 [DELETED] 

>I love playing a horror game that invested millions in R&D for rendering shadows where I can clearly see everything at all times
This is why we hate normies.

>> No.9008167

Also you're a fucking space marine from the year 2xxx and you're telling me that you're stupid space suit doesn't have any kind of option for a flashlight? No duct tape on your space station? Just fuck off.
You can't see clearly you see a tiny spot illuminated by your shitty little flashlight.

>> No.9008173

>I love tech demos and jerking off to carmacks stupid smug face

>> No.9008176

Has nothing to do with quality. 3D mapping, especially with the level of detail that shooters of that era needed, is way harder than drawing sectors for Doom.

>> No.9008183 [DELETED] 

>You can't see clearly you see a tiny spot illuminated by your shitty little flashlight.
You missed the point of my post, try again. It’s a scary game where vision is a resource. You exchange survivability for vision. You use audio cues and glowing enemy bits to determine where to shoot. Illuminating things you were intended to illuminate while also having the ability to defend yourself totally defeats what they were intending to do with this game. You really think Carmack wasn’t told by someone during development to have a flashlight active with the gun at the same time? Halo: CE prominently had this feature and it predated Doom by 2+ years. They clearly intended what I’m laying out but Carmack was too chad to make a game for brainless normies like you. Go play a different game.

Also the game still sort of sucks because enemies spawn behind you all the time. The point remains that the flashlight was a design decision that went over your empty head.

>> No.9008184 [DELETED] 

Doom retro pixelshooter hipsters seething at Doom3 has to be the most asinine shitposting on here

>> No.9008186 [DELETED] 

Imagine actually defending an enemy-spawning-behind-you-simulator

>> No.9008187

you don't even need the flashlight you fucking terribad casual fuck. Same reason why its optional in game

>> No.9008191 [DELETED] 

Also Doom 1&2 used darkness and required you to use enemy audio cues a lot with no in-game flashlight either. Stop being retarded in public.

>> No.9008192 [DELETED] 

>oh wo an enemy spawned i can't deal with that it scwares me and is two hard owo

>> No.9008194 [DELETED] 

Enemies spawning behind you is so overused in Doom 3 that it doesn’t even generate quality jumpscares like Fear. It’s just bad level design and your seething and coping amuses me.

>> No.9008197

how is this any different that the og doom games, enemies teleport in from all directions.
Hell a boss is even based on the concept.
You are a tremendous homo lala faggot boy

>> No.9008201 [DELETED] 

You just suck at games and get scared easily your opinions are irrelevant.

>> No.9008204

>It’s almost like Carmack made a realtime lighting engine because vision was considered a resource of its own.
Nah, more like because he was a tech autist and never cared about gameplay at all.
>But go ahead and play the game however way IGN’s reviews influence you to play. I’m sure they’re pretty good at games, right?
Yeah anon, i am sure that IGN reviewers have made this mod and made it the most downloaded one themselves, all in a devilish plot to undermine Doom 3's stellar design.
Truth is, flashlight mod removes nothing from the game but tedium of switching between weapons. Yeah, maybe you will be caught off guard by one more imp jumpscare without it, or take an extra hit or two. Big fucking deal.

>> No.9008205
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>> No.9008207 [DELETED] 

No one cares what anti-game casual faggot journos think.
Kys you onions infused shit heap

>> No.9008209

complaining about the darkness and flashlights isn't an argument. It means you are bad, the game isn't for you and you are a pussy.

>> No.9008224
File: 76 KB, 1024x768, DJ0MA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interstate 76

>> No.9008227

> doom 3 rtx
Not gonna happen because it doesn't have the same reputation that q2 has. And it'll never have it.

>> No.9008230

i love the start the voice acting and atmosphere is superb. Its like a movie level production feel.

>> No.9008232

> Doom 3 rtx
Although, I'd love to see that! Or a remaster.

>> No.9008234

Quake 2 is ass compared to Doom3 you love ass

>> No.9008237

For me, it's the Perfected Doom 3 mod

>> No.9008239

Doom 3 has some good mods, despite being a big fan of the game im yet to try any.
Its on my to do list.

>> No.9008243

Talkin' reputation faggot.

>> No.9008248

the only thing Q2 had going for it was the Strogg concept which wasn't properly realised until Q4 a Doom 3 style game.

