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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 750x745, egeza0am9kf21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9002454 No.9002454 [Reply] [Original]

what was bbs/internet gaming culture like before forums started popping up? was discussion more civil or was it chaotic like pic?

>> No.9002458

pic related thread still exists btw and you can comment on it if you have a jewgle account

>> No.9002462

is the rest of the forum archived?

>> No.9002491

i dont know

>> No.9002494

It exists just like the old 4chan threads on the archives do. It died a long time ago but you can still go and kick it's corpse around over there.
it's not really a forum

>> No.9002496

Haha, "Gaystation". I'll have to remember that one.

>> No.9002581
File: 301 KB, 2048x768, usenet duke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9002583
File: 451 KB, 1280x1540, duke nukem does the internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From this book

>> No.9002585

>thread just has a bunch of stupid fucking 4chan niggers spamming it now

>> No.9002943

he looks like he's 60 on that cover

>> No.9002949

1997 was already into the time of forums

>> No.9002953

>was discussion more civil or was it chaotic like pic?
Same, but people were less dumb, even when they were assholes.
I.e. they understood arguments even when they were fanboys.

>> No.9002967

BBS were generally pretty local (area code anyway, since you didn't want to be calling in long-distance) and you probably got into them through IRL friends so it didn't have the anonymity of the true internet experience.

>> No.9002974

You could tell instantly when you were talking to a genuine retard because there was no inline spellcheck.

>> No.9002983

Mifflin Devin was a fucking Chad back in 1997.

>> No.9003101

Indeed, they were at least forming full sentences as opposed to modern day 4chan, where zoomers tell each other to cope/seethe all day long and posts are rife with spelling errors and no punctuation.

>> No.9003107

>Seeing that if we DON'T believe you, we are either retards or niggers. . .that
must mean that you are not a retard or a nigger. But, have you given thought
to the fact that just because you aren't a retard or a nigger, doesn't excuse
you from being a slant-eyed, half-educated sibling-fucker? Give it some
thought, and when you're done doing that, please throw yourself in front of a
train moving at least 80 mph. Be sure to put your entire head on the tracks
(cause you inbreds sometimes need explicit instructions).
damn the net in 1997 didn't fuck around

>> No.9003115

So basically /v/ never changed?

>> No.9003124

The people that enjoy arguing over video games and engaging in console wars have never been our best and brightest.

>> No.9003159

This is like a retro /v/ post

>> No.9004714

Google didn't exist in 1997 though. Why does it say 1997?

>> No.9004727

Google didn't exist in 1997 though.

>> No.9004728

Google archived some old BBS forums ages ago.

>> No.9004731 [DELETED] 

holy cringe

>> No.9004742
File: 68 KB, 747x811, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious threads. Forgotten like piss in rain.

>> No.9004750 [DELETED] 

>implying cringe zoomer speak is any better


>> No.9004753 [DELETED] 

the only thing i'm implying is that duke is confirmed as a nigger loving fag. you might even call him Nig Lovem

>> No.9004765
File: 118 KB, 836x1599, qJofkXj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this shit, it's scary how similar things still are.

>> No.9004772

I remember back in 2011 when /v/ shitposters were constantly posting “>implying there will even be a PS4” lol

>> No.9004796

>August '96
Hell the N64 wasn't even out in the US by then and it was already called a "kiddie machine". Crazy.

>> No.9004839
File: 77 KB, 1280x586, 1280px-Nintendo-64-wController-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, just look at it. It looks like it was made so toddlers wouldn't break it by chomping on it.

>> No.9005329
File: 118 KB, 400x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sony kicked Nintendo's ass for three generations straight
>Sony eventually kicked their own ass so hard, they're releasing their own games on competing platforms, and the Japanese which Sony once had a controlling grip on, have started supporting the Switch

Prodigal sons return home, I suppose.

>> No.9005359


>> No.9005364

>PSX is a soulless piece of shit
Lmao this is what /vr/ would have looked like in 1996

>> No.9005365

Pretty much the same. Could be civil or could be non-stop shitposting and insults.

>> No.9005369

Unless you lived in an area code(s) with millions of people...

>> No.9005406

I always laugh when larping zoomers argue that nobody actually called it the PSX.

>> No.9005408

>suck like my mother on a hot day
What did he mean by this

>> No.9005831

usenet newsgroup, zoomy.

>> No.9005846

Nintendo in general were considered kiddieshit because everyone had a NES as a kid and they didnt really allowed more aggressive or M rated games on their systems. So the "cool" kids moved to the Genesis, then to the PS1.

>> No.9005860

This is why moderation on /vr/ is good >>9004742

>> No.9005867

>what was bbs/internet gaming culture like before forums started popping up?
This is the wrong question to ask. The question you want to ask, whether you realize it yet or not, is "what was bbs/internet gaming culture like before the eternal september happened?" And the answer is pretty cool.

>> No.9005869

Google has an archive of Usenet posts dating back as far as they could find.

>> No.9005941
File: 3.50 MB, 272x450, 44549704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you’re either a retard or a NIGGER
like he went out of his way to capitalise NIGGER. i dunno why i find that funny.

>> No.9006121

I will never stop laughing knowing that gaystation turned out to be a real thing

>> No.9006146

It was harder to figure out how to dial up a BBS than to post on a web forum, so usually people were smarter than this. Also, sysops moderated their boards. This kind of post would probably get you banned on a local board. Fidonet and RIME didn't put up with this garbage at all.

>> No.9006183

learn to read

>> No.9006281

Mifflin Devin bros... it's over...

>> No.9006463
File: 2.29 MB, 1645x2200, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 136 November 2000 page 288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a while, yes.