>> No.9008263

Stop pretending like duct tape mods weren't a thing back then you shitbrain.

>> No.9008265

Even with the flashlight mod the game is way too dark to be enjoyable.

>> No.9008275

oh no look its brain fell out, you are retarded.

>> No.9008281

I personally just like the style of hard shadows and very dark games.

>> No.9008294 [DELETED] 

>redditors need a mod to play a game that doesn't even need the mod
Dear god they really are plebs.

>> No.9008295

honestly i could handle the shotgun being a melee weapon
i could handle the literal pitch black levels where you can only have a flashlight OR a gun
i really cant handle EVERY attack turning the camera in a random direction
every time i tried to shoot an imp it would usually hit me first and make me shoot the ceiling then kill me in the next hit
just v. unfun and frustrating

>> No.9008296

sorry to call attention to it, but the spawn points are fucking annoying
walk past wall, trigger demon spawn, turn around and kill it, repeat ad nauseum
The game was good at the time.

>> No.9008297

if anything the only mod the game needs is putting the super shotgun in the base game.

>> No.9008302

> The game was good at the time.
This. It's presentation was awesome. Although I found the levels and gameplay very repetitive. But everytime id tech releases a new engine I get a boner.

>> No.9008327

Good atmosphere, but tedious and boring and repetitive combat/gameplay.

>> No.9008352
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The shaking. I know mods fix it, but still, the shaking. What were they thinking?

>> No.9008360

>and you still have another eight hours of shit to get through.
20 hours

>> No.9008363


>> No.9008718 [DELETED] 

Enemies in Doom 1&2 seldom literally spawn behind you like they do in Doom 3. In situations where they did, it was usually a secret room of some kind where that occurrence was seldom and correlated with the risk/reward of going off the beaten path. Doom 3 has enemies spawn directly behind you in nearly a third of every room you enter and you instinctively develop a ritual habit of doing a 180 flick every time you enter a room you haven’t been before because an enemy is bound to spawn in the same familiar doorway you just entered.

I could draw graphs level by level to demonstrate this but I think it’s easier if you just play Doom 3.

>> No.9009098

The first time I played this, I collected and read every PDA and thought it added to the games story and atmosphere,. It did but got tedious towards the end. Kind of like AvP2 in that you can totally skip the pdas etc, but it really fleshes out the story if you take the time. Then again, it’s Doom, so story was never the original game’s focus…

>> No.9009117 [DELETED] 

Doom 3 fans are cancer incarnate.

>> No.9009128

Stun equivalent. Actually a good idea as far as I care.

>> No.9009171

It’s a perfect follow up to the old games. Captures everything that was great about them without being pure nostalgia bait. On that topic Wolfenstein the Old Blood was also fucking fantastic. I wish the series went in that direction instead of 8 hours of cutscenes that was new colossus

>> No.9009325

Yeah agree there, New Order was also fantastic, Wolfenstein 2 was gash, never even bothered with the spin off thing they made.

>> No.9009328

What's the bottom middle? Sam passing by?

>> No.9009332

Quake 2 was a easy enough load to do full path tracing + RTX with. Don't think Doom 3 could do the same, just RTX sure but that wasn't the point or the impressive part of the demo.

>> No.9009341 [DELETED] 

from your taste?

d3 is the best one imho. slow burn horror done right. none of that re4,5,6,7, crap.

never got into the other dooms at all. all that 2d pixelshit was just boring. bang bang bang. yawn.

quake 1 was good.... rage 1 had promise but was buried during the zenimax takeover...

id is dead, give it a rest. just a name, an empty husk to fool gullible mouthbreathers.

the people who made your fav games are lon gone. deal with it

>> No.9009605 [DELETED] 

Based low IQ brainlet zero quality post

>> No.9009658

I even tried to recreate this game.

>> No.9009685 [DELETED] 

FEAR is objectively a better version of what Doom 3 attempted to do on every level.

Bioshock is more story driven but atmosphere was a focal point of Doom 3 and was also done better here.

Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay also manages an atmospheric spooky FPS with some guns blazing action and is more enjoyable than Doom 3 in nearly every way.

Doom 2016 and Eternal obviously don’t care much for atmosphere but do the standard loop of Doom1&2 gameplay justice unlike Doom 3.

There, that’s more than three examples for you, but all you needed to realize how irrelevant of a game Doom 3 is is the fact that Doom 1&2 WADs are still played to this day in spite of Doom 3 being a giant leap forward in tech. Seriously consider how bad of a game you have to make in order for that to happen.

>> No.9009695 [DELETED] 

>"slow burn"
lol kill yourself redditor

>> No.9009746 [DELETED] 

> You just suck at games
Oh no, I have no problem doing 180 flicks in CSGO and Doom 3. My taste just isn’t shit to assume a game doing that in a third of every one of its room to be good level design.

Better examples of level design:
Doom 1&2
Shadow Warrior 1
Doom Eternal

Have a good day chad anon whose terrible opinion didn’t deter him from posting.

>> No.9009754 [DELETED] 

>>9009746 is also directed at >>9008192

>> No.9009761

Quake 2 works because it already had global illumination. RTX for Doom 3 would make it look like a completely different game.

>> No.9009767 [DELETED] 

Thread is being janned to death. GG /vr/ you died an early death to arbitrary uncommunicated overmoderation.

>> No.9009776 [DELETED] 

Jans, you missed this one while you’re at it deleting everything in this thread.

>> No.9009819

bit unfair, i don't think the popularity of doom wads has much to do with the quality of doom 3.

>> No.9009825

doom 3 sucks dude

>> No.9009857 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 640x1136, 3A030C6F-164B-4E95-A211-C206FA180F4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an archived copy of this thread so you can see just how much stuff was janned out:

You are basically browsing something worse than Réddit with these levels of arbitrary uncommunicated overmoderation. What happened to you, 4chan.

Someone screencap this post before a jan deletes this post and bans me. People deserve to be informed what sort of board they’re on and how overly aggressive and arbitrary this moderation is.

>> No.9010010

Ironically, fear and doom 3 share the same weaknesses as far as repetition, environments and story is concerned.

>> No.9010124

No. Unlike Doom 3, FEAR's combat is actually fun, the enemies intelligent and the environment actually changes up.

>> No.9010132

I didn't see much in Fear when I played it, felt like a by the numbers shooter, but I didn't actively hate it. Which is way more than I can say about Doom 3. Doom 3 would be completely forgotten without the Doom name.

>> No.9010161

No, the environments are just industrial, office and industrial again.

>> No.9010173 [DELETED] 

Which is an improvement over hard surface space station and Hell-based hard surface space station.

>> No.9010191

going to hell and killing the dog easy 10/10 gaming moment
so fucking crisp

>> No.9010214

The Armacham building had a "fair" amount of variety: office spaces, labs, restrooms, lobby, one-person offices, conference rooms, a part of it was still under construction too. Then you had the rooftops, the elevator section, security offices, the sewer system (or whatever that was)... it's not the most varied stuff in the world and other games had much more interesting settings, but Doom3 is far worse: a random hallway full of pipes, a storage area, few seconds on Mars, some acid pits, more hallways full of pipes, more storage full of crates, more acid pits... but then came the hellish stuff. The early sections of hell were really nice and when they started inserting gore and flesh inside the station, that looked really cool. But overall... eh... Maybe FEAR could get away with it because the pacing was better or because you were more concerned with the enemies than you were with the environment? IDK.

>> No.9010457

>it doesn't have the same reputation that q2 has

And yet everybody on this board bitches about Q2. So what reputation are you talking about?

>> No.9010540

It's more of a system shock sequel than a doom game. It's all right. Could be better as an fps, but it had some neat parts.
I like the bfg

>> No.9010612

How would you say quake 4 compares to doom 3?
How do you feel about resurrection of evil?

>> No.9010640

Start is pretty spooky.
SMG feels really good to use.
Coming back from Hell for the first time and fighting higher tier enemies with low tier weapons is a fun challenge.

>> No.9010775

Expect dogshit.

>> No.9010786

I can't wait until summer is over and you zoomers are back in school.

>> No.9010968 [DELETED] 

you suck you dumb zoomer troon

>> No.9010978

hmm... nope, i checked and doom 3 is still a shit game. it also says here that you're kind of a faggot and you have a bulbous anal fistula. want to start explaining, friendo?