>> No.9006478

and they say it was better back then

>> No.9006483

based duke

>> No.9006637

>Castlevania Resurrection

>> No.9006645

lol, how that turned out.
N64 - 32.93 million units sold.
Playstation 1 - 102.4 million million units sold.

>> No.9006646

Any day now...

>> No.9007069

>redo as GameCube exclusive
I wish Konami doe that.

>> No.9007818

Less schizos

>> No.9008758

>was discussion more civil or was it chaotic like pic?
You're not going to get legitimate answers on this because everything is going to be heavily biased, and people will always cherrypick examples to prove their own personal beliefs. Case in point people will dredge up usenet flamewars and google groups, but that isn't even close to the only type of community that existed.

Dialup BBSes were the PEAK of online experience, precisely because they were centered around local environments of like-minded people. The internet is something that progressively got shittier and shittier in epochs as each new mass accessibility giant entered the scene (Compuserv, Prodigy, AOL, etc). Each of these services drastically reduced the average IQ of the internet. Factually, that's not just some off the cuff insult. The easier the internet became to access, the dumber and more nonsensical it became.

>> No.9008767

holy shit what a fucking goldmine.

>> No.9008951

>You're not going to get legitimate answers
>proves himself right
A living prophet. BBSs went through the same shit as everything else. When a home computer and modem cost nearly 1/2 the price of a new car you had almost exclusively non-poor, educated, adult, computer enthusiasts on them. When home computers became cheap gaming toys for kids that all changed. Within a year or two of the launch of the C64 many BBSs had devolved into twitter tier shitholes. Kids in the early 80's might not have been retarded enough to eat laundry detergent but they were still stupid little shits who shitted up everything they touched. It's the nature of the beast.

>> No.9008960

>BBSs went through the same shit as everything else.
Maybe your shithole BBSes. Mine just quietly faded away.

>> No.9008967 [DELETED] 

Sony niggers still seethe to this day

>> No.9009467

It sucks that your sysops were retarded and their BBSs just quietly faded away. Maybe they should have verified user registrations like I did. Faggots are much less likely to shitpost when they know you have their name and number. I ran my BBS until 1990 when I moved and couldn't take it with me.

>> No.9009476
File: 47 KB, 944x403, usenet anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over anime is finished

>> No.9009576

types exactly like an aspie on /vr/

>> No.9009608

internet was a mistake

>> No.9009619

>even back then people were tired of Mario being nothing more than a franchise for toddlers dropping a rehash after a rehash
i wonder how will they react to the modern Nintendo and their creative bankruptcy

>> No.9009626

You do have to laugh at the naivety of the original net engineers who thought it was going to be used for research and scholarly exchange.

>> No.9009629 [DELETED] 

Reddit Moon was one of the first big tranimes responsible for ruining anime forever and attracting degenerates who became later on the weebs we despise today

>> No.9009656

Console warring should really be a permabannable offense.

>> No.9009664 [DELETED] 

actually being a retarded reddit immigrant with a dripping cunt who wants /vr/ to be a safe space for autistics to talk about shit boring games should be a "permabannable offense" you cocksucking nigger lover faggot

>> No.9009813

>FMV is not real games
>load times
>Kiddie machine
>PSX is soulless
Kek! Sounds like /vr/

>> No.9009859

It was the same shitposting as today but politics were kept separate or not discussed at all

>> No.9009889
File: 4 KB, 390x35, Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 23-32-05 Playstation will be dead in 2 years!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dennis is such a retards lmao
the L stands for looser for sure lol

>> No.9010054

>Soulless machine
Lmao has no SOVL

>> No.9010070 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 612x612, 11CD5B35-D9E4-4213-817B-FF42F0E7DF97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was discussion more civil
Yes because speech wasn’t regulated and drove away a certain category of people who by definition make things less civil.

>> No.9010073

>"I bought the 32X just to play DOOM" out of nowhere

>> No.9010145

well that post didn't age well

>> No.9010929

Anyone got the posts of guys HES IN smash posting back in the late 90s?

>> No.9010967
File: 14 KB, 360x253, 1444652261439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War never changes

>> No.9010975

Nah, that sort of think didn't start until Melee really.

>> No.9011028

>dating back as far as they could find
no, they bought deja news in 2001; that's where the archive comes from.
i'll never forgive them from nuking a.s.h and other newsgroups because of no-no topics. fucking bastards.

>> No.9011083

Hard to imagine a time where being called a "lamer" was a genuinely cutting remark.

>> No.9011501

it is, /vg/ could learn a thing or two over here

>> No.9011510

A couple of bad eggs with shitposting toxic opinions always existed on the internet but were little compared with those with right thinking good opinions and valuable traits
However as the internet went on, the good posts from decent people were forgotten while the bad posts became the basis of everything and as such the cancer sprode and growed far worse to the point the bad eggs are almost everywhere and influenced countless, the opinions from well mannered people were not inherited while those that planted bad seeds were followed by making the seeds grows into massive jungles

>> No.9011551


>> No.9011621

It's like the difference between the original Everquest community and what you might find in retail WoW today. People can't even type coherent sentences anymore it's like everyone is a brain dead nigger or a plain retarded.

>> No.9011637

Just like television and comics, man creates good things/with good ideas and then end up destroying them

>> No.9011809

All that drinking and smoking really caught up to him.

>> No.9012989

the nice thing about bbses back in the day was that everyone was local. you never called outside the local area because that was uber expensive. of course, the farther away you went, the more awesome the bbses were but that was only in terms of games and pics.

i think in terms of message boards, the more local the bbs the more awesome it was.

>> No.9013802

>he paid for phone calls
Yikes! I get that not everyone can be a leet haxor but did you not know where to find black people?