>> No.9010984

you are a shit go back to playing crap

>> No.9010986 [DELETED] 

inb4 your post gets janned since the archived version of this thread has like 50% of the posts getting janned.

>> No.9010990 [DELETED] 

the same mod was also upset that i said dudes who eat ice cream are gay and nuked that too. it's been a rough one

>> No.9011167

you suck idiot. stop abusing your modding privilege to push shit ideas you cancerous dickless coward

>> No.9011264

On this forum people bitch about anything. What are you even thinking?

>> No.9011424

>retro hipsters onions scream over pixel shooters (not even the good ones like Marathon, just doom) since 2010
>now ps1 style pixelated textures on low poly models is the new in vogue retro hipster style.
>we are going to have to wait another 5 years before the little shits realise Doom 3 style aesthetics are cool.
>even though we (the people that actually lived through this) always knew it was cool.

>> No.9011426

kys you stupid nogger faggot

>> No.9011462

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9011487

Very nice Civvie-11 opinion, anon.

>> No.9011492

i dont know what thst means but im going to guess it's just something a dumb faggot says when he's mad sbout someone not liking his shit game

>> No.9011507

Tell us what you think about sewer levels

>> No.9011508

>t. Cancer Mouse

>> No.9011509

So it changes at least three times. Whereas D3 is literally just corridors.

>> No.9011515


>> No.9011530

Damn you got filtered by Doom 3 so hard you can't even form a coherent opinion.

>> No.9011553

DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire of the FPS genre. the gameplay consists of walking through endless identical metal corridors, shooting a small variety of identical enemies, talking to identical NPCs (who all happen to be some derivation of a bald guy with green eyes or a half asian dude in a yellow jump suit with a Wally Cleaver hairdo), listening to some faggot on a radio tell you where to go next while you happen upon "audio logs" filled with meaningless purile dialogue that serve as a weak attempt to fill in backstory, and occasionally you'll be tasked with doing random dumb unfun shit like picking up toxic waste barrels with a claw machine like you're a fucking waste management technician. add to this the game's notoriously shit weapons, B movie monster closet jump scares (if you can even call a dead Howie Mandell lurching at you from around a corner "scary"), retarded enemy designs such as a flying bald woman's head with pirhana teeth, a fucking sprint meter, a flashlight that you had to toggle because the Xbox version couldn't handle gunfire and dynamic lighting at the same time so they gimped both versions (because, big surprise, DOOM 3 is a console shooter and a bad one at that), reddit-tier references and in-jokes like the heckin' wacky turkey puncher arcade machine, and of course, the "plot" which is akin to an especially bad vin diesel movie and -- despite a 5min+ long unskippable intro sequence and multiple cutscenes -- somehow manages to be less enthralling than the original game's story which barely existed at all. DOOM 3 is one of the biggest pieces of shit ever made.

>> No.9012612

Tough to pick one, I like a lot of them.
Overall my favourite theme in Doom is hell slowly consuming man-made architecture, and in case of 3 that idea reaches it's peak in ROE's Delta Labs. The place literally shifts between two dimensions each 10 seconds or so. Still makes me nervous.
Oh and btw, BFG Edition butchers this level badly. Another reason to not touch that shit version.

>> No.9012971

Doom 3 is a good game and I'm tired of ya'll pretending it's not.

>> No.9012980

doom 3 could cure cancer and it wouldn't get the wad support that 1&2 do, it's just a facile argument

>> No.9012993

>could cure cancer
stop saying this. and it doesnt matter. it's a shit game.

>> No.9013005

you give off weird smelly slav vibes, go back to rpgcodex

>> No.9013013

says the retard who uses the same phrases over and over like nobody on here will notice. doom 3 is a bad game for every reason that the wally cleaver hairdo post stated.

>> No.9013018

not reading this whole thread nor am I adding anything new but just expect a spooky corridor shooter instead of anything remotely doomlike. Nu-DOOM & Eternal are what you're looking for if you like the old games.
Not that Doom3 is bad. it's just different.

>> No.9013069
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>> No.9013131

I have said this time and time again

Depending on how you looked at the original game, you may or may not enjoy it.

All these faggots that keep saying "bUt iSnT DeUm" never played the PSX "port" nor Doom 64 and have understand that horror is also a concept that works and is used in the Doom franchise, in fact even the original game had some scary moments for its time.

If we talk from a technical perspective, the game is fine at best, but think of it as more of a glorified demo than something worth praising and replaying. It's just fine, but the atmosphere really manages to capture that early 2000's gaming feeling while keeping some familiarity that doesn't make the game feel too alien when compared to its predecessor.

>> No.9013147

you are legit fucking retarded if you think DOOM 64 is as dissimilar to the original games as DOOM 3.

>> No.9013182

See OP? Bunch of faggots.

I didn't even said Doom 64 is vastly different than the original nor that it plays like Doom 3, I'm talking about the horror and atmosphere both of these games offer. Learn to fucking read anon.

>> No.9013432

>DOOM 3 isnt so much a game as a satire
This is like the stock standard pseud response to everything now? to call everything satire?

>> No.9013435

>Nu-DOOM & Eternal are what you're looking for if you like the old games.
oh no its retarded

>> No.9013437

Nu-Doom is good, but it isn't anything like the old games. It is like what would happen if you made a next-gen Painkiller.
Doom 3 sucks.

>> No.9013442

no your opinion sucks. Doom 2016 should have been like Doom 3. Instead of pandering to you onions scum.

>> No.9013448

Doom 3 fans are the most deluded people imaginable. It is a terrible game on absolutely every level. Complete failure as a shooter, complete failure as horror, complete failure as a tech demo (everyone used the much nicer looking Source engine instead).

>> No.9013457

>Nu-Doom is good, but it isn't anything like the old games.
I never said it was just like the old games, just that it's probably the better choice and more comparable to the old games as opposed to Doom 3

>> No.9013462

No, anti-doom3 shitposters are the most deluded.
You like other games, you don't like doom 3. Its fine. but some people love doom 3. Get over it.
There is non consensus, there is no circlejerk.

>> No.9013463

This game was pretty bad

>> No.9013469

Play the normal version, pc or xbox. Not the bfg edition

>> No.9013473

its a great game, the shooting feels really good. people hate on it because it does things differently. but its a doom game through and through.

>> No.9013476

you mean like doom 3 was the stock standard response to shooters?

>> No.9013484

what are you even gibbering about. This shit has to be seething valve trolls.

>> No.9013493

no, fuck valve, half life is dogshit too. id made the best shooters but they all came before doom 3.

>> No.9013508

doom 3 is id kino. Repent zoomer. Its my favourite along side doom 2 and Quake1&3.
See its not an us vs them argument.

>> No.9013534

"""Doom""" 3 is dogshit

>> No.9013539

doom 3 haters are dogshit

>> No.9013573

>everyone used the much nicer looking Source engine
Are you on crack?

>> No.9013635

lgs, valve, monolith, bungie, rare and 3drealms all mogged id garbage, retarded fanboy

>> No.9013641

forgot raven

>> No.9013664

It's Resident Evil: Mars.

Still several billion times better than fucking NuDoom and NuDoom 2: More Fucking Bullshit.

>> No.9013749 [DELETED] 

Wow. What a bold and original opinion. Take it to Reddit and shove it back up your ass.

>> No.9013970

Doom 3 is a massive turd

>> No.9013993

I enjoyed it at the time, but it dragged on a bit. I lost interest about the time you fight the big dinosaur fag in hell.

>> No.9014000

Quake4 was pretty good, I played it on Linux then picked it up later for x360 because it had Q2. It's punchier gameplay than D3 but like that game drags on a bit. Worth a play if you like D3.

>> No.9014064

Quake 4 and RoE are improvements, better boss fights.
One of the weak points in Doom3 was the final boss being a bit gimmicky.

>> No.9014076
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I meant
>DOOM 64
>DOOM (2016)
>DOOM Eternal
doom 2 is my favorite. i also played tons of mods like plutonia and stuff and those were all great too.

>> No.9014093

The best game with that engine is Prey, a damn fine game.

>> No.9014172

LMAO, nothing else you postes even approaches the best id games but rhis one is especially funny. kill yourself

>> No.9014228

Marathon is better than Doom

>> No.9015630

okay ill concede, i forgot about marathon. durandal is fucking great but i dont know if it's better than doom, the story is at least. halo CE was also good but outside of that they're a pretty shit company man. it's hard to top Doom 1, 2, 64, Quake 1 and Quake 3.

>> No.9015750

Bungie was good up until MS bought them. I'm a fan of all their pre-Halo stuff.
I like Marathon and Doom 2 about equally, i just think Marathon is the better game.

>> No.9015878

you know, durandal was one of the first shooters i ever played. my older brother showed me it when in was about 6 in 98. i remember thinking it was the coolest fucking shit ever. i couldnt get that far in the story mode at the time but we used to play custom maps he made and kill bobs by the dozen. i learned to appreciate it more in my mid 20s after going back and really playing it for real. i have to say though, one of my coolest memories as a kid was going to a boyscout jamboree in 2002, hundreds of scouts with tents and sleeping in a big field, and some older guy had set up PCs running off a generator in a gazebo down the road from the field, and had them all hooked up to a LAN for DOOM 2 multiplayer. thinking back now, both games gave good memories.

>> No.9016429

Boyscouts are fags

>> No.9016894

i know a lot of the kids were gay as fuck, i was an omega chad with a huge pussy-pounding cock that never stopped smelling like vagoo no matter how many times i washed it though

>> No.9018420

Are mods worth getting vanilla over BFG edition? What are good mods for Doom 3?

>> No.9018427

A cool reload for the plasma gun and probably the strongest chainsaw in any of the Doom games.
The flashlight does a shocking amount of damage too.

>> No.9018446

plasma and chainsaw are both lame because the plasma sounds like an older black woman's farts and the projectiles move slow as fuck and make it boring to use, and the chainsaw doesnt have good audio-visual feedback so you dont even feel like youre cutting anything, you just hover your saw there and the enemies flinch all gay and shit. man fuck doom 3.

>> No.9018453

That's oddly specific for the firing sound. I don't really care to know about your fetishes, but I was just talking about the reload, it looks like you're loading a jug full of liquid into the gun.

>> No.9018454

I love the chainsaw.

It audibly tears up flesh and metal.

>> No.9018458

i think so some of the mods look incredible check out the top modb mods. Theres things like whole new games like a Thief game, Quake level remakes, Doom3 expansion campaigns like Phobos.
All much better than what you get in bfg.

>> No.9018462

>sounds like an older black woman's farts
Not familiar with this sound

>> No.9018607

Just play The Suffering. It came out the same year, it's mostly the same type of game but it actually has some thought put into it.

>> No.9018880

depends on what version. the original is more of a survival horror game while the BFG edition is more of a traditional FPS from the time.

the RoE expansion and extra episode from the BFG edition are relatively fun and i the the grabber was arguably a better gravity gun on account that it can catch projectiles like revenant rockets and imp & hell knight fireballs.

>> No.9019254

Wtf are you talking about. Chainsaw has loud flesh-hacking sound and is outright deafening if you touch metal with it.

>> No.9019284
File: 498 KB, 2560x1440, DOOM 3 redux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have a 120hz screen go vanilla and get the redux mod. If you do have a 120hz screen go BFG with CSTdoom3 mod and set the values (like ammo, health etc) back to vanilla settings.

>> No.9019502

that would be really fucking cool

>> No.9019536
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>> No.9019595

Doom 3 is just controversial.

>> No.9020512

funny way of saying trash

>> No.9020552

Plutonia fag, pls

>> No.9020615

>implying i like that shitty fan wad
>implying i like the originals at all

>> No.9020625

Look we don't need brutal doom fags here.

>> No.9020659

i have never played brutal doom in my life and it looks fucking gay

>> No.9020780

>he can't cope with Plutonia
lmao scrub

>> No.9020880

>he thinks i've actually played it

>> No.9020892

why is there one faggot that doesn't even like Doom swinging his shitty diaper all over the place?

>> No.9021143

it really isn't. Just a handful of pussies and faux nostalgia tards seethe at it

>> No.9021152
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The reason why there is no duct tape to tape the flashlight to the gun is because the Great Adhesive Wars that occurred before Doom 3

>> No.9021197 [DELETED] 

the fuck is with redditors and duct tape

>> No.9021208

It's a demon.

>> No.9021215
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No idea what you are talking about. It was a joke that my friend made when we were playing the game the first time when it was originally released.

>> No.9021356
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>use the flashlight mod, or play the BFG edition

>> No.9021402 [DELETED] 

now i have to look up which post was pruned for no good reason

Oh someone was sensitive about duct tape being a reddit meme?
wow, excellent board.

>> No.9022520

agree, game sucks

>> No.9023163

Not a classic doom run and gun. NPCS, cut scenes and storyline

>> No.9023452

Definitely the reactor meltdown, such a crazy scene all around.

>> No.9023515

I like the sexy redhead from the DLC

>> No.9023519

How did it go

>> No.9023542

Kill yourself idiot nu-doom has the music the combat the exploration

>> No.9023550

Halo is better, you niggas clearly never played Jenga on XBL. Halo is a really magical game where anything can happen because of the huge sandbox and physics
Also it has the music and epic characters

>> No.9024160

dude ive had an XBL account since 2006. ive prolly racked up 10k+ hours on gears 1 alone, and i used to play a ton of halo 3 multiplayer. splitscreen matches on valhalla with snipers was legendary shit. truth is though, there are a lot of better shooters. timesplitters trilogy destroys halo trilogy in the console realm and PC has stuff like quake 3 and UT, even some obscure gamea like command and conquer renegade that does everything halo does and more. yeah some of those halo 3 memories are cool, but compared to the memories timesplitters or quake 3 gave me, there's no comparison.

>> No.9024185

Depends on which version you have.
Some people swear by the original format the flashlight uses and other people like it modified so that you can just turn it on with a button or some shit. The only thing I really level against it is that the guns don't have the punchy feel they should. It's fucking weird for and ID game. Even if they did the same amount of damage, that would make it better. Giving the player the idea that the demons are just that hard to kill.

>> No.9024189

What's the multiplayer like? You never really see people mention it.

>> No.9024196

Quake 4 exists so if you want multiplayer in this engine? Dunno if people still play it, they might.

>> No.9024238

almost no physics

>> No.9024252

The box is unopened because its that bad

>> No.9024332
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I still cannot fix the issue of flickering grafics after some minutes playing, the only reason this happen apparently is because I use integrated graphics but some people with the same have no problem at all
Someone knows how to fix that?

>> No.9024872

Try using Dhewm3

>> No.9025225
File: 2.30 MB, 320x240, Halo 3 Epic Flag Run.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are millions of things that can only happen in halo. What did you do in Call of James Bond? Some rigid autistic shit I bet? If timesplitters is better then be my guest and go fuck urself

>> No.9025581

i always wanted to something like this but to alan moore by getting him to sign before watchmen or doomsday clock.

>> No.9025606
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redux really looks great

>> No.9025839
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I just wish he ported it to BFG for that sweet 120fps support that can't be modded into the original release (dhewm3 did support it for exactly one release but removed it after it turned out the feature was broken).

>> No.9025849

>there are millions of things that can only happen in halo
like what
>call of james bond
dont remember mentioning any cod or bond games being better than halo
>if timesplitters is better
it is

>> No.9025883

Doesn't work either

>> No.9026814

>ign writes a bad article on doom3
>they do it again for Alien Isolation
>both good games
>we don't get sequels
I hate ign and their basedboy crusade against good horror games.

>> No.9026947
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Don't be obtuse/coy and look at the webms. Everybody knows what Halo is like. Codewise most shooters are Sonic 06 in comparison

>> No.9027195 [DELETED] 

Loved the pinky intro. I was just a teenager and he scared the shit out of me.

>> No.9027921

I wonder if I was kind of jaded by the time I played Doom 3 as a teen. I think that the game has some pretty nice horror themes going, just atmospherically and thematically, but I never found Doom 3 to be all that scary overall, the first hour or so I'm going through it paranoid, waiting for the next jumpscare, but the game essentially inoculates me to it.

Instead of dreading the scares, or even getting scared at all, I just come to expect them all the time, even predicting them, and they feel just kind of trite, sometimes even a little annoying.
I don't think Doom 3 is a bad game, in fact I like it and I think it's pretty damn decent, and I would really miss it if it was somehow gone, but there's things I think it doesn't actually do that well, and which could really have been a lot better.

>> No.9027978

there is absolutely nothing special about halo